Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 12

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Til 15 ATLANTA GEORGIAN. ffATTRDAV, PBBBVABY J. W7. AILAITA SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY OPENS ITS DOORS TO BE UNVEILED DURING NEXT WEEK MESSRS BRISCOE AND ARNOLD PROPRIETORS Tilt Atlanta School of Ttltgrgphy It Conducted by the Managers of the Southern Shorthand and Bvainese Uni versity. Another school for Atlanta. and live. u|»-i«*-data oml progressive one It Will l»e. t«H». The Atlanlu Hchool of Telegraphy, Under the auspice* of t|ie Southern Shorthand and Business ^.Ivendty. that long-established Institution located la the HteJnei -Emery building, thiselty, la now enrolling student* who want t bet «ime telegraph operatdrs. This week a rnth«»*d official applied to the managers of thin tclegruph —ertmot for fire f»er month operator and stated that hi* c«Yuld iiw all the ffufulTine to "lime. The students of tile Atlanta Hchool of Telegraphy have the advantage of typew liilng. spelling, penmanship and bookkeeping. which brant-hen them* aelven are worth the amount charged for the telegraphy murs#. H|»rt htl rule* ffre given to litone en tering during the next fifteen day*. Mr. T. I*. Johnson. of the Southern Sc hool nf Telegraphy at New nan. llu» Will he In charge of the Atlanta Sc hool of Telegraphy. He hHM had over 25 yearn* railroad and roinineivl / tele- graphlng experience. Apply at nme and qualify for a rail road position. Addienn A. «# Brlacoe. President, or !.. W. Arnold. Vice Pren- Idem. Atlanta. Gu. ••• BOND ELECTION Cannot Finish Statue Time for May .* 12th. Willi Mr*. John H. Gordon. Mr*. Burton .Smith* Governor TrrrflLCgp tain Tip Harrison and Treaaurer Park present, a conference wan held Satur day morning at the capital with Hrulp tor Holon Horglum. of New York. tha designer of the Gordon monument. Mr. Hofglum'a model hw been coin- plated In an acceptable manner to both the akaactatlon and member* of Gen eral Gordon's fginlly, and In now being cant, uther detalln of the monument were dlncunaed. F. I*. Henry hag drawn two denlgna for Tellef tablets,, to be Imbedded In either *n|de of the huge granite pedes taV on«-'design represents tipi inemor. able 1- In General Gordon's ca reel. The other will show- him an gov ernor. I'nlted States senator and oni tor. These bronze tablets In baa-rellef will add very much i«> both 4he baauty and the historic value of the statue. The tablet will he five by thrta feat. - The model of General Gordon* pre pared by Mr. Berglum, fn pronounced a magnificent work by critics. It rep resents the great Georgian on his fa cile charger, with hgt doffed. The likeness to General Gordon la said to l»e marvelously lifelike. It Is hardly probable that tha atatua -an be completed and the great 2ft.ton ‘ Jl prepared Ip ttim f of unveiling for May 12, stnne pedestal prepared tp tluia to have __ of unveiling for «' the date on which General Gordon fhe c eremony saved the life of General Robert" K. Lee. The idea now Is to have the ceremony just after the legislature meets on tin fourth Wednesday In June. At that time one governor will be retiring and a new one Inaugurated. A new senate and house will be here and Atlanta will he full of visitors for the Incoming ad ministration. This Idea seems to l»e meeting with t*t*puittl-.Xavor..and it la. probable that the event will finally he fixed for that time. Sculptor Horglum will return to New York Sunday evening. DR. LONG I NO EXPLAINS HIS FORMER SI A JEMENJ Pr, T. f>. !«oi>*lnn h*. written th* folio*In* raril In >»|il»n«llq« of hi*. «UI«nM>nta In regard In the Grady ho.pluI management: "I have aacerlalned that mi remarka In reference m nperatlnna at the Grady huapltal have been mlalmerpreted, and have been rnnairurd r.». a reflei'ilun upon the capacity end the aueceiM uf the home atalf. I wiali to dlallnrtly dlaelalm any auch Intention. I nruuld nnt under any clreuin- alaneea dlacredll them. I am reliably Informed that I waa In error re- mem. I now learn lha reaulta In one of them were entirely race and while one died, the mult could nnt tie attrlbued to th* operation, aa It waa only undertaken ae a last retort In a peculiarly hnpelee* rate. ">ly aole object In my arfumnil waa to Inelat u »n the Importance of •I board ahould be prraent whenever piartlcahle at every, diffi cult operation. If In my remarka I bare artven any wffenae nr aald any- think that waa unpleaaant to any member of the houae ataff. I very much, regret II, aa nothing waa further frrm my thoughia. •T. D. LONGING." NEWS FORECAST OF CPMING WEEK Washington, Veb. The aenala commlllea on military affalra w ill on Monday begin tatting teallmony on the Urn* navllle affair. The on the same day ntTort Bam Houstin, Texas. The trial of Representative Ringer Hermann, of Oregon, charged with the destruction of certain inter press copy books when he retired from the office of commissioner **f the general land office, wua to have com menced here Monday, but at the request of counsel has been postponed for one week. The fourth greet convention of the Religious Education Association wll| open |n Rochester on Tuesday and continue Its sessions for three daya. Prom present Indications congress 4 will be kept busy during the week chiefly with matters of a routine.character. The dinner to be given by the Pilgrims In LoAdon Wednesday night In honor of James Bryce, the new ambassador to the United Ht«te*. s -probably will ba made an occasion for the exchange of friendly words to remove,tha laat vestige of III feeling over the Hweljtenliam-Davit affair. The aaventh annual meeting of the North American Fish and Game Prutrrtirg Agaoctatton will be held Wednesday and Thursday In Quebec. Rest Admiral William \V, Mead, one of the veteralf officers of the United .States navy, will be placed on the retired list Friday by operation of the age limit. THA WREADY TO STAKE HIS LIFE ON HIS S70RY Continued from Paga 0n«, let Saction. pld coin, Ho far he has made s good Impression. 4 He has shown himself S ood tempered. .g« od mannered, and Is examlnstlon of taleamen has hee.t brief and direct, with no unnecessary haggling over unimportant point OP TO COUNCIL! ICITT OWNERSHIP IN SPEECH AT HOME 11leal Meeting Will lit? t'alIt'd Itv Mr. Muddox at Ettrlv Date. Hpe. ial The Georgian* K*t>. 2.—Ma*tj The bond election for the Improve, ment of the waterworks etystem will have lln.-il consideration by council on lloht!s>^4ifTern*M*n. when Hie urdlnnm i\ — as KH*»OAO»t |Mlr.| IbV the flliatU C lUUI* mlltee and as amende*] bv the alder- manic tx»ard % come* up for concurrence or dl>mppro\ul by council. The ameiidtucnt made l»v the uldcr- manlr brttrd Is a t hange In ttie data from .Man h 5 to April 8. this being made mi the insistence of Alderman Key that the -matter should led he 'Tilshed lliitiugh. W tt1i<»ut giving the people ample time to legisler and to •nrrrtatn thr meritr nf the question The prlnel|»al matter of luteiesi In relation to the bond eh-ctlon will be the report of Alderman Key. who will endeavor to prove (hat tlie waterworks d»ies not need a Itoml election of $&0«t.- ••0, hut that $.‘100,000 would cover all the sctiial needs. The members of the hoard practbal ly agreed that If he roiibl show that was not i ohm led they would cut the amount down by resolution after! for the election to the necessary* flgure. meeting the people face t.» face. Alderman Key. while not opposing This mnmlng Mavor Maddok an- the Improvements In the waterworks. | tmunred that he will call a meet lug-foi ls determined that n*» more bonds he t ladles onlv to discuss matters of inter- issued than are absolutely essential, eat to Rome. Me believes that a large •nd to this end he has been u.nkill* responsibility rests upon the fair diligently, gathering Information with, ami that they should have a say i vhlch to prove ttmt half a million dol- the affairs of the «ft Ilooo-, Ga.. Kvb. 2.—Mayur John W Maddox spoke last night at the ‘court houae to **ne of the'largest nudtettre* that has ever assembled In Rome to hear a public speaker. The meeting was called for the purpose of discuss ing a question of yltal Interest to*Ro man*. Among oilier things, he favored mu nicipal ownership of electric lighting plants and certain conditions. Mayor Maddox has done great work Rome and believes as mayor In Three of Mr. Hartrldge'a associate: art- New York lawyers. ~. — + Dslmas Is a Mystsry. The most Interesting of these Is Delphln Deimns. “the Napoleon of the Han Francisco bar." and who really does look like the pictures of the “Lit tle Corporal.'* He is the great expo nent of the “unwritten law.” the man who has defended twenty murder cases and cleared all of his clients, and who Is expected to free Thaw. far Mr. Deltnos Is a man of mys tery. He has not spoken once In court. He sits silent with folded arms, listen ing and watching, and hiding pis time and there Is no denying It. hgt Is ef- fectlve. This Is a dramatic pojte that leads one to suppose that he will spring some sort of a startling coup that will win by its very surprlae. Mr. Jerome announced that the en tire presentation .nf the prosecution'* »uld he completed Ht the own ing session of court on Monday. Thai means that he will confine himself merely to the undented fact of the kill ing of White by Tlmw on Madison Square Garden roof on June 25. What'* 51r. Jeromes fine It Allan hand i ill be shown will >*e In the rebuttal f the, Testimony by the dc. fensr Iff there la anv. Dsfsnsa Conceals Its Hand. The defense still holds ITS trump card up Its sleeve. Enough has been shown make It certain that It will try to prove Harry Thaw cam** of a family In which mental disorder* were heredi tary. That from Ids childhood he was subject to strange attack* of dementia. an«l that the** attacks were preclpl- llonalre has never known before, but over It all. Ilk«\a star to steer hy, is the steadfast love of the two women, who are willing to sacrifice themselves foi Ids sake. DETECTIVE DECLARES THAW WILL PLEAD SELF-DEFENSE. Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb 2.—Detective Frank ttCfiunBry, rep resell ling trlc-t Attorney Jerome's office In West ern Pennsylvania ami Eastern Ohio, de dared today that Tlmw would plead self-defense. Munxcv said: “Evelyn Nesblt Tlmw will go on the stand and tell her great secret and story. Hhe will say that White threat ened her husband’* I’fe, made this threat to her. and that Thaw- believed his life was In danger; that when he saw White make a certain move, as It will he claimed. h<» shot first. That lx the story and all this alienist talk as far as actual Insanity Is concerned Is for effect and to take the common wealth by surprise as to the real de fense." May Drop Anothsr Juror. --Jtumur. lias It that another man In the Jury box may lie excused. Detec tives were still busy today tracing back the lives or the Jurors, and It la known that District Attorney Jerome Is not entirely satisfied with some of them. Ah If to confirm In |«art these ru mors. the court ordrrea all of the Yfftiretoeo who have not been exam ined In court on Monday morning This, it in brHextnl. !h 111 ppjer that lip* ex amination could jmmeittntcty continue Tf another Juror* should be excused. Hartrl»lg<- will oppose dropping ‘any more men. Through the testimony of half a score of witnesses District Attorney Jerome hope* to convict Thaw. All of these have been sultpenaed and will l»e on hand when the trial Is resumed lars Is more than Is needed. He has already gained Ids point In j having the election postponed t« able \ Ism III be allowed at III l»e one of the most unique over' held In the state. hlhlren meeting, wtych quaint themselves with the merits of the question, and It Is probable that he will succeed in (omtm ins council that liiHt.iWii |« more than Is necessarx for the contemplated Imptovrment of Die uulnuotk* RAILROAD COMMISSION CONDUCTING INQUIRY. ttpcriul to The G Uhattantsiga. Teim.. F«-l». 2 The Tennessee railroad rommlstdou I* in- %-estlgatlng the car shoitage In thl* city. |Depositions li.ive been taken from J. t*. Hodges. o( the Houthern railroad. C\ W fheats, of the «>niral of tleot- rla railroad, anil F. Jl Imwlcr. of the Nashville. < 'hattanooga and Ht l.otii* rallrontl. The coinmlsshm has la-en in C'lncinnntl on .i sitwnm ntlssput. ELOPE ACROSS TWO STATES; STUDENTS ARE MARRIED. Sperittl to I he «J Bristol. Tentt Rtusrl. a ptetty daugl ter of n | fantllv. left s and e|op**t| |i» Iti 1st NVIIlli>tit •’ a tm.n of At hr Its -od i Stuart. Tin tr lotnn on- y-ar was f-diov rlhgt- inis mot mug I roughs. Ml* Lula »i i; liit-iit West Ytrgini- at Athens. W Va •••I last night wit a prominent >»nn M b.Hdmate ..f Mis anti. *ourtshlp o woil by thell mat A II It it KEEP ON GROWING An ln« ileat lugs •t*t* of $1.211.954.3$ In bank 'or the week Just dosing Is Itown by the Atlitnla t‘tearing (louse latement. as coin (Mired with the same r 11**Ml. The day's Increase over th* vine day of llOrt was $;a.84?.$A. The exact figure* show that the cleat. tg* for I he closing week are $:.,6.t\. 4!». and for the same week a vesr go $< 4Jtl..1.14 1.1 The clearing* fot the u\ are $x.*«.i;»7..Mi. and for the same it> a > ear ago $;jti.3«!».;«. Reference t. M-rtplioa* no* ft quahr.i a nan. ft n t « I v |i«irv niid fti our plitBti Inn ni«oui ■ WATSON & PICKARD. l-roprtetora GRAND PHARMACY. WILL ELECT POLICE FOR COUNTY FORCE ON NEXTWEDNESDAY No little Interest Is tteing manifested by the ntemhers of the onunty police force In the inerting of the Fulton county commission*!-* which will Ih* held next Wednesday. This Is |hf regular tiumJhJy meeting, but It will at this ineeling that Jh*' members of the force for the next two years will be elected H.» far theie has not ’been any talk of the n\ falling at the meeting, but an tin- commissioner* do not getterally tell the members of the force what they ate going to do, the men are guessing. That t'hlef Tut tier-will be re-elected doubt Ever ftltgre the count ganlzetl he hs* Item at the head, and he ha* made un able anil Isqiulat offlcitiI He has no opposition and will in all probability l>«> unanl- -elt- number of tt the fone -otumlsslon Thaw in Happy Mood. They will sweat a* to the enmity the •oung profligate bore toward Hie arcbl- set and endeavor to prove that the oof garden tragedy was not the re fill of in-ittliy, but that Thau s|< w Ids victim after long delio- tg.tim •! In the presentation of his young tated by any strong emotion Incidentally, while proving emotion- 1 Insanity, they will show cause by reviewing Evatyn Nesblt* wrongs nt the hnnd* of White, and will claim Hist It was from dwelling on that dnrk picture, ever before his mind, that Thaw's reason was temporarily over thrown the night lie killed White It 1* said that Mrs. Thaw and Eve-j s| * w lyn will both go u|hiii the witness r,n,, " n - stand, and that to save her son the mother will drag front their closet all the family skeletons which she has kept hidden so long and so Jealously that even her own children know not f J 1 what she had suffered and Istfno In] Tha v today was slleii. p. I PV mood. If lie ha Lov, of Two Womin. I fimirt- lit". hHIoii. There ia an Indescribable put ho* In { Jo* Z 1 " likened rarlv. the thought of the two noble women. r «" . V. .Lt . ‘ Mr* Thaw and Mrs. White, who for [satisfaction Hist hr pride s sake, for the sake of the «i|g. } fate. He added that nity of their family ami for the honor , *'t hi-* tnind that of tbelr name, bare untnmgincd *uf- J vindicated. ^ ferlng In secret and then had all their J Yl Ts tuild that one *»( ths district at i"ttg years of martyrdom brought to I torncy's witnesses in rebuttal will t> untight by a pistol shot. Ida Fitch, a pretty Dlttshurg girl It will he a week of such anxiety and whom Thaw was oiu •• Infatuate^ Strain and suffering as the voting mil-J whose mother cause.l Ids arrest. 440 STRIKERS OUT ALL WORK TIED UP Eighty Lay Down Tools Af ter Monster Meeting of Union Men. Augusta, Ga.. Feb. 2.—Eighty addi tional men front the Charleston and Western Carolina and the Georgia roll- way shops went out on a strike this morning, causing the total number have laid down their tool* to amount to 440. There seams to he no probability at Jho present of the strike terminating, aa the car workers say that they are waiting for ths rail road officials to an. swer their petition for more pay and a recognition of iltelr union, and also that they wish the railroads to sign contracts with the men. The number nf men now on the strike foots up to a larger number than it w as rst thought.- a* yesterday 235 white men struck and 125 negroes. This morning these numbers were augment ed hy 80 additional car Inspectors w ho agreed to strike after a monster meet Ing had been held last night, aj which they were Initiated Into the union. -The neffme* who went on a strike are mcmlier* f the International As soclatlon of far Workers, but they be long to the Federal Union, under the ujtrol of President Gonipers, of the American Federation of !*abor. K* L. McTIghe, .general organizer of the car workers, stated this morning that only three men remain at work In the Georgia railroad car shops apd only two are at work In the Charleston and Western t ‘arollna shops. . At the meeting last night resolutions ere passed condemning disorder and lawlessness In all of Its forms, and every striker who sees a brother striker violating the law ahall call an officer and have him arrested. Mr. McTIghe says that the car work rs have the support and sympathy of the machinists and blacksmiths, and that If scab workmen are employed by the railroads these men will refusa oik with them. TO HOLD CONGRESS reparations are now being made by the Im-al officers In charge of the Hal ation Army fur.the fourth annual con- that organization for the Huutlicrn iliviaiun ul the United Htate*. which will be held fn Atlanta from February 14 to 17. Inclusive, officers from every post In this Ul- Islon will be present at the congress, anti among them will l»e sonic of the most prominent workers In the coun- Ddegsten will be present from Georgia. Alabama. Mississippi. Louis iana, Florida. Hmith farollna and Ten. netuiee. Among the prominent ..ffi. w in win attend ntr: fntmiri M. A. McIn tyre. ot New YL>rk clty. Jinfl t’plpnel r K. Holz. of Cleveland. O. Colonel Mc Intyre is Held secretary for the Unite | Ftatee, and while at the congress lie will represent national headquarters «*f the army. The inertings of the congress will be held In the Wesley Memorial Taber nacle. at Atlhunt avenue and Ivy street, ►it Ftinduy during the congress several *f the prominent officers of the army will All various pulpits In Atlanta an l preach. Major Herrlman. of the local branen f the Salvation Army, and bis staff • expecting the congress this year to one of the most Important and sue* sfui in the history of the otganlxs- *secutor hopes to aatnbllsh a j tbut. 'I hey are now preparing to re " ‘Is ,-ace ‘ *elve the delegates and they cut Mondav n. If bis plans V 111 finish ere ad- Ight. «xeeetllugly b ip- nny fears for the • not betray him ea hearty break- - repressed great til atMtn know Id* icte waa no tlhubt would be fully ith greatly ould BIG FURNITURE VALUE SALE 58 NORTH BROAD ST. IF YOU ARE IN HKAItt'll OK FL'RXITITtK OK ANY DBBCUIFTION, AND wish to mvc 25 per real, ur $3» on every $10$ purchatr, iltHi't plot# fmr order before getting iair prices. It's big meoejr In your pot-bet. Any suit of farultuce or odd piim of furniture sold elsewhere la Allsuta cam lie duplh-etetl at our More at a goarauteed Mvlug nf oae-fourtb. Don't take our word for It; coinc -and nee for ywur«<-lf. iinr Hied expeaten are o»ly 5 |»er rent of our Mice. It eneti 80 per ceut to handle the Mine goods on Whitehall and Peachtree streets. You esu mske your own eetiiunte. HjirVtnis for Motalsy and Tueetlsy: IM stnuig Iron InhIs with steel spring* mid nut- tresses: 25 odd dresser* Shd wsshstsuds; 25 dlutng room strlf* front $3>) to $!'*': ■ clean ciit of one third. Don't wait. Rook eases, chiffoniers, ward rubes, hundreds of mid pieces at slNiut one hslf the value. Hunt for U sml 58 North IiruJd street. P. H. SNOOK FURNITURE CO. MONDAY AND TUE8DAY February 4-5. Matin** Tuesday. TH* 8upr*m* Muaisal Event of th* 8***sn. KLAW A ERLANGER PRE8ENT THE SOUSA OPERA COMPANY WITH JOS. CAWTH0RI4 IN 80U8A * SMITH'S SUCCESSFUL COMIC OPERA, THE FREE LAMCE ' ^ With th* Original N*w Y*rk Cut and Production. AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA CHORUS OF SIXTY 2So to 41.50. Motinoo,-25e to (IDO. — WED., MATINEE AND NIGHT, FEB. 6 COMING WITH 8MILE8 FOR YOU ALL. Lioblor A Co.'o Stage Clasole ef the South, MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH MADGE CARR COOK AS MRS. WIGGS A Sparkling Diversion Appealing With lrr**i*tibl* Charm to Every Amsrioan. Night, 2Je to 41.90. Matin**, 29o to 4fX0. BIJOU NEXT WEEK Matinees: Tues., Thurs., Sat. K. It. AlalFTreeenl* Tho*e T^WOTandte rowsr TJfliTs of fjnigtitrr. RAYS JOHNNY and EMMA In the “Laugh Beczti** Yf*u-«**n'M!el|».tt“ Musics! I'mdm-tlou, “DOWN THE PIKE** EVERYTHIN‘i NPW Itt T TUE T1TLK. J SLEEPING PERSONS HURT WHEN TRAIN HITS LOCOMOTIVE i-lt i ppreelote It If some of Allan hii* would entertain ns manv delegates hiT |Mtssible during rav In the city. There will In* l\ty officers in Httemlame. THI”STEMS LEAVE ON EASTERN TOl R <'hull DEALERS IN CORN MEAL i J. J. c*nvmnr. fnmmlwinn* er of Agt ictiltura Iludstin, J. A. lietje- tttan. of Albany, an«l other nteml>ei-s of the hoard of trustees of the state ngrl- •' left Saturday nt noon for Ithaca. N. Y. imlne the agrletiltural weru uu nutidlngH u* «'*»rm-n. Eleven Passengers Injured in the Manhattan Limited. Allooita, Pn.. Feb. 2. While the first section of the Manhattan limited, from * hlcago to New York, was speeding east over the Pennsylvania railroad, tt ran Into an empty locomotive near t'onemaugh today. Kleven passenger*, asleep In the ears, were injured and four trainmen were hurt The injured passengers, all suffered sprains of either the -neck or back. oV both, owing to the sudden stop GRAND Matin*# Today—Tonight OCS AND MAX R(/Gt:RH Pretent themzelret In the best of all thHr efforts— “THE R06ERS BROTHERS IN IRELAND” M»bt So fn K.10. Mntlnfe So tn tl.S- Fridoy and Saturday—Matina* Sat. R. F. OUTCAULT’S Second and Enlirgtd Edition. BUSTER BROWN With Master ROSEN *t “Buotor." Tuneful Mu*io —Big Chorus Night, :5c tn $1.50. Mat.. 95c to tt. ANXIOUS ABOUTNE14 LA I r"iiiml'Mon* i- Hudson ntnl Mr. Reil«-- Kllls Island. N Complaint from several *<»ure«a t» Bolleltor Lovmv Arnold, of the rlty court, that the Dunbar law. enacted at the laat session of the legislature, is being flagrantly violated, tin* result**! In a i oust ruction tteing pl.t* ed iyv that law Ivy the solicitor and unle** the vlo. lathm* cease, the Indication** are that there will be prosecutbms The particular letter whi-h brought from Solicitor Arnold n letter In reply, stating Just what the law was and placing a construction bv- F P. II. Akers. J. .1 and .1 K. M dox. W L and W. M Fain and the Atlanta Milling I’ompanv. This letter made no cluiige* that the law was being violated It merelv osked for Information ami recited the fact that those sending the letter had no wish to violate am law. In reply tn this lott.q Solicitor Arnold recited the fa«'l complaint had been made to hint ihiit there had he-n wholesale violations ef the Dunbar law an«l that several | * ts«*ns lm«l Htlk“«l with hint civncernlng uinklng case*. Brand on M«al. The new law wnlcli was passed through the effort* of Representative Dunbar, of Richmond county, as point ed out hv 8<>ltctto|- Arnold, provides that all meal sold In the state shall hr nHn v marked “htdted ‘ «*r t "unbolted." an I was sent ***'1'*' ^** v eliall he stant|N>d immigrant question. oooooooooooooooooooooo ALABASTINE We have a large supply on hand to meet the heavy demand for this season. 1 tealers will please pul In their order* early. the quantity contained and the weight In other word*, nil corn meal must :»e put up In sack- containing two hush- els, *»ne bushel, iine-luilf bushel, one- fourth and t»nc-rlghth bushel. As a bushel weighs lv pounds, the two Inudi el sack must he marked Vh pound* and each sack containing u fraction of ,i bushel must ho stamped accordingly With the wrlght And oiu h k j**.., must he markcfl h- to vvhethrr or not It Is bolted or unbolted. v This law was p.«-«efl f«*r the reason O | ‘i 1 * 4 * *t Hrt*I l»“ n th* custom for meal to O j he sold In packages, alleging to contain O huslmls or fractions thereof, but which O were really underweight. It was |wis SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED I5Y DISEASE EPIDEMIC J of the train which threw them agulnst 'the end of the berths, are: William P. Henry. Now York: T. F. .Martin. Washington; t\ II. North, t'levelaml; W.* F. Newborn. <'hlcago; W, M. Webb. Jr.. New York; Klenorn Hosworth. fionline, Ohio; J. R. Stout Princeton. N. J.; .Mr. and Mrs. Al A lira, ham. Duluth J. Ullmnn. Phltadripida, t'hlcago. Feb 2 —The school* In the several suburb* are closed ami the resi dents arc urged to keep their children at home. Of nia cases of contagious diseases rc,H|t:.*.| ye*terdnv jnx vftre of scarlet fever and 44 of diphtheria. The law, however, doe* not apply to th»* retailer who sell* from an original linkage quantities of ntcnl to a con sumer and weighs It out or sells It hv measure. In this case the purclias>*r has h chance to see that he gets III* monev's worth and John Weaver, New York The trainmen hurt were: Knglneers Bond and George and Firemen McKee ami Williams. They were removed to the Southern Will Build Dopot. Special to The Georgian. Gj-eenvllle. F. t\. Feb. 2.—The Houth ern railway will build a large freight depot here on the site of the old depot. One-half of the freight now has to bn stored on platforms and watched .it ttlglit by officers, because of the luck »f ATLANTAN 18 ARRE8TED; CARRIED TO CAROLINA. While then application* for position* on flic In the office of the commission- ^ ers. it i* m»t thought bv th**sf In a;^> position to kn* v. that l hr re will he auj UUHtgc* maun. 6EQR6IA PAINT AND GLASS GO,, Distributors. ATLANTA. to protect the consumer familiar with the weights of a bushel 0 ' »r fractional (tarts o j It |H |Miinted out hv Solicitor Arnold O I that In the pa*t it ha* hern the custom Y las reported to him to sell corn meal >o package* containing 2'). 10. H and | pounds, and lie declares thl* i*> a viola- ^ j lion of the law The re*ult under this J I practice was .» iustotner asking r j for a half bu*hrl of m»al got two ten* Y I l.. ill Oil s:t m ** tlisl*'. i t of :i husttciF lit- ln . Ju- OOOOQOQOOQQOOOOQOOOCOOOOOO of "abort weighing' the customer. DU- They are Liver Pills Ayer's Pills ire liver pills. They *ct directly on the liver, mike more bile secreted. This is wny they cure con- ttipsdon, biliousness,'dyspepsia, sick- doctorifheknowt headache. Askyour s better IsxsHve pill. We'certsinly do not. If he does, then use hit kind. WapaXitsStXafWmiatM 4. C. Ajrtr Co.. tt qli • ir Uvati.ffMa. HpeWa^ to Th*--G«o>rglan. (ireonvlllo. 8.’ t'.. I->b. 2.—A young man by the name of Glytuph vva* brought lier#' from Atlanta yestarday lo answer the charge of stealing a muiii of money from an express tneooenger. Gtymph wdl! be given u preliminary trial today. TECH FOOTBALL COACH TO MANAGE THEATER. ^ BIJOU Karat Ms*ttr|il«-*. —THE— NINETY AND NINE Direct from lt« ••rood N>w York Naxl Week: —THE RAYS— SUNDAY 3:00 to 3:30 P. M. ORCHESTRA CONCERT RELIGI0U8 SERVICE 3:30. REV. B. P. SMITH 8PEAKS ON "WHY A MAN SHOULD BE A CHRI8TIAN." POLICE MAKE RAID ON JACKSON HOTEL : SjH clal to The Georgian. , Macon, On.. Feb. 2.—The t'aslno the- jitter at frumps Park here will be op erated by J. W. Ilcisnmn. the Tech , f sitImill con» h. next summer. Ilelsman ; had charge of It last summ-r and I made stub n miccosn of It that «lt$* $ar o.upan; has sccuied tun; again fut an- ' utliti seavuii. A raid was made by nolle night tt midnight on the Jackson hotH at Alabama ard Houth Pryor street', as a result of which the proprietor. -1 Oolbtirg. 35 years of age. was arrest* •* on the charge of running a 4laonlerlv house. Nora M« Dowel. 23 years of age, the housekeeper, and John Franklin, a ne gro employee, wen* also arrested un the chare* of disorderly conduct Vw*» young women. Mabel Brown and Surnh Kirk, are being held at the police sta tion a* witnesses. The raid was made by Captain Jf* Officers Ro*aer, foogler, \V 1 fhevvntng and other*. Tlt6 police through the hotel. In*pe4-tlng nil «»f »'"* tootUH. The i.tues will In* tried fc’atuf* Ua> afternoon in pul|vc caurc. ■ i $ i