Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 18, 1907, Image 9

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hu relumed lends In Au- Sale IVill Continue This Week.• Mill Luclle Hut, nr Atlanta. Ii thi mint of Mrs. A. M. Winter, on th* Hill, and Ti being welcomed heartily by her friends In Augusta. Min Hitt will liavi loon for Parli. where ihi will pursue her itudlia In art.—Augusta Chronic tv. ■Mr Albert Poster, of Madison. Ii 111 YH» ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Good judges of footwear tell us that this sale includes the greatest shoe bargains they ever saw; the immense selling already is good evidence of extraordinary values. The sale will continue a day pr two longer as we wish to close out certain lines entirely. Come early tomorrow before size assortments are so badly broken as to make perfect fitting difficult. guests of Mr. and Mn. Paul D. OlHam, on thi South Highland!, Blr. utlngham Mra. Charles Elysa will go to Savin- " 'lit frianda In nih In a fiw dayi to vlil that city. Mra D. W. McCullough and daugh ter*. Mliaea Madeline and Dougherty McCullough, -an ipandlng several weeka In Florida. Mn. diorge B. Allen left Sunday night to apind a alinrl time with >her parent*. Mr. and Mra. Porter Weakley, nt Nashville. Mn. Piarl Chapman, of McRae, I* •pending Mveral weeks In Atlanta. Mr*. G. B. Lindsey. of McRead, la ‘lulling Atlanta friend*. The shoes included in the offering are r " y all new and stylish; they are from well-known manufacturers of fine footwear and are thor oughly worthy in materials and workmanship. There are button, plain lace and blucher styles in all the popular leathers-gun metal calf, vici Aid and pateni leather; heavy, medium and light weights; welted and turned soles; military, Cuban, French and medium heels; straight and swing lasts, various toe shapes. All sizes and widths in the lot, though not in every style. Regular prices were $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. The sale price, fpr choice of the entire line, is— Mr\Roby Robinson Is In X«w\York $2.49 a Pair Positively none of these shoes will be sent out on approval or sold subject to return or ex change. Competent salesmen and saleswomen will fit yoy in the store. FOR MI8S ADAMS. Mi.-.- I Vert rude HtgKlcy eMtiMInrd r.r nf Mtss Annlr Huff delight fully at her home on Qreenu •Iron hi t evening In honor of her at- Intime kuosI, Ml** Scuble Adam*, of .Vl..m;, Crltnaon was the color icheme ml tim rnoins were nioet attractive with their crimson shaded lights and tritmon lirurls. In the spacious re- hall Miss Francis Hlghley. In Iftil white silk dress, eerved (tin- Mi 11 iRliley and her guest both v > ml crepe de chine dresses nnd ■arn.ii utterly roses.. The other guest* “<o Miss Mary Wheel*. Mtss Anna ‘•eikm. Miss Marlon Murpliy, Miss l-ilinson. Miss Gertrude Burk- h" • Miss I Hi Is y Cruch. M 1st Leola Ian. is e. Mrs. Charles Howe. Mrs. J"Ihi .'..ii< kcll, Mr. Frederick Pope. Mr. do... j. |*,i| K . Mr - William Barksdale. 'Ir- clarence Serrehee, Mr Joseph lliin-.>ii. Mr. Charles Howe, Xlr. John hi s'on. Mr. Theodore Caswell, Mr. J"hn Mi Aultlfe, Mr. Frederick Gherken. •'h lifted Lombard, and Mr. Herbert Fu i , .i.-it. of Atlanta.—Augusta MITE BOX OPENING OF THE WOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. I ! ■ " oman's Home Missionary 80- ian or th,. First Methodist church will ’"’I’l annual tn|te box opening In the Sain school room Thursday nfter- (‘dock, followed by a recey home on Whitehall street In hon- After the game refresh merits were served. The domino prises were n belt and n picture. Mtss Armlsteail wore n gown of rdnk • Ilk and Miss Huff wore u toilet of green voile. Miss Berna Daniel, who eerved tea. was gowned In white silk N0TE8 FROM SALISBURY. N. C. Special In The Georgius Hallshury, N. C.. Felt. IS.—Mrs. Ed win H. Overman Saturday afternoon gave Salisbury a charming social event In n muslcale to Mrs. William W. Hunt, of Cotdmbus. Ga. Mrs. Htmt Is the visitor of Mrs. Fletcher F. Smith, Mrs. Smith being one of the state’* finest vocalists and a contributor to the program. Formal announcement was made yes terday of the engagement of Miss Nina Wheeler, who Is remembered well here as a visitor to the dances given In Sullsburv. and Mr. Thomas J. Gold, a lawyer of High Point. The wedding ’a sol for April. Miss Wheeler Is the daughter or Sir. R A. Wheeler, who spends quite a deal article I* entitled "The Problem OFT he Southern Cotton Xllllt" and deals with tills question to which Situ Baton has devoted so much time and study. In Harper's Weekly of January 12 ap pears on of Miss Bacon's Inimitable short stories, “All In a Harden Fair.' The friends of Ml** Bacon are delight ed to know- that *hi Is recovering from her prolonged Illness. In Scribner's Slagnilne for February Mrs. Slyrls Lockett Avary has an In, ■cresting little sketch on Abraham I-ln- i-oln. Sirs. Avary Is s|H-ndlng some time In Atlanta, and later will go to Alto, where, she will continue Itei' lit erary work. Mrs. Estelle barren Biker lias re turned from Gmalvllle. / Mils Luclls Hitt. I* visiting friends in Augusta. Mrs. R. L Simms and Mrs. Arthur Montgomery have returned from New Orleans. Sir. Flitchir 8. Cater, of Woodbury, Go..* Is spending a fcv. days In the city. Rev. R. A. Forrait Is spending sev eral days at Asheville, X. C. Sirs. Hlpply. of Roanoke. Va, I* the guest of hir mothir. Mr*, l-owry. Mrs. John Mutnll Is the guest Mrs. W. P. Burgltt. at Mobile. Sirs. William XI. Scott I* visiting Mr, and Xlrs. M. C. Scoff, at ’Montgomery. Mr. Edward N. Fortson has returned from a visit to Augusta. Xlrs. Algood Holmes has as he guest St the Lenox apartment-. 01. West Peachtree, her mother, Mts. Heo. McClellund Britton, her grundmoiher. Mrs. A. Spout, and her little niece. .Miss Bettle Bland. Miss Clara Maude Berrlman. formet ly of I-os Angeles, has arrived In At lanta. and will be connected with the T. W. Ci A. hire ai Its secretary. A congenial box parly at'tho Grand Saturday afternoon was that at Which Mrs. William King antertalncd. I n guests being Xlrs. Il>nry D. Fjnds. Mra. Gilbert Frasier, lira Qua Red ding. Mra. Heeler W'ngfleld and Sirs XII** Alice Hoyt, of Chicago, 1s the guest of Iter eleter, Mrs. B. W. Ford, on Juniper street. Mr. Cl.irk Howell Is In New York city, called there on account of the Illness of his daughter. Mlse Julia How. ell. who Is suffering with pnet^nonte Sirs. Robert Coleman, of Xlacpn. Is visiting Xlrs. Beverly Thornton. TO MI88 ANDERSON. Xllss .Milne Alnmnd will entertain at a Mnen shower FndBy afternoon In honor of Xllss l.tlllc Anderson, whose marriage lo Mr. Robert Saxon taki place on the afternoon of the 21th of February. MRS. HYND8’ BRIDGE. A charmingly Informal parly of Tuesday afternoon will be that at which Mr*. Henry Hynds will entertain a> her home, on Richardson street. Xlrs. William King, of Lexington, whose ATTEBNOON TEA of his time In Salisbury, where he has! visit to Atlanta has been such a source tnnm business Interests. She Is nn ex- ’ «f pleasure to her friends, will be the eeedinglv attractive young woman, j guest of honor, hrjght. pretty nnd gifted In high ■*-1 • INFORMAL TEA. Cards were received here today an-! Xlr. and Mrs. Charles Godfrey enter- trouncing a wedding event os follows: talned at an Informal ten Sunday after- members of the congregation ;-captain Jonas Cook requests the lion- noon tn ,| le apartments nt the Man ually Invited to attend. (or of your presence at the marriage 1af | borough. In honor of Mr. W. B. Xletkle, his daughter. Agnes Wllhelmlna, to Mr. , f T Canada. David Luke Johnston — "«»• - 1 February, at four oclock^'HolTTrin-! M’KENZIE-LEWIS. j,y i.tithfran rluirrh. Mount PlMMltt.; .Mr. ami Mr*. Jaaper Monroe r*e\vlM. North I'nrolInB.** of Montesuma. nnnoum** the tngngc- tthMH <;noU I* known ami admired 'n ! meni of their daughter. Cleon*, to Mr. 8all*burv. She I* an oernnlonal vlallor Karl MrKenrle, th* wedding to take herr ami her friend* and relative* nn-; plncr April a. reprenentetl among the beet famine* She I* b*r*Hf n mo«l lovable character and of a Itnr rat** of men and it omen. Hh* In t»U‘ *i*tei of Ml*. \J. M. Cook. Hnllnbury** popular voung drug glnt. ami ll on the after- FOR SHELTERING ARMS | msm of Thursday, tiro iwcnty-elghth of j Thumdny afternoon at 4 o’cl '"here of Mhelterlng Arms nt the home of Mr. and rnefonnl vlallor' " • 'kiin II. Kleer. on Peachtree '• * adtlru* Horton will contribute ' r »<t>i tHlnnient of the gueots by Hu* i-ehcUng and during the ■" Mr*. 1-Yank Pearuon will give '■•Hal. ■ i acker* and Mandivlrhr* will be «nd the frirnd* and member* s l'Ht»*rlng Anna ait* cordially I" In* pre.Ment. No charge will • b»i mJmliMlon. but a free will "ill be gladly received* MILES-DOOLY. " m i Mr*. J. V. Dooly announce x ’ '' «*>K*»ni#*nt of their \ daughter. i*n, U . u , M ‘ lt T " Mr. I-YeU .Mile*, the wed- ’ •k'' Plnro March 6. at \\>n- ■" ’ ' ri, tl church. (>tok. : ell l laughter of c.iptnln Jona* ed In cnbarru*. ■'sir Jidmst.ui IS known I marriage to Mr. William Huntley, of a rat til u led' u p< >n*w I mi I n g -n . j B«ff«l». «lll -n event of Wednesday BUFFET SUPPER./ Mr. ami Xlrs. L. 1). Lew man's buffet supper .Monday evening In their apart ments In the Mendenhall will be n com. pllment to Xllss Jsnls Speer, whoa evening ’V""" | In the receiving line with Xlrs. l-ew- MISS BACON AND MRS. AVARY men will he Miss Speer. Xlr*. Robert IN CURRENT MAGAZINES. [Chapin, of RufTuln. nnd Miss Ferrallnu Tin* mam friends In Atlanta of .Miss | Olnlnnj. of New York. Mary Applewhite Bacon and hosts of, JENIFER HIVE. I those who know- her only through thej Jpnlfe| . Hive No. T. I,, o. T. XI., will beautiful *hort ►torle* #ho ha* C °H‘ 1 meat Tuesday night nt 7:lo o'clock. .M» 11iibutcd t » th* leading mngnsln**. “i 11 mrmlipin nr* reuutnted to ho pr««*n( DdMINO PARTY. Iintrr*«t*d In an article ivhlch^ap- an after regular hunlnen* and ir.ltlatlmi ••«* Armuiead entertained nt | |H?nr * under her name In the current | there will be dHII practice for FYlday ‘ Monday aftermHUi nljUsut Th* Atlantic Monthly. The j night, aloe commit tees jut to meet. DR. E. G. GRIFFIN'S GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS 24V* Whitehall. Corner Alebsms end Whltehell. Lowest Cash Prices. Best Material and Work. SET or TEETH $S WAV $3^ Pistes Mode end Delivered 8sme Dey. Gold Filling* $1 Ml ip. Painless Extraction Phone 170S- Hours S s. nv—9 p. m. Sundays 8 n. m.—4 p. m. Xllss XI Xlrs. J. K FIs. A. Phelsn Is the guest of MrKildsn. In Sou Brsesr. Xlrs. Jerome Jones will leave Monday evening for Brunswick to Join Xlr. Jonas, who Is on n week's business trip there. Xlr. and Xlr*. I. E. Garrett have turned from Carthage, Tenn. Xlrs, Elmer Grant will return Xton dav evening from Rome, where ahe has been the gueet of her parents. Xlr. and Mrs. D. XI. Hamilton. The Tuesday Xlornlng Bridge Club will meet Tuesday morning with Xltxs Antoinette Blount. Dr. Benjamin Wlldauer left Monday afternoon for Macon to nttend the Im migration conference. .Mrs. Walter Brooks, of Elytis. Ohio, Is the guest of Xlrs. Archibald Davis. During her stHy In Atlanta Xlrs. Brooks will be delightfully entertained. ELECTA CHAPTER NO. 6. Members of Electa Chapter No. X will linlik their weekly Thimble Bee at the resilience of the worthy matron. Xlrs. W. A. Neill, 254.East Pine street, on Tuesdny afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Visitors cordially welcome. SARAH J. HANNA. Secretary- BARNESVILLE. Xllss .Mamie Mitchell Is in Jackson on s' visit with relatives stul friends. Xlr*. W. A. t’rout and Mrs. Annie Anderson have returned from a pleas ant stay of several weeks In Florida. Xlrs. T. J. Simmons, of Macon, and Xllss Hssen. of Knoxville. Tenn.. have bean llte charming guests of relatives In the city for several days. Miss Xlsry Stroud lias returned fro-n a visit with her sister, Mrs. Lindsay, at Wndley. Mrs. Windsor csrrekcr has been at Deinty on a visit to the family of her parents. Xllss ftpel Dunbar lies relumed front Keliulon. where she has been visiting friends. H. Hall, of Atlanta, was the guest this week of his friend, Hon. R F. Duckworth. Xlr. J. G. Eubanks has gohe lo Kaslt- I He. Tenn.. on an Important business trip of ten days. J. A. Hitching* has returned from sn extended stay with relatives In Flor id* Xlr. mid Xlrs. J. I. D. Wnodbum nt tertnlneil Tuesday evening In honor of Mr*. 1\ J. Simmons, of Macon, nnd Xllss llesen. of Knoxville. Tenn. There were present a large number of young people and the occasion- wee a most delightful one. The Woman’s Missionary- Socletv of the Methodist church are pluming * missionary ten at the home of Mrs. D I- Anderson, on February !}. It will be quite on Interesting event. XIre. A. U. Murphey and Mrs. Tom Murpltey gave an elaborate reception Ibis week , ompHmentory to'Mrs. J. W. Saunders. Mrs. T. H. Bridges, Mrs. T. J. Simmons end Miss Hnnen. II was one of the most pleasant aoclal events ol the year and ora* largely attended by the ladles of the cl.y. Chamberlin-Johnson- DiiBose Hats that were 4.50 to 10,00, all good styles and good colors. • v . e * 1 Chamb?rIin-JoKnson-DuBose COVINGTON. Xlr. and Xlrs. L. Dean King, of At lanta. were guesta last week of Captain and Mr*. I. D. Brlsendlne. Miss Jute Atten. wUh XIU. Bessie AUsu. of Conyers, Is enjoying s two weeks' Vl»|t to-Mrs. W. M. Robinson, In Augusta. 'Miss Jule Tripps has been the guest of Miss Louise Turner. In Kstoaton. and was the recipient of many social attentions. No mure enjoyable nnd 'Interesting meeting of the Daughters of the Con federacy has bean held during the post Severn 1 months than the one tilth Mrs. N. 8. Turner on Thursday afternoon, when .Misses Sara Simms and Jule Trippe conducted the program. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Hardman, of Manstl.ld, whose marriage took placa In Shady Dale on hut .Sunday, were lu the city Tuesday and Wednesday and were the guests of Mrs. .Mamie H. Terrell. Mrs. It. I. Weaver Is recovering from an attack or pneumonia. "Mrs. Wlgga of the Cabbage Patch” was presented at Music lull Friday night by local latent, under the aueplres of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The play was given for the benefit of philanthropic education. A nest aum was realised. Xllss Xlaggle Bush, of Atlanta, re turned Sunday after n several tveeka' visit to Colonel and Mrs. A. D. Meador. Mrs. G. T. Walls was hostess tn the Woman s Club Tuesday afternoon, and the meeting was particularly enjoyable In that there was a large attendance and an attractive program, with George William Curtis and Walt Whllntsn is subjects, conducted by .Misses Anna Keith still Bessie Kxelle. .Master James pud .Miss Florence Wells supplement ed the program by playing a duet on inr piano and mandotliv Major J. F. Hanson and Isinlly. of Macon, were the guests ou Wednesday of Me. and- Xlrs. U. S. Put ter.* at Puts terdale. * _ Mrs. McCormick "Neal. «r Atlanta, has been visiting In the city. BPARTA. Mi*. All*** KoIhti* Iim* rrjuriiiil from *al**4*«l »rl»» Ifcruojsk lb* Cari ,*ntl North. Mr*. II. A. flint li bn* r*iurii*«l bout* from n pl*n**nt vl*it in b*r ilatutbt*r, Xlr*. 8!*ff*U* Tntr. of X*n York rlljr. Xlr. hihI Xlr*. M.. II lYttlllo «r*r* lb* *v*«t* of relative* In f«mnk lu^t work Xlr. mol Xlr*. tI«Hirg«* B*rry >r*rv th* ffu**t* «if0Xtr. nml Xlr*. fl*tu r«*tlelmrrj In Aiiftiatn Monthly nml Yurmlay. Mr*. Tliouin* K llurr. of M*«-on, I* vl»lt lug Mr*. I.. II. lYtlllio *t till* pirn-*. Ml** N’lnn NunuNlly. «rho bn* bitMi th* S i**t of Xlr*. Harry Mtllhr*!! Kdwgnli In nron. han r*turu*«l boui* Mra. A. XI. Aurlior*. of XlllMgcvlU*. I* YlAltluf Mpana frlrmU. farrW f*e* «*arl*r Kiokr*. th* r*- Inatrm tlv* lartur* on last WtHlm atlay *v*n Ing at tb* flaptlal t hurrb on th* auUhH't of t*mp*rnnt r. 'I k«* l«N iiir* na* «l*llv*r*»l udl*nr* w** pr**L*nt lo b*nr Ml** Moke*. On Inat Kriony rvrulng ak b*r Ixrautlfnl notn* o* Botaml *tr**t Ml** X*ll Hosier roinpUu+utfil XU** Matlln Woolen, of Ingion. Qli.i With a delightful “at lionie." M. A. Chafin. XI. A. fhufln. aged 47 year*, died Sunday afternoon at h private aanl- tarluni, after an tllneaa of several weeks. The body wai removed to the undertaklnir parlor* of Greenberg. Bond A BloomfleM. where It Will be held awaiting word Ttoni relative*. The Casual Buyer of Shoes I’lmf is, the man who buys first one place and then au- othcr, will find in dealing with ns nmuv reasons for hc- coniing n permanent customer. He will find that we have in stock just what he wants. That we give him a sqnuif deal always. That our prices are reasonable and right. If you have not tried 11s for Shoes nnd Hosiery, we 'cordially invite you to do so. 25 Whitehall Street The Shoe and Stocking ShopJ EXTRACT IKdIAS 'GRAND Tonight and Tuesday—Matinee Tuos. lih Huccsssful Season of ths Flay, of Naw England Life NEW MINISTER A story of the Hard sc rabbis Folks by ttin Aulhnr of -Tk. AM “ -- - ■ fa the Author of “Tha Old Hsmastsad. Splendid Cast—Elaborate Production. Night 25c to 11.(0, Matfnea He to IL00. BALE NOW ON. ( Wednesday Night, February 20th. GEORGE R. WENDUNG IN HIS NEW LECTURE “The Hebrew Law-GiTer” AUSPICES ATLANTA LECTURE ASSOCIATION, Ssvsnth Number, BEATS NOW ON SALE For the OnBv Appearance of m EMMA EAME8 of the Metropolitan Opera House, N. T. Prices II. II.M. 13. Box Seals 12.(0. MONDAV NIGHT. FEBROAftY ttth. * BIJOU TONIGHT—MATINEE TUESDAY. •HI’St’IAI. MATINEE I'HIHAY ’TIIK BIG Xll’KR’AI. COUl-UJfT, GAY NEW YORK WITH I.H.I.IAN UOKItl.KIX AND IIAU11Y KMt ltsiiN I’ltKTTV MI'HIC. ItAINTV iTISTt HI mu' CHOUI’S OF SHOW GIBUS j El Dorado BLUNKALL ATWOOD Oo MUNDAV. TVEPDAY AND TlbllgHI Sioun, ■. i TI'KHDAY, WKpSMDAY ItATINKEK “The Corner Groocry” TUuosbir. l rlUsj <isl gstardte Mgbte “THE