Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 26, 1907, Image 1

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Tho WcMfcor: •A &25SK rww: ■<> —rb*6 la t«np*«tif*. Atlanta Georgian (and news) § VOL. V. NO. 203. ATLANTA, GA., TUEBDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1907. OLIVER BID IS TURNED DOWN MI Canal Work Pro posals Are Re fused. AX EXPLANATION IS TO BE MADE Details to Come from White House on Tuesday Af ternoon. ttajhlngton, Feb. 26.—It was an noinced at the war department this afternoon that none of the bids so far ruhmltted for the construction of the Panama canal will be accepted. This means that William J. Oliver, ef Knoxville. Tenn., and his financial and construction associates of Washington. ,v™ York and other cities will not ob tain the contract, regardless of the re cent conferences at the white house, which led many of those most Interest- to believe the JJllver combination It waa urnounced that a statement siting the details of the president's de rision to accept none of the bids would t>p issued from the white house later In tnt afternoon. L” CAR FALLS NTQ STREET Thousands of Persons Menaced by Dread Third Rail. New York. Feb. Id.—As a result of a collision between two elevated trains on Ihe Third avenue line thla morning, an "I." car dropped to the street from i in- structure just below the Madison Square theater. The train waa bound from Harlem to South Ferry. Thousands of persons braved tho dangers of the deadly third rail by walking the etructure to the nearest station. The Second avenue tra|p was rounding the curve at the Intersection at Chatham Square when the work train, which waa bound north, sudden- hove In sight and struck the passen- HARROVIAN GIVEN $100,000; HE TELLS OF FIRING FISH Gives Sensational Tes timony Before the Committee. WONT ANSWER SEVERAL QUERIES Says Fish Deposited Road’s Money in Own Trust Companies. DELMAS BALKS JEROME; EVELYN’S BURY IS READ Abe New Yofk. Keh. 26 -KefaMl by K. Harrlmao to tell what proportion of th* preferred atock of the Alton sold to the (•ttlott Par I fit' belonged to him Individually, haa pared the way to hive the queatloo eettled by the Federal courta. The polat raised lurolvea a material lim itation upon the Inqulaltortal power of the cotnmlaaloD, and la of oeroaa Impor tance to the whole queatloo of Interstate corporation Investigation. In the Investigation before the Interstate commerce cotnmlaaioo an effort waa mada to ■bow by Hsrrlman's testimony and tbe rec ord* of the company that there bad been an enormoue Inflation of the stock securi ties aod liabilities oft be Altoo; that tbs Hardman syndicate had taken unfair prof Ita by declaring a dividend of 99 per cent from the proceeds from the first sale of bonds, amounting to 140,000,000. That the eyndteate bad Bold Itself the iionde at an unreasonably low figure, only to resell them at eaonuoue profits: that the turrtmiu ajhgtciti hid capitalised the of former stockholders In tbe Al ton, sod tbe money which has been spent by the old management for betterments over a period of ten years and already charged to operating expenses; .that the books of tbe company had been "doctored.* and that for an Increase of the stock and liabilities from, roughly. I40.000.00o to shout S116.000.000, there was nothing to show, ex cept an expenditure of $'.3,000,000 In Im provement* on the property. Got Check for $100,000 When Mr. Ilarrlman appeared liefore tbe coumilsslon todfy be wae piled with further question* regarding the Chicago and Altou reoragnlxatlon. The only Important point brought out waa when Harrlmsn Identified a check for SNO.OOO which he had received far In addition tft hla profits as stockhekSrr foi personal serviced Tn patting throagh -4h« Titer on Harrlmao admitted that 'la. with Jacob 11. Hchlff, James Htlllman. and Georg* wold, ware sola ewncra of the taetede Construction Company. Ilirthni* Hummel Permitted Tell All. Not to PRISONER’S WILL TO BE ATTACKED Jerome Likely to Ask That it be Taken From the Records. Ntw York, Fab. 21.—At tba opening of .today-i teaalon of the- Thaw trial Jerome read to the coart a letter from J. Dentaton Lyon, vice preildent of the Lincoln National Bank of Pltte. burg, who promlMd, when he waa on the stand. to lend to Clerk Penny all papere In the vault In the bank which held Tbaw’e will and letter!. Jerome mold that Mr. Lyon, on the advice of Lawyer Hartrldge, refused to sand latter* written subsequent to Mystery of $173,000 Theft Deep as Ever. JOHN BULLARD’S LAST HOPE GONE To Be Executed Marietta Next Friday. in wru PRISON BOARD REFUSES MERCY Killed His Daughter and Only Said “It Was Necessarv.’’ the day . of - tba shooting. Hat nidge sold he had,Instructed Lyon to take thla action on tho strength of a talk he had with Jerome. The district attor ney danled ha had so Informed Hart ridge and asked that an order be made to produce the letters and papere. Wants Will 8triokan. It In a matter entirely out of the Jurisdiction of the court,” laid Juetlce Fltagerald. “The papers are In Pitta' burg and I con not sea my way clear to order their production.' 'This witness, Mr. Lyon. Is out of the Jurisdiction of this court and it may be that he will .pot return for cross-exam- j|d%" said Jerome. —In ' l wtu move taltrftwcpt-aat u hut the will and lowed because of tala slock whlcli the I n, were to where the the atoek. end If Herrl- men bed *oid nay of hi, own slock to the L'nlon I'aclHc. Ilarrlman simple rrplted: a i decline to ulinwer.” nrrlman esld tbit th-re waa an agree Norlhweiiern rntlroed Jointly hr the t alon acl«r and Kama Fe. lie explained that the Kan l-edro line waa Jointly Controlled hr the l’nlon l-sclllo nail Henalor (lark. Imt II wn allll a keen competitor of the H< iTirr| l inin*th«o ciplnlncdt bellllnole deal Thr l'nlon l’nclllc lied nrqulred In all HI,- 31 aharet of llllnol. (Vn.reJ. |wt||n| |h||t ger. One of the work cars fell to Ihe street almost In splinters, smashing Ihe city's new toilet. The rear trucks of the passenger car fell to the street and Ihe vehicle was left suspended In Ihe mid air. The passengers fairly trampled over cm li other In their efforts to get to -ofety. Women and children screamed and when the employees of the com pany realised that the danger was over 'hey Immediately began assuring the (tightened one*. TRUSTCONCERN lie cauaetl a netiiuittoii Inr «*»ertlng Hint ■■•cured the dltmlml or PresidentOtity- v.unlit Flih Iiecauae Hah had deposited large numn of moury Ixlotiglug to Ihe Illi nois Central with the Trust Conipany of the llrpahllr and another trust eonqia — one of which Fish wan h. "it"'enme out at the Interstate commerce hearing thla afternoon that dturri-aant M.h had I lor rowed frooi the llllnota Central rail road 1I.2S0.0ii0 personally. To esahte Mr. codicil which were allowed hla tdentlficntlon." Abe Hummel Called. Abraham Hummel waa called aa tba first witness this, morning. Th* Jurors looked curiously at th* tlttl* lawyer with the big bald head. Questioned by Jerome. Hummel said ha knew Evelyn N'esblt Thaw, having aaen har flrgt either in 1101 or 1MJ. He said he hod —n her before she cametohiaoffice. Jerome handed the wltneaa the pno- Mb, lie hud poraonnlly loaned Mr. Flak the Ill HEATED STOVE ASSAILANT TRIED TO THROW VICTIM Patrolniau’s Wife Beaten Senseless and Robbed During Night. He Is To Be President of the Carnegie Company.' New York. Feb. 2*.—With hi* retire ment on March 4 aa secretary of the treasury. Leslla M. Shaw will become president of the Carnegie Trust Cont- bany, of this city, taking up.hla resl- d' nee with hla family In the metropolis. Thla statement la made un authority. It Is known that Mr. Shaw Itaa nl- r ' "dy ■elected a place of residence and pi- new home Is being Sued up snllcl- totlng the arrival of hie family. To- "oy or tomorrow the board of directors "< the Carnegie Trust Company, a new- *•' "rgantaed concern with a capital ,l '>ck of ll.oee.MO. will elect Mr. Bb*-> tc' .ldent, to taka the place of Charles IMcktnson. lumbermen meet in ANNUAL CONVENTION -l-elnl tn The fletwglan. la.'k*,|iTl||*. We.. Feb. .1 A! the 1 “ "f Hie tteorgta-FlorM.i l.enilx in" ‘e'l— yvMt'ntey It «■• 4reMe>l to Special to The Georgian Pori amount. V».. Feb. 26.—While her huabnnd. u tiollcemsn, was i>slrolllng Ida best In a diatom section of the city, Mrs. William 8. Diggs waa murderously assaulted late Inst night. while »n« ws- some In her home. Her assailant tried to stuff a hand kerchief Into her mouth, and not aue- enedlng In this, grabbed Iter up and endeavored to pitch her headlong Into a I,anted stove, then nfter snatching u gold watch belonging to Mrs. Olegs, her naasllant lied. When she'was lound alia hud lapsed Into a comatose state. Her hair was disheveled ttntl her face was smeared with smut from the stove. The victim Is to too weakened a condition lo give n detailed «talemcnt of the assault, hut tell- It In hits, and then lapses Into seml-convch usness The onlv other occupant of ihe Olggs home ut the lime of Ihe assault was Olgc-* little daughter, who vvns unharmed. ... , . There has been an cpldemle of rob- berles In Ihe town lately, and It Is be lieved that the perpetrator of this as sault Is on" " f “ «<“>* »P«mllf>g here. tographlc copy of the affidavit alleged to have been made by Mn. Thaw In order to refreah the witness' memory as to the date ah* came to hie office Delmas objected, saying It waa a copy of an alleged original. Hummel said he had a talk with Evelyn at hla office the latter part of October, 1M>. The witness was aaked If a atanographtr was present. Delmas objected. To Aeeount for Abatno*. "If I could prove,” said Jerome, "that Stanford White waa In Europe th* night she says the Incident occurred, that'would be a collateral fact. Hera la a traversable fact—the fact that In Parla ahe told the defendant a etory which caused a psychic bomb. "This Is not merely a collateral fact, but on* that goes to tho very heart of the situation. We want to establish thla evidence, not for the purpose of Impeachment solely, but for the pur pose of croas-eaamlntng Mr*. Evelyn Thaw. Before I can show her a copy of an original I must account for ins absence of that original.” Smilsa at Friend*. During the argument. Hummtl sat In the witness chair amlllngly recognising persona through th* court room. Del- maa finally withdrew hla objection and Ihe witness answered "Tee." The next day h* waa given a paper by Jacobson or Schntldeeker. He Iden- lined a paper aa a carbon copy of the affidavit given him. Th* witness waa not permitted to say what became of the paper, although Jerome aaked If he eubmquently gave It to Evelyn, witness Offers Apolegy. The witness had started to answer Ihe question, but offered gn apology to Delmas and promised not to answer until counsel for the defense had alg- ninevl his Intention aa to objection. Justice Fltsgerald sustained th* objec. lion. Q. When (.Id Mr*. Evelyn Thaw come to your office next? Delius* again objected. "She has stated when sno called, once on October 27 and again some time around t'hrtstmas, 1M2," he said. "It Ihe object of thla question la to cor roborate whst she said we need no car- rnh vratlnu. If It la to Impugn* her tee- Hmny wc stand upon our former ob jection." "Thot will be all for the present." sold Jerome, after Justice Fltsgerald ruled out Ihe pueellons. Mutt BUy Within Call. Chicago, Feb. 21.—The robbery of the sub-lreatury of 6172.000. all in bllal of large denominations. Is yet unsolved, but the authorities are convinced that th* theft la the work of employees. The authorities struggled until far In the night to clear up the mystery, but Itfiout a volt. Warrants have bWII piepared fin Hit arrest of any suspect against whom sufficient evidence may accumulate. The warrants were prepared by United State* Commissioner Mark A. Foote under the direction of District Attor ney Sims. Mr. Foote and the district attorney remained at the Federal build ing until lau last night *o that they could keep constantly In touch with the secret service bureau. 00000000000000000000000004 O TUESDAY BRINQ8 TO MIND LONGFELLOWS POEM. O O Coma* , to mini .the old linea l tout tithe day was dark and com l and drear.” Must hove been' a o O day Uke Tuesday _wh«n Longfel- 0 low hit that otM off. 6 doing to be some more of It O eaya the weather i S Wednesday, man. O O Jorccagtr- O g "R*ln Tuesday night and Wed- O nesday, no marked change In tern- O O perature." o Q Tuesday'* temperatures: 0 0 7 o'clock a. m 12 degrees. Q I o'clock o. m O —»- o'cloc k-*r-m— O 10 o'clock a. m.. O It o'clock a. m.. O 12 o'clock noon.. O l o'clock p. m.. O 2 o'clock p. m. . .. 62 degrees. —- .62 (twnwa. 00000000000000000000000000 . . . systematically and having things prim Hummel was ordered by Jerome t^j abou , u . the main within rail. - ~ .. .. .... .... Wholesale Uinilwr l**I Ana.* «»f Nf Vork L *V W X2? k ,-lmlOIIA **« llfl't »..•»* AnoiM'Ulloii «'• (’rw ■"•"L. —" - |.muter Trades As«k-1«IIoii: Yellow Mae t vimolere of Now York: l.nuileroien ■ Ks ■ to.lla.lrlpllls. l.oinler Kvebnuge. HiffilMi l.miilNM Trail** Also Hoiilli I'aiollun |gi» , Mlf*r Aw^wIImii G»"(gh* AVith leiimU* lliiltii remain vvliliin call, Abrnhum Scheneldecker was then called to the stand. y. Where wtre you employed Octo ber 27. 1601? A. With Howe O Hum mel. Q. Did you go to Maritron Square (lenten at night? A. Yes. q. Did you see Evelyn N’esblt there? A. Yes. on Delmas' objotlr.n the answer was sirtrken nut and Ihe witness excused. Mr. Hnrtrldgc asked the court tn place on record the fact that he was ■villim,' lo call Dm. Deemar and Blnga. ml.I, of 1'iiisbuiK. vvhtnever the dls- Hid r.lho of > wuuied I hem. "I want fV-, brie ws ■•■•n «* rosy .. . .it ..•’»! Irani t- re main within the Jurisdiction of the court until the trial Is over.” said Je rome. Evelyn Back on Stand. Eveiyn_ N'esblt Thaw waa then re- caiied*t«rthe aland and‘her cross-ex amination by Jerome was continued. She was handed a book with black, flexible leather coven and aaked If the handwriting.waa her*. While the wit ness engaged In reading the contents of the book the tint batch of the let ters arrived from J. Jenlstnn Lyon's bank In Phtaburr. one of Jerome's assistants broke the seal of the en velope containing the letters to which Delman took esreptton. Jerome naked that the letters be turned over to him. but Justice Fltx- geralri agreed with Lawyer Delmas lo the deposit of tho package with Clerk Penny until Ihe court could be able to rule In the relevancy of the papers and letters. Mrs. Thaw rend the hook carefully, occasionally smiling aa ahe recalled gome of the events referred to. She lin gered over some of the pages which ap parently reminded her of pleasant time* she had had. She said the book wn- n diary which she kept In 1602 while at school In Pnmptnn. N. J. Jerome offered Ihe book In evidence Delmas said he desired (o examine It (tret. He then rend lt. Read Prom Diary. District Attorney Jerome read ex tracts from the diary- q. You were married In Pittsburg. April I. 1106? A. Yes, before that he ted Irrationally. We were going un flroadway In an electric hansom. Cross ing Hefald square h* saw Stanford Whlta and grow excited and almost had Thla was In 1604. While at Daly's theater, when .he saw While come Into th* box opposite da, Mr Thaw grow as white as chalk and his eyes rolled and stood out. q. Did he ever complain that White was peroscutlng him In having him fol lowed? A. Yes. He aatd Stanford White was circulating atorlaa about us ' John Bullard will be hanged In Ma rietta Friday. After hearing the appeal for either commutation or a respite. Chairman J. 8. Turner and Oer.eral C. A. Evans, the two members present at the hearing Tuesday morning, sent th* papers lo Oovernor Terrell at 1 o'clock Tuaaday afternoon with Ihe word "declined” written across It. Whether or not the governor ap proves this finding remains to be seen, but as he haa made It a fixed custom of his administration not to do so, th- belief Is that Bullard'* last hope Is gone. Voluminous and strong evidence from reputable physicians, even from the three who passed on Bullard's mental condition a few days ago. was sub mitted to show that the man was tn the Inst stages of tuberculosis and could not live many months longer even If the hand of the Jaw was stayed. Peiann Beard MeeU. Mrs. Viola Bywaters Expected to Take Stand Tuesday, v; MIBB MAE WOOD. 8h* say* ah* haa auad Senator Platt for diverse, naming sixteen women. sues pun The special meeting of the prison commission began at 11:20 Tuesday morning. The plea for either commu tation of sentence to life Imprisonment or a respite for some months, when death from consumption waa Inevita ble. was presented by Attorneys Her bert’Clay and J. J. Nortlicutt, of Ma rietta. Many certificate* from physicians who had esamlned Bullard as to his physical condition were submitted. Among these waa one tram Dr. E. C. Cartlldge. of Atlanta, who stated that Bullard waa practically In a dying con dition. Dr*. Baird, Hochenhull and d Bullard sans. Tale, who pronounced physical condition. Several petitions were also presented praying tor a .res pit*. An Unusual Crime. In many respects John Bullard'* crime was unusual. On a Uttle farm In Cobb county, aome miles west at Powder Springs, he lived with ht* daughter, a pretty young girl of some Culpeper, Va.. Fab. 26.—Mrs. Viol* Byuaters, whose husband waa shot to death by her brothers, la expected to take the stand today. Llttla tg expected In tbe way of jjew developments beyond evidence by both aides to atrengthan tbe case. The verdict will probably bo reached by th* end of tbe week. The first day of the trial, was busy. Th* Jury wm»- secured In leg* than two hours, both stdas had presented the case and. five witnesses have bean examtnsd. Attorney John T. Jeffreys, for th* defense, made an eloquent address, vis ibly gffsctlng the Jury. Jeffreys ap pealed to the Jurors to place them- selves menially tn tha place of th* de fendants, the two Strotber brothers. Bywaters waa forced to wed viola Strothers, and when he tried to escape from tbe house waa shot to death by her two brothers. They do not deny the shooting, but claim that they were Justified. Aa a matter of fact, their sole plea will be the “unwritten law.” So Declares Mae Wood WILLELECTGARRETT New York. Feb. 26.—Mint Mae Cath. trine Wood announced today at Colons Midi., that she has surd Senator Thom as c. Platt for divorce. She declares that although the pa pers were filed In- New York Decem ber 26. they have been Suppressed In th* courts. She added that piatt will resign hi* test la tbe achate next Fri day. gar* tirttmonT We to the man's serious When Vronlf IT TIart. the aenatevh sou. was shown Mias Wood's insga- ftTE*BMH|k .. 46 degrees. Ofktud—of~* chap, .46 degrees. .44 degrees. Bullard waa always a quiet, taciturn iltendtng-strictly._ta his own affairs. He tilled the farm, while hla daughter attended the do mestic affairs of the small household. One morning In Ihe late fall last year the community waa startled by the news that John Bullard had shot and killed his daughter. While at the break fast table bullstrd ahot Ihe girl. " n* placed under arrest and his only explanation was: "It waa necessary!" Throughout hla Incarceration and th* trial In Marietta he never offered any other explanation but that, over and over again: "It wftii ncpHMn’!" Bullard was tried In December at Marietta and was found guilty of mur der. Sentence of death was passed on him, and tha execution set for Friday, March 1. With death near, Bullard's attorney, Herbert Flay, son of Senator A. 8. Clay, began moving rapidly to save hla Kent from th* gallows. He appealed to Oovernor Terrell for a board of physicians to pass on the man's sanity, After a careful examination, the throe physicians stated with pnaltlveness that Bullard waa of sound mind. Then tbe final move for life waa made—the appeal lo the pardon board ornmute th* sentence to Ilf* Imprla O DIE8 SCATTERING BALT O TO HEDOE OFF WITCK O IMAGINED .TO BE COMI ontnont. WAIT A RECEIVER FOR SCOTT BRICK CO, Bankruptcy proceedings were Insti tuted In the Federal court of the North- 'ern district of Georgia Tuesday morn ing agalnat the Scott Brick Company, of Atlanta, by the R. O. Campbell Coal company. Lesler Book and Stationery Company and Berk A Gregg Hardware Company. The petition also aaked for ihe ap- pAintment of a receiver. The company acknowledged servlr* t of papers and ex- tunkrupta. The claim or the coal com pany amounted to 6667.11, the others being much ■matter. The petitioners allege that the Hr.ut Brick company leased Ite plant from the South River Brick Company, and II Is alleged that upon Information there Is a clause In the coni met between the two companies that If th* Brntt Brick Company falls In business 66,000 of material and stock shall revert tn the Mouth River Brick Company. The petl q. Did he say that While had em- j Monoro allege,that^hey Had no previous ployed th* Monk Eastman gang tn kill kill- him? A. Tee. q. And this continued unlit th Ing of White? A. Yes, sir, q. I should gather that afirr Hint Christmas eve until th* killing of White he was continually expressing a fear of being killed by Htnnford While? A. Tee. q. After your marriage wits there anything in Thaw's appearance that ■uld lead to believe he wa* an Insane man? A. I thought nil these thing* you referred to were after tin- msr- »ge. Recess was taken. Mrs. Than again tnt on th* stand when the session I iiviivin *inffic ihh( iitry iiuij nu inrviuua knowledge of this clsuse, as Ihe con* tract was never recorded. tlon. he smiled but said nothing. Mlsa Wood's attorneys at Richmond. Va.. confirm har story of the suit. Allas Wood adds In a late announce ment I hat sha haa named sixteen co respondent* but decline* to give tlielr names. 6"100OO00OPC00000000000400 S Special to The Georgian. Spartanburg. 8. C\. Feb. 26.— 1 O Declaring that wltchas ware after f her, Bust* Moore, of this city, < seised both hands full of salt and < scattered It about har room to I drive them out. Following her < S strange actions she waa takan violently III and died In a short O time. When a physician reached her ehe held salt In both hande. I IN N,Y, WEDNESDAY Hus Completed Inspection Trip Over System and Returned East Norfolk. VS., Feb. 26.—General agar Garrett, of the Heaboard. retarMt last night from a ten Bays* Bonfbarn portion trip over tbe road OM I saves tonight for New York, where he will to morrow 'doubtless bo elected prsoMnt and general manager of the fisebearfi. ; Official denial was today given to n reporv that_<!• H. Hlx* U to be sore- reeded aa general superintendent eg (He Seaboard by L. F. Whittlesey, who mmm 7 ~, a j go to Jacksonville as aeetitant sopor- Intendent. but Will, continue In hla pros ent position. Tho position to be filled by Whittlesey In the Seaboard will noi be announced until Thursday. CHURCH TO ERECT BUILDING AT JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. caused much excitement' among . O the negroes. The coronor's In- O O veettgatlon showed that her death O O waa of a violent nature. O O O 00000000000000000000004000 Sped*I to Tks Georgian. HNorfolk, va- Fah. 24.—At the South- ) ern Methodist meeting here today Gov ernor Swanaon. of Virginia, himself a Methodist. Introduced a resolution un der -which a 610,000 building for tba Methodist. North and South, will be erected at the Jamestown Exposition. MAN WITH 7 WO HEARTS N07 GUILTY OF BIGAMY Rome, Italy, Feb. 24.—Probably the most remarkable court decision am record In a bigamy case has Just been handed down by n coart nt Perugia, which acquitted Charles Ralleri. a tailor, on a charge of having two wives, on th* ground that he haa two heart*. Pour physicians testified that Bai ler! possesses two heart* The court at once decided that this waa ample man# I reason for him to ’ twice. TWtNTY NEGROES PERISH IN CHARLESTON FIRE Hpeclal to Tbe tlcorglsii. t’liNrlcRlnu,. K. t\. Fell. 24. Ion. wlilt'lt teenty Begni pewngi-tw wen- tlrown wl or Imrtied to ilpath, anil s doseii ni.N'o on- mtNdug. Tit*- are storied *t u n. in., forward, dor- lux * tilxti w-liul. with iHiiuu>iie<TM nNh-ein mid many were cat off. nltlimisli He ■•••wl was ran Into n whmf within * few min idea sflei the nlsnii. Thom were sert-u while psseeiqera and stout fitly ucgroci mi ol. Growth and Progress of the New Send . : The Georgian record* here etch da/ none economic (let In reference to Ihe onward march of the South. BY JOSEPH B. LIVELY. "During the twelve months of 1C06.” say* Ihe Manufacturers' Rec ord of Baltimore. "Ihe value of exports from th* twenty-five customs dis trict* of the South amounted in value lo T471,402,764 and at Ihedff other customs district* of Ihe country to 61.116.664.147. Th* Increase the value or exports at all th* district* In the country In 16M over 1666 from II.I26.660.7I6 to 11,766.247.641. or $171,267,146 equal to 10.6 Writ, at the alxty districts, not Including the South, from 61.062,216.266 to tldl *45.147. or by 166,626.654. equal to 1.4 per cent, and-at the tweaty-6 Southern districts from 6663.771.6d2 to 6676,402,766 or by 664,121,264, to 14.2 per cent. •(■■; "Of the eighty-five districts from which there wore exports In sons both of the years, twenty-six exported lean In 1664 than tn 1606. Of twenty-fix five were Southern ports, via. Savannah, a*.: 0“ N. CT, Apalachicola, Fla.: Ht. Marks. Fla., and Brosoe de Ban til their aggregate decrease being 16.111,447. hardly comparable w ith clease of 613,626067 at Puget Bound alone. Oelreston led In the I In values at Southern porta, advancing from 1160,116642 to UMiML 636721.456. bring second only to New York among all the porta - country’not only as tb this Increase, but also aa- to the value nt am 1606. The Increase at New- York. 262.747.167. was 7J per cent at crease at alt districts qutslde thr Mouth, while lb* Increase at < was 42 ger cent of the aggregate Increase nt all Southern ports, of expoft* In 1606 New Orleans ranked third, Baltimore fourth, fifth and Philadelphia sixth.” . * TEXAS LAND. Official advices were received In Meridian of tb* sale by the Bequala ..... ta omn. I-(ltd and ('attic company, of London. England, of th* Spur ranch ms. Kent nod Crosby rountlea, In northwest Texas, constating of Rct-.s of well improved land and 40,000 head ‘of high-bred ret tie It. Hwanann tt Sons, New York bankert, are Ihe purchasers and tn* ■nent Is ma.le lhai the property wll at onre o» cut un into small The deal Involved a cash transaction of ti,600.000. After a two day*' session th# combined bridge committees of county, awarded the contract for two etael bridges over Dock river, first Is til be built near Liltle Lot at a price of 6M«t) sad th* Only Btalion. Thl* contract Is for 617,60#. Both of the ■-natrecta awarded to the Nashville Bridge Company, of Nashville, repreosnted president. Mr. A. J. Dyer.