Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 16, 1907, Image 5

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SOME FACTS ABOUT CONSUMPTION AND ITS TREATMEMT WITH FRESH AIR rs people to Unt on the public lands; •• s.» bM ‘ " w "* u bn We hop* th« day -to not far distant •ot oay^jo abatala' from* th* Tblui or the plan whore arijVluxx ala*. from Mai.i tut) n. 1*00. m«r* ^y frjstssm , . I front this DM radao alour tuora irull «'uro ir|»r«*d *hao f ">5 **» . ,f ala of oar moat dread dlaraan. la Itatlatlra In Hoik'* Medical Ul- ar^ai%a; In Flub. ‘ MB* 101.77 |»»r . -fc.gA_ Zirirt~ <*wt r—r. Wit* a population of ^ir' nniinuultr should bo lntoroata.1 to • unlit toot, ao far aa this state la .. ...ii.-i at mat. wn mao bo aliln to U„ nlHiut aonto l»«laUtloii l«y wblcb tbla <Ti<~vloadoetad by tuberculosis: j, no . la!* that ran claim Immunity, tvrtaiu Indlrldoal* acont to Im Hbtuono, mortem* show that from 60 to rf J r i.„i of nil Individuals baru bad tbe ill* at hoiuu Him*. . „ “torn for thamaotoao, boon tbo necessity - - pot'll** .. naitard by tbo an* . carloSo' , ln * •'“d 'mrl wUb” 55c ^SSr^^JsinritVssit^ SIT 1 iTn*'B*!52!“ i&StrtiiJK bit tp I, pocintannla (ivnrarorlt, ‘worry aad aaxtoty. and fnllgue. •All liman, especially tbo last, hour., jinrimtual excitement In Itualnra* ,ii.i »«*lal Ilf*. physical aid mental atralu i,.ml In rihauat tnr norroa* attorn and loarr Urn vitality of tbo titan aa and nil* tint! aaanl I ho nnmarota Hue* of defense throuali which tbo enemy la likely to And , wnrltlne for *flrr year* In I waa untonrhed l.r tbla terrllde dlaeaar. Aa lonn .. iin-w (ironle corued total wngr*. aud lnnl fnod ntid sleep, atul comparatively little a .ary, limy aretaed to defy the peatllean that ’ walked round about them day and iiichi. inn when work and food liecame Mnr. nnd .'.ire aud anxiety crept lu. aud ■he ..... on. of vital reelatanre were lironxbt I.,.. Hu*. f,*II eaey victim* to the malady.” Tim urn vlly of n dtaaaae .wn lie reckoned i.t il..' n.iniimr of rrntrdlr* and doctoro- ni'ially iiiim ke—|.r..fcasing to cure It. Tn- l»«l. line Ita ahare. That It may lie mred I. demouatrated by th* fart that lieal.-l i.ilnte of Infection am found In nmrly nil .uliject* brought to tbo poet- Marten, tnl.i.*. Tim grenteet nhl In the cure la aarly .M.inu-I.. Then the patient utuat lie put in i-.l .viu.lltl.iii an that the tlaanea may be ^e-TwHWn order to 9U'(Wi ranr/fii H*»t» ninat In* watched. Soon after Korb dlmrer^ the bacillus bt tuailf Hu extract wblcb be railed tuberculin. aul.7Sd2 f.! r «»•• •>* Set e2® Wstftas 53mlunHgbt. * V " of «* Dr. dowry.tlutbu rcporla a aerie* of Sir., ™"',,7' “l* 11 nlr a |n “c with <h* r " u >'*- ,lu twenty eight the dla- !£!? T;* ,*. rr ^ ,,wl At the etui of one year, twenty-.lx were well, forty areally anaf'^r 1 - anirsK? •J*- but patient* were nhla to returu to work. Kievan were ellaktly benefited Of j*Sf fr»«ly-o»*. eeventeen gained ••blut, but nil sbowfU no alsna of hb provement. He aeye: "It la . remark! Id* fact that under the Influeneo of tlda tr'Wlincot. moat of tbe wril ktmwit ayaip- r'toaether, or arw ,t Icaat. *Jtboot any dflig treat- wbati vcr." m K tier cent of hla tbo terntierature dlaappearr.1 In all waaka; the pulw waa Improved both In ft*, utteuev nnd volume; imuaen alopped: dice*. Hon Improved, and tbe. pntleut *nlne.f In —— — —ugh and eiprrtora aud finally dlanp' In a paper read Imfore n meeting of tht New YpriArademy of Ucdldnc. January It waa abown that about n per cent °f Petleat* tretted In eanltocl* ran be re- ii ol e^ 1<» fiaaftUnaaa aa prgctlcolly rnrod. •“.Alacnaatag the tuberrnlar rendition in children—I. e.. glandular end Inmee diaeaav— It waa aabl Unit W |ier cent of tbea*. by proper out-pNInpr work amt froth tit. grow to be healthy men and women. Prom etetlatlra In n paper by burgee* ]■ j. Corrlngtoo, Culte.1 Ntatea public health and marine hoapltal, we Bad that of m cage* of tubefroloolB, of all atagao, •footed to tba marine hoapltal aanltarlum, fi «* itonton. N. Il«.. from November it, IM. to April SO. U03. forty-five died, nine did not Improve, nlnetyweven lm- proud, thirty eeveh roeovwrod, one hundred aud Ilftran ■till remained In Ibe botpltal. Or Ibe ISB caota treated, eeventeen were In Ibe botpltal leea than oim month; ten of which died, two were unimproved and fiva Improved. Avenge length of treat meat waa In forty Improved dler cenoe 1*4 dayw In'twenty-tero epporeiSly ■ .r«-. dlacbari _. j appared Tbe patient* there i — open air. take mod- ante exvrrlar nnd ampin feeling. I'utlenl* auon tolerate tbe opeu air day and night, and loam to love It. L'olda are nr* aud no puenmouia. Tb* medical treatment la ayuiptomallr. The food ronntata of wboleaoine element*. Meat* and froah milk at alt tneala: egg* for tiroakfaat nnd aupper, tullk and crock, at a *1 19 Ht nr-ne egg* ymd~mUfe—le the afterpoou. Varioue method* nuy he coutrivc.l to a.*- immodate iMtlcnta receiving open air ..iwtment. Tent*, each at are need by tb* United Htate* army, an perhapa the beet. Tb* loor akould be alx or eight Inc bee alnve the ground; th* aide* arnnged an that they ran lie rolled or lowered no aa lirotpct the patient from dnngbta; don . top, with nlr apace. The patleut aboulil bare a good lied eml warm rlothea; alao hammock or redlalng chair, or both. _ joac who go out la rough It. da badly. All aultaoritle* recommend mat when fercr I* up. If a lent to unavailable, a rndefy couairnctcd but or abeltcr might l>* atitutf. luted, baring nunterona nprntng* or cracka, a that th* patlcat may get the freeh air t night and atay In tbe opeu air and amt- tlent can b* proteoted from Ibe cold triad*. itd'*yet' get-fnnb- ale.- — Public aid In thla line will eoon be forth coming The fulled Htate* government bat •taried out In tbla work. Penneyleoal* when *r.w»- J .U d .7 w’fil Mtabllab a teat It I* doubtful If wo can ija openwlr tnalmeut. It- ovanaUmat* _ alcep, ewpenrar* ahd ... .«« satf to s&. wSjvv ng c*n ood fcwlll reanltt. fr^n^kt. 1 ? dement* of tb* batth defeat of the enam; lateUlgeac* a boot that open air. net . not fall lo produce happy CHARLES FRANCI* ADAM# AND JQHW H. REA0AN By JAMES CALLAWAY. More than twoaly yean ago. tbo lamest .J "Bill Arp" declared that h* waa tired of “batcbellHirytag." lie aal-l. "A* S£ft5S$ - * *--* - cr#r «»w. It wwt't IUT oa ortb yt*T It conn op m4. bury 1&! » £&... ‘.Ef »b’.° hiiiirM Vr « W e trouble' frith the tutrMt buetiieea la* been that we Moulbtru folk* have dug the ( B*t*wb*n a man like adf a^WSeral ptfrnlf aurb word* a* he need _ vm the ragmen "-fat th* monl of tbla^gauMniUoa. to neceaanry to reproduce a brief "speaking of^Taconatructlau." put upon tbe South aa a psatahaent Jer aacnwaa, Inatead of reotontloo, a* Llscola deaf rod. Mr. Atlanta aald: —ef - tblp—elave confitratlon and eUoj^ifUaajjrAjiieric- — tedancy. That the policy laaplrcd at time a feeling of hitter ream talent la th* South was no <wueo for wonder. Upon It time hai already tacorded a venuct. following the high precedent nt at Appo mattox it waa dlatlucUy unworthy. Con- . ' yet. It waa ongonarona. lire, fur again netting the example, applied for amaeaty and reatentlou of cf __ prtoaaar on tiap . deultd him waa confc-nvl on hi* nun* alavo*—Varlly. It tua.. nut in of tbe aldeu time L w« pearl atfay richer than all hla tribe. 1 lion. Charie* Kranrto Adam* ha* | blmadf a gnat man. He aaaa th* and la bold and generous euougb fees It before hi* brethren of th and ackpowledi WT* £3g j North Ibe it acknowledge It to tbe worhl. There aomethlog of th* awnl sublime In hie Itnd*. lie la closing up bla days In anti die John If at Fort R’s; Just Way We’ve determined to clear out all win ter stocks in this February Reduction Sale; have to do it, for the rebuilding op- \ • rations are reducing our present selling space and the new spring goods are al ready arriving aud clamoring to be shown. So, if you’ve any needs in clothes or furnishings you can fill them now at very threat savings; Rogers, Peet & Co. and Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits aud Over eats are reduced 25 per cent; furnishing ,s r "ods reductions range from 25 to 50 per cent. Open Tonight *Til /1:30 Daniel Bros. Co.. 45-47 Peachtree Street. _ __ Wm _ ml when he ‘wrnpe the drapery of hie much about bun.” all America'ctb Mr of him: “Not one of tbe pwat char* actera of the Civil war on tbe aide of the North Mated away lo a afreaer i and with tu*h gracious bearliai And what the lfnaaachatetta i orator aald alwot the “tnurenert _ meat of the booth In aohjcctlug It to the a e of tbe eufranchlMd boudaioeo a * ect of auch a policy recalla Jo Hcacao, the prlaoncr to hla call at -OuTSay a \m, Jnrtgp KfigtlpA.t|e^Mal raaater general of tbe Confederacy, while n Fort Warren. addtraiM a letter to President Andrew Johneoti. aettlng forth the reason trhy a policy of clemency and geaeruelty toward tbe Rout torn iwonla waa Iwat for all coucernnl—Iwit for the North, Iwat for the Houth. heat for a more K rfcct union. It waa ueceomry for Judge Wf—‘ “— ■“— * •alia in n masterly way. After pr causes of of He -Tighter aud the treatment la sieve for her people aa clamored for hr the Jncotdpf of rtmfrrte. Judife Ueegad then asks: ~ “Will It he wise or Just to add to tlieae B rest changes and the cnlamttlea which are resulted from the war. aad to those who moat follow these chaugea. ex peti tion. eslle. IraprliMHitnente. dlafrnnrblaeiuent and conllacatloa of property? Would auch n policy to reatorlng the uulon? Would It l»e securing the aflcthHu and chacrftil loyalty of those who would to expected to form a port of tbe union? line not Idnad flowed enough? Ilea wrought denotation enough loaaoa of property been great enough? not the Joai of their Independence. with ft thalr Idea* and vlewa of the clplea of government, nnd of their aoclnl anil Industrial aratenu. lu nddltlou to lh«dr utter lunmrerlabment of the wnatc aad mvagea of war. aud the low of ao many thousand" of their hmvest and tost men. tocn punlahtnent cuough? Is not chaw now thalr portion? la there aot sorrow and dlatrcaft aad misery enough? “Would not new •■alntnhle*. mplltlonal "ufferltic nail aorpiwa. luiprcaa the living with a feeling of bnpeleaa deepalr of arer arcurtog the fflem*'* * aud protection of al|2r? hot' 11 ap|H-.rt*y In a place that *0111 In ibe third place. If lb* w rantelr to bt brouaht to rhi... theater, wa will bar* to watt for another revelation. We have non* yet (kit war rant* that belief. And while w* ar* await- Iny the saw feral* tl on. tar humtt* the theater aad darot* our- Ttisly to an tulutofry. ate eery much the elaaaaeaa la*, and yonr fight for clean, row winking yon for ly and^fritariilfy'yMro^ nouifflOS MoBao, Ot.. rohroaiirl, mi. LABOR ANP INTEMPERANCE. T* tbo-Kdltor of Th* Ooorglao. I wo* m of year Initial oobarilbon, aad bar* rood every laooe of yoar paper frith pleaanre. I batter* yeq ar* alacero la yonr effort* to help advance th* Intonate of our people along tb* moral Haro yon par* laid down for tb* policy of year paper. I don't know What your poaltlon I* upon the queetln of elate prohibition, but I In- fer from yoar policy ef refoalsg th* ad- vrrilaetaouta of this traffic that you ar* oppoood to Ita role. Thera arc some phaaro of thla aubject, aalde from tb* moral quea- tloa* larotrad, that aerm to mo aot oaiy to fovoo tbo pormouout closing of th* whto. ky tral al tut. **ts of tho stato. I brileva It ts b* a coo- srrratlre MtSmto. wbau 1 aay that * Ht work 1*0, aiSSari'S .SCWP tiegrow) to wasfad la druakaaaaw a wvm Wn.... nol only of lb* town negro, but, to a torn K ftf JtS lahor than all o tabor that tb* tbtrat JJ»«o* todemoraliM t dtbar factor* combi n aaey law*. Bat tbto L or* tbe ilti^oUoo. Uocauao m to thto tow. » to*» tillooto > wbata wklaky nzm K , SiS'®.*aiiSt?ia it moot urgroco. while sober aro toocra. k y#t. when they ar* under tb* la me* of whisky tbuy become quarrelsome and rowdy, ready to get Into a fight, aad thoa keep the peer* of th* country lu a •tale of stupe*a*. It la a well-known fact failed to ft" " ESS, bare but hinted. Ike question urines, What ought wo to do elioat lt? Wo knee tried high Hceam In Atlanta, and what waa the result I Tb* roadlttou appear to an aide observer to be aa bad as ever m low. Laat year lloke 8ml ipou th* platform of dlafraa the negro, aud waa overwhelmingly elected. Mow, It la uiy belief that a large n ‘ of thoee who voted for Mr. Iluillh as an Indorsement of disfranchisement, and the mala reason they wailed the negro disfranchised waa ao they could rot* whisky out of the conntlea where It Is bow lm- possible to adopt prohibition with tbs ne rrn voting. Tbe main reason I believe thla, a became U ts only la prohIMIloa alectlmia that the negro If expected to rote-all other election* being controlled by our primaries. Now, conceding that disfranchisement I* soon to bt enacted inm law, the' naxt atop robibltloa election* la ne a one wnn toe negro eitminarea rroiu voting admits at little deabtln *11 txeept one .or t*° counties of the elate. Tua would show that It Is the wish of a vast major. afat* It than it le the deatro *f Ity of tbs people of th* slate for prohibition, why should not tbe ' »ro pass the bill wlOtout npy referend.m? Why refer II in tba * paopla. vrlTfil TTe~ Tiwip>» bare alrctidx anoken. and there I. ;in repnt- aht* pereoti who profeilOl to Wtw, wbn will deny that a van majority of ih* people wank elate prohibition! Tbe major ity of th* repreaenuttra* aad senator* who denrtirtton Unve nut (Itrir gKI H* cm., K'""'.i.-o ..I ii.rn goternmeut. ... rouse them to feel they were tbe object* of hate and peraaenltoul And wenbl each a ami lojral ami raUbful rltlavna? .. not iwtter to prorlnim atunvity for lh<‘ paat. nml • lntrlal of nil blttrr mem- orlvt ami maintain our union nml rvpubjl rau form of gowriimant an livit for tba pro«|Hwlty of all? • \ • “I know tb« gmrrniueut rail vxerclav a paraljralug uuil bllfbllug ratgo of tvrrbr over tbe people or thn Rout It. and can execute the moat relentleea iHillry. lint aulh a liollry would make an Impoverished and miserable people of them. It would Ueprlte tbe government of tlirlr alfrrIlona and thalr reepect. It would to the opposite of realm" atlou nnd n uiorr perfocf iiuiou. • • • 1 “I earnestly tox your cxi'eHeurr 1 - tlou to thla view of the aubJiM t that tbe Imluatrlal condition of tbe ata< la demanding Rome relief, tad moling It aa edon •• possible. In order to get more Uboi*, It would aeetn that the general *" •cmblr would devote Its greatest aaer to tbla novation and paM this law sod save the twenty -odd coutfea. tho ordeal of an electlou ou thla queatlou. Tt has ferajer‘prehMilMon T3IB £r*"kni!r.„'^ ■mate, tbrougli the lafineor* of the whto- hr lobby. Governor Smith has promised tb* people Ibal he will brenk up lobbying, and we be lieve Hint he mil do It. and If he due* that, a nmhliiltlnn bill will pan*. . Tht condition* that precipitated the., lento riot *!touhl lie venaldered In the II of what wn* the remedy that avery suggested, cud which wa, the ouly tt that atopped lt-eloaln* the roloona. C log the saloon* under tbow trying til restored order In Atbrnta, an rloalng them will xnantnts* i THOSE SPECIAL CONTRACTS are said to be allowed only to the favored few, but the unfavored many know they are being issued; hence, hone but the feeble-mind ed buy this inferior claas of insurance without getting the “spe cial contract” along with it. Besult: everybody gets “special con tracts” and nobody gets profits—except, of course, from the feeble minded brother who is fooled without tbe aid of the “special con tract”—and the extra mortality from this class of risks more than offsets any possible profits. There is no need for being deceived, this is simply the old flim flam game under another name/ Good life insurance costs money, and the straightforward, honest Company sells it for less than tlioRe with “nith cut” propositions. “GET RIGHT BEFORE YOU GET WRITTEN.” R. J. GUINN y District Manager, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, 211-213 CANDLER BUILDING. ALTANTA, GA. MR. MANSION’S NEW ENGRAVING PLANT Completely Equipped Estab- llstwMRf tor m UNI* * factereofHlitiClass. . Photo Engrtfincs. Au Auspicious Addition to the Industries of 4% Interest Compounded, Allowed In Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT _On and After January 1,1907 E, H. THORNTOK, Proaident. W. F. MAHAY, H. 0. CALDWELL, P. M. BXXXY, Vice Preildent. Ouhl«r. Aii't Ouhitr. now enterprise. Atlanta baa mad* stride* In th* bet terment of th* arts'and crafts, and thla ... , new addition to th* nutki will aat It • Atlanta. notch higher than atrar In the manufac- ira ot bolf-tons and line engravings. Th, now concern wilt do ■ general . . engraving bualnoa*. Including the cop- fb» ammimnanoant that Mr. Charie* *«* rout ro** «nam»l half tone*, from A. Manaton, the well-known photo on graving export, will bo ready tor toual nest Monday and In charge of hla own ahop, will be hleh!£ jrratlfylng to hla many frlanda, and to the trade In oral who buy engraving work regular ly, and want tb* bast that brain* and skill can produc*. HIgh-ctaax work la a well-known ^fibbby^ of ChaHM A. MfilWttm. He lore* hla work and hi* ardor shown In avary piece that leave* hla Itand. He dallght* In lla perfectness and la never satisfied with afiythlng that shows the sllfihteat shortcoming. He I* u photographic .'rqftxman Whose skill la unmatched In the South, and whore ability haa bean repeatedly recognised In big center* Ilk- '.‘Itlcago and New fork, where he hat at dlller- ... ent time* held leading poalCone with some of the blggost publlcathm en- * and graving plants In th* country. ' _ He ha* the advantage a well- matured. brodd-gauged experience, could never have been obtained In local environments. n"«5 rBWTtS'WIMPiSW the stair, nml ur* ur trout tho presanl searritr of Irlmr. . , ,. t Th* tieorglna land Ita powerful eld ui.,.iiui|illrhnionl ef this groat good, hlrky moo ronaldor yonr paper aa lo Ihrlr iHialaoaa liy the aland i. unit n vast host of good noo- slate would rloo up and Nraa will load the M^nM 5 ararrlty Won' t«» ito Tl»r whisky mvi» an vnvwv lo thrlr Isuali It haa lakrn. plr of the jrem If ym frent leform. Aiiinuy. Ga.. tab. 9. mat ami wlax* prluelplea aid "ooavr or later batlni to ’or the error liisirfferinf and —* .Jtmsi eundoet wTlhnui atone for the i.._ A row than pbyaleal bodlva raw Hit* lawa of uiitnrv and it x old I he tnevith Wa •*oiiae«|U« , in , ei.“ Thla lvtler la raprwtoeed in the mamolfs of 4,udja Kvnian. • Inavltp- finch waa tlir appeal for Jnsllee and fair- toes to hla |iooplo by the t onfodrrato prk- oior In hla <-rll at Port Wnrreu. an appeal !hat 'war iil-in dear eara-ao fhr Tif tfir was roRrerneil. Uurolu waa * rougreas waa ronrernnl. I aud Tbad Htrrroa relgnrd. Aim! uotv roaiea, lit the evenlnx of a glo* rleua rareer, that nolriler-geavral uf Pedtral army, to u|--n addtraa ou the teuary ealelirntlun or the death of Lee, roiifeaai'* that John II. Krogau waa r and that reronatroctlnix aud opprea when not au armed toe was lo ealathro*. not ouly the attaint of th* natlea, hot THAT PREACHER AND THEATER EDITORIAL To the Kdllor of Tbe ftoerglau. I'leaie let me thunk you for that araal .editorial on "The froai-her aud the Thoa. ter," In The tleorglaii. I think It timely, awl thoroughly enjoy ml II. lu the first plare, a pnorker of tb* K l of Jean* rhriat. especially n a no time for theafora. If he well lo bla paatoral dullaa, kerpa Ibe various and uumeroua demant upon him. attenda the mevtlnaa of Ma iTCmW 'i ^ “iM’uivr.ii’tf t, and rulllvate hit own plely, aad keep hla faith In a haaft stale, h* will need th* r*uujud*r of _ I tlrn* for rest anil for raudrriug hi* ou family Urarad. to the aeenad plan-, he iwllb all t'brto-' tlass tor that maturl I* uader th* Dlvlae Injiineileu to "alataln from all appearaor* of nil." I do unt Iwleug to Ibe "higher I know |« Mr*. Lilli* Blankston. Mrs. l.llllo Blankoton, aged ’< yoar*. dlod at tier rcaldancc. IK Hunter atraot, Saturday inornmg. Th* funeral aerrlco* will be conducted Sunday aftrrnoon at -;I0 o'clock. The Interment will be In Weatvlau i-cmetdry. Sjf The average savings depositor in the United States has $400 to his credit. Are you up to the paver~p age TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA, Equitable Bldg. CipHaU Srylat Md Pnfih $650,000. He know* th* rifuklnaaa H* knowi what I* required to meet tbe demand* of the trade of tbla locality, that la becoming dally more critical In Ita es timate ot what constitute* nlgh-claas raving work. e baa ptanaad hip workshop and hupplltd It with machine!'/, camera*, lanae*. ucreons. ate., ale., of the highest perfected type. Ita contFtra and cn- vlronmrnts rombtn* lo make It a model plant In ev*ry particular. Ita tocatl. n. arrangamrnt.' lighting, tic., aro con dudva to the vary boot result*. Occupying the entire fourth floor of the now building of tho Byrd Print ing Company at 67 to fit South Pryor atraot. aggregating upward of lt.Md square fret of loft apac*. high abort the dust and dirt of the streets, he en joy* the advantage! of cleanliness, ven tilation. ate., that are extremely Impor tant In the manufacture rf perfect Printing' plate*. Th* loft la high cell- Ingtd and a maaWof huge windows on all aides flood Ih* space with light enabling him to photograph wllhou. artificial light, which Is another marked advantage. In abort, Mr. Mansion haa what may be termed an "Ideal" shop. ITrst-rlaa* work or nothing," la Ih* slogan that la going lo domlnatr the destinies of the Manaton Engraving Company, and tho fulfilment of M". lUaiutoii'ii highest ambition, to glv* hit customer* work worthy th* nam* "high da**" will Iw Ih- gr ' the coarse newspaper blocks screened copper vignetted work far hlgh-ctass publication* and catalogues. Zinc etchings, electrotypes, and nickel- types will be doit* on a big scale and by th* most highly perfected methods. Designing and Illustrating will be .pe dal features of the busThew, and com petent grttotr wtlt-bw Ht commattd-of th* atudto. The new plant win begin operations Msssay. as* aottcttx tba- patronage ot the public In general. „ Mr. Charles A. Manaton la president and general manager aad will person alty ova rate the department*. Ha la one of tht beat-known and most capa ble photo-mechanical engravers In the country and aa the guiding spirit of hla new and complete manufactory promlaea to give th* patron* ot en graving work th* beat plate* ever turned out In tbe South. He haa bean at different times complete charge of the two angrav plants that until hla advent In th* r have b*«n the only ooyCern* of Ih* kind In Atlanta—namely, the Wrtgtoy En graving ' Company and the Southern Kngravtng Company, th* latter estab lishment from which h* resigned In November laat In order to formula!* plana for hla own business. He especially Invite* Ih# correept ence of out-of-town patrons and *vlll be In a position to serve them promptly. To hla frlanda and cuitomers In At lanta he cordially Invites a paraonul call and assures them prompt service and careful attention to all the detail* connected with the making of printing plates. OBSERVATIONS. V To th* Editor ot The Georgian: l am a Southern youngster. My fa ther fought In that fearful fratricidal fray. HI* blood flow* In my value. But hla Southern blood got hot re cently. This I* observation number on*. I was In Augusta aftd had the good tor- tuna and vary groat pleasure of stand ing on th* roar platform of a street car whll* It waa tpoodlng recklessly on. My nlckol waa gon* and I wab going Thar* waa also a wall drooaod. naat looking nogro youth standing Juot bo lt* conductor. A* th* conductor rang the bolt hla hand struck with aotno fore* th* negro's no**. Th* no- fro waa well bohavod and humble. A rue gentleman would have aekod th* nogro to ox cue* him; thla roar** con ductor broke out Into a bolatoroua. bull, doling laugh. Waaa't It Toombs who said, "And cowardice takts no meaner shape than whan strength oppresses weakness:" I do hat* to meet up with a coward, oopeclally th* kind roprosenl ed by that conductor. I ubaorve. secondly, that Th* Atlanta Constitution want* preacher* to go to theater*. Brother John Bhannon. editor of the Commerce paper, a big church man, and, 1 believe, a good man, seem* to Indorse the utterance of Th* Consti tution. Sham* on Howoll and Shan non and all other deluded paonl* who ar* trying to lower the standard in stead of trying lo raise It! I. for on* loft-handod. one-galluaed. Methodist circuit preacher, thank Th* Georgian for that editorial. It simply wiped tbo earth up with them by Ita coavlnolng anrumont and roslatloaa logic. Horo'a mv hand; ihakc.* 1 —*;' I obeorve that Slstor Carry I* giving Atlanta th* Nation. Good; Atlanta needs her. She ought lo vlalt the coun. ell' and Carry her hatchet with her. They need ripping up th* bark—lo see If thoy have a backbone or If they art built on th# ordor of a Jelly floh. I observe that Thaw's Jury suits Thaw'a counsel exactly. 'Tl* atranga hoxv loud money doe* talk. Dtlmua t> a sharp one: ao la Jerome. Thoy ara well matched. Panlon me. Mr. Grmvaa. I observe CBARTfcR. frui tou. t ■ty: The 1,00 *” '" d •hew* that ftotiuoatn arofro tor"th!ro- »>”«•, their naoocUde*. aucreaeora aad*. *l*e* to b* Incorporated for a period of twooty yrora,* priritoro efreoewel ta *»Ury nrnflt to tbo stoekboldor*. and tto ‘ particular buaiuvM which tbe/ t>urfw«i.t eOfMO lu lo tbo nMOuracturlnjr of turoUort ""'rKid and mnaufseture I product* end mart ed to ih«~taMr*dt erect, couduct. operate o. <ommheart**. -ssjtfSi ■JSR** o h L C 3Sp?7roi"roau ••••of which St'least w"|wr ceutTlt) par ZSi\ , pur value ot one handrail dollar* ( corporation l.y reeolutlou. Mill capital atoch to a aura not ciceodlur two hood red thousand dollars (MOO.***), aid TtXrx&: ^^AtoSf« anthoriaod lu Uke manner. loinuHt la*. I'etltloncrs deeftr < ■there to said ffPftal ktoch shall havo’the rtakt to pay their stibacrlptlon either In tnouoy or prop- • pr other things of value il a It” thlnga of Tala* at . thy the name 'hlfr Inetly. u Itli uleaeure. the failure of iWtof aplrlt of tV N-vr. I* f “*\ ♦ rly. ur . vn hut Ion, •he larorporttori and IbatTWM ■ Tbe principal office of rho cerponrtoa will Iw In nltK nanty. Ueorrio. with in* right and powee la roM roaxpanr t« rotas I lab anil uulatola oglcea mill*, factories, agtaclt*. broaches, owunoml operate aad ileal lu properties of toy aad ovary kind and to transact .baatueoa tu any place ov place* wlthla ar wltkoat the state ef Uoor- (la. MUjri feed'. 0 mtSmr 'J* «f the votlag stockholders: that It shall lhar* th* twt aad Mtrar tu i»ra» moor, and extent* therefor such notes, bonds or other evktonee* of debt aa It may deroi I proper, and If tt to. desires to occur* tb* •■f mottgof*. nledec. conroyancc. deal ■Hitt or any other Tnatroment rororlt( all, or any sort of Ita property or fiaa fhleca owaod or thonsflar acquired; thee It shall hara Ih* right an-), power to pur- chaoe. recelrc. root, leax*; own. aat amt huld JT? 1 or.peraonal property what- rear. Imlmllng Immla and atoclta of thla state, and to dtapes* of th* earn* at lie pleasure; that It shall have th* right to Ill-ad or Ineett Ita faafig ga ft r proper; Hint It .hall have the power, when authorised by twa. niajonly rot* of Ita slorhhoM-r*. to apply for and accept aay aSodnu-at to lu rim, ter of any and arcry deec ' | and any reuewal of Ita eb_ /#■ Elgre assreswam-. If tea tlftu under tho Uw lo c me— . >i all powi ■ d—irahl- lo rarer lute ■f lie oraunlaaiian: tad hi. petition shall hay* lahml ee preecribedby l.y !«• er.nt—1 Inuorpaeallag r .aa.'laie*. tucceroora aad the name aforesaid, with all >. power* and privilege* efee.roId And pelllioncrs will ever pra^^^tc. PotTtloner*' Jutiwney. rued In eglee Ihla Kchruary to. tM7. BfiOTMJfi, Clerk. the appflrelion for chirter ef ficreefqal Cabtnei Manufeeiuriag itoMe. da ro* “wTinroS*!i7 AK eiarotare^^tae atal of raid court Clerk bhperler Ceoea. rstoea CaTsa. There are outers, ptaatir ot than*, too, that ought to fall Ignobly, or efiglSg their rollclei absolutely. Men of Georgia, haatao th* Say Whan tlie paper* that go Into oar must 1— pure aa we want our our *on* anil ilauwhlara lo IN And If It rl-e»c» The Gaocglaa, o’-ffi'V— »:r—— .• o*>' r. -'' r- I assign* mv the right*.