Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 26, 1907, Image 11

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I 1 TICE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, MOT, LEDGES OF GOLD Ore Assaying Thousands of Dollars to the Ton in Gold. The McKinley Gold Mines Property Now Proven and Demonstrated. Five Great Parallel Veins, Varying from Twenty to Fifty Feet in Width, Crossing the McKinley Claims. SPLENDID FUTURE FOR THIS MINE NOW ASSURED BY THE FOLLOWING PROVEN FACTS: PACT NO. 1. The property of the McKinley Gold Mines Co. has been thor oughly proven up during eight vears of development. PACT NO. 2. Hundreds of assays from these great ledges show values of from $4 to $2,000 to the ton in gold. FACT NO. 3. The McKinley Gold Mines Co. owns this splendid gold property outright, free and clear from debt PACT. NO. 4. Test of 58 1-2 tons, recently made, yielded over $600 in free Gold, with tailings assaying over $15 to the ton. FACT NO. 6. The character, integrity and experityce of the Company’s man agement are open to the closest investigation. PACT NO. 6. Xaturnl advantages—mineral values, timber, fuel, water, trans portation facilities—all fore shadow Unqualified Success. Dollars— 1 This is the record of Southern Idaho and the Great Boise Gold Basin during a few years’ time. Hundreds of enterprising stockholders are growing v/ealtliy irom ldano Gold Dividends—the figures prove it. This is Your Opportunity to secure a Share in this Harvest of Gold. Buy McKinley Gold Stock Now at 5 Cents a Share. SPENDID VALUES IN GOLD The Life Story of Robert McKinley, Pros pector, and His Determination to Make a Gold Mine. The price of achievement In mining:, as In other lines, Is toll and hardship. This has been the experience of all successful pros pectors, and the life story of Robert McKinley, of Boise, Idaho, furnishes no exception to the rule. But today, after more than eight years of patient toll and determination, he sees the reward almost within his grasp, and looks to the Investing public to Join him In a ilnal effort to bring the crown of achievement to his un tiring foresight and Industry. Robert McKinley was not unprepared for his work. He did not spend his boyhood days In idleness or luxury, but learned early In the school of practical experience the necessity of tolling and the meaning of hardship. Bom In Maryland In 1870, of sturdy Scotch-Irish lineage, he began his Journey westward In early boy hood, and long before reaching the age of 20 he had mastered all the elements of the trade of tho practical mechanic. Thoroughly equipped as a machinist and engineer, he sought the mining camps of Missouri and Arkansas, spending several years in fa miliarizing himself with the work of the mines. It was about this time that stories of the fabulous mineral iveaith of the great Northwest began to circulate, and rumors of rich and splendid gold strikes In Colorado, Idaho and Montana did not fail to Impress the Imsglnatlon of every ambitious mining man. It was In 1861 that tho placer mining for gold began to be developed In Idaho, yielding fortune upon fortune to the pioneer gold-seekers of thoso wild regions. These same placers have yielded over 1400,000,000 during a period of 25 years, and are still producing. It was Idaho that most appealed to the ambition of McKin ley, as the region containing the greatest and most promising ex tent of unexplored mineral lands In the United States. Tho young prospector lost no time In starting out upon his search for a prop erty of genuine merit, at the same time devoting his entire time and attention to the study of the mining Industry. Of all th» mineral sections that he visited throughout this vast region he found none richer o£. mom promising than the now famous Bolso Basin In Southern Idaho. He followed the trail from both Grimes and Moore Creeks which wash the sides of Jupiter Mountain, and traced the dykes and great surface outcroppings of mineralized ledges far up the slopes «f the lonely mountain. I All this was the work not of a few weeks, but of long months of patient toll. After satisfying himself that the mineral values of the Jupiter Mountain lsdges were beyond all question, aflet digging deep Into the rich surface outcrops, cutting tunnels and taking out and testing the Gold In ton lots, Robert McKinley I, now In a position to come forward with a clear conscience and In- rltc the Investing public lo share with him In the magnificent prollts which now await upon the complete and adequato develop ment of this great properly. Ho furnishes the land, and he looks to the public to supply the necessary money. In this partnership all will share alike; and the smallest Investor will receive profits In the same proportion as Hie holder of 10,000 shares. The practical experience and patient endeavor of Robert McKinley during his eight long years of search and toll furnish the fullest assurance that every dollar Invested In this enterprise will bo used In a way to produce the largest and quickest returns for the stockholders of this company. CONVINCING STATEMENTS From Those Who Know Us and Our Property Mr. W. M, Weis, Secretary Weis Cornice Co., Kansas City, Mo, says: "On two different occasions I have made a thorough nn.l complete examination of these great gold-bearing properties. The five great parallel veins traversing these groups havo out croppings of such a nature as few mining men havo ever seen. I have personal knowledge of assays that have been made from these ores that run Into thousands of dollars per ton. I am per sonally and Intimately acquainted with your Superintendent, Rob ert McKinley. He Is a mnn of unquestioned Integrity nnd repu tation and of splendid ability. He will, In my opinion, develop one of the greatest gold mines of the present day on your prop erty. Mr. John Ennis, Vice-President Boise State Bank, Boise, Ida ho, says: "I take no hesitancy In recommending Mr. McKlnloy as being a mnn worthy of the confidence of other business men. I have always found him to be perfectly reliable and trustworthy In heul dealings.” •Mr. A. E. Carlson, of the Carlson-Lusk Hardware Co., Boise, Idaho, eays: "We have known Mr. Robert McKinley and have done business with him for several years, and can say that he Is well posted Ip the mining lines, ahd his dealings with us have al ways been satisfactory.” Tho Electrlo Power Company, Ltd., Boise, Idaho, says: "We will take pleasure In recommending Mr. Robert McKinley to any one f,.r his business Integrity and for his ability as a pusher and as n thorough mechanic." This Company Invites the most searching Investigation, know ing that Its backing nnd Its methods are unassailable and above reproach. Every possible facility for such Investigation will be Cheerfully furnished upon request. JUPITER MOUNTAIN AND BOISE BASIN—RICHEST GOLD BEARING SECTION OF IDAHO. The McKinley Gold Mines property comprises 22 claims, or about 440 nercs, situated on Jupiter Mountain, In Boise County, Idaho. The gold production of the famous Boise Basin has already amounted to the magnificent total of 11.000,000,000 from tho placers alone: and only quite recently have the Immense mineral resources of the underground deposits begun to be developed to a singe of profitable production. The Basin begins at the head of Moore's Creek and is now attracting wide attention from enterprising Investors, who, following the trail of the prospectors, are now rapidly opening up and developing the" dis trict and laying the foundations for larger production and more lucrative profits than any hitherto realized. , The five great gold-bearing veins traversing the McKinley property trend from northwest to southeast, with oir-shoots, branches and connecting fissures of enormous width plainly traceable by outcroppings. That these veins nro heavily mineralized is now an accepted fact among all mining men fa miliar with the district. A single tunnel can be run through all these veins at right angles, tapping them at depth, nnd draining the whole property. Transportation facilities for the Basin are now being rapidly developed by the Barber Lutnber'Co., which Is constructing a branch road connecting with the Oregon Short Line branch at their plant at Barber and runnlr g through Moore Creek Gulch along the bast of Jupiter Mountain This railroad will pass within about half a mile of the McKinley properly. The present stage road to Boise runs within 2,000 feet of ouc tunnel site. Light nnd power will be supplied to the section at an earry date by the Wharton Power Plant, whose clam, Just completed on the South Payette River, develops 2 000-horse power a- the low-water stage. 7 . ’ A Mountain of Gold Hundreds of Assays Proving the Extraordinary Richness of Jupiter Mountain Formation. The Gold now being obtained on the McKinley prop erty Is taken chiefly from volcanic or eruptive forma tions cnlled “dykes.” These dykes show s rich mineral isation to the enormous depth of 2,003 feet. They nro In fact tho source—the fountain hend-of tho uoldcn stream which years ago began to enrich the placer miners In tho beds of the creeks that wash tho base of the mountain. As depth Is attained theso great dykes, en closed between walls of solid granite, show amaslng and almost unlimited quantities of r*ch gold-bearing ores, which years of working could not possibly exhaust. The values obtained from these dykes are Indicated In the following assays: . J. H. MOIIELAND, MINING ENGINEER. Certificate of Assay for McKinley Gold Mines Co. 1 17.65 3.7 1372.38 37.50 40.00 160.00 Mr. Moreland Is Official Government Assayer for the United State's Customs House at KausnS»City-tbo prin cipal Federal assay office In the West—and the .figures S lven are reliable and unquest bumble. In nddltlou to lie assays hero presented, hundred* of others have been obtained of the Jupiter Mountain ores showing values running nil the way from f4 to |2,OOo to the ton In Gold. These assays were made by such well known nssayers as Regis Cbauvcnet Bro., of 8t. Louis; The Phillips Ore Testing nnd Metallurgical Works of Denver; James A. Park, of Boise, Idaho; “Hicks” Gold and Silver Extrac tion Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and the Amerlcnu Kkuelt- lug nud Refining Co., of Halt Lake City. In fact, the mass of evidence now on file ns to the quality of these ores is simply overwhelming and Indisputable. The Making of a Gold Mine. What Is Required in a Successful Mining Enterprise. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The world’s wealth Is taken from the ground, where It has been stored for long ages in Nature's treasure vaults. The work of obtaining these rich values from beneath requirements of a succeculntlon—m o d e r n science has the surface Is not it sptalnty unoqualed In any form of given It n degreo of cerhe Investor once understands the enterprise; nnd when tessful mining enterprise be can no longer look upon mining na a “venture" or a “gam ble.” The conditions of success are three—the Mine, tho Men, and the Money. With a richly mineralised land of proven value— 1 with an upright and experienced manage ment determined to “mnke good”—nnd with tho funds necessary to purchase machinery and equipment nnd carry forward the work of digging out the ores—tho conditions aro all present for a great and notable suc cess. Ry a careful Inquiry nny Investor may satisfy himself regarding the merits of a given proposition; nnd there Is no excuse whatever for “taking chances” In mining nny more thnti In nny other legitimate business. INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE—that Is tho secret of successful Investment. Tho more carefully you Investi gate tho MeKINLEY GOLD MINES COMPANY, the more anxious you will be to secure a block of McKinley stock at the ground-floor Trice; for we have the Mine, the Men, and the Money; nnd only tne possibility of tills time. tlounl funds brings this offer before you ut -.Unquestioned Standing and Integrity of the McKinley Management. A careful Ireatlgntlon nf the "landing of our officers anil director, will convince the moat rnnrervatlvo In- ve,tor that money placed In till* cnterprlae la In aafo •hand,. I All aueli I uvea Mention will bo welcomed, for there 'men bare nothing to conceal. Officers. II. C. I.IXDRf.y, rrealdcnt; Railroad Contractor, Kan Vlce-Prealdent: Pbyalclan, Millions of Dollars in Gold. Extracts From tho Reports of Robert N. Bell, Idaho State Inspec tor of Mines. Idaho has a number of ore bodies that have enriched the commence of the world with precious and useful metals to the value of millions of dollars, whose highest crests were hundreds of feet under the surface of the ground In the respective veins where they were found, often showing little more evi dence of their existence than an iron- stained fracture, containing absolutely no commercial ore at the surface, and In some Instances requiring years of hard work and apparent blind faith on the part of their discoverers In finding them. The Boise Basin section, situated at the head of Moore’s Creek, has received murked attention from investors during the past year; still, some very flattering opportunities remain. The enormous output of placer gold from this basin was mostly derived from an area of about fifteen miles from north to south by a maximum width of thirteen miles from east to west, which. In comparison to Its slxe, probably equals the output of any placer field In the world. The area above described embraces not only Idaho City, but also the towni* of Centerville, Placervllle, Quartzburg ond Ploneervllle, all of which have been rebuilt in recent years and pre sent a neat and thriving appearance. Quartz mining in this Basin Is still In Its Infancy, and yet the basin has a quartz mining history which Is unique, and holds out most encouraging Indica tions for future success. It Is a notable fact that all tho rich est placer gulches of the Basin have led up to rich gold-bearing quartz veins und there can be no question but that the erosion of these veins was the source of the placer gold; and as the outcrop of the numerous rich ore-bear ing fissures show a vertical range of fully two thousand feet at the present day, It is conclusive that the chief sources of the placer gold were not ex hausted by erosion. There are dozens of handsome lode mines among the old placer beds of the Basin now awaiting the advent of capi tal that afford encouraging evidence of opening out Into good mines n* depth if systematically and Intelligently devel oped. L. C\ Hmltli Typewriter C JEAN ROBERT MOKCIIKL. . I’ll. D.. I’niiHultlng Engl- . ... dug Expert nnd Assayer, Kansu* City, Mo. ROIIKRT MeMNLKY. Superintendent of Milieu; Mining Kuglueor, Uoivo, Idaho. Directors. August Mulil. Mnuufnrturer; H. Kaufman, Clothier; Fhlllp McKinley of McKinley Plumbing Co.; II. IS. Ralph, M. D., Physician; (*. A. Reunacker, Merchant; George W. Cordcr, Dental Burgeon (all of Kaunas City.) These men are Investing liberally of their own menus In the present enterprise, hut they realise that money la required to mnke a mine, and that with adequate funds —more than they can coin maud among themselves—the resulting profits will be far greater nnd quicker than If they should attempt to exclude the public front a share In the reward* of their efforts. No officer or director of the Comtinny, with the exception of the Mine Superin tendent. will receive nny salary whatever until the divi dend-paring stage is reached and dividends are actually declared. All moneys derived from the sale of stock gver nud above the necessary expenses of advertising, etc., are to be used strictly for development purposes, und no extravagance or leukages of any sort will be Canute- tiounecu. Eight Years of Gold Digging. A Statement from Our Mine Superintendent For eight years I have studied Jupiter Mountain In the llnlse Basin, following the Golden trail from both Grimes and Moore Creeks, which wash Its base, up the steep sides to the eruptive dykes thnt promi nently crop on Its surface. I have made a close study of these dykes nud traced them along their course; I have dug holes Into them, cut Into them under ground with tunnels to a depth of two hundred feet; found the gold ore nnd have taken It out and tested It In ton lota. I have had hundreds of assays made, nud I know' the nature and quantity of the ore nud how* most economically to treat It. After all these years of preliminary work nnd the expenditure of thonsnuds of dol lars, I am convinced that with tin* proposed plan of development outlined herein we will Imre one of the richest properties on tin* lM el fie Hlope. First Allotment of Stock at 5c Per Share—Par Value $1.00—Price Will Advance in a Few Days Thu enterprise is to be a partnership between Robert McKinley, Prospector, and the investing public, especially the man of limited means desirous of a square deal and an opportunity to share in the lucrative profits of a le gitimate mining enterprise. Development has already thoroughly proven up our property and demonstrated be yond all question that the most extensive operations are fully warranted to obtain quick and large results. The tunnel to be constructed is certain to cross-cut the gold ledges; and when the ores begin to be removed in quanti ties by this tunnel the opportunity to join with us in this enterprise will no longer be open. Today this stock can be bought for five cents per share. The price will be rapidly advanced with each step in the progress of development and those who join us now will quickly see their money doubling and trebling with the advances in this security. The present opportunity will be held open for a short time only, and prompt action only will insure against disappointment in securing this stock. HUE OF ROBT. McXIHLEY’S PROSPECT TUNNELS (From Photograph.) f TUe tunnel Js 6 feet In height ami la run Ini 100 tV f It waa con*tmeted by Mr. McKinley with l*', 1 Purpoie of tapping one of the gnjat ore-bearing '"■* mid ascertaining nrtua! value*. * The ledge “it at a death of BO,or 60 fact. and volnea were **n. mow ring In many case* hundred* and thou- i 1 * of dollar* to the ton In Gold. Giber *bort tun- °l>en 4'iif * and aha ft* on the McKinley property •mown equally good value*. WHAT WE PROPOSE TO DO The Experimental Stage la Pa««ed— Rapid Developmant Now to bo Our Watchword. No mine won wry. me j ...iin.. . propoM. to . the needed machinery noil carry through the eoo.triietlon nf the tunnel which is to prom-cut tho live great ore-bearing Iwlgea at depth. The economy of tunnel mining over .haft mining la ton well known to re quire comment. The moat modern and gel- entitle appllanrea will lie ured-cost* will be kept down to the loweat fisure-the work will he done thoroughly. Thin great tun nel will determine the eharacter of the ore at a depth of 1.000 feet. Our reduction plant will then ho thoroughly eoulpped- the gravity ayatem of ore handling and drainage will be applied lo our operation", and an adequate milling equipment will lie ''The 1 experimental atage la nowr panned, and the money apeut In thin enterprlae will lie devoted to preparing for enonnnua production at little eoof. The net profit will then quickly exceed nil the expeadl* tnreu of the pant: and stockholder, /n the McKinley Company will then renllae the truth of the old adage thnt "Aa a rnab rewa, «o .hall ha reap. THE TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW Delay para no dividend.. Onr lllu.trnted proa peel He, Hat of hlgh-elana liurineaa ref- erncea. terma of anhaerlptlon for ntnek. and full Information will lie nent npon reqaeat. WRITE TODAY. OUR PLAN OF EASY PAYMENTS No one la to be debarred from coming In with us at the bottom price by lack of ready money. 3 reservation now for aa many nbarea aa dealred, oend remittance cf one-tenth the full amount and pay the I nine monthly payments. You thus secure your whole reservation at the bottom price/ STOCK NOW ONLY 5c A SHARE—PAR VALUE $1.00 $ 1 down and $ 1 monthly for t months buy* 200 chores, par value $ 200. $ 2 down and f 2 monthly for 9 months buys 400 charts, par valuo 9 400. $ 0 down and 9 5 monthly for 9 months buya 1,000 (haras, par value 9 1,000. 910 down and 910 monthly for 9 month* buya 2,000 shares, par vslus 9 2,000. 930 down and 930 monthly for 9 months buys 6,000 shares, par valu* 9 6,000. 950 down and 960 monthly for 9 months buy* 10,000 shares, par valu* 910,000. ' EVERY INVESTOR PERSONALLY GUARANTEED year desires to dispose At Ilia stock. I have investigated .... . . value. If any one does. McKinley Gold atock Is going up, and for this reaium I food entirely safe In making these guarantees. As to my personal responsibility, I refer by special permission to the Bankers’ Trust Company, Kansas City, Mo. Tl*e present allotment Is likely to l>e largely ovcr-ntibscrlbod. and the right Is reserved to return any subscrip tion or reduce the nthnunt of the inmi>. Prompt action In nny case will b#» nc«t swiry. Immediate acceptance of this offer it urgently advised, but proepectus and full information will be tent FREE to any investor wishing to maks further inquiry bafora remitting. WRITE TODAY. H. H. TOMLINSON, Financial Agent, McKinley gold mines company 837 Century Building. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. VALUABLE OPTION SECURED McKinley Stock Enhanced Many Points in Value by This Deal Hlnce entering Into the contract as financial agent for the sale of this stock at 5 cents per share, I have received word from the Ikmrd of Directors that they have succeeded In putting through it deni which will add enormously to the assets of the Company and would Justify them In-Increasing the price at once to far above the prenent figure. This deal Is in the form of an option secured upon five claims, or about upon the west. Tills Is heavily miners lifted property which ha* been tl ly proven up nnd ha* yielded test* and ussays showing hundred* and tbuuwui» of dollar* to the ton In Gold. A* I hml already secured the contract for the sale of stock previous to the securing of tbl* option I niu still able to offer It for a short time only at the original price of 5 cents (>er share, but I am advl»cd that the price will have to Ik* advanced at a very early date. FREE INFORMATION COUPON—Clip and Mail Today. M. H. TOMLINSON, 837 Century Bldg., Kanes. City, Mo. Dear Sir—Pleusu "end prepaid, prospectus and full Information ns to the McKinley Gold Mines Co. XAME ADDRESS