Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 06, 1907, Image 13

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■‘fjr • " , y< 7 ■■ .' '” r » THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WRDNMDAT, MARCH «, 1907. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. 39 North Forsyth St. _. I( ,, K FOB gllira RALE. A BEAf- titiii r ine rooin uro-ttonr modtrp tout, . hniit f«>r n borne: furnace beat, on h ithat ilka prat 17 and ImL y Vanr north Jda. Owner carlnf tba 5S £4 h«» inatruciwl aa to aall at a aac- •2* «> would be (fl«d to show Jt iiirnnxli ttilo und m.ha n price. w; Rood repair; Dortb rr. , A v hull a BEAtTim, vacant i.rcttyend lerel; good esc- , v .nu iiouW»*rd. omy nt nor r H' V A HBABTinX VACANT *?’."mi Mr* |ir*lty und level; M bp 111 ......I wrlion oortheld^ treter.gee. 1 M'.F Forn nooM cottaoe. jc*t l, Pryor Urol; bee eewerege -ohiowM* v'Iaa hit* Itioo „u .'.irivi-blntrru. Situ lot; IjjWO. i m sniKKT. two noon five " , mi corner lot; pood uotglr kSv, ml very oli.-np at K.1M. •UlliEN STREET. A NICE FIVE : for 52,000; EM caah and ... iik.. non. It'll well worlb tho „riiii T; STREET. JUST OFF NORTH Bwilio inl. wo laii Holl you * vacant lul rbea|* that , will think you found It. _ HAVE THE • room rottaffc on tbc street. It to you. ov ki:i i v ktHBBT WB initru. room houkkr is tiooo ., t. iirliiH*rho«d; rented to white teo f. #!.*• |M*r month. Prfee 11.175. GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. IX COMING PART OF WEST END. KICK EAST FRONT LOTS. WITH PLBN tv of nIi.kK 150 fcot deep to an alley, for . .h- rt tliii*- nt HO per front foot. They re north 115 now. yn k i.» HENDRICK & CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. HBAt’Ttm. NINE-notiM REHIDENI » fijf**! Ralubrd-la lb. very B, .fwith every modern mereti- ™ owner t« life,the uiuu.r •“ijsteuM.. and I. auilnu. to red* if |o. T^ubTra' U,i r ° U ' ' " ll *' t*»* ,0T P* r e.B» BJJTR NEW MODERN RESIDENCE 5Jtf, farn*ee, elwtrir and cm fit tores. Lorated ou a WJ nevs a acres. < from i .a n **' on 0,1 c of the flnrat |Mved roads In -the county; elftit-room house;. 200 fntlt l*****: °. Trr •** ,rrH *n Mncklaerrles sud raspberries . This Is an Ideal location for a suburbs 11 home. •IJM-ON Itll.l. STREET. NEAR GRANT park; new; four-room cottage; 4) by HO. little home, worth looking Into. SUOO-WOODWAItli AVENUE; Till* 10 a small cottage, with three rooms and a hall, on n lot S3 by 115. fan 1m* sold on easy -payments. 92,75ft—BRYAN STREET. Til IB IB lieautlful little eottsge: five rooms sud .. Inception ball. All moiler:' eonrenlenres. ou elevated lot. Bervaut house lu rear. S3.60ft-< 'EKTUAl. AVENUE—BEVEN-KOOM cottage, on lot 50 by 120; 'lightly elevated f’au ta bought on easy terms. 12.700—ON CREW STREET. NEAR Him- ardsosi: six room cottage; lot 50 by 1M; oc cuplM by owner. tat 11a show you this - I NORTH 8IDE HOME OR INVEST mant. R-room house, corner lot. doae In. All Improvements. Bee me If you want a close-in North Bide bargain. Price 53.000. Terms. tiffin C % : H AT SHOALS ROAH. 6 MILES '-.,m i.nier of city, wi have n snlendld firm .NmiiilHlnc 20 ncres, 11 acres In bot tom hml: ill*** tins one of the beat orchards in the country; gowl four-moin bouse snd cut iiiiiii|inff«. etc. This Is the very place f.v 9 *.-. table farm; 12.100 cash. This Is IN BEST PART OF COLLEGE PARK, non cottage consisting of five targe toomv md hall, nice porchea, etc. Thla la on# ORA NT STREET. C ORNER LOT. 50* 150i All Improvements and conven iences. Nearly new 6-room cottage, wide hall, built for a home. 95,160— 5760 cash and 525 a month. A bargain. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. -ml gas and tile sidewalks, price 52,560; 5250 cash and THREE ROOM HOUSE. ON SMALL LOT. 1-.11 tirrciiffcrry avenue; stays rented all tb< time nt St per month. For a few days 51*1 i:\IMD THREE-ROOM COTTAOE. ON hit 72 by 13.': Western Heights; rents 54.50 t*r month; 1400; room to build another h-i«, s. . mh quick about thla. N r. W PORT STREET—BRAND-NEW ir r.M.m houser^bt 41 by 158 to an alley; Si;i rush and 516 per month. Why UST Hit R PROPERTY WITH US FOR t "i «ale. If you want good results. 1 C McCRORT L. M. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, Peters Rulldlng—Phones 4591. left. Bee us nt once hMl TIM I. LOT ON TENTH STREET: >"u will have t» hurry to get • - now worth 51.500, and aure to ABOUT A LOVRLY HOME ON • IIEROKKR AVENUE. W BY 2W: •mi. and ball; 53,000. This Is all i t cheap nt the price. ""Mis AVENUE. NICE LITTLE •RVM M|.\.ROOM COTTAOE; 5ft •“rticr; 53.100. This Is something ,n '> NICE BIX ROOM COTTAOE • " t.-rms In the Orant park sec- ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 418 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phone 4399 Main. BARGAINS. aide. Each was built by n different owner for a hump, and has every convenience. Alt ou large lots and range In aloe from seveu to teu rooms ea,ch. Two of U>eM> # idaccs are on North Boulevard, norti of North avenue; one fronts east and haa nine rooms; price 5*».75ft; eaar terms. The other fronts west, mid has eight rooms. Price R 5no. Terms. The other place Is on West fth street; ten rooms; 5«.750; terras. We dou't think either of these placet can In* du pllcateil nt the price. ■ , FOR SALE. . $2,600—4 good 3-room cot- tageB on South side, near new public school and in good white neighborhood, renting to whit\ tenants regularly at $29.50 per month. 'Special quick sale bargain. $750—Northeast comer Lit tle and Terry street, va cant lot 70x100 feet; three small bouses can be put on this lot and will prove a paying investment. $300—Small negro house on McDaniel street; car line in front; rents $3.50 pe$ month. , - CHAS. M. ROBERTS,. 12 Auburn Ave. Bell Phone 4596. DELIGHTFUL SUBURBAN HOME ON car line. Six-room cottage; n acre* of ground; only 53.o». On easy terms. The loud alone la worth more money. HIX RnnM COTTAGE. CLOBE TO CAR line, on south aide. Well-built by owner, who la moving it way. targe lot. aud otic of the prettiest little homes In Atlanta; S3.- Calory b>-room house. In good condition; now used as a ilrst-dasM white boarding imuae ififtft caah ami 941 per mouth. Price onlv 54.60ft This property belong* to n resident who has Instructed ua to sell, snap.* CI.OMK-IN NOIITI1 8IDK InOOM COT ESTES BROS., Real Estate 706 Peters Building, Atlanta Phone 244. WE HAVE FOR SALE $2,650—Oakland avenue 6- room cottage, half block of far line; nice lot. $3,750—Logan street, a good 10-room cottage, 2 baths and all improvements. You will he pleased with it when you look through the house; lot 50x160. We have one of the best homes on Washington st.; close in; would like to have an offer. Come to see us about it. $1,800—Plum street, 5-room cottage; lot 40x100. Terms. $1,650—Two blocks of Grant Park, 4-room cottage; lot 48x110. . $3,150— Alexander Btreet, near Luckie, 8-room cot tage;,lot 53x124. Terms. $2,400—McAfee, near Simp son, 5-room cottage; lot 33 xlOO; $800 cash; balance $20 per month. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. lonth. & prl«i Rental twostory ten-room iioumb. in \cry r ‘ ‘ tints;' f.. 15,000. WEST END-HALF BLOCK FROM CAIf line- excellent nelghliorhood; 2 story *■ room house; storm sheeted, douldc-flooreil; large lot. This Imnso was built for a home 11 gentleman whose business has forced 1 to move away. Rent ml at 535 per ith. 52.«*W cash and 125 per month, lilts , simp nt 54.M0. W. A FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Bi<ll Than. SST. Atlanta 4 Pboos 1551 WANTED REAL ESTATE If you own property that "i arc willing to sell nt a argain price, list it "i'll us for quick sale. We naii'ilc bargains oulv and ustomers waiting. ATLANTA ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY. leal hi Al. ESTATE AGENCY, ‘ l'"urth National Bank, H Phone 4399 Main. FOR SALE. I'lrnt: ^ NICE LITTLE COTTAGE • enter of West End. with gas. bath room, splendid nelghlmr- street, renting at 51*. *Prlco 4 * one-half cash. T. B. FERRIS, sa » ce.NTLRV Bt'IMHXG. W. JONES & CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. We have a few customers who arc anxious to Imv good rent paying property. If vou have anything good, list it with us for quick sale. t Both Phones 5560. N. BOULEVARD LOTS. For Sale—On the prettiest part of this beautiful thor oughfare two tine lots at very low prices. See LIEBMAN, , Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. A PLANTATION AND BTOCft FARM OF 2.100 ACRES IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. 24 MILES FROM A CITY OF 40.0M TEO pic. 2 miles of ralltond frontage, also pub lic frontage. 1.20 acre* In cultivation; 350 aereii of.rlch bottom lands; 30ft arret of tin# swamp Itottoms still to be developed. Plenty of wood and timber for home eon sumption. Moat of the land Ilea level and Is a loose, dark, loamy soil, with strong clay subsoil. One mule can cultivate 40 acres of this laud. Two six-room dwellings and tfctrty tenant houses of two nud four rooms, nleely distributed. Corn mill and gin, aaw mill, horse and mule tarns, crib and hog and rhlrken houses, etc., all In good condi tion; 5 miles of hog wire fencing. Creek and branches supply water In nearly all parta of the land.. Htntlon and aide track on the place. Behind and churches conven ient. Annual average uet Income 56.000. Price 11 j per acre. Terms oue third caah; balance on or before teu years In annual payments to suit purchaser, with 6 per cent on deferred payments. Thla Is a bargain and the chance or a lifetime. Make the down payment and the place will make the money to pay the balance. Good water and good health, tabor Is plentiful and cheap. For further Information, wrlta or L. A. WOODS, 818-819, Empire Bldg. BBt.l. PHONE MS—ATLANTA PHONE 1T7I I MAKE EASY TERMS. ft APBK FARM LOCATED B VllLEfl ■oulhWMt of Atlanta, In Mm txat ft ru ing an-tlnn of Goonta. Land ll*a writ; R irt lu tlail<-r. • balance In mlilratiou. I'nta for 1.500 pound, of Uat cotton par rear. Can ha Inugkt at the nirocdlnctr low price of tlS.54 par acre. Her ua for particular,. IM JETT HTIIKET—GOOD TUBES ROOM liouar, with nice lot; IMO caah and IU.60 per uioath. rrtttaiu; watu. tinted walla; BOO caah and*530 . Thla will uiuhr a good home for a railroad man. M M-DONALD STREET—NICK LITTLE Investtueut; also suitable for a home, lias lieen rented to same people ever since it was built at 55 iter.month, and they would rather nay 510 than more, t'sn ta bought for l!0lfflah and 97.50 per month. This sounds good, and Is really tatter than It aounds. Come to see us for thla quick. 626 MOUTH BOULEVARD—NEARLY NEW all-roots cottage, on nice elevated lot; 5500 caah nml 530 per month will get It. —flii _ nice little home or a good Investment. Has nice lot; : 200L feet deep. Must be sold at 43 M‘DONALD HTKEKT—NEARLY NEW six-room house; always rented and bring ing u k«mm| rental.' Can he taught on very tertfis. Hee u* for apodal price. easy .V« WASHINGTON STREET- WELL- built live ro«>ui cottage; nearly new; porcelain bath; cabinet mautela; nice recep tion hall ami double entrance. And. as you kuow. this la the very l»est unutfc aide street aud fronts one of the Ust car line* In the elty. This ean be taught on easy terms nml U one of those rare chances to get n good home In n first class neigh- iMirloMMl at n very low price. Take a look nt thl* and see u* for special price. |3.1v/Z-4»N EAST GEORGIA AVENUE—A Mplomlid sis-room cottage with all J. A. Dozier -Builder W. H. Gaunt Real Estate Formerly Dozier A Reams. 403 Peters Buildiing. Phones: Bell 1799, Atl. 1252. E. FAIR HTREBT. NEAR B. PRTOR BT - A a-rirnm collage; all nodam. Prlca U.;oo. Term,. Thla la a real bargain. CENTRAL AVE.—ON BEAT LOT ON TI1IB .tract; two atnrlaa; all modern couren- ■auaaat aaat front. Baa thla imnorrow. Prlc. a,i«i. HOMES BUILT ON EASY TERMS. A BARGAIN. VERT CHOICE LOT. PIEDMONT PLACE, want fu tell thla lm for caah. anil raailjr in Inil'ld on. C. H, WELLS & CO. HW FOCRTn NATIONAL BANK III.DO. A DEEP WELL POWER . WORKING HEAD8. DUNN MACHINERY CO., M Mariatta 8t. Atlanta, Oa. • GREATGEORGIANGONE JUDGE BLECKLETt LOVED LITTLE POEM‘MOTHERHOOD’ Judge Logan E. Bleckley waa fond of quoting from the poata, and one of hie favorite poema waa on "Motherhood," by Myrta Lockett Avary, author of "Dlale Aftar lha War.” "A Virginia Girl In the Civil War" anil a number of ato. lie* and poema. Through lha courleey of Mrp. Avar)', "Motherhood" la’ repub- llahed here: Aftar a night of pain Lika mlata of team and blood. Came life and the old awaet tong And her crown of motherhood. New muelc rang In her voice, A new light ahona In her face; And all that ahe aald and all that aha did Wore a diviner grace. Glad waa the whole dumb earth. Man bowed hla reverent head; Archangela knelt with palma at bar feat; "Hall, Mother!" was what they aald. Her Hula one knelt at her kneea And murmured hla evening prayer, The angel who guarded the gataa of pearl Raid, "Mine la not hollar care!" O meeker than violets bloom And .sweater than rotes ahai God never hath fashioned a thing mor« fair Than nlotherhood'a mystery! A man rose up at her aids. • Though aha knew no,words of com mand. He waa pure as snow and strong aa •teal By the grace of her-guldlng hand. 13 EXPRESSED BY OFFICIALS OF STATE FOR RENT. ISO HI MMIT AVE.. JI'HT OFF riNK..«».00 A STORE; BEE ME 106 FOUTRKey AVI'.: ON A LARUE LOT. ~ 110,00 J7 IIANKIN HTRKET ...510.00 to GRANT BTREKT; 5 IIOOMH 54S.00 ! WHITE trS: NEW AND o. K. 10.00 G. J. & S. L. DALLAS, 318 4th Nat. Bank Bldg. CENTURY REALTY CO., 506 Century Bldg. Phone 4491. J. H. GARNER. C. HORACE McCALL. ft JO; all caah. or If dralreU small rash talsnra assy. Hplemlhl opportunity t a Dice home for little more thau to get renf JOHN J. WOODSIDE. FOR RENT. STORKS AND OFFICES. iVmt Alabama .16 Wrat Alabama 1 I53S 111 313 111 Marl IK6 East 4ta 401 ItaMtur 1 lllll 49U F.ilgowfMKl 246 lNft*atnr . 231 IMgfWtNMl lllh Marietta Taherunrm rgbi .52ftft.O) . jnft.uo . . 160.00 . . . ,\».*) . . . '20.OJ . 17.5ft . 25.0ft . 30.00 . SO.Oft . 15.00 plnee WARKIIOUKR Corner North llmilcvanf and Houstou. 25.00 MARKET. 906 Fraser street 5.00 IX)D0WICK J. HILL, 311 Century Dldg. Bell ritoae 11. 1517. CHOICE. BEAUTIFULLY SHADED LOTH «tu South Boulevard. Grady mriiup and llobltiRon street; rinse to Grant park. When lloulrvanl I* rhertod, will emnmsnd double the nrlrea now asked, mid murh more when rar line Is extended! to Filers I prison. Huy WlfcBT BND-GOBDON STREET—NO. 3tt- new six rt>om cottage; all convenleucea; lot 65 by IW. rrlce 54,600. Terms. IN WERT END. ONE BLOCK FIIOII car llur. six lots for 52.100. It would pay to improve this property, either for renf. Investment or homes. ON FLAT HHOALB ROAD. RIGHT AT the Moldters* home Junction; a new five- room cottage: lot 60 by 120 feet. Good value for 51.400 caah. ON RKRYL HTRKET, IN ONE BLOCK OF [* »ot M Ice 5371. IIILL BTREKT. NEAR CAB LINK; READ. tlfnl four-room cottage: alley aide and rear; targe tot. I'rice 51,400. Klee home or Investment. A JAM-UP FIVE ROOM COTTAOE. IN the taut section of Went End. for 53.00S. On terms of 5500 rash and 530 per month. A. H. HOOK, R. ( BOTH PHONES 4234. leuev aud perfect lot; 3J* feet of rare: as flue woodwork as ordinarily teen In 9!ft.ftuu properlj. Tinted wslls nml china cloaets, etc. • 52.5)0 MIX ROOM EAST FRONT GRANT park rottnac; pon*elaln bath, cabinet man- tela; art windows; l?« rash snd 525 a month (*d>nvenlent to ram; l>enutlfn| view and location. 53,50ft—MIX-ROOM mouth Iton.KVAUD cottage: on lot 40 by 14ft. t*an ta had on terms. x 52,35ft—MIX-K4M)M OAK MTRKF.T. WKMT Kml cottage; lot 5(1 by 150; batli, gas uud cabinet mantels. mantels, mis. etc. ' ice | Ilia only 53ft» »*aah re«|ulred; 5IJ0ft—FtlUR-IttMlM AND IIAI.L NORTH front ••ottng*-: extra well built; c«Mt 91. 4ft) for labor ami material. You ran get the at on which this house stands and one nrant linme«tiately ndj*<*ent ilOft feet front age) for 9100 above the cmt of the Its prut enients. This Is certainly a snap. Many expreaalonn of profound aor row were heard Wednesday morning on the death of Judge Logan Bleckley. Particularly from members of.the legal profession came words of dtep sadness at the passing of the great Jurist. They knew him and his won derful Judicial mind, his profound legal lore, better perhaps than any others. Below are given some of the tributes paid to him: Governor Terrell Grieved “I am deeply grieved at the news of Judge Bleckley'n death," said the gov ernor. *T not only had the greatest admiration for hla Intellect ,and legal acumen, but I loved hlm*ror hla many lovable qualities. Georgia has lost great man." General C. A. Evans. "A great Oeorglan has gone to hla rest. I admired him for hla marvelous Intellectual powers, for his rectitude of life, and the strength, dignity and pow er he gave to the laws of the state and country." Justice Lumpkin's Tribute. Justice Joseph Henry Lumpkin, of the supreme court, said of the death of Chief Justice Bleckley Wednesday morning: "A great man and a true one haa pa**ed away. In his death I feel deep personal bereavement, and thou sands of others will share In this feel ing. Georgia gave him to life and to the law. And now that his work Is done, and his great heart has ceased to beat, ahe takes him back to rest upon her breast, while those he left behind bow their heads In sorrow for his losa. Adjutant Qenaral Harris. Adjutant General 8. W. Harris, who was for many year* on the bench In Georgia, said of Judge Bleckley: "In many rearfacts he was the moat remarkable man the state ever pro duced. He possessed a rarely analyti cal mind, and If he had a fault In his judicial career It waa In tpo fine shading of his opinions In certain cases. He was never satisfied with anything less than the ultimate truth of a case which he was to decide. He was a wonderful nun and I mourn his death." 9 Fulton Courts Adjourn. When the news of Judge Logan Bleckley's death reached the court house Wednesday morning, all business was suspended und each of the presid ing Judges ordered court adjourned out of respect to the memory of the fa mous Jurist. AL the time the news was received court was being held by Judge Pen dleton. Judge Reid and Judge t'ulhoun and In adjourning each of these officials paid a high tribute to the departed Judge. The superior court nml the criminal branch of the city court will not con vene again until after the funeral, while Judge Reid adjourned until Fri day. Georgia's Ablest Jurist. "I considered Judge Bleckley the greatest of Georgia's lawyers," aald Judge Pendleton In adjourning court on Wednesday, after hearing of the aged Jurist's death. "He was one of the most distinguished Jurists this state has ever seen and court will stand adjourned today and tomorrow If the funeral takes place at that time. 4 Judge Calhoun's Tributa. "Judge Bleckley's death has removed one of the most distinguished lawyers who ever practiced and the Nestor of the Georgia bar. Until after the fu» nernl this court will stand adjourned." Judge Calhoun spoke of •►Justice llleckley In this manner In adjourning Ills court and paid a high tribute to the distinguished former chief justice. Great Lawyer Gone. Another to pay n high tribute t Chief Justice Bleckley was Judge Reid, "lie was the moot distinguished mem ber of the bar," said Judge Reid, "that It was ever my pleasure to meet, and his death takes from ua one of Geor gia'* greatest Jurists." HIS RESIGNATION POEM . Of EXQUISITE BEAUTY No more remarkable Instance of the uniqueness and Individuality of Jud(« Logan K. Bleckley's mind and character ll to be found than In hla written resignation aa 'associate justice -of the supreme court of Georgia In 1150. • x His resignation la expressed poetically and le entitled "In the Matter of Reel." H Is perhaps the only Instance on record where the resignation of a supreme court justice was worded In other than prose of the moat for mal character. Judge Bleckley, by the way. waa a post of rare power, though he gave publicity to but few children of hie poetic mure. In the proceeding* of the Georgia Bar Association for 1115 are embodied a number of beautiful and witty poema written by blm. and compiled from various sources by'Hon. John Vi. Akin, of Cartorevllle. , His poeitc resignation le embraced In the Georgia official report and Is ‘ aa follows: IN THE MATTER OF REST. Rest for band and brow and breast, • For fingers, heart and brain. Beet and peace! A lottf release From labor and from pain; Pain of doubt, fatigue, despair— Fain of darkness everywhere, Aad seeking light In vain. Peace and real! Are they the beat For mortals here below? Is soft repose from work and woes A bliss for men to know? Bllse of time le biles of loll; , No bliss but this, from sun and soil Does God permit to grow? MME. SEMBRICH TO SING IN ATLANTA NEXT MONTH •. Marcella Rembrlch. one of Abe tunic sod good attractions enable men and : •T2! sssjsiLr.rKSJ; - "— A " n FrM,T tlos toBnshrlck to recall We day Mur. world _ _ concert it Ike Gmnd opera bouse on Frldey nlflit. April 5, ssalsted by Klllson Vsn I loose, the famous tenor, well and favora bly known locally on account of Ms lung connection with the Brenan t'ollege tod Ponserretory of Music, of Gainesville, Os. This announcement wae made Wednesday morning by Henry IMGIve, associate man- Sgcr of the Gmnd opera house, who bat been negotiating for some time with the managers fyr the greet singer. He was par ticularly delighted that hie rlforte should have hern enrceeafnl. tor managers la every section of the country were seeking to se cure the services of the greet Wafer. Ur. DeGIve *11 determined, however, and wee aurrratful. He stated Wednesday morning that the local management Incurred an enortnona ob ligation lo secure tha greet artist.. III. ■tatemeut waa lo the egect that, while ha lielleved lha public -would show t materiel appreciation of this effort to bntld np cal- lure and effnrd tha mnWc-lorlng on op- poriunlly of bearing the greatest artist. In the world. It waa uot alone a Hainrlal con- ■Ideratlnn which prompted the local nun- egcincot to aecnre line, hembrlch. There hue lone been an tmprealon that Atlanta la a eirlcfic commercial .-enter, and a. one cloaely Identified with Ihe loduatrtel and commercial Interests. Mr. Itctilve tabes a pride In the great arthritic, ef the city, tint he I. of that el... who bellere, that who-la coovaraant with the career of tho great singer. "For once her nerre gave way, aad ahe waa thinking of abandoning the operatic scheme altogether. Then It wee that Frefeeeor Stengel, now ber hue- band, brought to bear hla In due nee. hie will power eng capacity far stimulating her ambit loot. Ho ahr track to ber atndlee. and now nail, tocher meat the praudeit »nd Is •*' greet artlit.- Ive, enthusiastically. tbiir eyes _ tar tWagi. Tho moalral student I* 5red with ambition end induced to make greater as: i W'Jir^«araLAS to onlertetk there atodonta. far they will constitute tho culture of tomorrow." Kv.ry effort will be oxorted looking to the comfort .nd convenience of mudc-lov. era whs will want to bear Mme. Bern, brlcb end Ur. Ven llooee. The aele of ttrkata will bo condoned from day to " — ’lasers will not bo k Orders sent by and each will ho ipnlled with the beet neat. In the house at the time of receipt.. Faction., boxes and reals will lie reserved without addition*! charge, 'rh, price of admission will bo 51, t: ami 51. according to location of oeutx. tinier, rent by mall may be add rawed to the Grand bn, office. THA W IS PLEASED TO SEE OLD FRIEND OF FATHER York. March «.-Whltc Ihe croea- camtnntlou In the Thaw trial wa, drivel* Inx alnux today al an tedious a pace th* 4 several person. In tlio '-our! room had ap peared le have fallen asleep, a stronger, a tail. Innky. frnuttl. elderly man In black, will! n mourning baud around bis bat. rapidly nppr.wrbc.1 the counsel tahls aud sat down Iteslde Harry Thaw In a chair lewiHtrarlly vacated !»y l-awyer Dan O'Betl- r. The airnugcr whispered t« Tbaw, whore face lighted up with ecldent joy. and an anlmaicd conversation, lasting •""s' nice, ensued between them .Meanwhile. Mr. It'Helll) and tho other Thaw lawyers Itegan lo .look In^ulrlngtyjt _nnc^auother. nation by bis chair. • ml ThkwI'etfrSilng'reiret 'uist'’I hero li ve nation could aid lw prolonged, extended Itegan lo look Inquiringly at one at hu. a«.c knew who the stranger wrn O'llellly put an end to the mlaall Signifying a desire to resume hla The atrauger areas with an apotogcll O THAW DE8ERVE8 MEDAL, O SAYS “BATTLING" NELSON. O 0 O New Turk, Match Battling O O Nelson, tits pugilist, attracted 0 O more attention at the Thaw trial O O today than the defendant. With 0 O hla manager. Nelson occupied a O O rest In the front raw. where 0 a Thaw's relatives usually alt. TIM O pugilist said Thaw "ought to have < O a medal for what he did.” O the reporter, that Ihe burger who had Intimately father. Files Petition in Bankruptcy. Fpeelal to The Georgian. Hpartnnburg. t*. f , March I,—J. M. ftherlden, a well-known dry goods mer chant of this city, haa filed voluntary proceedings In bankruptcy. The liabil ities are estimated between and 120.000, while the assets aro about 110.000. HAS UNDERTAKEN WORK OF CLOSING LEVEE CREVASSE. Special lo The Georgian. New Orleans, La.. Match 5.—Work was begun today In an affort lo close Ihe Live oak creraaee, which has now been o|ien two weeks, . Thomas H Wilkinson, a prominent planter of the section where the rrevasse occurred, has undertaken the job with the ap proval of the Lafourche basin levee board, which body la to stand the ex pense. which Mr. Wilkinson estimates will amount 120.non. The situation .a favorable, as tha river Is felling here, although there la an Indicated raise from points north. CONSCIENCE WORKED ON THIEF OF WITCH Harassed by remorse, an unknown burglar Tuesday morning restored to B. V. Hmlth, a street railway conductor, a watch that .was stolen from Smith several days ago- After a fruitless eearch by detectives and after Smith had about given up hope of ever getting Ihe stolen watch, he walked am to hla back porch Tues day morning and found the missing timepiece calmly licking away the sec- onda In a glass pitcher. The watch was stolen from Smith's bed room sev eral deye ago while he wa* peacefully slumbering. HABEAS CORPUS CISE GOES UPTOGOVERNOR A hcerlug will lie (ted before Goreraor Terrell tVMtneeday eftsraoua at 3 o'clock In the tare of 5:. D. Blackwell, the con tractor wasted In Jacksonville and Bos- K mi. ami teho la Bakriag tha effort to take lm lack to Florida. TELEPHONE MANAGERS MEET IN CONVENTION. convention of the telephone monoffere ever held In qte stale assembled here today and was callad by the Cumber land for the purpose of eeelnff what ■tepa are neceaaery for the Improve ment of the service In Mississippi Addressee were made by member* of the railroad committee along the line of improved service and what they thought wa« necessary. by tlovrruor Terrell. sctMl ou. however, pending ..... In Ihe afternoon, the writ of he teas cor nua. taken out before Judge l'emtlatea by Blackwell, le ached tiled far hearing Tha ra ils? afternoon MRS. WELLBORN DIES AT FORMER HOME IN OA. Special to The'Georgina. Columbus, O*. March A—Mr*. Cor- Inne Wellborn, wife of A. A. Wellborn, died at tho home of her auuto, tho Mlease DeLannay, In this city yaMgv- dey. Hhc waa bom and reared IN Co lumbine but resided lo Lynchburg, V*., for several years. She waa It years of age, and besides her husband, leaves two brothers, Messrs. W. L. D*L. Worsley and r, B. O. Woreley, and m. slater, Mies Moselle'Woreley. I