Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 02, 1907, Image 19

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. j|. J,. THROWER, 3<i X. Forsyth St., j;, !l 'Phone 1450. Standard Tlione 164. $1,500. \ n elegant 4-room cottage |t Winter station on Georgia jjjlrnad and Decatur Car jj] U .. \\> can sell you this little home on the easiest jort of payments. The lot is large enough for a garden imi chicken yard. If you want this you must hurry. M. L. THROWER, ' 39 North Forsyth St. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. •ATrRDAT, MARCH t MW. HENDRICK & CO., Real Estate and Ijoans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. K.SOO-TWO S'rORV 0 ROOM MODERN rnldeure; mri*r Ini, MO*”*); built of animal, with iv»V? known roar™ Innw Including minklnaf^ pn an,) aa C |h* ,t | U r7 l ‘ * rrtlll ‘ ,L,ll r-.l dt.lgu as good STURGEON & LANE. HEAL ESTATE-and INVESTMENTS. 737-724 EMPIRE BU11.D1NO. Boll Phono 4176—Standard 1279. 4J.400-ON ONE or TUB BERT NORTH •Me street*; five-room cottage. with 17.Wn.WKHT BNO-HIX ROOM; LARUE l"i. A tiargilu at this pries. Terms "ifcUE eKAI HTIIKK MIT. 10U20o'; .,5*7 r<f *r, al highest |»o|iit ami aplen SWtto^fSSRa."" " f "“ 0L0RE & JUSTIN, . 213 Peters Building. a COMISG PART WEST END. SICE EAST FRONT DOTS. \VITH I’LEN tj cf bh tde. 1M fret deep to an alley. for • »hor! time «t 110 per. front foot. They iv worth nun-. fPLFNDII* FOUR ROOM BRICK HOUSE an l i rs. lot. Washington staeet. East Point I'.inv payment*; $1,759; «>r will rent ta r*«vl party at 110 per month. Tlila Is tte to raise chickens. r ; £2 “Tf5BT7 MI Lift ululnc 20 acre*. tl acres"lit Uu- I top land. il<*<» ha* one of the t*eat orcliurds it th< mtiy; good four-room house nml BESl PART OK COLLEGE PARK a -otMg.- consisting of five large ronmi hi nice isorehea. etc. Thla la out line, nml lot In I<V> by 105; $:,- ■’•Xt*; STREET; NEW AND uxM.eru » atory 8 room bmiae >m lot 53*151: mi «aay terms: worth luwatipatlog. Rflnr- LOT voter' man I .- 1. ,f *2 lS ?°; "MOHTLY ELK •baUed; Beat location lu In miirsl?.' ' M,, ‘ ut * fu “y designed: comMnatloii » ..*£ .. nn,, #*• Aiturea; splendid both: flnUhvd; well located on CO-fool lot. Easy terms. '.‘•ROOM MODERN |7.Wft-TWO-»TOUY wviHMiis realdenee: lieantlfully shaded and elevated lot; near 1 once DeLeon; alley aide WANT, OFFER KOR 21 ROOM HOKHE. two blocks Of Peachtree; will rent for $9) per month, and will never l»e vacant: Ideal Investment M.75A BUYS APARTMENT HOUSE renting a t $62.49 per month: In first-c!a»n condition; la minutes’ walk from tbe post- office I2,«K> REVS 6-BOOM POTTAOE: ELK- '•lad lot; ettj term.; illll alrm. BEK RUSSELL SHIRLEY OK I. U. HEN NORTH SIDE HOME OR INVEST- tnent, 8-room house, corner lot. clone In. All Improvement*. Fee ine If you want A doae-ln .North Side bargain. Price |3.nno. Term*. GRANT STREET. CORNER LOT. .5Ox 150. All Improvement* and conven ience*. Nearly new 6-room cottage, wide hall, built for n home. $3,150 - $750 ca*h and $25 a month. A bargain J. A. BROOKS. Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. lurg.. ii‘a<f*lVr«d"lot. ’ TRe sTdswnTll. "Term* L. A. WOODS, 818-819 Empire Bldg. BELL PIIONRSQM—ATLANTA PHONE 1771 I MAKE EASY TERMS. r«*mu rquRjp: nearly new; iotvcihw win. cabinet mantels, nice reception bill ami double entrance. And, «• you know, this Is the very l*e*t south sld# street aud fronts one of the l»est car Host In tbe city. This can be bought on easy terms and Is one of those rare chances to get a good home In a first -chias neighborhood at a very low price. Take a look at thla and see ua for special price. $.\I5i»-NORTH HIDE FIVE ROOM COT (age. with all modern Improvements. House l« Just one year old. Term*^ $.\0W-WEST END - FIVE ROOM COT* tage; all luipruvements. Owner inuat sell at onrr. Term* $•*» cash, $20 mouth. Kee $1.900-0nk ii|.orK OF GRANT PARK; flic room: extra nice lot. Term*, cash; Iki lance easy. iui II .GOO-CLOSE IN; JUST OFF WHITE- ball; four-room cottage; all Improvements. Terms $250 cash. $15 month; let me show you this tomorrow. $2 650—.11'8T OFF CAPITOL AVENUE. ON Imat cross street: modern al* room «»•; tag 1 *: extra large lot; ride alley. "Ill cent |A Small en«b payment awl tbe bttlanrc Hgc rent. $2.35* - LESS THAN BLOCK FROM Whitehall: five room cottage; all Improve* imuh. fcini*. $390 cash. $3 |*r month. $9K» FOR THREE HttOM COTTAGE. ON lot 65 by 200. to 15 foot alley; plenty of fruit and shade. Term*. $10) man niul $10 month. i.OOK vFcTu; Al)Ts THE JOURNAL W. A FOSTER, Real Estate and Loaus, 12 S. Broad. II.M Tlion. 3027. Si Ionia Tbon* IMI. Bell Phone 1393 Main. *h and balance monthly. Jl'ST WEST OF GRANT PARK, BRAND t*-w wx r««»m «*ottage; lot 50 by l5n t and a beauty: water ami gas nml tile sidewalks; en car line: price 92,#0; $250 cash and S3 |-r month. per month. For a frw tlnrv fPl.KMilh THREE-ROOM COTTAGE. ON |,T 1-- Western Heights: rents $4.5* KJ*"" “ ‘ M W I'ttRT STREET-BRAND NEW r*-n, house: Jot 41 by 168 to nil alley; ^ • '-■•-H end Ilf* per month Why D. F. .M 'CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, roll! NEW NRHRO HOUSES. RENTED fr>* i - *' r njou ** ,; nt ' or vnfant; ron .% "ii hip norm ame; six n-tntels; large lot; for $3,200. rm i; in h *ms7 new iIoi'se, i.arTTe J n ’- V ■ fjoo cash and balance $13 per ■'’fi’h \> i can not do (tetter. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 418 Fourth National Bank, Boll Phone 4399 Main. BARGAINS. WITH iiltt, near electric line, itdjoitiiug lamls at coat present owners $100 per acre: ough wood on this tract to pay for It ree times nt price asked. Only $15 per 2M ACRES. OVERLAID FROM SEVEN to 40 feet deep with fluent term rot In nnd brick elny in Mnttfherti stjite- Two cc4oak,««Batm rr*J- I licit! wn raUun' mile* from Atlintn. Teria cotta iiinni turers have l»e*u |>.iylng $1 f-n m»r cubic for this elny f. e b Ttlre prr ft- re‘. A PLANTATION AND STOCK FARM OF 2.1*^* ACRES IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. 26 MILES FROM A CITY OF 40.000 PRO* pic. 2 tulles of rnlli oinl frontage, also pub- lb- nnd froiitnge. 1.2C) acres In cultlvatldb; 359 acres of rich bottom lands: 300 seres of tine swamp bottom* still to be developed. 1‘lentr of wood nnd tlmt*er for home con sumption Most of the land lie* level und Is n loose, dark, l$uny soil, with strong clay subsoil. One mule enn cultivate 4-) acres of this land. Two six room dwellings and thirty tenant house* of two and four rooms, nicely distributed. Corn mitt and gin. saw mttt. horse and mnte haras, crib and hog ’a’mV^'iiK'kenTiousesTeU”,” «7I“T?r'"guoir'cliinfr" lion: 5 mile* of hog wire feuclng. Creek nnd branches supply water In nearly all parts of the land. Htntlon ami able track on the place. School ami churchea conven ient. Annual average net Income % $6,000. !Tj?e II*. I*er Mire. Terms one tiilul cash: balance on or before ten yeara in annual psymeuta to suit iHirchaaer. with 6 per 458 RAkH HT. —NEARLY NEW f ROOM cottage, overlooking Grant park: on bU'e elevated lot. This Is a nice home. Can Ik* hongttt on terms of $300 cash and $31 per month. Hee ua for price. 43 MCDONALD BT.—NEARLY NEW «• room house; always rented and bringing a good rental. Can lie bought ou very easy terms. Hee ua for s|ieclal price. home or n good Investment. Has nice lot. 2Ud feet deep. Must be sold at once. Can Ike l»ouiht on easy terma. See ns nt for price. SANDERS «r CONWAY PhoneB 5488, 412 Peters Bid tLlft-MORKLAKn AVENUE LOT. 60*180; prettiest lot on thla charming street; has dense oaks, elevation Ideal, tile walk nnd all Improvements. Hpecla! reason for selling this; on very easy terms If desired. $4J60-WITI!IN A 8T0NE H THROW OF Baptist Tabernacle, and on the l*est street out there, we have a well built 7-room t*story home on atevatad level lot. U)*200. The Itest location anywhere uenr bore for a nice home. Can make attractive terms to right party. $2,000—WHITKFORD AVENUE COTTAGE of five rooms; nice cabinet man tel*, well built and In perfect condition; on lot 56x1(6. Ulght nt car line and new school building, la undoubtedly one of tbe Im*sI. loentinu* anywhere near the-city for siiburbhu home. <nu make terms of $ffio cash aud balance $20 |»er month. tt.2»L-E. NORTH AVENUE NEAR JACK son at reel, we have a lovely k-rooui borne u tol 50*191 alley. This holm* I* •llh every tm»dcrn 628 H. nolJLEVARD—NEARLY NEW cottage for sale on reasonable terma nnd at a low price. 526 H.’ BOULEVARDS EARLY NEW room enttage. on nice elemted lot; $300 cash niul $20 per mouth will get It. tt MCDONALD NT.—NICE LITTLE. IN vestment; also suitable for a home. Ilns been rented to «me people ever since It was jfut laooth. ami they^owbl H -rtrtw , _ .. . than It sounds. pay lift rather titan wove. Can l»e I rdr $200 riVB Uhl T.50 ncr innTTni. sounds giMMi, and Is realty better tL '’otne to mty ns for this quick. 1» JONES' AVK.-NEW BROOM COT l«ge; water, gn* and sewerage: nicely tinted walls; |6no rash nnd $20 jwr month. TUI* will make a good home fur u railroad month. 7B ACRE FARM-LOCATED K MILEH soufliweRt of Atlanta, lu the best farming aeetlnu of G«>ergla. laiud lies well, lutrt In timber, balance in cultlvutleti. mul rents for Ltd) pounds of Rut cotton per year Cnu t*e Iniughi at the cxeetHliugl.v low |»rle« of $12.50 |»er acre. Hee us for full pnrtlcu M08S & OIRARDLAU. Buy ami Sell Real Estate ou Commission. Office 501 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 42.'i<>. $2,000—Cash will huv a oozy liew cottage; 6 rooms; modern improvements; on Crew street; convenient to ear line. • say nothing of ; f4.T#V-!N)NCE Del,EON AVENUE LOT. 60 by 220 to alley; In the highest, prettiest R iri of this magnificent street. For a hes- on to build a swell home on In one of the most picturesque sections of the city, right here In the Iteml of this Street I* the place. $3.6nd—CHKKOKKK AVENUE. OVERLOOK lug Grant park, nt the prettlrat part of this resort, we have a 6-room cottage on lot fiOxKih that should please ihe most aes thetic tnat<< ran make terms. $5.500-WASHINGTON 8TREET 9 ROOM home, right at Georgia nveune; house la lu A 1 condition; built by a lutnlMT man for ii home: elegant mantel* ou both floors. If you want to get on Washington street nt n bargain this Is the place. $2.7W—CENTRAL AVENUE BROOM COT fage. on lurge lot, near Georgia avenue house Is well built, finished wdth eh mantels, best of pliiinblng. ete., aud for ImiUfNllate sale We are ofTerliig this little home for $250 cash, $*Jfl month. $2.»h-T\Vt> HOMES OF FIVE ROOMS It. wlthiu three blo<ks of Terminal Stn on lots 50x175 aud G-ixJOa respect I JAMES L. LOGAN & CO. 308 Peters Building. PHONE 1103 MAIN WE WIMf TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION the following pieces of property which Kivo selected from o«r list of several hundred. We are going to sol) this entire list within the next few days. They are nil great bargains. If you wuiil n cheap home on easy terms, just mark the pin ^^^Me.-moubun, i Stories fc.ito nr>HII AVK.-A 6-HOOM UOTTAIIE. M.ldil] $2,250 will buy new 6-room cottage now nearing com pletion. No. 473 Bill, near Ormond, or will rent, to an ftWimed tcp.autJ£2Q__p££ month. ROOMS AND ittE lmeenwut. P.ouu. r*. Mi«d .*1 lliU prb e I jmymcuts to suit purchaafT. With 0 per vent t ; W4 ‘ r,h "* W r w 7Werr«| paymeuta. Thl* U a bargain ! if] ) ]|o||SD ||iul |o( THREE BLOCKS FROM ARAGON.; north of Cain, one half blwk of car line; 2 story ln-raom bouse, lu goo«l condition: now used a* a first-dn*.* white Uttrrdlng house. $•»» cash and $40 |*er month. Price mly $4,600. This pr»|iorty belongs reside Is n snap. s’ho has 1 the chance of Q lifetime Mike the! wn payment nnd the place will make the moy to pay the balance. Goo«l wnier 1 good health. Labor Is plentiful and »;ip. For further Information, write or ell. This .OSE IN NORTH SIDE 6 ROOM COT* age; good w hite nclgliborli.H»d; .Vi f....| ,. vll » n » ear line. llciitiii value $22.5» , W LM LM' mth. $l.‘«»» ‘ash uml $20 per mouth. The; uew six r« price Is $2.:f». fot -- hy j-, TWO STORY TEN ItooM HOUSE, IN I iTwSt best ne|ghlM»rlMM»#|. arranged as two *• „ * Jmlr Ir.'ln Ai.«.-«r IVn. I, „ RM'-'i iht uriro j;;,, Fair, near Bailev; large lot. $250—Vacant lots vicinity of Martin. Sylvan and Fairview within city limits. liOUDO.N STHBKT—NO. X Him lottage; all I'ouvculojices; I . Price $1,008. Terms. END. ONE BLOCK FROM x lot*4 (|tr $2,100. It would |mv Oils property, elthor for rent,) $5,u0i>. WEST ESI line client This h. 4 ninif'E HOME ON NORTH JACK »**”. “ r " ,nt ’ You cnn not duplicate IN'.lll: AVENUE—NINE-ROOM HOUSE: ill ' j['■icncea; Inrge lot; tine surround foi'El:v STEAM HEATED HOME. J*-’- 1 ’ r a r'Httua, three baths. »*lx be«| attic, large porches, large lot. s house nnd Imru. This Is ’’ * 1 ideal home In every res|H>4*t, ght for orfe-hnlr Its real large I him t*» niovc month $2- rt >' • is n snap nt si. I.T.EGE PARK NEW iicight*4»niiH»d; 2 *t ii sheeted, double t use was built foi Ih.o* bnstnckH h; DOUBLE THREE ROOM IIOURK IN thlnl wanl; new. gmal condition; now ! rented for $1S per iu**uth. fjulck buyer; $1. s. B. TURMAN & CO.. FOR SALE. Capitol Avenue Home. hi j--. I WEST END—FUIINAl'E HEATED LOT SO BY 2» FEET TO ALLEY: LI EH “ ely and frant* east; near Grorgin nve- two story eight rmim house; would cost fdleate thi» same. The owuer Is R the p dun Ptlau hsU: ] T'b’k sale fi*r $4.8m.' and will" nmkc'ren- sounlde terms, or will take vacant lot, or range. I $3.5. w. ROOM l suburban lot. Ilo •OT v; : W •MAM |.f)T bum ti and oci iipieil by owi lil/dcc fruits, chleke car line. Price on XOUtF B«O LivSTXlTl> TEN UimM TWi* j ■ «torv rcsldciic-. oil corner lot .‘oxlN'.,, north'nf Fornst avenue. Frlee EAST^IUNTER WELL BUILT 6-lCOOM • oltagc; large lot. I* l„.r\ In front; bin* frtil upl.-l I RIGHT AT., , - . Junction: a new five-1 ■* • ,l first-lass miiii eolinge; lot 65 by l.*0 feet. Good j ——— nine for $1.4«"> cash , renting property In part payment for ssme . Call sin! let us show you this. The bousi Suburban Home. ON A UOIINEII I.OT. IN WEST END. iSKSai.YfwSB:! SEVENTEEN. ACRE TIIAl'T OK on terms of f.V*t 4iis11 nnd $15 per month. , ‘ r ‘" LJD feet stn-t frontage - 1 with 6 |*er cent Interest. ' 1 " "IVItNA. ON MARIETTA El.El' spend the summer. Nev bouse, with 3 ncri-s of ground line. Living Is rheon “ ill- 1 «h. nnd In rear; or. • I't • month <»N BERM the new bv 112. to has 1.26-) feet stn room rot tage. and entire place unde . - iIJU | i froutlti; 'Oiiveni $2,750; |*4i \ STREET, IN ONE BLOCK OF | «*»tr line; si HiniIs nml churcli 4tewnrt a* cone car line; lot 50. «*»«l nelghlnirhooil; plenty of shad' ifent" GEORGIA AVE-A THOuii llOt'HE: Post section. ON S'A l.t,Y ST.-EIGHT hall. $2,750, OAKLAND AVK.-FIVK bath. $1,850. . ?>aEland aVe.-Seve’n"itooVis aS'1> l*ath. $1009. hAHH HT -H1X IIOOMA; ii'oitEUN RANK KI'-EOITI RlYlUll.ll.niJ ruiXlAU iT.-JliS; UiifiMK A>if>' r Si&7» A fe , " x room »-' *** r'oVUUl.UUATE AV'k - |4I.V IIIIOM .niff. nyn'. »r.73i.' I'APi’mi. am: nn: n»«sm avu hall. $2,760. (•Ai-iTOI. AVK.-HEVKS' ROOMS; ilnll' ern. $3,000. omj(«)ND ST.-FIVE ROOMS AND BATH. $3.909, •:st rooms; lilt 161x137. $1,200. AHIIIlY K-r -ftllillT luViilA; <-oS‘vi!N leiiccs. $2,109. ROOMS; UONVEN rr.'KlE KT- leuc«*s. $4,259. M.™I)V" ST.-FIVE ROOMS; MODERN: VvT UINE ST.-FIVE RtlO.\flrXNi,"HATH‘ XI.I S' AIIOUT A IT.AI'E ON RHODES treef. Can Ih* mnde to pay per cent nn Investment. In town fur U ZS&. COSY SIN ROOM i |.v 19n f* et. Just .*1 owner f..r.v OTTAGE »N LOT .Vi Bents rice $.'.•>*0. id u- per muni aui.iVe7bY.AC 1 re. alley sble and f 1.4‘S*. Nice iK'tm « H. WELI.S & CO. h'l l ourth National Bank Building. '■ASH, BAI.ANCE IN FIVE i . * 1 1 buy six new 3 room bouses. lkYl-69 per year, over 12 |«*r I - ■ Imh’e colored pro|H*rtv, ami; ' li'utses in the city. Present » uowr uiuler way near this u.Uanee the rents! value very the nenr future. If you are; tent property J OTHER bargains in various kinds I Of property. WE HANDLE RAIDiAIN'S | ONLY ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY. A 1AM UP FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. IN the best section of West End. for $2,000. On terms of $69) ensh nml $29 per month. LODOWTCK J. HILL, Century Bldg. Dell Phone M. 1807 Pin ul let »M COTTAGE AND LARGE •»l n\enue. within one block nrd school. $l,99n cash and month, without Interest. We LOT. PIEDMONT PLACE: :e for cottage twtwceu Peach • *"»ti. north of North avenue. bon/EVARDLOTS. ^ ,J..—On the prettiest ' ; "f this beautiful tluu’- 1 i'«* two tine lots jit “w prices. liebman. l’-stati—Renting, - 1 ' iVaehtrce St. 313 < FARM -NEW • In Maple <»i« goi*d stable*. \ctv pniduetlv dldiy wittered. Hits* SlatloiK more than $»ri' NEWTON S. THOMAS. 422 Century Huilding, Bell Phone 2154 L. Tenth Street Vacant Lots. NEAR TENTH STREET HUIIOOR-IMED- nmiit avenue and Myrtle street, anil look ing Into Piedmont city park; price $1,500 up t*» $1,899; sewer and water. MONEY To LEND. CALL FOrT)UR RENT AND HALE Rifle letln. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Cor. Broad and Ala. Streets. 7-Iioo.M RESIDENT'E, ive. 2*loom tenant h»«t*c. 3t»7 »t*Te*. nearly level, e, easily worked, splen* 7 mile* llume. 2 mile* Term* libe ral Worth |m ACKER AT I1APKVILLR AT LITTLE e nxVu^f T. Y. BRENT. J. T. MANQUM. Halesrnen. I. C. McCROKT L. M. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 503 Peters Rulldlng—Phones 4691. HOUTII HIDE HOMES ON CIIRRoKEE AVENUE -LOVELY HEV- el! r«Niiii ini tage, «*nl*lii4*t mantels; wide hall; |«»| .V* bv 191, to SOfiwt alley. An Idvsl »E HI RE AND LET UR HIIOW )4MI a splendid cottage on Cherokee uve nn*; six rtMim*;.three I*•**! r«Nuus; arrange4| two families It S u pgucb. On terms. ►N PARK AVENij: WE iTaVE^aToVE ly home nr Him- riunns; all imMlcru enliven 59 by In the Very best FOR SALE. $2,600—4 good 3-room eot- tagcH on South side, near new public school and in good white neighborhood, renting to white tenants regularly at $29.50 per month. Special quick sale bargain. $750—Northeast corner Lit tle and Terry street, va cant lot 70x100 feet; three small houses can be put on this lot and will prove a paying investment. $300—Small negro house on McDaniel street; ear line in front; rents $3.50 per month. (’HAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. Bell Phone 4596. R. M. JONES & 00., 516 EMPIRE BUILDING. IRMO-WOOnBON STREET—FOUR-ROOM I *®) **"• »HA *11 TMTC*l*ncM. Dot Mb, lap, in, (Irani park. K.1M-KAAT GEORGIA AVENUE—FIVE- mom rottac*, b.a, with all coa.oaInBMn. Ixit 40 by lto; now rantad for t£JQ. tl .AM—NEAR GI.ENNWOOD AVENUE CAR tln»; *00,1 Arr romn rntiaat., with mod. TR !-n-■; *•!'— o T;; n-’J— —* 7(0. Raraalu for frw liuja. S.40*—EAST GEORGIA AVENUE-NICE ill-room random ml tana, with lot •> hy 1M, to alloy Noto thla Ta large lot and In duett aeellou. »ooo-COOPER STREET; CDOSE IN; A bargain In gowl elght-roou tw.-ntory liouae, that baa all convenience* and may ESTES BROS., Real Estate 706 Peters Building, Atlanta Phono244. WE HAVE FOR SALE $2,650—Oakland avenue 6- room cottage, half block of ear line; nice lot. $3,750—Logan street, a good 10-room cottage, 2 baths nnd all improvements. You will be pleased with it when von look through the house; lot 50x160. We have one of the best homes on Washington st.; close in; would like to have an offer. Come to see us about it. $1,800—Plum street, 5-room cottage; lot 40x100. Terms. $1.650—Two blocks of Grant Park, 4-room cottage; lot 48x110. $3,150— Alexander street,. near Luekie, 8-room cot tage; lot 53x124. Terms. $2,400—McAfee, near Simp, non, 5-rooin cottage i lot 33 xlOO; $800 cash; balance $20 tier month. SEE l T S FOR BARGAINS. n.IOO-EART GEORGIA AVENUE-NICE level corner lot; 50 by 140, to alley. •ul. mw uy 10( . resident sections, and the lot Have two of theae. BOTH PHONES 4114. VACANT LOTS. 43,400—WEST FBACKTREB; 43 BT ISO. $2,600—NORTH BOULEVARD; BEST COR- oar. 42.400—BPR1NO STREET: 44 BT UO. 42 000-WEST FIFTH; ONE LEFTl M »T $1,960 - NORTH BOULEVARD, NEAR North avenue. $1.690—CHEROKBBg FACING PARK: 1$ BX 190. 41,000—EAST NORTH AVENUE; 44 BT 140k 41,100—SOUTH BOULEVARD; 10 RT ISO. 41.000—HOWELL STREET; Et BT 140. 41.000—PE KALB AVENUE; 00 BY 204. 41.000—MORELAND AVENUE; 10 BT 171. 41,000—GEORGIA AVENUE; 40 BT 140. 41.000—HIGHLAND AVENUE; 40 BT 110. 4W.>—oluSf lUliK'; i WHEfct rMHM. 5559—WEST END; SHADE; LEVEL; 10 BY 150. $400—TWO BLOCKS GRANT PARK; 45 BY J- - "WE GET RESULTS." ANSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. WATUII OUR ADS FOR BARGAINS: north hide lot. near the boule vnrd, mvneil by mm rfNld«‘iit; 30 foot front, nml can bought for $K»o. Thla la one «f tin* Inat rhancea you will get at nuythltig llkn thla. NORTH HIDE HOME ON JAUKHO.N •tree!. Two-atory liouae *»f bovioi riMitna, Ith all miMlorii Itnprovi'Uienta. Prli*»* $4.60i): $L<*d malt, owner auxloua to sell. HenYa oppnrt unity! Iienutlful atri aba.le All on.. . iilv $8,350. Eaat front, mid deal re In a av ti*riiia. Thr ml look nt tlilw «. room idh'Si:. nuthuildimi*. r» m* 4«9 nerea. V4 » bott«»n FARM wiry timber, well tv a 3 mile* Talbott anil *rh»u»le- U NK»*FK- \ tenant j . :,0 good i.xlw ■live, churchea 4v terms FARM—TWO IlnK*. 2 fine barn 7 tenant hntiM***, t timber. 39,«ou fl\e.y ar i* olil*. ti ram he on • H k Term* Blw .mm un i 2 mile* Rev* spring* and Bargain M’llKS. 123 I'l LTIVATKD. RAL- ,• timber, 3 .•.eltletnent*. go.»d ,4*1. wealthy ImalUy. t^.l«°oier IaUmlH i t’lty, 4 mile* llnxbdiui 't, j ( | t | fM| Maddox. A genuine pickup. | mil' all clmlr -MHialtlo art; that w III i •»> y $UW per acre. Thla la the last chance ill have to get In on Ihe ground floor. I hate aobl three tract* nOJolntng to well* minified customer*. Thla land ti nctually worth much more than I nm offi-rlng It for New streets nrr laid off nml worked out on Imtb able* nnd through It. It Ilea beau II fully, nml I* within CW yards of new nfreet rnr line, tins four room bouse and fine young orchard, with branch running nrroaa one rnd. I offere.1 my last cut- I.’W Jirogt on Ilia trail* wbllo lb. 10 V1 »i»re lM-lng |miMed »*y t»T* attorneys. He a*ke F $79o. nnd It is worth It. This aitjolns the traet referred to above, which ^ I am only aide to hold a few days on my ! option If >»>n a;e looking for a good [ juJ will b i) this ou sight. Till* will make ear fm $3,669- STORE FOR RENT. No. ^3 East Alabama Street. This Is a largo atoro ronm and baae-! Ij.tvi him.ENDID _!«*«•■ "h Illll monl, frontIiik 21 foot on Alabama atreot and running back ISO foot to a wide paved alley. It la half way be tween Whitehall and Pryor atre^ta. Poases8lon can be had on April 1. T. B. FERRIS, 2is:i9 CENTURY BUILDING. •PHGNE 4» UMK. «> IF ITH THE GRANT UAIIK HECTION you wnnt, l»e e«>rtnln t<» are ua. na have a long Hat of homes on lha easiest t« rm« $2,299—ON KELLY STREET-HIX ROOM enttage; water, gas nnd balh rinse nml on ear line. It's a bargain; tl cash, balance to suit. Gnml luvenimcnt. CENTURY REALTY CO., 306 Century Bldf. Phone 4411. J. II GARNER C. HORACE McCALL n»cnt. toilam < to g.-t a ulc rent. home for little more than HKVKN-RDOM f tree!; $500 cuali; eloav i»u a g«*»d home and rpilek nlmut thla FOR RAI.E-RKAR ESTATE. W. JONES & CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. ‘ PHONES 5560. HAVE BARGAIN FOR RAILROAD MAN A 6 mom eotlage, i-pw to North avenue yard, 4«* feet Marietta street; large lot. barn nnd servants' nml ri»nl h<vi*ea; must I** sold 4|ul< kly. Price f.’jMt, Terms, $Sio rash. $5^19 one year at 6 |»*r n*ot nnd $1,809 In five years at 5 per cent. ' YOU PA N'T IIEAT IT ANYWHERE IN TOWN. Pott at oRter. Don t (denier* Uvth phuues 35681 • fIon In liuildlng up faster than nny flier In the illy, and If you waul a bar gain you had better come quirk. It's ii beauty mlNiake. NOW'S THE TIME TO BE THINKING of n Decatur home, and here la n nice cottage with cabinet mantels, on lot over nn acre, fronting car line ami nenr Agne* Keott college. Price $3,159. What nl*M»t ll? D1L H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estato, 614 Peters Building. rt.ARKSTON-IIAVE FOR 841.E SEVER- al very attractive homes with mor* ar lesa acreage, in thla popular auburb, that cun I** bought at surprisingly small cott. KIRKWOOD—WITHIN TWO BLOPKH OF .North KlrkWfHMl car line, I can sell ao eight room coltagn and 2 aerss of laud at ihe bargain prlco or $2,500. I NM A N PA RK ■-ON LARGE ELEVATED lot. fronting Georgia railroad, and well •haded, with beautiful oak tree*. I offer a •even room eottage. with barn and atibla and good garden at $3,090. WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY. HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH AND MANTELS, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. SEND YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES. ATLANTA - - GEORGIA. II. I.. WILLING HAH, B. B. TIFT,. Praaldaat. Vic* Prtw W. B. WILINGHAU, Bacratarr and Traaanrar. WILLINGHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANYI Rough and Prmad Lumber, Saab, Door*, I Blind!, Builder*' Hardware. M Murphy annuo. Tab* Bait Point or . Collage Park ear and got oD at McCall'* j Crooalng, on Lee itrooL Boll 'phono Ii , wral; Allinta ‘phono TIL JOHN ,T. WOODSIDE, FOR RENT. STORKS AND OFFICES. Vest Alabama . I’est Al ll-anm .. 3x Hr.nth F'>rs)tlt III Marietta 1*6 East tieorgi.i ... 4»l Dei-atur Diftttnr Decat nt street... 231 IMgewiMMl 238-11 North Butler . WAREIlOlHi: er North thmlevarrl uml Ibmstr. MARKET e$ Fruaer atrivi ROOFING SLATE. WE HAVE OX HAND A LARGE STOCK OF VIR GINIA SLATE IN STAND ARD SIZES—CAN FUR NISH ANY QUANTITY. ALSO NAILS, FELT. CE- MEST AND METAL THIMMINGS. b WE ARE PREPARED TO PUT ON YOUR ROOF COMPLETE. DOW MAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY.