Georgia weekly opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 11, 1868, Image 1

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GEORGIA WEEKLY OPINION. !TEllMS-?3 00 VOL. I—NO. 28. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY' 11, 1868. flKOnaiA STATE CONVENTION fniBTr-sirra djlt, I nrronrzi) xxnuti.r fob in* DAILY OVtxtOX.] Tuesday, Fob. 4,1SC8 Convention met at regular hour. Prayer by the Chaplain. Journal renil ami ap proved. On motion lenvo of nbacnca was granted to Messrs. Daley, Powell, Stowsrt, Edwards, and Davis. The PRESIDENT laid before tbo Con vention tbe lollowlng communication from Maj. Ocn. Meade: IlKAOQ'nS TlIUlD MlUTABY DlSTIUCT.) (Dep't of Georgia, Florida and Ala.) > Office Ass’t Adi. Gen.,) Atlanta, Ga- Fen. 3, IStfe. • Ifon. J. It. rarrott, President Constitutional Contention, Atlanta, On: Sir: A careful survey of the condition ol tbo State Treasury and of the probablo In coming revenue and demands upon the State, justify me In reporting to you that X shall he ablo by the 13th of March proximo, to pay to the disbursing agent of the Con vention the sum of 430.000—one-half of which will bo available on or about the Kith Instant. As this sum completes the amount of the requisition opproved by my predecessor and myself, I take this occa sion to say that after carefully examining tbo financial condition of tho State, as left by tho ont-golng provisional executive, together with tho demands to be met under tho heads of the civil lists and public institutions, that I cannot feel my self authorized to sanction any greater ad vance from tho State Treasury to the Con vention than is herein indicated, and that I must request tho co-operation of the Convention In conforming to this decis ion. In coming to this decision, which Is based on providing for the immediate and imperative wants of the Convention from the usual sources of revenue, by the collec tion of taxes and net proceeds of the State Head. I feci compelled to decline approv ing or undertaking any llnanclnl scheme involving tho credit of the State, or antici pating future revenue. Very respectfully, vour ohv.'scrvant. Geo. G. Mradr, Maj. Gen. U. S. A. The unllni.lied business of yesterday was resumed, and Mr. liXGbY continued Ids remarks. At the expiration of twenty minutes lie was informed by the President jiro tun- Mr Conley—that tbe time allowed uii-ler tii.* vehv lor ills first speech was ex hausted. Mr. A l\ M A X lai.-ed a (Mint of order, slating Unit a inothui made by Idmseit yes terday to extend the time for Mr. liigby’s ypei'oh. The point was sustained, by the Coiiieotion. and Mr. II. concluded Ids re marks. Mr. BLODGETT offered tbe full wing as an .uiu’iufmeut to tin* substitute of Mr. Ihillock: See. —. All contracts made and not exe cuted during tlie late rebellion with tbe intention anil for tbo ptirtiose of nidi: and encouraging said rebellion, or when was tho piirjioso and intention of one of the parties to such contract to aid or en courage sucli rebellion, and that fact was known to the other party, whether said contract was made by any person or cor poration with the State or Confederate States, or bv a corporation with a natural person, or between two or more natural [H’rsons, are hereby declared to have been and to he illegal, and all bonds, deeds, pnmilsory notes, hills, or other evidences of debt, made or executed by tho parties to Ma li contract, or either of them, In con nection with “ueh Illegal contract, or as tho ciinsideratlon for, or In furtherance I hereof, are hereby declared null and void, a Id shall lie so held ill all courts in this State. »hen an iiitempt shall bo made to enforce any such contract, or glvo val idity to any such obligation or evidence of debt. And, In nil eases when the dcflmdatit or any ono Interested in the event of the miu will make a plea that ho has reasoi. to helluva that tho obligation or evhhioc it Indebtedness upon which the sub is pretltented, or some part thereof lias been gn o or used lor the illegal pur- pose aforesaid, the burden of prool shall be upon tlie pi-datin' to satisfy the court and jury that tiio bonds, deeds, note, bill or other evidence or evidences of Indebted ness upon whit'll said suit Is brought. Is or are not. nor Is any part thureof, founded upon, or in any way connected with any such illegal contract, and has not been used in aid of the rebellion; and tho date of such bond, deed, note, bill, or other evi- dcnces of indebtedness shall not bo evi dence that it Inis or has not, since Us date, been Issued, transferred, or used In aid or the rebellion Mr. Itltl.I.OCK accepted the amend ment of bis colleague, wlilcb made It a portion of the substitute. 31 r. BLODGETT supported Ills amend ment, and roller generally, and was follow ed by Mr. AHHBURN to tho snmo effect. Mr. UK AN E opposed relief, and Mr. Md- CAY iavorcil It. Mr. BLODGETT moved the previous question, which motion wi sustained. Upon the question, “shall tbo main question bo now put,” tho yeas and nays were called and resulted yeas BO, nays 03. as follows: .*H. Yeas—Messrs. Alexander, Andorson.BOd- ford, Bowden or Monroe, Blodgett, Blount, Brown, Braeowcll, Bullock. Burnett, Camp- liell. I atchlng. Caldwell. Clift, Christian or Newton. Chatters, Chambers, Cooper, Cobb of Houston. Crayton, Davis, Dinkins. Gib- sou. Gilbert. Goodwin. Golden,'Harris of Newton, Harrison or Hancock, lligden, llotclikiss, Howe, Hutcheson, Jackson, Joiner, Jones. Jordan. Linder. Lumpkin, MeCav, MeWhoriWr. Noble, l*»lmer, Potts, Reynolds. ilozar. Roberts, haulier, Seeley, Sherman. Hlillth of Charlton, Stone. Hirlek- laml, Tray ivlek, Turner. Whitaker, 11 ooten. ■ftfla . Nays— Messrs Akerni.ui. Angler. Asliburn, lleah il, Baldwin. Bell of Banks, Bowden of Campbell, Blghy. Bryant, Itry.on, Bradley, I arson, Cameron. Casey, Christian of Kur il’, Cole. Crane, Crinvlord, Crumley, Lot ting, Dunning, Dimiiegiiu, Ellington, Flynn, Fort, t.iillfiml. llarland, Hudson. King, Knox, Lott, Marler, Maull, Mutlicws, Muitinot uarron, Martin of Calhoun. Mcllan, Minor, Miller, Moo is’ of White, Mtsire of Columbia, Mur phy, Dope. 1’rlnce. Klee, Robertson, Suffuld, Hikes, Shields. Smith of Thomas. Shrop- IVIre. Shumate. Stanford, S Haltan. Woddull, Welch, WhUehead of Cole. Crane. Crawronl, L'nimley, cutting, ■ ahurke, IVhttcloy, IVooiley, Yentcs—00. | Dniinlug. Dunnegan. Ellington, Fields, So the question was lost, when Mr. AK- ,-Fty tin. ilarland, lllgbce, Hutcheson, King, EKMAN proceeded to address tho commit- tco in opposition to relief. Mr. SEELEY offered tho following amendment, to come In as tbo fill excep tion of the substitute of Mr. Bryant. Provided, That jurisdiction over debts for tho purchaso or hire of slaves, or over debts tho credit of which was based on slaves as property, shall not bo conferred on any Court In this State. Mr, BLODGETT offered the following resolution Resolved, That debate on the question of Relief bo closed to-morrow at 11 o’clock. Mr. TURNER offered the following res olution Resolved, That the several gentlemen S ropoBlng substitutes anil amendments to io report of tbo Committee on Relief, bo constituted a committee, and that they bo allowed two days to report; and that tho Convention proceed In tho meantime with Its other business. Mr. BRYANT moved to nmend tho amendment to tho substitute of Mr. Bul lock, by striking out the words two-tblrds and Insert a majority. Mr. PARROTT moved that tbo Chair appoint a select committee of five, to whom should ho referred all tlie propost tlons pending, connected with relief, and that the commHleo bo Instructed to report to-morrow morning. Alter remarks from Mr. HARRIS, Chair man of tho Conimlttcoon Relief, Hr. PAR ROTT withdrew Ills motion, anil tho ques tion recurred upon the resolution of Hr. Blodgett, which was adopted, On motion lenvo of nlisonco was granted to Messrs. WhUehead of Butts, and Rich ardson, when tlie Convention adjourned., February G, 1803, Convention met at the regular hoar. Prayer by Lite Chaplain. The Journal read and approved, The regular order of busbies, wua re sumed, being the consideration of the-va rious prepositions for relief. These were tho soeond reports of the majority and minority of the committee, tho substitute of Mr. Bullock ns amended by Messrs. Blodgett and Seeley—amendments accept- cd by Mr. Bullock—and tbe substitute for the second majority report proposed by Mr. Bryant. Messrs. HOTCHKISS and WillTELY addressed the Convention until tbe hour tlxed for the close of tbo debate, when the Chair announced the order of the proposi tions. Tho first. Ill order was the amend ment of Mr. Bryant, to strikeout the words two-thirds and Insert a majority. In tlie 7th exception of Mr. Bullock’s substitute. The yeas and nays were ordered and resulted, yeas 71. nay nu, as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Akcrman. Alexander, An. gicr, Ashburn, Barton, Ueatrd. Baldwin. Bell of Oglethorpe. Bell of Banks, Bowers. Blghy, Bryant, Braeewell, Bryson, Carson, Cameron. Clift. Christian of Early. Clai borne, Cobb of Houston. Cole, Conley, Crane, Crawford, Crumley, Cutting, Dun ning, Dunnegan, Ellington. Fields, Flynn, Fort, Guilford, Ilarland, Higher*. lligden, Houston, Hudson. Hutcheson. King, Knox, Leo, Linder. I-ott. Madden, Maddox, Mar- ler, Mathews. Martin of Carroll, Marlin of Calhoun. Mcllan, MrCuy Miller Moore of White, Murphy, l’ope. Prince. Satfold, Haulier, Shields, Smith of Coweta. Smith of Thomas, Speer, Shropshire. Stanford, Stan ley, Trammell, Welch, Williams, Woodey, Ycatcs—71. Naya—Messrs. Anderson, Bedford, Bow den of Campbell, Bowden of Monroe, Blodgett, Blount, Brown, Bradley, Bullock, Burnett, Campbell, Casey, fluid well, Chris tian of Newton, Chatters. Chambers, Coop er, Costln, Cray ton, Davis, Dinkins, Gib son, Gilbert. Goodwin. Golden, Harris of Newton. Harrison of Hancock, Hotchkl-s, Hooks, Howe. Jackson, Joiner, Jones, Jor dan. Lumpkin, Maul. Minor, MoWborter. Moore ot Columbia, Noble, Palmer, Potts, Reynolds, Rice, Rozar, Roberts, Robert son, Sikes, Sherman, Shumate, Stone, Strlcklnnd. Traywlek. Turner, Walton, Wallace, Whitaker, Whitehead of Burke, Whlteloy, Wooten—tiO. So tho motion prevailed, Mr. BRYANT moved to refer the several propositions to a select committee of live, with Instructions to report to-morrow morning. The yeas and nays were ordered and re sulted—yeas 44, nsys 87, as follows Yeas—Messrs. Akermsn, Angler. Bald win. Bell of Banks, Bowers, Blghy, Bryant, Braccwell, Bryson. Cameron, Cole, Crane, Crawford, Crumley, Cottlng, Dunning, Dunnegan, Ellington. Fields, Flynn, Fos ter of Morgan. II Ighec, Houston, Hudson, Hutcheson, King, Knox, Lee, Maddox, Marlcr, Mathews Martin of Carroll, Me llon, Moore of White. Murphy, Saffold, Shields, Smith of Thomas, Speer, Shrop shire, Stanley, Trammell. Welch, Woodey, Yeatcs—13. Nays—Messrs. Alexander, Anderson, Asliburn, Bedford, licaird, Bell of Ogle thorpe, Bowden of Campbell. Bowden of Monroe, Blodgett. Blount, Brown, Bradley, Bullock, Burnett, Cnmpbell, Carson, Casey, Caldwell. Clift. Christian ot Newton, Christian of Early, Chatters, Claiborne, Chambers; Cooper, Cobb of Houston, Cos tln, Conley. Crayton, Davis, Dinkins, Fort, Gibson, Gilbert. Goodwin. Golden. Quit- ford. Ilarland. Harris of Newton, Harrison of Hancock, lligden, Hotchkiss. Hooks, X Iowe, Jackson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Key, Linder, Lott, Lumpkin, Madden, Maull, Martin of Calhoun, McCay. Minor, Miller, McWhorter, Moore of Columbia, Noble, Palmer. Popo. l’otts, 1’rlnce, Reynolds, Klee, ltozar, Roberts. Robertson, San It, r, Hikes, Sherman, Smith of Charlton, Smith of Coweta, Shumate, Stanford, Stone, * ■ ! Turner, Walton, T bltcbcnd of Burke, White!), Williams, Wooten—87, So the motion to refer was lost. The question recurred upon tho amend ment of Mr. Bryant to the substitute of Mr.Bulluek. and the yeas and nays being ordered, resulted yeas 40, nays 87, as fol lows : Ayes—Messrs. Akerman. Alexander, An- i- glcr. Bell or Banks, Bmvero. Blxby, Bryant, i'. Bryson. Cameron. Clllt, Christian of Kurly, >f Cole. Crane. Crawford, Crumley, Cottlng, Knox, Lott, Maddox, Marlcr, Mathews, Martin of Carroll, Martin of Calhoun, Me llon, Minor, Miller, Moore of White, Saf- fold, Saultcr, Shields, Smith of Tliomas, Shropshire, Stanley, Trammell, Woody, Yeatcs—HI. Nays—Messrs. Anderson. Ashburn, Bed ford, Bcalrd, Baldwin, Bell of Oglethorpe. Bowden of Campbell, Bowden of Monroe, Blodgett, Blount, Brown, llrucewell, Brad ley, Bullock, . Burnett. Campbell, Car- son, Catching, Casey, Caldwell, Christian of Newton, Chatters, Clnlrboruc, Cham bers, Cooper, Cobb of Houston, Costln, Chatters, Claiborne, Chambers, Coope Custlu, Conley, Crayton, Cottlllg, D»vi , Dinkins, Gibson, Gilbert, Goodwin, Gold en, Guilford, Harris of Chatham. Harris of Newton, Harrison of Hancock, IJIghee Hotchkiss, Hooks, Howe, Jackson, Joiner* Jones, Jordan, Lumpkin, Madden, Maull* Minor, MeWhorter, Moore of Columbia* Murphy, Noble, Palmer, l’otts. Prince Reynolds, l!| 0 e, Rozar. Roberts. Sikes, Sherman, Smith of Charlton. Speer. Shn- vlck, Turner, Walt'em Wftilacc. Wcleli. Whitaker! Whitehead of Burke. Williams. Wooten Mi*. BRYANT moved to strike out the , „, „, .. , tT , .words “or hire,” in Mr, Seeley's amend-, lligden, Hotchkiss, Hooks, IIowc, Hudson,! . T f J ■ a-son, Joiner, Jones,.Jordan.Lco, LUv- 1 nu nt ’ Lo,t - ULrni DUUU Ol llUUIlUIli OGMIllf Conley, Crayton,Davis,Dlnkln", BortGIbr son, Gilbert. Goodwin, Golden, Guilford, Harris of Newton, Harrison of Hancock, lligden, llotclikiss. Hooks, Howe, Hudson, Jacloon, Joiner. J.n . J.fhn. I..., der, Lumpkin, Madden. Maull, McCay, Me-; Mr. MILLER oflereil an amendment to Whortcr, Moore of Columbia, Morphy. Noble, I’almcr, Pope, Potts, 1’rlnce, Rey nolds, Rozar. Roberta, Robertson, Sikes. Sherman,"Smith of Charlton, Siieer, Shu mate, Stanford, Supple, Stone, Strickland. Traywlcli, Turner, Walton, Wallace, W clch, Whitaker. Whitehead of Burke, Whlteley. Williams, Wooten—87. So the substitute was lost. The question then recurred upon thesub- stltutoofMr. Bullock. Mr. MoCAY offered the pillowing amendment, which was accepted: “Except when tho debt or contract la act up by way of defonso to any matter of which tho court has jurisdiction, and said debt Is more than any debt due by defendant to the plaintiff, P>r which the emits ere denied Jurisdiction.” " Mr. STANFORD offered the following amendment, in addition: “In all eases where the defendant has absconded, or la about to rentovo himself or property be yond the limits of the State.” Tho yeas and naya were ordered and re sulted—yens <7, nays 74, os follows Yeas—Messrs. Akcrman, Alexander, Angler Bell of Banks, Bowers, Blgby, Bryant. Bryson. Buchan, Burnett. Came ron. Clift, Christian of Early, Cobb of Houston. Colo. Crane, Crawford, Crumley, Diiimlug. Dunnegan, Ellington, Fields, Flvun, Hurl,I ml. lllgbce, Houiton, Hudson, Hutcheson. King. Knox, Lee, Linder, Lott, Madden, MsiltltiX, Marhir, Mathews. Mar tin ot Carroll. Martin of Calhoun. HoHan. McCay. Miller, Moore of White, Murnhy, Rice, Suffnlt!,. Saultcr. Shields, Smith of Thomas, Spoor, Shropshire, Stanford, Stanley, Trammell, Traywlek, Welch, Whlteley, Williams, Woody, Yeatcs—07. Nays—Messrs. Anderson, Ashburn, Bed- for, Bealnl, Baldwin, Bell of Oglethorpe, Bowden of Campbell, Bowden of Monroe, Blodgett, Blount, Brown. Braccwell, Brad ley, Bullock, Campbell. Carson. Catching, Casoy. Caldwell, Christian of Newton. Chatters. Clniliorne. Chambers. Cooper,Cos tln. Conley, Cray tot, Davis. Dinkins, Ulb- »on. Gilbert, Golden, Guilford. Harris 01 Newton, Harrison of Hancock, lligden. Hotchkiss. Hooks, Howe, Jackson, Joiner. Jones, Jordan. Lumpkin. Maull, Minoru McWhorter, Moore of Columbia, Noble. Palmer, Pope, l’otts, 1’rlnce, Reynolds, Rozar, Roberts, Robertson, SlkesShertimi. Smith of Charlton, Smith of Coweta, Sim ulate, Supple. Stone. Strickland, Turner. Walton. Wallace, Whitaker. Whitehead of Burke, Wooten—74. So the amendment was lost. Mr. AKERMAN moved to uiiienil tlie substitute by adding such portions of Hie substitute made by Sir. Trammell on Sat urday last. The yeas ami naya were ordered, and re sulted, yens 55. nays 77, as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Akerman, Angler. Barton. Baldwin. Bell, of Banka, Bowers. Blghy, Bryant, Ilry*on. Cameron. Clllt, Christian, ot Early, Cole, Conley. Crane. Cruwlord, Crumley, Cottlng. Dunning. Dnnnegnu, Ellington. Fields Flynn. Fort, Ilarland. Hlgliee.IIouston. Hudson. Hutcheson, King. Knox. Loe. Lott. Maddox, Marler, Math ews. Martin, of Carroll. Martin, of Calhoun, Mcllan. Minor. Miller, Moore, of-White. Rice, Saffold, Shields. Smith, ol Thomas Speer, Shropshire. Stanford. Stanley, Trams inell. Turner, Welch, Woodey, Ystoa—83. Nays—Messrs. Alexander. Anderson. Aslibun. Bedford, Bealnl, Bowden, of Cainpticll, Bowden, of Monnev Blodgett. Blount, Brown. Braccwell. Bradley. Buch an. Bullock. Burnett. Caniplicll, Carson. Catching. Casey, Caldwell. Christian, of Newton, Chatters. Claiborne. Chambers. Cooper, Cobh, of llmtaton. Costln. Crayton. Davis, Dinkins.Gibson, Gilbert. Goodwin. Golden, Guilford. Harris. of Chatham. Har ris. of Newton, Harrison, of Ilanenek. Hlg den, Hotchkiss, Hooks. Howe, Jneksnn. Joiner. Jones, Jordan, Lumnkln. Msdilen. Maull, McCay. McWhorter, Moore, of Co lumbia. Murphy, Noble, Palmer, Pope, Potto. Prince, Reynolds, ltozar. Itolicrls. Robertson. Sikes, Sherman. Smith, ol Charlton. Shumate, Supple. Stone. Strick land, Triywlck. Walton. Wallace, Whitaker. Whitehead, of Burke, Whlteley, Williams. Wooten—77. So tho amendment was lost. Mr. SAFFOLD moved to amend by add ing the words “and all debts due charita ble Institutions slid Institutions of learn Ing, and mechanlca and laborers.” Agreed to. yeas 01, nays SI. Mr. BLODGETT moved the following amendment, which was accepted: Except where the debt Is for real prop erty sold, and one-third or not more of the purchase money has been paid, and the suit Is In the name of tlie vendor, and the said property exists In tbe bands of the debtor who refuses to deliver It buck to the vendor, or when R has been fraudu lently disposed of by the debtor to avoid Judgments. Mr. SAFFOLD moved to strlko out the amendment offered by Mr. Blodgett and accepted by Mr. Bullock. Lost—yeas St, nays78, as follows; Yeas—Messrs. Akermsn. Angler, Bell of Banks, Bowers, Blghy, Bryson. Canon, Cameron, Caldwell, Christian of Newton, Christian of Early, Cobb of Uouston, Cole, Crane, Crawford, Crumley, Dunning, Dun- neguu, Ellington, Fields Flynn, ilarland, lligden, Houston. Hudson, Hutcheson, King, Knox, Lee, Lott, Maddox; Marler, Martin of Carroll, Martin of Calhoun, Mcllan, McCay, Miller, Moore of White, Pope, Robertson. Saffold, Haulier. Shields, Smith of Thomas, Shropshire, Stanford, Stanley, Trammell, WMteley, Woodey, Yeatcs—01. Nays—Messrs. Alexander. Anderson, Ashburn, Bedford, Bealnl, Baldwin. Bell of strike out the two last lines of tho second section; sod add so that It will read— “ivhcrca debt Is against a corporation in Incorporate capacity." Agreed to. yeas UN, nays <H. Mr. VeCAY moved to mnond tho antend- • .'mentor Mr, Blodgett, by inserting 'alter tho'word “plea” the wonls, “supported by Ills affidavit.” Amendment accepted. Mr. CRANE moved to further amend by striking out tlie words “or wrong" In fourth line, and “or done." in llffli line. Accepted. Tho question then recurred upon the adoption of Mr. Bullock’s substitute is amended, and Upon this question tlie yens and nays were demanded, and resulted, yeas 81, nays 48. Yeas—Meslrs. Alexander, Anderson, Asliburn, Bedford, Bcalrd, Bell of Ogle thorpe, Bowden of Campbell, Bowden of Monroe, Blodgett, Brown, Braeewell, Brad ley, Bnchsix Bullock, Barnett, Campbell, Carson, Catching, Casey, Caldwell, Clift. Christian of Newton, Chatters, Claiborne, Chamber*; Cooper, Costln, Coniev. Crayton. Davis, Dinkins, Fort, Gibson, Gil bert, Goodwin, Golden, Giillfon). Harris of Chatham, Karris of Newton. Harrison of Hancock, Hlgilcn. Hotchkiss, Hooks. Howe. Jackson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan. Lumpkin. Maull, Mtoor, McWhorter, Moon* of Co lumbia, Murphy, Noble, Palmer. Potts. Prince, Reynolds, Rice. Rozar. Roberts. Robertson, Sikes, Seeley, Sliennrn. Smith of ChsrltonJSpeer, Shumate. Supple. Stone. Strickland, Traywlek, Turner. Wnlron. Wallace, Welch. Whitaker. Whitehead ol Burke, Wliltdy, Wooten—81. Nays—Meters. Akcrman, Angler. Bald win, Bell of Banks, Bowers, Blghy. Blount. Bryant, Cameron. Christian of Early, Cole, King, Knox, Lott, Maddox. Mnrlisr. Ma thews. Martin of Carroll. Martin ol Cal- honnd, McHnn, McCay, Miller. Monre of White, Pope, Saffold, Shields. Smith of Thomas, Shropshire, Stanford. Trammel, Williams, Woodey, Yeatea—18. ■So the Substitute was agreed to. . Tlie question then turned upon the adoption ofthe report as amended by the substitute of Mr. Bullock, and tlie yeas and nays were ordered, resulting, yeas hi, nays 45,os follows; s Yeas—Alexander. Anderson, Asliburn. Bedford,; llenlrd, Bowden, of Campbell, Bowden.* of Monroe, Blodgett. Blount, Bry ant, Brown. Hnu*t*well, Bradley, Buchan, Bullock, Burnett, Cumpbell, Cursmi. Catch ing. Canoy. Caldwell. Chatters, CTilborno, Chambers. Cooper. Cobti, of Houston. Cos tln, Conley. Crayton, Davis Dinkins. Gib son. Gilbert. Goodwin. Golden. Guilford. Harris of Chatham, Harris of Hancock, lligden. llotclikiss Hooks llowu. Jackson, Joiner, Junes Jordan, Lumpkin, Maull, Met,"ay. Minor. MeWhorton, Moore, of Co- louihhi. Murphy, Noblo. Palmer, Pope Potts. Prince, Reynolds Rice, ltozar, Rob erts. Robertson, Sikes Seeley, Sherman, Smith, of Charlton, Speer, Shumate, Snp- ■ ,’ick. Turner, aker. White- head, of Burke, Whltely, Wooten.—88. Navs—Messrs. Akerman, Angler, Bald win. Bell of Oglethorpe, Bell of Ranks Bowers Blgby, Bryson, Clift, Christian of Earlv, Cols Crane, Crawfold. Crumley, Cottliig. Dunning. Dunnegan. Ellington, Fields Flynn. Ilarland, Hlghee. Hudson, llutelienson. King. Knox, Lois Marler. Matthews Martin of Carroll, Martin of Calhoun. Mellsn, Miller. Moore of White, Saffold. Shields Smith of Thomas Shrop shire. Stanford; Stanley. Trammell, IV [I- llams Wooiley, Yeatoe—43. 80 the ordinance was Anally adopted. Mr UCL1.0CK moved to suspend tlie rules tu allow the following resolution to Is* taken up. Resolved. That the President of this Convention ha and ba is hereby authorized to warrant the payment of such bills or account* ns may lie approved by the Audit ing Committee, and not otherwise ordered hy 1 Ids Convention. The yeas and nnyi were ordered aud re- ulteil—yets 41 nays S3. So the motion to suspend waa lost. Mr. McCAY moved to tuspend the rules to allow the passage of of a resolution rel ative to fbel. boat. . 1, On motion of Mr. BRYANT, the ropott of the Committee on the Executive Depart ment was taken np and made the *|ieclal order for to-inorrow. The Convention then adjourned. Tuunatuv, Feb. 0, 1888. Convention met at tliu regular hour. Prayer by the Chaplnln. Journal read and approved, Mr. DUNNING moved to reconsider the vote upon tbe passage of tlie relief measure. Mr. BRYANT gave notice that ho would inoven I'eeonslderaslon ofthe action on bb amendment. " A memorial of a number of citizens of Cobb county, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. DUNNING proceeded to address the Convention In support of tho resolution to reconsider, and nt the conclusion of jits re marks, Mr. McCAY moved to lay tho motion to reconsider on tlie table, ujion which mo tion tho yeas and nays were demanded, and resulted yeas 81 nays 43, as fol- Blodgett. Blount, Brown, Braeewell, Brad-! Bower*, Blodgett, Bryant, Brown, Rrsre- loy. Bullock, Barnett, Carson, Catching. [ well, Ilardlev. Bullock, Barnett, Carson Cuwv. CaldweH. Clllt* Christian of New- C'aiiw, I ’diflFi*!!. (Sift, Christian 0?Newton, ton, l Inlborne. l '!iairil„,|,, 1 Vop, Houston, Cobh of Madison, Costln," Oinloy, Crayton, Cottlng, Rail*. Dinkins, Gibson, Gilbert, Goodwill. Golden, Harris of New ton, - Harrison of Hnneock. IUtehkbs, Hooks, llowe, Jackson, Joiner, Jones. Jor dan. Knox. Lee. Under. Lumpkin. Maull. McCay, MoWborter. Moore of Columbia. Noble, Palmer, Pope, Prince, Reynolds. Rozar, Roberts, Robertson, ftaidter,’ Sikes. Seeley, Sherman, Smith of Charlton. Speer. Shropshire, Shumate,Supplo, Scope, Strick land, Traywlek, Turner. Walton, Wallace, Wcleli, Whitaker, Whitehead of Burke, Whlteloy, Williams, Wooten—83. Nays—Akerman, Angler. Baldwin, Bell of Banks, Bowers, Blghy, Brjvjht, Bryson, I aineron, Christian of Early. 1 ole, Crane. Crawford. Crumley, Dunning, Dunnegan. Ellington, Fields, Fort, norland, lllgbce, Hlgilcn, Houston, Hudson. Hutcheson, King, Lott, Madden, Maddox, Martin of Carroll, Martin of Calhoun, McHnn, Minor, Miller. Mooro of White, Murphy, ltlco, Saffold, Shields, Smith of Coweta, Smith of Thomas, Stanford, Trammell. Woodey—t;,. So the motion to lay on the table pre-| vailed. Mr. BRYANT moved to reconsider the action of tho Convention upon his amcnd-J mat. |Mr. MoCAY rose to a point of order, Tho votee to lay tho motion to reconsider on tho table, oarrled with It all the ac'tlon of tho Convention on tho Subject of relief. The CHAIR ruled the point out of order, foom which decision Mr. MoCAY appealed. Before a vote wot taken on tho appeal, Mr. DUNNING stated that his motion wu to reconsldor all the action of the Con vention. Whereupon tho CIIAIR decided Mr. Bryant's motion out of order. Hr. SPEER moved a suspension ofthe rules to allow the Introduction of a resolu tion fixing tho payment of the pages. IRules suspended and too resolution w’as read, amended, and adopted, as follows: Iteiolvcd, Tlmt the employment of three Pages be and the same Is hereby authoriz ed Irom the ffrst day of the session of this Convention, nnil that said Pages bo allow ed one dollar per day each, fur their ser vices and that the Auditing Committee lie authorized to Issue their warrant to eaeli of said Pages for the respective amounts due them to date, which Hcnmnis shall lie countersigned by the President and attest ed by the Secertary. and that the Messen ger ho authorized to purchase fuel mill lights for the use of this Hall, and that the sum of three dollars per day lai allowed to Ian assistant Messenger and asalstaiit Door Keeper each, dating from thv t'Otnineiirc- ment of toe seaslmi anil payable under the provisions of tills resolution In relation tu| Pages. The special order—t he report of the I Icoininltteeou the Executive liepirtnient— | was taken up| Mr. PARROTT—Mr, Trammell In the| clmlr—after some remarks, offered ns ItunUfMUtor the reports or.the various! committees 10 report article* for a now Constitution, the Constitution of 1885. with amendments, which lie conceived! would meet tlie present situatloii^B Mr. ASHBURN rose to a point of order. I The special onler of the day was the te- (’nnlrjv C'ruylo.'i, Cruui- Ins, Dunning, Ki- Clnlfx Houston. Costly Icy, Cottlng. Dayls. Dlnkln llngton. Oliboit. Goodwin; Golden. "Gull- ford, Harris of Newton, Harrison of llmi- I'Ui'k, lllgbce. Hotchkiss, IIowc, Jackson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan. Knox, Under, Lmnpktn, .Maull, .Mcllan, McKay, Minor, Moore of Columbia, Murphy, Noble. Pal mer, 1’ope. Prince, Reynolds, Rice, ltozar, Saffold, Sikes, ricclcy, Sherman, .Sneer, Shu mate, Supple. Stone, Turner, Walton, Wal lace, Belch, Whitaker, W’hltehead of Burke, Whlteley, William*—83. Nays—Messrs. Angler, lb’ll of Banks. Blghy. Blount. Bryson, Cameron, Catch- lug, Christian of Earle, Cole, Crane, Craw ford, Dunnegan. Field*, Flynn, Fort, nor land, Higdon, Houston. Hudson, Hutche son, King, Lee, Loti, Maddox. Mathews, Martin of Carroll, Martin ot Calhoun, Mil ler. Moore of White, Robertson. Haulier,. Shield*. Smith of Coweta, Smith of Thomas, Shropshire. Stanford. Waddell, Woodey— Mr. HARRIS roovcil the adoption of too report of the Committee on tho Executive Department w ithout amendment. Mr, CONLEY moved the previous ques tion, which motion was not sustained. Mr. BLODOETT moved to amend tho 8th Section, ss follows: There shall be a Lieutenant-Governor, elected at tlie same time and for the same period as the Governor, who shall preside ovor tho deliberation* of the State Senate, and. In case of death, resignation or disa bility of too Governor, ahnll exorcise thn Executive rawer of toe Government until the removsl of tho olsnbllity ortho election and quallffeatlon of a Governor. “' "Acatlon of tho Lieutenant Gov ernor aliall be the same as those of the Governor. Ills emolument shall bo while presiding over thu Senate, double the per diem of tho Senator. Strike out the words “ President of too Senate, where they occur, and Insert “Lieutenant Governor.” Mr. BRADLEY moved to Insort the wonls “and Lieutenant Governor” after the wont Gouemor In the ffrst line, to strikeout the ivon! other In the fourth line, and to strike out the wonls “orclthcr ol them." In the llfth line ofthe 1st section. Mr. BRYANT preceded to advocate the anipijdini’iii. Inn was interrupted by toe nmiminiTinriit of the death of Hon. C. C. Richardson, Mr. BEDFORD moved to suspend the rules to allow bun to Introduce n resolu tion. The rules were suspended and the follow lug resolution was rend ami passed. Upon liif"rnititloii having been received In this Convention of the death of the lion. C. C. IMclurdson, delegate from toe MKh District: therefore licit Resolved, l'liut 11 committee bo appoint in'the Clmlr to prepare a suitable memo rial ill honor or tbe deceased, and rc|K>rt the same to this Convention on to-morrow morning. Measr*. W. ilfi.r.t. flrVanf. Smiley. Whltc- ly and Bullock were appointed a commit tee under the resolution. I.cave of absence wa* gamed to Messrs. CUtahing. Mcllan. Harris. ■ nt Newton. Traywlek. Martin, of chllmnn. Bell, of well taken, from which decision Mr. ASH BURN appealed, The question being “shall the decision of the Chair bo sustained by the Convention.” nftor eomo discussion Mr. AHHBUI1N withdrew tho nppeal, and nftcr remarks reucwcil It. Tbo yeas and nays were de manded and resulted yeas (13, nays 58, aa follows: Yeas—Messrs. Akcrtnan, Angler. Bell ot Banks, Bowden or Monroe. Blgby. Blount, Brown, Braccwell, Bryson. Burnett, Car son, Cameron. Caldwell. Christian or Early. Chambers. Cooper, Cole, Crane, Craw ford, Crumley, Dunning, Dunnegan. El llngton, Fields, Flynn; Fort, Harluml. Hlghee. lligden, Hotchkiss Houston, IIowc. Hudson, Hutcheson. Jones. Jordan. King, Knox. Lee. Maddox. Marler, Mathews, Martin of Carroll. Martin of Calhoun. Mollait’McCay. .Miller. Moore 01 White, Robertson. Saffnld. Haul tor. Shields. Smith ot Coweta, Smith of Thomas. S|K*or. Shropshire, Shumate, Stanford. Traywlek, Turner, Waddell, Welch, Woodey—M. Nays—Messrs. Alexander. Anderson. Ashburn, Bedford, Bealnl. Bell of Oglo- thorc. Bowers, Blodgett, Brynnt. Bradley, Bullock. Catching. Casey.Clift,Christian of Newton, Cobh of Houston. Costln, Conluyi Crayton, Cottihg, Davis. Dinkins. Gilbert, Goodwin,Golden, Guilford, Harrlsof New ton, Harrison ofn.mcock, Jackson, Joiner, Uniior, Lumpkin, Madden. Maull. Minor, MoWhartcr. Moore of Columbia, Murphy Noble, Palmer, Pope. Potts, • 1’rinee. Reynolds, Rozar. Sikes, Seeley, Sliermnu. Supple, Stone. Walton, Wallace, Whitaker, Whitehead of Burke, Whlteley, Wooton— So tho decision of too Chair was sns* teteod. Mr. PARROTT proceeded to uilvocate the adoption of tho Constitution of 1803. us he proposed to amen] It. 1 Mr. ANGIER urged the «nrno views. Tho people were already restive livcaiiseol the delay that 1ms already occurred, and it would not, under the present condition of tho country, ho wise to postpone final action any longer than Is absolutely uecos- sary.-1-e*! vini; j* ,J ; . ' *, Mr, IIIIYANT opjiosol tbo proposition, and favored tbe consideration of tho nqiorta of tho committee. But If It was decided to inako short work—to act without delibera tion—lie should propose the adoption, ns a whole, of the Constitution recently pre pared hy the Reconstruction Convention In Alabama. :iK d ■•htkuf Bp*! Mr. WHITELY moved to lay tbo substi tute of Mr. Parrott on tho table, and upon this motion tho yeas and nays were order ed and resulted—yeas 82. nays 37, as fol lows : Monroe, Blodgett, BioVnt,' Bryant,! Yeas—Mcssf*.Alexander. Ashburn, An- , Yens—Messrs. Akerman, Alexander,An- Brown, Braccwell. Bradley, Buclian, Bui- 1 derson, Bedford. Bealnl. Bell of Oglethorpe, derson. Asliburn, Rcdfonl. Bealrd, Baldwin, lock. Campbell, Catching, Casey, Clift, Bowden of Campbell, Bowden of Monroe, Bell of Oglethorpe, Bowden oj! Campbell, Oglethorpe, Bowden of Campbell, Bowden lows:' .... of Monroe, Blodgett, Blount, Bryant, Ycns-Mos-rs. Alexander. Ashburn, An- port of the Committee nu the Executive | Rank*, mid.Dows. Department; therefore a motion to adopt! 1 m umtloii by Mr. W V LI. M'K. It was an entire Constltlon was not In order. | Ri-solusl. That as * mark of respect In The CHAIR decided the pointed ,| 0t to* "'“''“’.D "f Hon. < C. .. . . . censed, this 4"iivenili.n do now adjourn. j The Convention then adjourned lint 11 to- ‘ morrow. M«|>uklie AiXAkri 11*.. Jan. 31st. 1803. Hon. Foa/Mi IU.. i iirrr. Chairman Hate Central Cammfiler: DkarSih: We. the undersigned, mem bers of the Statu Central Committee, re quest that the eall for a State Convention of thu Republican party on the 10th day of February, lie siis|irnded. Among other reasons, wq would call your attention to toe (net that the Constitution *1 Convention will n?t, lisvo closed Its Dior* hy thst lime, mid therefore, it said KuiiuMiean COnventlmi desired to nominate State Officers. It would not know what offices would lie creatod. We tear 1 that the party wll| nut he ffilly represciYliil 1 at that tlnm. jVc. therefore, very respectfully reqiiret jolt to suspend Hie call for ssld Republican Convention. , Very respectfully, yours, Wit. M*nKU*M. J. K. IlnYAST, B. Burnt. „ W. If. Nohme. RODKHT IIk.vjauix Di'xxiaiAx. “ 8. W. Braird. C. C. BlcilAlinsiix;, GUO. Wai.lacr. John Bowlsd, 1 1 ' "I*. M Smusur, ■ H. M. TttnjtKit. O. W*. ASHDCBX. T. G. CAMranu.. Him.or.Ua. Coxstitu'i. Coxtzntiox.) . , Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 31, 1888. j In compliance with the requestor a ma jority of the State Central Committee of tbo Republican Party, and over two-thirds of the members signing the call for tho meeting on tlie 19th. Instant, said cnll Is hereby suspended, for the reasons stated., Duo notlco will be given of such date its way be deemed advisable for tho meeting of tho Convention, and fho purfioso for which it will bo hold, Fostrr Blodoztt, Chairman Btato Ocn. Coin. Tire Vies I’rrsidkxct. — Among toe names being urged for the nomination to tho Vico Presidency. on too Hepubllcau ticket, M that of Hon. Henry WlUor, Senator ffrom Massachusetts. Judge Kelly of Pennsylvania, la also spoken very fre quently In connection with tho nomination.