Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 16, 1907, Image 8

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. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAJLAND NEWS. •ATtmOAT, rKBKUABT 1A W7. Laxative Fruit Syrup _ Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Mother. Miss Berth* Iforrfo. who i.a Aflsntg for the |ia»t three •pending s while In tireen shorn. Ills* Xellle If Mil I* visiting h II. n. If.-ill. In Mm let to. ► Ml** 1*11*3 Qllll.lloj, of Will the ottmrtlve guest of Mi** J , Isn. Mi** Qulnner I* a.ot n stranger her... | she liming 11*1 fe«1 311** loin-inn hen* lust i _**}* ** summer. nnd ninny delightful.I'ffnlr* Mr*. T. K. linker gave a tea on Prl-falgty guests were Invited tb meet the day ii/temonn In honor of her guest, I Misses Henderson. Euchre was played Mrs. Lu Pmde. of College Park. Mfe. land after the game delightful refresh NY || J*rln Mrs. Munch Morgnii and t-ldMre returned from -i visit t«> M*> field *' I Mr*. Iletiry Goodwill m dren ilsitcd relatives st , Ml** Jennie Ktnns retnrmil !; from p visit to reintIves n» « . _. — -M7L-.— . . 4r*. J. II. McWhorter nud Mr* _. . ills a Attended the meeting of the SB's <'brt*tt*n Temperance I'lilou nt Point Friday afternoon. Lelta Jernlgnti spent Mundnjr srltli 3 anther. Mrs. L I*. Jernignn rs. Jails McNair has retttrseil from n t to her daughter. Mrs. Paid P. Pounds. In Atlanta. Mrs. Allen Turner, of Harnett, spent last week with her psrenta here. Mr. slid Mrs. 8. W. faery, of Athens, .•pent s few days recently with Mr. aim ‘Bra. J. V. ilnjlln. Mr. n. A. rtwnvpti.ii tin. rrmrnnit tmm -a Visit to her daughter III Atlanta Mrs. Tom Brooks. of Florida. I* \ foiling b4r ponruts. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mnlkwnlter. The ms nr friends of Mrs. John T. IIon- well will be glsd to learn that she lint returned to Greensboro, nftcr attending era 11 MU — ..onor of h«r guest. Miss Patsy Quluney. of Wayne* boro. The house was deeomtcd In fern* •ad (junutltha of uarclssl nut Jonquils. *ers fo-lng nsvl In t*m gins* Prude lived In Macon several years while her husband was a professor at \Ve*|eynn College, and has many friends In Macon, who will be glad of ft her again Miss Lila Tennlson. of Pallas. Texas, who has been the attractive guest of Miss Kar.ih Tinsley, left Friday for BT»Teve|-on, LA.. Trr vtiitt tier sfoterbe- fore returning to Uullu*. Miss Tenni- son Is a very charming nnd beautiful young lady and has been delightfully entertained during her visit in Macon. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Will Gunn gave the third of a series of bridge parties, and later In the month she will entertain In honor of Mrs. l*oul* Her rington. of Kentucky, who will be the guest of Mrs. Gunn for several weeks. The pretty home was very attractive with n wreath of golden hearted daffo dils and narcissi. Mrs. Charles Woe Met gave a pret’y card party Wednesday afternoon at he., home, on Hecond street The house was decorated In palms and smllax. among which the vases of enehAntrsaa earns* tlons looked very beautiful. Mrs. A. C. Bllnn entertained Thurs day morning with a beautiful bridge party In honor of Miss Penelope Mack, of Bandusky. Ohio, who Is the charm ing guest of Mrs. Bllnn. There were three tables of bridge, and sfter the game a delicious luncheon was served. The rooms were prettily decorated In bowls and vases of golden daffodils and Jonquils. The prise was a Boliem* Ian gloss vase. Wednesday uftcfnoon a charming chafing dish party was given by Miss Cluudla Brannon at her home, on Wal nut Hrnt MUi Rrannnn haa.reopmly move*. In Macon from Kufaulo, and by „ riI Harry, of Morristown. Pa. <Ysoui ■ served. Miss i't Isa was assisted In receiving by I Inti. K Copelau. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Merritt ntul Itoblus. AI-out fifty of the picture frame painted lu the unceii ot hearts. The guest prise wn* n huge Imti qtlet of red and white rarnstlona. nud the eSnnotstloii. n ribbon linok. was won by IBs* lleurlettn Smith. Miss Lewis served crt-sni. heart shaped with rrystnlilted cher- lies end heart Shaped rakes. The guests on this oceaslon were Misses Patsy Qnluncy. of Waynesboro; Mary C'onetsn, Jennie mnl Mste Kvwws. -Halite asd-Maria Park. AibUr sad JUlla Copelan. Fannie Adntus. Corrk pwi ^uiw » rauuir Auniui, v. tirrw- Mrrrllt. Il-tm ami l.iiry Jrnilgnu, llru- rlHtn Bntltli ami Uarnla Rnyiii'.. Mr., a. II. Jnpllna rnlvrtalnml III* Par- 1 Aid Korti'ty uf thr Mrthodl.t rbtirrli* rm—ta •Uuiju.oauu. whrrr n MMft rtnttpu- amt mu ■ xbtt^lat* x.. ^.rtcl frum u (trittlly ajj. potHtail' Mr. .I"ptlnr tni. ...tatmt fit. rJFrlvluic liy Mr., VYnlt'-r KIii'Iti, ami Ufa. I*. W. L'upalan. har amtlo. arariint. mannrr baa mad. bnat af frtanda In Ihla city. Mr. and Mn. Benjamin Jones rave n, at Jh* Grand Tuocday nigh: "A Maaaaa* From tiara." anil after Ilia play th* puny enjoyed n dr- llghtful aupprr al lb* Lanier Oaf*. A charming party was liven Thun • day afternoon by Ml*« t'luu I* Rom, tit honor of Ml«a*a RcaHc nnd Mary Hcn- daraon, of Hall.bury, X, C. Vaaea of pink and white rarnallona wer* used throughout the attractive rooms. About manta u*r* aaraad. Mlaa Boa. was at alatad In receiving hrr aural* by Mlaa* Basal* anil Mary Hrmlrraon. Mr* Boas and Mlaa Millar. Wadnaatluy aftarnnon Mra. Bolden antartaln**) thr Xalghborhnod flub at Its laat tn**tlnK. until nflar l^nt, when tha club will trauma It* tvackly ma*t- tngs. Aft*r lb* game, dainty. rcfrrulL- mantt w*r* aarvad •Mrs. A. I. Millar antarlalnad xlxtaen frlands l-'rl.lny morninK at a brldg* luncheon In honor of th* Mlaaas Hen derson. On Botunlay afternoon Mrs, John Buan will glv* a bridge parly In Ihelr honor nnd »n Tttradav night Mra. Jack futlar «ill fntartaln for them Th* Miss** Hentlt r*on nr* exceedingly charming young larilr* unit are being drllghtfuly enlcrtatneil l,a«t evening eavarnl tliautar parlle* tvar* given at -the Omni) to aee the “Htiuanr Man." The party wn* com- poeed of Mine lleaxl* Henderson, of Xorth' farollnn: Mlaa Tennlaon. of Texas; Mlfs Miller. Mlaa Mary H*n- dernon of North farollnn, Mlaa frutoh. Held. Mlaa Sarah Wodley of Bolltjx- brok*. and Mlaa Sarah Tlnaley; MaaMa. Randolph Jaques, Henry Jonas. Starl ing niacksh*or. Hmrall Krmltiger. Jr., of Vienna; Will Solomon nnd Coopfr Winn. Thl* evening th* TltalUn flub will rlv* their last done* of th* season. Th* dunce Is to be held In th* Volun teers' armory, which has b**n beauti fully decorated for the occasion. There are a number of beautiful visitors In the city whose preeence will mid much to thr pleasure of the dance. Mlaa Hthrl Jones gave one 'if the most delightful card parties of the week this mornltiK In honor of Mia. f. How- ho Is the charming rural of Mrs. K Powell Prater. The NeiRhborhood Bridge flub was delightfully entertained on yesterday afternoon by Mlaa Helen Bruin, -witty the mentbeTa o( ilie vlull were and after the game dainty refreshments were served. Mr*. Beldon won the dub prise. Mias Erwin's runtil were: Mias frump. Mlaa Flanders, Mlaa Maker, Mias aullenberger. Miss Brnnnon. Miss Laura Baker. Miss Mary Ponell, Mlaa Mela Rrwln and Mrs. Belden Stimulation Without Irritation. Oxuio Laxative Fruit Syrup tg a new laxative ayrup combined with the deli* cious flavor of fruit*, and it veiy pleas* ant to take. It will not gripe n* gicken. It is much .more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the 8toasach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Oxrao Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem< porarv relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The oondition of the patient remains nn- changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Water* never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movementof the bowels and it is nec essary to keep tdking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Oxnro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon.all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act npon the lower bowel only and do not toach the Liver. It can very read- ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon'all of the digestive organ R can notcure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. ‘For Biliousness nnd Sick Headache. Take Oxnro Laxative Fruit Syrup, It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. OxtRO laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. fr*P*rwd only by FOLKY S CO., Chicago, III. / $OLD AND RECOMMENDED BY ALL DEALERS . CHATTANOOGA SOCIAL NEWS On Wedneaday. January 1C, Char!** Vlrkera waa wedded to Mlaa Minnie urrrll, but the secret waa not divulged until recently. The couple wer# mar ried at thr St. Elmo Methndlxt Kpta- copal church. Rev. Mr. Urosrloie odl- clatlng. Chlrkamnuga chapter. Daughters of the American Rev'ilutlnn. will give a col mini ball on February 11. Among the member* nt the committee* are; Meadamea II. H. fhntnberlaln, G. M. Einarit. J. T. HIM. K. N. Hholar, A. W. Fhambilaa. J. It. Hathmell, H. Bond, J. A. Caldwell, Emory Gill, J. G. Rich ardson. T. (!. Montague. E. M. Thom- a**an r K. D. Kalhburn and Franklin Harris Friday afternoon the beautiful home Professor Roy L. Smith furnished the nuptial music. After spending their honevmoon In Chicago they will reside In that city. Officers ot the Woman's flub have been elected' a* follows: Mr*. J. H Row lea, president; Mre. V. L. A her nnthy, vice president; Mrs. George McKenney, recording secretary; Mrs. J. H. Anderson, corresponding secre tary; Mra. D. A. Graves, treasurer, and Miss Ethel Tyler, librarian. Mrs. Fred Lowry has returned from Atlanta, where she waa frequently and elaborately entertained while visiting Mrs. MaglU. Mra. Esttll Jones Ilardwlck, of Ce- iiriow-n la In BiWif. gi:. the iroeat of Nashville Mias Kitty Httilil»l<*fl«>l«l. who irnut to At Inntn Mtltmlny. to visit Bins Ftiiniii Itril I ml tom* ami Miss Antoinette Itlouut. wn* the lioiioree of a pretty farewrl* muipHiuent FriasT. fiTVril ~J. "H; Ktrirismf-nt th<i home of riinnrellor nnd Mrs. Klklsml on the VMiulerlillt rantpu*. Ml** Htulilil liutntite* of the jrenr. vl*lte«| a lunst elmmilnx ninntier Thurwlny year nxn nnd wn* rhsrmtiixly entertnlneil. ‘ - |0or ‘ ^— — **‘ I’nrk MEDA. I the Kllt'M NUbet ilMdlson. lion. John T. Iteunl* hn* rcturm-tl fr< • liutlDes* trip to Atlnnt* Mias iHiroimh llrunil Mias iHiroiiWh llrumiiy «i*ent th«* we«*k- •ml with relative* In Hlllcilirovlllp Mlsae* Fannie Kate S<*ott uml l.vlln Mar •hall were recent vfoltor* nt Meiln MU* Mattie Edmom|*«ui h*« Utm tie* charming giiett of her *Uter. Mr* Joaeph 8. Turner, In Entonton. Mes*r*. J. A. ('hmnplon nml W II Itel ▼In were vUltor* here thl* wwk. Mr*. T. J. I*«rk. of Mnrletta. wn* the gue«t of her friend* here recently MU* Isoulse Kdmondaou I* exiiet home ■oon from Wooilhury. where *he hn* lH*eu nnd Mr. o. U JIUiKUft. of. KmlUTniry. N. t'.. were quietly nmnleit st X o rirrk ht*t even ing nt the home **f tUe hrtd* * mother. Mm.. II f. Font. t»y Bfohop O. I\ Ftt*ger.iht. nuly the nifiutM'r* of the bride * tmniestlate fam ily Itelng presenL TTie ami Jlunrr uf the i*omHm*vl Hermit- ml rtifoemlty eluti* III NnaUvtlle t»M»k Friday evening nt the Intter Xe Wiille the eoiuM lint Ion hn* tieen made. Ilie etnet *lte for the eluti nml the untie III*! vet determliMil slid Im*|K» eltlh tl lire o|»emt| for the present. A loillilli | Ik- one of til- tuimUottiest In the Hott propoF'il. * * ** • * * -f the j*n*t "rvllU t'ooley I* vUltlng friend* In Mayfield. 8he will vUlt here agnlu be fore returning to her home In Wnnlilug Ml** AgBS* Leverette. of Kntonton. I* th* attractive guest of Min* Joate Held. !• Monroe. Ml** Lererette I* the lovely _j Lararette, sod *he la uulvemally nd Sired and beloved. Mra. A. 8. Edmondeon. of Meda. enter tained the “Myetlc Circle." with Mr* V. If. Taliaferro and Mra 1‘eter W. Walton In Batocton, nt Mra. Taliaferro * home Thur* dax. The occa* Jon was one of the moat delightful aver enjoyed liy t-Utonton * am. arming young matron* of toae receiving with Mr* Thl hnondaon and Mr* Wnltou were three of the atnte Thllnferro, Mr* Ml.i llelito $sx Edmoi ■dwlne Rehre nnd Mlldr«»<| Nohj sate; Belle LewU nml Mlniil •f Montlrello. A number of Imautlful entertnlniuent* have been given In honor of Mime* li.dire nnd Noble, of Atlnntu. who me Mr*. V. B. Taliaferro'* guest* Ml** Bebre's emirert nt the l.iifonton •per* house Inst week wn* n t>rilMnnt sue- ceaj and wow rouutle** nduilrer* for the young srtUt enjoy pUnt*- •eeiued Several young men from Katonto •d hunting bird* on A II. Held * tton here. * Jolly gimd time they to have had. MU* Virginia Marshall hn* l»eeii vfoltlnc friend* here. Khe I* now the gne*t of her aunt. Mrs. ltol»eri t'rltteudeii. In Mheli it aide In Nh*Iii III** wn* the uinrilNge Mfo* Mnrthn hnut-nu Thouid*. daughter of I'reslilent John W. Tliomn* of the Nmhvllle, CliiittniMM-g.i .111.1 SI. Louis ritllnul.l. nml Mr heem* S lilddle nt the Ttnunn* home. Ill the piedeinv of :i limited rom|wn> The id of hrlde. w l»o fo »ery voiiug tilt bridal toilet ami veil, n girlish prime** gown of white mull em broidered In pink rose* and forget me net*. The dfoplny of bridal gift* wn* superb MU* Stun Faulkner, daughter of Senator Faulkner, of West Virginia, win I* the guest of her *l«ter. Mr* WIMInni Whit fo lielng mmdi entertnlneil. Mr* Wlili gave n brldgi* pnrty for her reeently Mr* Addle C. Itennou will entertain nt on id* February g In honor of Mr* Clinrle* T Cntea. Jr., of Knoxville, who hi* arrived In the elty to Join Attorney during the aenaloii of the Savannah The Inst eluti cotillion of the aennoii wm In need Tuesilny night nt the Gitnnl* arm try. Mr. Prntt Adam* lending. Among th< of Ttmdic«ter ; “MT« -fitter— ttwwford,—wf Atexnuilrln; MU* I'riisdllii Jewett, of Cnn bridge, and Ml** Have*, of 1‘hUailelphl' “ * V * I), ft! The chaperon* were Mr*. Henry It. 8t*w- eti*. Mr*. Henry McAlpIn nml lira. Janie* T. I»ent. Tha Marrlril Wstuau'a Card Club met fwlre lift week, nn Tuesday wMb Mr*. Char It* II. Mslisw. *sil as Friday after Ith Mr*. Wright Hunter. Two other large nfteruiH'li "Cgrit pnrTtcw of the week were those of Mr*. Cmls Harrow ami Mr*. A. U. Girardeau. Mr*. Barrow** entertain ment on Thursday wn* In houcr of MU* Gmrgln MrAlpin. who hn* Jd*t returned frojo « four yiuira* stay ubroad. bridge liter morning affair*, nil more or ~fo* Ophelia I lent** I luneheoil for the dehlltnilte* ell . . Mis* Hlv l.ynnli** euchre party or her guest. Mrs. Tucker, ou Weilnes- Inv: Mr*. T. J. Charlton** rani party on ’hnr*ln> for the Mfo*ei Kteveii*. the nientn Imdudlng only tin- deluitnnte* nml foiling girl*: >lrs. ltnunoiul Ihuiiere'* •ridge for Ml** Gertrude Sullivan, and W111in in Mny*« Hewing pnrty for MU* I on Friday Sntiinlny uioruliig Mr* Sidney Htnhh* en tertnlned with three table* of bridge. M <i| by n large- buffet luncheon lu horn I'nlno. of AtInntn Itnudolph Amler*oii gave n charming en on Monday nfrernoon for Mrs. ou t’nrmlcht MU ley t Whist I'luti nt n whist luiiehe Mfos Helen Ileil will In February 12. ext lloste Ml** Idnbelle Wilson I* the guest of Mr nud Mrs. T. 1*. Shouts In Wnshingtoii. nml with the pretty Shouts girl*, dcbutantri this season, she I* lielng unitIt eutertnliieil MU* Wilson H sfoter. Mrs. John M Gray Jr., nml Mr Grn> returned n lew days ng« from n visit to Lieutenant ('otumnmler nml Mr*. Albert Key. In Wnshlnifton. the former lielng iinvnl aide nt th were entertnlneil nt dime nt n bridge purl i ti» ti % ho by Mi The -blent. Itel l»ltnl. i*. who *ui'i*eed* Mr ;i ennnl eoniinfoslo ptvuulnent person* Shouts 01 i. nud le In tho nn l.lpseomh. w rt while ngo from n e it protty brldgi* pn n for Ml** llessle 111 »• laatiel Getty*, of a turned ontv n t to Atlnntu. ‘in**dnv after- ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS most to Fat-simile SlRmlurejjf •-th Cure BILIOUSNESS SICK HEADACHE. TORPID LIVER. FURREO TONGUE. I INDIGESTION 1 CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS SALLOW SKIN ARTERS ITTLE IVER PILL Sj I rw touch »»LIVER s s: Mr*. T. I*. Waring a day afternoon for Mr Merehcnel. Mr*. Trac«*y Hunter of charlotte n ten on ftntur- , Dr. and Mra. Garllngton. Many aoclal and Mrs. Henry Trotter wan i affairs In Rome have been given In opened for n munlcnle for the benefit I honor of thla pretty and popular young f the Foreign Missionary Society of I matron, who Is a frequent guest In the First Presbyterian church. The (’hattanooga. opera. "II Trovatore/* was played on I Miss Kate Fort, of Atlanta. I* the the graphophone. 'uest of Mlsa Kate Ellis, In Macon, Mlaa Aide Hell and Mias Annie where numerous-charming parties are Hampton left this week for a vfalt to {being given In honor of these tuo pon- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hampton. In An- lulor Georgia glrla, who are well known nlston. and much admired In Chattanooga so- Miss HamuellA Whitman will come from Atlanta In about two weeks to make the visit recently deferred. Miss Gertrude Fletcher Is expected home from Birmingham this week. Among the Chattanooga sojourners In Florida, none Is having a more charming time than Mra. Alice Wat- Mrs. James A. Oliver has returned to her home In Atlanta after a visit to h» slater. Mra. L. W. Flfimta(er, Miss Flora Loveman went from New York to Cuba with Dr. and Mrs. Rqulers. whbm she has been visiting*, ami they are now, la Havana. Mrs. M. P. Kenny and Master Perry Kenny reman In Mexico, where ttiey are pleasantly located for the winter. Mrs. Anna Whitman Morris, of At- Innta, Is the guest of Mrs. Dofcas, Hutcheson. 1 _ Mrs. t*harles M. Fort, formerly -of this city. Is very ill In an Atlanta hos pital. Today Mrs. D. P. Montague nnd Miss Mildred Montague sail from ; England for New York. They Will reach home about the middle of February. Mrs. Harry McQtiade In home from Memphis. Mrs. II. clety. Dr. W. L. Souther and wife will leave shortly for New Orleans to at tend Msrdl Gras. The following cards have been Is sued "Mr. and Mrs. Augustus M. Foote request the honor of your presence at the. marriage of their daughter. Mary, Eleanor.Jeft thla weak for Florida to stay unui lfii ■ Ille py party with brldgi* f«»r Mrs. George K* Miss Nettle Gaines Is at Dechnrd, here she has nn art class on Mon days nnd Tuesdays. !r. and Mrs. J. G. Lindsey returned their old home In Asheville, N. last week. They were accompanied by their grandchildren. Miss Campbell and Master Lindsey Campbell. '• n "» wn» ,,, • | Mrs. Non Is In Nashville visiting Mrs. linckua iiml Mr* J A I«oveman. en route homa from Den- ntiTtnlned n anutll j Thurwlay morning j Mr*. ilny sirs of the v Mr*. Itolnert llnrrfoi Mr*. W. L. Clay. Mi McGuire, Mr*. IV. Schroeder. Ml** Fin WUlInmaon, Ml** lb rublwrll. Mr*. Daniel r. King bridge party i*» luncheon on Frl of tile inoat ilcllflit k Her guests were Mr*. Kdniuud Nash. Ib'wlnnd Leigh. Ml** Gordon. Jr.. _ > Kbotter. Mra. IV. W kwitli and Mra. Ilmu i nn gnvn n aumll »» ,— t -day afternoon for ner sister. Mfo* Jettnlng*. uf ItiM'hester. Ml** Maud Thoiiuirt entertiiliiisl the llrlilge l.uiicheun Club on Hatunlny after noon, and Mra. Henry l» Steele poured ten at the Country Club Mira Julln liti party for Mfo* Cnn lug. Mrs. Mill* It bin day with nn «y»ter guest. Mfo* Jewett. Ml** 8ll»le Owen*, guest nf honor delightful little by Ml** Flofoe Itlllg. Mr*. J A I* **t fo ay. They will atop In At lanta for a brief vlalt with frlenda. Mr. Harbart Brown, of Atlanta, haa mftYfid.tO_NfiW„X*>rk. to reside. Hla family will not leave Atlanta for New Torlr Tor some months to rmne. Mra. Brown and the Misses Brown are fre- queftt visitors here, as Mr*. Brown waa formerly Miss Kirkpatrick, of ChattA- nooga. n sister nf Mrs. J. X. Trigg and Mrs? John S. Martin. — Mrs. Burroughs, of Fort Oglethorpe, entertained with n luncheon and box party at the YlHou on Saturday, n courtesy to Mfos Charlotte Bvan. Oth ers In tha party were: Misses ('ora Smartt, Regina Hahn. Emily Wright. Penelope Hwanev. Mantle Walker. Ernie Nixon. Johnnie Walker. Marlon Bright Is home from Nash. Cnrother*. Marie Gager and Grace Campbell. The many friend* of Mr. F. 8. Hunt will be Interested In the following an nouncement. which appeared In the Decntur papers Inst week: "Mr. and Mrs. John D. Walker announce the en- —emedt nnd approaching mnrrlnge «f their daughter. Evelvn Barry, to Mr. Fred Revlll Hunt." Mr. Hunt fo a former Chattanooga hoy. nnd Is the superintendent of th® Atlanta oil mills. Miss Frances Henderson goes to Rome. Oa.. this week for a few days' visit to Miss Caudle. Mrs. Harry Erwin has gone to Ath ens. Oa.. to spend some time with Mrs. Tnlmndge. Mrs. R. L. Bright In vlnltng Nashville friends. Mrs. T. G. Montagu® ®nt®rtntned with an Informal luncheon of twelve covers this week. Th® table was charmingly arranged In Golden Gale rises nnd violets, with pen and Ink sketch cards and clusters of violets a* place favors. Miss Elsie ('aidwell has been the gueat of honor nt numerous functions in Kansas City. Later ahe will go to Fort Leavenworth for an extended ifolt. cave ford Friday Ander*. n Saturday R. II. Howard, the pop- , r circuit court clerk, wli married stnnll euchre i lo Marv Wilkie at the apartments ' of Mrs. I. E. Rehlander. In the Kllxa- heth. The ceremony was performe<l by Rev. Bernard Glhh*. After a Southern trip tho couple will be at home to their friends In Hill City. Mfo* Pauline Hparenburg and Mr. Clarence R. Steele, of Chicago, were married at the Second Presbyterian church Tuesday morning. Dr. E. A. El more tierformlng the ceremony. All*GUldei. . Itlng her daughter. Mr*, lu |>hlno Fgnu mi fowogn. N. V . fo via ' »g Harden. , • •• Ml** Annie Marten n nre the guest * for rt Week or Mr mnl Mr* ll'iU*r*hain Clay nt Mtrnthy Hull. Ilrvnn Mfo* IipIIii Wilder, of llurre. Mn**., fo visiting he. sister. Mr* Paul llnakell. Mr*. TIioiiiiinJI. Palm*, of Atlanta, I* the guest of Mr* Sidney Htuldm. Clarke nnd ehlldriui. of down to speud aevernl Iteubi iiii'iith* in Sat l.ewt* Warffeld I* the gne*t of Mrs. Pn tier*. <n nt Fort Si Mr*. George J. llutdwtu h i* i-vtnrued from M n*hlnclon Mr* Weiit and Ml** Margie Weed, of Jai kHouvillo, nn* the gueats of Mrs. Joseph Mr* Chnrle* Kmersmi tin* returned fn»n» Sumuier* Ille. Mr*. L. L. Morehead. of Kalelxli. I* the ffunst of her Mr. luttUmp Morehead, nnk M ChlRolui n ew day*. • »f Ifolttinore. iiiliiunlt third year, r tu full | HARALSON. e* from tnm*u of the *et)on* Jr* Hnrnh Collier Gray. She felatfo e* nml friend* In thl* Mr* tlrny I* lu her ninety- id. until sgi*, Mr*. S. E. Garris Otnuin* Wrapper Printed an RED PAPER BLACK LETTERS Look tor the ■l^aature i iv. I to Atlnutn Saturday • retnrunl from Allan ••ill III attembima' Oil Glower*- A**'M‘littton. cut le .Nemmu jester West Point WE8T POINT. Mr». E. J. rolllns rntrrtalnrd nt n 'Irllphtrol ".pfnd-the-iluy-party" Wed- nrsdoy. A Jellrloun courar dinner was Fcrved at noon. Tlioiie enjovlns tills oc cuslon were Mrs. M. J. McAfee. Mrs. a. A. Shenlej, Mrs. J. T. HlgBtnbotli- em. Mrs. .T. H. Hooker, Mrs. Lottie Melton, Mrs. Lula t'ooper and Mrs. Ella Echols. Ivnnhoe l.otlse, Knlglits of Pythlaa. !a arranging to give a banquet the 19th Inst., In celebration of the annl versnry of the founding of this noble order. An Interesting w»imm la being prepared, whlrll vlll be given at this time, follownl by ni. elegant banquet Altogether this will be a brilliant so cial rvent. The Woman's C lub met Friday af ternoon in theli clut room and an In- lerestlng and profitable discussion on Immigration was held. The present course of study la on current events. Miss Bertha Herman led the discus- slon and the social feature was con ducted by Miss Hannah Hagedorn and Miss Hettle Herfcerg. ells. Mary Coons, of Lebanon, Ind.. has returned home, after a pleasant visit to Miss Alice Lanier. Mlsa Mary Henderson, of Evanarllle, y 7,-il QO-. Is the tnioot of Mlsa Mary White Mr*. Fred Spencerr or Chlcngu, is cr- pected next week to visit her mother, Mra. C. A. Harrell. Mrs. J. B. Strong, of LaQronge, Oa.. has been visiting relatives hero this woek. Mlses Sarah Pope Callaway and Bai lie Sou 1-ongshnre. who are student, at the Southern F.male College, at LaOrongc. spent the week end with their respective famines. Dr. P. A. Tatum Is visiting at Pa los. Ala. _ MTB. Salltc LCC Shutzg .Spent Th'irs- dny In t.'olumbus. Gu. MUs Minnie Mtlloii left Thursday for ten day’s visit to friends In Mont gomery. Ala. WAYCR0S8. Mrs. Lemuel Johnson will leave on Wednesday for St. Mnrys to spend n week or ten days with Mr. Johnson. Mr. J. E. Atkins, of Fltsgerald. spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs Willis J. Swain has arrived from Atlanta and will be the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Wodley, on Tebcau street. Mr. Jack Williams, of FltsgernM, spent Sunday In Waycross with friends. Mrs. C. L. Elliott, of Brunswick, ar rived In Waycross this morning and will be the guest of Mra. Robert I. The I Branham, at the Southern. chancel was hanked with palms anil j Miss Ada Stewart, who hoe been 1 — — I spending a few days with her aunt. I Mrs. Dola Ratliff, left Thursday for ■r home, nt ITIlTdrd, Fla. Mra. Robert L. Hilliard and little Valr Health NEVER FAILS to RE MOVE DANDRUFF and KILL the GERM. “My head was foe ten years covered with dandruff. Hove used Hair Health about ten dajri end have no dandruff or any part ol my ocslp. Hair Is thicker and much healthier looking.’’—P. II. Daniels. ltJ HendrixDt.,Brooklyn, N. Y. FREE cake o! HAR- — FINA SOAP with each bottle and this ad. lor 50c. at the following druggists: *on urrlvcd yeaterday from Montrose. Ark., and will spend ionic time In \V aye roe* with relative*. Mr. and Mr*. Thomna Jelke and chil dren. of Moron, who have been upend ing m few day* with their parent*, Dr. ■•“eft thl* morning BROWN A ALLEN; BRANNEN A ANTHONY; TODD ORUQ CO.; EL- KIN-WATSON DRUG CO.: WHITA KER A C0UR8EY DRUG CO. and Mr*. T. 8. Paine, for Palm Beach, accompanied by Ml Annie Paine. The Udlea of tha Southern hotel, a*- sfoted by a few of their friend*, enter tained with a *|>tendld musical nnJ oyster supper nt the hotel Tueediiv evening for the benefit of the Charity i hospital fund. The following prograt.. wm rendered: Grcheetru. Hong—Ml** Furr. Quartet, Mr*. SlmMalr, Mrk. Jn. i,; Phelan, Mfo* Wilson. .Nll»* Phelan—! "O Morning I^ind." Vocal Duet—Mr*. Beal* and Ml*u young. 8oli>—Mr. Branham. Recitation—Marv Decn. Plano Solo—Ml** Ketterer. Orcheetra. Solo— Mr*. L. V. Willinm*. Vocal Duet—Ml in Pet hum nnd Mr. Branham. Holo—Mr*. K. A. Pound. Instrumental Duet—Messrs. Smith and Doble. Plano Solo—.Mr. Oat. The ladle* met with the liberal pat ronage which the cauae deserve* and about 1125 won realised. M'RAE. Laat Saturday night Mr*. \V. E. Bradley and Mis* Le*lte Dyal deter mined to unite their live*. Accord ingly. In company with a friend. Ml** Elisabeth Walker, Ml** Dyal eluded her parent* nnd met Mr. Bradley by appointment. They repntred to the home of Rev. R. \V. Eubank*, past >r of the Raptlat church of thl* place, but the ceremony waa not allowed to con tinue. for Edgar Dyal, a young brother of >11** Dyal. made auch a vlgorloun objection that the minister refused them, he having tfUnwed the couple from home. But Gupld wn* not to be outwitted. The Intereated party went to the home of Justice McKuchln and were married, but not before her lit tle brother. Edgar, had torn the license In three piece*. The happy couple, aft er having bo much trouble and being wedded, departed on the evening train for Cordele. Mr*. Bradley I* the aeo- ond daughter of Mr. and Mr*. F. L. Dyal. Mr. Dyal fo a prominent naval store* operator. Mr*. Bradley n* Mfo* Dyal I* very beautiful nnd had many friend*. Mr. Bradley hold* a respon sible position with The Telfair Enter prise and I* a young man of sterling trait* of charatcer. Mr. H. F. Thnxton wn* In Macon on bualnea* this week. Mr. J. F. Chick went to Atlanta Tuesday. Mfos Nettle Burch, of near Kastman. I* the guest of Mrs. R. L. NVilcox. Mrs. John Clark and little daughter. Mattie Lou, of Chauncey, nre the guests of her mother. Mrs. K. V. Wil cox. Professor <\ H. 8. Jackson, of Bessie Tift College, wn* In our town this week. Mr. o. H. Haley, of Macon, wn* In our town this week. Mr*, a G.. Brown has returned from a several weeks* visit to her daughter, nt Collins, Gu. Ml** Ada May Roberson, of Live Oak. Fla., Is the chnrtntng guest of Miss Nora Robinson. Mrs. Max McRae and children have returned from Lenox. Oa. Mr. Charlie Griffith Is In Florida. Mr. O. F. McRae and mother are vis- I Itlng Jacksonville. Fla., the home if the latter’s daughter. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Bend Mamp for particular* and Teitl- complexion, remove* make* new blood and health. If you take BEAUTY8KIN beneficial rMUl'-a an guirantrr'i o roonev refunded. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO . Madl.on Place, Pniladabhia. p. JmperialHairRegenerator 1* everywhere recogniKi-i Standard Hair Coloring permit* curilnu: fo . lately linrmless; any iu ■hnile produced; Invnliml.k ■ptrinl Chemical Mft. Co., 135 V. 23d SI.. I. T. Sold by Jacob*’ Pharmacy, Atlantc, Ga. Atlanta. Ga. 601 Austell Bldg. Ofllee Honrs, 9 to nJOULlo to 5 B. Phone Mala 1ML Besldence 220 l*e*vhtree. U 11*1* Vhone 4179. Cartersville "Sttfurduy Hlgtll'Mtr Jwttrt-Nrrt wo* the hostess at a beautiful Iwh:: party, given In hdnor of Ml** .NIny Foute whose marriage to Mr. Paul Jones, of Canton, occurs Thursday night, and Mrs. Ed Strickland, Jr. 3 bride of Inst month. The room* wm proUIIy decorated Tn heart*, nnd tin color scheme of red was carried «hh In detail. The prise* were won by Mr. John Calhoun and Miss Tumlln, whin -the- bride^ and brlde^tu-heT-Wtiiu ra~J given a silver spoon. The guests \w< Misses Mary*. Anna and Julia F<»ute, Laurie Neel. Ella Neel. Clirtstlm Lumpkin, Marlon 8lrickland. Kstelh Strickland and Sarah Tumlln. Mirsr*. Henry Lumpkin, Paul Akin, J'*e «*a!« houn. John Calhoun, Charles Fam. Al bert Jones, Scott of Canton Marvin McOatchey of Atlanta, and Joe Neel. On Monday afternoon Mr. Kd Ftrb k- land, Jr., was nt home to 11 few frit mil In honor of Miss Mary Foute. Mm. Will Young entertain* th< Young Matron's Club at Its week!) meeting Thursday, Mr*. A. O. Grrfuger. Mra. M. D Free, man, president of the Cherokee flub am! Mrs. Oscar Peeples, editor of th- Federation pago of The Constitution are attending the council of club prtsl’ dents In Atlanta this week. Ml** Hammond entertained Inform ally on Friday afternoon fo? »v*r guest Ml** Word. The Bridge (’lub met on Tue-».ai with Alisa rumlln. WHITE PLAINS. Quite * delightful event of ln*t «••» wn* *n oyster supper given l»y th- - on last Friday ulght nt the nuditerhiiu the proceeds of which will In- use»l to lui prove the Interior of tho scaooi miIM.m; A NVnshlugtoii birthday exercise will 1- given nt the school nuilltorluui «*u th ' ufternoon of February 22. The many friends of Mfo* Rlnnche H den Will lie dellghteil to learn »* * cess nn music teacher In Hnhuti school. Mis* lloideu Is a 'ery a til young Indy. nn*l we wish for MiccfMN in her work there. •Nlr. It. W. King line recently Mndlnon. where.he fo to have a niiiuufncturlug establishment. “!• i.Mn! ACWORTH. Miss (Turn Thornton, of Marietta. ' ! ed 511** Lnilnh Barrett here th- tb-t Mr*. J. 1>. Htrlcklsnd nml «*hiMf Kensington, rre the guest* of Mr* **• Ilumphrle* Ml** Duntt. of Nnshvllle. *«»nie time with Nlr*. It. M. Oneida I'lillllp* h*s extemle-l visit to |H»lnt* III Messrs. Will Lee nnd Pm»t Cartersville, were visitors to A-’ •!'iy. Of Course MADE, •CHE STANDARD OF PURITY.