The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 13, 1902, Image 3

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fttB M&ME fF&E&MM Perry] Thursday, March IB. local news, Groceries. I call your attention to my general line of goods. They are fresh and un surpassed in quality, prices are correct. Send me your order and goods will give satisfaction. Yours very truly, W. B. Sims. Plenty of Sheet Tin for sale at L. M. Paul’s. Photograph Gallery. I have opened a Photograph Gallery on Carroll Street, Perry, Ga., near Home Journal office. Photographs from SI.GO to $4.00 per dozen. Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon- days only. ENLARGING* AND FRAMING To Suit Customers. Sunshine not necessary for good work* Yours to please, G. L. STRIPLING. School Books At publishers’ prices ;a full line of School Stationary, at Cater*s Drugstore. 13WIN L. BRtAN] E : AT TORNSY-AT-L AW, Fort Valley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. J. R. SIMS. OPERATIVE .V DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, •PERRY, GA. Will be at office from 1st to 15th of each month. w. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A,. Blassongamo 0* FIOE OVER DOW LAW BANK, FOR? 1 VALLEY. ; GEORGIA 0. z. MoARTHUR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. Heard Headlines. By Plow Boy. These beautiful, balmy days, after such dreary ones, make a fellow feel like doing something for himself or somebody else. We have ventured to ‘ ‘garden’ ’ any way; it is a pleasure that we couldn’t put off any longer. Like Bill Arp,I like very much to work in the garden. As yet, no corn has been plant ed in this vicinity, but probably will this week. From what I can gather, a large acreage will be de voted to corn this season, and the preparation of the land so far has Deen above an average. The recent heavy rains have hindered farm work, but political work dosen’t know it ever rained. It is an ill wind that blows no good.” Mrs. M. J. Gray, of Savannah, is visiting the family of Mrs. S.A Bishop. A large number of our people attended preaching at Fellowship church last Sunday. Road working is getting to be a thing of the past in seme parts of our community. Miss Maud Durden, of Emanuel county, is visiting Miss Etta San- defur, and a certain young gen- leman is wearing a bouquet as big as smiles. Miss Lillie Murphy returned last week from an extended visit to relatives in South Georgia and parts of Florida. We understand our school has organized the Union Reading Club, and is endeavoring to estab lish a small library. We com mend both and wish them success, for they are doubtless, good “side lines.” Miss Lula Whittle, of Macon, visited Miss Pearl Smith last week. We are daily expecting an In spootor to inspect and report on a rural delivery route we are trying to establish through our part of the globe. It will lead from Bo naire and will accommodate i number of people. Mr." J. E. Carney-is wearing i set of parental smiles;—it will doubtless be named for its moth er. Mrs. W. A. Gray and little daughter, of Summit, Ga., are visiting their many relatives at Dennard and Heard. Invitations are out for the mar riage of Miss Evie Sandefur, one of our .most excellent young la dies, to Dr. F. R. ■ Brinson, of Stillmore, Ga., on Tuesday 18th, inst. A HOME-LIKE: HOTEL. HAVING LEASED THE Stubblefield House Mulberry St., MACON, GA., Nest to Academy of Music, It is my purpose to conduct* a hotel that will be home-like and satisfying to all guests. It is specially suitable for ladies or others visiting Macon for a day or longer. We Strive to Please. George S. Riley. BEST FOR THE SOUTH. SEED POTATOES ONE OF OUR LEADING SPECIALTIES. We have thousands of barrels in stock; the best llaine-grown and Virginia Second Crop Seed. Wood’s 1902 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, both as to earliness and yield, with Maine- grown and Second-crop seed. It also contains much other useful and valuable information about Potatoes. Write for Catalogue and Special Potato Price List. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue *or 1902 gives rel iable, practical, up-to-, aate information about all Seeds, giving not only descrl ptlons, but the best crops to grow, most successful ways of grow ing different crops, and much other In formation of Bpecial interest V every Trucker, Gar dener an d Farmer Vailed tree upon request. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsman, RICHMOND, VIRQIMIA. Truckers and Farmers requiring large quantities of seeds are requested to write for special priess. Democratic Mass Meetings The Democratic voters of Hous ton county are hereby called to assemble in Mass meeting at the Court house at noon on the first Monday in April next, 7th day, for the purpose of electing a new executive committee,and to trans act such other business as may properly come before the meeting 0. 0. Duncan, Ch’m’n, Dem. Ex. Com. H. 0, L. L. Brown, Secretary. — —The “Literary Signal” is the name of a school paper edited by the Literary Society of Grady In stitute of Fort Valley. The fol lowing item from the “Signal” is clipped from the Leader; “Already one literary society has been organized and we hope to have another soon. Some of us have resolved to have debates and recitations about twice per month, and to give our teachers and fellow-pupils extempore speeches on subjects with which we are familiar, We are only hungering now for a school library wherewith we can obtain our men tal food.,’ —< Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in one day. No cure, No pay. Price, 25 cents. —Some nice Home-cured Hams at Fred M. Houssr’b. A Cuban At Fort Valley. |§1§ The Fort Valley Leader says: “Senor Jullian Puncet of the province of Santa Clara; Cuba, arrived in this city to-day (Thurs day, March 6th) direct from his foreign home. He was accom panied as far as Macon by Bishop Candler. “Senor Puncet somes from the city where our young townsman. Rev. Virgil P. Scoville, is located, and during his stay here will board at Mrs. Scoville’s. He will remain here until September, when he hojces to be so far ad vanced in his knowledge of | the English language as to enter Em ory college. “Prof. John ,T. Harvey, whose linguistic attainments are readily observed, will direot the young stranger in prosecuting his studies, and it is not doubted but that he wiU progress with great rapidi- —Several weeks ago Albertus Hill, a negro man about 55 years old,_ivho lives near Bonaire, in Houston county, received a check from the federal pension depart ment for $584, arrears of .pension. Hereafter he will receive regularly a pension of $6 per month. Ha was not at any time a soldier iu the federal army, but .he served about the camps when Gen. Wil son’s command was at Macon in 1865. He lived in Houston at the time of entering army service,— an emancipated slave. —Mr. F. 0. Day has a large room in the Masonic building full of Furniture and Sewing ma- chinees, quite recently bought from the manufacturers. He pro poses to sell these goods and has fixed the prices right. See his advertisement in this paper, and then see the goods. Mr. Day al so carries a full line'of undertak ers’ supplies. • " . “The Leader is heartily in fa- Vor of Mr. Lewis’ bill to give Fort Valley a government building. Our post office is one of much im portance,and we heartily commend the effort of Mayor Slcellie and other public spirited citizens to have it pushed through Congress. Fort Valley Leader. A Horrible Outbreak “Of large sores on my" 1 little daughter’s head developed into a case of scald head,” writes C. D. Isbill of Morganton, Tenn., but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve complete ly cured her. It’s a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25 cents at Holtzclaw’s drugstore. Syrup cheaply the barrell. Fred. M. Houser’s. Men's and Ladies Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at Men’s Linen Collar^, the latest styles, at adies’ Linen Collars, all sizes, at Straight Front Corsets, a good one at Velveteen Binding, 5 yards to the bunch at ]?ancy Hosiery for men and ladies, all new patterns, from 10c to 25c Men’s Neckwear, a choice line of all the popular shapes— Four-in-Hands, Bows, Windsors, Clubs, at 25c and 50c Talcum Baby Powder at Pearl Buttons, good qualities, at Boys Knee Pants, good patterns, at adies’ Shirt Weists, a 50c article, at Ladies’ Shirt Waists at China Matting at 15c and 20c per yard, by the roll. Japan Matting at 35c per yard, fine quality, by the roll. Home Cured Hams and Shol ders for sale t W. D. Day. 5c 5c and 10c doz 25c and 50c pair 39c 50c, 75c and $1.00 dive us your business and we’ll give you satisfaction. IMT- FJLXTXj. abx %mm, 454 MULBERRY STREET, Macon. Q-eoxg-ia,. MACON’S NEW BARGAIN STORK SHOES. ClOTHIHt, DO) GOODS, MIS, TOOK, Wagons and Buggies a spec- ialtyat W. D. Day’s. Fine qualities Marseilles Coun terpanes for sale at L. M. Paul’s. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the' es tate of Geo. Paul are requested to come forward and make prompt settlement. All persons, also, who have claims against the said estate, will please present them in prop er form and they will be paid. ' L. M. Paul, Attorney in Fact. GEORGIA—Houston Oounty. After four weeks’ notice, pursuant to section 2596 of the civil code, a petition of which a true and correct copy is en joined, will be presetted to the Hon. W H. Felton, Jr., Judge of the Superior court, at the court house in said ooun ty, during the April term, 1902, of said oourt: To the Hon. W. H. Felton, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court of Houato a Coun ty, Ga: The petition of D. 0. Tnrrentine shows 1st. That he is guardian of Julia M.and J. 0. Turreotine, heretofore duly ap pointed as such guardian in said county. 2nd. That he desires to sell for reinvest ment, at private sale, the following prop erty, the same being a part of tuC estate of his wards, to-wit; Lot of laud No. 91, containing 202^ acres, more or less, in the TSfth district of said county, said land bounded on the north by land of Z. B. Means, east by land of J. H. Wimber ly, west by land of Wm. Means, south bypublio road from Elko to Hawkins- ville, Ga. 8rd. Said land pays bnt little income, owing to the fact that it is very poor and broken, the buildings are al most entirely useless on account it de cay, that it would cost more to make necessary repairs than said premises would rent for,, and that tbo rents of said land were only $50 annually for the past 6 or six years; that he can get $800 cash for said land. March 5tb, 1902. D. 0. Tubbentine. G’d'n. OASTORIAf»x»J»i<**» SHOES. We handle only brands of Shoes, such as The J. B. Lewis Go’s. $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes for men; The Red Seal — J. K. Orr Shoe Co.; Roberts, Johnson <fe Randle Star Brand, and, the Richmond Standaed Goods. No other house in Macon will offer you suoh standard brands of Shoes, and remember that our price is 20 per cent less than other dealers will sell you same quality of goods for. » t OLOTHIHG-. Olay Worsteds, Cheviots, Cassimeres. and in fact most any style in Clothing that you might want. PRICES? Why we will guarantee you a saving of 25 per cent on Firsr-Class Clothing. We have Boys’ Youth’s and Men’s, and can fit any man in Houston O-vexcosits, "CTlstexs and. XvXcXrxtoelxes For heavy winter wear. * Why not come and see your old friend, Marx Zarks, 454 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga, P. S.—I have large back yard and stable in the rear of my store, which is free to my Houston county friends. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. RICHMOND, VA. CHARLESTON, S. C. Largest Manufacturers of • ; -A> IN THE SOUTH. Importers of PURE GERMAN KAINIT, MURIATE OF POTA8IV NITRATE OF 80DA, SULPHATE OF POTASife In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab lished reputation and h*; grade, but to buy where YOUR WANTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CAN BE SUPPLIED. We are In position, w?- our unparalleled facilities and our many plants located all over the terri: -y t to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyeos desire. When you buy of us, with our immense capacity, you know you, can get the goods, and all you want of them. 8eo our nearest agent to you, or wrjte us direct. Address VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO„ ATLANTA, GA. for ttw 9to|1ata»Car*MM Almanac. Fret for the ' •