Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 05, 1907, Image 2

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4 I I THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: rrBMT, MABCH ». TKI. m VOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? — * OVERTIME IS DENIED Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, * Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Georgian and \ t New#,May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. f ! you are alrk or "tool badly." begin taking grtat kidney 'emedy. Dr.. Kilmer'* Bwamp- •t. because a* soon but your kidney* begin in better they will help all the other organ* to Uh. A trial will convince-anyone j Plp't flow I Hid Kllny TriSr wa* oot of health and ran down generally. , were the ranee of mr l suable, but" s»m>' 'ell they might be, and I liegan taking gwamr 1* surti a plenaant taate In kwaiuii , „ .. joe* right to ike apot and ilrtrer ,11. ' e**e not of the ar*teia. Il ha* rured me, making ' Be aironger awl better In eirry way, and I rheer ■;-fully reeonnneod It to all *ug*r*«." _ Gratefully your. Milk. A I.. WALKER. •W Bonlerard I’lac*. Ailaula. tin. - Weak and unhealthy .klrtneye are reaponalble Car many kind* of dlaeaae*. and If permitted In continue much suffering and fatal reaulta net aura to follow. Kidney trouble irritate* the Mores, make* youdluy, raatlra*. *leapla*a nnd Irritable. Makee you paea water often during the day and obliges you to get up many tlmea night, unhealthy during the night. Ifnhealthy kidney, rauea fhCumatlam, gravel, catarrh of tlio bladder, pain or dull ache In the back. Joint* nnd; make your head uche and hack ache, cauae In digestion. stomach and llvtr troubl*. you get n sallow, yellow complexion, muke you fed na . though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no atrength: get wenk and waste away. To overcome these trouble* take Dr. Kilmer'* Swamp-Hoot, the world-famous kidney remedy. X# taking Swatnp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Bwamp-Root le the moat perfect hosier and gentle aid to the kidneys that bus yet been discovered. How to Find Out. NpfHil to The Georgian. Balnbrldge. Oa.. March 6—On laat Friday not a freight train moved on the Georgia, Florida and Alabama rail way. The cauac wan a strike of the freight conductor*. The trouble began when i»ne of the conductor* turned In eight hour* “over time,** and It waa struck from his time. He was ordersd to* take hie run out the neat day* but refused to do no. Each conductor In the employ of the road waa ordered on the. run In hi* turn, but every one refused. The yard conductor, when or dered to take the run, refused and quit A passenger conductor, Aho had an off day, was ordersd to take the yard, and knowing nothing of the trouble he went to work. As soon as he haard of the state-of affair* he telephoned for some one to take the place and he quit. When everything was at a standstill and no fine cou|d be found to take a train out. the conductor- wa* allowed >hlB over time and every one went back to work. FERTILIZER TRUST WINS ONE ROUND , U thara la any doubt In your mind as in your] condition, take from your urine on Being about] four ounce*, place It In a glaaa or bottle amt let It stand twenty-four hours. If on examination' * Is milky ar cloudy. If there la a brlck-du*t settling, or If email particles float about In It. your kidneys are In need of Immediate attention. EDITORIAL NOTICE.—flo, successful Ih Ku In promptly over coming even the most distressing cases, that to Prove It* wonderful merith you may have a sample bottle and shook of Valuable Information, both sent absolutely free hr mall. The book contain* many of the thousands upon thousand* of testimonial letter* received from men nnd women who found Swamp-Root to be Juet the remedy they needed. The value und sucres* of Bwamp-Rnot are no wflj known that our render* arc advised to send for a In a decision handed down by the supreme court of the United Hlatea It I* held that Indicted official* of the alleged fertiliser trust can not be re- moved from Richmond, Va.. to the mid. die district of Tennessee for trial, re versing the decision of the United Htntes circuit court. . Georgians Included In the Indict ments were William L. Peel. Trunk D. Dancy and llarry Tlsher. Vending the decision of tlte highest court, eleven prominent officials of the alleged trust have been held liy tlte United Slates marshal, and they will oil >la bottle. In writing to Dr. Kilmer A Co,. Rlngltnintoti, N. Y„ he sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Atlanr* Georgian and News. Swamp-Root la pleasant to take and you can purchuac the regular flfty-cent and one-dnllar site bottles at the drug sioies everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. X. Y.. pn every bottle. IS IN EFFIGY BY BOYS GIRL IS ARRESTED FOR BOLD HOLD-1 4 Chicago. Man U L—Harry l»r*tt Judeou. the wv president of the I’nlverelty of Chicago, was Inirned In effigy l»y etmlenu of Mprgau Park academy laM night. One thquMHil people wltneuMMl tin* dem* as? CONGESTION ON ROAD Elkin#. Iii.l. March SMI#* llax.d K«My. ag»#l IV, U under arrest hero for partlrl- pntlon In tun* of the InddeM holdup* ever perpetrated In this Cert Ion. Knrljr In*t evening a man nnd girl roldied n nient lour tut illaa Kddv whk nrreatrtl hii hour Inter. Iler lover, Thontsa lMxou. e#ea|H#l. CAUSES FEED FAMINE Special to The Ocorglnu. Balnbrldge, da., March 6.—For the past week or ten days the Georgia. Florida and Alabama railway has had the worat freight block In the history of the road. The yard In Halnbrldge Is fall of cars and there are more than 200 In West Balnbrldge. while every siding from Cuthbert to llalnbrhlge Is filled with loaded can*. The road began on Monday untangling the block-up. They have secured three additional engines for tervlce on the line. The existing State of affairs has worked an unusual Balnbrldge. and has caused a feed famine In the city. For the past week there has not been In Ilaltibrldgc a tack of oats, a hale of hay or a sack of corn. The Jobhtr* all had these commodities In transit, but owing to the block they were unable to get their cars. Many of thee# cars have been located In the Sidings between here and t'ulhbert and some of them are In West Balnbrldge. COUNTY POLICE SAFE IN PRESENT PLACES GAMERS HEAVILY FINED IN COURT AT MACON. Special to The Georgian Macon. fin.. March B. —Considerable business was transacted In the city court yesterday, ami not a few cases were, disposed of. Gaming charges took up moat <>f the court's time and Six were found guilty on this charge and wJre lined. J. W. Lee was found guilty of carry ing concealed weapons and fined Iso or six mom Its On the charge* of gaming George James. John Wtmhush. .Im* Herman. Will Terrell, Jim Farmer anil Tab flay wort found gulltv. All were sentenced to six month*, but the of their Snos vailed from 145 to t Charlie Galne* wa* given twelve month* for ^tabbing. The case against Kibert Williams wa* rod prossed and George <'.iilan.i ««« found not guilty of the charge of simple lar»en> that bad been held nga!n*t him t’hlef Turner nnd the ottlcers of the county police will get their jobs again when the county commissioner* meet Wednesday morning. They were to Imve been elected at the meeting hint month, hut everything except a few matters of Importance was postponed until the March meeting. There are three vacancies on the force to he filled and t<> do thin the commissioners will have a large list of applicants to pick from There is no doulit about the re-election of t’hlef Turner, lie ha* 1h*cii with the county police force since It* reorganization und has been at Its head since It* reorgani sation. lie has made a faithful and efficient officer and holds the confidence of the members of the hoard. A report will probably be tnnde at the meeting on the plan to sell the uhus house property, and to devote the (proceeds other than are required ty build a new institution on properly owned by the county, toward building a new court house. Thl* plan calls for the demolition of the old court house and the erection of a modern building Its site io confi design to tne unn< GEORGIA DELEGATION HEADED FOR ROME Washington. March 5.—With the ex ception of Representative Livingston, who will remain In Washington for several weeks to co-operate with the department of commerce and labor In Its investigation of the cotton ex changes of the country, and Henntor Huron, who expects to be here for some duy* attending to business affairs, all the members of the Georgia delegation In congress will have returned home by Thursday. Henator day Is to return to his home In Marietta at once. Judge Griggs and his wife were called home Friday by new* of the nine** of their daughter. Representative Hardwick has returned home, ilepresenuttlves !*ewts. Brant ley and Adamson started for home last night. Judge Hurtlett expects to start home tomorrow, und Representatlva Gordon !*ee plans to leave Washington Thursday. Representative Bell him left ard Is In New York for before starting for Lexington. Repre sentative Overstreet has gone home. Will Inspect Militia. Kpeclnl t«» The Georgian. Jackson. Miss., March 5—Major 11. J. Goldman, of the Twelfth cavalry, hn* been detailed by the war depart ment to make the annual Inspection of the National Guard of the state and will arrive hi the city this week for the purpose of beginning his labor*. It Is believed that he will find the guard In much better condition than ever be- Throat Coughs Aik your doctor about rites* throat coughs. He will tail you (raw decep tive they are. A tickfU* In the throat often meant serious trouble ahead. Better explain your cose carefully to your doctor, and aik him about your takinc Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. mrst * !V££sas iZitsasL-. DURING CONFUSION PRISONER QUIETLY LEFT COURT ROOM WILL INVESTIGATE CHILD LABOR LAW Judge Pendlethn Charges Grand Jury on New' Line. Whether or not the new child labor law |s being violated In Fulton county sill be determined by the grand Jury now in session and If violations are found. Indictments against the offend ers will be returned. The attention of this Investigating body was called to alleged violations of this law* by Judge Pendleton when he charged the members and In addition he called their attention to other laws and poselbte violations. Gambling waa touched upon and In calling the Jury’s attention to this feature Judge Pendlo- ton paid a high tribute to Solicitor General Mill and previous Juries. Com binations for the purposes of restrain* Ing trade and raising prices was dis cussed and the Jury wan Instructed to looking Into this mutter concerning, what local merchants might be doing along this line. The following art tlio members of the grund Jury: H. Y. McCord, foreman; J. W. McWilliams, Frank C. Wheat, assistant secretary; J. L>. Frasier, 8. A. Williams, D. J. Ray. 8. W. Bacon. W. A. Hancock. Charles C. Mayson. H. W. B. Hamper. If. L. OcGlve. R. A. Broyles. Hr.. I. C. McCrary. W. R. .Hoyt. J. M. Dugger, J. E. Cay, W. B. Dlsbro. Chan. J. Martin, E. II. Inman, secretary; 8. T. Weyman. E. H. Bryant, bailiff. TO CURB A COLD IN bNE DAY Take LAXATIVE IHCOMO Uulnlne Tablet*, ucrlsr* refiiial nmaey If ft I*II* to cur*. W. UlluVC'H signature I* on rack box. BLIND 8CHOOL WILL OPEN WITH 8EVENTY-FIVE PUPILS, Special to The Georgian. Macon. On., March 6.—Although the now Georgia Academy for the Blind I* not completed, the door* of the mein building will he opened to the blind children of the state on Wednesday and the new superintendent. W. T. Oll- plmnt, of Harnesvll'.e, will be on hand to welcome them. It Is believed that about aeventy-flve children will be In Macon on the opening day. and othera wilt arrive during the next few weeks. The imtln building. In which rooms will be assigned to th, children, haa been hurriedly fitted up and more work upon It will be done after the opening duy. • ■pedal to The Georgian. Macon, On.. March i.—During tbo confualon Incident to the doping of the mornlhg eeaalon of the city court Mon day George aillon, who wa* held charged with almple larctny, quietly walked out of the court room and made hla escape before any oae knew wbat was going on. OUloa was In charge of Deputy N. C. Harrison. George Dillon la the young man re cently bound over from ths recorder’s court In connection with the overcoat •testing, which. It will be remembered, occurred about a month ago. Olllon had Just bean found "not guilty" on ona charge of elmple larceny, but thers was another pending agalnet blm. WILL HONOR GOMPERS UPON ATLANTA VISIT H|mtIsI to Tbs Gfof|iau. Gainesville, Ga.. March w.—Local 120, of the Commercial Telegraphers’ Union of America, met In regular session Sun. day In their assembly hall In this city, with a good attendance. After this division of the telegraphers completed their session, the hall waa vacated to the Order of Railway Telegraphers. After the two bunlneaa sessions the commercial end railway telegraphers gathered together at the Arlington Ho. tel and took supper together, after which all members left nn night trains. In honor of the contemplated visit of Samuel Compere, president of the American Federation of Labor, to the state of Georgia, both the Commercial Telegraphers’ I’nlon and the Order of Railway Telegraphers, by unanimous vote, postponed their next meeting un til April 14. The* Gainesville Cummer, dal lodge and also Railway lodge of telegraphers will meet In Atlanta In April to pay honor to their leader. Pres, idem Samuel Gompers. VETERAN CONDUCTOR ON GEORGIA ROAD IS DEAD AT MACON Hpeclei to Tlio Georgian. % Macon. Ga., March 5.—T. 8. Jeter, aged M year*, paused away at the city hospital yesterday' after an Illness of several months. Mr. Jeter was possibly the oldest con ductor op the t'entral of Georgia rail road. he hnvtng been with that com pany for over forty years. He ran on the southwestern division until about ten year* ago, when he left the railroad service, and elnce that time has been running merely as an extra. He Is survived by his wife and one eon, Tom Jeter, who t* living In New York city, tie waa alao the father of the late Randolph Jeter, who was prom inent In railroad circles, at one time being superintendent of the Macon di vision of tho Southern rood. MORE ABOUT THE NEW TORIC LENSES \Ve ar* haring a large number of Inqulrlea regarding the new Tnrlc Lenses. Thl* nsw form of lenswill very "onn take the place of the old flat style, and It I* the kind you will event ually buy. Their principal advantage Is that the deep, hollow curve allows the glass to «»t close to the eyes and not touch the lashes, this enabling the wearer to see perfectly In every direc tion. This was not possible with ths old style flat lenses, especially where they were strong or of a complex or compound nature. Beautiful In ap pearance. easy and comfortable to the eyes, and the wearing of them I* a mark of up-to-dateness, because they are recognised as the most perfect spectacle and eyeglass len* made. Our new Beml-lnvlslble Bifocal I* also made up In the new Torlc form, and I* the very best bifocal of thli class. It may be reitinrked that there are no Invisible bifocals made. The name Is a mis nomer. There ore merely degrees of seml-lnvlalblllty and our new Beml- Invlslble Bifocals are very near per- ferllon In this respect. Ask to sec them. We will show you every style made. A. K. Hawke* Co., opticians, 14 Whitehall street and 115 Peachtree street. Th* Pur* Pood ond Drug Law, We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, cold* and lung trouble* I* not affect*d by the National Pure Food and Drug Law a* It contains no opiate* or other harm ful drugs, and we recommend It a* a safe remady for children and adults. Bold by all druglats. POSTOPFICE INSPECTORS LOOKING AFTER 8ERVICE. REV. KEY IS CALLED TO CHURCH IN MACON. MAKING INVESTIGATION OF CITY WATER MAINS. Piles Cured Free. Get Rid of Your Piles Right Now. Pyramid Pile Cure Can Do It Quickly and Painlessly. DR. DARGAN'S ACCEPTANCE PLEASES CONGREGATION. Fpcclel to Tin* ficorgUll. Macon. tin . Mntvh I.—Bi\ K. <’ Bar gain* in prance of the call or th* First ItaptUt church of this city wan for mally announced to the congregation on Huudny morning anti great satlsfac. linn wa* ex|)ic*setl on every side at tho good new*, nn account of his present connection with the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville however, |ir. IUirg*n will not be able liter into his nr\ work until June next j Rev. T w. Callaway will continue III j charge of ti»e church until Dr. Dargnn'e I arrival. Hr. preached In Macon about « week ago. anil the people who heard him were greatly plenned. DENNIS JUROR BECAME ILL; QLA88 FOUND IN WIND PIPE. T tn Thu t;.#>rgl»n Jackson. Ml**, March 5 — nne day daring the trial of the Oennl* vase there was an Interruption of the cave on account of the Illne** of Jnnm* Tripp, Jr., a Juror. The doctors said that he was suffering from malignant throat trouble, and they treated him. Ht recovered sufficiently to go on with the caae. After the verdict was ren dered he returned to hi* home In thl# city and for some day* wa* quite nick A physician was summoned und upon giving him a close examination It wa* disclosed thst a small piece of gin#* had lodged tn hi* wind pipe. It wa* •xtrartsd after much trouble, und though the young man I* still confined to his brd torts consldernhijrbetter Peptiron Pills IrMiM th* blend, food ths sstsm sad brsls. toss th* noseli. iM sigMtkss, sod ties awssi. rt»tf«U, undtlssp- aoc.orlL DrussuuorbymsUofos. Hood’s Pills Bat IsisUv*. cathartic, after Ilnnsr *in ; 91 363 FREE PACKAGE 8ENT TO PROVE IT. Half «»f the suffering nnd torture of pile# ha# never been told. But no matter Whether your particular case of idle* \n almost too excruciating for any mortal to bear, or If you tire fear fully tantalised by unreachable Itching, or whether you have only a moderate case at piles, |there 1* positive relief, and quick, too. In Pyramid Pile t’urc. You need not take for granted all we ourselves say about our Pile Remedy. We want It to speak for Itself. We want you to send for n free package, today, of tlte’ marvelous Pyramid IMIe t’urc. We want t<* prove these state ment# to you personally. *0 that you will frel the result yourself. Pyramid Pile t’ure hn* cured the worst form of pile* known We prove Instant relief can be gotten bv using the ninrveloii* pyramid Pile t’tire It Immediately reduce* all congestion and swelling, heal* nil sore*, ulcer* and Ir ritated part*. The moment you start to use It. your suffering end* nnd the cure of your dread dl#en»« I* In sight. Here I* one of me many thousand letters we get about this great cure: "I have been a terrible sufferer of Pile* for fourteen till years, and dur ing nil thl* time v.ou can have an idea of how many kind* of medicine I tried. But 1 found no relief whatever. Now, after trying but one treatment •*>f ymit IVrtimMs.’ 1 am free, free to tell all sufferer* of thl* dreadful dis ease to try thl* medicine—the Pyramid Pile t’ure It will cure when all othera fail Hlncerely yours, tleorge Bra- might. Srhellburg. Pa.*; The Pyramid Pile Cure I* put up In the form of •>ssy-to*u»e.’’ specially made suppositories. They are soothing, palnle*s. Instant und cermln. A trial treatment will be sent you at once by mall. In plain, sealed w rapper, without a cent of expense to you. If you send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co. X3 Pyramid Build ing. Marshall, Mich. After you receive the sffmple. you can get a rcgubir-stae package of Pyra mid Pile Cure at >our druggist’s for bO icnt*. nr If he hasn’t It. send u* the m >n«y and we will send It to you. Kperlsl to The (teorfinn. Macon, Ga- March 6.—No meeting of the fire committee ha* been held since the attention of the council waa called »ek ago to the slxe of the mains In rlty. For this reason tho Issue will not be opened Tuesday night, but will be brought up a week hence. Alder- man Leon 8. Dure 1# making Investiga tion along the line of thejglxe of cer tain water mains and as soon an he bus more Information he will call the com- in It tee together. TAKING REST IN MACON AMONG 80UTHERN FRIEND8. Special to The deurfltin. Macon. Ga.. March 6.—W. II. Pleas ants. vice president and general man ager of the ocean Steamship Company, is In Macon, the gueat of President J. F. Hanson. Mr. Pleasants has head quarters In New York, and Is In Mu- con on a pleasure trip. He ha* been In Macon very often nnd is well known In this city. He will re turn to New York the latter part of this week. SAVANNAH MAY ADOPT ATLANTA'8 AUTO ORDINANCE. Special to Tli«' Georgian. Savannah. Ua.. March 5.—The auto- mobile ordinance, wh^ch seeks to raise the maximum speed of nutos from H to 1b miles an hour, continues to be a topic of general discussion In Bnvnn- nnh. So lnten#e has grown the Inter est that even the superintendent of the public schools has taken the matter up. The superintendent. Mi. L. Otis Ash more. wo* out In an interview several days ag.». In which he said that he ttonight eight mile* an hour too fast, lie spent yesterday afternoon on tim ing machine* a* they passed his house, and now* he Is quoted as saying that U miles an hour Is slow enough, and that H miles an hour Is preposterously slow. It Is probable that the ordinance will be amended *.» ns to allow a maximum rate of 12 miles an hour. Tlte city authorities have received from Mayor Joyner a copy of the At lanta ordinance, w hich Is considered a' good one. and it may be that the new. ordinance will contain some of the pro visions of the Atlanta ordinance. GENERAL kEESLER TO BE TRICO BEFORE A COURTMARTIAL. to The Georgian. Jackson. Miss. March 5.—Major Gen eral KeesYer. cnmmnnder-ln-chlef >f the Mississippi National Gtttrd. Is to he tried by a court mart la) on the charge off abusing a private at the encamp ment at Gulfport last summer. T h * matter ha* hung tire for *»*me time,'but at a conference held between the gov ernor. Major Keaater and other officers of the National Guard, Major Kcesirr signified hi* willingness do submit to a courtmartlnl and It Is expected that an order for the assembling of this tribu nal will l>e issued within the next few weeks. Hpe.ill to The Ueorglau. Macon, Gu.. March 5.—At the Sunday morning service of the Tattnall Square Baptist church It was announced by the committee of sixteen thnt Dr. W. D. Key. of Washington. Ga.. had been se lected as the successor of Rev. W. II. Sledge. A committee consisting of A. L. Adam* and J. S. McLemore was ap pointed to go to Washington and notify Ur. Key of hi* call. M peels I to The Georgian. Macon. Ua., March 5—Postofflce In spector* F. L. Kincaid and J. 8. McLe- more, arrived In the city Monday morn ing on their regular tour of Inspection. They will be In the city for about two months, during which time they will be engaged In the work of inspecting the service here. TO ASK FOR NEW TRIAL FOR CURTI8 BROTHERS, MiRAND TONIGHT—MATINEE TODAY. fftie Itlittngutxhed Itornantic Actor. LESTER L0NER6AN IN E. H. RQTBBBirS BIO SUCCESS, "IF I WERE KING,’ BALE NOW ON. Wtdoeeder end Tbnredar—Mat. Ttmndi,. CHARLES DILLINGHAM Present! BOBEBT LOBAINE IN TltE BRILLIANT COMEDY SL'CCEXl “MAN AND SUPEBMAN’ Rjr BERNARD SHAW. hide now on. Friday ,and Saturday—Mat Saturday, Louis lames Supported by an all-Ster Celt, in ■ •umptuoux presentation of “THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR.” Night, 25o to $1.50; Matinee, 25c te )1 Sale new on. we BIJOU MATINEE TODAY—TONIGHT. P. AUG. ANDERSON In “THE CURSE OF DRINK” ■perlil tn The Georgian. Macon. Ga.. March 5.—Judge Fel ton will probably beer e motion In the superior cqurt thin afternoon for e new trial for Joe and John Curtis, the two young white men who were recently convicted of killing Henry Newsome end sentenced to serve three years In ths penitentiary. Attorney Cooper will probably pre sent this motion. GRANT ASSUMES CHARGE OF MILITARY AT JAME8TOWN. HALL TAKEN TO ASYLUM FOR INSANITY TREATMENT. kperlsl to The tlrorglno. Mncon. Ga.. March 5.—Robert H. Hall nns taken .Sunday afternoon to tho asylum at Mllleitgevllle. li will be remembered that Mr. Hall rente to Macon aome time ago. After being In the city only e short time he bus taken sick and n fea days ago he began ahoBlng signs of Insanity, lie ;n a Confederate veteran, and It Is claimed that he comes from e well-to-do family living In Virginia. Word# of Praiss For the several Ingredients of which Dr. Fierce'i medicines are composed, as given by leaders In til tha several schools of medicine, should have far more weight than any amount of ntm-prolesslonal tes timonials. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion has Tint BADQg or noNgrrr on every bottle-wrapper, In a lull list of all Its in gredients printed In plain English. If you are aa Invalid woman and suffer (ram frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing dlurat In stomach, periodical paint, dlsagre«Ule, catarrhs!, pelvic drain, dragglnbdonrn distress In lower abdomen or pelv*, perhaps dark spots or specks danchfg before the eyes, faint spells and kindred symptoms caused by female wtak- ness, AftM'deyangement of the feminine organs, >pi/can not do belter than taka Favorite Prescription, lat, surgeon's knife and opera* may be avoided by the timely vorlte Prescription* In such oftRe very best known to medical native ■eaicltgl science (or the cure of women's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from " Favorite Prescription;"It will not perform mira cle* j it will n<* dleotve or cure turnon. No medicine will. It will do at much to establlth vigorous health In mcM Weak- and ailments peculiarly Incident to women aa any medicine can. It must be nvltcd to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, /ree. All entree pond- cnee la guarded ai sacredly secret and pcnfetslonaT privacy. Address Dr. Buffalo, N. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Pell't* the best lixatlve and regulator of the bowels. They Invigorate stomach, liver ana bowels. On* a laxative; two or three a cathartic. Easy to taka as candy. Special to The Georgian. Norfolk, Va., March 5.—General Fred D. Grant arrived here today from New Tork and assumed charge aa military chief of the Jamestown Exposition. He will be In supreme command of nil Fed eral and foreign troop*, na well as the national guard coming from the various elates. PREPARING PROGRAM FOR TRAINING SCHOOL. Special to The Georalnn. Santee. Ga., March f,.—The commit' tre appointed by Athena preabytrry to arrange for the Summer Training Hclioal for rhrlatian Workers, to be held nt Nacoochee Institute next Au gust, la at work on tlte program and will have something Interesting to re port tn a abort time. The committee conslala of Reva. C. I. Stacy. Elberton. f*a . nnd J. I). McPhnll and J. T. Wade, of Nacoochee Inatl lute. A DOCTOR SAYS Grap«-NuU Food Contains all tha Ele ment* Condeneed. There wa* when doctor* de pended nlmoKt entirely on the u*e of druR* In treating dl*ea*e. That day le happily pnet, and our doctor* of today are men of wider view*—they have learned that proper fimd |* mont Im portant in heAlinc dleeaee. A practicing nknel ole H In Van- Va*1# fit.. . physician In Nen- York City »aya: "Dlaeaae la often an effort of Nature to get rid of Impurities In the system as the result of Incorrect habits— wrong living. The cause of disease ought to and can be removed by right living and right thinking. "Nature requires air. sunlight, fond of proper quality and quantity, plenty of pure water, exercise* cleanli ness and sleep. When these conditions are met. health Minus, but when then- are denied or neglected, sickness and disease are sure to result. "The Important question Is to decide what l» the proper, kind of food to sup ply the physical ahd mental necessities of man? I have had experience with all the various food stuffs known to our markets, but up to the present time I have met with no other answering so fully all the requirements as does Grape-Nuts food. In mv own expe- rlence and observation In my practice l have found Grape-Nuts to be not only more satisfying, but more lasting In the b*n*rn derived from Its use It sends a man forth to hla labors In a state of physical comfort, with a cheerful and buoyant spirit: and the end of the .lax- finds him with reserve strength—he suffers lees from exhaustion and deple tion of powers. •T particularly recommend Grane. Nuts food to those whose occupations involve a great deni of brain work. There could not he a fo.«l better adapt- ed to the strengthening and conserva tion of the faculties and energies It supplies a more sustained mental vigor than any other food thnt I know of. 'YSnin#. Villa f.r.ul .. •Grape.Nuta food contains nil 'the elements that form the valuable dart of natural diet In a condensed, tooth some and easily digestible form." Name Sr*" nv l'-mm fo, a,tile Creek, MUn. Thvrv e .a rea*«in." Blanay’a Great Moral Play. 8plam!ld Caat and Production. BLUNXALL-ATWOOD STOCK 00. Wednesday Matinee and night. " THE PLUNGER ” Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nlghti Matinee every day. "A Confederate Spy." Night prices 15, SO. SO, Me. Matlneo prices 15. ». SOc. 363 BRIEF NEWS BYViRK, Tht* I’nltH Btatee aupreme raurt h.i nl«Ml the petition of John Arm*tron»i < Uler for a writ to prohibit officer* In York from arreetlng him while on n feuiplitted trip to Gotham in to M>curo ccrtjln property now a guardian, ifr. Chandler la of North Carolina. It I* expected thnt a deelalon will n reached by the -L'nlted Rtatei euprenw court liefore dual adjournment In M»y l" the ca*4» of 1‘enrcy r*. Htrnnnhnn. whtcb Involve# the question of whether tin* 1*1* of IMnc* I* American property. n man* meeting lu New York Mon day night, the Rev. Hr. Lyman Abbott «b* elared tbnt the oivlllBod world hold* ' ,l * caar retpougltdo for failure to protect I if* and property, lie aald If revolution l* e»et JiiRtttlfd, tlmt RiirnIa U Justified by cnu*es which have provoked It. Pleading for the acquittal of 8te»«» ' Adam*, it member of the Western F"b‘ : rton of Miner*, on trial nt Wallace. b' < ' cknrged with the murder of a claim J" 1 ' er. Attorney E. F. Itlchnnlnon declared «!■ “Adam* I# only n pawn lu the great - ' 1 that I* bolng |dav*#|. Tin* pro*peot«»t> • believe Adam* guilty.’’ (general Fernando Figueroa hn# In augurated* president of Malvndor. Ill- le for four year*. •ported plundered nt llTS.Ortv- « I gregnte tl.OQO.OOn. It |* Mated, how' that the counting of fund* may •h"" alight variation from the figure# "flc retH»rte#|. KItfg‘Edward of England arrived '■* day at ParU on hi* way to Itlnrriiz Hovern- ca aa toon nn hi# n lie hue derided not Hwettcnhani will lent III* nffnlm enn Ih* : Ithdmw i nr n n oeeineo not to Wltm nation, whb h «n* offered to eminent — - -* *- I net dent, The h<iii#«• of i he New Mexico Inture hit# |KtNw4*d a rreolntlou t" ' gate the conduet of Uovernor I llugvtnnn lu rvjptrd to the alleged 1 lent lirquUliloii t .f :.0.» a err a of Intel in tin* Manxnuit uumntnln# 1 Penmn lrnnia ItevcIotNiient I’ompen* . The dowager imprest# of Rgaela b r*t IN teraburg for l,nmlon t*» vlait •• trr. Qreeft Ab-tandm. of England.