Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 12, 1907, Image 12

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12 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TI7KADAT. MARCH IS. Mr. Want Ads iO Cents a Line Ns sd. taksn for lost than 30 cants, •la words of avsrags Isngth make a tins. Tha following ratss arc for con- aocutivo Insertions: 1 time . 3 times > times 20 times .10 cents a line. . •1.1 cents a line. .71-2 cents a line. . • cents a line. Wo will send for your ad WITH OUT CHARGE messenger sr le *.,. c,IJ «B Main, or 44pt Atlanta phone. When sending ads. pay for at the ratss quoted above. Cash with each order. Rates for 3, Jt, or 12 Msaaailaa* rnntrarl months' contract furnished on ap plication.’ INDEPENDENCY OF HR TRUATH. drought*. freeros mill Impurities. liar# four well rut by most modern machine sod BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. areurelr cased. fitted with windmills, or hand pumpa. nt ln%ve*t price*. Water or charge. Gray A Mtunrt, 4ft Mills street. I.OHT-I.AIHKK SMALL GOLD WATl'II; letter l» engrttved no case. Fob attached fewaid. Hoc 27. Phone *10 WANTED HELP—MALE. WASTED—GARDENER; ONE WITH Peel. Maddox Uucjer Ranking mriuniiK ornn if »-»|fnrinT«i hare references. State wages wanted. Man Bfacturer. P. O. Iloi S47. WASTE D—COMPETENT REMINOTO.N operators furnished positions. Beoilactoa Typewriter Co.. Ilf Peachtree street truth about rourafl K. M. Rnddenbery. Hirer Junction. Fla. WANTED-EXPERIKNCED CYLINDER pres* feder: Derma unit. Atlanta Nemrtpa- per I iifi'ii. lift Central arenue. WANTKH—A FIHAT-CLAHH CLOTHING salesman and window dresser; good posi tion for a bustler. Address nothing, rare Georgian. rd; A Smith Broad atreet. lilt- Bldg for reward. MTol.K.V Fitu.M MY PREMISES. 27 GAI4 field nlare. Inst night, nine Harrcd Ply- mouth Rock hens. $10 reward for deteetlon of thief with or without liens. J. J. Tab man. 74 Whitehall street. SPECIMEN WANTED—MONEY. IV A XT TO Btut ROW »!.#» FROM Till rate patty on real estate fM-eiirlt) wrfirth doiilde. Address "Principal.” rare Geor- FOIt HALE—AN UM Ml ALLY PBOFITA* * Iraldr hualnesa that will Igatlon. Eatlsfar Addreaa Business, Me and very desirable I Stand the closest (Rveatli tory reaaona for aellluf. I WANT TO nvr THE WHOLE. OB A •ulMHnntlal Interest In a irell eataldlahed. legitimate profitnMr business. Addreaa Hpot t ush. P. o. Box ttl. Atlanta. Os. I.ET PH PIIOW YOU THEME: tigar stand; one of the lieat In the city. Haloon doing a giMMl hualucaa; $4,500. ^ Cafe; everything new ami up-to-date; 97.100. Grocery store; several real good onea. Manufacturing Interests worth . Ineestlgnt- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. •ALE MANOANEMR BOL 1 bask safes: fireproof saf< Xt South Hroad atreet. EVERYBODY BUYS MY COUNTY LISTS; "name; post office; property;" tha adver- User, because if pays; the adrertlalnf agen fiHOCLP YOU lag better. Druggists BMP*'** SANDERS & CONWAY Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bid *>'7fo kTBKBT. nkab uari- ' •*. af by M. Hum ImilkMi for .ycrl- jmii. or Urge ihn. rouma. - .... b«f *** wb.l.vw you ilmtrr 7>«< '■.H i bnl It lu On- Hir •cry. rkuak of rloor lu uorth .Mr dlrl M.OOO-A UA UT H E ST: Wth .Wr; routing Irirl lot, |0 l.y |J( II.IIHK IN ON LIGHT RUNNING. CL’TTF.BR BARN FROM KJ TO UK _ week The .art of garment cutting sue •afully taught liy mall, or at Of, shop, illy culling aehool Houtb. I also sell ... «»., ......iff aehool Mouth- . , patterns of all deacrlptlotia. Write or call on Ton Wearer, tailor, 93 Peacbtree atreet, Atlanta. Ga. FARM AND INVEST MENT OPPORTUNITIES on the SEABOARD AIR LINE WANTED—AQeNTS. WANTKH—AGENTH(MALE OR FEMALE for great new si taper combinations; Idg l»*f- ^ ‘ Atlanta rharlea Marker. Mept., 20 Petera HI. MONEY TO LOAN. LOAN ON REAL KMT ATE AT LOWKHT rate*. Call, write or pboue. W. Jours 4c Co., 6 Viaduct place. Phones 6M0. MONEY TO LOAN-1 HAVE MOXlE CASH to loan on city reul estate. Amounts to ault. Addreaa Capital, care Georgian. Company, 704 Candler building. Established 3190. WEYMAN Sc. CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. 99 per week. Apply 146 Forrest avenue. WANTEH-FOPR LATHE MEN. FIVE floor men. three drill dress men. three •.turret lathe men. Must be first class. Ap- fir Delcoarh Mill Manufacturing Company, 409 Highland avenue, city. WANTKH—EXPERIENCED COOK: ALHO experienced butler. Huall family: good Must have reference; apply 21 East wage*. Fifth at WANTKH—AT ONCK-ONE GOOD HI I EFT metal worker aud one good furnace man. Moncrief Furnace Company. CUTTER* EARN FROM 960 TO 9160 A The art of garment cutting sue mall, or at my shop etssfullv taught liy mi The only catling srhm pattern* of nil deaerip school Houtb. I also tell ... eaerlptlona. Write or roll en Tom Weaver, tailor, 93 Peachtree street. pattern* i on Tom X Atlanta. Ga. WANTED HELD—FEMALE. WANTKH—THREE C.OOH LADY AGENT* for some of the lieat magaatne gift prop- mill... ever offered. Call Co-Operative Book Company. It 212. ITS Peachtree atreet. YOUNG ccii mid nd prof YOUNG I.AHIEH. ATTENTION! A FEW IIRIGIUr. ENERGETIC ladle* (ndween the ngc* of fl twenty-live can *ecttre permanent I table |h««IUoii* aa telephone oiicrittii Congenial work, plcnannt •urroiindlng* a excellent <tppnrtunltlc« f<ir hi pul proti thin. Hnlurv pnbl while learning. Befi eucr* and f'oninnui •clmol edu« utlon i iislrcd Apply trnlnldg nrhiMil tiflli fl<*- 7k South Prior atrcc!. Atlanta. tin WANTKH GiMiH IlKI.IAII1.K COOK middle ngcil adlb*il woman preferre«l. Ap pir to Mrj* G. A ltam*|MH‘k. Hecatur. Gh waited HELD—M*l. and, WANTED— -FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED BOARD. BUHIKKKH WOMAN DKMItUK IlnAllli and room In prlvatp f.imih No nlije* tlon to room mate. Must U> n aaviinldc. mid within walking dlriamv of the rlt» Wilts*. Stating terma. liNatlou Olid telephone limn her. ltefereneca nsiulreil II c c. cme Georgian MONEY TO IX>AN AT I, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; email expense and prompt attention. 'inly on real i. R. Turman. amonn! I H. W. Carson, 24 Houtb Broad atreet. Herman, rooms 992 209 Temple court. RAILWAY. OVERALL FACTORY IN A THRIVING little clfy Juat a few mile* from Atlan ta. The opiMirtunlty for an overall or hosiery manufacturer I* unusually attrnc- “ Ample white lal»or I* ar/tlhible. nr overall* or yarn* for hosiery can '•fired from iiearliy mil la. and a sub atantlallv built, elsctric llghle«l brick build lug. with ablet rack facilities, ran lie leased Cloth for Home IlM-lll CM pi I III pro|Misltlou If dcslr r-i.ANixirsiir.rTaxITi.iuiikb fauk- TUIm Imaitlmi could not lie excelled for the pur|MiM4*. It I* In the very h.-Mft of the pirn* nd hardWEMel belt of the Caro Mima, within a reuantiMlde radius of nutueroua auiall oswr mtlla. hut no plnulug uillla or luuiiier •oni|ie»e with. The town Is growli EXCl.l’BIVE AGENT* FOR THE FAMOUS LLOYD ENGLISH LINE ‘ UNEOUALEO ANYWHERE WHITE WALL PAPER COMPANY, • North Pryor Htreet A SALE OF $100.00 TYPE WRITERS AT J65.00. So. 4 Underwood. No. 2 Oliver. No. 2 Smith Premier. No. 6 Remington. N?. 6 William*. * These machines only slightly used. Jusi aa goo«l aa ever. All shipments C. O. H. subject to examination. Order today. Southern States Writing Machine Co., Telephone 1683—424-2T. Candler Bldg. Tiie Automatic Light. The National Inverted Light la aelf- regulatlng. — — — .... giowlug rap- j Xo black mantlca—light guaranteed illy, and will a|N*nd over 92.0WMWO for build # h H«hi i.«fba trial Vorth Ins uiiii.Tlnl, wliMn ike mi lw»| V .. *° rema,n “0«ni. Free trial. 69 Nortn tmnith*. An acre of ground suitable fpii.|» rvi , r street catnbllRhineut of plaut and yard wliriiel ilonated to the right parties. A minimum ; Standard, of 96.000 capital* would In* required to die this to the lieat-advantage, and 91'MftM j would earn very handsome profit* Phone 484K Bell. 1035 CIU’HIIKH HTONE PLANTH-CONTRAt WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. find It difficult to secure crushed stone for ... have several locatl jere crashed atone plants would prove extremely profitable, and where cqudltbma such aa to luaurr economical and < hum operatlnu. Locations embrace granite, limestone or trap rock, nml < ntlon Is only !'• miles from Atlanta. WANTEH— Hecond baud Inter communicat ing lo«*nl house telephone equipment; state uuiul»er of atatlous au«l price. “ orgfa dress Telephone, care The Georgian. AN 11 4*. A I*, make - about lt» by I age and c.||,dltlou. Press. < JOR PRKHH; 2^. Htate price, arc Georgian. XCELMIOR PLANT—THE RIRMING- ham district and territory west thereof couaiimes Immense quantities of excelsior. W ANTE I»—HK< 'ONU-IIA NH IRON HAFE; : or 4 feet high. Address It, care Geor gian. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no daisy; also money for purchase money note*. Straight loans made at 6 per cent and up ward!, according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 Booth Broad atreet. TEETH EXTRACTED pall if In I | without the slightest ......... Inserted without artificial pin tea nt Ur. lai nler t Uental Uflm, Whitehall street. TITITTH EXTRACTEH WITHOUT J 1 tl pain FREE. Plates, crown*. DAVID W. YARUROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St DR. LANIER’S ■i', Whll.hnll .Irwl I l it’lii UII.-.I ,-ri.xii.Hl . •Ii-nll.t. ..ill iltuI «... lii BU8INE8S DIRECTORY. quantities of j penetrates and will develop nil nhsolutel virgin territory. Between 4’onl itirmlnghnni are enormous qua pine, with some hardwood, rouging fro., to 12 luebea In diameter; all of It aultahh for excelsior stock. Tltulier rights can * piirrh iHHl on n moat attractive Itosls, or rnngruicnts can lie made with owners to i HORN YOUR HEWING MAfTilNE RUN I hanl or do poor work7- If *o, call Bell B hnne 2339. or Atlanta phone 1260. and are It fixed right. i?i the new Light. ..jmkI to dimensions dealretl and deliver It to the plant. The manufacture of step ladders, kitchen tables and similar articles In conjunction would prove profitable. The National Automatic Light Is the only Inverted light with automatic reg- INPUHOlttAl. EARTH UKPOHIT-TllIH IS the largest atnglc deposit of Infusorial earth I have ever seen. It la located on our main line, near Birmingham. This ms terlal Is useful lu the manufacture of pol ishing powders and scouring aoapa. but Its moat extensive use Is In the manufacture of dynamite, packing * ‘ pipes - * * ‘ iHillers. steam i base for tire and It Is also of value ... of fireproof tiulbtlng materials, and 1* lielng Introduced Intu the manufacture of wall plasters, and for 111 terlng purposes. In tne hands of a prnc- tlcal man. the development of this prop erty Is going to prov It can be secured oi Rot ally would lie a. . . profitable, mid a reasonnble basis, ptnldc. OMM1 NITIF.H ON THE HKAROARU are cnrdlallv lnvlti*«l to communicate with is In regard to uuv good Industrial, h i,-ms or Intestniem opimrtunlty * lil. h ’ ‘ “ locally I* taking lug ail of their H II. It IIIGIIAM. Assistant Gdiernl Industrlat Agent. 1199 1111 English American building. Atlanta BICYCLE 8UNDRIES. Eljca 1'oiupany. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK* ER8. MOnr.I.H ANU NOVELTIEH; UROMUT service. Bell ’phone 2371 Atlanta Wood Novelty Works. iXt Marietta atreet ME83ENQER SERVICE. FOR I'KOMI’T ANU REIIAUI.K MKH- seugern. phone 32. J A. Uavlrs and J. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. 8EWINQ MACHINES RENTE I* TWO HOLLARS |»KR MONTH; either Singer or Wlntdcr A Wilson We rent cult Hew Uiflchlliea ulfti complete set huicnts. Uroiupt dc'l\ci\. llotb ‘lacllu# FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. CONTRACTORS, NOTICE t'RI'HIIEU HTONE. *<ANU ANU MARIU.E for sale. I', o. Itox 34. Llthonln. 41a. IF TAKEN gl H'K. WILL SELL GOOU l |nIglit mnhogauv piano for 9128; nearly full pnrtleulars. address |». o. Ito BUY sOUK FURNITURB ’pbw I 75* N\ l<«. Mlnger Hewing Macilus Co., bltchall WANTEOr-HOUSES. TALKING MACHINES. j TALKING AlAt IIINKS ANU KECOUHK- ! W ln'ie».;b* mill ictnll dlstiIbutors of Vie- i tor I-liking Machines nud Itecnids. Just ! revolted large cnu*>lguuien of lust-blue* and «!r I.EAHEH ON SMALL RENTING i all t ilk I Ilk ■ill ordc Iuimcdlate intention tout the names of ere In the South, k inder Klyes Co. Forxix I WHERE EVERY MAN ANU WOMAN IN • Atlanta can hut Elgin or Waltham i watches, lu Robs «m Crescent cases, for one down and one dnlnlr tier wt*t»k. Ite member, von wear the watch while pay lug for It Call on or photic W II EUWARUH A UO. JF.WU.I.ERH. Atlanta IMiotie 3m»V 4*»»s Central Ave. FOR RENT—HOUSES. 1RUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. 'll W Itol NTHKK A lllto TRUNK AND j ..HAG COMI*AN\. Retail and repairing. FUHMKHEU partt. nice I pletett funit*in-1 LOOK AT YOUR HAT. ' «l.l» sm i: SOFT AND STIFF MATS r ten tied or dyed and tcaba|i«*il to late in.I foreign orders by mall especial attention. Has- and expiess glten e*|iec|sl attention. Hi Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE-RuAL ESTATE. TYPEWRITERS. AT! ANT A TM'KW ItlTEH EXCHANGE. ;i Nonh _l*ryor stiect, Atlanta, Ga. in sit in ikes txuewrlters. tile walk: nil liupr FOR HAI.K -> At ItES «tN trollej ; three-i mihi cot luge lu fencing and buildings, sultnldo nUIng t’lUnpleto OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. sol I ANU STIFF FELT HAT* mod and n- •hsp.-i for 36»-. Hand* or • * ei.jji . kirn ont-oT-towii orders prompt and isreful attention Beat latest stylet. Acme Hatters, 9Vt Whitehall Street. fruit: thrr delightful founti» hou rob tjg^.rgia Realty pU mail Lu k 613 Tem • Ai-col NTING ANU AUDITING. AUCTION SALES. BI'F.ITAL ATTENTION TO AUCTION roles Ilf h«Mi»e|iold giMsts. sture and office flxinres. Isiiikriiiii storks and Hosing out nales from pr* iiiisi • oiU'iMUenl am tbmeg-rs •TOI anywhere In the S-*uth. tltie»al rash Mrsinr* i« miUif A Hama cvmafgitmewf*. ad Ha mage-1 ami I tank rttfti stis k*. Mmtos all Jtlada imught and sold k « «i.. office. 8 Vladm-t plaro; y SIIKI.DOX AUDIT COf ACCOUNTANTS ANU AUDIT ORS Temple Court. Atlanta, Ga. 1I9S audited and report- in for lawyers, mer- ons a sneelaltj rresponaenew Ity. High ' Inrlteif REMEMBER Ur. LaMer » l»*ntsl offt..-* have sol Ids tad In on.- l.lg building a»ro IgflV teeth tilled, crowned «wr THE KELLEY JEWELRY COMPANY I* selling 12 nml I* site Elgin moveuienta III Fah.Cs 2*-year «|»eii-face gold tilbnl cases. 7 .Icwebul IS.60; lo-Jeweled, 810.6«); 17-Jew- swl, 812-V*. LARGE HURPI.UH OF EXTRA FINK AP at HO YOU W ANT TO RENT Oil lU’Y A sewing machine. The best Is the cheap est Call ItHI phene UK. or Atlanta WE RENT NEW MACHINE*. WE HELL machine*, wo deliver rowing mnchlues In linrt of the city, and allow you a good illation of gnn—no black mantle*—n< broken globes—5 days free trial—phone 4248—69 North Pryor street. MISCELLANEOUS. nud specification* nights and furnish aw J. A. Wilson, 27 WANTKD-CHKAP llOltHK. WEIGHING from l.tat to Li"• pounds. Address Gld Ap. r.irtr Georgian. HOUSE cleaning: we ark pre pared to do your spring cleaning, clean lug carpets, strln floors, tint walls, wash window**, etc. Southern Employment llu rent!. Phones. It.-ll 25Pi. Atlanta %. R. I. HEARN. CONTRACTOR AND builder, nnctluneer and lolmtntsfrafor These arc spcclul Hues. Roth 'phones. Crew street. The Automatic Light. The National Inverted Light Is nc If- regulating. No ldiuk mantles—light guaranteed x*i remain bright. Ftee trial. 69 North Pryor street. Pl,„nc 4V4« Bell. 1035 Standard. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTEH A lull AH ENGINEER BY practical engineer and machinist ami l era I millwright: also for pinning mills. also for planing Will work reasonable. Rob* steady. Address by letter to 5<i Ncw|>ort tytiewliter, but can not write shurtlinud. Will accept po.lilon US collector or sales man. Must linn work. Address this of flee, A X M WANTED- POSITION AH HAI.E8MAN OR shipping clerk lu any line. Heveral years tpcrlenrv Gimh| rcferi'iicea. C. |*. W., HITI ATU»N W ANTED BY YOUNG MAN n**l»iaut l**"ikke«*per *»r other clerical k Moderate salary to start Refer •s Address A It., care Georgian. time km'pcr or fitter or «-nbluet work; i Address old Mau. * NG MAN WANTH POSITION AH lector; i-\pcrlenc*s|. and can furnish • and buggy If uccasairy. Experienced. THK NEW LIGHT. The National Automatic Light la the only Inverted light with automatic reg ulation of gas balck manilea—no broken globes days free trial—Phone 4*48—69 North Pryor atreet. !^*M8-«AK HVICKET; I.OT 138 BY 160. TO i, Olwjo on north side atreet. lietweeu Aab j y* Peeplea. All luiprorenieuta Uomn. <1 minding chert. Room for three house* run large lota. Houses built here will l»e j compleied lu time for spring buyers, aud will certainly sell at a handsome profit. «3.54-INS! AN PARK HOME OF SIX rooms; city water; level lot; 100 by !6d Ii 1 "R**T- It la aeldom you flml a pro|»osl- tlon like this, aa It waa hullt for and always occupied aa a home. Cau make terms enay to right party. •7.50b—WEST PBACIITKBE IIOMK OF ,-MlHe hMiuii on large ileep ahadv lot. ,lma Is und«itibte«llr one of the pryttleat itonies tu in* fouiul on uorth able today that can Im* had on very attractive terma. •J'*** 1° the fact that owner la leaving the city and d<tea not wish to rent'this lofely home. Hee ua nt once If Intereated. PIEDMONT AvkxlK lot. NEAR Elabdi -irr-r; at I.,- KO I., allrr. nhlib me are authorised to offer for a few day* SI 8fift |*er fiMit. This la alaiiit the last thing anywhere lu ihla aectlou to he fntiml. 92.5WV-WITIIIN THREE RlAH’KH OF TER udiinl atiitlou. me bate* a nice tlve-room liotiac ou lot fift by JftO feet: level and pretty; rented nt go»a| figure; that me can roll for the shove figure ff taken nt once. $_i,fm_W||ITKFoHD AVENUE. EDGE- mood, right at car line, we have n ajden- dldly built live riMim cottage; nice mhluet mnntela: all In pink of condltlou: on lot 65 by 195; shady and pretty. If you waul a lovely cottage right nt rotrool nud car Urn* Im Edgo^aal, on easy terms, roc aUist thla 94,u»—IIAKRIH HTREET. NEAR HPRING •tre«*t. wc have n nice alx-room cottage, •m clcvntcd level lot. 60 liy 14ft. which we can »eJI at thla figure for a short while. It will not lip offered long nt thla price.’ 11.W0—INMAN PARK; I.OT ON CAR LINE. covered with onk«; 63 by 304 feet; Ilea perfeetlg for a home. Can make terma to right party If taken nt once. 9fi.«Vht—WAHIIINGTON HTREET HOME: right nt Ge<ii'g1n avenue; hoiiro la oue of the lieat on the atreet; wan hullt liy a lumlwr man for n hotue; always occupied ns n home; Is ilellglftful. Don t you mini a home ou Washington atreet? S. B. TURMAN & CO., FOR SALE. Capitol Avenue Home. LOT 60 BY 200 FEET TO ALLEY: LIE* nicely and fronts east; near Georgia ave nue; two-ator.v eight-room house: would cost 95.600 to duplicate the same. The owuer Is lu debt and will roll the property nt a quick sale for 94,€ftO. nud will make rea sonable terms, or will take vacant lot. or renting jirofierty In part payment for same. Pall and let ua show you this. The house Is In flrat clnss condition. Suburban Home. HEVENTEEN-ACRE TRACT OF LAND; has 1.260 feet atreet frontage; nice, four- room cottage, nml entire place tinder fence; price only 92.760; pared road, fronting on car line; arbmda and church"* convenient; good nrighltorhmid; plenty of shade. Tenth Street Vacant Lots. NEAR TENTH 8TRKET 8CIIOOI^-PIED- niont nrctitie and Myrtle street, and look* Ing Intu piedmont city *»nrk; price 81.600 up to fi.ROO; rower aud m-nter. MONEY TO LEND. CALL FOR OUR RENT AND HALE RUL- letln. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Cor. Broad and Ala. Streets. NEWTON S. THOMAS. Real Estate. 422 Century Building, Bell Phone 4045. T. Y. BRENT, J. T. MANGUM. Salesmen. PEACHTREE CIRCLE LOT. CHEAPEST LOT ON THE CIRCI.K-I.IEH well; cant front. Title !«•! 1 can offer eon- *ldt*rnldy lets than anything eJw out there. for 11 few days. 1 HAVE A MODERN APARTMENT lionro 11.13-Ing mer 81.5nO a year after de ducting Janitor nml coni bills. 1 can sell thla for $, ou npleinlbl terms; the loan being at the very low rate of 5»* |n*r cent. Thla property Is on one of the best north able street* and cloro In. nml la practically new. 1 can exchange thla dm* prn|ierty for other suitable property. What have yon to trade? I'll AT 54 Al'ItKK AT IIAI'KVU.LK AT lllll. m.r ll'M |H'i iut<- l» III. rhenpi‘M |1 of lOTi'HKi 1 III Flllloll 10111,1). Ill on ly ni'ivullili' 10 our llu. nml tin ImiHI- uuu —— 238 WASHINGTON ST. Wc are offering this place for sale at $£,000. Lot is 50x200 with stable and servant’s house in rear. Terau can be arranged. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO.. 308 Peters Building. phone mo: main CREW STREET LOTS. THE OWNER AUTHORIZE* U* TO BELL those lieautlful lots on Crew atreet alsivi Jefferson at the very low price of 9491 each. The ten for ^4.909. If you will develop this R. M. JONES & CO., REAL ESTATE, 516 EMPIRE BUILDING. •MM—EAST PINE ST.. LOT 10x145, modarn e-room couac*. This la til* boot place on this atret for money. Iimii.rir wc ran abuar yuo M,0(U in M.0M U iruBt and It’a caar mouey, too. Car line ii front, and Joat the Ideal plaeo for devel opment. We have looked carefully Into the optnenr. We have looked carefully matter and know what can be done right nway. CENTRAL AVENUE. mbluet tuau.cls. la fart, mug mat goes to mahe a perfect Bee us quick or you will be too late. CONFEDERATE AVENUE. •5*»» FOR A SIX-ROOM MODERN rottngc. with receptlou hall, bath, nice •d rooms: n com pic to home. Right at rant park. Only 84<V) cash and balance case monthly payments. Come and take a loufc at thla* home. H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. CI.ARKSTOS-IIAVIi FOR BALE KBVER al very ntlractlTr homaa with m¥ra or IflaEni BnrnBaM In Ihla hAnnlaa . .1 L,1 >1. Ik.l ai vrry niirarurr nomaa wild mara or Iran arraagr. In ttala papular auburb, that cau br traugbt ut Murprlslugly aaali coat. KIRKWOOD—WITHIN TWO BLOCEB 0» North Klrkarood car line, I can anil an -laht rootn cottaxc anti 2 aeraa of land al lb* bargain prlc* of O.H0. INMAN PARK-ON LARQE ELEVATED ... r. ami gooil cardan at fLOOa FOR RENT. 15.000—EA8T NORTH AVE., NEAR Juniper, an elegant l-room home. Ha* all modem convenience* and a bargain. 91.150—WERT THIRD BT.. 5-ROO.M home. Elegantly flnlahed. All con- ventencM. Juat off Weat Peachtree at reel. 14.500—AXOIER AVE., I-ROOH. "tory houae near Boulevard. I every convenience, hot 45x145. 11.000—NORTH BOULEVARD, lot 54x 165. Good 7-mom cottage; hoi and cold water. Every Improvement. Ex cellent chance for enhancement FOR RENT. ALABAMA STREET STORE O. 3 EAST'' ALABAMA 6TREET. Be tween Whitehall and Pryor. 81a* of ator* room and baaement leach) 3x150. Poaaeaalon April 1. Xo. 27 So. Forsyth Street 18 AN F.XrRI.LENT NEW BTULDINO. with plat* ftaaa front; ala* about 17*3; rlxht parly can get thle et moot re*actable rat*. T. B. FERRIS, 3135 CENTURY BUILDING. f ■PRONE 4» MAIN. J. A. Dozier Builder W. H. Gaunt Real Estate Ii., Fowler 24 East Raker . « r. h.. 116 Weat Harris . r. r h.. 57 11 L c 5 r. h.. 107 Grant 6-r. Ii.. 292 Hen hoard h . 92ft-ift 46.00 ..... 2S.«rt 16.60 26.0ft . 25.6 Ii.. I9«> McUnnlel .h.e 21ft East 1*1 in* h.. 123 Davis Ii.. lift Piedmont JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Roth Phonen 618. W. JONES & 00., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN IN REAL estate, list It with •liners who are waiting with tin* cash Don't delay. f»>r If It Is a cau dispose of It lu ten days RUTH PHONES 5560. SITUATIONS WANTED INSERTED IN THE GEORGIAN FREE If you want a position there’s no reason why you should be without it. Bring your advertisement to The Georgian offiee. It will be inserted in these columns without charge—and perhaps get you work at once . All Other Classified Advertisements.. 10 CENTS A LINE ~itz ANSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. BARGAIN*: HPKUPINE SOUTH HIDE INVERT incut. Double house, with right rooms o the aide. In one of the Ik**I locations >n south aide nud on a good lot. Otar 3 |ier cent on your money! Thla Juat aim of 86-OON. See us Immediately, or Formerly Dozier & Reams. 403 Peters Building. Phones: Bell 1799, Atl. 1252. FOR BUILDING NEW HOUSES, BEE MB. OR IMPROVED IA500—BUYR A GOOD 5-ROOM DWELL Ins: from, real; at 545 Central aeenu-: nice derated lot. Beat property on tbl* atreet for the price. 51.0M—BUYH A 4-ROOM COTTAOB: NOW rented for 112.50. anti n good More build Ing. 30x40. Owner baa nlr* fraab atock of other Mate. Let ua abow yon thla. HOMES BUILT ON EASY TERMS. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 1507 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phone 250 Main. BARGAINS. PHKTTIK*T VAUANT I.OT Oil HOfTIt Pryor strori; not too far out and sur rounded by nice two story reside tees;63 liy 15ft to alley. A regular plek up nt 91J60. of the liest north aide homes In town. Inc room house, with two Imths nml nil rii Improvements. On n dandy corner near Weal Peachtree atreet. Waa j| at 98,600 until today, hut for a quirk c you can now buy It for' only 9*,"*' Imrgaln! Well, I should thlukf!! lot. RURINF-HH HITE. ANU NONE BETTER to lie found In rlty. On Nelson street, at Junction of Walker street, Juat two blocks from terminal station. Lot 14ft by 200 feet. You want thla kind of proper ty and yon won’t have such a chance aa inis again. Think! Just 810,50''. )R. J W. MAYHON. II. I*. UORB*. PAUL F. VOHE ANU E. L. WINN. Assistant Kalesmen. WHITEHALL TERRACE! FOR 'SALE:—Good seven- room house on large lot, very cheap. For full infor mation, SEE LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting! 28 Peachtree St. nrijrb- * rtdlc horhoiMl. and In good condition, at the t sinus price of 91.690. Nothing the matter irtce. Easy terma. with Ihla, except the prt eleren rooms; 96.260. Terms. PRACTICALLY NF.W. ELEGANT, TWO- atory twelve-room home on North avenue. near oar line. Large lot. running .... ___ ... ley at aid* and room for another residence ou rear atreet; IMftft. Terms. THREE BLOCK* FROM ARAGON: north of 4’alu; one half Nock ni mr line; mo-story ten-room bouse. In good condition; UKI.IGIITFUL HURURRAN IIOMK ON car line. Hlx-nsim cottage; ft acrea of ground: only 99-OQO. On easy terma. Th6 In ml alone la worth moru money. WR*T ENIM-HAI.F RLOi’K FROM PAR Use; excellent neighborhood: two nor* eight-room houae; atonu-aheeti*d. double floored; large lot. month; fc«l rash and : fOTIIER BARGAIN* IN VARtOU* KIND*, of property. WK HANDLE BAIIGAI.XH •et. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY* r m