Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 05, 1907, Image 5

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWB. TUKSDAT, FEBRUARY 5, urn. CASTOR IA Tlio Kind Too Hata Always Bought, and which has been Id two for orer SO years, has borne the signature of -rf — “nd has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. •+<**'*• Allow no one to deceive you In «ai« D1IU.O in miancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Justus-good " are but Ilsperlments thnt trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marcotlo substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the gtomoch and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc etwravN comas**, rr muhhav orncrr, ant WATER BONDS VOTED; TO REDUCE AMOUNT TO $300,000 LATER Council Understands That,Reduction Is To Be Made. TTii!» in.* untyrittftttv .Rut hnldtn* a i hnoti H*»otlea for- ftOO.W for lApAire- f? ttirnt «»f the waterworks did not hind conn- ui rj" hoard wan pawinrwd ta 4»y the cuanell Mon- tiny nftcruonu. Tii- ivade lor thm Iward was .i « haittr of dafo'Amn Marth a to April 9. Thi» nmtnakrn w«*4©ffwd Ay the flnnnf* rmnmlttiw, waa adopted hy council, waa council. Judge L. coniM»nt to Ih» hcnnl million dnllara of IkhmIs for the Improv tnent of the wnterirorka, allowing that half thnt niuoOwt wodld cover the urcossary flu ent a. provemcn... Alderman Key Introdurvd nn ordinance hlndliiff council. In the erent of the carry ing of the ImiikI election, not to laanc more thnu SSno.OM of iNitula. and these In blocks of $25,000. not more than tlOO.000 each year. ('..until an'iuiMl t*> Juror this nrdtnaure, and with the uuderatandln/r that voting fo| the other did not mean voting against Key’s ordluauee. the original ordinance wan adopt- sun nee of a half million (Hindu. and they The ... ... _ cmrarll only voting. Action ou Aldennau Key’s ordluancc was postpoued until Tharaday. ARE INVOLVED Criminal Prosecutions Promised in Cali fornia. INSPECTOR OP U. 8. UNEARTHS schemes Investigation Made by Neu- kausen Is Sweeping in ' , . its Scope. S*n Francisco, Cal., Feb. E.—The Cull says: —n • "Acting under inatructlon from the prealdent, Thnmu Neuhauaan, Inapect- or of the Interior department, co-opt r. atlng with State Mlneraloglat Aubury. hue been Investigating land locatlope In California and ha* unearthed clean tie fraud* wrhlch will be mad* the baale of rrlmlnal prosecutions. The Inve* ttcatlon, which ha* bean sweeping In its ecope. will Involve men of wealth. Influenee and high aoclal atandlnx In California.- SHERIFF CAPTURES BAD NEGRO MURDERER. Speelnl to Tfce Georctau. Wrlxhtavllle, Oa.. Feb. S.—8herlff Da vie and poaae captured Berry Cannon, who on last Saturday ntxhl ahot and Inatontly killed Will llall at th* home of Tom Davla, colored, a few mile, from town. It 1* reported that Derry said he Intended to kill hla wife and u nexro named Frank Pullen, and then he waa golnx to leave. For Biliaueneea and Sick Haadaohe. Take Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup, it ■weetena the atomarh. aide digestion and acta aa a xentle atlmulant on the liver and bowel* without Irritating theae orxana. Orlno Laxative Fruit Hyrup, cure* blllouaneaa and habitual constipation. Doe* not, nabaeate ■ripe and la mild and nliaaant to Remember the name Or' to accept any aubatltute. druggltta. WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL COMPANY TWELVE PERSONS SLAIN BY A BIG SNOW SLIDE Sal Ida. Colo., Feb. 6.—Twelve per- *'»nn are believed to have been killed by a terrific snow slide that came down Monarch mountain at about 9 o’clock last night, completely overwhelming three business houaea anil burying their occupants under 90 feet of snow and dirt. The wrecked buildings are Hteve Skinner’s saloon, Fred Mason’s room ing house and Fred Schrader’* restau rant, the Inmates of which had no warning and no t|me to get out be fore th® crash came. I MEN KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK < m s Are Derailed by Trucks Running Onto the Crossties. lies Moinea, Iowa. Feb. 6.—A car In Hi" middle of a coal train on the North- "«**tetn railway left the track last nlxht omi the city limits, dttchlnx the car* behind It and cauatnx the death of stx | ” r '"n», all miners, and Injurlnx at ‘'•i-t a dozen. The wreckaxe cauxht if.- and It waa with difficulty that the 1 'me* w ere aeeutd. The ilead are: JOHN PII.8TREM. ■' -TKR AXEMKRE. •' -AFO ANDERSON. U.HERT OI.RON. 1 'HI. I.ARSON. SAMUEL DREW. ROOSEVELT SENDS RANK TART NOTE have moved Into their new store." 78 Peachtree'street, —heft you -can'find everythin* carried In an axclualve optl. cal house. The Ballard Bifocal has sained a reputation for this Arm In len than 2 yeara no other house ho* mad* In a half century. Not how cheap, but how well w* can serve you. NOW REMOVAL. YOU WILL FIND US AT 816 PEACHTREE CORNER TENTH. WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE YOU OR HAVE YOU CALL XJB UP PHONE 80 NORTH. WILKER- BON A BRO. T Miners Entombed by Explosion in Shaft. PARTY OP RESCUERS IS DRIVEN AWAY Families of Missing Men Enact Pitiful Scenes at Mine’s Mouth. Elkina. W. Va., Fab. 8.—Aa 4 feault pf an explosion yeatarday at Mine No. 18. of the Davis Coal and Coke Company, at Thomas, neat here, twenty-flv* or thirty miners, th* majority of whom are forelxnar*. are euppoaad to be dead. Flv* men who were Just enterlnx the mine when the exploelon occurred have been taken out. There la no way of drtermlnlns how many men were In tb* mine at the time of tha explosion. mine li bodies of six foreigner* and one Atn-rl. ran. Before further prosreas could be made poisonous fumes enveloped tha party, which was composed of Oeneral Manager <}tt, D. M. Boyd, superintend, ent of the Henry mine; Daniel Jon**, mine boaa; Arthur Steward and John Jenklna. -Before th* regculng party could reach th* surface, Jonaa, tha mine boss, died from suffocation. Efforts wera made last.night to enttf the mine again, but without auccaaa. explosion, and th* min* la full of dan geroua after damp. Pitiful arenes are being enacted around the mouth of th* mine. Th* families of th* mlsalng men are fran tic with grief, and atrenumu efforts are necessary to keep them from throwing themselves Into the mouth of the min*. DESTROYED BY FIRE WITH $17,000 LOSS Flames Threaten Destruc tion to Oil Plant and Big Compress. President Says ('barges Against Commission Are Groundless. Howell Cobb. * i'il to Tho Georgian. Tallapoosa, Oa.. Feb. 8.—Howell hh . °f Ihla place, died yasterdav rnlng at « o'clock. He waa a young "" "f nromlalnx future and waa th* "‘.R K. Cobb, th* popular livery- "1 of this place. Washington, Feb. 5.—Thnt Charles 8. Hank* and George W. Harrltnnn failed to substantiate their assertion that aerloua error* appenred In the statistical work of the Interatate o mere* commission and that they failed to show-. In accordance with their claim, that the freight and passenger rate* o' the country could be reduced nn aver age of l« per cent without reducing wages or dividend*. In substance, art the conclusion* of the Interstate com merce commission In Its report to the senate In response to a resolution of that hotly concerning the employment of Messrs. Hanks and Harrlman. These gentlemen made an Investiga tion tif the Interstate commerce com mission after several conference* with the president nnd the members of the commission, when. It Is staled, thc> assured tlte president thfit grnve error* AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS 191-2 Feachtrae Street. /Haiti. 6a. OVBR SCHAUL& MAY $4 Rubber Plate* - - 22-K Gold Crown Percelain Crown • Bridgework, tooth - Painless Ex- rnPr . tracting with | all plate work Hours. 8 a. m. till 8 p. m- More Dread of tbe Dental Chair Sunday*. 9 *• *' ^ P- m - A NEW TRAIN To Jacksonville, Fla., via SOUTHERN RAILWAY, leaves Atlanta 8:30 p. m. arrives Jacksonville 7:30 a. m., connecting with all lines diverging from Jacksonville PLACED ON TRIAL 8pedal to The Georgian.. San Antonio, Texas. Fab. 8.—Major <-. J.. Penrose, of the Twenty.flfth In fantry, was arraigned for trial before a courtmnrtlal yesterday on tha Charge of neglect of duty In.the Brawnavtlle af fair. Major Penrose Is represented by Colonel aienn, of the -Twenty-third In fantry, and Captain Charlea Kay Is judge advocate. Jor Penrose plead ed not guilty. The chnrges were read and tha flrat session adjourned. Forty cltlsena from Brownsville sre here as witnesses. anti short comings existed In the work of the commission and that they could revolutionise the work of that hotly. Appended to the commission's report Is s sharp letter from President Roose velt to Mr. Hanks, dated January 21 last. In which It Is stated that the charges are completely disproved. OCORCE HARRIMAN 8AY8 HE COULDN'T TELL ALL. Washington. Feb. 5.—George W. R. llarrlmoit. who failed to make good his barges against the Interstate com merce commission and was sharply re buked by President Ria.sevelt In a let ter to Charles Jidunrd Hanks, his co- investlgntnr. said today: "All Unit has been sold about the ex amination Into thd merits »f our chnrges amounts to this: The com mittee .pent the greater part of the time asking me i|U*»tlnn*. 1 was put in the witness stand as It were and not permitted to make u gfull statement. Spelral to The Georgian. Hawkinavllle, Oa., Feb. 6.—At mid night last night a fire broke out which completely destroyed the skating rink and Jelka A Co.'s fertiliser manufac tory. Both were large tram* build' Inga. The rink waa being used by negroes and the (Ire started there, working Its way to the factory adjoining It. J. R. Franklin valued hla rink at 12.000 and had It Insured for 11,800. W. A. Jeks A Co. valued their plant at 11.000 and had on hand manufac tured stock valued at 814.000, with II.- 100 Insurance on the building and 14,700 on the stock. The previous rain and low wind kept the fire from spreading to tho com press and Stand Oil Company plants. The (Ire department did valiant serv ice In staying the flame*. You See, It's This Way- HARDYFOOD is made from the very choicest selections of first quality wheat aad barky (malted)— Prepared scientifically—hr our own exclusive methods— And with especial regard to cleanliness and sanitary conditions. > It is thoroughly cooked and practically digested before you eat it. Just the food for weak stomachs—nothing better for the strong ones. Hftrdyfood fat th* food For Grown People •swell as For Children Not simply en infant's forf, you will observe— Although there’s nothing die quits so healthful for the growing youngster, from the time fw (or she) to take sold food. In feet— HARDYFOOP b the food— For the infant— Poe the professional athlete— - For the brain worker, the hand worker, or for anyone who works at afl. It costs you only ten cents— For a Urge package—fifteen meals— To Ujr HARDYFOOD. You will find it at your grocer's HANDLING MAILS OF YOl’It PATRON AUK. SEWING MACHINE FOR RENT by week or month, at low rate*. The Singer I* acknowledged th* lightest running and most convenient of anv. Try one and be convinced. Only at the Slger stores. Look for the rad letter 8. ;• Whitehall street, telephone Bell 1SS-3; 494 Decatur street, telephone Bell 8172: 712 Marietta street, tele phone Bell 880. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O 2-CENT CAR FARE O FAVORED IN MI880URI. O O O O Jefferson city. Mo., Fab. 8.—By O Big Cut To Be Made in Ap propriation for Roads. Washington. Feb. 8—Appropriation* aggregating tl0t.U0.881 art carried In the postoflleo bill agreed upon by th* house committee on poetofflee* and post road* last night. Tha poatoffle# appro prlatlon for tho current year waa 1181,' 870.882. Cut* aggragatlng 110,000,000 havt been made by the committee In pay rnenta to bo made to railways for car rylnx malls and for tha use of care. A straight cut of 11.000.000 la mad* through a reduction In th* rate per ton to he paid on heavy mall routes: a of 11.000,000 la made In th* rent to be paid railway* for postal cars; a cut estimated at 11,000,000 le made by eliminating the weight of mall bag* from th# weight upon which railway* are in be paid for carrying mall, and a prnbnble cut of about 18,000,000 will result from tha decision of the commit tee to have the dally average mall ovet route* ascertained by dividing the weekly weights by seven. Instead ot by six, aa la the present practice. CHILD DIES IN AOONV AFTER DRINKING POTASH. 6 a vote of 92 to 1, th* hout* paaaed 6 O the hill reducing the passenger O O rate* to 2 rents a mile on all O O main line rallrnada In Mlaeouri O O and 2 cent* a mil* on Independent O O line* lee* than 49 mile* In lenslh. O O It la considered practically cer- O tain that the bill will past the O O senate. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MISS MARY ANTHONY DIES IN ROCHESTER Ho<hf*ter. N. V., Feb. 6.—Ml** Mary Anthony. dialer of Hunan B. Anthony, the fninoui* nuflfraglat. who wan an lm- iiorUint a. Agur* 1 na^Lhc lattn, cll«>c! at h*r hum® her® t«*iiay. Whrn tlitlr uucMD n* failed to elicit anythin*; convincing to them, thev re* Itortnl thnt the charged had fallen down In a letter I have «ent the pren- Idrnt I have called hid attention to pn*or« ataindt the Intewtate commerce c<-*ni.rlM»l**n’a avikda. NOMINEES ELECTED BY POPULAR BALLOT. stporini t<» Th** C.forgtnn. INiuglanvIllp. fSa.. Keb. J».--An election confirming tho white primary of a few week* ago was held here yeaterdav and the following oWcerd were elected: Per mayor. I., Z. Dorset!, for record er. B. K. IMwards; councllmen. J. M | HfHH-lnl to Tbe Georgian. .Montezuma. Oa., Feb. 6.—After two duy* of agony, Loulee, the elghleen- tnonthd-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurdle, died Sunday morning. Last Friday the little girl got hold of a cup of potaah water that hod been left on a table and drank ltd contents In a very dhort time dhe wad In great ugony and remained bo until ehe died. COOK COUNTY CLUB IN LONE STAR STATE. Special to The Oeorglan. Dal hid. Tex.. Feb. 5—The Cook founty. Illtnotn, Democratic Club. 108 Ntfong. arrived In Dalian thin morning at an early hour on one of their perl- ■ til leal trlpa through tho country- They w-era met by a large party of local Democrat! and given a warm recep tion from Dalian Several other point.* In the Mate will be vlalted. WANTED 200 Honeysuckle Roots— as large as can be transplant- l V ed. State price, set out and quality. F. L. SEELY, Brookwood.) DEATH CALL* MEMBER OF -BLOODY SEVENTH.' Special to The Georgian. Douglaavllle, Ou., Feb. 8.—Another old cltlsen of Douglas county and bravt follower of tho flag of Lee paaaed away here Bunday when. Hiram Bobo died at the advanced age of 72 years. He was a member of the aver fa mous “Bloody Bevenlh" Georgia Reg' Iment, and did valiant service for the cause he loved ao well. Only a few of that nobl* band aurvlve him aa silently and one by on* they pata to the great beyond. — He bad attended every reunion of hla regiment since the war and all of hla old comrade* and many friends throughout th* state will regret to know of hla death. For over 20 years he had been super intendent of th* Midway Mtthodlat Bunduy school. NEORO SKIN GAME RESULTS IN KILLING. •ptclal to The Georgias. Wrlxhtavllle. Oa.; Feb. 8—On last Saturday night Tul Randolph ahot Pete Williams through th* leg. It was not thought that the wound waa fatal, but he died 8unday night about dark. The killing was th* result of a negro akin sum*. This la the second negro Randolph has killed. JUDGE PARLANGE YIELDS TO DEATH; END CAME SUDDENLY’ Special to Tb* Georgia*. New Orleans, La.. Fib. 6.—Stricken, with apoplexy, Judge Charles Pariangn of th* United State* district court, died her* last night. Judge Parianga was one of tho lead ers of the anti-lottery movement in this state, whloh resulted In the overthrow: of tho lottery. Under Governor Foster,. who** election waa the lottery's death blow, ho waa llautaaaatgaWMSt*; Judge Pariang* had held the offlea* of United States district attorney and associate Justice of the supreme court of Louisiana In addition to tha offlea ha held at th* time of hla death. Ha waa 8* yearn old. LIBRARY PATRONS BREAK RECORD The Carnegie Library has reached tbe high-water mark of Its circulation. Th* number of books Issued Saturday, February 2, was 711. tb* largest num ber ever circulated In on* day. In addition to tb* books carried Into the homes, there were 428 people using the reading and re8lW>B9 that day. maklnff a total of M88 visit ing the library. THE ORIGINAL Morris, II. T. Cooper. J. R. Duncan. V R. Htnllh. 8. A. Griffith. A. 8. Ilagsrtt W. V. Abercrombie; for treasurer. T. J Barrett: i-ar-UaH. o. T. Reiman. HONEY and TAR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat , and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY ALL DEALERS.