The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 13, 1902, Image 5

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Tlit' Last Heard Of it. “My little boy took the croup one night and soon grew so bad you could hear him hr via! he all over the house, - rays F. D. Rey nold >, Mansfield 0. “ ‘-Ye -feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Gough Cure quickly reli- ted him and lie wenoto sleep. That’s the last we heard of the croup. Now isn’t a cough cure ]ike that, valuable? 0:m Minute Gough Cure is absolutely sal- and acts immediately. For cuuighs, colds, croup/grip, b rune bit is and all other throat' and lung troubles it is a certain cure. Very pleas ant to take! The litb.p ones like it. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. A LITTLE MONSENSE. A Bunch of Bright Sayings From the 1 Gossip of Children. **To speak a piece In school,*’ Said Johnnie, with a sigh, "la not much fun; I’d rather Speak for a piece of jJle.” Little eight-year-old Helen acci dentally discovered her pulse one day. and, running to her mamma, exclaimed, “Oh, mamma, I’ve got the- hiccoughs in my wrist!”' Visitor (teasingly)—When are you going to get married, Elsie? Elsie (aged five)—Oh, don’t trou ble yourself about it. You’ll not get an invitation. Little Mabel had attended a church christening, and upon her return home her grandmother asked what they did, “Nothing much,” replied Mabel, “except wash a little kid’s hair.” Willie’s father was cleaning fish for dinner when the little fellow asked, “Papa, have fish got any sense ?” t “Of course they have,” was the reply. “Well, please cut some out and let me see them,” said Willie. THE PRESIDENT'S “JOLLY. Want Anything President Roosevelt received five TJte Indians the other day. They had come to Washington on busi ness connected with the disposition of mineral interests in their lands. Only one of the redskins could speak English, and the president tried in vain to “jolly” them. Everything he said to them, through Martin Van, who acted as an interpreter, fell flat. The Indians simply gazed at the chief executive with stolid faces and gave absolutely no indica tion of interest. Finally in despera tion the president said to the inter preter: “Tell them that I had fifty In dians- in my regiment during the war with Spain and that as fighters they were crackerjacks.” The faces of the members of the delegation brightened up at this, and they nodded an earnest assent. They left the executive office with their faces wrinkled with smiles. Agent Mynton, who had the Indians in charge, said they had not smiled from the time they arrived in Wash ington until Mr. Roosevelt paid the compliment to their race as fighters. —Chicago News. BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, W1ND0VV SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFIN'S and CASKETS nl\vaj8. on hand. G-EOBGE SPAUL, Perry, Ga. ©Slip wmm The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homos blessed with ohildren. The woman afflicted with female dis ease is constantly menaced with becoming’ a childless wife. No medicine can restore' dead or gans, but. Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements' that pre vent conception; does prevent miscarriage; does' restore weak functions and shattered nerves and doebi bring babies to homes barren and desolate for years. Wine of Cardui gives Wolnen the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get . a dollar bottle of Wine of ' Cardui from your dealer. , -m -m flip's,(br® Hire Your Furs. “There will be snow soon,” said a bounder, “and when it comes I’ll hire a sleigh and a set of furs and take my best girl out, dazzling her. You didn’t know, I guess, that you can hire furs, did you? Well, you can and crackerjacks, too—big seal skin caps with ear tabs, fur gloves up to your armpits, fur collars up to your forehead. There are half a dozen, pawnbrokers in this town that will fit you out with all those things for an afternoon, and the price is only a bone. You put them on, and as you spin along tne park drive you say to your girl: ‘I got these gloves in Manitoba, a gift from my friend, the mayor of Dog Gulch. I speared myself the seal my cap is made from,- and Senator Pitcoe gave me the col lar—Pitcoe of Wyoming. Perhaps you know him.’ The girl looks at you. You resemble an Eskimo. She counts the cost of the furs and de cides it is a young millionaire she’s up against. After that she’s yours.” —Philadelphia Record. “Now, dear,” said a mother to her small four-year-old (laughter, “you have chatted long enough. Hold your tongue, close your eyes and go to sleep.” “Why, mamma,” queried the little miss in surprise., “how can I do three things at once ?”—Chicago News. *►. Compliments A;>e Flying. TI10 Kind You Have Always Bouglit, and wliicli lias been in use for over 30 yearn, lias borne the signature of brill baa been made under Luis per- « . Bonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in thifj* are' bub Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-an-good” Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health'of Infants and ..Children--Experience against. Experiment* In 3 fi § s IQ Hi i ihk Castor .'a, is a harirlens substitute for Castor Oil, Parc* gofic, Drops and loathing, Ctymps, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor. Other - Marcobio substance. Its ago is its guifrantoo. It destroys ‘Worms and allays 'Feverishness. It enres •DianTicca and! Wind Colic. It relieves Tcotuhfg I’rouldos, cures Coimtipation anti Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, temulates the* Stomach, and B’oweis,, givh'.g hcaTthy and natural sleep* SKEro Children!Fa&aeojferTAd Friend* 14.3 Market fctroot, Memphis, Tenu., April II, loot. In February, 3901, 1 took one bottle of Wino of Ccrchii and oao package of l'liodford’n Blaok-Draught. X had bsen married ilftean years and had never givou birth to a child until I took Wino cf Cardui. I am mother of aflno baby Rirl winch was bom March Ml 1901. Tlio baby woig-hs l'ourteon pounds and I feel as well as any person could feel. Now my home is happy and 1 never will bo without Wino of Cardui in toy house again. Mrs. J'. W. O. SMITH. For adyicq and literature, address, Hiving Symptoms, ffipo Ladles’ Advisory Depart- n n ’ * !l ° Chattanooga Medicine Company, utvars ;«?31 li ALWAYS A Stop Flood. President Robert 0. Morris of the Now York Republican county com mittee has been pestered almost be yond endurance with ofiiceseekers who want him to use his influence to get them placed with the new ad ministration. To secure some relief he wrote to the Republican district leaders requesting them hot to sbnd any'of their constituents to him, but to recommend to him such as they were most desirous of having ap pointed, and he would see what could be done. One of the district leaders to whom he sent his request replied as follows: The Tramp—Allow me to remark, my dear sir, that you have a most striking head.—Scribner’s. Suspiciously Happy. “That young widow is always so pleasant. There’s nothing like hav ing a happy disposition.” “No, but there’s such a thing as carrying a happy disposition too far.” “Think so?” “Yes; for instance, when one laughs at one’s husband’s funeral.” —Philadelphia Press. Love Laughs at Dogs Also. The D&mscl — Oh, Harold, I’ve ; been so frightened for you! Papa has bought a great big, savage bull dog, aud—- Till Swain.—That’s all right, dar ling. I’ve beught a dog too. He will endeavor to keep your father’s dog busy while you and I saunter down to the parsonage.—Judge. Even He. “But the new minister at that church is so awfully conceited.” “But, really, last Sunday he was quite modest.” “You don’t say.” “Yes. In the course of his ser mon he said: ‘We are all more or less fallible. Even I am.’ ’’—Phila delphia Press. A Cripple. Tramp—I’d like ter do something to pay fer all this, but I’m a cripple, mum. Housekeeper—You don’t look it. What’s the matter ? Tramp—Writer’s cramp, mum. I have been keepin’ a list of all th’ people wot offered me work, mum. «v- Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, depression, headache, generally disordered health. De Witt’s Lit tle Early Risers stimulate the liv er, open the" bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Fa- pills. Holtzclaw’s Drug- in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. m® ENCYCLOPEDIA A STATISTICAL VOLUME OF . . Pianos “Your request reminds me of the story I used to read as a child of the little Dutch hoy who, discover ing a hole in one of the dams of Holland, thrust his body into it and thus saved Holland from inunda tion. If you knew what I have done to keep hack the flood of officeseek- ers from you, I know you would thank me, and perhaps you would thank God.”—New York Times. ‘•It is the little rift within the the lute which ever widening, makes the music mute.” It is At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next ffw weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as • Steinway, Solmier & Co,, Krai rich & Bacli, Stnltz & Bauer, Bush & Gcsts, Bester aucl Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. .flUTTEN6ERGEE & CO., 452 Second fr,.;, Mnoon. Ca. Containing Over 600 Pages Special Features, nillionaires ol the United States; Parti culars About Three Thousand American Magnates. Organized Labor; Strength of the Labor Unions. The r ,L, u , Trusts. United States IjpjSpfj Census. New Census ipOjSSjS: ofEuropeanCountrie/T Tha Nicaragua Canal •SSs&iSaS a °d th® Hay-Pounce- gfflg&wSj fate Treaties With gjpJp? pySp; Great Britain. The Re- lations of Cuba With the United States. The Conference of Amerl- can Republics at the fgffijjjSgjg City of Mexico. The CQjJSSEij Anarchist Statistics- This Country and '%§*&&&$ Europe. Progress of Aerial Navigation In 1901. The New York Municipal Election of 1901. Agriculture. Manufactures, mortality. * FACTS about politics. woman often, which gradually takes the spring from her step, the light from her eyes, the rose from her cheek and the music from her voice. Perhaps the bug bear which has frightened the -woman from the timely help needed, at the beginning has been the dreaded questions, the obnox ious examination, the local treat ments, of the home physician. There is no need for these. Nor is there need for continued suf fering. Dr. Pierces’s Favorite Prescription can be relied on by Ih what you do every time you buy your Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, . Blinds, Trimmings and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from our superior stock. Builders and contractors will fine] that $iey get a superior grade of lumber .. arid worlcmnwk : p in' their Jine at lower prices than ti.ey can git elsewhere. THE BOOK THAT BELONGS IN EVERY OFFICE AND IN EVERY HOME OF EVERY AMERICAN. cb>vp.»oHr Price | STANDARD Cftg- f AMERICAN ANNUAL. eaO CIS. I AT ALL NEWSDEALERS. f HE WORLD Pulitzer Bldg., New York Th. - above described bo office to every Hohjc .Iooxln er whf pays $1,50 striecly in —If you want a good Mule cheap,' call on C. M. Branan, 520 Poplar St., Macon, Ga. FORT VALLEY, GA Phone 187