Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 04, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AM) NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL I. 19* STREET CAR NEWS Bad Blood IFIFTEEN IN AGENT'S HANDS It responsible for most of tho dlt* rases and aliments that afflict hu manity. To lid yourself of It tAke Hood’s Sarsaparilla Uaold or tatttU, 100 I>o*ea f L Edwin F. Johnson to Man* age Publicity De partment. e= r The Georgia Railway and Electric Company ha. created a department of publicity. and announcement la made by President P. B. Arkivrljtht of the I appointment of Edwin F. Johnaon aa | manager of the department. The eatabllahmem of a bureau for , the dl.aemlnatlon of all newa matter, p pertaining to the Georgia Railway mill Electric Company la a departure fat that organisation, and .ona that la likely to prove popular. Pre«ldent Ark. | wrlght atate. that Mr. Johnaon "ha« Wen Inatructed to .apply full infor- , matlon to all the new.papera about i nnjj matter they dealre.” Mr. Johnaon will aa.ume hi. new dalle, on April It, and will hava office. , ith President Arkwright. Ed Johnaon Is one of the beat known and moat ver- natllo young new.paper men In At* ■ante. He haa had wide experience here and In New York, and bear, the reputation of being a hlgh-claaa man. The electric company haa choaen 11 l-ely ln naming Mr. Johnaon aa man BUY A {PHONOGRAPH • Small Payment! Weekly. j PHILLIPS SCREW CO. 37-39 Peachtree St. of It. publicity department, and ■■of giving th hand Information about the policy the public flrit , out the affair, of tlie company la likely to Increaae public conffdence In It Beautify Your Property FOR YARD, POULTRY, LAWN. CEMETERY AND FARM—EREC TING PAGE FENCE OUR SPE CIALTY. CHEAPER THAN WOOD. W. J. Dabney Implement Go., 61 So. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. SENA TOR RA YNER FA VORS CANDIDACY OF SOUTHERNER Baltimore. Md„ April 4.-rIn an Interview, Senator ImAm Hay net, In tptakJnf of B<> publican and Democratic poaalhllltlea In tli«» next presidential Campaign, aald: ••If the Iiemocratlc contention would lie Ueldvlomorrow Mr. Bryan would he nom- It.*?••*! for the presidency hy acclamation. If he receive* the nomination, I nftrtll Miiiport him. not only with loyalty, hnt with seal nnd alnrrrity.'' The senator, however, stronfly favor* the nomination hy the pemoernta of Xontbeni man, ami ••vpreane* the liellef that Senator John W. Itnnlel. of Vir ginia. would make a candidate upon Whom the Democrat* of the entire country wunld •mile willi enthnalaiim. nnd that he would *tron^cr cHtidhlntc than a ftry:in, CMtHlIdate than hllcan tm*Nlh|||( /aldeot Itooaaral. ..... . a candidate for re-election. nnd that hunk*, at thla time, I* nearer the j(oal than Taft, Fomker, Knox or Hoot. Of the ffeiintiiicaii immltitlMIe*,'Senator Kaytter wild f’reffldeut HoooereH will hot lie | ** * * * Fr FOUR CHILDREN ARE POISONED FROM EATING RAT BISCUITS Special to The Georgt.n. Dahlonega, Ga., April 4.—Through the rarelea.nea. of a family that, In moving away from Uahlonrga laat neck, threw out aome rat poison In IS HD Bl ERWIN ID SPEECH Special to Ths Georgian. New Orleans, La., April 4 —In prs- santtng the government's aide of the Gret-ne.Qaynor case yesterday, Marlon Erwin consumed the entire day. In rebuttal of the claim that the atat- ute of limitations applied In thla caae. Mr. Knvln Mid the evidence .honed Greene and Gaynor to have been fugl- lives from Juatlee and he referred to a statute providing that peraona flee- Inc from Juatlee can not hnve the ben- . lit of the atmute of limitations. He claimed that the defendant, had found their exceptlona to the charge of Judge Speer, in Savannah, upon which the appeal la baaed, too late, according to ilcclslena of the supreme court of the United States. They ought, he said, to have tiled them before the Jury left i n bif. but they had waited two (lay.. Judge Speer hail certified to (lie exrep. linin', even at that late day, In order tn give the defendant! all the righte claimed. J Previous to taking up the legal point., Mr. Erwin reviewed the history nf Greene and Gaynor’s operation! with Captain Carter. He claimed that the three, aa early aa 1891. entered Into an agreement for defrauding the gov- eminent by letting contract, at ex-1 nrbltanv prices. He eald that the profit, were shared In thirds, and that In five yearn they amounted to over two and onc-quarter millions. Eigl . Lynchburg, Va.. April Johnson, colored, was sentenced to . igut year. In the penitentiary for ■ uni llclty In the murder of Powell \\ . ody. of Roanoke, here laat lummer. the ahape of crackers, four small chil dren were badly poisoned Tuesday. Two of the children were T. 8. Lit tlefleld's and the other two were Ken Smlfh'e. BEGINS DEFENSE Chicago, April 4.—The Htanilard Oil Company will begin Its gcHtrc' defense before-Judge Lendls today. While no announcement has been made as what thla will consist of. It Is under- stood Hie question of Intent will be the main Issue raised. It will be argued that the Standard could use either the Burlington or the Chicago anil Eastern Illinois, had It known Hie 6-cent rale accepted from the Alton was In violation of tariff, tiled with the Interstate commeree eom- mission. The government will make a vigorous fight to keep such testimony from the Jury. POLITICAL ’QUAKE CAUSED BY DECISION Albany, S. Y„ A|»rli l~thc entire ap- portlonim-nt of Iffelalttllve tllatrlria mail? by tho laat Now York teflalatnrw I* over thrown at ttaeonatltutlonal and void by court of appeal* In a deHahw handeil down unexpectedly Int* ye*terday, reversing tlie Judgment* of tl^e court* below, which hitherto have *u*tfllned the net. r Invalidate the act* of RTADtN OIK The deelalon doe* not affect the peraou- net nor Invalidate the acta of the recent leglalaturc, hut political relation* and align ment* In every part of the atate made to anlt new conditions hnve been thrown Into eon fas ton. It la generally believed here that the declsloa may prolong throughout May ami perhaps Inti* June the m>«hTou of the leg* Mu tore, becatme of the Jiere»*lt.v of enact ing n new apportionment, the court hold ing that tiulvaa thl* I* done the ueit eleetlon for member* of either hnuiu* must lie held Under the apnorthuiuieat Inhl down lu the constitution or 18I&. TO DEATH | Eighteen Injured and Death May Reach Twenty- Five. Ran Francisco, Cal., April 4.-i—Ten and probably fifteen Italians were burned to death and eighteen others injured In a fierce Are that destroyed on Italian boarding house. In the Poet- rero district this morning. In automobiles, wagons and street cals, the suffering v/ctfm. were rushed lo the Poetrero Hospital. The death list msy roach twenty-five. (^cce£6> SHIRTS THE EXACTNESS AND PRC- CISION SHOWN IN THE pattern of a cluett NEGLIGE SHIRT EXCM- FLiriCS THE C LOB £ ATTENTION TO DETAIL WHICH 18 PART OF THE MAKING OF ALL CLUCTT SHIRTS. WHITE AND EXCLUSIVE FANCY PATTERNS. GREENSBORO LADIES i DOPED AND BOBBED A Palmist Secures $10,000 Worth of Jewels From His Patrons. WOMEN IN HOSPITALS Experiences of Mrs. Rockwood and Miss Tierney Teat-hem and Pupils of Up per Grades Coining Friday. Kdgewood Avenue Rchool will vlelt The Georgian’s plant Friday afternoon. The seventh and eighth grades hava been Invited, through the board of ed Ueatlnn, to Inspect the plant frdm top to bottom and learn Just how a news- paper Is made. The visit, of tlie school children of Atlanta lo the office, of The Georgian have been the source of much discus- .Ion, and the children talk of little else after reaching home. \ It la a day of practical education, anil these tn the newspaper plant tearh the visitor, more In an hour than they could learn frnni a book on the subject In weeks. Their dally paper has a new value to them when they find It an the door step after learning how It I. made. All the teacher, of the school, a. well i llie pupil, of the two upper grade*, ■e Invited to vlelt The Georgian. The leacher. llntl even more of Interest than do their juvenile charges, and r appreciation of a modern dally va with their new conception of the enormous amount of work Involved In publishing a new paper every twenty- four hours. HEADACHES AND NEURALGIA FROM COLDS. LAXATIVH nitoMO tjululnr, th* world- wlilo fold .nil ilrlp remedy remorse Iba cause. foil for fall name. lawk for ilgus- luje K. W. “ IlllOVIi. Sc. ECLECTIC PHYSICIANS CLOSE 'CONVENTION The meeting of th* Georgia Eclectic! Medical Association closed Wednesday afternoon at the Kimball, after a very successful session of two days. Interesting paper, were read Wed nesday by Dr. Ilununell, of Asheville, N. C.i Dr. Adolphus. Dr. J. V. M. Cain and Dr. I. N. Blows, of Atlanta, and Dr. C. M. Wilson, of Maysvllle. A committee was named to prepare a complete code of ethics for tlie Kclecllc School of Medicine. Another commit tee was appointed to memorialise the legislature with the Idea nf the Kclcctlc Association having a member on the Slate University board. The election of officers for the year resulted as follows: President. J. F. Owen. Hahlra; first vice president, (’. N. Wilson. Mays- vllle; second vice president, C. I). Ki ller, Marietta; secretary. George Goss. Atlanta: treasurer, r. W. Miller. Atlanta. The ecleciic physicians will pold (he 1(01 session In Atlanta. TWENTY DAYS AND FINE FOR INSULTING GIRL. EXTRACTED positively without polo. Me each, licit tooth 11. Mono/ css uot tiny better.. PHI LADRLt-IllA DENTAL HOOMH. So. M Whitehall at. ■■ I). M. WOOLLliY. M. D O- Office 1M N. Pryor Street COLA,E,THORNTON RESTS ^OAKLAND Funeral of Well Known Cit izen Took Place ’Thursday. Special to The Georgian. Greenaboro, N. C, April 4.—Earl Var. atare, a self-styled palmist and clair voyant. who appeared In the city about six weeks ago. has skipped, taking with him Jewelry and money to the amount of fld.OOO, which he secured from his unwary victims while prelending to tell their fortunes. Scores of the most re lined and cultivated women In the city are said to be among the swindler's dupes. Varetare appeared here over a month ago, and secured rooms at Harvey's boarding house. In South Ashe street. He then inserted advertisements In all of Che city papers. Women flocked to his apartments, and on the, first day the patrons were so numerous thitt Varetare found It necessary to hire someone to lerelve and entertain them. The swindler took any valuable piece of Jewelry or any amount of money which his patron had and placed the same In a small liox. The box was then sealed and placed In a small black bag. This bag was sealed and Inclosed In nnother bag which was also seated. The patron was then Instructed to the senled package on the inside of clothing and not remove It until a day appointed for her return. Yesterday was the appointed time and when the boxes were opened they were empty. | Varetare has left the city. PARA LYTIC "BEGGAR IS LOCKED UP Norfolk, Va.. April 4.—O. L Rotlis clilld, a young man. formerly employed by the Norfolk and Western railway ns stenographer, was yesterduy sen fenced to twenty days In Jail and a flue of 6100, on the charge of Insulting Mlu Ida Wynn, a girl 17 years old. Destroys Hair Germs Falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Dan- s druff is caused by germs on the scalp. Ayers Hair Viqor J NEW IMPROVED FORMULA quickly destroys all these germs, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, stops falling hair. The New Kind Does not change the color of the hair J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chon tits, Lowell, Man. BODY WILL Lie IN STATE IN UNIVERSITY CHAPEL. Richmond, Va., April 4.—Tha Rev. Dr. Paul Whitehead, for nearly fifty years secretary of the Virginia Metho dist Episcopal conference, Died at Bt. Lukes hospital yesterday morning, aft er an Illness of six week*. The body was taken tn Charlottes ville yesterday afternoon, where It will lie In atate Ip the chapel of the Univer sity of Virginia. Dr. Whllshead had been a presiding elder of the rhurclf for the past fifteen year*, having lieen located during that time at Lynchburg. Norfolk and Richmond. BREACH OF CONTRACT CHARGED BY GIRL IN SUIT. Richmond. Va.. April 4.—The rase of Alls* Nellie R. Hinds, a stenographer of Philadelphia, against Henry Warden, a millionaire of Fredericksburg, for breach of contract, waa partially heanl In the United Htates district court yes terday. Miss Hindi Is suing for 113.- 000. alleging that she was discharged without provocation after having been liersuaded to give up a lucrative busi ness In Philadelphia to accept a life time Job with Warden at a handsome salary. murder~case"7nterIsts WASHINGTON OFFICIALS. The funeral services of Colonel A1 bert E. Thornton, who died at his rest dence, 516 Peachtree street. Tuesday night, were conducted Thursday morn Ing at 11 o'clock. The following gen tlemen acted as pallbearers: C. E. Cur rier, 8. M. Inman, Frank E. Block, Hugh T. Inman. M. Frank. M. F. Harper, P. S. Arkwright, A. J. Orme. Clark Howell, Jr., Thomas Egleston and John 8. Clark. The interment was In Oakland cemetery. Colonel Thornton Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Leila Austell Thornton, a dnughter. Miss Jennie Thornton, and two sons, Alfred Austell and Albert E. Thornton. ELKS CIRCUS HERE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Going to the cirrus? Of course you ore. because Atlanta Elks have combined with 8un Brothers, and II will be a circus of unusual Inter est and feature*. Friday ahd Saturday the Elks' socie ty circus will bn ut the old show grounds, Jackson nnd Wheat streets, with two dally performances. The Hun brothers' big tented shows will give complete performances and will be aided by many prominent Elks, who will participate as clowns, ring masters, bare-back riders, side-show spielers, etc. It Is promised to he a first-class show all the way through, K resenting many novel ucts, wild easts, elephants, camels anil novelties that nra carried by a good all around tented show. The show uses all new tent* and carries what Is claimed to be some of the flnest horses ever seen with a trav eling out-door show. Performances wIII be given each afternoon nnd night nt 2 and 8 o’clock. Art elaborate street parade Is lo be given Friday morning, which will serve lo Introduce the com bined elements of the Sun show and the local Elks. On the complaint of Secretary I/upra. of the Aaeoi'lsted Charities, an old negro, known simply nS George, who lias been panhandling on the streets nnd terrifying women by hla peculiar mnllerluga and de. formulas, has lieen locked up. Ilut what to do with lilm Is now a problem, lie Is paralytle, and has made himself Very objectionable In asking alms, and It was (leelded to take him from the streets lie* fore he terrified any one else. want" protection FOR COUNTY RECORDS A supplemental petition to one already preaeritfri to the cotlftty commlMloiier* wn* presented nt the regular meeting on Wed- fiendny n*kl»g for better protection of the county record*. It wn* pointed out thnt Some of tile tiook* were badly In dexed. aim! that thl* could In? remedied at n coat of alrtvnt 12.000, The petition waa signed liy numerous attorney*. ENTERTAINMENT FOR VETERANS A splendid mualcal entertainment will be given at tha Grand on next Monday evening for tha benefit of Camp 'Walk er, United Confederate Veterans. The Clarkes, wonderful performers on the banjo/ will be among the entertainers, which will also Include Mrs. Joseph A. Bowen, soprano; Mr. Cooley Goodman and the Wheat quartet. Addressee will be delivered by Hon. John Temple Graves and Rev. Bam W. Small. MISS MARGARET TIERNEY M RS. CHAS. A. ROCKWOOD A large proportion of the operations are constantly being rreeivee". . by 1 i_ i — Mrs. Pinkham to prove our claims. Mrs. C. A. Rockwood, (eaclier of Parliamentary Low, of 53 Free St., Frcdonta, N. Y., writes: “For yeiM I suffered with female trouble It wax decided that nil operation was neces- performed in ottr hospitals aro upon women and girls for some organic trouble. Why should this be the case 7 Because they have neglected them selves, as every one of those patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in tlmsn dragging sensations, bains at left or right of nbdomen, backaches, nervous exhaustion, in flammation, ulceration, displace ments, and other organic weaknesses. All of theso symptoms arc indica tions of an unhealthy condition of the female system and If not heeded the penalty has to bo paid by & dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest themselves, do not drag along nntil you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an opera tion—but remember that Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has saved hundreds of women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, has cured more eases of feminine Ills than any other one remedy. Such letters as thefollowlng operation my miffi-ringx continued, until Lydia E. Plnkhatn 1 * Vegetable Compound was recommended and It proved a marvelous remedy, soqub klvdl'l it restore my health. I cannot thank vou sufficiently for tha good It has done me.” Miss Margaret Tierney, of No. i:t W. 85th Street, New York, writes: Dear Mrs, Pinkham:— “When only eighteen years of age om physlrian decided that an operation- was necessary to permit of my wpmanly organs performing their nsttirnl functions. My mother "bj'"'1<"l on11 le'ing urged .■ . relative to try Lvdia E. 1’inlthnm's Veget- fthle Compound did so. I v>"ii impr..-.. • health, tho proper conditions were establish ed and I am well nnd strong, thanks to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound.” No other remedy has such un qualified endorsement as Lydia E. l'iukham's Vegetable Compound. No other remedy Ih the world hna such a record of cures of female ills. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to promptly communicate with Sirs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located nnd tho quickest and surest way of reoovery advised. Oat of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that may help your case. Iler advice is free nnd always helpful. Ask Mrs. Pinkbam’s Advice—A Woman Best Understands a Woman’s Ills. GEORGIA INVENTORS GRANTED PATENTS Miss Minnie Smith. The funeral services of Minnie, the young (laughter or Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Hmltli, who died Tuesday night, were conducted Wednesday afternoon In the chapel nf Greenberg. Bond * Bloom- gnsh was cut In his head. He waa sent field. The Interment was In Westvlew I to his home at 305 Central avenue after cemetery. [Dr. Vlsnneka had dressed hla wounds. Washington. April 4.—R. \V. Bishop, patent attorney, reports the Issue of the following patents to residents of Alnbama and Georgia: Plow-blade, A. R. Hulllvan, Rome, Ga.: eaves trough hanger. K. T. Wlld- amlth, Birmingham, Ala.; gam* appa ratus. D. C. Monro*. Huntsville, Ala.; plow-stock. A. H. Mallory, Atlanta, Ga.; H. P. Mallory, administrator of said A. R. Mallory, deceased; duster, 8. 1„ Pendergrass. Monroe. Ga.; electric feeding inechanlem, A. W. Sherwood, .McDonough, Ga.; powder-gun. J. L Webster, McRaevllle. Ga.; cotton-pick ers, H. A. Uhew, Augusta, Ga.; ga* -tHdlng and mixing tower. J. T. Hutson, Atlanta. Ga.; hose-supporter, L. ('. dlukcnbmg. Browne, Ala.: shade-roller. A. L. Sutton, Paint Rock. Ala., and brake, E. V. Welchel, Roseville, Ga. Fell in Hotel. While standing In ths lobby of the Klmb'ill House Wednesday, P. Elson, a merchant on Wall street, fainted and fell to the tiled floor heavily. A large IT’S WHAT YOU SAVE, NOT WHAT YOU EARN, THAT MAKES YOU RICH. Don't wait until you have a largo sum beforo you open a savings account Such waits are dangerous and ofttimes the savings money has bean expanded before tha account ia opened. One dollar will start an aocount with us. Ones ths sav ings habit is started, you will find it growing on you. How easy it is to set aside a definite amount each week for a savings account—you’ll never mist IL Let us pay you 4 per cent on the money you have been spending foolishly. UNION SAVINGS BANK GOULD BUILDING. AIR SHIP BRINGS $80 AT AUCTION New York, April 4.—The airship with which Rantos-Dumont did not sail against any American expert wax sold at auction yesterday at the cualoma house for 680. The auctioneer an nounced that B. J. Green ha<j drawn the prise. WOMAN TAKES LAUDANUM, BEGS OOCTOR TO LET HER DIE. Special to The Georgian. Danville, Va.. April 4.—Sir*. George W. Trent, a middle-aged woman, and wife of a local Jeweler, attempted sui cide at the honie of her sister, Mre. George W. Shelton, last night by taking laudanum. Bho begged the doctor* to let her die, declaring that If she recov ered this time she would kill herself later on. The woman and her husband hare been separated for the past sev eral week*. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From — Jacksonville . 7.16 Macon 11.40 am Macon 4.15 pm Macon 1.51 pm Macon 6.10 pm Depart Vo ESS:::::::: Jncksonrlll* ..10,44 am Macon 4.00 pm Jacksonville .. 8.30 pm bbrnnnab 8.15 pm “The Household Surgeon” Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil > A Household Surgi- Notlce of Water Bond Election. Atlanta, Os., March 8. 1907,-Notlc* Is herobj given to tbo qualified rotera of tbo city of Atlanta that the mayor anti general council of aald city Dave called an election to be held at the several voting precincts In tbe city of Atlqnta, within the legal hours for holding elections, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1907, lo determine whether the qualified voters of tbo city of Atlanta will assent, hy tbe requisite * * “ sue of lollnr* c To In* * ... ... .... „„ the proceed* thereof appll._ Improvement* In and addition* to thv.sys tem of water work* of said city and th* extension of water mains within the cor* Interest at tbe rate per annum. The principal and Interval of aald .bonds to bo payable In gold coin of tKm I'nltail Mist6 mule. 4lia i'ald before maturity, and the Interest to lie paid semi-annually. In the event MM [Hiaile ere Inned. au unnnel tax will be levied, beginning with th* year 1907 and routlnulnn through the year 1836, sufficient In amount to imy twenty tijotnam! (JJO.axo dollar* per annum Interest on sslil bonds null .Ixteen tUoiiMnd six hundred ami olxty- •ereu illC.tiCTi dollar* per annum on account of th" principal of Mid Iwndi, the nmouut ne raised os account of the jirlnclpnl or Mill bond., to be put In the linking fund of Mid city and kept by the slaking fdmi , '-imimt.siou. nnd nnpllr'l at tbe maturity ! of the bonds to their payment. Notice la alee given that tbe tax collec tin' of Fulton .county, xtnte of Oeorfl*. ee registrar for election*, ordered by the may or nnd general council of the city of At- has opened tmok, of registration for tbe purpose of registering tbe unaliftej voters of the elty, under the ordinances therefor, nnd «mh registrar will keep sebl iwoks of registration open dally, ttuudavs excepted, until within ten days of the date of sab) eleetlon. at bis office In tbe ' annex of the conn boas* on East Hunter n s - . _ street, .Mdwecu koutb Pryor street owl PHI I Irpccinrv _ _ 11 ventral .venae. In the elty of Atlanta, Mbl Ltll L/reSSIIlP' Tor nil eeuuty. Bud ouly those voter, whose names 2 spiM-er upon the said registration book, ts •I'minted to vote In elty elections for tbe present year, shall be |iermHted to vote lavotlog the proposed Issue-of Imndi l_ here \vrllten_er print'd on their licks! the Issue nf five bundle wounds, sores and I • 1 • « ihv wont*. ••For the l««u*~nf flVi? hundred Slvin Who '1309.^)) dotlnra of bom!*, for Improvement 1 UlaCttoCoj Wile* In onfi extension* of the ayatem of water xVrisba ** ■ ee.l llue> sL. ■ — ther slight or serious. sne of gve hundred tbonssru^l^XJ.OOOj dol- of bonds *— — * Washington, April 4.—A number of North t'arollnan. employed In govern ment department, here will go to Mur', borough. Md.. Monday or Tuesday t testify In behalf of William Wlnebai ger. who shot and killed Frederick Go. ner In a quarrel over a girl near Fort Washington last January. la for Improvements In and ex- truslou of the system of water works.'' The eleetlon shall be rondneted under lb* i 4 Relieves pain^antlseptically cleanses-qwickly heals. -It is sought after and continually used by all who give it a "TT™ •' first trial. Nearly all Druggists now sell it. 25c.