The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 20, 1902, Image 3

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Perry, Thursday, Novemrer 20. local news, Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the pres- en t session of the Georgia Legislature fl bill will be introduced entitled “An Adt to prohibit the sale of spirituous, vinuous and malt liquors and intoxicat ing bitters and ciders in the county of Houston, exoept as in this Aot provided; to regulate and control the sale thereof through the medium of Dispensaries, one to be located in the town of Fort Valley, and one also in each of the sever al incorporated towns in the county with a population of 800 or more, upon the recommendation of the municipal au thorities of said towns; to establish and p9rpetuate a beard of commissioners for the management of such Dispensaries, and to prescribe their powers and duties, and for other purposes.” Nov. 8,1902 —Dont Fail to call on 0. M. Branan, the “Cheap Mule Man,” 620 Poplar street, Macon, Ga., you want a mule or-Horse. if Paper Shell Pecans. 8,000—2 to5 feet 2 year old trees. Stock from nuts weighing 85 to the pound. Trees 10 to 25/ each. W. H. Ezel, Byron, Ga. Lace Curtains at 50c and IT Portierre Curtains at $4 a pair, L. M. Paul’s. Beautiful line of Winter Lap Robes, at Fred M. Houser’s An Easy Way to Make Money. I have made $560.00 in 80 days selling Dish-washers. I did my house work at the same time, don’t canvas. People conje or send for the Dish-washers. I handle the Mound City Dish washer. It is the best on the market It is lovely to sell. It washes and dries the dishes per fectly in two minutes. Every la dy who sees it wants one. I will devote all my future ti me to the business aud expect to '.clear $4,- 000.00 this year. Any intelligent peusoii can do as well as .1 have done. Write for particulars to the Mound Citv Dish-washer Co., St. Louis, Mo". MRS. W. B. Farm 'Loans According to the custom which has been observed for about 20 years, the Woman’s Foreign Mis sionary Society of the’ Methodist church will keep Thanksgiving Matings will be held around at the homes, beginning with Mon day, 24th, every afternoon except Thursday, which is observed by both churches. This is a fitting time for us to remember our man ifold blessings, and as we thank and praise God for His goodness and mercy to us, let us brijng our thank-offerings to swell the treas ury. of the Lord. Ours will go to the support of our own missiona ry, Miss Mary Culler White. While we gather around our own Thanksgiving Board, rejoicing in the love of reunited families, let ns remember to breathe a prayer for her, this consecrated young la dy so far from home and loved ones, who for the love of souls has given up all that life holds dear, and is now doing so faithfully what God oalls on 119 all to. do. |§|A11 the ladies of the town are invited. Meetings begin prompt ly at 8 o’clock, Those who caunot come out, please remember us at the throne of grace. “Following is the programme: Monday, 24th; Meet with Mrs. L. F. Cater; Leader, Mrs. Nunn; Praise service, special, songs; rec itation, “Starless Crown;” letter from Miss Mar^ White; papers on work in Cuba and the Indian Ter ritory. Tuesday, 25th: Meet with Mrs. C. P. Marshall.; leader,Miss Mane Nunn, (young people); Reading Uncle Dan’s Prayer ;special songs; recitation ^“Leaves Only;” letter from-a Chinese boy; papers on work in China and Korea. Wednesday, 26th: Meet with Mrs. F. M. Houser; leader, Mrs. Ida Rogers; special songs, pray ers; recitation, “The Fire by the Sea;” letter from Miss Mary Knowles ;papers on work in Brazil. Friday, 28th, promptly at throe o’clock: Meet with Mrs. C. E. Gilbert; leader, Miss Mitt Ragin; special prayers, songs, readings; papers on work in Mexic^; ques tions by the president; close with consecr ation service. Committee. Claud News. By Fritz. Messrs. G. L. and S. W. Tabor of Tabor ton, Ga., were with home folks here a few days last week. Mr, Tom Doles and sister, Miss Belle, of Byron visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Smith of Fort Valley is visiting her son, Prof. A. G. Smith here. Master Milton Bartlett return ed home several days ago from a visit to‘relatives near Myrtle. Miss Della Harper, of near By , . •A- rt ®Sl^ res '7S ood g ood s> pretty patterns, 8 yards square, worth $5.00, going now at ' $8.75. Window Shades—good sizes, good Qualities, complete with fixtures, _ going now at, each, 25c and 50c. lricot Flannels—all wool, 27 inches wide, in red, blue, green and black, a plum at 25c yard Linen Lawn, 27 inches wide, at 25c “ Linen Lawn—fine, very sheer, 86 inches wide, at 50o “ India Lawns—white, 20c quality now going at 15c ^ Indigo Blue Calico—the best, now at 5e ron returned home Sunday after i ETanneletjtes--86-in. patterns suitable for Dressing Saques, 124o a few days visit to relatives here. rPj?Bleaching—-a Standard, at 8c it it ■ tt it Wo consider good farm lands the best security for loans. We oau make such loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let us hear from you. Mr. F. E. White and family spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White. Mr. Bonie Hartley visited his brother, Mr. Patrick Hartley, in Columbus, Ga., a few days ago. MIbs Hattie Scarborough of Toy, visited fsiends in the com munity recently. Mr. G. F. Doles was in Macbn Friday and Saturday on business. Mrs. J. W. Tabor has been quite ill recently, but wa are glad to say her .condition is much im proved. A 1 young farmer of this seotion informs us that the products of his farm this year differ some what in yield. He states that his corn, peas,potatoes and hay are thejiesfc he ever made, while his cotton, hogs aud ground-peas are the sorriest. We do not offer this as-a sample for the community. We are informed that the R. F. D. mail carrier, Mr. Joe P. Heard, is without a substitute,the vacan cy being caused by the resigna tion of Mr.-W. S. Howard. A few days ago Mr. C. R. Bart lett shot and killed a hawk that measured foul’feet and tvo inches from tip to tip of its wings. Men’s Hats—light colors, good styles, regular $2.60 grade, a few more left to go at, each $1.50 Men’s Undershirts—Ribbed, fleeoe lined, regular 50o garment, to go now at 260 Women’s Glove Grain and Pebble Grain Work Shoes—a few odds and ends of the $1.00 and $1,25 lines, to olose out at 75o pr nan ' a rk ”" r '" 01 sizes 2£ to 5, worth from $2;00 to $F ^ Women’s Fine Dress Shoes- $1.50 pr 25o yard pairto olose up the line at 50-in. All Lineu-Table Damask, Half Bleaohed, at 64-in. All Linen Table Damask, Half Bleaohed, at 60c 68-iu, All Linen Mercerize^ Table Damask at 76o 64-in. Turkey Red Damaslc at . 25o “ LadieB’Golf Gloves, all wool, at 25c and 50o pr Ladies’ Gossamers, worth $8*00; a few to close out at . 60o Men’s Macintoshes, worth $2.60, figured down at the olose price, $2.00 L. M. PAUL’S. I L. M. PAUL’S. I H M. PAUL’S. T. A. 0. Meeting. Security Loan & Abstract Co. MACON, J. J. OOBB, GA. President. Thos. B. West, Seo. and Att’y. MONEY. Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing. Blore than three million dollars in loans ae'vffitiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD EL SMITH, No, 814 Beamed St.. Macon, Go. NEXT DOOR TO ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 663 MULBERRY ST, MACON, GEORGIA. Rates, $2.00 Per A HOME-LIKE HOTEL Special attention given to Transient Trade. dgafim WE HAVE BEEN The Thursday Afternoon Club at its last meeting was very ele gantly entertained by Mrs. Mil- ton C’ooper. Maj, Cooper be ing at the time quite sick, the home of Mrs. William Moore was tendered the use of her friend and neighbor. All of the club members seem ed to be full of a bright, merry spirit and the meeting was un usually pleasant. Our president, Mrs. L. F. Ca ter, called the club to order and we had a lengthy discussion about a reception to bo tendered the husbands and friends of the club members. A splendid committee was. ap pointed to arrange time, place etc. This committee to have a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Nov, 18th, at the residence of Mrs. Edgar Braseltou. Mrs. Cooper entertained us roy- ,ally. Her refreshments were sim ply, elegant and she gave us the first turkey of the season, top ping all off with rich, old fash ioned sylabub and delicious cake Thank you, Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs Moore,- together with the three sweet girls who served us so boun tifully. These last named being Misses Madie Davis, Kate Moore and Julia Eubanks. After a most enjoyable meeting the club adjourned to*. meet, Nov 20th with Mrs. Henry Norwood. Club Editor. For several/ears for a case of Piles, Boils, Outs, Burns, Bruises, Sore aud Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite or Sting, Ringworm or Tetter, that Mrs Pope’s Mullen would not cure,tmt so far we have been agreeably disappointed. The verdict of all who have used it is that it’s the one quick, absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on earth like it. Nothing sensational- or fakey about it. It stands on its merit. It is put up in a neat 'and pretty pack- a ge. Use it. Your money back if you are not satisfied. If your druggist does not have it in stock,send us 50' cents and we will send you a large box by mail. Mias. Annie M. PppE & Co., 526 BismaTk Place, Jacksonville, Fla Good Mules, and Cheap. THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Mnoon, (?a. A Carload of Mules. I have just bought a lot of Choice Youug Mules, and they wall bo at my stable the latter part of this week. If you want a good mule cheap, come to see me R. L. Marghman. Perry, Ga. —Genuine Texas Seed Oats. F. M. Houser. 1 —C. M. Branan, the “Cheap Mule Man,”-520 Poplar street Macon, Ga., is ready to serve you. Prudent Women know the value of a savings account in a strong bank That’s why so many of them have a snug sum_ of money earning 4 per cent, interest in Home Savings Bank, American National Bank Building. MACON, GA. R. A Mebbitt, Osoab E. Dooley, President. Cashier. Two hundred young men and ladies to qualify for paying positions. If you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated oatalog. U HI a. PERRY, GA. | The only exclusive Furniture arid Coffin Store in Perry FURNITURE. / COFFINS, CASKETS, UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES NEW HOME AND WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, the lest made. Making ail my purchases direct from manufacturers enables {)•.'; me to sell goods cheaper than they oan bo bought elsewhere. .11 Mi*. JT. R. FUDGE is with me. He has had long experience in the Furni ture, and Sewing Machine business, and will take pleas ure in showing a Machine at your home. Masonic Building. aft cl jD^r^r mm Georgia, 11 The Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers waut when they are,ready to sell. The Iron Warehouse Near Depot, PERRY, QA. is ready to serve all comers, with‘best facilities and a deter mination to give the best service. BAGGING AND TIES for sale at lowest market price. in I have this week purchased carload of Good Young Mules which will be at my stables Perry Friday or Saturday. Come early and get first choice. Prices right G. W. Winn, g Perry, Ga. Horse Radish Mustard, 15c, at W. B. Sims’. Meat Mills ers at aud Sausage Sfcuff- L M. Paul’s. D RAUG HO N’« PRACTIC AL BUSINESS COLLEGE!? Schools of National Reputation. Draugljpn’s Practical Business Col leges, located at Atlanta, Nashville, St. Louis, Montgomery, Little Rook, Port Worth, Galveston and Shreveport, are schools of national reputation. They are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Prof. Draugh- on, who is author of four tqxt-books oh Bookkeeping, and proprietor of these in stitutions, doubtless expends more mon ey for securing positions for his students than almost any one business college in this country takes in as tuition. He guarantees positions under" reasonable conditions, and will allow a student to deposit money in bank till the cousre is completed and position secured. Four weeks course of Bookkeeping in his col leges is equal to twelve weeks in any col lege that does not employ his improved methods of teaching. His Colleges also offer special advantages in Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. It is gen erally conceded by those who are in po sition to know that Prof. Draughon’s success in the Business College work has been greater than that of any one else. His superior course of instruction and his special facilities for securing posi tions are almost an offset to competition where the merits of his work are known. His illustrated catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Address J. F.Draughon, President, at either of the above men tioned places. > High-Grade Fertilizers For Grain Respectfully',, lit I BUY COTTON SEED w®. LIVERY STABLE ON MAIN STREET. CAST O R IA for infants and Children G. W. GANTT. W. F. HOLMES. GANTT & HOLMES, Successors to Mooee & Holmes, ■Si COTTON FACTORS, I m- Bears the Signature of Mules, Horses and Farm Supplies. Mowers and Rakes. SEND US YOUR COTTON AND GET BEST RET