Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 06, 1907, Image 15

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HENDRICK & CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. aasaoMB wjs^gRSaahw.’s s5 os eety t arise: worth tore,tigs flog ^2*t l 3S2i;afB2& JK. *^ | N{f4N| f PAaK:- j l.|rtOBTn ] eR(X)M B.B0-N. BOULEVARD LOT; BEiT LOCA- tloa; eery atiy terms. SmHiSfcVB rear. WANT orrBB FOR M-ROOM HOUSE, two block, of PMchtne; will met ter & per numth. end arm oarer be recent; ideal InveetmeaL 44.750 BUY8 APARTMENT .HOUSE cM/i.'sr^ «nsr offlra. «.«» BUV8 t-BOOM COTTAGE: RLE- rated let; rs,y term,; Hill atreet. BKR 111’SHELL 8IIIULKY OR L. U. HEN- drleki* D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 303 CANDLER BUILDING. BELL PHONE 330—ATLANTA 334. WILLOW STREET—LOVELY (ROOM cottage, conveniently arranged, roues, nleotly located to throe car lines, just 1 mile from old depot, oae blork off ('each- tree, a alee lot aed comfortable little home for M.I5D on easy terms. A DANDY ELEVATED CORNER LOT ON Penee DsLeon arannr that ran tie bought to aa to make jou money. EAST LINDEN AVENUE, NICE 4-RGGM rottago. well built and newly palntotl, 11.650 on liberal terms. FOWLBtt STREET, NBAS PINE. FIR8T clau 4-room cotttfa, wltb cabinet man tels. It has a uew roof and la newly painted nnd papered; tbla would make n flret class cottage borne. Price, 91,760; liber al terns. JUST THREE DOGK8 OFF WEST Peachtree, cue of the highest point* around Atlanta, a dagdr 9-room house, well built, conveniently arranged with every modern convenience, walking distance of Whitehall atreet. The surroundings are good and tho place Is a bargain at 17,000. MILI.EDOE AVENUE-MODERN, 4-HOOM cottage, every convenience, large lot, well ebeded. Price. *3.750; email c*,n pe/mcot end balance 1* monthly paymeota na you want them. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, IM7. M. L. THROWER, 39 N. Forayth St, Bell 'Phone 1450. Standard Thone 164. YOU are — - o—~ rent paying investment, this is it Eight houses, !ood repair, lot 200x100, sidewalks, sewer and street improvements; now rented for $59 per month; will rent for more. We are going to offer this for quick sale at sacrifice price, $5450. Only $1,000 cash, balance 1, 2, 3 vears, with interest. You w-ill have to hurry if you get this. ' M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. OLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. •war as# sswysra « SS« WMfM® >£UttS»*iJS!S&. " ,CB price 55.30; lerm,. „ (T WEST OP OBANT FARE. BRAND- m eli-renai cott.r,: IM H I.J 160. xnd a BST JSSaTUtf » $& per month. (RASDNBW (EVEN-ROOM COTTAGE, it feet front! aide alley, weiee and gee. nmmndsd by idee homo*, nicely finlehcd. .Ilk chlnet maatela; *1,500. : MOO:' «*> MK93 in ft; 'dn voo want tn pay ran IIX ROOM HOUSE ON OUtNN 8TRBKT: lot V) bt IN (oat. rantlnc at *13 par watt; Jl.iSO. Tcrma. MODERN SIX ROOM COTTAOE, WITH tiff, lot; beat |iart ot We«t Bad; Sf.N0; tklk lk • foal bargain. WE SAVE POUR LARGE LBYYXLOTB Mu T1 by 8* feat. Id ona balf block if nt liar. In Weat End: Ibrae Iota tare Mit front and nlrpty of «bnda Ju,t ■blak of frtttng l loi linn atm far *1.000. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. WOODWARD ATE.. .NEAR CFIBBOKEE IfBlil.; (triendldly Imllf nearly new *• r«n liniifc-: un ouuirnlanrra: Waal Mf. thW. RW Tba booae would root to COTTAOL—SAME BTBBET AND LOCAL tty; linn fi room, and wide ball; elevated lit: r.,r ollry. *5,100; *300 ctib, balance caab, balanca to """ Okirtna to nnatbor Mite. . trmii t»i niib sad 135 per roontb. wltb T l»r cent on of lirfarc. Will font *510 yaar. t*-> m.nt’K OP BOULEVARD. » MIX- Jin a .ilk from renter; A room boaor; new Rtaninj amt iiapertuR; level lot. 51 Met front f.rmi |M reek and (M monthly. AWRV ST -roRNJtR; BLOCJC OF CAR bur: to., iinarle new honors, I and a mom; rented for Its, wltb virant lot. *1.500. II bT off FORSYTH ST.-SEVEN UIS- a-"!'!? Wl ' ,k fh ’ m *-roo® cottage; lol fn«ntii til; &1Q0. Tcrrnn $1,109 cash «»•! niMrtgngr. KSTES BROS., Heal Estate Tut; 1‘oters Building, Atlanta Phone. r,; "AU. STREET.*WE HAVE A •» Ini" !ML. ia *J ,,orv house, 3> by N feet. C „„,, rhl * *>»« adtanlafea that can nut 1,1 ,hl » «d. If yon want n tnr lv>», m at at oner. "o.'» \ S, " v 'i TOX STREET. A TWELVE- 11,1 ttood condition; east front; ' ’•> IS", to an alley. Price 16.5*1. "IM BI'V A TEN-ROOM HOUSE "'•"■r Greet; large lot; doae lo. Son un nlwul this. Mi K A NCMRER OP BARGAINS r ; rm propertlon. It will pay * •• ">ir Hat Ix-fore buying. s »le Real Estate. w - JONES & 00., VIADUCT PLACE. I'HONES 5560. 1 avenue-right at >-> by IV. Lilly *3,000. II ITtUF -I,IT 55 BY ISO TO J“ r from f.Hir Tertni. a"'!. , "'"'SK. utiun blouks . **» 1-t Uiunth; 35.(W; 1 >- l»r rent. in. HI M'AUTMKNT HOUSE; *'•' r»-r Mur: nl I?,*). An Ml\ I'stUlt'll V • ***** ’'XT HR At TljjjyjK. FRANK C. DAVIS CO., Real Estate and Renting, 507 Gould Bldg. Bell 2895-J. lij PER CENT INVESTMENT! 1 CLOSE IN ON NORTH SIDE, WE ARE OFFERING BRAND NEW WHITE PROPERTY PAY ING 15 PER CENT ON PRICE ASKED. $2,100 TAKES Tins. ALSO HAVE IN BLOCK OF THE ABOVE BRAND NEW WHITE PROPERTY PAYING 14 PER CENT ON PRICE ASKED; $4,550 TAKES THIS. "ITS USELESS T OSAY THAT TIIESF. KIND ARE SCARCE. FRANK C. DAVIS, A. S. NORMAN, R. F. DAVIS. L C McCRORT to VU JOHNSON McCRORY * JOHNSON, Real Estate, 503 Peters Building, Phone 4691. ■AWT LIKDEN AVe.. WEAR JACKSON -A 3-room Lntory Uoune; nil nroderncoo- ftmuVhS' The price boa bean rad. l-earoiraa. who an noown It baa U rnoma with loraly Interior; i la date; large lot; wa can't tall yo mack a boat tbla. 35,000 caab. baUn ^SSsSr ■aaratTMg wan™ OK BAKBR ST . CLOU 3-etory raaldence of U i cerntr lot; everything *•< home; otraar leaving city i tba gfeet aacrlflca p J caab. tataaca to atSt. B£ : .WbW*5 A COTTAOB that coot tba owner lot la worth 33AO0. s«»_ tag for oocietbluK Ideal tbla. It Win taka N,000 caab, balance yearly at * par cant •jre If you ata look lot no Wbaw yoa to bay W. W. S. ASKEW, 426 Empire Building. Crew street, eight-room house going at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Nice garden and servant’s house. Crew-street, five-room cot tage, almost new; all con veniences; $2,650. Lowe street, corner lot, five- room house, only $1,600. Can you beat it t I can arrange the terms on any of the above to suit vou. See me. S. B. TURMAN & CO. SOUTH SIDE. PAVER & BLACK, 315 and 316 Liters BUILDING. BOTH ’PHONES 3519. $7,000. ** t-.-WHITB J TENANTS.'* ooifi aa coaor. near Kacatur four-room and oao throo-mm ag for *7* pat month. Tbla SIX HOUSES—' Ose debt-room atreet; four four. koaoei; renting i property lo a bargain, wltb lot I» foot $9,000. WILL BUT SRVEK NEW "lIOUSES, POU- U«, ttorM rooms; rents for |U* ptr mouth; on car lino. A n'o. I ranting eactlon; two atroat fronts. This property will baar cloaa Inspactlon. $9,000. 110,400. FORSYTH STREET. WE HAVE SOME- thing wa ran advtsa. $9,000. SIDE. TWO ' BiailT-ROOM eloaa In; lot VM by 150. W. M. NICHOLsT"' B H. GOWER. For Sale’On Easy Terms. UlWa wA HB“, Ivl Pf UI aw IU ■IIBT. yjitmst; price I1.M0; *200 rash; haUnaa NO. r>PfV»BOOM COTTAOB; COrt>EU lot; car Una lo front; water, gas and hath; prtea 91J00; |300 cash, balanca month* NO. A-FIYa-BOOM NEW COTTAOB. near Grant pork; 91.700; li&Q cash; balanca monthly. FOR SALE —50 SHARES VERY CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. TUB ATLANTA TITLE ODABANTT CO. boa Jut Claud a aueraaofol year will earning* to each oror • par cant and an torn ta tba plant of Mi pot coat, a total of IIH par rant I aero toe far no*. The plant la eancodad to hi oao of tko beat to tko UBlind Sfatra. Modern to array roaput and tocrooalog to roloo dally. Off loars; W. B THOMSON. ProNdoat. J. W. HAbDN. Seerotary. DI r ac tart; ABA G. CANDLES, JOHN S. CANDLER. FORREST ADAIR PRESTON L ARKWRIGHT, JOHN E. MURPHY, CHARLES T. PAGE, W. A THOMSON. There is no company stock for sale. On account* of other investments requiring imme diate attention I am author ized to sell a part of some in dividual stock not exceeding 50 shares. For further par ticulars, see CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. NOW IS THE TIME BEFORE THE SPRING SCRAMBLE BEGINS THESE AND MANY OTHERS TO SHOW’ TOU. BE QUICK. NORTH SIDE. FOURE8T AVE.—NEW * ROOM 2-8TOHY house, m ** WEST rGACHTREE-A NEW IMtOOM house (corner); n hrnnty; cast frout; con fidential. Nee me In person; terms 99.000 NORTH BOULEVARD—A NEW 9-ROOM modern • house, near Ponce DeI*eou nve« nues; terms *. 17.500 WENT PEACHTREE LOT. 92x160; BEST site In the city for an apnrtmeut house; terms 97.600 cosy little home, here It la. ■ venue, six-room nouse. ttuiii lor uonis, east front, modern aa# up-ttMlste, In one- half block of new school; ear In front; buy this now and aare x per cent advance In sixty days. 96,780—SOUTH PRYOR STREET—EIGHT room house; large rooms; level lot; all conveniences; tu walking durante; hat barn, servant's room, buggy house, su«l everything to make a borne comfortable. Terms cau lie arranged. , .1 BUSHB, dBBl IIUBI, •TW«*| wain • lid gao: charted atreet, and on car line Iblag batter to build aa; oae-balf caab. NORTH SIDE. 35,755—VACANT LOT ON PIEDMONT; iat 55 by IM: eaar ’ and Ta.tb atraato. H.OOP—SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. ON ONE of tba boat nortb aide atraato; oaary- thlng to to mtka a modern homo; almoat SUBURBAN. 1550 FOR I ACRES OF LAND FEONT- .. le... „ Tm ,| ^th bon- noneh run. through roar run oi bh; »n miirt from city limits; three* fourths of a mile from Colonel Robert r. Maddox's magnlfleeat i Is not a prettier spot a summer rosMeneos i within a hundred yards of this property. mile from city; on car line; .ANSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 lo 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. mid lliotiiM* of wine floors. Price 8UI.LM.II' NORTH NII.K IIOMEj .Njn, nor l»»t; In blwk "f North West Peach tree Mtr< rooms, with baths • anhi.k.y park street, mmr I • Can In* tHiugbt foi INVB8TMENT Wbltebnll ntontli. wlibn PROUERTY . NB renting for *41 to* iHiuubt f«*r M*. latter with Ihla? .O-.NV HTIlKBrjIHl'SII AND I^T-JJKW homu- Six roou'.. ' »" • KND-NRW TWI Rnttw. frwtlus « N !l!fe " f "!, , ..’ l: i.»nMi 1 n' , |W.' n A ItARt • AIN* .1 W MA\»* |’.\t‘l. \Aaalst» \. II I ('Oil 118 AND cated oa Church street, two Works from depot; In the beat resident section of the ivt acres. The price of this lot (e cut to • Hi acres, e half of I fra-BEAUTIFI'L VACANT irray Hill atal Take North Decatur car. H. B. TURMAN & CO., (’or. Broad and Ala. Streets. M. H. LUCAS & CO., 23 1-2 Whitehall. Bell 3934. *01,111 BRICK BUILDING. LEASED limn* year* nt 1*0 per yeor as grocery store; mom for another building on lot. Will root for more tu future, as It Is natural trading point of rapidly growing section. Bargain at 95.W- KNAP EtlIt FACTORY HITE—AN OFFER PULLIAM 8T.—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE: modern; east front; terms 92.760 (J CORGI A AVE.'—A GORDON AT.-9 ROOM 2-8TORY HOUSE, north front; terms 96*260 ; large lot; terms... 94.01 OAK STREET-THREE VACANT LOTB. worth 9900 mrti; If taken at once will sacrifice, each 9760 NEAR GORDON ST —130 FEET FRONT- age on cherted street by 230 feet to 29- foot alley; mutt lac sold quick. Can ar range easy term* 91.900 V. CHELENA, Real Estate, 706 4th National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 3878. T. M. GIDDEN8. Baloaman. PCAFIITHEE ROAD—SPECIAL BAR gain nt Itnekbcnd; also several acreage tracts dose In: north able. RAILROAD FRONT. IN CITY LIMITS; wgli for fairly li Very cheap at 93.* CHOICE WHITE PUOPEUTV RENTING m 9H*>. for |S,ona. nml various other small er Investment proposition*. WR HAVB MANY ATTRACTIVE HOMES Il*ttf| for *ale. We c*h offer »'»»• *on»c verv Imrgslli*. ImiIIi In «*■•!• nge» nud In Ih**i class of two story bouse*. M. II. LUCAS 4 CO. 96.126 BUILDIKO, PHONE MAIN 4234. VAt'ANT LOT BARGAINB, -WB8T FKAUHTUKE CORNKR. U65a-\VK*T F.SD. PARK *T„ 4«»SIB. *5.5«k-l’(>N<'K Ih LKON. I’ORNBR, I9il*J I5.43A-IDKAI, AUAI1TMKXT 81TB. Malta cTsaTuKUKKtT. N, imTT.r.VARD. 4>»I75. r.O»-FI.VK NORTH 81DB COBNBB, 50 by ll.SOO-K. NORTH AVENUE. 541144. M.940-A b-VAU. KVGKWOOD AVE.. tOlif M.wTuluiNO giiantTauk. vnwT E PEOPLE TO PHY MEUSE Representatives Vote on Plan to Raise Rates. Cltlrogo, Feb. *.—The Record-IIrrald la authority for the.othtcmcnt that by artlon taken Tueaday the railroad, of the country have paved the way to drag back to their coflera the million, they recently handed out to their employeee In the way of Increaaed wages. The ahlpper la to pay. The paper soya; "If a vote now being taken on tho proposition to Increase the rate* in nearly all of the main commodltlea 10 per - cent by Inc rearing the minimum which It to permitted to load into a cor goal Into affect, million* of d<4lira yearly will be added to the revenue, of the-traWo lima. — — ~ "The Brat active atepa were taken yesterday aft a meeting held In Chicago. which was attended by the executive official, of rallmoda Kant having a to tal of more than IW.flM mile, of line.. The roads Initially Interested extend throughout the territory east of this city and north of the Ohio river clear to the seaboard and north Into Canada. "In this territory freight rates are controlled by the organisations known as the Central Freight A >>oc latlon. "If the plan la auccegtful In the East It undoubtedly will be followed by the lines south of the Ohio river, and then by the lines to the Pacific ocean." COLUMBUS SCHOOLS GET A URGE GIFT Rpeclal tu The Georgian. Columbus, Qa., F«b. 6.—0. Gunby Jordan hnn nddfed 92.600 In caab to hlu former contributions to tha secondary Industrial school, making a total of about fl?>000 In cash and lands do nated by him. Mr. Jordan la president of the school board of the city and since hi** election to the place has taken a most active Interest in school matters. Deforms have been made thm have greatly Increaaed the capacity as ell as the efficiency of the .schools. OF EMPL9YEES The Raise Aggregates Nearly $400,000' a Year. Washington, Fab. (.—Conductor,, trainman and yardmen of the Southern railway ara to rooalva an Increase In wages aggregating between (140.000 and 1400.000 a yaar. Hundred* of man ara iff act *d by tba advance. For oevoral weak. General Manager Ackort and other officiate of the South ern railway have oeen In conference with committee, repreoentlng tha man. who urged that because of the InerosH j tn living axpeneoa during the past two room they' were not able to live on the pay they ware then receiving, and they •d for a horliontal . Increaaa In aragea. A aatlafactory adjuatment Anally wan reached Tueaday. No Rat percentage of Increase In wagea to given to any cloaa of amptoysee. the Increaee In every case being dependent entirely upon condition,. Tha Increase amount*, however, from 4 par cent as the mini mum to 14 per cent aa the maximum. Through freight conductor, are to be paid on a baala of per hundred mllaa; local freight conductor,, 14.(0 per hundred mile*; local freight brake- man. tl.K par hundred mllaa. and through freight brakaman, tl.K per hundred mllaa. Other conductors and trainmen are granted proportionate In- creaaea, aa are the yardman. Grewsome Discovery Made by Hungry: Passengers. \ Mlnneapolla, Minn.. Fab. I.—Poooen- gera from s' atal led train near Forge, N. D„ report finding a family of four froxan to .death to a farmhouae A doxen volunteer* had left the train to anarch for food. Titer came to tha hou«* and found lh* door gone. En tering. they aaw In a corner'-of the reout the hod lea of the farmer end hie wife, and nearby the frozen corpora of two children. Every bit of furni ture waa gone, and apparently had bean used for fuel, and the door had been aacrlficed as a last reaort. There was no dew lo the names of the atrlcken family. Whan winter loaran* It* grip on the northwest It to frand the death roll will be found to run up Into tb» hun dred*. Thl* experience for former ' ■tormy winter* Indicate* that not leas j than 1(0 hava lufferod the urn* fata ! oa thin family whoaa death bo* luat bean reported. FIFTEEN BODIES STILL ENTOMBED Special to The Ooonrtan. Elkina. W. Vs. Feb. (.—Rertoed ce llmate, of tha victim, killed by an ex- ploalon In the Thorns, min, Monday do not reduce the firat eitlmite. Sixteen bodlaa have been recovered. The total known deed la 1(. It to admitted by ’ the company that "about 11 man re- i main antoMbad." UNFA IR TO OLIVER TO DIG UP RECORD "I war aurprlaed when I read In Tha Georgian and News that afforta ware being made to nee again,! W. J. Oliver the milt for alimony and divorce brought agatnat him In AUanto. -To bring this agalnet him now In an effort to Injure him In the Panama canal work. If auch la being done, I think to unfair." Tide la the atatamant made by Judge , P. Westmoreland, of Want more land Brothers, who brought suit agelnat Mr. Oliver for Nonnle Oliver In the anpe- rlor court. Although opposed to Mr. Oliver In thla aulL Judge Woatmara- land done not think that hla connection with the eult ahoutd be uoed agalnet him In Washington. "The case 14 far from being Milled," laid Judge Went morel and. "and whan It cornea up In tha auperior court be fore Judge Pendleton It will be fought to a flnlah. But the defendant’, con nection with tbla cans dara not say he to Incompetent aa a contractor.” Inataad of having this com off hla hand,. Oliver will etlll hava to watt for a jury to say that he to not the com mon tow huabaml of the plaintiff In the cane, according to the present ntotua of affairs. Judge Weatraoreland say, the cue will probably be heard some time thla year. It la now on the docket of tha auperior court and bee suae of tha length of this docket It bu not yet been reached. At the time the ault wa* firat filed, temporary alimony was naked for. but Judge Pendleton ' did not think he ahould grant temporary alimony until a jury had panned upon the cau and decided whether or not there wu a comtnftn law marriage. When next the cau to heard a peti tion for permanent alimony will be In' older. It la a divorce that tha plaintiff now. sake, and If In pasalng upon tbla the jury dec Idea that a common tow mar riage extols, tha affair will be more complicated, aa Oliver hoe again mar ried. 1 "When the eon comae uV oaM Judge Weatmorcland. It will he fought to a finish. Wa hare our wltnerara Kid wa think era con aatabllah our ClOttoa before a Jury.” For juat what Internets to W«jhtag- ton tha Information concerning the di vorce eult wu being secured by the Atlanta attorney, interested could not be learned, but It to generally liMWfM to be Interest, that deelre to pravtnt Oliver from getting tbt canal contract. ELLA WHEELER WILCOX She Gives Some Excellent Reasons Why No One Should Ever Think of Suicide. visas Vi POWER COMPANY ASKS FOR CHARTER AT WILMINGTON (porlnl to The Georgian. , Wilmington, N. lFeb. (.—Applica tion haa been made tn tha (enerat a* nembly to Incorporate the Tidewater er t'nmpany, of Wilmington, with a capital utock of (750.000 with the priv ilege of ImTcaalng the amount of atock any time. The now company will tranemlt light anil power tn thtn city front the Rockingham Power t'ompa •'* plant In Richmond county. Hugh McKee A Co., bnhker* ami promoter,, of thla rtty, are at the head f the Tidewater Power Company. I1.I6.VONU BLOCK GRANT PABK. 111x150. 51,000—PINK SOUTH 8iTll: LIIT, 5U15<) tUtO-UKKT ON GUOItOIA AVK...58x110 pun-IImill.AND AVK . S. FRONT 50x15". tsnv-GOOH Wlltci FAD Cvl.v. *3B>—YTK8T MDKl DO DOW*I Bitot. DOWN I ' " <*8 hl > ,nu f ® r •*-" ' f ik. .air. Balked at Own Mtdicind. Tne Waahlngton Btar. tramp tva* one day M lulling through a wood that belonged to the fukc oi Norfolk. The duke happened meet him, und Mid: 0.1 you know you’re walking on my lard 1 ’ "Your land*'’ »nld the tramp. "Well. I've got no land of my own, no I'm obliged to walk on Homebody'*. Where, though, did you net till* land?” "I got It from my unceator*," Mid the duke. "And where did they get It from?" to nt on the tramp. "From their nnceatora." *ald the duke. "And where did their nnreatura gel It from?" "T(tey fought for tt." "Come on. then." Mtd the tramp fiercely, an he pulled off hla coat, "and 3160—CITY l.nT ON CAB LINK, I "WU OUT RI.’BULTB. I Hut the duke, retreating haetlly, dc- Icllned la accept this fair offer. you are diacouraged. III. unhappy, do not let he Idea of aulclde enter your mind. Evaiy day the newspaper, report the attempt at Mlf-deatructlon of aome poor, mistaken human being. I My the attempt, becauae no being ever aucceeda In ending life. The man who commit, aulclde end, thla one earthly phaae of life, but he find* hlm- Mlf Juat aa much attve and juat an mlaarable aa he woe here. He may not auffer with the bodily allmenta, but he auffera with ten-fold the mental nnguleh when he realtaen tho Indestructibility of life. I know thla Matement will call forth many challenge, for proof. I have not •pace or time to give my exptonatlona here, but he who chooee* to hunt for •uch proofs may find them. There to a book I would like to rec. ■ it,intend aa full of valuable Information on Ihl* eubject. It I* by Mr. E. C. Ittn- ilall. nn attorney ul Buffalo. N. Y. It I* railed "Life’, Progre»»lnn. Cling to Life. The facta given In thl* book aro not obtained In a way that 1 can approve. The method* by which they came ne- crMltate* the certain martyrdom uf a human taring, a being who aubject* tier wilt and mentality to the u*e of other Intelllgeni-ea out of the body. It In alway* dnngenm*. It I* ahvay* wrong, for the higher! duty lmp<,*eil on u* I* to retain and develop our own In dividuality and to learn the greet law of concentration and dlacover CB*I'„ truth. In the right way. Ilul the mind, which ha* been the Inetrumenl through which "Life'* Prug- re»»" wa* written, received »uch val uable und imiKirtant fuel* that 1 beg all my render*. e*|**riully any who are ■ulcldally Inclined, lo obtain thl* book. It contain* inure truth than I* preached In all the churches of Ute world. A aide free* the *pt ritual phaae of aulclde. It I* extremely vulgar. The drug and nlcohnl victim, the burglar nnd thief and n**a*«ln take to aulclde easily. Who wlehe* tn place hlinielt In that cl***'.’ S Then why »eek the method* of exit from thl* earth selected l>y them and run the rl*k of tolling Into their com pany on the other side? Then, too, at any moment the un fortunate condition* nurmundlng you ntay change. . Health l» grcntly a matter of will and common *enoo habit*. I have known a score of people de clared to bo hopelessly III. Invslkt* for llle, to recover their health without tha aid of doctor, or medicine. Thing* Change. The milk diet hoe cured thouMnde. Electricity and violet rays have cured t hop in <1a Twenty minute, a day given to act ive phyelcal exercloea have cured thousand,. Belief In hMltb ha* cured thouMsda. 80 th * re I* .every chance of getting well, even at death 1 , door. A* for poverty, the world t* fun at onportunltiea of wealth, and tr you keep your eyee open, your heart open and your mind open, the way will be shown you to Bnd prosperity. It nil depend, upon youreelf. If sorrow I* yours, remember thla too. will pee* sway. Busy yourself with the norm we of others, and believe your own were eent for your eelf development When yon are tempted to oominlt aulclde, remember the old Mylng, "There le a long time to be dead.” . Bo stay attve here on earth until iron are called. Everything will be different tomor* row-. Walt. Evolution ef The degeneracy of a good word I llluelrsted In the case of Blanket (Dorset), In which a wltnaM a poke ot the defendant aa "thla fellow," and was ordered by the bench to eubetltuta -this man." "Fellow" began very hon orably by meaning a person who put dawn money with other. In a Joint un. dertaklng. It* component parte being akin, respectively, to "fee” (property), and to "lay" and "tow." To title day It Is dignified tn be a fellow of n col lege. end nobody mlnda being called a ■fellow cltixen." a "fellow Christ Ian." ir a -good fellow." But ordinarily fellow" alone rank, now aa In tha painful scene tn wrack Mr. Turman *nld. "Sir. you're a fellow." and Mr. Pickwick retorted. "Sir, you’re anoth er." In the fourteenth century It wo* customary to call a entrant "fellow" In kindly rnmleecettolon. Perhaps that explains the word'a decline, though tt may be due to the uoe of "fellow" in the eenee of boon companion. “Com • 1'onion" and "mate" also were con temptuous at once time. — London chronicle. Blood Is thicker than water, but the governor of Jamaica to thicker than either.—Providence Journal.