Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 05, 1907, Image 15

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M. L. THROWER. 'jy N. Forsyth Si, Bell Thone 1450. Standard Tlione 164. Vou ore looking for a good rent paying investment, tnd this is it. Eight houses, good repair, lot 200x100, Sidewalks, sewer and street improvements; now rented for $59 per month; will rent for more. We are going to offer this for- quick sale at sacrifice price, $5,150. Only II000 cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, with interest. You will have to buny if you ge^ this. , M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. nv Htsr i’ART OF FOWLER RTUEET, ffni“ »»'r «.«•- “W PViatota | virr 8IX ROOM HOME. EAET FROTLT .id tote- I"'- o" Min street: prire fci»; -tom*- 1—.— , , WHITEHALL- BTRBET. NICE 1* room ,-<iit*g*i *H Improrrmrnto down: t*>; it-nu*. t-s to!' r XHlSf w - c2rUSi |5 jier month. SixitSEW APARTMENT IIOU8E: 'S, t*: rent* IM.40 per mouth. for * tone oo- 'rill buy It st H-mO. ■UXn-XEW HF.VEN ROOM COTTAGE. vitk rtWnct mnntcls; fS.000. thrr. tM cash and 110 per month. Why do >I»U want (o par rtsO l« IIOOM HOURS ON aU5NK, RTRE8nr im » I'- no fret, renting At lit P*r ■mtb; 11,30. Trrnss. U. L MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. FOrtliWAKIi AVE, KiAB CHBROMEE mssr; "plendldlr built nearly n«w tsm boswt all laavsnUaras; 4svs4 4^v mm. SI WO. The. hauaa would cost'to HR low moo. CtlTTAOK-RAME RTBKET AND LOCAL- Ity: to* 4 mom* nnd Wide half; elevated hi: tvtr alley. 12,100; COO kmab, balance ■total,. mtmoNT ave.. Between forrkrt mane and Currtar stratC ftabstantlallr Mh a-ranni house; prime condition; level IM. *.t)» Terms flftOft cnab* btlftocs to in you; l |wr rent. JoilNRDN AVE.. BLOCK OF HIGHLAND tmiw: C room house; recently rapalntcd ktofe and oat; Bne lot. Wilib to sites; sSArtsd*«5s ssLjsh Wf <v*t on or Iiefore. WlU rent 2240 year. ttW^nLocK OF BttULEVARD, X UIN- ;-*to»'».IV t,„ m (eater; taroom house; a»»r F“tonj and iwrxriBg: level tot, 11 f*«! Ami f-rin, tioo cash and |M monttly. "" SE «i block or CAR Ito; two nrarty new honass. 3 and 4 torn; trnivd for Hi, with vacant tot H.MO. FOHRYTH BT.-RRYBK MIN* »*S frwn ornttr; ft-raom eottarr; lot •ftEP&SiP' TCT "* ^ , ansleydros., real ESTATE, [Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. ■ ntVcrn 5T. IIOMF,. CLOSE IN. nice •"’’to' this all]* ef Richardson •hwt; Iron,, wltb , ^ tot Prt,, KM |0Unt ITIIRET HOME—elegant t- > hn„ on , htnuumi enter lot, U I** froDt. RalU for * faome. A plftcs that ,<1 " Crlen RIsa R000 rash. tM per monlb. I^n SIDE HOUr.-NT.AB IK. SPLKN ■ ****'• *hi* rooms, two bath room*. ,_*'ri-Mri„„ >l; P |,«, npinndldlr f»r- 11-* n '* " Ul •*" nod I" lk * pm.,. tbt I Mnrk ' " T N " RTn MDB-IK SAME |»llb i*r ' ho ‘* L K Improved | H ,« n»»» overhead will Ihw,... r '“ on tea larestatent. • ,ATS °N'. II. L. COBBR AM' ' USL - A.M.mot aiiHutB. rA fffrPBOUN and WPWB. TUMDAT. rSBBCABT A Mf. FOR SALE —50 SHARES VERY CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. g^^-g-t Vn-LIC GUARANTY CO. gSlMMip* feramw-' IIGRT, There is no company stock for sale. On account of other investments requiring imme diate attention I am author ized to sell a part of some in dividual stock not exceeding 50 shares. For further pap- ticulars, see CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. PAVER & BLACK, 315 AND 316'PETERS BUILDING. BOTH THONES 3519. HAW-GETS. NEW APARTMENT. CLOSE I In. on eoraer. poring 12 per ent It to worth rour attealtoa. JS.OOO—GETS' SEVERAL NEW HOUSES, paring 1* prr rrntT two ilrrrl front*; enr M.TS0-NEW, MODERN ( ROOM COTTAGE "'hi End; ,>u«*-thlr,l rank, ho Inane to •MH3-GETR A ROOM COTTAGE; DATII. water anil gaa; on car line; large lot; Brar poatotflrv, Station R. I1.SS0—GETS BEST BUILDING LOT IS Went Kail: near Lee atreat; half «a>h; Mg bargain. uMnn NICK LITTLE HOME ON ‘ GOxlftO. Cou arrangm tUto-OKT* NICK HOME* W INMAN tl.ttO-FOlt OOOI> 8TOR15: BUSY RISC- tlon; ranting for 111.60. Room to build ton* or dwelling on lot. H.000—CHOICB RBMUKNCB LOT. BBST ^ neighborhood. this It you Intend to J3.000—ORTH 17 ACRP.S ON S. A. L. RAIL wk will #i?uui> wTimnmivifv- lira concerning above mentioned place*. KEBBbH ” r M. K lailiTjS ATfb-iT — — ii. qoITbR,' D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE 'AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, *0S-CA1fptERr BUltDIHO.- BELL PHONE 220—ATLANTA 164. WlU/lW STREET—LOVKLY (-ROOM cottage, conrrnleatlr arranged, conre- ntoutiy. Jucnt.d to three car Hue* lust 1 mile from ,AI flepot, one block oil IVrfrb- tree, a.nice lot and comfortable little home for HU* on mar trrnia. A DANDY ELEVATED CORNER LOT ON l'oaee Dclewa arena* that can be bought an an to make you moner. BAST LINDEN AVENUE. NICK 4-ROOM rattage, well bnllt awl newly painted, ait,l In good repair, lot 44x13 feet. Price I1.SS0 on llhentl term.. etoae 4-roowt cottage, with — .eta. It tie. a new root ami to orwlr painted and papered: thto would make a around Atlanta, a dainty * room houee. well built, coneealenttr arranged with every inodrru conrenlencc, walking dlataoce of Whitehall at tret. The ssrroondlng* *re good tad the ptore la a Bargalu at ff.MO. MILLKDOK AVENUE—MODERN, MinOM cottage, ererr i-onvenlrncs, large tot, well (haded: Price. i:.W>; email caah payment and balance lu luuathlr pajmeota aa run want them. EMPIRE CREAM SEPA RATOR WE HAVE ON EXHIBIT IMPOUND —1 partly Empire Cream Separator at a mill. Recommended l>y enierlment *ta- ta. Call and aee It and gel |>rl«. DABNEY IMP. CO., 100 S. Forsyth Street. NEWTON S. THOMAS. 422 Century Building, Bell Phone 2154 L. T. Y. BRENT, J. T. MANOL’M, Salesmen. 212.MO—PAYING 11.410 VHAR1.V. 11 PER cent. Tbla !• cloae In new white, prop erty. on the north aide, and to not noddled with steam beat and Janitor expenses. SOUTH SIDE HOME AT OOXRIDBRA- bly lea. than root three year, ago; If monia, lot MUM. Thto to n complete and up-todate home In one of the bent neigh borhood* of the aonth aide »nd ran be bought nt n big bargain. TERRELL PARK LOTS ARE OX ^AI.Ii lt JIM eneb; half en«h. Call over phone. ♦IM I. nnd lei Ul tell yon about the bent proposition In ton ever In Atbyite. ■KEWTttR'l‘.-THOMAS. *ii Century Bldg. I. C. MaCRORT 1* H JOHWBOK McCRORY & JOHNSON, t Real Estate, 503 Peters Building, Phone 469L RAgT UNDEN AVE.. NEAR JACKSON * - 2 it ore bouac; all modern eon- I* blia-h from'the alto for the ool. |, HAOO caah, balanee UttoO BUT* A LOVELY HOI JSfcivaiim lelerior; all up -t tell you too caah, balance to NORTH BOULEVARD NEAR PONCE VJPi'kSX Improvement*; • bargain for 12,000: 21,000 cnab, balance arc prr Mat any old time. comer lot In Wet chance for hoalaesa ON BAKER ST.. CI.OSE 1N-A Utory reafdenca uf all I'wuu. i mw&r'vjsfr* lou ■urt». SL*t, : caah. balanee Ifi LcaiT arrange” theformsori any of the above to suit vou. See me. FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. 10-r. fa.. M4 8<Hiffa / Pryor *. fa. . U t. S-r. h.. ft «-r, to.. • At. to., ft ftSST. Baltimore Mock .. Sough Bootorard «.« M Went IWbtree gt.hl SOUTHERN SOCIETY In Oeorgja and Adjoining Slate* Pleaaint Mention From Other CitlM , W. a ASKEW, 426 Empire Building. Crew street, eight-room house going at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Nice garden and servant’s house. Crew street, five-room cot- _ __ tage, almost new; all con-H»<=f'to _ '«ch cwjor. whoro^bowi* of 7” 1 ’ viniMtto warn niaoad. Tna crystal can- venienCes; $2,650. , Lowe street, corner lot, five- room house, only $1,600. Can you beat itT . CUTHSEBT. Ono of the very ptuaannt of recent Social event! wa* the recaption given Dp Ilia* Alice no Slmpaon Th unday af ternoon. from A to I, In honor of Mn. Lnrulanu Mickle Moye. who haa ra ce lvc<1 many beautiful attentlona alnce coming to her naw home. The home waa Vt-TtltT Mf taaufnlly daaoratad throughout. The hall m bright In crimson Japonic**, red belli, and bank* ed In the raar with aprengerl fern* 'and palm*. Here th,. gu-.t* ware oofdlallr received by Mr*, fllmpeon, who wa* handaomeJy gowned In black crepe d* rhlnc. trimmed In Irtoh crochet sad ohlfton. In the drawing room, where Ml.a Blmpeon received her gneeta. thare waa a graceful ua* of fern* and violate, forming a lovely tolling for the bevy of beautifully gowned girl*, who aa- alated in entertaining. In th* receiving Une were: MU* Simpson, th* charming young hoeteea, wearing cream net over taf feta. with bolero of cluny lira lire. More, the fair gueet of honor, waa beautifully gowned In black, fash ioned with lacg and Jet trimmings, a becoming touch of blue added to cor sage and girdle. Mrs. George Harrison Parry waa handpomo In a gown of.white rloih trimmed with lace and roee-colored velvet. • ' . . Hie* Roes Elite' dree* waa of pale blue etlk voile with trimming* of cluny lace and velvet. Mtee Lucia Key waa attractive in pink, with roate of game shade. Mia* Louis* Worrlll wore a toilette of blue trimmed In blnck velvet. Utile Miss Klodla Baldwin wore a frock of blue ellk. In th* dining room the table had for Its centerpiece- a tall crystal vine of narcissus and feathery fern*, a large bow of green ribbon encircling It* base, extending Over th* tnble cover of dleattcka were unshaded, and every where palms and fern* ware the heel* of decoration. ' ... . Misses Carolyn ' Worrlll, Maud Knl- mon and Oda Taabeaut' were the three lovely young IflrU.who assisted In the dining room, where delicious re freshment* were served. ing gown J green doth; with waist of baby Irish lace. Mlaa Maud Kalmon waa In pale blua silk, made nrtneeaa. Mlaa Oda Tsabeaut waa In .white net over pink. About aeventy-Bve gueata called nnd It wa* a most beautiful and delightful occasion. MACON. The Young Lddlea' Cotillion Club gave their annual ball at the Volun- teera' armory Friday night Th# armo ry waa beautifully decorated and the dance was one of the moat enjoyable of (ho IMAOh* _ _ „ There were a number of charming ft: H 4- » “ « ii h.: S'JBUr.S:S JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE BJBNTma AGENT. FRANK C. DAVIS CO., Real Estate and Renting, 507 Gould Bldg. Bell 2895. $l,1i0 BUYS THE BEST BUILT AND aeeteat new 4-room r< Iterator, Ul., on terma ga.n the pleasure of the occasion. All mem here of «1» club were In fancy draaa and many beautiful costumes wen 13400—LOVELY COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS large lot and Mock of Gnat llrf. "ft iry, 9 room faouw, b«ra. •ttUSa etc., on large lot; oat-bAir cteh and III monthly. turner* In Writ Bad. n««r Grant 1 pnrrhaser. have a bonne an. __ atlber of tkaaa ' we ean-and a WE HAVE RECENTLY ADDED RENT. tag to nr knalneaa. It you bar* koeaae to KM. we would ba plrawvl to bare yoor property on mtr twokt and ns may feel assured that your Interests will he raiefally looked sfter. Glee ua a rail. WE HAVE A CUSTOMER WHO WANTS few vacant lota cheap In neighborhood Irani Park. If yon have then, u* it ■■ DAVW n. r. DAVIS. 8 N0W “ N waVcrosb. Mrs M. L. Harley, of Thomarrflle. baa era Ike guest of Mr. sad Mrs. P. N. OH Stsphenaon strati, where they enter- sa aJti«"r.tebri'h"s.* ptocevl. After the mow, d#M — mania were aerve* At the The priaea were won by Ml Mm? J."u. BtolahefiJ. 4k* itn. ^ kKfcTggOt-.t Vounce Annie IWU IMiro. Ben Acocta cim| llwiirli'itn (llovrr. of (JmUnmvIUr, R. c. Mn. U*. J. Kwatu to rxprer" • - - day a from AilifiUi iftfi ylfi nf Mr. rtiMl Un. _Jf. It.. *s ■. v. . A* JJifR to l«»*rn or nrr fipremi rotnrn. ternwl Moadny to St. Barra, . dela to speail a son* with bln family, who are vlaltiatt relatives st that pktce. Montgomery, Ala., X...-,- Mr. Sale I'helin. of _ .. apent Huaday lu Warcrosa Mrs Jetrtsoo Wlhw*. after a vtalt to „er itobw. M r* . Beaeh. bat rctamed to her Mane at VflltomoCbee. J Mn. lloyl Gale ami rWldreu, after a’ vlatt to Mr* D. W. Kbnm. Jn, have re. tann-d to their ham* la llreaawlck. ' Mrv. L. D. Heart, of PengaeoC Wa.j Suadar la. Weytroea, the Amelia UeldL MONTGOMERY. ALA. toifi“v2EE ta heV xo . ,, «i? te: T^iftS! toh q .rS5JW7 nenfiin*. Tb* TUrfaen Club gaee their Afth **- anal banquet Tneaday erealag. at the, B» BSMi 'S«:^K’ r w’ftto* JSJ rlty. which waa damoaitmtod by their >U Mlae rb-meiTt^dork* euterlaIned heeutlfoL I! slsss .v-awsiffirs SswffiFsaSKyS > elegant twa course lancbeon. Mra. Halls Jammy baa goes to Vlrglnta. "lua been raStod/ttsee to bar stalker, fanvli nrh«» . tor*. ;.•»c Itn. J. MN. Iter of Uldli of her of the _ hne niltled to hove gone by. of her coaf list lea. ay at ftertjoon to honor Ibert Elmore, one elleni toll**, wbo aa tb# year* . Included aome rtoa, all liellea of tbe the admired guaat of Mis. G. W. Pat terson, bss tnoamsd to.bsr home Mlaa Levy. Of Itemopalls. to elslllng Mis* Jnueita Kbansa, and will be tbe hooore* * Tht'^^ouaW'S SewlK” Women' eelertajn- ed rtanr of ttolr frteada Tuesday with an afternoon of aong tnd atory, followed b» a la-uutlful racepUon. Many sweet voiced were heard la nolo nod concert and .aev- oral l.enutlful reading! given, all by local IJeutenant Ocahtni L Jebnaon. who haa lieeu vtoltlng hi* grandmother. Mr*. IJfon. baa left for Part Ruatell, Wyu., to ba Idtawa < Kttw| B and Aana'prlser are vtoltlng vSVjm turned from aa extended r ’ 4m W ltory NnSSrkt^wSfiu. Knnsaa City and to vialttog her foualu, “JJSiWmS.? 1 eu'ertaloed delightful |y at card. FrMny nfternoaan to_ oompll Know lea have re- trip Uroagh the Itn 1* very atoch mem to. tor riaea mate at Sophie New- comb. Mlaa Kara Tl.rka, of MlaaUalppl. After the game a threecouraa toactoun waa ana the gwit'i prise wee ft bft&d-ftfttnled olnrt* Home Semberi of lh> C6Uhtry CluD *'0trr gueata of hoaor. . * .. . , ; . T*_ The aettn of-Club* was entertained by Mlaa ItoberU Rolierta In a Japanrse way tgmssRSfws; -* ■ in tto Jtoatk. Aa ex- •mto bngrt sapper waa i* anale. An attncttTi — afternoon wai the program, which Imre the monogram of tto boats** an tbe card, with tto date, tad th* words of the songs within. Mia* Cassidy w* •total tto Senstedto t—, grill room on Tbaraday evening, tofors k-*** BffEJTusssr& •Mn L'Eagle. A unmber nf aap- gueata Iwiag l a bet coarse anppgr waa MrsT'Cromwell aibboaa sntsrtalned the nemo evening at sapper lu eemutlmsnt to tv ‘ZZi H/mrP fe*' ? neni here bee* eultn e feet nr of tbe m •on. end h*r greatty farighivUfHl a tfau via tar. Mra. ('eurttoml Baekman wee the hoateae oo a faridgM and luurkeod par ty. IToer table* rujoywl tfae gai_ Two buffet *upper* are on tbo.tauto * Mruery 1: Mr. and Mra. Tboi for W^neaday morplug^ [??MLira to i8!T wbsissSes menL and th* score cards were am* 11 Jap anese laaterns. Tb* arit prtae. a J*P«a- aEwwSwSs oils. Dr. and Mn. II. L. HIOMon, and spend tho rematodsr of the week In M 'fhnr*day, Mrs. Thomas C. Watson will give n card party to a large namber of tor ^ rcfreabmJnt. war* tor** Jfe Among th* out-of-town guests who were preaent were Mlaa Tupper. of At- lanta. who to the gueet.of Mien phine Jones; Mlaa Tennlaon. of Dal ton, Tex.: Miss Garrard, of Columbus. Mten Jonaa, of Selma. Ala.; Miss Fort, of Atlanta: Mtooen Bessie and Mary •Aftflf non of Koriti Pinrttni: Mte* At- rah Wadiey, of BoUuhraka; Hiss Su- aleSmRh, of- Et. Louis—-Mias-AaderaOO. of Tanneaser, and Mlaa Marl* llasen, of Knoxvlllr. Saturday ■eYPHUOf-the- Log Cabin Club will give a dance In honor of the visitor*. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Simmons will go to BameavlIlP on Saturday to-visit Mr. Simmon* - alkter. Mr*. A. O. Murphay. They will bo necompanted by Mto* Mari* Hasen, who will spend several days In B*me»vllle and will go from there to her home In Knoxvlllo. Miss Horen, who ha* been the guest of Mr. and Mre. Simmon* for the poet few weeki. la one of I hr pret tiest and most charming young women who have vta- Ited Macon this season and aha haa a boat of friend* who will regret her departure. President and Mre. Dupont Guerry gave a very original nnd delightful party tost evening In* the Wealeymn parlor* In honor of the, tody teachers of the college. ., - The pnrlare were thrown open to the guest* and the decoration* were of ’palm* and Jonquil*. Tim feature- of th# entertainment that furnished much merriment and fun wna th# auction sale conducted by Mr. Warren Roberts. Each guest was given a bag of money and Mr. Robert* made • splendid auc tioneer. A copy of "That Old Sweet heart of Mine" (old tor twenty thou nand dollar*. Later “Old Maids* wtv played and the beautiful picture* given ** Brine* were won by Ml** Galley and Mr. Rob ert*. COVINGTON. Mrs. W. M. Robinson and three son*, of Augusta, spent th# week-end with Mr*. J. M. Alton. Mr*. Jimpete Fanner and children, who have been with Mrs. Allen Tor several day*, left on-Wednes day for their homo In Edgewood. Ml** Annie M»* Berry and Mr*. W. Farmer have returned from a vlelt to Decatur relatives. Tb* Woman** club will meet next Tuesday with Mra Thoma* Well*. Mr*. Mlsaourl Campbell, of Montl- cetlo, waa the guaat Saturday and Bun. lay of Mr*. Robert I. Wenvar. Mlaa Kata Thompson. Who haa been the gueet of Mre. H. Meriwether Thompson In Atlanta for a month. I* expected to return to Manetlnld within the next week. > Mto* East* Hyer and her friend, Mto* Arthur, of Cenyere. were In the city last week And visited Mlaa Gertrude Richardson. Mr. and Mr*. Will Venable ■ spent Sunday with Conyer* relative*. Mlaa Ackl* White waa th* guest if Ml** Annie Hlggtna nt BtamvUI* on Sunday. Mrs. R. n. Davis nnd Mrs. Genic Thompson have relumed from a ehort stay In Atlanta, Mr*. O. K. Bryans and Mlaa Kalhn- ryn Bryan* returned Thursday to Au gusta after a week’s vtalt to Mrs. it. W. Huaon. Mre. W. Colien and Mlaa Evelyn Cohan ere In New York city tor a month’s visit. Mrs. Jams*. R. Stephenson ha* been visiting Mr*. F. J. Cooledge, of At lanta. v _ .. - Mlaa Ina Hardy, bf Almon, Waa in the city fbr the Utter part of tost week. Mis* Ola Bradley toft Tuesday ror Forsyth, where she win spend a week With bee -tottr.-Mitt Anna Bradley. MARIETTA, .sasarsagB - One or tto moat pleaaant mats of tto season was a domino party gtvea by Eileen Oaber oa TbMwUy arcaloe to I nf her facet*, Mlaa Orata IrtolliTl ***- lar.thu, arm card* and teas reyresaatad , D Mrif fcMtoY?*n»n'*&»*, "JNawTork, erg* the gucat of lire, D C Cole toot FrL Mlaa Lillian toalth. of Uatocavlllr. Qa.. 1* the jettfst of Mr«- R. K._Dick. Mlw Mary I*«n Tnw*m baa rttarntd froju a nlwtaant tlalt to !!«**•. Mm. John llotand jvlmaantly #nti 0»# UMMm’ r * 4 •moon. Tfar w*rt woo by Mra. Alan £8. re. Jobp Brantley, of Black- le conclusion of tto game a lined a few friend* at bridge oil Monday afternoon. Tto oec*. don. although Informal, proved very enjoy- 'T'dellghtfol aortal event waa tto bridge sffif Kxr @ aumifa wpHiwt D«UriQua rcfiratUBtata Wtft •flTTFil TM 6 ( lli« _ irown on Friday night GRBCNVILLE Mlrnen rinrama* and llargamt Mahion. of Troy, Al«., ar« Um |«mU of lira. U. B. "tore" Eckford and Mrs. M. J. UIU left JSWKra: •aalve old nuld waa played, Mlm Knllrr winning Ik* prise, a toanilfal lawk. Delightful refrestotonto were acrreil by Mlaaea Mary aadtotrak Hill. Mre. H. R. Hainan compllwiaied tor gneala with an elegant reception on last VVetlneMajr urealna. A gtmaliia crnteai 1S ' gaatlhmcu'B. Thom who. enjoyed Mr*, bahton-a hospitality were Mlaaea Mnrgar.-t and Ularenuie Matoon. Ella* Hill. Mnrr lou Fuller, Martha rilll, Jewel Irwin, Net lie Caltopper, Jessie fbraafc. Pearl Wll llama, Mrs. Eckford and Mrs. J. W. Pink sloe. Mere. W. C. Culpepper. Warner WiL?. iVafift «£: mst .viv 0 TfarrftrttJhB .* Atlanta. Mre. c. M. O'Hara entertained tto ronng people lu a delightful manner no Friday rar'ia SAW"* Mlaa Jewel Irwta'a party oo Sunday ev lag was a pretty compliment to Miss lllll la 0 ^ S? SSi 1Z ftr jk *,irm?s r wsaa were Mlaaea Mary Loo Foliar, Marika amt Ella* Hill. Jew*! “Irwin. Margaret a ad ciaraniae Mahaon. Mre. J. W. Ptakatoo and Urn. B. H Matoon. Mlm Martha tlUl antortalsed dallahtfally Thureday evening la haaor of her rharmlug gueai, tlisa Fuller. Mr*. J. II. Wlnatow, Jr., eaterialaed a few friends deltghriwy Wadneaday evening In honor of Mre. P. r. Jenkins After tbe value, elegant refieebmenta were served. The United gueata were Mr. and Mre. Jen. khia. Mlaaea least# Thresh, Jewel drain. Nettle Culpepper and Kit** JIIII. Mraara Mai Gilliam. Vilhir Culpepper, Ren Free, innii ami Dan I'bllkpa Mlaa Mary Tinier to on aa aatearted visit > her auui, Mre Neal Jokuatou, of At- ftlaii Story !/m Filler left Monday for Carrollton after * pleaaant visit to Mlaa Martha UIU. Mlm Martp* lllll left (toaday for Sewnan to visit Mlm Evelyn ilariln. Min Opal Elder, of Macoe. will arrive this a eel to I*, tbe gueet of her auaL Mr* P. W. ritt*. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. William J. Bryan'a mosteata the tu Mre. ... r ■■ Friday afternoon was the moat oalque and ope of tto moat ItUghtfal event* of lie *coton. Mre Bryan healed tor geest, (twa hundred la aamtovl who were thm able to tiir/o^gi^RS. .la of the Piabody eonaervatpry, waa tho (Isle, and tor exquisite voice waa heard Irtetos have trailed niM« for i Urg* party of thr mnrrt*«d rat, and Hr. tad fain. AttfMtu* If. King will entertain the tut- married rat la the ratnr nleMuatlr Informal faahlon. Mira Jorafn Allan, of Lexifagtau. V«.. will lie the gueat of honor at (ba King ruueilon, nod the hoaoff# at tht Dm ImtuM l« to Im Mra. Henry W. Cook, of Philadelphia, who la rlaltlng her alater. Mra. Arthur G. Cuiuan, nt the latter'a tuftfiiltt- ceut Ellxabethan residence on Rlvertlde •venae. Mira Roberts Rurhrldge expects to leave esrly next wees for Atlssts. where she will visit Mrs. Fleming Vsd ttenssoUrr. On Monday evsolig. Ahldo Heholf sod ravral other srtlsts. gsvs s Wagnerian evening st tbs Wind— J ” fair laflllsn In ‘Tbs _ vsl theater. Mlw Russell really does aot look twenty«foar with powerful gisrass and st short range, nnd tost she Is s grand mother seems little less than a miracle. Society was pretty eqoslly divided Intween the two shows, and both played to crowd ed houses • PENSACOLA, FLA. &^%t° artSlc affalra of* tSS ' violets wera used In every detail of the decoration, on the place cards, atagle hlos- soma jtivwlnjr the exquisitely a r-- r -*-* * hie. and tisnxs of them greeted Sy:. T 73o? W 'ire ,k toirto d v2a _ of Mre Ksllar’a charming toapltallty wan Ur? Mra. II. G. DeHtiva, airs, tins hifw'n, Mrs. in weonesoay nnerne from a vlilt to todtowTwho valweek. CARROLLTON. *■££ u'rjre^Wcgsaf uarrwt Friday afternoon at ter bant on SSfewm lag Mre 11. G. Wflaon for asvarel month*, returned lo tor torn* I* Naw York a few “Ar’tvill TlekBor. of N*w York, was In the city a fsw day* axo, l>r. Mtvo llarria, of Valdosta, apant Sat nnlar and Hnnday with his falter, Ocaaral Side of kla anal. Mre A. C. McDonald. Mlaa Mary I/hi, to visiting her slater, Mre Preaeto Long, to Corona. Aid. . - Tto Wuilng Worker* had a pleasant meet ing with Mre CUE Turner oa Dixie .treat Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and lire. I- P. Maadevllle entertained at a dinner Ratorday esmpllmantary u Governor Tamil and Professor Stewart. Those Invited •■> meet lha distinguished guests war* Judge Harris, Mr. Aycock. Mr. L. c. Maadevllle aud Mayor tong. Mlm Nora Rhaw, who baa been visiting ' i Birmingham, baa rvlurnad horn*. Mto* Jarie Carroll, of Atlanta, vtalted tor Batter teat week. The mtealoiiary conference *f the Roue district la In session at tto Methodtat Ibis week. John Vaughan baa rstoraed from w fsr Ivw "a. _^ Tex re ara rxpoch ... 1|- H! lav most Interesting mertlugs tbla club has ever had. Captain John Umlth. IWhatan and I'ocshontss were the historical f to recelvs consideration. At the end i program s salad coarse was served. Fred tVllsso. of Aeworth. Is vlattta i the city soon to visit New fttturi. tin. i». i». n iipgi, ujj Maple I Mr. Iiogh Bruwa spent Hunday la 8AVANNAH. Mrs, W. W. Williamson's rani party .uctdsy was (he largest affair of the wf though each dar lias 1mvn «rnwilnl with any nuuiiter of sasall hot most dellglitfil enter tainments. Mra. wlll&ms' attractive home was decorated with crimes a roses, end these contrast! qulls dlatriliQi tonch of colol si "ted ity Mra. Robert tonch of color to the rooms, alsted i*y Mra. Robert trsrriann or Atlantic. Mrs. Clareure Anderson, Jr.. Miss Meta Thomas and Miss Rent ..Withers, sad her gneeta were Mrs. Charles u. Baruey, Mrs. Rope Hull. Mrs. Anderson Chisholm. Miss Merle Mattel, Mrs. Craig Barrow, Mira * Thomas. Mrs. Gadsden ltorrher. Mrs. Morrell. Miss Elliabath Butler. Miss HZ ir ^l-hatlloa. Mre. nton wngoi. Mrs. w. ,wi itogera, Mrs. Ills R. Kano, Mrs. Guy Howard, Mra. Otto Fritse. Mrs. Julian Chisholm, Mrs. Haskell. Mra. Wayne Cunningham. “ " nril. Mira Margaret Coseua. •tier. Mra. Godin Guemrd. Pau. , . Mra. T. H. Heyward. Mlw Margaret Coeeua. Miss Kmlly Hhotter. Mrs. Godin Guerard. n t:. K. Nash. Mrs. J. A.«G. Carson, Mrs . Hal). Mrs. Ravage Lynab. Mrs. Ilsll, Mrs. Ileury Itruen. Mrs. John Cochran Mrs. CiHMier Myers. Mrs. Anderson Car utlcliael, Mrs. t r It. Mnlonr. Mrs. A. I*. Alexander. Mrs. II W, Johnson, Mra. liar- otd Ayer. Mrs. T. T*. Waring. Mra. 4. M. Ijmg. Mrs. Jack Hauers. Mrs. George Ten- lltc end Mrs. John Hawkins. The same afternoon Mies Clermont Huger gave » delightful ten In honor of her at tractive guest. Miss Hetty Miller, of titan- ton, Vo. thily the unmarried set were In vited. and tho occasion was s thoroughly charming and Informal out*. Mlaa Huger was assisted l»e. Miss Claudia McAlpIn. Mias Miriam Deut.^llss Margaret (Tiarlton sod Miss Ktnmn linger. Miss Julia Hunter's ouest. Mira Alice Cmwfotil, Is being verjr pleasantly enter tained. a variety of parties having been planned In her honor. Miss Hunter enter tained a party of twenty-two at s huffs! sapper oa Wednesday evening forming a rongeulsl party ai Igiuce*' sftrrwarda. Mlsa He >g* »T -The lleasle Hhotter flltm T sn.raxwojSi ‘ Wa hava n*ini different eattarfia off genuine ffaffora* Oil* varware, wntoh dfttH not match our now spring ataofc, wftisA wa ara gelling at loot than half the regu* lar aelling prrara Than# goods ooneig of Rogers Brag/ William Rogers and • Simon L A George H. Rogers Co., and! •re fully guaranteed full plat* and atrint# ly perfect .Ro*er** triiRe-platw 12-panny weiah 4 ■•Inin hoodie Dinner Knlvt*. full olanL th* rctulor nelllna ?rr. to . r “!c2.50 Dlnner.Kork.Jta CA Ilka gut... ss’arr.Ss} Tcaapoona Cf Ota i Ilk* cut... llutlcr Knlvei.f M I Ilk* cut... . Su«ar Shell*. JCm Ilk* cot *•*« ’no. si Entire tot 26 pisoMh- aid. u Express prapate. on receipt *f |BJN KELLEY JEWELRY CO. EMPIRE BUILDING, ATLANTA, GA. rrnnon affnlr* are totnf arranged la honor. Slim Minnie M.rkatl waa Jmstsaa at • very- pretty ImrteoM oa Toeaday. tor aiieata larludlug Mlm Evelyn Ilaaen of Knoxville. Mlaa Alice Crawford of Atexate <lria, Mlm SUre Hoostob of Baltimore Mia* 1.111a Uomer, Mlaa Florence Mevens. Mlm Resale RMIter, Mia* Belle (hotter. Mlm Jo* 11* llnntar. Mtos Ophrll* Drnt. Mlm Lucy ‘ 4i*s ctaodla ‘ Harrow and Mlm l.’landl* McAlptu. Ufa. K. R. Trosdrl gave an enjoyable lit tle bridge parly oa Wednesday morning. BSST-te: Mim Mto* toleah Adams and Mi m, Cooper Myara entet day morning with bridge for Mrs. Ant son Chtotwilm, of CtorlidteavUle, Vn„ dinner party on suday evening, ttolr (aeito —- -— arwarda. waa boat*** oa Friday ■ her home on I There was no a octolr aaw tto lha cotiboard." preaaoti the neardlcttoa fiaU. 1 haa iteeu Ike oSTii.. weeks, has Tstururd to he ■BHWftAt* McIntosh r made . Mlm M7ldred~Boyd left Tneaday for Rlrte mond; after a Tlatt to Mre G. Arthnr Oof- . dim. . Mre neubna - 0. Clark and children, of Romo, tare com* down to mirnd aeveral month. In Haraanak arfl hare token a tonre . on Stoat llnnitiiglM atreat, 18&* l fc r Ti r ™ Jowph f). \*red° n - ™ 01 Soguato. WAYCROS8. ' f ' Mrs. J.-R, Whitman. deUahUolly mum, talned n numtor of young peopli- at hr. *5rr -ifc ‘; _ _Mr (irorge F W«4*i arrived la tto < kioraUf for JuxtBarme; w»*re "ibitdlt mend T aome tlrar with her daughter, Mre _ - ((#1 Hit Uvea and frtedUs In Ravannak. Mlaa Mamie Bleka, of Valdoata. wa* „ Tto cards are oat aoaoanrtaic tho' no- gagemrnt of Captain John It. Harvard, son of Mr. and Mra. W. C, Harvard. «r this fa well, a: U. Tho wedding will Uke ptore on Tbaraday, February 14. After tto core- ■tony. Mr. and Mre Harvard wtll return hom''^i e S** f 7t!re* U " r ^ W * U mllk * 'to^f GREENSBORO. Mrs. Latter Vincent haw returned ' from a visit tb tor daughter at Was^agtpa. Mrs. Manlrh Morgan and eblldna are "iT •saasvimmm have returned to ttolr homo to Atlanta Mre. r ,n 4, ,, - f w,ti * " Mlaa Willie May Tappaa. of Wlaaai. apeal * i few day* recently with Mre i Lac- otumoti.. B m w v lotted Atlanta laal Mrs. H. A. Utomploa to spending man* time with bar daughter la Attests. . > jadlson. Hr. J. C. Aalisry, Dr. WUoara ami Hon. R. 4 Ing a few weeks la "SrS-nd Mre. U. ■- Gnaa. of Crawford, vllle, were In Groaaahoro a abort ttoho laal. "iter, and Mra. B. O. Smith attended th* Cnlioway-Doswril waddlnf at tVnftetd last HI*. Nettle Hall tear** aqoa lo vlqjt bet brother la Marietu. , v Mr* Urergs A. Hall entertained the La dle*' Aid Roriety or the 1‘rreh/torton rlmrrh in a moat dellghltnl manner laat Frid., •H-reoo i U r A i{ , >i r ^ol b-L Ira. F. 11. Armor, scrvctl ilcll. ^ I samlwlches nn«l i !itw „i n t^. Mira Hal He kloora, nt Sooth Carolina. It Hie guest of Captain agl Mrs. II. F. Hurt. . Hudnal Weaver, of Macon, visitsd Greens- oro ravotlr. . ^ Mre. R. F. McWhorter. Mtos Pearl ant Maat.r Hok^RmlUa McWhorter'are vtoitQ - lire, kirn'bnrtrr-a parent* at Norwood. Sir. and A»re..J. E. Armour Matter jobs - Mre James Reyaolds to la Union ralnt with her aunt, Mrs. Laura Priatnu, who u quite III. Mre Thomas Holland spent oersrel days In Allanla reeetitly. I I ‘111 III II Mill, IIFIX Mt«w*ka Imtlhitr.H Miss Ms mto Bsyns* vl sited AlUnta lest wjvk. H «'iit.Vtalu«Hl last ' Frances A>lam«. oar»la of the h**«t» ■ — |iM>ns. Mlw Julia Conrlnn won tfa.- ft rat K hU«. n tlalnly bamTauido hiUJdkcrcbfsr, m Mtos Maria Cork cot: the cwnsolatl |After the ffbidp, eikea Mir iCrk. Health. Uorrto Mrrrllt, Lacy iwulgea sac 3l*mlo llayoe*. siuto pn dnnghtei Ml** *nnl<- ! William Parcy III. tVllllam Parry, secretary of ’ th. Dobb* A Why Company, I* III with typhoid .fovrr at hi* home, m 1mm* Par.k. Mr. Pjroy hqa b--en lit about thrr* works, and ivljllc.hl* amdiilow 1* thought not to be *m1ou*. abind Mat to brine entertained by hi* friend*. -