Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 30, 1907, Image 9

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lit" lll P^WW||W’U^^I!f^PPPWg!ipppP r l | l | !lWi i WHiD^^iBfiWP^iP^pgipif Want Ads iO Cents a Line Si* word, of average length make lint. Tht following rate* are for eon ..eutivt inxcrtiona: 1 time . ] timet g timet 26 timet .10 cent* a line, . 81-3 cento a line, ,71-2 cent! a line. . 6 centi a line. Wt will tend for .our ad WITH- OUT CHARGE (or mestenger r‘Se.. Ca "«$ Main, or 4401 Atlanta phone. When aendin ade. pay for the ratea quoted above. Cash with each order. Rates for 3, 6 or 12 months' contract furnished on ap, plication. Ada. for Situations Wanted will bolnaerted FREE. Jf WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—MALE STENOGRAPHER 1 operate Remington machine. To Jen 1 riir Mutt lw first-class. Salary, 670 month Answer. A. I’., care Gcoritlnn. WANTED—TWO FIRST-CLASS MACH1N ht's for light work. Boitrom-Rrorty Man Iftctorlng Company. 188 Madison avenue. trtNTBD—TWO OR THREE GOOD CAR- sentert to nail up window and door (imrs. Steady work. Woodwnrd Lumber Conpsur, Whitehall and Central railroad, WASTED-SHIPPING CLERK. ONE OF WANTED-TWO FIRST CLASS COL- oml drivers. Must rend and write. Also wrs good ebaracter. so can make bond. AdpIt van) foreman. Fulton Bag and Cettuu Mills. DBPUTIB* TO REPRESENT THE OR dsr of Washington throughout the elate If fleorgja; a fraternal honcflclan? jKX'lety tracts Gage. : Atlanta WANTED—AT ONCE—RELIABLE AND licensed drug clerk: good position to right ■it. Adams & Wilde, 486 Peachtree street. WASTED-SEVERAL HUNDRED MORE Urdwood cabinet makers and machine bands. Mutt he willing to demonstrate ability In one of the largest and most mod ern woodworking plants In the United lutes. Write Columbus Show Case Com pty, Columbus, Ga. WANTED—ONE FIRST-CLASS CYLINDER pens feeder. At once. Apply Dlttler Bros., 114 Central i.rcnue. » TO 36 THOUSAND PAID FOR D1S trilmtlng circulars, samples, etc. Amerl an tjolou, Pontiac building, Chicago. FIEND-BOOKKEEPER, I10O. 8TRNOG raplier. »«o. Young lady for position as stenographer In emeu town, BIO and Itoard. Bright Ik,.i for office, SIS. Bellamy Business Agency. 130) Candler Bldg. pSMmSBSWVIystem SHI WAYiKr>”6~TO CALU WftlTB ”6U THE RK8T eonraea of fhtt Phnuchon SECURES POSITIONS or RBFUNDS MONEY. Night and day sea- WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED-A GOOD COOK FOB SMALL 's!eM , in V’ljj *** Gordon street. Bell WANTED—APPRENTICES ANI) FIRST' rlaai preparer In millinery. 180 Peachtree I IWO I.ADIE8 TO REPRESENT THE ORl ■ ujref Wanhlngton. a fraternal bcnedclury petety which ailmlla ladles upon tho wimo nnnllty at gentleman. We believe that Any are tho (iiterented ones around the Ure- «dr, consequently they ahould meet and UblES MAY OBTAIN PERMANENT wpioyment Bailing hosiery and underwear um" n '°* r «r. Ontllt free. Victoria •Ills. Ksvnnnnb, Ga. •ANTED - COMPETENT REMINGTON •ferntora furnished positions. Remington typewriter t o., 118 reaebtree street. •ANTED HELP—Mala and Fomnla. •WTED-COMBINATION Jf" «"d bookkeeper for S“- Mb*! be high elaea. ®«ry Ito. Answer C. A.. Answer C. A., care Georgian. Wanted - tiireb experienced Ihh 0,,ce - 000,1 JP"y- Apply at Manhattan Cafe, next to liyuu theater. ^.F.-'I-mployed, register with .Tibetnacie kra^oy. Jirkle street. meat Department. WANTED—AGENT8. 1 ?™, NTS “' VE HAVE THE GOODS THAT irtcw wr *te for agents’ special Kani '' a,a,0 * ue * 1<aib Cora pony, 8a- ’LL 1 ATI SIXTY-ONE FAST SELLING fial tii 1lo *tor agent*: catalogue nnd *p*>- tont l llT*J n X’ Jtld-tfreMt Specialty Com ffir’ 5 * ^ ort “ Nineteenth atreel, Omaha, THE ATLANTA GLUKGIAtf AND NEWS. batubday*. jfAnrn : FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. W Ha ! 5T. B ye7^Py, ONE WHO AI'PRE- rf SfetSViSE tbehPmer* "2tnn'dl .cr E e? R Cle»?. A ire K,,JIITEr - N ' IKF3 : SraiSvffS *2!'Decs tn r" °G a ™ K F !i K .^ALE—TIIinTEEN™VACANT r rvrii' rat***? ALB-A gem of a home o\ *t V h*. nu S,» The n bM ‘ built Mx-room fret 1 repn'l?" , " lf ^ ,P rd ' u " : ""“per “.• »* py " (r '; e v.,«£, Whitehall itraSt, *** WlinnghJS ’ niehl, ’ n ' 1 hTtaw - K. BARGAIN IN* HOME—SPLENDID? v conatriieted and beat location. Inman Park. Apply E. D. Lupo, 66 Euclid a T trc« A S R ^ 8 .?° SE LL ON THE PEACH- tree rn.ii — . bargain. 416 Century. *5™"™^°“?!™ DECATUR: 8PA- eWm 1,11(1 Sou re: near cara: every conI 'try art advantage of city. Address Opportunity, Box 438. Atlanta. Ga. FOR EXCHANGE. MB FEET FRONTING MADE STREET on^touth .lde, In thickly aettled locality: B3.600. WIU exchange for Improved prop- EAjBNNSAR KENNEBAW-160 ACRES, 60 tampon house; *1.250. will ex cnango for Atlanta property. HAPEY ILLS—13 ACRES JOINING THE eorpernte limits; level tad covered with beautiful grove: *260 per acre, or will ... change for Atlanta property. JAMES STREET-NEAT FIVE-ROOM tflge; lot 100 by 150. One block from - Stewart arena* car line; $2.M0.« will exchange and pay difference for central res idence. CHAS P. GLOVER, 6 Auburn Ave. WANTED—8ALESMEN. SALESMEN ABLE TO EARN *1.000 PER month nud up. Greatest town Rite r iltlon on earth. Hustlers making |L. 1500 weekly. Texas nnd Pacific Development Co., Edgewood, Tex. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD. I CAN ■are you money. Will draw your plan* and specification! nights nnd furnish an .. . . -trial. J. A. Wilton, 87 WANTED-SECOND HAND JOB FRES8, C. & P. make: about 16 by 20. State price, age and condition. Press, care Georglau. WANTED-SECOND-IIAND IRON 8AFE; 8 or 4 feet high. Address B, care Gtor glnn. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED room, nultable for one or two men; the room ndjolns a very largo bath room; the location la convenient to two car Hues, on n quiet street, for undisturbed aleep; per manent occupants dealred; the house Ir •teani-bented nnd contain* all modern con veniences. Rell phone 4455-J. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR A NICE place-rflve or alx room*—well located nud shady, call to see 218 Ashby, Went tnd. FOR RENT-TWO UPSTAIRS ROOMS: all conveniences. Reference*. 154 Central avenue. EATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board. 363 Whitehall. FOR RENT—FARM8. FARM TO RENT OR WORK ON SHARES; SMALL TRUCK. vegetable nud dairy farn. to rel able man with .mail family. Apply 310 Spring atrret Monday morning. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FARM AND INVEST MENT OPPORTtjNITIES ou the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. °mF,F AI ‘,J' FACTORY in a thriving J“»t » few miles from Atlan- “• opportunity for an overall or hosiery manufacturer Is unuaually Ample white labor aitrae- .am/) Is s/allable. or Htoifor bowery can I*LaJS5 c »i* d t f F. om , n ®* r W BriU«v and a «ub- K- nt cJcctrlc lighted brick build- Ing, with sidetrack facllltlea, cau be teaaed or purchased on n moat reaaonable bails, 8onie local capital can be enlisted In this proposition If desired. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BICYCLES’ AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST wholesale bicycle nud sundry distributors -••Mth. S. mf 11r f i Mat'll f >4 I *i.-i • ••. }ale, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Writs for mr nor rntnlogue and prlco Uat. Alex- ander-Elyen Company. SMALL, CLEAN, FRESH GROCERY stock; best canh locntlon In- city; will make terma. Address W. H. D., core Fol aom> restaurant. FOR SALE-ONLY NEWSPAPER county teat In Florida town. Address Box 27, Apopka, Fla. WANTED-A PARTNER WITH 135 TO own half interest nnd operate In anial* towns one of the beat money-niaklug ma chine* ever Invented. Address Money Maker, 71 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD- Thl. location could not be excelled for the — It If In the very heart of tha pine and hardwood Mt of the Carolina!, within a reasonable radius of uumerous small aaw mllli, but no planing mills or lumber to compete with. The town la growln. Idly, and will spend over I2.000.0CK) for Imlld 0g . mtterlala within the uext twelve month.. An acre of ground suitable for establishment of plant and yard will be doimted to the right parties. A minimum ®f R.000 capital would be required tc die this to the best advantage, and would earn very houdsome profits. CRUSHED STONE PLANTS-CONTRAC- . t $ r ?i builder, and street pavlug concerns find It difficult to secure crushed stone for their work, even at the high prices pre- extremely profitable, and where conditions 1 trnp-rock, and oue lo- • inuur. iiuirBiuuo ur 11 iip-i 4»:i», nuu cation Is only 10 miles from Atlanta. EXCELSIOR PLANT—THE B1RMING- ham district and territory west thereof consumes immense quantities of excelsior, and the market demand Is at all times good. Our Atlantic sud Birmingham dh sion from Coal City west Into BIrmingba penetrates and will develop an absolute! virgin territory. Between Coal City nti Birmingham are enormous quantities < K ne. with some hardwood, ranging from 12 Inches In diameter; ill of It - mi ... .... the wood to dimensions desired sod deliver It to the plant. The manufacture of i ladders, kitchen tables snd similar art! In conjunction would prove profitable. INFU80RIAL flARTH DBPOBIT-THIS 18 the largest single deposit of Infusoria earth I have ever seen. It Is located on our main line, near Birmingham. This ma terlnl is useful In tho manufacture of pol lulling powders and scouring soaps, but Its most extensive use fa In the manufacture of dynamite, packing for boilers, steam retarding cements. It Is also of vnlue In the snanufacture of fireproof building materials, and Is being Introduced Into the manufacture of wall plasters, and for fil tering purposes. In the hands of n prac tical man. the development of this prop erty Is going to prove very profitable, and It can be secured on a reasonable basis. Royalty would be acceptable. nnd which no one la taking advantage ol locally because of other Interest! demand Ing all of their time and attention and cap- Itnl. For additional Information concerning .je above or a list of other Inviting op portunltles In the Seaboard's territory, cal on or address H. B. RIGHAM. Anlatant Gaaaral Indu.trinl At rat. 1100-1111 Engllsb-Amerlcan building, Ailaoti WARE & HARPER, Bell Phone 3311—Atlanta Phone 1868 724-25 Century Building—Atlanta, Ga. S400—ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED, bait eatablUbed cigar and tobacco atanda; very heart boat cigar selling dlxfrlct Mari- etta street; good Icaio, cheap rent, nc heat, power or light bills to pay: expect ■ell this before thirty-six boats roll around. Bee us quick. BUS-HALF INTEREST IN AN E8TAB- IIabed pressing dub, paying finely, to ac ceptable parly. REMOVAL NOTICE. MOVED. ACME HATTERS HAVE SIOVED TO W’i Whitehall street. Old beta made new 36c EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE "GILT-EDGE'' SION ey-maklng recurltlea for nicely located rwHlenee, or vacant lot. Addre.. Stocks, care Georgian. PERSONAL- TEETH H5MSS? n.!cl H crew D J rAL* PARLORS, recond door Steloar-Em' Bldg. Take elevator. DAVID W. TARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St •VKULASTINU PERFUME—A MONEY 1c. ,., r i for •grata: catalogue of upeclnl ff I “tuple. 10c. Carpenter Mall Or 5 1 "utpany. North Cobocton. N. Y. ^f-NTS MAKE ns WEEKLY SELLING It.! ' . of apeclnltle.; Iiest aellera 5> ur 1 catalogue free. Roberta A ■ • East Taylor street, South Bend, “ients ■ MAKE B3 . Coff..„ Settlers: ... 'oiburoe free. Sample Sc. ,J_". Martinsville, ind. AOENTS (MALE OR FEMALE) tot r»' n ^ “^wspaper combinations: Mg *'Unta h le * B,rter » 8u P l » St.. WANTED ROOMS. 1 S -E mS' ,th family of three l» ." s, hl dr *a- d-d re to secure ' i’re ... ln , "Ice bonne la good i-t-i fw.".,:,"' 1 " ■five or 1 location. | house re- Up. COAL AND ICB CO., ».i f >,or * *» town to buy coal Biggest load for the money. MONEY TO LOAN. LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT LOWEST rate*. Call, write or buune. W._Jones A 0., 6 Viaduct place. Phones MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pin and others. Amorjcao Investment Company, 704 Candler building. WEYMAN a'cONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 4H, 5 and 6 ^ r .* or call S. w. Carton. B4 South Broad atreat MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Herman, room* 202-203 Temple court. t?nrrn PPR TENT HOME MONEY TO F ?eSd R on mo, rty®«« plan: darty; also mooev for purebire money notra. I/ , ANR on OI i«bal T eotatb’ in and L !?A? R br .dtJ. Intrre-t o per erttandjg. n.-nirdlng to security. Addrew Spevlal, care _ t| Bl.OOO SPOT CASH. QUICK. WILL BUY complete outdt (a. good nx now) fo.- man ufacturing pant.. «hlrta. ladles' ablets, over all. and sporting good.; there fixtures coat *4,800; a regular bonanxa for soma one want, In* to go Into ngtaufacturlng. We are gtv Ing It away at tbli price. Boat reaaou. A,GENERAL STOKE STOCK, COMPRIS lug groceries, dry good* and notions, for sale. Vnlue about B4|600. rnah. llualueu In WANTED-MAN WITH SOME MONEY to take Interest In plnnlug mill, novelty tvi.rka nud wagon factory; builues. already established, but need more capital, upper Utility well worth coualdcrlpg. Box 136, SUIIuore, (In. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR vehicle re-rubber-tlred. Oet our prices and aava money. We uae tho beat quality Hartford vehicle tires. Material and mnnshlp guaranteed, order and we will sen and return them promptly. Alciander-Elyea Company, 36 N. Pryor street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. CONTENTS OF 387 PIED MONT AVE. AT AUCTION. Monday, April 1, at 10 a. m. On account of leaving city. Upright cabinet rrand piano, parlor furniture, largo Axmlnster and Smyrna ruga, Jap art squares, mattings, elegant lot of wicker, oak and mahogany rockers, bench and porch rockers, center tables, brlc-abrac, mirrors, secretary desk, hat rack, sofa, bed lounge,, portlers lace curtain, and shades, din ing table, Iron beds, princess dresser and washstanda. National springs, hair and moss mattresses, antique mahoga ny dreaser, elegant walnut bed room ult, toilet seta, crockery, glassware an Itchen utensils, LEO FRESH, Auctioneer. Office 5 Viaduct Place. FOR SALE-FRENCH POODLE PUPPY. a beauty; also two-seated trap for sale cheap. I'hone 4720-J. for cash. Paul Burkert, Malu 6100. PIANO, STANDARD MAKE; MUST SELL at once; leaving clt Address M. J., care FOUND. dollar down and one dolalr per week. Re member. you wear tbe watch wblla payiug ONE MANDOLIN AND SMALL 817.K FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. THE KELLEY JEWELRY COMPANY It telling 12 and 14-tire Elgin movcmeula In Fnhy'i 2D-yeer open-face gold-tilled rare., 7-Jewel cil, BMC; li-Jeweled, BID.60; 17-Jcw- eled, 312.60. WANTED—DEALERS TO WRITE for price, on yellow pine shingles. Tha Sherman Shingle Co., Blakely. Oa. FOR SALE MANGANESE SOLID SCREW- 1 vault Bill.. LIGHT RUNNING. THE STANDARD "ROTARY" SEWING machine sold and rented. Office 68 South Broad street. All makes repaired. Both 'pbonea M05. COLONIAL DESIGNS and PANEL EFFECTS, B^DOO-ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED and beautifully equipped pool rooms la lha city: receipts BIOO per week; can b< created. Will give terma on a portion of thla to a good pnrtyj J56D—ONE OF THE REST EQUIPPED AND located borse-tboolng businesses In At lanta; One patronage; Incmalag all tbe time; best reaaou. *1,600 CASH—WELL ESTABLISHED AND liberally patronlxed livery stable la one of the beat towna of north Georgia of over 1,000 Inhabitants; baa never cleared let* (ban 6100 and baa cleared as much oa HOC) per month. Can be Increased over thla If you want a livery buelnris and will Inves tigate thla, we feel sure you will buy. U.OOfr-WELL-ESTABLISHED AND LIB- orally patronised grocery buslnese, togetb er with a Brst-clasa market; stock Is per- foctly staple, new and clean; builneaa >1,604 per month. Revere lllnere of owner cause of this offer. 1360—MOST POPULAR AND WELL EB tebllahed sanitary dry cleaning and dye works; absolutely clearing BIN) to 3700 per month. Hat cleared as much at 3776 In a single month. Tbe owner baa another btislness which requires bit entire time. Where can you make so email laveatment to receive ee large a prott? No limit to the possibilities. 31,304-RODA WATER, ICE CREAM. Ci gar and tobaeco business and restaurant combined. Good location; bnelnere Inereas- Ing. Tbe original coat of fixture, of thla place are upward of 37.00). As good as Will accept one half cash, balance to FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. FOR 8ALR-ONR OWENS PATENT DAVENPORT. IN QUARTER .SAWED OAK. HANDSOMELY FINISHED AND UPHOLSTERED. PR ACTIO ALLY NEW. PRICE WHEN NEW $66. GOING TO MOVE AND DON'T NEED IT AND WILL SELL FOR »20. CALL 114 WINDSOR ST. A $50.00 SALE TYPE- WRITERS. 4 DKN'S’MORB, NO. 10 YOST, NO. 6 WILLIAMS, NO. 8 OLIVER. H t cent must accompany each some only.. Denosit of 10 pel order. Will *hl| Ject to examlnal SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. TELEPHONE 1063. 474-3S CANDLER BLDO. FOR SALE, CONTRACTOR’S EQUIP MENT. 1 Glover Locomotive, 36- inch gauge, saddle tank, cylinders 8x14 inches; weight 12 tons. 6 Oliver two-way dump care, 4 yards capacity, 36-inch gauge. Oliver revolving dump care, 1 yard capacity, 36- inch gauge. 1 Glover Hoisting Engine and Boiler with 600 feet plow steel cable. 1 Ingersol Steam Drill with steel. For prices and particulars address L. D. YANCEY & CO., 1210 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. - HOUSEWIVES ' LISTEN! HAD YOU EVER THOUGHT OF BUYING A SEWING MACHINE? IF NOT, THINK NOW! WE SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS AND WE RENT AT $2 PER MONTH COULD YOU BUY A MORE PRACTICAL HOMESTEAD ARTICLE? NO OTHER HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE IS SO USEFUL, SO PROFITABLE. A LIFETIME OF SATISFACTION TO THE OWNER, WHEN YOU THINK OFA SEWING MACHINE FOR YOUR HOME FIX YOUR THOUGHTS ON A NEW DOMESTIC, THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR FAMILY SEWING., TWO MACHINES IN ONE. THE • \ LOCK-STITCH FOR PERMANENT WORK; THE LOOPEft ‘ WITH ITS SINGLE THREAD FOR WORK THAT MAY NEED TO BE - ' ALTERED IN THE FUTURE. THE NEW DOMESTIC DOES ALL KINDS OF SEWING, PLAIN AND FANCY. RUNS EASILY, IS NOISELESS. ATTACHMENTS FOR EVERY * PURPOSE. BE SURE TO CALL TO PICK OUT ■JUST THE MACHINE YOU WILL WANT, OR PHONE 3336 BELL, 1250 ATLANTA. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 104 N. Pryor St. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE On next Tuesday we will sell at the court house the following pieces of property belonging to estate of Mrs. Ella Jordan: N<*. I.") HHoTHKIfTON ST.-- A ll-room <-ottalb-tween For syth street and Madison avenue. No. 113 POWERS ST.—A 3-r oom cottage between Orme and Lovejoy streets. A vacant lot 90x90 on west side of Battle St., 230 feet north of West Fair. • Plats will be ready in a few days. ■ * « > FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. REFRIGERATORS. WE DEO TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR flret ear of REFRIGERATORS baa ar rived. We handle the celebrated "Gurney 1 Refrigerator. For clnanllnen It haa no parlor. For preferring qualltlea It out a peer. Our pricee on all otiea of Re, frigeratora are the loweit ROBISON-MARTIN FUR NITURE CO., 23 E. Hunter St. “AS YE SOW” SO SHALL YE REAP.” GOOD RELIABLE SEEDS MAKE GOOD CROPS. THAT’S THE KIND WE SEI^L. EVERYBODY KNOWS THE OLD RELIABLE SEED STORE— McMILLAN SEED CO., 23 SOUTH BROAD ST. WE SELL SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OUR SEEDS WILL PRO DUCE A FULL CROP, BE CAUSE THEY ARE GROWN AND SPECIAL LY ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN CLIMATE AND SOIL. THE BUYING OF SEEDS IS A MIGHTY IMPOR TANT THING TO THE FARMER OR GARDENER. FOR YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT QUALITY OF SEEDS YOU ARE BUY ING UNTIL YOU PLANT THEM. AND THEN IT IS TOO LATE. IF OUR REPUTATION IS NOT ASSURANCE ENOUGH, WE WILL GUARANTEE OUR SEEDS. CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE OLD RELIABLE McMILLAN SEED CO., 23 S. BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GA. SHOULD ANY ONE USE "DEWBERRY'S DEI.IOHT" FOB hovel trouble, eryelpelae, ecxema, freak euta and burna of any kind, etrietly accord ing to direction!, and fall to give perfect •atlafaetlon return It and get yonr money back. Nothin* like Dewberry'a Delight on tbe market, aa It removes the cause and nature perfect! a cure. Tell your friends what Dewberry’s Delight baa done for yon. druggtita. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. * TYPEWRITERS. ONE NO. 5 BLIOKENSDERPER, 8PLE.V- dhl writing order $12.60 ONE NO. 2 REMINGTON; OTHERS ASK 374 to 336; our pricn 316.00 ONE CHICAGO; ALMOST NEW; BEOU- lar price 336; oar price 316.04 ONE NO. 7 WILLIAMS; GOOD CONDI- lion BOI.OO ONE NO. 4 YOST, WORTH 336; FOR only 370.0) ONE NO. 7 nLICKENSDERFEIt; AL- most aa good aa new $25.00 ONE NO. 2 WELLINGTON; WORTH 185: our prlco $25.00 ONE MANHATTAN; ALMOST AS GOOD aa now; worth $40; our price $25.00 ONE NO. 4 WILLIAMS; THOROUGHLY overhauled; a bargain $30.Oj ONE NO. 1 'SMITH-PREMIER; REBUILT: good as now $33.oo ONE NO. 2 OLIVER; REBUILT; FINE condition $35.00 ONE NEW CENTURY; THOROUGHLY overbaulad $40.00 ONE NO. 6 WILLIAMS; ALMOST BRAND- now —$45.00 ONE NO. 4 DEN8MORE; ALMOST GOOD as nmv 143.00 ONE NO. 3 OLIVER .334.00 ONE NO. 3 SMITH PREMIER: RE- bullt RO.CO ONE NO. 7 REMINGTON 366.00 ONE NO. 0 REMINGTON; ALMOST ONE NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER; ALMOST brand-new 5*5.00 ONE NO. 4 SMITH PREMIER, WITH tabulator, uses two-color ribbon ..,.$S5.07 Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, H. M. ASHE CO., (f Atlanta, - GA. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG MAN. GOOD APPEARANCE. speaking French, German and English fluently, good handwriting, reekf employ ment at once. References. Apply ti. M. 100, care Thu Georgian. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS clerical or office assistant; knows some thing about bookkeeping; good references. Address T. P. W., care Georgian. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT cook; white; term! liberal. Box 103, East Point, Ga. r AN EXPERIENCED bFFICE MAN AND accountant, capable cf aeourtng tba bait result*, dealres n position with n flrst-clas* concern where thero la an opportunity for advancement. No other considered. Ad* dress J. C. 8., care Tbe Georgian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN having had cue year'a conrre la pharma- 1 cy and experience In drug htore, also two yearn' eourae In medical college and an experienced collector, a poaltlou la a drug store or an assistant to a doctor. Beat of j reference, furnished. Addre,, w. U., 331 Auburn avenue, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—P08ITION R<T YOUNG SIAN, 1 atrictly tmnperata, pMltton m bookkeep er, uwutant shipping clerk or anything 1 honorable. Plenty of experience to bold : good po-ltlon. very belt roferoncea fur- ! nlvhed. Wrlto me what you bavo and axlatr | expected to give. W. B. W-, care J. M. Hulme, Tucker, Ga. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIST AND CHOIR master Is open for a chnrch position; 25 years’ experience ln church work; tine ac* rompanlst, with exquisite touch; finest ref erence* and highest tostimoplal*. Address Jules G. Huguelet, 70 Whitehall atreat* city. SITUATION AS TEACHER, COMPAN- Ion or managing houxokeeper. In n Chrli- tlon family, by lady of settled age, who baa had experience In teaching. Beat raf- erencea. Min B, Eatonton, Ga. HOTEL8. ► ’ OAK HILL. Arc you looking for a place to spend the summer? If so, come to Oak Hill. Large, airy rooms, beautiful scenery, plenty of good, wholesome food. In tho heart of the mountains of Western North Carolina. For further information rite L. G. BULGIN, ~ ! Franklin, N. C. FOR RENT. 113-A-C WERT PEACUTREi: STREET- "Th<* Speulcllnc." These elegant 6(080 Onto have been conrtfned with us and nru n«»w ready for occapaney. They of* ooteliaa up to date In tbelr appointments, with gas, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, cloaet, porcelain *luk In the kit. lu n; paddad floors, laundry tub and dryer; in heate.l by steam, ita running the heater; window* tlmr- screened. These flat* are located the heart of the fashionable roatdeti. o trlct of the city, within easy walking distance of the bnslneaa portion ug for c ahould not fall to please. month each. pt JOHN J. WOODSIDE, the renting agent. 12 Auburn Avenue, Doth Phones GU.