The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, October 16, 1879, Image 2

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Price: $£ GO Per Annum, is Advance. jy-- ~ r ~rFrrx T:Tr:""— - EDW^lSTiS, fiu £ tor & Proprietor. *m? J-APUH IS BEAD EVZRY week's? 38tlffiL O!, ^^ u,I V80 ts *rHK SiSiEiraOK of'bkEbgm. T»UKKI)A¥ EVES r'sti, OG'i'GUElt 16. jBBC.nimr iwirwgirwnLm^ifc-.-^r.wa’MiMff.wiiifcf’Miwa; tmta Ailasta now breathes more freely, een- assured that Air. Shannon, anSl^r is not really an enemy of idiot city. 7 >-0-4 In the light of the JRenfioe «.se, it seems that'Goldsmith’s greatest crime was the paying tae& of the State’s mon ey into the Treasury. The GovernorLaa 1 signed tlie Bill re- festricting interest to 8 percent. We think this Taw is oppressive to capital and wiil reflect c n borrowers by making it difficult to.effect 'o.-ins. > . r~—!—OOO ! One of the excursionists from Middle I? Iho Centennial at Savannah last week was much shocked on the -triiin .when he heard that Sergeant Jas per was dead. He supposed that would burst the whole flnnsr. brii RenFuoe now saj's be ir going to stale’s interest money, and /gf^e'Govr'Ctdquitt’a execution a lively fight. If jlie could got a jmy made up out of Iiis seventeen Senators.—but we .anticipate. Hen free now assumes an ail of injured innceense and ignorance, and is going to impeach the State. The Loudon Times in its financial ar- ;ficle gays:; “The silver market has im proved in consequence of the continued strong demand for India, which will d.oubtless increase ns the shipping sea Oop.ther.e advances,” Other indications nxsO show a marked appreciation in sil- r";Tyr; ajrd jn.stify the dforls for its full and general remonetization. |; - ih • • • —: . pDEiNo the year ending September 30, 115,404: emigrants arrived at New York Jin increase of 38,807 over the arrivals for the proceeding twelve months. It is thought that improved business pros pects cn this side of the ccean, and in creasing distress on the other, will rap -idly increase emigration for somi - pjoufhs to come, Stalhtics indicate that, in common vilh iicaily all our agricultural produc. i .tiOife:tbis year, the yield of the peanut. v crop wifi be unusually large. The acre-' • n S e is hutch increased over last year in all producing sections, and ILe total value of tire crop in first hands is esti mated at $1,500,000. SKIS I : HEEEwillbea reuuiou of Gen. Plul _ Codk’s brigade on Wednesday. Oct., - 29'; at the Park in Macon, during the State fair. It is earnestly desired that eyery member now Jiving will meet on , to answer roll call. AU intending to be on hand should notify Mr. N. T. Jobinton chairman of the committee of j urraugments at Macon who wiil make f’rovision for tlieiv accommodation. Al novel phase of the Libor qnestion has just been developed in the South Carolina cotton fields; The colored people in ope section, held an excited meeting, extending through Saturday • J? hiigli't and Sunday, and adopted resuju- . tiens binding themselves, tlieir wivt* and children ho!, to pick Cotton for less lhan fifty cents per one hundred • Pounds, under penalty of a whipping, a member of the organisation to apply tlio lash. Advices, from the. British camp before Cabul, under date of Oufobei\8tli, state that Baker’s brigade was engaging the enemy oh the Lifts southwest of the Ta.tpwn.Tand that an obstinate struggle, was expected on the 10th. A Simla dispatch, dated Saturday, states that . General Gough will established at Jellalabad by Monday, and !hafr all the difficulties of transportation ; have been overcome, and troops of all . arms are moving forward from all- the columns to to the support of General Roberts. The Capitol Qac stloa We fought Atlanta to the best of our ability, but she won; and wo think the people by’ a large majority have select ed it asthe seat of. government. We .ue not in favor of renewing the issue, es pecially ns .between Atlanta and Mil- ledgeville. That is forever settled. If, - - however, the people should at some fu ture day desiie to move the capital, we via go into the fight squor ly in - -*7 "^ror of Macon. Macon is decidedly thi> place for it. But let. the matter rVs r for the present,-above all don’t waste any money in building or removing the capitol for a few years. Petticoats in Formes.—The New York society of women known as “The Scrosis,” whose chief amusement here tofore has been to dine at Delmomco’s and dabble in literature, has taken a new departure. At the meeting on Tuesday it was proposed that “The So- rosis” should tahepaitin politics, and the membeis were invited to asscirible Friday “!o take measures to defeat Governor Robinson, on the gi-cnnd that he vetoed a kill allowing women to become members of school boards'.” It was announced that Mr. TLnrber had placed printing presses and money at the disposal of Miss Thomas, the leader of. the new movement; that cir [ oulars were preparing which a hundred ' women had been'engaged to distribute through lie state, and that Air. Coimeli, and Mr. Kelly were warmly in favor of i women taking part in the campaign 1 JM i. .. We. embarked on the Central Bail- road bh ■"Wbdhfroday evening ’of last week "for Savannah to attend the Gen- lennial Gelebration of the attempt to capture that city by. the French and American forcea.,oa the 9th of October, 177S, and ilia death of tlie renowned Sargeaht William Jasper. At Macon we found an immense mul titude of people bound for the Forest City, and several tong trains filled to their utmost capacity, were sent out by the Geiit-alA Macon & Brunswick roads. It is easier to imagine than describe the tedious all night trip from- Mneon to Savannah in the crowded trains, and the discomfort undergone. However, we at last reached eur destination,and with the ladies of onr party camped at the Marshall House and such other places as were accessible. Here we must re turn thanks to Capt S. B. Weston, of >t lie Albany News, for his kindness in securing a room for the ladies, to Mr. Charles A Williams of the Central Geor gia Weekly, for ad milting ns to the lar- 1 ger third of his bed; and lastly, but not leasfly to Mr. J. H Estill, President of the GeorgiaPress Association and proprietor of the Savannah Morning Neies, for much appreciated lunch and other fa vors. At nine o’clock the-Press Association met, but we could not geit breakfast and! shave in time for the meeting. At ten o’clock the procession formed on South Broad Street. It consisted of various societies, and over forty companies of cavalry, infantry aDd artillery, distin guished men in carriages, and citizens, comprising about 1500 volunteer mili tia of this and adjoining States. The procession marched through the princi pal streets, and stopped at Madison Square where the foundation of the Jasper monument had been laid, where a large stand was erected for the cere monies. Tlie square and streets lead ing to it was filled- with thousands of people. Here Gen. Jno. B. Gordon was ap propriately introduced when he deliv ered, perhaps the grandest oration of his life. It was such a speech as Gor don alone can make, and we regret our usability to give space for it in full. The layiug of the corner stone was done well and truly previous to the address, and when Gen. Gordon had concluded, and the applause died away, the pro cession and spectators repaired to the park, where a grand military parade f oot place, and a salute of 13 guns in honor of the occasion was fired by the Charleston Light Artillery. Most nota ble in the procession being, the guard of honor oi the day, was the German Fusi- • leers of Charleston, an organization ' whose founders took an active part in the events of the seige and assault on ilio British forces which was being cele brated. There was also a company of ! the 13th U. S Infantry and the celebra ted band of that regiment which occu pied the head of the procession. The number of people at the park was uot less than thirty thousand, and they covered not less than a hundred acres of ground. . We did not go to the Isle of Hope on Friday to witness the rifle shooting and regata, but excurted with the press and visitors to Tybee If land on the steamer City of Bridgeton. We got' a view of the gland old ocean, and reached the city tire^ and hungry only to find the market ' exhausted and the restaurants with nothing to eat. Thursday night we went to see and hear the celebrated opera, “H. M. S. Pinafore,” which was well performed at Masonic Hall by the Mendelshonn Musi cal club, of Savannah. On the same night wo .witnessed a not down In the bills,—also a fine illu mination, and the renowned electric light. On Thursday evening we had quite a rain and wind storm just after we hstd disembarked from the steamboat. . Our space will not permit us to give an account of our trip homo, or the many nfid vexation incidents and acci dents. The Jasper centennial will be long re membered by all who attended as one- off the most notable occasions in. the history of Georgia. * -<■ Zephyr Shawls only 90cts and up wards at " Jacobus & Co’s. Hawkinsvilie Ga. I* Jibe legislature adjourned .. either last night or to-day. The session' Las been of almost unprecedented length, haying lasted, altogether about one bundled and’ thirty' days, and. the tdtal cost there of being over two hundred thou-and dollars. By fur the greater part of this time has been wasted in useless discus sions, and reconsiderations. The legislature has done much that is good, much that is bud and, more t hat is indifferent. For the good it deserves praise, for the bad criticism, and for the indifferent a quiet passing by. W« do not thing the body has displayed any great statesmanship. Some of the mem. tiers have made creditable records on the whole, while doing some things that the people cannot unqualifiedly approve. The great fault seemed to have been a disposition to talk too much, and to too little .purpose,—a desire to show off, and a disregard-fos economy in the legislative department, 'while most of the others should be stinted. The state at large will hail the adjourn ment with pleasure, and it’is t®; be hop ed that we may have at least a constitu tional rest of two years before the nest session. When thenext session does meet we hope to see the proper committess it once investigate thoroughly every de- partmert of the government, and not wait until the press and people leave no other alternative, Lateb.—The above was written in an ticipation of the solemn event noted. As yet the wires hare not informed us of it, but will in a day or two. - Anyhow, if it ever does occur, the remarks will apply. The doings of t)he Georgia Leg islature are ten times more uncertain than tie verdict- of a petit jury.. THE SEVENTEEN SENATORS, A short time ago the press and peo ple with one accord wtre denouncing a petit jury in a neighboring, -county for the acquittal of a man who had commit ted a most brutal and inexcusable inur- deri This condemnation was merited, but these jurors had been selected by shrewd counsel, and in the case there had been some testimony in favor of the accused, although few, if-any, believed in its truth. What shpll be said of the seventeen wise Senators of Georgia, whose votes seenred the acquittal of Renfro, the reealeitrant state Treasurer, who was proven guilty, acknowledged the deed, and who yet has, with his se curities, the State’s money in hispoeket. But let us not be severe,—perhaps. Eke Renfroe, they maybe also excused on the plea of ignorance of law. But it is sad to think of such a benighted condi tion in onr" highest legislative depart ment. New Advertisements, QEOEGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY. John Gray has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and val uation of homestead and I will pass up on the same at 11 o’clock A. M., on the 10th day of November, 1879. at my of fice. MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, AND WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN CUTLERY, CLASS-WARE, TINWARE, Crockery, Wooden Ware, Willow Wire, Silver-Plated Ware, Brushes, Dusters and House-Furnishing Gooctev Victor - Ranges, Utility Cook Stoves. I respectfully and cordially invite the public to cal and examine a^y stock and prices. Having bought my goods from: first hands, im persen. ami befoie the recent advances in prices, I can offer inducements to those wishing t.y pur chase. Respectfully, GEO. W. BURR, Sign- of tlie Big Coffee Pot, 81 Cherry Street, Macon. Ca. J. W. RICE & GO., DEALERS EC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS. THEY ARE THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES £» ^ They keep one of the best and Largest stocks in the State—thereby giving ifccirpaSrons the- adyan- ^ it . * . ..* . ■ . a t a_.~.,i.L'Monn«4mnn4- 4a oa1aa4 from get 4 th- 5th. tage of the largest and handsomest assortment to selectfrom. They have established a big reputation,for PAIR and LIBERAL DEALING and their patrons have no fear of being swindled. Their several departments are kept fully up to- the- requirements- of the ir trade. Thev have an efficient, experienced aud polite corps- of salesmen, who delight to show goods- II you want anything usually kept in s OK CARPET ESTABLISHMENT, and want to save money, givteiJhema call before buying. mortal man. They will please you if it is in the nower ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WE ARF RECEIVING DAILY OUR IMMENSE STOCK, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Trunks, Hats, Caps, AND GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We also carry a good and well assorted stock of WHOLESALE AND RET.! If. Off.—16-2t.— A S. Giles, • Ordinary DRS. J.P. & W. R.’HOLMES. Dentists, No. 84, Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia. . Teeth extracted without pain. Beau tiful sets of teeth inserted, Abscessed Teeth and Diseased Gums cured. Dealers in all kinds of Dental Mater rials and Instruments. Constantly on hand a large and full assortment of Teeth of all kinds, Gold of all kinds, Amalgams of all kinds, Rubbers of all kinds - —Sep 18—tf. LAIMEEt mum, B, DUB A A ULLMAN, PB 'PB1ETOBS. Repaired, Refurnished, Reju venated. For Convenience to - Business and Excellence of Faro, Superior to any other House. iates si TO AND FROM TEE DEPOT. O, H. MOORE. J. N, TUTTLE. Have received their 1879, GLOTHfHG, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROGKEKY. HARDWARE. ETC. We elso keep constantly on hand a fine stock of MOORE & TUTTLE. WE ARE AGENTS FOR Cotton Presses, Cane Mills, Kettles and all kinds of Grin Grearing. ALSO AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED WHITE SUWXNTGr TVT AQ-mnXTB. We would be pleased to have you call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, * Yours truly, JOHiM F. LEWIS & CO. Hawkinsvilie, Ga., Sept: 25, 1879. Headquarters for Low Prices. 13. MANNHEIM Has just received from New York and Baltimore a large and select stock Consisting of Ladies’Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Hosiery, Jeans, Domestics, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrel las, Blankets, Saddles, Bridles, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Wil low Ware, Eta, Etc. Tn my Grocery Department will be found Bacon, Flour, Lard, Sugar, Coffee. Cheese. Mackerel, Soap Starch, Etc. Also a full line of as good Liquors as can, te found in this market. Grocers and Commission Merchants* Third Strife!#. MmQu* deergfe* . -Si" " (CEHXSTIi 3XPS. OLrUSTAUIDji - . - ' ’ Where vre will hee£ constantly on Hand: a well selected stock of We Guarantee Satisfaction both in Quality and Price of Good* PLACE TO BUY FURN Cheapest MI > Carpets, Oil loths, Rugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Matresses and Burial Cases, is AT 1 W.cfc B.P.TAYLiOR r s s COTTON AVENUE, MACON, CA: Boots and Shoes. GRAND OPENING JOHN VALENTINO, Maoon, Georgia, 94 CHorry St., TTzrdlor TelegrapH Building; Having buughtin the east from the manufactnrersfor cash an entirely . ANY My stock of both Dry Goods and Groceries will be found to be full and com plete in every particular, and I guarantee my prices to be as low as can be afford ed by any house this side of Savannah. When you come to town be sure to give me a call, and I wilf convince yon that my store is indeed Headquarters for Low Prices. Very respsctfnlly, Hawkinsvilie, September 25, 1879.. P. F. BROWN & SON, DEALERS IN Jackson Street, Hawkinsvilie, HAVE JUST OPENED A Shoe Store, Ga., "WITH ‘KTO OLD NEW. STOC] We bny direct from the manufacturers for cash, therefore we are able to sell very low for cash. The Best Custom Work a Specialty, and Every Pair War ranted. If we sell a paper bottom or shoddy shoe we will return the money or give another pair in the place. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. 3?. I*. BRO WN (9 SOW. Hawkinsvilie, Ga., September 25, 1879, I CAN AND WILT SELL AS LOW AS HOUSE NOBTII 0B SOUTH. I keep the very finest and latest styles 'mmmk qb F&snss, or any other wear. TEE VERY BEST BOOTS MB SE0FS, FOR GENTLEMEN AND BOYS. LADIES OB LITTLE G1BLS. I have wenred tlie services of 5D-. H. McIIKRVEY. who is in charge of my MANUFACTU RING PEPARTMHiT, who will make or repair in the Migmesw Btyee of fme Mmf Modes- m-wm GUTTA PEKClfA HEVOLYING HflELS pnlonarj boot or shoe. No mo.-e rundown heels, and co-ila no more than a common lcathre h«l TRYTHEM Thankful for Uic very liberal patronage I have already received from the people of HoubImi uni id- joining counties, I ask them to try me in MY XT3SW X.IXT3 03? 3TTSIMESS. Satisfaction gnarauteed in Price and Quality. REMEMBER THE PLACE. GREAT REVIVAL IN IIAWKINSYILLE, GA. Manning's Old Corner, (AS IN THE DAYS OF OLD,) Planters from all sections within reasonable distance are cordially invited and can make it to their interest to bring tbeir cotton here for reasons as follows: 1st. We have good fire-proof warehouses to receive it, where your cotton will be safe and handled with care. 2nd. The crop is going to be short; therefore you need good priees, and new is the place to get them. 3rd. Hawkinsvilie has the advantage of two good sonnd Banks, with ] of currency to pay yon for your crops when delivered here. 4th. Hawkinsvilie has solid live men in her trade, who Lave their, stocks in Northern markets, therefore can sell yon goods cheap, 5th ahd last, but not least, the subscribers, now at the Old Manning Corn®, come to the front with an Entire New Stock, unsurpassed by anything era fore offered in this market.;. In it yon can find rhything and everythingAM* bought at a store. Our Stock is too Extensive h» enumerate, and was boeg^ from first hands, therefore we paid no middle men profits. When you * mD L your cotton come and see ris, and we will go to your fiomes cans-1 tied that all we have told you is true. 9ept* 18—tf JOHN HENRY & SON. DOWN IN FRONT! MATTF-. -WAY FOB BUINESS MEN!| Read my Advertisement. I doiTt propose to Bor* | You, out I Mean Business ! «•»*** T7V>B the past seven years I have teen among yon, my bugmees at present atone still at***’" 1 J? success I have met. I have worked to make my store HEADQUARTERS IM THE GROCERY LINE. And it is unnecessary to say I have succeeded, And.thea^rXhaTe had many-« him of whom all speak welK") who have tried to icjtae k; basinfies.and have bankrupted t trying to undersell me, I-have persevered with an insatiable ambition, and am. to-day able to < Sucli a Stock of G oods, ahd at Sudi Fearless ri^ nres ' I * - Med L That they eannot bo duplicated hy any house in the city of Hawiicsvine. I have studied I of my patrons, and knowing them weU, have pnrehasod such goods as thej.need sod wffl •e 1 1 buy at the astonishingly low figures at which I have placed them, My slock consists of BACON, FLOUR, TOBACCO, Y/HISKIES, DRY BOOTS, SHOES, EARTHEN AN D WILLOW- WARE, BAGGING AND TIES A SPECIALTY, *-* nc! l And m’llions of other goods, embracing all kinds nssnaSy kept by first class grocery tE ^ rc ' I *“-.ojk I which I propose to sell for less than tiic-y were ever sold in this or any other city, I - a >'iI Houston and Pniaski comities that 1 have secured the services of Mr. J. E. MANX,* y, I ble manner has rendered him quite popular in onr citv), and that he is anxious to cave friends visit him at his new place of business, and is ever willing and waiting to give them ■ fit of the low figures spoken of above. A careful examination of my Btock and piiccs will at once convince yon of . ... itt vlU* I THE ADYANTAGES OF DEALING WlTD l And such examination yon are earnestly requested to cake. Thanking you, for ths- many J* ! and trusting yon will Consider And yisit my establishment, I remain, Tour Truly yours. S. J. EPSTEIN, Ua-.vlLinsvillej GO-