Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 04, 1924, Image 3

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Now For Real Comfort In Winter Driving Use your car this winter. Equip with Goodyear Balloon Tires, and find out what driving comfort is. We'll put them on for you at ? way-down prices. McLendon Auto Co., PHONE 57 PERRY, GA. We Think Of You And strive to serve you and please you. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete. Our STEAKS and FRESH MEATS are the best in town. Our market and store clean and sanitary LET US SERVE YOU KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. New Cotton Warehouse We take pleasure in announcing to the Cotton Growers of this section that we have opened a New Cotton Warehouse in Perry. Livestock for Sale or T rade COME TO SEE US PLANTERS WAREHOUSE E. M. BECKHAM & T. L. WARREN, Mgn Perry, Georgia. Old Folks' Ailments "I began taking Black Draught over fifty years ago and my experience with it stretchcs over h good long time," says Mr. Joe A. Blake more. a Civil War veteran and former Virginian, who is now a prominent citizen of Floyd, Texas. "It is thd best laxative I know of for old people. . . A pood many years ago, in Virginia, I used to get bilious and I found that Thsdford's was the best and quickest re lief I could get. Since 1 came to Texas 1 have these bilious attacks every now and then? a man will get bilious any where, you know?and I find that a little Black-Draught soon straightens me out. After & few doses, in little or no time I'm all right again." Thedford's Black-Draught is a purely vegetable liver medicine, used in America for over eighty years. It acts on the stomach, liver and bowels in a gentle, natural way, as sisting digestion and reliev ing constipation. Sold every where. E-102 after every meal Cleanses month and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that over eaten feeling and acid mouth. Its 1-a-s-t-f-n-g flavor satisiies the craving for sweets. IVriglcy's is doable value in ?he bcnciit and pleasure it provides. J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACCIDENT-HEALTH*GROUP ? The GUY that puts the SURE in your Insurance. 305*306 itiz ens & ?Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3614-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESEN TATIVE MISSOURI STATE LIPE IN SURANCE COMPANY FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. It coats no more to get the host p?licy and the most efficient ser vice so vrliy not icef it. Am just as close to you asy?> ur telephone? LOANS ON FA_? M LANDS. We Are prepared to clous loan: promptly on F?rm l.andt. inter?!. DUNCAN * NUNN, Fefry, Cm. JOHN W. DLOODWORHi ATTORNKY AND C0UI*Bp;LT0R At Law Perky - Okoroia. We Practice !r? (loth Scat* and Federal Courta. DUnCA.m & NUNN Attorney? A Cou;icfll?ri at Law. Practice in AD Catrta. PERRY. G A. Acetylene Welding at M ^Lenrton Auto Co ?Call in anrl #et our new low prices on those good Goody ar Tires. ^frLendon Auto Co. ?Bay baling ties, both heavy and light. B. H Andrew aud Sou. LEGA1 SALE OF LAND Georgia, Houston Count.,. By virtue of a power of ?ale in a deed to secure debt. ?xtuuttHi May -4. by C, 11. Batvuiaii A: ? roihwr. to T. 1.. i l'< uuiii|;U n, and recorded in the otlice ol | the v lerk of tne Superior Court of Hous ton County, Georgia, >u Hook Jl, folioj J.<0, aiul by virtue of a power of sale in a mortgage made ui tlu< kumiu time by said 1 grantor to said grantee, ami leeorded in said Clerk.s office in i o -k 5'J, pug o <8U, tlie undersigned will sell at publ>e out ry before the courthouse door at Perry, Georgia, in said County, within ihu legal hours of sale, on Tuvsda.v, llio y day of December, IW"J4, to th ? h ghost bidder f-r cash, the following property. "All that tract oi ; a roe I oi laud 1\ ing and being in the uppei Fii h District v>I" iioustoii County, utorgia. and consisting ot ail of lots sixty-t ree(C3). sixty-four' ^>4) and sixty-live (65) in said district, eac.i of said lots coiitaiui g two huu-| dre?l two and one-half .tcics (20j^j), audi aggregating six hundred soven and one half acres (607/s) more or less, and known as the liome place of John v\ . Wool I oik Jr., deceased. Also uinety [DO] acres olT of the east half of lot l'oity-two [42] in si?id District known as the Johnson laud ??ml bi ing the same land conveyed to Alis. Hattie 1>. James i>y deed from J. M. Johnson ami others, recorded in book 'J, page 25/, < lerk's office, Houston Superior Court.'' lleing the same property t onveyed to C. I*. 1 enmngton by U. T. Adams by i deed iiated may 1919, ami recorded in l.ooiv 2t>, folio 4C1>, Clerk's otlice of I Houston Superior * ourt. Also ull livo stock, farm implements, crops and Mil other propert* located on or being used in connection with said land, including: One (I) dark bay mare mule, named Cricket, about twelve years old and weighing about onethou-and fifty pounds, One (1) dark bay mate mule, named Mamie, nb' ut fifteen years old, and wi ighinf* about one thousand, one hun dred pounds; One [I J light bay mure mule, named C<>ra, about fifteen years old, nnd weighing about one Ihousuud two huu dred pounds; One (I) black mare mule, named Maud, about fifteen years old and weigh ing ?bout one tliou-ami three hundred pound One [1] mouse colored maro mule,! named Minnie, about twelve years old, j anil weighing about one thousand t\fo | hundred pounds; One [1J dark bay mare mule, named Sadie, about eleven yearsold, and we fil ing about one thousand two hundred pounds; Ono (l) bay mare mule, named May, about nine years old ami weighing about one thousand two huiniro.l pounds; One LU black inure mule, named Belle, about nine years old and weigh ing a bo nl oi.e thousand two hundred pounds; One (1) roan mare mule named I'earl about nine years < Id, and weighing about one thousand one hundred pounds; On? 11] yellow inare mule, named Dinah, nine years old and weighing about ono thousand two hundred pounds; One Ll] bay male mule, named Km ma about six years old and weighing about oue tuou-and three hundred pounds; Oue'(l) black horso mule, named Man nbout seven years old andweig >iiigabout one thousand lour lumdred |iounds; Onts ll] light ycjjow Jersey row, named Daisy, five years old and weigh ing about nine hundred pounds, and her calf about mx weeks old; One [1] heifer calf, red body and white luce, about one year old; Seventy-five [75] head of hogs, colored red aud black, and ranging from pigs to grown hogs; One [if Fordson Tractor One | ij Nash Truck, model No. 2017, truck No. 94210; j One [I] Nash Truck, model No. 2018, truch No. 127011 ; Que |1] Studebaker two-horse wagon; One (l) Weber two-hors-e wagon; | One (1) Buckeye two-horse wagon; One (I) Columbia two-horse wagon; j One (I) Bean spray, which fits on trn k, about tw ? hundred gallon capacity ; One (I) Niagara dusting midline; One 1 Myeis s| ray tank, about two I hundred gall"ii capacity, uot > n truck; Four 4 Cutaway harrows, Jiorse-Jra wn One I Tia( tor cutaway harrow; Two l California Senior Horie harrows; One I Jiooziet ur in drill. S <id dee I and mortgage provide that upon failure to pay when due, any part of the principal o interest of t lie di*bt secured, or of Ur' Adam* debt referred to in said deod, or the insuraneo or taxes on said property? then ?hc oiitire in debtedness shall become d'ie and payable ntthe option of the undersigned. Default having been mud?' It) the pay ment of the insurance and taxes on said property, and in payment of said Adams debt, aud in payment of tlio iuteiest ou the indebtedne-a pel out in said deed and mortgage, the entire indebtedness is h'-r-'by declared now dur: and payable. Said sa'e will be made for the purpose of paying suid indebtedness as provided in said deed and mortgage, and the undersigned will execute title to the purchaser. C. I>. 1'KNNINGTON LEGAL SALE OK LAND Oaorfrie, Houston Connty. Under and by virtue of the powe* sale contained in a deed to secure debt I executed by A. H. dr igsby and S. S, Cunningham to the Fourth National Hunk or Ma^on, Georgia, dste l June 1, 1U23, recorded in < lerk's Office of Hontoa Superi'ir Coirt, btok 'U, f'llio 191, the undersigned will sell, at public i 'outcry, at the courtho iso door of said ' County, during t 't* legal hour? of sale, 'for cash, Deceuibe' K, IDV4, tlio l'ollow I inK property, to-wit: All that tract or i a reel of lurid, located and situated in tho Teutii District of iloustc! County, Oeorgiu, tin d mor? pa'ticularly des? ubed jih follow?: I'?minded on Mi?- 11 it ? I?3 Iuuub ? t K. F. Tl.arpe ?ud C. n. H'?ucock; on t*e went by Klijiih Kussell; on the Mouth by land? of iVl. C. MooU'.v and John itentley on tbt> cast by I nils of ?). K. Hancock, s?id tract of Knd c utaining One Hun dred l-orty 140 a< res tnoro or le?s and being all of ti e One li u n d red Fifty-two 152 acre tract dese r ibed ,iii tho tirst part of the deed to secure debt from A. H. (irifjsby and S. S OuuniiiKiiatn to Fourth National I ?mik of | Muco.i dated 0-1-23 and recorded in Book 34, folio 1?1 '.'lerk's Office,, Hous tou Superior Court, save and except twelve 12 acres from said Ono llundied Fifty-two 152 acre 'ractoo which one 1U. C MosloV held a ?leed te 8' cure debt for Evi^ht Hundred $800 (?0 Dollars. Ait ? tnat tract or parcel of laud *it uatc , lying and being in the Tenth Dis trict of Ilouston County, <>eorgia, and being Sovent> - Five and lour tenths 75.4 acres of lot o? and Number One llu drcd Twent> K glit 128. commencing at t>><- - ?uthwest corner < f tut i d lot, and ru nuin tliMn e i orth along the w -st line ol saiil lot a distance of 2300 feet to ? point, i hence east 1428 feet to uu iron pen; thence south V.tOO feet t? the south line f s iid lot, tn-nee west along said so tli I i m< ? 142H feet to starting point, Al-o One lhiudred Thirty One and eighty live one tumlredths 131.85 m ren of oi of land One II n lid Jed Twenty Seven i27 in the Tenth District of sunt comiti, euinmenciug at a point on the Hoitn I 'lie of said l<d, 505 feet from the nort west corner of said lot, and run ning t ene? HOUth KUHI feet to a point, thei'ce east 472 feet to u point, thence south 1131) feet to the south line of said lot, thence east along- said south line 17N0 eet to the east line of said lot, tli nee north along s dd oust lil e S730 feet io tiie northeast norner of said lot, thence west along the norih line of said lot, 233"? feet to tli' beginning point. A so One Hundred Twenty Ouo and five-c e-hunilredths 121.05 acres of lot ol land Numb? r One Hundred Thirty 130 in the Tenth District of said county coniK eucing at the noitliwest corner of said lot, and rtiuning south along the west 1 ni' of said lot 2730 feet to the soinh" est comer, thence east along tlie south line 11)80 f. el to n point, thence north 2744 feet to the nortu line of .-aid Int. thence west along the north line of said lot 11)28 feel lo b< ginning point. Also tiint tract or pared of land lying and h ing in tlio It 11 h District of llous ton Ciiiimy, Ooorg a, and more fully do scr?bed as being ilie eastern portion of lot N<>. 117, containing One Hundred 1'il't -?even 157 litres, mure or less, and being all of that lot No. 117, save and except the wes ern portion of lot No. 117, conveyed by A. Ij. Weodon to Odoin Realty Company mid C. K, Ilan ooek by deed dated t>i tober 29th, J918, end re* orded in Di ed l?<>ok 27, page 80. ( lerk's OI11? e, Uouhioii County. All of ?aid tracts of land co-.tiin in the aggr gate Six Hun ired Twenty Five and thirty-one-hundiedths acres, more oc less. It is undeistood that on the first 140 ai res above described there is outstand ing a ?-eurity deed in favor of Atlanta Trust Company for $5.000.00, and this sale will be made and said 140 ucreti deeded subject thereto. The ?hove property will bo sold for the purpose of paying five 5 certain promis sory n tes ali dated June 1, 1923, exe cuted and delivered by A. li. Drigsby and S. S. Qunninghum to the Fourth National Hank of Macon, Geogia, and due as follows: three said iiotes being for tho principal sum of $9000.00 each due dune 1, 1924, June I, 1025, and June 1,1020. respectively; two of said note? for the principal sum of ^S10.00 each, duo January 1, 1924, and June 1, 1924, respectively. All of said notes stipulate for interest from maturity at the rate of K per cent per annum. Haiti deed to se cure debt provides that should uny of the indebtedness seenr-d become due and in default the ent re amount due under s iid deed to secure debt should become due and payable immediatley at the option of the holder, and some of said notes heing in default the holder has elected to exercise said option. In addition to the above principal .^urn there is due under tho erins of said deed to secure debt $.'181.00 interest to No vember 1, 1924, and future int-rest at the rat" of 8 per cent n- uf? rcsaid; also $271.'J!) representing tuxes on part of iho above described property p id by the undersigned nndcr th terms of fluid deed to secure debt, together with interest thereon fmm September 3, 1924 at 7 per cent per annum; also all costs of this proceeding hh provided in said de? d ti) secure debt A deed to the purchase? will he n nde by the undersigned I li? h November 10, 1924. Foi'icru Nationai. Ha.sk Ok MaCos. Georgia. Jones, Park & Johnson, Attorneys. ?TUKKEYS FOR SAL K? Al?* some Black Oiant CochnHs pric? from 12.50 to $3.50. Prize win ning stock. Apply Mr*..J. J). Mi lam, Kathleen. Oa., Ronte ?STR \ Y HOG?Blar k and wbit* spotted now with nno split eia* strayed from my farni. Finder please notify Harry Rutheford, Bonaire, Oa. ? FOP. RRNT?1, 2, .'{ and 4 hors# ^ar.ns for rent near Havrkinsville, a a. R. S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, <;a?