Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 25, 1907, Image 13

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i THE ATLANTA OKOB^AN AND idfeWS. moxdat. UAurn s. i*n. Here’» what you have been looking for, A few acres. S' Just a little distance from city limits. Two places with 5 and 12 acres, Respectively. One a 5-room cottage, barn, etc., the other a new two- wom cottage and good barn, One is operated now success ful^ as a chicken farm. The finest cberted road out of the city to this property, Let us make you prices. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. AT :t BRADLEY STREET. A SPLENDID three room cotug# on lot 40 fret front for only I960; a neat little home end flue Investment. IK HI.OCK OF WILLIAMS ItREF.T two-story six-room hours rear )’n»r street arkeot; nice cberted Hint. El,l (runt: 6L0OO. rorn roomr and hall. sunset aye. 1. half Work of ear line, HOO ca.b anil I;;, r - per month. 31,1M. ... avenue, which Till hr nl.-rlr Bnl.brO with cabinet man- tela: wr run aell for U.MO; |1W cash and IU per month. i c ,,<v l pliyM put, rail at olhea. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. street, between Hill nnd Grant, 6-rpom cottage, largo, •My lot, convenient to churche*. •^hon] and car line's. $500 cash and $25 w»nth II.o*io WOODSON STREET, NEAR ‘•rant Park, 5 rooms, lot 60 by 100. Easy te U.tulo- GRANT STREET. NEAR AU- m,in. nno block naw Baptlat church, »cu filnml and Grant Park, two car lint; « room*. all convenlencea. Iar»a. •hady lot. Eaat front. 11.000 cash and MS month. XKW MODERN HOME FOR SALE. On one of the most beau tiful streets on north side, two-story, nine-room mod- *ni house, just completed, * v «ry convenience, furnace “*atcd, electric lights, dou- "«■ slieathed and floored. hi basement is servant’s r °°»>i. storage room, furnace ro °m with cement floor. hirst floor, reception hall, l** r l"r. sitting room or libra- $’• dining room,. kitchen, outlpr’8 pantry, storage roor >' and lavatory. .Second floor has four bed J°°»is with large closets, ***'!> l oom and linen closet. All rooms and closeta nice- v tinted, wide veranda front J mi i-ide, fine lot, east front, ‘‘bit class plumbing,material * n, l workmanship through- h' i'-c $7,500. AUDRESS OWNER, VAHE GEORGIAN. HENDRICK ft CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Phones. E A ls R0, " ,,, Sr 2 WiSPSII irnrarar iiT T TiT i!o M * d *' ,n ""h reepact; kit M by TOTfJT •!«™ AfBBBf. NBAS d * , Ki. roo “ ' wM ' orT "+ nga uTtva wrtAiib on wrm ann Snfrainic **• ■*'»" A NICE EIGHT-ROOM COT l '*** 00 South error rant. M«r Olcnn, In ptod condition; <w lot » hr M». OTttoi. aVKSPE — HiS fiWiM—i-TvF Blico iAW* 1 ^ - ,N * dmo »* *ot TO by HO; JM' 4»l'Ts TWO muY ' XIKk tuJttii pr#vcm KVT77T . n - f'itVoR HfilfikT-REAtlffH C two-story nlueroom house; storm aheet- fd and double Boor; madcru; on lot 60 br 101; for pair 64.000. UMh ftUYl A FINE HBVRNROO houae on Park avenue: on lot B br AST. fHteftOKEE'"AVliN('E. NUar— nr in. DiiTXj -errs: M.OOO BUYS BEAUTIFUL. SHADY, LEV- el lot; Capitol avenue; 100 br TO; near Oeorfla arenue. McCRORY ft JOHNSON. Real Estate, 50$ Peters Building—Phone* 401. ON HIGHLAND AVE.-AN 8-BOOM TWO lull; cabinet mantels, large ON DOANE 8T.—SPLENDID 6-ROOM cottage; 64x181: porrelaln bath, cabinet mantel** well built: all street Improvements down. It's a bargain for only $2,600. 1700 caab, balance $20 per month. Owner ob liged to move nwny. INVESTMENT Oil HOME AT A SACK! flee; 4-room cottage; atorm-aboeted and double-floored; water, gas and bath. Grant park section; — * miss It. 41.4M, obllg SEVERAL COTTAOES NEAR GRANT park s to date. IN THE BEAUTIFUL SUBURB OF Kirkwood, lost 4 miles from city, wa have splendid nine-room two-story res! dence; lot 100 by $00; for only $4,150. llarn aud other Improvement*. If you want a splendid country borne, let ns show you this. nirsHuisj, mm ustc r iw user you In two six-room cottages and one eleven-room residence on lot $44 br IP). Talk to us at once about tbla. (fa a FOUR ACRES Varlsty nf fruit and poultry business. Tbla la someth!** nire and will pleas* rou. Ilaaae would coat 13.6-X), land coat 11,000, orchard, ate., coat UOO. Taka It [or 17,600. Let ue show you. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Beautiful Piedmont Park lots; fronting on Ninth and Tenth streets, looking right into the New City Park; Teqjh Street School only two blocks away. These lots are on Ninth and Tenth streets. Between Peachtree and Jackson street; sewer and tile sidewalks will be laid by the time you can build your house. This is undoubtedly the cheap est snd choicest property on the North Side. Go out on this beautiful eleva tion, enjoy the magnificent view. See the grading contractors st work, and call in our office and we will tell you about purchasers who are getting ready to bnild fine homes. Call for our rent and sale bulle tin. S. B. TURMAN ft CO., Corner Broad and Alabama Sta. A SNAP. - Now 5-room cottage on car line, $1,650.00. Terms $2o0 cash, balance easy. riVKB^>M~ c QTt^ B| NEAR GRANT EinHT ROOM. TWO STORY HOUSE. |4,«W. Kaaj farina. «T»#wa vr T/rm $6 DOWN AND • PER '£mf«h with™ Interest. Truck and da.r, farm*- skiThe vry on* ffiuwi * AST - “ v T. J. LOCHRIDGE, 416-17 Empire Bldg. ■rUONES; BELL. M»! ATLANTA, IMA “WE .BUILD HOMES.” TOU CAM SKLKCT A LOT ANYWHERE IN TOWN. AND WB WILL BELL IT TO YO.U, AND BUILD A HOUSE ON IT TO BU1T YOU, ON A CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE LI K B RENT, OR WE WILL PAT OFF YOUR NOTES ON ANY LOTi, AND BUILD A HOUSE. BALANCE LIKE RENT. SEE OUR ARCH- TECT. MR. J. B. HAWKINS; HIS AD VICE AND DRAW. INOS COST YOU NOTHING. W. P. KELLY & CO. 312-313-314 Peters Bldg. PEACHTREE ROAD. A SNAP CLOSE IN, NEAR BROOKWOOD. WE CAN OFFER FOB A FEW DAYf ONLY A FINE PIECE OF PROPERTY, JOINING W. L PEEL’S FINE ROME, FRONTING «00 FEET ON PEACHTREE ROAD. EXTENDING BACK 1.W0 FEET; COVERED WITH FINE OAK GROVE. WE WILL SELL AT THE LOW PRICE OF tn.M PER FRONT FOOT IF TAKEN WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DATS. ALL THE* SURROUNDING PROPERTIES BRING FROM W TO lii PER FRONT FOOT. YOU CAN CLEAR IS.OM ON THIS THIS SPRING, AS STREET CAE LINE WILL PASS DIRECTLY IN FRONT. COME TO SEE MB QUICK IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY, AS THIS PROPERTY WILL NOT STAY ON THE MARKET LONG AT TO IS TRICE. G. J. DALLAS, MldU FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 1507 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phone 250 Main. BARGAINS. • » 600 ACRES POPLAR AND PINE TIM Mr; will cot a.000 feel merchantable lum ber per acre; 76 mile* from Atlanta, oaar railroad, brush rush payment: balance to be paid aa timber le removed. Price HO per core. 126 ACRE8 t MILES FROM ATLANTA, near railroad, with eootgb wood on tbs land to pay for It twice. Flo* farming land. Lie* beautifully aod oaar land* that could not M bought for 7H0 per acre. Prlre PI per acre- BEAHTIPTL ClaOHB IN NORTH 8ID1 vacant lot. 50 by 146 fe**; only $1,460. Term a. Other lota In tbla oetfnborbood can not be boafbt for l«»aa than $40 per /root foot. COLLEGE PARK. NEAR CAR LINE; nsw four-room cotttut*; coat Il.tW *• svs”** °* b WB CAN SHOW YOU WHERE YOU CAN Invent MOO In ntr* collage; never recent: near tn; that will net you 20 per cent on your investment. COSY 6IX-ROOM cottaob, Jtw opr Capitol aeauu*. Renta 722.10 Price 12.140. If you have MOO In raab. we you tM balance (ILIOOI dv. yean. 7 per cent. You reu’t match tbl*. THREE BLOCKS FROM ARAGON; earth *7 Cele; oue-balf block of car line; ire story leu-room bees*. In food rood!Hoot M °Vhle ,n property r Klooai To i* noujeel! tout who be* Inetrurted ue to eefi. DELIGHTFUL SUBURBAN HOME ON car tins. Hli-room rottsge; 6 acres of around: only «.»». On assy terms. Tb* laud eloo* la worth more money. WEST END. NEAR CAR LINE--TWO. MVb^^dWTr'riLToi" K. mire Of 11.500. Buy terms ^"S^TeNLIn^'^rS'a^ ONLY. • ATLANTA ' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. For Sale Real Estate. W. JONES ft CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. WE HAVE THREE VACAlrt LOT* ON auW.’WSk.'S |4io re ah. CORNER OF MARTIN AND LOTS streets: lot tt» by 60 fret: room for tv* Mr-rosei heoere thet can bgiud* te Ml st least 16 per rest; lot nt II.M0. OLRNNWOOD AVENUE. NEAR-CON- eally. two let*, • by IS race. Can ##U both for MOO. CWJPER STREET. Itl BY 16*. F^R II.M. corner FOUrrBEIPTII AND URNTM; lasts Ia a. woods. 818-819 Empire Bldg. BELL I’HO.VS **0—ATLANTA PIIOSR 1771 I MAKE EASY TERMS. SUM-BRAND-NEW SIX-ROOM ou nlaaawd BMBiTg IMIa-KMW FlVk-hOoifHODhii wood arenue. taoa nab; tab dVprHhEBf.WB»1VMa BHAEtT. fal ion-room kouaa. wllb all coorualaana. and wa no maka yoo a apt- StfCSSH OCT -TlilBt'liN.ftoOM liOIMfc 0.V lllchardaon atraat. Tbla plan la alarm re rauiad at M per moulh. and could ba mad# to betas ■ore.gMhMiMBn •■lit. tl.W-1 A0RBI THAT IS 6M.T k hiiogf dlatonco from the renter of the city, irlffr. ciSTd-V^nkM •o aa to mala foortaaai (oodalaod build- isfi'ft a X°UV?'!'T' ,b, lxr£L , ; balanca In thraa year*. Ji.W-A SPleKSlDID u(*-fb SPLENDID UP-TO-DATE F^VI- roam cottage; ixirrelola bath; hot and ‘ r attachment*; time meat tie aold caab. JfYob’ htn 1th fruit, of Grant rge hall; lot Ik by HO; with grapee. etc. With n one block park; $200‘caab; balance* to eult. BHwtruL «PBFMiAr ray re Beat aacttoo of •1SIP KTrkurodd. Lot fronta 106 feat deep. Car before your door. Very ploro for fruit, flower,'aud chlckaaa You maka tba taraia rent on bl* money. CLMim row n«>nir"6S c^oReM.T.^-. oirrj’mis ^'.r-TTSu «,”TnB*MoflT AtTiiA^nvr. bwa lo Atlanta, planned and built by a lady for bar own home, aud crery point i of romioet aud coorenleore laeoepoeaied. oiaklna t prefect houae. Rallt without re SSi K r reiMure£"^X“U"& foot hoory oak alldlus doore oprnlBt luto K elor and dlalas moan reapactWely; red- ra arched aad deeoratad by haad. bay and art staaa urtndowa, china edoaot. and reek around dlalot room: panlrlea galore, with taro porcelain alnka; kltrben wain, mated; Inauataaooaa heater: dne bod room, lavatory tod toilet down atalra, three lorn aud two email ap atalra; aisbt rloarta, and a d renal nt room; compieioboih; lorn oner- aau' room la baaaaaouL with llreplore and third tollot; piped for furaaro; ramblnatlon nature*, flaeat woodwork and Baloli. earn ■tea lot. Sea uo at oare. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Dali Atlanta 'Phone Utt A PLANTATION AND STOCK FARM OF 7,100 ACBBS'jN MIDDLE OEOBOIA. 70 MILES FROM A CITY OF 40,000 PIO- t, 7 mllaa of railroad frontasc, alao pub- Uc road froatan. l.») acre. In culUrntloa; K0 acre, of rich bottom landa; MO acre, of duo owamp bottom, a till to bo daralopod. Plenty of wood tod timber for homo coo- anmptlan.' Moot of tbo land Uao level nnd la a loon, dark, loamy aott, with atroof clay auhaoll. Oaa mult can cnlthruto 40 acroo of thlo land. Two ail-room dwalltan nod thirty taaaat bonaaa of taro nod four rooma, nicely dletrttnted. Cora mill and yin, i boron and mula barns, crib and ho* and chlckaa bouses, ate., all In good eondl tloo; I mllaa of boy wire feuclng. Crook oad braochoa supply water la oaartr »H part, of tba land. Station nnd old, track on tho placa. School and eburebaa coarea, lent. Annual average not Income I Prlre 7U par acre. Terms one-third cash belahre on or boforo Uo yearn la annual payment, to ault purchaaer, with ft per cent oa deferred perme^ta. Tbla la a bargain and tba chance -Of *a lifetime. Make tba down payment and tba place will make tba mousy to pay tba balance. Good water and good health. Labor to plentiful aad champ. For further Information, write or NEW INV VACANT LOT ON THE NORTH SIDE HOUSTON STREET. CORNER HOWELL etreet. eeren room cottife home: all city convenlencea; lot 4a by lit. Price tMB>; TWO caeb; balance t» per month. LUCILE AVENUE. NEAR street, complete twootory —— borne; oil city coovoolenceo; lot 71 by MO In alleyrnsropobeetNl aod duabte-Soored. All right for B.M0. Tonne. ali'rnum rotttt* borne, on tbn south el Everything complete and.comfortable. II neighborhood. Price 73.160. on termo of I ■lah — lab; bataoca tS par mootb; 7 par cant, lace la now -- - - ■ par month. AN INVESTMENT ON EDGEWOOD arenue, paying *T ner month. Price It.' O. There In nolhlug bolter. QOOI) EAST FRONT LOT, INSIDE CITY limit*, on new Stewart arena* car Ho*. All right for MM. WOODWARD AVE.—COMPLETE t-ROOM cottage boor “ down. Price SIMPSON STREET-COMPLETE t-ROOM home; ell city convenlencea; elernted lot. Price only SLIM. MCLENDON AVEj—ALMOST NEWS-ROOM cottage; lot MiTM to aftey: food place to ralao chicken bud children, tl.ieo-dead aeay terms. HARWELL ST.-NEAR W HUNTER ST. Five-room cottage htme; Dice lot city wa ter; bonse Just being completed; tl.tS), on very enoy term*. VACANT LOT ON LAWTON STREET, Weit End. for SSU. Very may term*. OTHER MIGHTY FINE BAST AVR GREAT BIO LOT ON niGIIIJtND AVE. In the high •rctlon-IItO. REMARKABLE BAR GAINS. GILT-EDGE NEGRO PROPERTY ON north etde. Four double elx-room bonne*; rent Ml pee month. If yon come quick. II In youre nt M.M0. BRICK STORE. ON TOE NATURAL trading corner of rapidly 'growing neigh- borbood: leeerd at SSM per year for three years; should rout for * great deal more at expiration of IttM. Buy It now at leev than U,*». ■treat otere property with railroad from fa at M^>. to make quirk mV Pee It DECATUR STREET-BUCK BUSINESS reatkl M»- A Saa lorratmeat NICE PTTESOnii COTTAOR, PAYING HIM root. Price |I.P» M. M. LUCAS * CO.. W WHITEHALL. A Bargain. A nine-room houae In good con* dltlon, on lot 17x170 feet. In nice neighborhood—thle place con be bought at a bargain on convenient term*. Thlo houo* haa slate roof and aR modern convenience* — tho Very thing for good elae family In qulot neighborhood. Placa originally coot 716,000. Look at It and make me an offer. $3,000. Two nlc* email houaas at 17 and SS Irwin ttreat. on lota 77 l-lsllt font, at 11.600 each. The** houae* are comparatively new and nicely arranged with con- venlenceo for email famine*. Can ba bought on convenient term*. $3,500. Twelfth at., between and Juniper otreet. Thlo place hao ■lx nlc* room*, bath. etc., on lot ItxlSt feet. Can be bought for half cooh and balance eaay. CUSTIS N. ANDERSON, 527 Candler Building, Phone 5161. D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 707 CANDLES BLDG. BOTH ’PHONES. PIEDMONT PARK-WORK BAS AL- ready been begun which will render tbla a* of tba moat beautiful parka In th* South. W* are abl* to ogar a few build- log lota on Piedmont avenue, right at the entrance of I be perk, at IK per front foot. Nothing In thlo neighborhood lo offend at anytblnk like tb* money. JCBT AROUND THE CORNER FROM tb* above w* bare * large treat In • beautiful grove of oaks which con be told ■t 640 per front foot. Paring baa bean pasted up for tbla atrret. BEFORE YOU DISMISS THIS SUBJECT from your mlad. we aoggaat that you price prep*riles In tb* neighborhood of Piedmont park. Analoy park, and only one block from reoebtre* atrret. FINE CHOICE HOMES ON NORTH Jaekaon and Boulevard: nine-room boaoeo; nice Iota, and bounoa up todate. CALLED FROMMILL, SUPERINTENDENT IS SHOT TO DEATH Special m Tb* Georgina. Charlotte, N. C.7 March 7*.—At Blackoburff. R. C\, thlo momlns Frank Deal, aald to bo a ouportntoadont In th* Blarkoburf Cotton Mill*, woo rolled out and ohot six tlmoo by a man named Mill*, who wa* tattr arrested. It la ru mored hare that the dead man had been charged with Interfering with the dn- meatlc affaire of hln slayer, but deflnlte Information 1« lacking. Deal won prom. Incnt In his town. 010 DOMINION LINE LOSES ITS PRESIDENT Newn haa juat been received In At lanta by David J. Welalger, Southern agent for the Old Dominion Stoamahlp Compgny, of th* death In New York of W. L. Oulllaudeu, preoldent of the company. He wa* otrlcken a few days ago with pneumonia and died In four day*. He waa 61 year* of ago and had beon pres ident of the company olnce lit*. Ho for no oucceaoor haa boon choaen, but It la probable that H. 13. Walker, vice prenlednt and traffic manager, will be elected to Oil the vacancy when the director* meet on April 1. Preoldent GulUaudeaU wa* one of the beat known ateomahlp official* In the country and under hla able admlnla- tratlon the Old Dominion become one of the beet line* plying the Atlantic coaat. STATISTICS. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. 74.406 renal Sum—W, C. Bloke* to Joaeph' E. Brown, lot on Fulton atreet. Bond for title. 1744—B. K. Bankston to Georgia Raving* Bank and Truat Company, lot In land lot No. lit. Mortgage with power of aale. 71—Mr*. Mary Ellia Angler to B. It Bankaton. lot Ui land lot No. 17t. Quit claim deed. 716—Mr*. Annie E. Land lo the Neal Bank, lot on Frailer atreet. Quit claim deed. 77.(00—Dr. W. B. Goldamlth lo W. P. Baldwin, lot on Peachtree Circle. War. ranty dead. DEATH8. ! B. J. Powell, age 4t yearn, died of tuberculanln at Oil Capitol avenue. Thomaa J. Elder, age It year*, died at tt Pulliam atreet. Letter Thomaa, colored, age II year a, died of pneumonia at 111 Hell atreet. Mary Riley, colored, age 70 year*, died of meningitis at I Melvin atreet. Joaeph Haynee. colored, age 17 year#, died of menlngltla, st 70 Oakland av»- 1#. Thomaa Mapp. colored, age II year*, died at tl Salman atreet. Julia Thompson, colored, age It year*, died at 740 William, atreet. Mr*. Martha Wall, age *7 year*, died of apoplexy at 70 Crew atreet. W. K. Wltaon. age tt year*, died at 6 Brown’* Place. Mr*. JullA Hill, aged 70 yea re. died at 17 Weal Cain atreet. Mack Willingham, age I year*, died at 707 Gordon atreet. Mrs. Julia-Rich, age 77 yearn, died at Itt Court land atreet. Edward Elkan. eg* tl yaaru, died at 7*1 WaaOilngton atreet. ’ ] BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mre. Charles W. Hulbnt. si 26 East Third street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Putmao, el 111 South Bseievard. a buy To Mr. and Mrs. B. M Cason, at tl The news, while it's still news and before it becomes history—in “The Green.” SIX HORSES BORNEO HT TAWS STABLE Six horses were burned to death In a lire Monday morning at 1 o'clock that completely destroyed the livery alnble of W. A. Tgylor, at the Junction of the Marietta and Howau Mill roads Although nearly the whole of the building woo enveloped In flame* before the fire won discovered, revere! horses were saved. The stable woo a one- story frame structure and burned rap idly. A Br* alarm waa turned In and the firemen responded, but could do nothing, ao the otable U half a mile beyond the city llmlto. The origin of the Ore lo unknown. MASTERS OF CRAFT TO LATCOHNEflSTONE Georgia Knight* Templar* and many dlatlngulahed Maaona of high degree will Srrlve In Atlanta Wednesday, May I, for the purpose of participating In the ceremonies attendant upon the lay. Ing of the corner-stone of the new Ma sonic temple at Peachtree and Cain attests, excavation* for tha foundation of which ore now under way. Arrangement* are being made for the reception of the grand commander nf the United Bute*, who will be In at tendance, and a program for the cere- monlea on thl* Oceanian la alao under way. Thin occasion will be one of the moat Important In esc ret order circle* and many dlatlngulahed vlaltora will be brought to the city. COTS CHILD'S THROAT WITH TOBACCO KNIFE Special lo Tb* fleeealen. Danville, V*. March 26— Matilda Wtlaon. a colored woman about year* of age, yesterday cut the throat of her 14-year-old child, Holland, al most severing the head from the nhoul den. The crime won commuted with a long sharp knife used In cutting tree tobacco it the home of the wo, man, 0 miles from this city. The wo man confessed to the killing and < Ihnt she had been commanded by the neighbors to kill the child. At the cor oner’s Inquest she made a confession of the killing. Hhe Is now In Jail at Chatham, believed lo be demented. Boston Editor Dead. Boaton, Maaa.. March 7t.—- Edward Bradbury Haekell, on* of th* proprie tor* and formerly editor-in-chief bl Tho Boaton Herald, died today. Hayden itreet, a boy. To Mr. and Mre. I. T. Chappells, it 177 Jane* avenue, a girl. To Mr. and Tire. J. N. Watson, at 21 Donne street, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nunon, at 10 Gray street, a boy. Mr. and Mr*. W. P. Jordan, at 14 Woodward avenue, a girl. To Mr.-and Sir*. T. B. Grave*, at 107 Eaat North avenue, a girl. BUILDINiOPERMirS. 7»0—T. C. Wilson to -repair frame dwelling at 674 Whitehall street. 71,too—Lott Warren, to build 1-itory frame dwelling at 12 Beecher itreet 760—R. J. Roy. to build oddlljon lo frame dwelling at 70 West End avtnue. 7100—A. IV liuffffff, to repair frame dwelling at *0 Park avenue. 7160—J. W. Goldsmith to 1-etory frame dwelling t Greenly etreet (rear). 766—Southern Ex ores* Com| make Interior alterations at Wall etreet. RDEE IS ANXII 18 FACE A JURY OR GRAFT CHARGE San Francisco, March 26.—Abreh—q Raufs attorney* say they have with-a drawn their writ of error filed with the United States auprem* court. Thor' declare that they are now anxious ts proceed at ono* with the trial on tb* chsiges of srtortloo. th* famous French restaurant cares, which are ret for to morrow before Judge Dunn. All yesterday police waited at tha several points of entrance of San Fran* cisco for Louis Glass, former manager of th* Pacific State* Telephone and Telegraph Company, agalnat whom* " lent* on bribery charass turned by the grand Jury.. Jury took up today consld- I tat became of 1206.000 con- ' >y the Home Telephone Com-' pony for the relief of refugee, after th# t April. Twan-i . been relumed by tbo Th* grand Jut * ration of what tributod by tbs Homo TolsphOM Com pany for the relief of ref earthquake and fire laat ty-flve thousand dollars woo expanded for tho benefit of aufferers. It Is th*; remaining 7IT6.000 that the Jury wants’ accounted tor. Th* money waa sent: with the stipulation from Lo* Angelos that the company b* given a franchise! In Ban Francisco., The prosecution has retained on at* tornty to proceed to Honolulu and Inter*] cept Thoms* V. Halsey, who haa been Indicted on eleven charge* of bribery for the purpoae of endeavoring to bar him appear before the grand Jury. DRUGGISTS FINISH COURSE OF STUDY , IN TWO colleges! Thirty-five young man will gradual# from the Southern College of Phar macy on Tuesday evening, when the commencement exercise* will taka place In the Grand opera house. A apjendld program of music haa been ananced for the exerefne*. which will begin promptly at • o’clock. Col onel John Temple Grave* will deliver 1 the addrere. Mualc will be turnlahed by Mr. Meyer. Mr. Poult Mtaa Ntx and other*. Atlanta Collage Wadnaaday. Tha graduating exerclaea of th* At*, lanta College of Pharmacy will tab* place In the Grand Wednteday after-, noon at 7:70 o’clock. Tho graduating daw conalat* of sixty-four. Tba collage had an attandanca of 6M student* during tho term now dosing.. The college Is one of the depart menu of the Atlanta College of Phydetaqi and Burgeon*, ana Jb one of the moat proaperoua Inalltutlona In tha South. For sporta—The green. ' ;i GIRARD CITIZENS > TO OFFER REWARD i FOR MURDERERS Special te The Georgian. Colombo*, Ga.. Marsh 71—The chitons of . Girard. Ala., will held a meeting tonight I to take artloa aad offer reward for tb*. parties who shot Jo* Jeqso* and Heary I Uenaou. two negro men who were waylaid I red shot Satorday night at that place. . The ehnollng la anppoatd to be the reoolt nf * rotting affray between two white met nemeil Fletcher end a icgro. Ware Frew men. Beturday night. Both men were cut '’■'sinch’rcillng wee rented, but the rltlwng e the set of the ehooilnx of Inno- For real live news—The Green Extra. DOWN EMBANKMENT TWO CARS PLUNGED: TWO ARE INJURED ' 1 MeriIllan. T >4l£r’ r fiareh S.-Moblle aad Ohio passenger train N*. I. which left > Meridian at 4 O’etoeh yretgrday afternoon. I waa wrecked an hoar old a half later at' Writ King, awltch. so* mil* north of Boyce, Mien., by the derailment of th* en- fine, tender, beggaa* aid express care, which plnnged down a ten-foot embank ment While reusing at g tpeed ef twenty- are mile* an hour. The locomotive wae dentil urctnl from the accident r none auatntnfvl Injuries. V . —___ tor M. It. Green, arm broken and cut about' the head, aad IUax*x>ma>ler Jlendrleha, rnt awl l.rataed about th* body. The pas senger* on the train were ill more or lees shaken up, but otherwise fared well. erailed, and dlaeoo- t end but two pee-1 They are Condoc-1 oken an.l cut ahont > Mr*. Julia Hill. The funeral eervlcea of Mrs. Julia Hill, wife of Ih* 1st* Dr. C. M. Mill, who died Saturday night at a private sanitarium, after aa nines* of > few days, were conducted Monday morn ing at 16 o’clock at the Grace Meth odist Church. She Is survived by a brother, W. P. Hill, of Allants; a sta tor, Mre. Mlnnl* L. Road, of LaOrange. Oa., and a non. Chart** H. Hill, of Ponaocota, FT*. Th* Interment waa In Woatviow cemetery. Thamaa Q. Ildar. Th# fun*red service* of Thomas O. Eldar, who died st hla residence, tt Pulliam atreet. Sunday morning, ware conducted Monday morning at It o’clock. Rtv. Richard Orme Fllon of ficiate. He I* aurvlved by hi* wife. Mrs. Lolls Roger* Elder: two daugh ters. Mery and Mildred; hi* father, E F. Elder; three brother*. J. YV„ J. D. and E E. Elder, and a alater, Mrs. K P. Loahay. all of Annlaton. Ala. Another brother, J: T. Eldar, realdoa la Attoato. BANKRUPT BALE. Id Ud Matltr of rhllllpt * D*mj Cm* of tb* Hot r*. PD—4 !• Ml rv*'»tf*rl from f| r. AiTTV fino—R- L. Hollis to build addttlow and mae.'tmtn'ij’-. rffw from* dwelling at II La* alroaL ftatotoa *ir«ld r'T'" r . 1 11,100—W. B/Hardman W *23.6 ffffg J* , T 'li... Sdter.a "Utwab. to 1 .rtory tfWDlllo# ml 91 CooaaJJjt •tr**t $*.«K»fl—1\ H. OlrvrdMU in build a 2-Dfory trmmrn 4w«UtOf at $27 Kaclld aVMIMt