Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 07, 1907, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGI AN AND NEWS. =*= THURSDAY. FEBRUARY T, ]N7. Want Ads Cent a Word No a4. 1ak,n far lata than 29 eanta. 81* ward* af average langth maka a tin*. .Tha fallowing rataa ara far aanaaautlva Inaartlanas • cant* a lino, t eanta a lin*. V/t cant* a line. 4 eanta a llna. 3'/j eanta a lin*. 3 eanta a llna. W* Will Sand far Yaur Without Charge far Maaw _ Service. Call U* an Ball Phan* 4*27 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phan*. Whan Banding Ad*. Pay far at abov*. POP SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALE—MISCELLANEOUS.' ANTIQUE MAHOGANY AND MODERN FURNI TURE AT AUCTION. fil tihlp, drop leaf IN MODERN FURNI TURE uprlfht piano. root ft cabinet grand. rosewood root; blrd'e-ey* t _ Ip drcaorr. oak chiffonier, cherry folding Rato* quoted Ada. far Situation# Wantad Will ba Inaartad Fraa. WANTCD HELP-MALI. hr. E. I» CRANE A CO.. Front New I»epnt. PRINTER WANTED—A YOUNG MAN with M.ttw. reara* experience wanted a# a rota|HMltor __ . • or*n»f ohteau wrektle* lo tbettate Addn-ea ll**nrv II. Revllt, ed Itor Tbe Vindicator. Grrauvllle. (la. amp Hnslueaa Agency, 1290 Candler build WANTS D—COMPETENT BEMINOTON aparttora faralabad poaltlona. Remington Typewriter Co.. Ill Paacbtraa atraot MEN—TO DISTRIBUTE Oflt SAMPLES, tack sign*. 130 weekly: ateady. no canvas* Tsr — - t Bldg.. Chicago. Inc. OUtrr. Monro** 1 NATIONAL EMPLOY! U Century RMg., A< position# for com pete n1 merclal. mechanical. f Um Eocloaa atampa MEN! AHM'N, l«2- _ . tlanta. On., secures eMpcmtAMMMkMI expense*. Address Ml 1OT. Philadelphia. Pa Manufacturer. I'. O. Box PNN -TrAF*' SENSE TO advantage Bp ualuf oulp ••genuine” Columbus vehicles. IF YOU ARE AN ACTIVN. INTKLLL paot nmn ami earning leaa than 1200 ■•nth. writ# to Riverside Park Co., “ croaa, Oa. IIOBtf Way- WANTED—TRAVELER FOR EHTAB 11 ah*! house; $12 weekly to atari; ex- |iald: referenrea. Address Oforgc Pfojea pal 0. Clowa. WANTED-MBN TO LEARN BARBER trade: few werka romp Idea. 10 |H»aItlons for every graduate; M2 to 120 weekly paid; wagaa while learning; beautiful 1907 cata logue Juat nut. ('all or writ# Molar Barber Cottage, Hunter and Foraptb it recta. K. with mirror front, targe oak'lted _ ault. walnut bed room suit, twelve elegant { ilct urea, clock a. lamps, bamboo and rat* an center table* Kell pee gaa stove, ataod- ard sewing machine. Bp order of the consignors. LEO FRESH, Al’CTIUNEEB. GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. QDAItAffTKBD TO CCBB ANT CHRONIC aof*. carbuoclaa, holla, rata. born*, (al tar. aryatpalaa, chappad hand* aad lip*, pllaa, catarrh. Para, elaaa aad kanulaw., Ha* baaa giro* away far ahoat eighty yaara. Uacaotly placad aa lb* oarkat If dracflat fall* to formlah IL tend oa So It atampa aad w* will aaad you a box, poet ip paid. NaUoaal Coapaay, Atlanta. Oa. TKN (.'Aim IIEHT I.L'111* COAL. INTACT, Id Atlanta; fralabl paid, for M ton. A. Q. car, ti—rfiun and N-w.- HPRATLIN TOP AND CUSHION COMPANY 92 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. We make the host Tops you can buy for the money, Fill orders promptly. Can furnish instructions for measurements to fit all bug gies. Our prices are low. We want your orders. TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS HOLD; TYPBWBITBBi exchanged; tppewrlters rented, rebuilt and * - -*thu different lines of tMf red to TYPEWRITERS ’hanged; type' Ired. In all i EKU we are better prepared ta nerve rou. Supplies for all hinds. Call or write 'or oale Rat second-hand and rebuilt typa- >re. We carry tbe largest stock In Prices tbs lowest. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE COMPANY, 434 26 Caadlar Bldg. MOYP.HH' "IIANNEU" Ul’OUlF.K AliU winners. Good for salute and cbcai FOR HALE—CONTENTS* OF lftltOOM boarding house; old stand and good lora- FOR HALE-ONE HMALL STONE crusher and engine, and throe damp cars. The Ferro Concrete Construction Wllfttngtim and Wnrcriy wav. WANT1P—MI8CtLLANEOU8. lend the ran with carriages nud bar- WANTED—TO. BUT OLD ItCHIIKIl. IIAIltl. old rope, sacks, scrap brass, copper, lead. kfes. It. W. Ellis. BIGGEST LOAD WOOD AND COAL. IN TOWN FOR THE HONEY. FOR dry store and grate wood, call Crawford Coal and Ire Co. Both phooea 222*. Rest coal for tbo cheapest price. WANTED HELP—FBMALtt. EVERYBODY BI’YH MY COUNTY LIHTH; "name; puatofflce; property;" tbe adver- i; the mlvcrtlalng ug**n- fleer, t»erau#* It papa; t>emusr Hie; . Fourth Nnttonnl Hank building. Atlanta, Ou. Ildl ’ phone 1414. Peters and Leonard streets. MISCELLANEOUS. Franklin Still Cleans Clean, SUITS tl 00 AND $1.10, PANTS 60c. 166 WHITEHALL STREET. BELL PHONE 620. FOR SALE —50 SHARES VERY CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. THE ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTY CO. baa juat rlaaad a awtaaafal yaar with oat aaruluf* la caab orar i gar caat aad a* add! lion to tha plaat of M$ par aaat, a total of IIH par caat lucraaa* for ISO*. The plaat I* mocodad to bo oa* af tha brat la lb* I'nltad Slat**, hlodara In arary report aad lucrraalof la raloa* dally. Of flcara ; W. R. THOMSON. Praatdaut, J. W. MASON, Racratary. Dlraatara: ASA a. CANDLER. JOHN S. CANDLER. FORREST ADAIE. PRESTON L ARKWRIGHT, JOHN B. MURPHY, CHARLES T. FADE, W. S. THOMSON. There is no company stock for sale. On account of other investments requiring imme diate attention I am author ized to sell a part of some in dividual stock not exceeding 50 shares. For further par ticulars, see CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LABORST Mcjcia_an4 aundry dlatrtbntora In^tjto Hijra. C< alugu* a ompauy. aad ; r w»w T ! it Aleinik CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK* MODELS AND NOVBI.TIES; PROMPT >11 ’phone 07L Atlanta Wood Noysltp Works, Ml Martatu HE'S THE UAN°THAT £ BELL8 HOT AIB, Installs farosce* lo old boutrs, as wall ~!e prepares a cellar If you bare icrlef Furnace Co. Both 'pbooaa aa naw. Mono FOR PUOM1T AND BKLIABLK MBS- ^wengsrs. ’phone ft J. A. Darlca nud J. 8EWINQ MACHINES BKNTED-TWO DOLLARS FEB MONTH; eltbar Singer or Wbeeler A Wilson. We rent oolp new machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt dellreiy. Both ‘ bones 1JK. Mlll ^ r Macblo# Co., Whitehall BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. money-making pressing rlulie lu Atlanta ” *‘ — and wortt 6 Viaduct lug better. Druggists sell IL WANTED HELP—Mala and Fsmata, TABCBNACLR EMFI.OYMENT PEFABT- meat aopptlea salaried help; m, .-ost t tu II a. m. TTtAL, Luckla atreet. leave r . r ... ■ position. 4*all nt our office, 7ia (Vnturp RMgTc “ “ ** , nr call llell phone Main 2244 and n*k •Ilk ... .v.l —..Ill .1.. Ik.. - , U'. . WANTED—SALESMEN. WE WANT GOOD MEN TO RF.LL FRUIT treea By our plan talesmen maka big pruflta. No trouble to aell uur stoek. Terms vary liberal. Write today. Htultb Bros. Conconl. Os. • FOR RENT—HOUSES. M7 PIEDMONT AVENUE—NINE BOOMH; •o lease tn party Luring furniture. Thre«' rooms are rented to ilesTrable parties, uhn would like to remain. FOR RENT—OFFICES. OUR "CUHTOM” IIARNRM. SINGLE OR double. Wears well and aaves you trouble. E. D. CRANE A CO., Front New Depot. FOB BENT-THREE VERY DESIRABLE offices la Candler building at a reason- able figure. Apply 1*24 Candler Bldg., or phone ITS Main. WANTED- FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED—UNFURNISHED ROOMS. • allty; rloae In; reasonable. Address J. M. H.. fare Metropolitan Ufe luaurance Com pany. liVulUM wTBVko. • an haudle mill referenrea glien. Address V Empire, Gs. Itos 3. A YOUNG MAN 19 YEAltK OLD. W||n ver^ anxious to seoure employment fro' * clock In the day until idght. t*e«t i»f referem’e* can t*e gt«en a* to rhi nrfar. habits, etc. I G.. cure Geatrglau IN WOULD WRITE ADVKtt Young man wr tiM-inent* tot an. •aiiir lu rhyme. Cnn furulah ■•rlgtnsi \er*. each day.lndeffnltelr Hairple* on appltr LIGHT RUNNING. OAK FARTITION WITH GLARS TOF. three rugs, nod two aecom: hand safes. ~ Ellis, 2® 8. Broad street. Will pay t X caab for aecond-baud aafes. Wa repair, pack tod eblp. BY INVESTIGATING OUR STOCK AND FRICKS YOU SAVE. We buy. aell and exchange everythin! Wreckage Co., Both 'phones. EMPIRE CREAM SEPA RATOR DABNEY IMP. CO.. 100 S. Forsvth Street. *2.500; two traveling men with *2.600. ran get luteresta In three Atlanta’s l»est rorpo- rut Iona. W. Jones A Co., & Vlodnet 1’lueu. 8FF.CIAL NGTK’EONILAf^NlUE BEST renfrul elgsr atamla on Decatur atreet; •ee this; ouly RWif; easy terms. .Another THE CELEBRATED BARRETT STOVES AND UANOEB Are tbe only fttoves and Range# on earth lo which the hast FA8STCH BNIBELY AROUND TUB OVEN. Fully protected patents, mauufsetured hy Works. Maka your dealer lileles ridnble. selling the i.rat rubber-tired, ve STRAYED-ONE RI.ACK IIGRHE: LAME left shoulder Notify Maddox ISroeery Company. 134 Fe.m*htree atreet. Both •phones 1047. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND UECORDR- Wholesale and retail distributors of Vie* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machine# and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. Wa want tha names of all talking machine dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexauder-Elyea Co. WR FADDLB OUR OWN CANOB. Nash. 6 Viaduct placa. SANDERS & CONWAY, PHONES 5488. 412 PETERS BLDG. WAaillKOTOM mat laral aa4 prattr tbia If takas at aaat. *?- PDOT-WUM kpriwo RTRKF.T. lot Ji, the street and tha •fly vacant lot that cm he had this cheap a*ywh#f*" J |« IL™ yaa hara it if Mt Beautiful Building Lot Ob tha north aaat corner of Paachtra* Circle Bad Seventh Stret-, Aualey Park, w* have aa cast front lot fronting on thla circle 100 feet , n J running back nearly 400 feet to a 16-foot all*y. ThU U one of tbe pretti,,,, lou 00 the Circle, the front being Juat a little above the itreet naturni, and gradually eloping toward tbe rear. It fronU the propertle* of M . Hugh Inman aad llr. Wlaecoff. Thelatter U now flnlahlng up one of htndaomeat home* la tb# dty. If yon expect to hive e home on ibj, ■plendld atreet. you can't do better than get tble comer. Price $t.r,oooo reasonable term*. FORREST, AND GEORGE ADAIR. **J**~ ltlC * NORTH RIDE nOMF. OF r '*'*4 *e laaaa at tr ie per I * rt —• '«* thS'lCrhtrWa aad will acrar (raw ehaapar. $<0*—RTRlrTLT WHITE COTTAOE. NEAR -HWhera ahoga. I rao.,, lot Miioo! il^ $U6e-HARRia BT. IIOME, 7 ROOUR. UP •“■■aoaTaraLhlah lot. 60*300; nrehtnl rtrkbt -hom Tlaaa la on Jot tOxim imo*. ■ aa a home; of-L make either n tip-top COaditi-e-, -iin-ni rvet for It: will Rood homo or InraataMat Tama. STREET, . bo “* oa lot BOilTO. lerel !*4 gvtty- Lat aa ahow yoo this glare. If SST!Si a fu! tr,c " T fln ' ant 17.600—WERT PEACHTREE HOME* Kr»’. *«r^.oS2 •2' 750 -|''‘**T END COTTAOB. 6 R001I. oo.ajra lot with all Impraremeota In; nlro “•"•''^.Jood.tfowNog. brand new, on terma, aad IS par month. D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY/ 203 CANDLER BUILDING. BELL PHONE 220-—ATLANTA 864. XrtRtli RIDE-ONE 5F ¥I(k BEht •Iraalo—wall built, newly reaoraled, four- ““ id dealraM* anr room cotug,; enod lot anil "f ♦*■*#>; am*II ram, payment nnd baumra tn monthly payment* boulevard place-elegant two. atory arrrn room bouae on large lot; all ronraoleurea; atreral ont-honaes. Prlre It. COOPER STREET—ELEVATED VACANT lot; 100 hr uu fret; hrnltby aurroond LOOK AT YOUR HAT. OLD RTYLE SOFT AND STIFF It ATS elaaned or dyad and raahapad to lata and foreign oraara by i tylaa. Domaatlc II atrrat, Atlanta, Ga. SEWING MACHINES. EST ENTIRELY NEW MACHINES Prompt dollrcry r„ r Courteous attaotloo; *2 month. ltamectlc Sewing Machine ’ompacy. 104 North Pryor atreet. TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPKWRITER RXCHANGB. 71 North Fryor street. Atlanta, Ga. Dealers lo all makes typewriters. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned and re shaped for Sc. Banda or vweata Me each extra. Out-of-town order* given prompt uml careful attention. Beet Acme Hattert, is latest strict. Whitehall atreet. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. LOST—A LITTLE SoltltEI. MARE PONY -nraved from :;,u i;i,iiu atreet; thorl Ilia lie. 4 ’All St alnive nddrcMB or Fhoue Mnln 2761 and get IHhtmI rewnnl. CONTRACTORS. NOTICE. M. A. SHELTON. DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical store and range repairer; best work and material guaranteed. Itoth phones 6276. 61 Routh Fryor atreet. COLONIAL DESIGNS nnd PANEL EFFECTS, ENGLISH HUNTING SCENES IN I'AN elt. White Wall Faper Co, S. Fry« street. SECOND HAND SCHOQL BOOKS I.OST—BETWEEN UNION DEPOT ANI> 23 Kxchange place, one large Inprolnv Itltck one able; whit., and yellow ou the other. Initials W. I*. K. lu earner. Re ward, ’phone im SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT OHS. M&319 Temple Uourt. Atlanta, Oa. Phone 111*. Aeeounta In litigation audited and report- ed on. Investigation for Inwrers. uter ehantt and corporations a tneclalty. High eat testimonials. Correspondence Invited. MONEY TO LOAN. ault. Addreat Capital, rare Georgian. PALMISTRY. MONEY ADVANCED RALABIBD FRO pie and others American Investment Company. 704 Candler building. KtiahliahM IMO. WEYMAN A CONNKItS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loam on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5. < AND 7 PER cent Intercut. pul estate In rud near Atlauta. NO MISREPRESENTATION. TIU8 GIFTRD MENTAL SCIENTIST will convince voti that her Readings are even more atartllng than her advertising COUNTESS MELBA CONSULTING MENTAL SCIENTIST PALMIST. Telia your name, whom and when you will marry. Information and advice regarding hualneaa and domestic changes. Clear, con cite and to the point. IIOUH8: 10 A. M. TO * |\ M. DAILY. CALL TODAY. 1151-2 N. PRYOR ST.. Inga; a Imrgaln at 13.000. HKVERAI. SMALL COTTAGER. * ahady lata, ar lorn** In arrry * T » r r raagrat, with all tha ally aonranlancaa. TblrtymilDUt* aarataa to AUaata. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM IKIEHE ON tha north alda on a larga lot. M hy 173 Hon ' faat; pratty arttotlc rarantlon ball an<rpar- w; toraa kltcha* and Imtlar'a pnntry; four bad room, ap atalra; Rna porralaln bath, two toriltortn. The prtcr la low ami Iha tarma7ara. IlhrraL booaa aud aarraandlnga will plaaa* Von. Hood car arrvlre. why not go and look at " ‘ r.tOO-THE MOST COMPLETE HOME oa Boalavard; norrr boon onnplml. Wr bar# nrrrral bomra on Jarkaou. Junlprr amt 1'lntmoat arrnnr that ran I* bought for from to n.ooa FOR RENT. each S6 West A la ba nm 53 West Mitchell 1 Hill 41 West Hunter 9 North Forsyth 1M Weal Peachtree 4KS DeKalb (Ed go wood. Ga 20.00 20.09 >1.00 50 ACRES FOR SUB-DI VISION—NO CASH PAYMENT. CAN ARRANGE SO THAT YOU PAY FOR THE PROPERTY ONLY AS LOTS ARE SOLD. OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE$10,000 IF YOU WILL PAY EX PENSE OF ADVERTIS ING, PLATTING, ETC. SEE US IN PERSON ABOUT THIS LIBERAL PROPOSAL. PROPERTY IS WELL SITUATED AND CHEAP. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 308 PETERS BLDG. PHONE 2678-L Main. H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. R; M. JONES & CO., 516 Empire Building. Bell 3453-J, 93,000—MARIETTA fcT. A GOOD, ki B •taotlal 3-atory brick etorr; |„. ri|# through to tha W. 4> A. R. R. Juit Jour* arrnur. Thla la good proprn, ha* Mg fotnrt. 33.300—RENTH mU» MONTH. JCHT nri Marlatta atrrrt; _aom*. good nr*r., irlD, aretlon of towa. 13.300—RENTS 341 MONTH; NEAR w HITS hall; larg* hoarding boa a.; no rorn.r |5 and nSrrcd now balow lla rllur. 38,160-BENTS 187.30 MONTH. JI rt Rr yond th* Terminal Station, and nrar i£ now A. A n. II. It.; four dwelling, :,i nor grarary. largo lota and onhnurin S i, nine. Part caab. 14.000—STORE AND DWELLING. IHiAVn now. with largo corner lot, iOilki In .a, of th* boat aootlaaa of tbo eoutb aide; rim. In. and will roadlly rant; baa houar on u.k of lot alio. Owner now nrruolr, i< doing well. Part caab; will pay 16 ,, at FOR SALE CENTRAL PROPERTY 100x100 Feet, Southeast Comer Cone and Poplar. CLAKKSTON-IIAVE FOR SALE SEVER al very attractive botnet with more or lets acreage, lu thla popular auliurli, that •vaa ill ini|V. in kill* |fU|>Ulsr ■llllltru, (BI ran lie bought at aurptialngly amall coat. K1UKWOGD—WITHIN TWO RU)CKR OF North Klrkwmid car Itnr, I ran aell an eight-room cottage and 2 arm of land al the bargain price of 33,600. INMAN PARK—ON LARGE ELEVATE)) lot. frantlog Grorgia railroad, and woll ahadod. wltknwauttfol oak tree*. I offer a aeren rnom cottage, with barn aod atabla aad good gardoa at $t<0R W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad; Ball Pbon* 3637. Atlanta 'Phooa I3M. only $36 par aero; railroad atatlan an th* •rant bona**, gin, mill m -.300 arra* Ural laud; terma. ont-tnird mb; bolanco two to tan yaara, I per cent Inter rot; on or baton. WEST END—GORDON STREET-NO. now all-room cotta**; all ronvaolt lot 36 by 160. Prlco $4,000. Terms. loocca; CHICKEN. FUI'IT AND DAIRY FARM nt Frntthnrat. Ala., contalntug 21 arm; well bnlll a*Ten-room bona*, good barn: rhlrkan wlr* fence or*r 4.000 fa*l; l>*arlng orchard,, old and yonng, alrawbarry In-da: — ■■**-*** wni toaa'a juuu^i aGSSItriij inig, Aral cost of place over $4,000. Owner tick and ran opt give It hit attention. Quick rath sole, 91.000. to Improve tbit property, either for rent DOURLB TIIHKK-HOOM IIOU8E IN third ward; new. good condition; ’now rented for fl» per mouth. Quick buyer; tl.- 760 rath. 544 Decatur 33.00 30.00 63.00 71.30 17.60 JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn Avenue. Both Phone* 619. For Sule Real Estate. Opposite Candler Building. Note.-wA* rt mrant of Intrtulurllou. t’oun CITY AND COUNTY. I*KNl»I , Oil to tl.ftv-for n abort pt*rl(Ml only. Cut , --. , Write lhfg ndrcrtltciucnl; It will not appear daily. ..111U Broad atrrat. WE in YOl'Il OLD HOOKS, j “".V;', A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOl. LAB MADE. LOAN ON ItEAl. ESTATE i •at rnte* No detnyt. Chur let i* Temple court. MADAME MELLIE. - ; THE NOTED KGTFTIAN FAI.MI8T. IlijMU. MONEY TO run lie contultetl on all affair# of life. Ska •ut plan; no delay; reunites the separated, rauaet ■ tpeedy hooka mouey •Igllt lot • hu« nine) inrrv the Inrgcat nl hr day In with name tlaetl. Addn atrecT. city. ment id achtud l*«M>k#. luith new i Iminl. In Iha- city, ami *ell ttn-m e«|uce*1 price#. Our line l« complete, ami If du ) I* l$4*rh- it Imu t In Atlanta mall In >..ur INI <>r •• «%• util make yo.i nn nt 6 per cent ami up * ile-dmhtllty <»f loau mth Broad atreet. , marriage with*!?! one of your choice, glrea namea. d.Mea nnd facta In everything per I talnlng to life $*r no charges Kgyptlsn I Enranipment. *1 Auhurn avenue. W. JONES & CO.. 5 VIADUCT PLACE. PHONEvS 5560. TEN ItOGM IIOUHi: IN FOUl: ni.i»i KS •if Am gun Hotel; l«$ rente*! for over W per moiitli now and will cn»Hy hrlug t< V All eonvenlenran nml nil street Improxeuienta inly I6.00J. vant nn luveatmeut luirgnlii lie It I* CULBERSON STREET—EIGHT-ROOM two-story splendidly built home. Ele vated lot. If you want n good, welt built, well arranged and convenient home with nil modern Improvement!, we can fix you here. Fries *•.&». Terma. THE PRICE AT WHICH I AM NOW OP- fertng thla excellent piece of central rrnl estate make# an opportunity for the lu- yeator which he rarely finds In Atlanta, u la only one block removed from Marietta •treet, one of our mutest trad* tbnmnrt fares, aod la a little more thta one hundred feet from tbe alta where the government magnificent will honae. The rhancs to purskaae It la well T. B. FERRIS, 218-219 Century Building, ' TEone J 43£HSIn.' t e. MeCRORT L. M. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON. Real Estate, 503 Peters Building, Phone 4691. EAST LINDEN AVK, NEAR JACKSON —A 9-room 2-atory honae; all modern con- eaay. Thla la a well-built home and will Please you. The pries hat been reduced from *6,000. 112.000 BUYS A LOVELY HOME ON WEFT Peachtree, with all modem conveniences It hat 12 rooma with lovely Interior; all op to date: large lot; ws can’t tell you t* NORTH BOULEVARD NEAR PONT* date; large lot; an elegant'home for calf ON HIGHLAND ATE.—LOVELY COT- 91* EAST GEORGIA AVENUE—WELL built and aubstaatlal five-room cottage, city conveniences; lot 4<> l»y 140 to alley; terma eau bo arranged. lar^e corner hit; 94.000. ON FLAT 8IIOAL8 ROAD. RIGHT AT lla> Soldier#’ home Junction; a uaw five- room cot taps lot 60 by 120 fact. Good value for 91.400 raab. additional room* lu tbe basement, for 91.600. on terms of $500 cash and $16 per mouth, with 6 per cent Interest ( MEW STREET, COTTAOE OF WVK rooms, with all conveniences: fronting the rar Hue. Mideudld lot. 60 hy 7W. to 20- foot nllev. Cow ham. chicken house, fruits and garden spot. Good vnlua for $2,660. This Is not new. hut Is all the better, as It has home features. ON IIYREI. 8TREET. NEAR HTEWART avenue, where the new car lire (a to l«- ulra shady lot, M ur 120 t«» alley, tage of * rooma; eaat front; lot 74x190; *3 remanta; a bargain for $*•* , rath, balance at 4 per cent toy old tl me. unoft-nurs STORE AND DWELLING ON corner lot In Weatern Heights. <*o^ chance for business. ON RAKER ST., CLOSE 1N-A LOYElJ - ..... everything modern; built for < home; owner leaving dty and will sell the great sacrifice pries of $6,$»; tt** rath, tiatanre to snlt. ON POWELL ST.-A 4-ROOM COTTAOE rented for $20 aod will surely l»* 4 COTTAGE ON GORDON KTRKKJ that coat the owner $6,100 to hull«l TJ ot la worth $2,600, lOxJJO. If you STORAGE. for ‘tJSO. Only tl) rath nnd $3 per mouth. KMOOTII LITTLE INVESTMENT IN the fourth ward, a double house renting i ti«*gr$N>M for $14 per mouth. Price $1,250; $200 intah. $16 |H-r mouth. Room on tbe lot to build another bouse. IT IS UNBEATABLE th*- F. M . 4> Marl.- WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN brew; 27 years of ago. a poeitlmi with genta* fdtulshlng. clothing or «hiw hoiuc Have to lie here for the next three mouth- on accouut of wlfe’a health. Am engaged In iHistnesM f*»r mvadf In th$* West. Kal nr^ no oliject. Out-of-town |MH$ttl< SOUTHERN BOOK CONCERN. Address 8. G . thla «»ff|.■. WAXTEI^-A LADY HTENOGRAI’IIER i»**w emtdoyed. wimld like to change her poBltlou for piod res onus; n»v (Mat emplo) ce* aa references Address Neta. rar>* At tanta GeWgtaa. PERSONA**. 8EE AD. I I MU COAL AT 5 1 A To\ III Atlanta <| fOMFETENT MAI F. 8TE\(iGUAi'lli:i:' DAVID \v. yauukoluii. MASTKR !•! I 'M'.KR SITUATIONS WANTED INSERT I’.t) IN THE GEORGIAN FREE If you want a position (hero's no reason why you should be without it. Bring your udxtTtisomcnt to Tlio Georgian office. It will be inserted in these col umns without chargo—and perhaps get you work at once. All other Classified advertisements are ONE CENT A WORD WELL-LOCATED FIVE ROOM COT- tage lu West End. with all the vontea- tenet**. New. Renting for $22.63. Fries. $2,230. Gooil home or Investment. A JAM IT UIVK rtOOM COTTAGE. IN the Iwat HIM I|.m of West End. for 12.000. On terma »f ,|6uo i-m>h Slid $20 per luoatk. HAl.l’S DEPARTMENT; A y tiDQK n r WU srnruBAN. NEAR *.YKST END. 2 MILES FROM CAR h| I;iml. ; tinning ante auiall hmiaea. Flue IK tie truck, dairy $1,723. pnynlde %l.W 4-avh i’ lemltry id $23) 4*T Insurance is quite an item in storing household Our rate is 65 cents pel $100.00. You cannot heal it Office 12 Auburn Avenue. Office ’Phone 3730. Warehouses 235-7-9 ami 2E Edgewood Ave. Warehouse ’Phone ‘Jn jTIIE JNO. J. WOODSlDl C H. WELLS & CO.. STORAGE; and TRANS- AT’ONM. BANK Itl.D FER COMPANY.