Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 11, 1907, Image 1

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fqaBimnw Atlanta Georgian and News vol. v. no. m ATLANTA, GA^ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1907. JEROME BLOCKS DELMAS’ EFFORTS TO HAVE EVELYN THAW TELL OF HUSBAND’S FEAR OF DEATH Avalanche of Objec tions Sustained by Judge Fitzgerald., •BLACKGUARD” NOTE BECOMES EVIDENCE law's Will Is Also Admit ml as Part of Record in Case. C00000OOOOO0O0OOOOOOOOOOOO 3 he USE8 THAW CASE O A8 TEXT FOR SERMON O o 0 i'.Hshunr. Pn„ Feb. 11.—Taking O 0 fl.t hi. topic. 'Tile Bleeelnge and O 0 furs,-, of Wealth and Home." the O 0 Rev. l)r. C, XV. Blodgett, at the O 3 .\orrh Avenue Methodist Epleco- O g j.ii ihurch, one of the largest In O 0 Xlegheny City, preached a moot O o ..nruMonal sermon yesterday, clt- O 3 inc i lie Thaw cane on trial now O 0 ttt Sew York, and urging It an a O 0 u 3ruing In the rearing of children. O 0 lit .ild no higher virtue should O 0 ;>.• 'leotarded of women than of O 0 men. The name code of ethlca O 0 should apply to both. Washington, Feb. 11.—Presi- ilfiit Roosevelt has requested Postmaster General Cortelyou to ascertain if there is any way to prohibit the use of the mails to those newspapers publishing full details of the Thsw case. See York, Feb. 11.—White the een- uilnnal will of Harry K. Thaw woe be- nur offered In evidence today, a mys terious woman, with a baby, was ush er ] Into the witness room. She had . dihrcna for herself and baby. She *u poorly dressed and concealed her 7iee behind a heavy veil. If was un- iirntnod that the baby was to play an Important part tn tbs defense of Thaw. The mysterious woman was said to Itsvr been a friend of White a short time ago, and that the killing of the <irtill-el left her destitute. Counsel lor Thaw declined lo discuss the Iden tity «r the woman or the child. Otlmas Changes Program. _ -"nr! a.llfiumed this afternoon at Urn raciest of luiwyer Delmas In older that lie hit it lit have time tn prepare ex pert testimony, the lack of which *ausnl most of hla durations to lie ruled cm this morning. Than', attorneys held a conference, presumably concerning the new line of testimony tielng forced on them by the ruling out much testimony today on technical objections by the prosecution. It Is said Delmas will put Insanity etpeits on the stand this afternoon. No Holiday for Court. Despite the fact tmorrow Is Lin kin'* birthday, the trial of Thaw will '"nilmi.' as usual. As both sldss jnxl'.u' to finish os quickly as posxl-. ole the Jurors equally so—Justice hi has expressed his willing- IIS PULPIT Sudden Attack of Heart Failure While Preaching. CONDITION SERIOUS MONDAY MORNING Deacons Rushed to Aid Pas tor as Bible Kell From His Hands. JUST LIKE A FAIRY TALE; TWOORPHANSIN HOMES HEIRS TO SWISS ESTATE Father Was a Soldier Who Never Returned From War. . — LAWYER DELPHJNE DELMAS . - „ -■-iMr. Dolma.* has ospturMfdNaw - msitertv msmisr «f handling ths cats of Harry K. Thaw. Thia'pictura it from a snagthst of Mr. Delmas as Ha is abouttto entar ths osurt. ALL WOMEN ARE BARRED FROM TRIAL OF THAW F’ltlKi-i .-it. Thl- i* the first time In many year* tnp criminal court* have proceeded in a bur nn a holiday, but In previous tautunce- there wore Saturday aesslon*. With the ruling that Evelyn Nesblt alaw can not tell of further dlacloa- which tended to Inflame Thaw »«• probably disappear* from the wlt- "Lind for perhaps a week. The move now will be to produce the of Thaw's pecullaiittes and Jcentitieiies. This may bring on the -2»nesd stand very soon Thaw's aged ■ ft figure as heroic and as piti- * v the frail glrl-wlfe herself—the 11rod woman, with her own nverlng In the horrible fear of ful death that overshadows her fleoh ■ Ti e first witness of the day was John utnniNiin Lyon, vice president of the Ini n National bank, of Pittsburg. vjii»-»ti"ncd by Attorney Delma.s Ly- jn • l he had lived all his life In n.t-hiiri» H*» ia vice president of the National Hank. He knew Harry Th.v.x . Q I*: i f >r H. Dhj.. lo kn.. ever transact business • v K. Thaw? * '••I to by Jerome, who wanted h ov the testimony of the wit* s relevant. To Provs Thaw's Will. "dl prove that the will and d* n d in evidence Is the same ' existed for some time to the ** '»t this man." said Lawyer '•'•island that the offer of the ' Friday was ruled out on some 1 LJei tions." said Justice Fit*. understood then that there hrit shown, before the wtil the existence of any un* A'lltion of the defendant's an said Mr. Delmas," pre- my mind tn this way: • 'lm >ny hu* been offered •■how that the defendant’s ! ‘ s ; *t Hie time Indicated that l unbalanced mind. This. I •I- a sufficient foundation ' ! ";.ii.m Ui the will district attorney Insists it necessary to prove In- time of the making of also at the time of the Only Members of Gentler Sex Admitted to .Courtroom Are Special Writers For Gotham Newspapers. New York. Kcb. 11.—Harry Thaw was prompted t«* slay Stanford While purely through J« a lousy, according h the district attorney. Mr. Jerome will make this contention In battling against the denfensc of emotional In sanity now IteiitK set forth by Law yer Delmas. It \u.s nnounced today. Mr. Jerome will pr« duce Insanity ex- perts who will testify that wh-n jeal ousy gets hold of a man no tlon can dominate him. theory ns a Ik sis. Hie pn conttiitn sons ft other ©mn- Wlilt this itCUtor wfQ ting that Thaw's tea- unfounded. Jerome Examines Witnesses. The prosecutor *P« 1,1 most of yester day examining wltnesea t gers street home. Home o persons whose names r his Rut- ( these were re given out by Mrs. Tlmw nn lh" wlinoex stand. Mr. J*rome would not nlvulRc their Identification, but sr.ld Maxle 1’ollette had been found and that she on hand when wanted. He hopes- Jo prove *hro;; young woman and nth* i > n< that he had no reason to ue . i u Id be hU wife after their n.arrlape. Thaw was In an excellent mood when he awakened today. He ate a hearty breakfast, read the morning papers and then mude preparations to go to the court room. If the ordeal was telling on him, his fact did not betray his feci Inga. Many Womsn Barred. The prisoner's lawyers are deter mined to get his wls In evidence and they are preparing to meet every move that the district attorney might make to prevent It. Fully two scor* of women, who ar rived at the criminal -ourt building long before ft o'clock this morning, ap peared to be greatly offended when they learned that their efforts to get Into the court room would avail them nothing, owing to the dlagraceful scenes which matked Friday's session, Justice Flttgnrold Issued nn order bur. ring all women—save those In a Jour nalistic capacity—from the trial. He al- - ordered the exclusion of all worn- i witnesses until they ar© wanted. The Jurors walked from the Broad way Central hotel to the court They all seemed to be In the beet of health. LIQUOR CRAZED INDIANS TERRORIZING CITIZENS Dr. A. C. Ward «ai ilrUkcn with heart failure Bunday morning while preaching to an Immense congregation at the Temple Baptlat cliurrh. Two deacons of the church notice.) the look of pallor which spread ovrr the face of the mlnleter, eaw a glaaay "turn come Into hie eyee, and ax the Bible, from which he wee reeding the Scrip ture lexxon, fell from hi* hand., they ruxhed to the pulpit and enught him ax he ewayed and fell. He wax unrontcloux. He wax kept In hlx chair for a few minute, end wax then taken to hlx home on Mun- gun, xtreet. Juxt a few doorx away from the church. BerVleex were con Unucd by Rev. J. H. Crumley Monday morning Dr. Ward wox re ported ae nn better, and hlx condition may be eerloua. The entire family of Dr. Ward, a wife, three daughtere and one eon. are at the bedside. Dr. Ward hax been prominently con nected with r*llglnttx work in thlx city. He built up the Temple Baptlat church and hax a large congregation. He I* the dean of Baptlat mlnlxterx In At lanta, having been here thirteen years. Dr. Ward wax not feeling well Hal it rday, but he Inxlxted on preaching to hla congregation Sunday morning. Spe cial prayer for the restoration of the health of the afflicted minister wax of fered by Rev. J. F. Purser at the At lanta Raptlst Mlnlxterx' conference Monday morning.— Front orphan homes to a rich exlat in Hwltstrtand. Thlx le the happy turn In the lives of llllle George and Ella’ Smith, who have lived from Infancy without par- enlx and beyond the aid of relullyee. It lx a pecuHar case, one of the kind which turns up every now and thru to muke life sweet for those who have tasted long of the bitter. (leorge Smith was an enlisted man In company C, Fifth regiment. United Hunts Infantry, when ihut regiment whs stationed at Fort McPherson be fore the fepanlsh-American war. He fell In, love with and married Miss Muntlo Baumann, a native of Hwltaer- land. Two little children wore (torn lo the couplet a boy. Oeorge, and a girl, Ella. The children were mile lota when the Fifth waa aent to ihe Philippines. R lx one of the cruel necetxlllaa of war that one of the sacrifices of the sol dier muxt be the separailon from fam ily. and so Bntlili perforce bade hlx wife end children farewell. That wax the last ever heard of Sol dier Oeorge Bmllh. Whether he died a natural death or fell a victim of a guerilla's bullet Is not known; In fact. It lx not known positively that he lx dead. Not long after he left, hlx wife pasted away. A few days ngo. Mayor Joyner re celved a teller front Emil Hohn, Hwlee consul at New urleans. Imparting the Information I hat c largo Inheritance In Bwtiaerland hud I teen left the two cbll- GET 125,000 dren, and nxkitqr that active search be made for them. II was the belief of the consul that they had been placed In a Rob Russian Govern ment Messenger in Street of Moscow. Florence Padgett Missing From Her Home. Is (U. Petersburg. Feb. 11.—A dispatch from Moscow says that while on hlx way to a bonk today a messenger be longing to the government spirit depot waa held up by ten armed men and robbed of tSS.600. The highwaymen In their flight dropped a bag containing <3,1000, b got away with the balance. charitable Institution In Atlanta. Mayor Joyner wrote letters to every orphsnage In Atlanta and this section of the country, Inquiring If the two children, or either of them, were, or had been there. r Through Father Bain. It wax learned thut the little boy lx In the Catholic orphanage In Washington, Wilkes uuntj, Georgia. The little girl, Ella, It was axsertalned, lx In BL Marys, the orphanage In Savannah. Catholic Both are halt and hearty, knowing little of Ihe romance of their lives and at that happy age where they care lees whet Is awaiting them—whether Ihe life-battle of the streets, or the rich ee. tale of Bwltserland. Mayor Joyner Is awaiting further od- Ice from the ootuul. PRESIDENT JONES MAY RESIGN PLACE PUBLIC NOT BARRED FROM HEARING Of THE SHIPP CASES O 8 LOOKS LIKE SPRING TIME Q DOWN IN GEORGIA. O O O • evidence that It can do the five right O thtnir In a weather way. In aptte O Oof Its unsavory reputation along O O that line. Bunday was Ideal. O O bringing out thousands to luxu- Q sunshine. O And It will Ik* almost ns good O O yet a while. Here Is the forecast: O O "Fair .Monday night and Tues- O O day, with no material change In O O temperature." O O Temperatures Monday: Q O 7 o'clock a. m S3 degrees O O 8 < O 9 o'clock a m 36 degrees . O >n o'clock a. m. 38 degrees O O 11 o'clock a. in 39 degrees O O 13 o'clock noon 41 degrees O ('clock p. m 43 degrees O •'clock p. in 46 degrees O O O QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQ Bullets Came From the Town, Says Sergeant „ will hold gpetfal W Tbs Gsergffti. an^ Important mantfn* Tuesday after-_ Chattanooga. .Team., tab. 11.-Prep- THEATRICAL MAN IS SUSPECTED ‘The Vagabond Child" Company on Road—Girl Disappeared at Same Time. . 1 Declaring that hsr It-year-old daughter, hsr only support, has basn kidnaped and lured away from borne to lead a life on the stage. Mrs. E. R. Padgett, of to Plum street, swore out a warrant Monday for the arrest of F. D. Miller, charging Mm with the crime. Until last Thursday Miller was stop ping at 6? Walton street, and It la- claimed by Mrs. Padgett that he wot preparing to put a show called "The .Vegahnnd. Child" an the mad and was - getting together a company. Bite declares that he enticed her daughter, Florence, from her work In tho Austell building and Induced her to Join hie show end go on the stage. Mrs. Padgett i declares that she warned Mil ler to leave her daughter alone and not Interfere with her, but she aaye he Ig nored tbia end continued to i Bo on Thursday the daughter dliap- - e girl peered and Mrs. Padgett saye the i has gone with Miller and his show. Sho swore out a warrant for Miller's arrest end It le now In the hands of Ihe Fulton county officials to be' served. and her daughter. xhtftaTHlSStaSSj It In stated on very good authority the' President Sam P. Jones will not stand for re-electtoo, which will neces sitate the selection of a new head of the bureau. OfilLE MAH GRAS ATTRACTS THOUSANDS TO CITY ON THE GOLF k|NM<lnl to The UrorKkin. MoMIf. Ala., Kelt. 11.—Will, the lnr*ent attciidiiiifD of vlHlIom In thr liintory of Mlo Miit'll (iraa, the carnival acaaou I* it I n m lii »i»riieat her© till* cvenln*. with the triumphal entrance of Fell* III am) hla royal court. Thera are over a).<W> via Horn priwnt and the crowd la *welllox*wtth •ration* ar be In* made thia afternoon to aummon wltaeaaaa In the famous Sheriff J. F. Shipp contempt case* the hearing of which will begin at 10 o'clock tomorrow mornltif. Hon. James D. Maher, special United Mtatea commissioner, who will hear the cases; Hon. E. T. Sanford, of Knox- yWr.. am attorney general* and Hon. J. R. Penland. United States dis trict attorney, of Knoxville, will exam- Ine the witnesses for the government. Many witnesses for the government are scattered and Paul Pool, one of the alleged lynchers. Is a fugitive from Justice, never having been arrested. No one will be barred from the hear ing. urrlvnl of train anil Imhii lie parnilc of the pageant* lieglii* day iitclu, with an elalwrate |>r* floats by the Mouday _ ins*ker* of “Hcasons and holiday*." It I* t tin* highest conception* ini* pi* ill. CS Indians from the 8t. Regis reservation, crated !n> war path and arc terrorising the people of ,i few miles away. DIES OF BROKEN HEART; DESERTED BY HUSBAND To Show by Documsnts. "i;ty permit undvr ths law "■n of on* clan of evl- •ti.illy that the other class trek, "ii lil« way tack home. Wilson tit- ...rl".i Ills "'If*', scconlln* m thr ststcmxst initdi' l.v Mrs. Wllaon on her death lied, mid Inking practically *11 the money ahe Imil left, to Join (he nurse whom he raid lie lovetl Im*i> t. Mrr. \YII*on. sfter consulting s lawyer, ‘ luwpf ' grew III. cut to the Hal, and death The n-tierc:ri>fmt* of (be hwtwmd hr on knot* n. mul the IhmIjp Is tielng held for rela tive* In Ihe North. E'op" With W.IV. SI*£ iiUf of abandonment and abduc- F* b •" Psgs Thrts. ir.m. I6»yr nraorth Miret. 1^* Higgins Saamt Batter. with hi* wife's j mean. N. Y., Feb. II.—Kx-Governor M isx jDutia Rima. j Hlgglns.'whQ apant a rather • liwr iima ou 1 yesterday, la a trlfla betur t poor today. day Washington. Feb. 11.—Flrat Sergeant Mingo Bandars, of B romiMny, Twen ty-fifth (colored) regiment, waa before the senate military committee today Banders was at El Caney nnil In the fighting about Hanttago and was In service In the Philippines for three years A renuirl able feature of Sanders testimony was that he declared when he ran from his quartern toward B bnr* racks thr firing waa going on and bullets were whlsxtng over his head from the dnectlon of the town and to ward the hospital. He add he could detect Hprlngflelds. It seems likely that a sub-cnnimlt tee of ihe senate military affair com mittee will bo sent to Brownsville, Tex., next summer to look Into the evidence obtainable there respecting the shoot Ing on the night of August IS. it rlrlc Public r. « HtfuUli.a itieen In the presence "f tln»n*i»ri‘ Imd st Bienville snnsre. follow r a coronation and nunaiuc ball at nlslit Tm-htim. Msrdl Ores dsjr. will in* given of tin* FAIRCHILD BACK TO UNDERGO TRIAL New York. Feb. 11.—Charles Fair- child. former secretary' of the treas ury and Inter connected with the Unit ed Htates Trust Company, who waa under Indictment for complicity for Insurance frauds, returned to New Totl; today aboard the steamer t'edrlc. OPERATORS PROTEST AGAINST CLOWRY t?4i.ngp. lYii. IL iiperntorn fMiiplojc'l Vv the Western fnlon. M*» strong, held • »net?|. lug oft he t'oumie re In I Telegraphers union yesterday and took a«-llou watch mny lend strike In the Western Union office In ' Among the operator* an* • n*tn1x*i IlcRoIntlou* which w# ...... Prealdtnt Howry rcrwuiatty of dov n n petition sailing far a 10 per i* . Individual inaakeni and Ilf purndi Kilo Micletle* by dar and nlghr. |.i trinil dlaploy and derurntlnna «*: it are of the Most lavish nature. . noon the fnr-famed knight* <d o III present "Kortunlo uml Her Gifted Hervnata." WILL DECIDE SITE FOR NEXT STATE FAIR A xcxlon of the exwutlve rommlllee .if i hi- Oe.irgla Affrli-ultural Boclely will be held In Atlanta next Wednexdiiy inomlnK at 1# o'clock at Ihe Armen hotel. Thlx will be a very Important meeilnK of thlx committee and about fifty member* are expected. • Thlx lx the ffrxt time the rommlllee hax held n theetlntt In Atlanta and llx hung.- of meeting plxre lx regurded ax . It lx likely that the niltlee will take up the mnIter of ee- leetIng a rlly for h.ddlng the next Georgia Slate Fair. INTRODUCE WHITE TD EVELYN NESBIT? If roporu scatter*! over tho county Hundny night are true. Miss Edna Goodrich, Nat Goodwin's leading Iftdy at tho Gram! Monday night. Iutn>dured Evelyn Nesblt Thaw to Htnnford White. Juat think! If that U true she Is the cause of It all. But Mis* Goodrich's maid didn’t know whether or not It wca true. Miss Goodrich wasn't up. The maid said ahe generally slept until 1 o'clock. But the timid didn't know the pretty Evelyn. Neither did she know Stanford White before Harry Kendall Tliaw'e fatal bul lets rang down the curtain In his life, .Neither did the mold know whether »r not Miss Goodrich'* press agent sent till fiw* (Inrv * over the fflrl'a <Hxapi>-amnce. Hhe haa tour little children and It waa upon Florence ihe depended to help aupport “If you have any eympathy," xald, “for a widowed a y sympathy, an« and heart-broken ter and punleh the man who hns 1 naped her." . nn Mrs. Padgett xayx Miller had an ad in a Bimdnv piper R»r - ■how. ELEVEN COAL BARGES SUNN IN COLLISION AT MEMPHIS WHARF Mcmphle, Tenn.. Feb. barges of coal, valued al IlO.oec, were sunk lure early this morning In a col- coal licet at the foot of kargrx. cn route from Louisville to I Orleans, became unmanageable and crush.•<! Into the boats mooted at tha wharf, sinking one of theos and three Ilf ner own. The Bpraffue, from Louis ville to New Orleans, towing fifty barges several hours later, hit this tame licet and loet seven of her barxee, the taw belnff cut In two. NEGRO CONFESSES EXPRESS ROBBERY •peelxl to The Georgian. i Chattanooga, Tenn.. Feb. 11.—The of fice of the Southern Express Company In thlx city has been robbed, of a package containing ll.OfO. and Paul (Olivers, a negro employee, has been arrested nnd confessed lo the theft, but refuses to tell where the money to. >ut the story. Hut Ihe story will probably All the Grand, where Mlxx Goodrh h is to play. SCHOOL APPROPRIATION IB KILLED IN HOUSE. JACK BARRYMORE WON'T BE A WILLING WITNESS 1*0laud Fprings. Me.. Feb II.—"Jack" Barrymore. Ihe actor, wanted ita n wit ness In Ihe Thaw cose, broken In firartr. and utmost a nervous wreck, taken r.aims at the ManxI.mi home lor an indefinite period. He declares Ing exiled XX n witness In the ' "lie declined lo afllrm or deny the iruih of Mrs. Evelvn Nesblt Thaw's testimony relative lo hla proposal of marriage to her. He nays he will not voluntarily be a witness la the cnee. Mprrlni In The (Avorglst). Columbia, H. U, F**b. II.—Tho hnu*© ihl* morning killed the bill appro- prtailnK 165.000 for n new Industrial school nt Florence. The bill provided that the Amount mas to be |>ald back In live yearly installment!*. - The vote ivms 50 to 43. WITH HIS THROAT CUT. YOUNG MAN FOUI ND DEAD. Special to The Oeorgtxe. Montgomery. AM.. Feb. IL—In a lonely spot In the <oUlhw*etarn portion of the city Runday morplng the body of John Findley; a well-known young men. wes found, where he had been murdered by hie throat having been ut from ear ta-eV- . ' ' ^rlijie was evidently that of a lay had mooey and that hla were, turned Inside out Indicate that robbery .wax a partial motive for tho crime. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ARE TO BE PUBLISHED IN IHE GEORGIAN AND NEW'S Thr shm Iff of Fulton county ha* aeon fit lo take Iseua wllh Thr O*or- glan and NciVh U|s»n the |»olnf of thr. suapenslon of .Tho Atlanta The sheriff claim* that The New* ’did auspend publication, while management of The Georgian and New* contend* that ^Thjj N*w* haa suspended, but Is being published In connection with’The OeoiglML. ., that advertising contract* and agreements can be completed IA thh $**** blnetl paper*. _ a— l We ave publishing the unexplrcd legal advertlaenicois tnst/baiiKV|J The New* and will make HflWUv'U that they harp appeared )« Tbn^Qaacir* glan and'New* f»»r thA legal nurnbet of times. / u.. . y ^ tend your leoal notiaea to Tha Georflian and N#«t. h. I •