Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 6

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i THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, •ATtniDAT. ramuunT 1 imr. Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral REVISED FORMULA for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. 7he new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYER CO., Miauftcturing Chemiin, Lowtll. Mm. GIVES HER CHILD 70 BEAR; BABE IS CARRIED A liA > ~ Alton. W. V».. Feb 2—Th© l»aby of Mrs. Jame* Ingramwife of a young (armor, wma carried away by a ln-ar yesterday. It was agreed that th© husband mrrt her at a fence near a woods. take Hie child and accompany her to the home of a neighbor. When the young woman reached the fence ehe aaw a figure dimly outlined on the other aide. Be lieving It to be her hueband. ehe hand ed the child over. To her amazement flic figure disappeared without a word, taking the baby. Frantic with grief, ehe • ailed the husband. whom ehe met coming toward the fence. The tracka of an Immense hear led toward the mountain*. During the last few day* the Intcnao cold h«n forced animal* to the fettle men! for food. FUBUamMQ GQ: BUYS FARM FAFERT Special to The Oeorplan. Chattanoogn, Tenn.. Feb. 3—TlieTrl- State rulillahlnp I'ompanr haa aprlled for a charier, with ISO,O'"* rapltal atork. The loeorp iratnra rr, W. B. C'lea«e. ' city wdltor of The Oh-imnouga. Nawa. W. B. Oarvln. J. IV. Johnnon, Bry.on Webb and Arch FaMIty. The new concern haa purchased The Tri-State Farmer and Gardener, which haa been published by The Chaltanoo** New.. (UK KEEP COMPANY OUT OK KENTUCKY I.rxinirtmi. Ky.. Kelt. 2.—The Ntnle circuit court, in n decision bunded down today, upholds the ilisiiranee rnmnmsiimer in re- vnltmif the license of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS innst tear Pit-sinie Signalnrejf ^ ARTER’S Cure! BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. | TORPID UVER. FURRED TONGUE.| INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. ITTLE IVER PILLSj MUST FIGHT, Capt. Hobson Says United States Is Menaced. LITTLE BROWN MEN CAN DEFEAT US Wo Need Navy to Force Respect From Other Nations. - GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup HP m HP Pleasant to taka and does not gripe or nauaeato Cures Chronic Constipation. Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Oaneo Laxative Fruit Syrup la a new Uzative ayrup combined with the deli- cinu* flavor of fniita, and ia very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It ia much more pleasant and effective than Fills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneyi, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Ortro laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the inteitinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is npaet. and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remain* un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This ia why Fills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action result* in an unnat ural nioveroentof the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO ia different. Orixo laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not topch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digettive organs can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, eto. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. * Take Ottrwo laxative Fruit Syrnp, It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oitnro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears tne complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Prepared only by FOLEY A CO., Ohloago, III. •OLD AND RCCOI.MENDED BE ALL DEALERS ' ■ ; HE MUST GE7 A WIEE 70 WIN $20,000,000 Toledo. O., F«*b. J. ft. Lowery, aged 41. h bachelor. residing at 323 Fifteenth street, ihl© city, has fallen heir t«> $20,0ou.ou0. just bequeath*tl to him by hie uncle, the late Duncan Cameron, of Sydney. Australia. The one condition attached to the bequest Is that the heir must marry before he can come Into possostdon of the wealth, which he says awaits him ncroMM the sen. 7 AM FISHING FOR MEN; I GO WHERE FISH ARE” —CARRY A. NATION. CAPT. RICHMOND P. HOBSON. He Unit.d St-t.i Will H.v. la right Japan tha Japs Back Down. New York, Feb. 1—"XVe mint fight Japan unl«»« Japan hark. down. It I* Inevitable, Japan want, Tn tight anil t- bains rased on by Great Britain. »hlr)i wanta t<> daatroy our rommerre In the aa»t,” Captain It. P. Hobmn. of Ala bama, aald today. "A. It atamla n»w, Japan could whip u», because we have navy to nave oumetvea. Japan would Asltt UI In i minute, were It not lor sallow Skin Th*r TOUCH th. LIVER EE Genuine Wrapper Printed on ^ — RED PAPER BLACK LETTERS ^ Leak tar tba ■■(mature r ITS UP TO YOU” You Hava Your Gbuice of Plumbers With and Without Good Reputations When you conn* to me for material anti workmanship you get the highest pos sible quality Lark- ed by a reputation of ‘20 years in the city of Atlanta. Is it not safer and wiser to go where you get work that tarries the guarantee of entire satisfac tion? Come in or eall me up by plume. I ran suit you ns well as the largest house in Atlanta and mv prices will oouvince you "Clint it'a worth while. The newest in everything in Plumbers’ Supplies. Esti mates cheerfully made. All work guaranteed. S. P. HUNNICUTT 115 North Pryor Street. BOTH PHONES 1066. pur© ©enl Intent. The rhanre* of n with Germany err much 1e* than the almost certainty «*f a war with Japan” Captain Hobson wits asked If he considered auch warlike talk to be of a pacifying character. nnd he ©aid that the only way for the United States to keep pace with the world wee to get a y and h© ready tft fight for peace. Kngland Is using Japan as a tool for her own advancement." added the cap tain. "hut Kngland does not recognise that Japan Is Also making a tool o| Great Britain Kngland wants Japan to tight America. Kngland wants the Vnlted States kept out of the east fot commercial as well »« military rea sons Hut God Almighty gave us cot ton and gave us wheat and .vye must continue to send these necessaries to Asia fot sale." < 'upturn Hobson w as the principal speaker at a mass meeting of the pence Society of New York at Cooper l’limit last night. CONFESSED GUILT THOUGH EVIDENCE WAS FOREVER GONE Man Broke Down in Court and Told of Mis dealings. gpeel.G to The C.corgtm. Greenville. S c. Feb - The Inst of the Alleged "countv graft" « a*©* were disposed of venterdav In court These case* all originated In the S«*eple te- glm© Speegl© \mi» supervisor Imre and died about two vrar* at", ami Wltli him died all evid©n.r » 'on«-.,uent(v All those ca-es head .it this ti” in were llol pr»***©d. cv.ept In the , i — of one former countv ivminioloiiPi w|,.>hrok»* d«9wr» m tiff ••am oh'iii iu’.i plea J guiltv to drawing eighteen months’ *al- m lined II Imprisonment tin* ••nth* Vie Cootractors’ Convent'. nta metnb©t« «»f th*» « ■ :** l*» lug national convention In \nnlsto Ain ivhrunrv M lVhgat*»« ,» pected from cverv state lt» t!u- Cnto Manx matters of great ttitviest w ills •d »»> tilts the least of which will he ’The laihor Pr*»hicm ns Affecting font met ing " Tram Kdli Fm# Horse. Special to The Georgian pougtasvIHv. tin., Feb i—A fine horss belonging . * D» T H. Whltlev. representntive from this countv was killed hete vert •••da; aftern'**»u h\ \ westbound ficlflu UulU vu the fiiuuth* •rn railroad. Mm. Carry Nation will come Mon- lay morning. . For a week she will hold forth daily to an Atlanta public. After her lec tures she will stroll through the city's thoroughfares, and frighten bartenders out of the white aprons by drawing her little fyntchet. Mrs. Nation has written The Geor gian a letter. In which talks of her lec. lures and explains why. Some extracts follow; *’The church people may question why I go to the theater. I am fishing and I go where the fish are. They d » not come td me. t’hrlst told peter lb would make him a fisher of men. nl*« t’hrist told him to flsh for a piece «*i "So I come to Atlanta fishing for men and money. Some are saving. ‘She f* a grafter.' Well. 1*11 tell you what I do with my graft. I certainty tin nm ttw»* It for myself. The vows «*f poverty «i«* upon in©. • "The Home for Drunkards’ Wives was paid for by my savings, and l deeded It to the Associated Charities of Knnsas City, to he used for drunk ards’ wives and children. 1 have been a drunkard's wife. "Youra loving home defender. -CARRY A. NATION.” ANSWERS TO THAT FURNITUREE PUZZLE Purale Editor pf The Georgian: ftt the puzzle offered by Mr. Walter J. Wood,- and shown on. the cdltuiial page of your Issue of the 31st. did he not fall to give the whole transaction? He shows that the man pawned u two. dollar hill and got one dollar and u half, hut d«»es not show where he got the other (!.©<» to make up th© S3 neressary to rent the furniture wanted. I presume he sold the pawn ticket for II :»n. making $3 received for the two- dollar hill If this Is the other part of the transaction, the person who bought the pawn ticket Is the |..s,.r. he having paid II.Mi for the ticket and will have to pav $| :>«» more to re«l©em the tvvo- •hdlar hill. SCBSCRIRKR. OsiPtileld. Ga. Jan. 31. 1907. paw n lick©! He pawn* jr for If.**: sells his pawn ticket for Sl.aO - )3. His friend pay* him fi nd .'or th© pawn ticket, also pays the pawn brok er $1.50 when redeeming this pledge, and. of course, he only receives $2 In return. So his friend must he out t)i- dollar. IIF.NRY RICHARDS. WOULD LOSE REVENUE FROM PROHIBITION. Puzzle Kdltor «*f The Georgian: I noth ed In last night > paper your New York furniture pr.,hu u and do not understand h«»w h© would have three dollars after he had pawned Ills two dollars for fl.Ru. as von know the pawn broker alwav« keep* the articles pawn ed nnd gives you a pawn ticket. The wav I understand this example Is that after he left the pawn shop he met a friend to wlmm ho sold tills Special to The Georgian Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 2 Some opposition h.ui developed in tills city against the passage of th© Adams law. It is stated here that should the law he pnssed applying to the large cities and towns of the slate ChAttanoogu will suffer materially, ever J30 sa- loons would he closed at once nnd Chat tanooga’s dtv government would suffer to the extent of $32,500 In revenue each year, which Is one-half of what the city realizes from privileges. The coun- tv and state would lose to the extent of about $32.5«0 each. The county school fund would suffer *o the extent of $20,ihmi .and the earnings of the r min tv court clerk would he diminished $’2.oa0 and many houses would be ten- antlers. FILE INDEMNITY BONDS IN THE PHILLIPS CA8E. Special to The Georgian Macon. Ga. Feb. 2. Indemnltv bonds have been filed In connection with the motion* for new trials which nr© now pending before the federal court In the cases of Hatley gr Graham against T. K Phillips and th© same company against 1*. tv Phillips. These are the cases In which Bailey A- Gra il am, a New York firm ami members of the New York exchange, sued T K and IV D .Phillips, Beit ten county. Georgia men. It wav claimed b> .the New York firm that It acted us agent for the PhMltps in having and selling cotton fot futtn© delivery for them and that m*»m\v had been advanced t"V the Phillips It was further claimed Coal Rallev A- Grit bum wm© got rrltuhutse.l for rii© lief" 1 ? w Inch It was alleged HALF BARREL Of BEER IS FOUND IN STREET was lined her negro, rnlng by William Willis, a negr« $25.75 and Jint Hpeer. nr was lined $15 75 Huturdav Recorder Broyles In connection th© theft of a barrel of Itottled beet The stolen barrel, half tilled, was found early Suturdav morning by Police Ser geant Po»d© nnd Policemen Pearson nnd Jameson on the sidewalk near the Wil liams Street public school. After an Invi srlg.'iiion th** negroes were airc*l©d. hex i«t\ n Houlh* cxfetn division of the of th** federal court 2 724 o* and interest was gt anted against T F. Phillips ami of Ivn.’K 7.X and Interest against P It Phillip* A motion for new trial was made hv each **f the defendants a few • lavs ago and I- tmw pending. Of Course— m$H Che Standard of ‘Purity u THE GLOBE TROTTER ff Witli Ti-ilil.v nml Taft looking for rnnsl dijrjrpr*.-t'thM ptHtjJ, know wlion* to find the l*ijr ('nrriHUt* Kmpnriujii nml Ilnmi'SH Facto ry, cmltrm'iiur rvory drairabic form of vehicle or iiarnoss. A siirht worth hccins anil no charge for admission. Ncvcrthr- ”IT PAYS TO KNOW” E. D. CRANE & CO., FRONT NEW DEPOT. DESERTED RADY GIRL PLACED IN THE HOME The Utile four-dAV-old baby girl uml Thursday night on the porch the home of Mrs. J. B. Gw Inn, 54 MoUofi street, was placed In the Home the Friendless FtldAy afternoon by hntlon ttfrtcer Ul**er. !»*• little cAstawiiy was given th© ne of "Ruth.” this name having n suggested hv Mrs. Gw Inn. The i* e have ho fat been unable tn ob* i :mv clue as to the Identity of the f the child. FASHION IN HAIR Give a woman, beautiful hud of hair. End ball tha baltl. of baau- nti, rich broom, ahad.a, mallow J pM aftoeta. worm ohaatnut f nun. oro nroduood only by tha Imperial Hair Regenerator Th© Standard Hair Coloring for Orey or Bleachod Hair. Halloa th© hair ©oft and floaty. ~ pa r< Elected Vico Proaidont. Special to The Georgian. Macon. Ga.. Feb. 2. —Th© Mercer Young Men's (in 1st Ian Association has held an election Tor vice president of it organisation. The vice presidency •ante vacant some Uni© ago by th©' ignatlon of .1 It. t’opciHnd and the members elected Fred Kdcn to till the. *£ffa/r Health ATLANTA GREEK DIVINE VISITS COLUMBUS COLONY. to Th© GeergUtl- r***lun»hiia. Ga. Feb 2 -The coming to the City Friday *.f Rev H ^teti- ©try. teciur «*f the Greek ortlim! »x church **f Atlanta, was an event .*f ——. imi« li Interest and pleasure to thetlreek * STORE your HAIR to Its 0 lIUIvl WNilKEf r B*.,i«riaai la a f,— *«'. Too cm W yme fc-« la M d.Tl ».», a,VW. * b.„ ad. ihw. biHUk. •- - I b«. Bi t. l&M.b.HUan«Ut, fet FREE Aiiim* Da. B. M. WoauIT, •oaB.rrr-.awmi. lit k BEAUTIFUL FACE Fend "tamp for particular© and testl- tiotilitln of the remedy that clears the •omplexlon. removes akin ltnp©rfe*'i|on!>. . new MimmI nnd improves tho take BEAUTY6KIN guaranteed beneficial results tnoiM'v refunded. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO.. Madlton Piac©, Phiiadaiohla. Pa. NEVER FAILS to RE- OFFICER IS BAFFLED BY HABEAS CORPUS vet v in this «i*>, i aphlly dining .it hit has gr«» ih© past thr At cl.H’k In* Beecham’s Pills When lack of .iri'ctite is csit'fd by overcatuiR. like Ucccham’s Pills to relieve the (echttK »>t heavme.s. \Vhen a sick stomach takes assay all desire lor food, me Beecham’s Pills. They invariably tone the di gestion and Create Good Appetite Dieted reiigic Kpls»«*pal church hete. the members •»! that palish having Mndlv c**nse»i**. for hint t*» do *.*. IVv Mr. iHunilrv left for Macon at n**on. There ah twenty-three member* *»f fit© Gie©l cohmy in t’*dumhu*. three *»f whon have married Amertctn wives and Imv* interesting fui|jll|e*. NATURAL COLOR. "Am delighted with bottle sent tne. Being ao voting, It almost killed me to V nair getting white long More Bold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 3c. SUES HER HUSBAND FOR PERMANENT ALIMONY. Special to The Georgian. t’olunthu*. Ga. Feb, 2.—Mr©. Haltle t’ollln© ha* (1le«l a petition for |»ertna- nent alimony ngatn*t her htt©hand. \V. H. t’tdlln*. alleging that cruel treat ment and threat© to kill her have caused her to ©eparat© from him, al though they are m*t divorced. She ©tale© that ©he want© permanent ali mony f*>r her©©if ami Iter child, a ©mail b«»>. xv hu la In the luntody vt lliv peti tioner. — have my I was an old woman; but thanks tn HAIR HEALTH, no pray hair» can t» found in my head. Have not n*e«l all •t one bottle," CLARIRKL MASON. Nttttlcburg. W. Vt. FREE cake ©> har- FINA SOAP with each bottle and this ad. lor 50c. at the following druggists: BROWN 4 ALLEN; BRANNEN 4 ANTHONY; TODD 0RUG CO.; EL KIN WATSON DRUG CO.; WHlTA KER 4 C0URSEY DRUG CO. - Afte un"ticce©nful attempt to get hi* prisoner, Deput) J. Tve, of Sheriff Ne|m*’ office, returned t*. Atlanttt Fri* dav night to uvvult the outcome of lit igation which lut* h**en carried to th© supreme court «*f Alabama. The man for whom Deputy Tye had warrant* wn© J. l>. tVmpton, ami In th*‘ two warrant© t’otnpton was charg ed with cheating ami swindling and with forgery. It I* claimed that t’omp- $3.; mean© of a draft from the Miller I’nlon Ht*K*k Yanl© In Atlanta, and the deputy was sent to bring hack hi* man. Instead of routing hack to Georgia for trial, t’nmpion made a fight in the court© by tit** Inihona corpus route, and. although tlto inner court decided ;»*?:• ln*»l him. lie gave bond and ap pealed Ute LUfcL- to the supteinc court.