Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 19, 1907, Image 5

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, JW2. The Kind Tott Haro Always Bought, and which has boon - la ose fbr over 80 years, has borne the slgnatSrW ST? ,/tri r 1 " and ha * b * en «Mda under his per- GStS/rtfe fa *»“* superrlilon slaee its Infancy. Allow no one to decelre yoii in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and'• Juat-aa-good”are but What is CASTOR IA Caatorto to a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Nothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Bforphlne nor other Marcotlo substance. Its age to Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeterUhness. it surea Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relloYes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of JAPCHILDItENAT KAISER PUNS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tm, cimn M.M.T, Monterey, Mexico, Feb. 19.—News re ceived from Las Eeperansae, Coahulln, ».i>- that thlrty.nlne men ere known I" be dead, and. twelve'Injured ae a result of an explosion of sas In the cal mine at that place. The Hat .of dead and Injured may be sreatly ex tended, as more than a hundred men ire believed to have been U> the mine -at. the lime of the accident. j IF NEGRO IS CHOSEN LENDERS WILL NICK Toledo, Ohio, Feb. IS.—According to advices front Washington. President Roosevelt's contemplated appointment of a negro to a Federal position In Ohio will come to tho Toledo district, and the appointee will be the new col lector of Internal revenue. Charles Cottrell, deputy county recorder. Is the man suftested for the place. leaders of both political partite here will bring all the Influence In their power to bear against the appointment on the ground thptt the negro vole Is numerically amall. For the Blx'Uohthe^JEndlng Ifc'ccmberTl^fioi fit the condition'of the MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YOftfC urganlxed under the laws of the state of New York, made to the governor nr the state of Georgia, in pursuant-* at the laws of said state. Principal ofllce: 306, JOT, SO* Broadway, New York City. ». CAPITAL STOCK. 1. An*oitm*of capital stock l-..,*: None. II. ASSETS. 1. Market value of real estate owned by the com pany - 1621,758 00—» 421,766 00 2 I ->ans on bonds and mortgage (tlrst liens) on real estate .. 3*3,100 00 I I .nan* made In cash to policyholders on this company's pol- i les assigned ae collateral 3,270,370 St - IT sin turn notes, loans or Hens on policies In force 392,363 81 t Hands and stocks owned absolutely, par value. .1110,129 61 Market value carried out (depreciation. 86.003.98) 420,115 63 7 ('ash In cninpany'a offices (New Tork, Paris, Madrid, Brus sels and Rome) 3.779 89 \ Cash deposited In banka .to credit of company 43.,364 62 1 i ash In hands of agents and In course of transmission ... 82,769 10 l". Interest due or accrued and unpaid "'I 8 * 18 I.'. Agent's balance 82,659 J 8 u Rents due or accrued and unpaid ••••••• 3.3.9 38 11 Net amount of uncollected and deferred premiums (deduc tion 20 per cent for average loaning from gross amount).. 727,832 92 l All other aaaeta. both real and personal.'not Included here inbefore. gross - 3M38-*** 83 Assets not fdmltted 82,659 14 oo«6«eoo(KH>4i»oboooooo««o<w S^NLY TEMPORARY. 0 O • ,-DECLARES SCHMITZ O o • r o O Washington. Feb. It,—Regard- 0 O lag tha settlement of the Japanese O O school question In Ban Francisco, 0 O Mayor Bchmlts said: O “This la only a temporary agree O ment;—President Rooeevelt lias 0 O given ue direct and pOMtlve as- 0 0 surances that he will at once be- O O gin negotiations with Japan for O O the purpose of bringing about a O 0 new treaty that will axclude Japa- o O ncso laborers, skilled and unsklll- 0 O-ed. from continental I’nlied 0 D States." O • O0000O00O0000O000000000000 Washington. Feb. 1*.—According to the agreement reached by President Roosevelt, Secretary Root, Mayor Helmuts and San Francisco school board' Japaneae children ere to be admitted to white schools of Sen Francisco un der certain restrictions; skilled and un ekllled laborers coming from Japan barred from the mainland of the 1'nlied States and American laborers, skilled and unskilled, are to be excluded from Japan. The agreement means that' echoois of San Francisco will be conducted In the same manner as they wan before tbe board of education adopted the resolution lest October providing for the segregation of the Japanese, ex ceptlng that adult Japanese who are In primary grades muet continue to attend the Oriental schools, and that Japanese children under 16 years of age wilt be admitted to classes with white children or their own agee. .While the resolution of the school board. a« amended, reada ’children of alien birth."'ll Is freely admitted by Mayor Schmitt and hie associates that the resolution will apply only lo the Japaneae children, and that tha chang ing of the wording was to make it plain (o the Toklo government that no dis crimination wee Intended, against Jap anese children. The following statement was given out at the white houeej —“A—typewritten—copy- -of -Mayor Schmitt's statement was submitted to President Rooeevelt end Secretary Root, and the statement la entirely sal Isfactory to them." BURGLARMAPED ATWQMAN'S SCREAM White Man in Bedroom Frightened Pulliam St Residents. Total assets 16,356.337 69 III. LIABILITIES. Net present value of all the outstanding policies 111 force 14,043,666 00 , Net premium reserve •••' 34,043,664 00 Death losses and mutual endowments In pro- . ess of adjustment, or adjusted ami not due .. .|oo.,sts .3 Death-losses and other policy claims resisted by company 14,4*1 *»- Death losses reported, no proofs received 145,590 68 Total policy claims .. ■... - ■ • - ■ Premium obligations In excess of the net value of their bolides Dividends declared end remaining unpaid, contingent on payment of outstanding and deferred premiums Dividends declared but not yet due Amount of all other claims against the company •Surplus over all liabilities 743,377 33 374.006 00 262 24 2.454 38 68.026 71 104.346 S3 Total liabilities 35.368,337 41 INCOME DURING THE LA8T SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1*0«._ 'mount of cash premium" received 11,404,778 ,6 Amount of notes received for premiums Interest received Amount of Income from ell other sources 854.291 46 64,210 07 116.073 tt Total income DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1(06. I ...... ..(,i 3981,33* *3 Total* pa d —;;;;;;; 1!"!!!!"! jji.jso 92 Total amount actually paid for losses and matured endow- ments * 961.380 ». Annuitants cmier poltclM, Including premium note* niiled *H| *'*vidend8 i•«Id to policyholder* or other* KNpen-e* paid. Including commlMloiiH t.* HK**ni* * »alarle» ■'•‘xe* (mid Ml other payment* and eipendltuie* *••<*» dlehuraaineiili t jiieateat amount Inaured In anv one if*. * * ‘dal amount of Inaurance imuinndinit A * «»py of the Act of Incorporation, du. . * Insurance Commlaaloner. K ok NEW YORK.—bounty of N« " > ■•aonally appeared before the under<la duly Mwom, depone* ami *ay* that h" * ?ua l Heaerve Life Inaurance Company, nr u '+* t and true. and oftl- 374.122 91 39,t&3 II 352.194 *0 33,<»3 42 MM7 «4 When Mr*. M. P. Harwell, of 299 Pul Ham street, walked lato a hallway 9Iou day night at 8:30 o'clock to ouawer th* telephopp, -aha. waa alartled 1discover a burglar, a neatly dresaed young white man. In tb* ael of lootiug one of the bed rooms In the down stairs apartment, occupied by Mrs. E. A. Roes. Mr*. Harwell screamed for assistance, slid her son rushed down stslrs with a pistol In his hand. On realising he bad been discovered, the burglar leaped hehlud the bed room door, and as the young man Mepped Into tbe room to search for bltu, tbe marauder ran out behind him Into the banister* to the street below, a distance of alMiut 10 nr 12 feet. Three shot* were tired nt tbe fugitive, but none of them took effect. An Investigation was made, and tt was discovered that the burglar hail escaped with a diamond pin. a diamond brooch and a gold watch. Mrs. Hoaa. It will be remembered, bad her purse auatched by a negro boy only a few nights ago at Whitehall and Oarnett •treata WANT POSTOFFICE ON NORTH SIDE Cltlsena of the north aide of Atlanta are preparing a petition which will lie presentod to tbe iMHitinnster. asking the establishment of a substation at Peachtree and Tenth •treeta. They state that there la not package box II rook wood itly needed that tbe substation HE LEFT $3,000,000 TO A UNIVERSITY Umaha. Neb.. Feb 19.—By tbs terms of the will of the late John A. Creigh ton. filed for probate yesterday, U Is estimated that Creighton University will receive an endowment of 13,000.- 000 nnd Mint it sum nearly as large will go H> oilier Institutions Berlin, Feb. It.—The new relrhalag was opened today with an address (pom tho throne by .the kaiser. " Voicing tho political policy of main talnlng Germany** defenses and Hand ing by the -colonial program, ho aald that important measures will be in troduced to strengthen the army and develop the colonies. Social reform* were *—•* ” promised. He aald Germany will attend The Hague peace conference. He violently denounced the Socialists. Malden. Mo.. Feb. It.—A. L. Bran non. a saloon keeper, killed Prosecut ing Attorney Cox and Or. J. TV. Basil yesterday. Brannon hlmeelf was shot to death Just before midnight while tho sheriff was taking him from tha Jail to the county seat. Brannon's killing of Cox and Beall was as deliberate aa hla own killing by the hand of an unknown avenger was mysterious. A man concealed In the shadow of tho Jail tired several shots at him aa he was bslng taken out of iho building nnd escaped in the dark ness. CmiUGE IS I WED Bl PRESIDENT J0R04N Special to The Georgian. New Orleans, Feb. It.—President Harvle Jordan, of the Southern (lotion Association; W. H. Seymour, 'of Ala bama; Walter Clark, of Mississippi, and F. L. Maxwell, of Louisiana, di rectors of the association, are meeting here today, with Superintendent Hes ter, of the New Orleane Cotton Ex change, and local cotton men, and dis cussing the workings of the New Or leans Cotton Exchange with future contracts. It la expected the meeting will have a vital bearing upon tha In vestigation soon to be made under a congressional resolution ~ of tht—Stow Tork Cotton Exchange. It will also have a bearing upon the ami-future legislation everywhere pending In the South. EXPERTSMTTUN TO BENEFIT TRADE Washington. Feb. It.—The appropri ation of 320,000 for the employment of experts to work abroad to Increase the business In cotton products, which has been In conference for several weeks, was Anally agreed upon yesterday. r I.lvlngslon. of Georgia. Intro duced It as an amendment on the floor of the house, and It was defeated. Later It was Introduced In the senate by Sen ator Overman, and referred to a con ference committee composed of Repre sentatives Livingston and Llttauar sad Senators Warren and Cutlom. Just, to ILLUSTRATE to yon- That HARDYFOOD it a dtitofoot food— It ia tie only food that can he re-cookcd and acmd hot, aa a porridge or artriu That to ojje good katme—thcae are plenty of othen. ; It It a very "rifling” food—you feel eetfcffcd, after a meal of ft— And yet you haven't otprioadrd yout etomach— ia the food that ia Eaten— Three Meals * Day This is because ft can he served in such aa codlae variety of way*— And alI appearing. You can eat HARDYFOOD Just as it cornea from the original airtight package—or wfeh essam, milk, coffee, or fruit—almost , any Variety. it h a puee, clean and mo* wi gprr A large package of HARDYFOOD— Coating only ten cento ■ Contains sufficient for Om await- Your frocer sell* HARDYFOOD LUCKY MISTAKE LEO TO CAPTURE Deaths and Fimsrals A GOOD BREAKFAST Qom* P#r«on* Never Knew What It Meane. 11 iflod. N of nir In ihe office .1 tlwtt 1 ik* l> KIiIHiIkc. wht), S'lcr of lh« te f iivfulng Rtatemtm in to and eubscrlbetl before th i.KoKUK !> KLOJUIXIE tl*' **f February, 1907. ALVA 10LLINH. ,,• Piihiir Kin** Countj . ,j in N -.- York County. 1 an secure good contracts by addressing N T. MOODY, Mgr., 419-420-421-422 EMPIRE BUILDING.,l.hmtkfnat, n gimd appsttt, and dlgc.tlon msan svsrything to the man. woman or child who has anything to do. nnd wants to get a good Mart toward doing It. 1 Mo. man tell" of III" nlfe’jt "good brsnkfa.t" and also "upper, mads out f (Irnpe-Nut« and cream. He nays: "I "hniild Jinn like to tell you how much good Grape-Nut" has dons lor mi wife. After bslng In poor health for (||V t*"l I* year*, durtiix pan „f the time "carcsly anything would May on her "tom.ich long enough to nourish her. Anally at the suggestion of u friend "he tried Ormpe-Nute. "Now. uftcr about tout weeks on tola delicious and nutritious food, she has nicked up mi»t wonderfillly and seems ... well a" anyone cun be. "Every morning "he makes a good nrrskfasl on Grape-Nut" eaten lust a" it come* from the package with cream »r ndlk added; nnd then again the same nt "tipper and the change In lu i | Is wonderful. "We can t »|ieuk ton highly of Grape- I \11ls *« n foed after our letnarkable • perlen< c." Name given by Postuiu j • ',».. Hattie ''Peek. Mler).—Read the Sit - He look. "The Rou.l to Wellvllle." In p;:,". "There's a Reason,'’ | M. A. Chafin. The funeral asrvlcsa of M. A. t'hafln. Who (lied Hunday at a private sani tarium. were conducted In Ihe private chapel of Greenberg. Bond A Bloom field Monday afternoon. The body wa* taken t<> Roswell, Ga„ for Interment. George U. Rushing. funeral servlcea of George l’. Rushing, nged 46 years, who died st the Confederate Veterans' Home on Monday morning, were condueted Tuesday afternoon In the chapel of Hart'S Poole. The Interment was In Westvlew cemeterj'. Mrs. Mary C. Smith, funeral aervlces of Afrs. Mary C. Bmltlt. nged 8') years, who died Hun day afternoon at her residence. 83 Mar tin street, were conducted Tuesday afternoon al - '■ 3'** o'clock In the chapel of llarry Pools. The Interment was In Westvlew -cemetery. Te Sentence Delger. Judge Roan will probably pass Sen tence Tuesday afternoon on Royal Les. ter Delger. confessed diamond thief, who was Indicted for Inrreny from the house. Delger was caught In t'lncln- nntl with the "goods on." Allegheny Officials. The mayor of Allegheny. Pa., and a pally of other officials of that city spent Monday In Atlanta, examining this cits'" model Incinerating plan:. Southern Officials. f H McManus, assistant to Tilled Vice President slid General Manager c H. Ackert. of the Hntithern railway. !» at the Piedmont Hotel Mr. McManus visited several officials while In Allan- ■ Is inspecting the Southern lines. TO FIND OUT IF ROADS CONTROL COASTWISK BOATS. Washington. Feb. I*.—Tile house committee an Interstate and foreign commerce tod'is reported favorably to th» house tile Wllllatna bill asklna the Sfcretnr. of commerce and labor whether any railroad corporation con trols any line of steatnboaia engage,I In the coastwise trade and protected by law Horn foreign competition. A stylishly attired young white man. who has been sailing under the name of W. P. Brewer. Jr., and who la sus pected of being a general crook and race track sport, was brought to At lanta Monday night from Chattanooga and given a cell In the Tower on the charge of fllm-flammlng the Lowry Company. 41 and 43 East Alabama street, wholesale dealers In plumbing supplies. Brewer was trapped by reaeoo of * mistake made by a member of the bust- ness ofllce force of the Lowry Company In mailing a bill of lading. The latter' part of last week Brewer opened ne gotiations with the Lowry Company for an 360 bill of solder, representing him self as W. P. Brewer, Jr„ a member of the firm of the W. P. Brewer Com pany, general contractors, of Birming ham. Brewer wa* then In Birmingham and closed the trade with the Atlanta concern over Ihe’telephone, the latter concern having Investigated and ascer tained that the Birmingham contract ors stood high financially. Instead of asking that the solder be shipped to Birmingham, however. Brewer requested that It lie sent to Chattanooga. The material was shipped as directed, but by mistake the bill of lading and Invoice was mailed to the Brewer people In Birmingham. This was Immediately returned to Atlanta, with Information that Ihe Birmingham concern knew nothing of any such or der. and asking that It be Investigated. The Lowry Company Immediately took up Ihe matter anil Hunday L. H. Johnson, of that concern, went to I'liattanodgn. Monday morning he pro. cured the services of a detective and die two walled nt the freight depot for the arrival of Brewer. As expected, he soon put In an aptiearance. Having failed to obtain the bill of lading, he presented the depot agent un alleged forged order for the material. A* he il so he was nabbed. The prisoner declines to discuss th* case and when asked the location of tils home, replied: "My home la not settled. I nm rath er migratory." , It Is believed Brewer Is wanted for similar offenses. M. B. Werner. hr funeral services of M H. W.i.- who wa* found dead In bed *1 the Slag Hotel Humiiiy afternoon, were ottdui ted In the chapel of Barclay A Brandon Tuesday morning. nna al first thought that Mr. War- lmil cAinmltted suicide, hut after nn Investigation by the coroner's )uiv, 't was show n that he i anie to tils dealt! from alcoholic poisoning. RE&.U.Sl rat SUMMER UNDERWEAR ^ HB Every *iuri« pofi m hob ihiMfh wbick jn *gk*l* mm! u yeu do dtra*^! jreur aet*. -BL&rtrj SO CENTS A GARMENT „ AArwrUwsMI.klwA.Ujl 'TOROS- DID WOMAN KILL SICK HEADACHE Of LOVE Am New Tork. Feb. 1*.—While Mrs. Lot- tie Wallan. In her cell In Ihe Tombs today protested her Innocence of the charge that she poisoned her mother, Mrs. Ida Bauer Hinge, three alnrtltng theories In the mysteries case Were ad vanced at the district attorney's of fice. They were: That the consuming love of Mrs. Wnltau for a wealthy and prominent New Yorker, prompted the polaonlng; that bichloride of mercury was admin istered to Mrs. Binge In response to her own urgent appeals: she wae In curably afflicted with cancer, and It la know that abe had ‘frequently begged that the be allowed to die: that Mrs Binge took Ihe poison herself to es cape pain from Ihe ailment with which sh* was suffering. Mrs. Wallau will be arraigned before a coroner's Jury Wedneadav. County detectives produced by the dljurlct attorney's office have re tamed that Mrs. Bing* was aware of her daughter's Infatuation and openly threatened to revoke the power of at torney which she had given to Mis. W.tllnu three years ago and which gave Mis. Wallau absolute control of property worth 32.600,600. Mr*. Wailuu ■lporouely denied "he wa* responsible In the slightest manner for he* mutli- death. CARUSO DEMANS ' $3,000 FOR SINGING i York, Feb. It.—The corapeti- i Dr,pasta rallevod. lljn ,,f *»« «0sm houses In New York [ (. I ’ rTiiam ..owed to obtain Ihe aervlces of slngqtl has Constipation aVMUM, I au||td , n al1v , n ,nge to , h . urt „„ Bowels regulated, no | Rni | ,|, e an(( to , u ae advantage of C-ls pain, no gilplng. .situation la Cnruan. He now ires II.- susll sill 1 » performance. He told Director ° I Cornell] that he must receive at least SMALL 0081. ; 12.(100 for every perfonnanre. and that SMALL price* hr must hate at least fifty perform- ' antes guaranteed lo blm in the season.' LOOKATCEMETERY AND MAKE REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL The resolution by Councilman Tay lor. providing for an examination by a special committee Into tha taaatbUlty of redeeming about tan acres In Oak land cematary. where practicable, with out desecration of the dead, was adopted by council Monday by a unani mous vote. Councilman Taylor explained that hla resolution did not prqvlda fir tha re moval of bodies, nor for Jaaebrntton of the dead, and that If auch a resolution wars offered ha would be amsng the Aral to protest against It. Tho special cemmlttee provided for will cosalat of the commute* on ceme tery. the health officer, the city engi neer. the chairman of the street com- mlttee. the chairman of th* oowor com mittee and the chairman of tha ordi nance committee. ' Thl* committee will report back Its findings to council and will make rec ommendations In accordance with th*** findings. There wa* a contest over th* resolu tion to raqiMtt the legislature to eaact a atatuta providing for a eeoend pri mary election In all cltt** In th* *ui* of over 76,0*0 population; when no candidate received a clear majority la the tint. Th* trot* waa 11 to * in fa vor of th* resolution. » Council ronflrraad the appointment by Mayor Joyner of Mis* Teresa E. Krsklne a* a member of the lady beard of visitors of Ihe public schools, to suc ceed Mrs. W. E. Foster. A resolution providing that tbe may or and • committee of flv* from coun cil go to Macon Tuoaday to attosMl th* Immigration convention, wa* adopaad. The following- committee was •apatat- ed' Aldermen Hlrsch. Peters and Rev- tell and Councilman Grant a ert*. ‘fVSS Th* favorable report or its lOinntittoe on the resolution by, clltnan Curt la, providing an -~— tlon uf *2.6*0 fair a new city coda adopted by councU.