Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 09, 1907, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA Gl^rfGIAN AND NEWS THURSDAY, WAY 9, 1S9T. The following rate* ere for eon •ecutive insertions. Rates for 3, 6 or 12 months' contract furnished on application. 1 time 10 centa a line. 3 times ...... 81-3 centa a line. 6 timea 71-2 centa a line. 26 timea 6 centa a line. Phone, Bell 4929 or Atlanta 4401, and we will take your ad and charge it if your name is in either phone directory. Ads must be ’phoned by 12 o'clook to be inserted the same day. Ads for SITUATIONS WANTED will be .inserted FREE ONE TIME. J WANTED HELP—MALE. Few weeks completes; splendid factIItics, careful Instructions, constant practice. Call or write, Holer Barber college, Hunter and Forsyth streets. HELP IN COMMERCIAL, MECHANICAL and technical lines. The demand greaier than supply. Cajl or write ns. Inclosing stamp, for good position. National Emnlo)- ment Association. 1022-100 Century building WE WANT HELP IN ALL LINES. THE following positions must be filled at once: Several city salesmen office boy boy between sixteen and eighteen for gen eral office work; night clerk for large ho tel; good salary, and several others. Call or write quick, Unique Employment Agen cy, 1006 Fourth National Bank building. MEN BETWEEN TWENTY-THREE AND forty years old. who have been residents of city for two years, wsnted for position on police force. Examinations will be heir about middle of May. For applications, csl •t office chief of police. MACHINISTS WANTED—CAN USE few experienced machinists. Apply to Maxtor Mechanic, Fulton Bag and Cotton MILS. WANTED—CLERK FOR RETAIL ORO eery store; married man preferred; must be sober, and bring references; some ex|m Hence desirable. Address Grocer, care Georgian. MEN EVERYWHERE—GOOD PAY. PANH circulars, tack signs—no canvassing, steady. Continental Distributing Company, Chicago. 8TENO BOOKKEEPER. MALE OR Yfi nale, WO;, stenographer' WO; young la< bookkeeper who can use typewriter 140; c flee lioy who owna bicycle $16. Bellan Business Agency, 1H0 Candler building. ST ENOG RAPlfBR-0 ET B EST Apply 6 Viaduct PUBLIC offlee apace In city. .Place, »A p. m. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Typewriter Co., ill Peachtree afreet. WE HAVE ON FILE ber of high salaried have the following filled at. once k LARGE NUM- positions. .Must it once: Tantry woman, stenographer, several waitresses for anmmer resort. Call or write ns. 1'nlque building. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASH SERVANT . for cook aod general house work lu fam ily, four adults. Good home and wages to a good servant Room on premises If desired. References required. Telephone In forenoon, lS0*>Ma!n. WANTED HELP—Male and Female. COOKS. MAIDS, NURSES. WAITERS, porters, drivers, butlers; places In and at of city. Jonas Employment Agency. out SOLICITORS—BOTH MEN AND WOMEN —wanted for up-to-date fraternal benefit association. Liberal contract; pleasant work; sure pay. 1117 Fourth National Bank building. AUCTION 8ALE8. BED BOOM SI ITS AND DOZENS furniture. . . tables, stands, sldcltoan bureaus. room sets. Queen Anne chairs, contents be sold Friday. Don't fall I sale If you want Imrgnlus. 1 louae. 62 Marietta street ( office}. HELP WANTED-FEMALB FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. WANTED—TO RENT - UNFURNISHED apartment of two, three or four *roi nice corner lot: shaded; ningle piazza, conveniences. Phone main 8101. FOR RENT—HOU8E8. five rooms, conveniences, street. FOR RENT DURING HUMMKR-C plctelv furnished five-room cottage, blocks from Grant Park. J. fc. Georgian. FOR RENT. First-class condition, dose In—$35.00. SWELL. ELEGANTLY West Peachtree, new Phone 77-North, at night. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOI Swell, elegantly furnished West tree, new, modern home, 'Rhone at night. streets. First-class neighborhood, close In and reasonable rent. A. J. A: Company. 213 Century building. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. street. Thona 2480 main. FURNISHED ltOO.MK-387 avenue; three nicely fumlshi ereucea required and given.' FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. call on W. It. Itesbess. 208 Brow Randolph building, bell 'phone 3806, to what you want in factory sites mid rail road tconta. FOR SALE-BY OWNER. CONVENIENT- Decatur. Ilox 62, Deentur, On. Zacbry streeta, West End. Call to see jgea. College Park; near Prices reasonable. Terms ensy. Inmmond. owner, 913 Century lloll 'phone 373. SUBURBAN HOME IN DECATUR; 8PA- nntnge c 126. Atlau Address Opportunity, Box 426, rent. 'Phone 77-North, nt night. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. r wxsr tmin' r mxnrvjnnm Lea streets. West End, $3,0(1) to $3,500. Lot must be good slke ami bouse new and mod ern. with all conveniences. Address, giv ing all particular*. Including * * telephone, etc., Postoffli »U»0, i*tc., Postoffice Box 1006. TFIPTM EXTRACTED W TAIN FREE. Pit .. , Brldgework. $2.50 up aud guaranteed. All kluda of fllilngs JOc up. ATLANTA DUN TAL PARLORM,' second floor Htetner-Em- Til OUT lates, crowns, \H ery Bldg. Take elevator. WASTED-EXPERIENCED STENOGRA phers. $40 to $60; carpenters $100; machin ists. electricians, blacksmiths, etc. Taber- nacle Employment Department, 2766 L. have them, ns well ns French models and our own creations. Mrs. C. II. Hmlth. 180 Peachtree street, comer Elils. Ostrich feathers cleaned, curled, dyed. Phone 4815-J. 151 Capitol avenue and Peachtree and Ma rtetta. Likely to have dropped It on car or in ooe of the stores between the via duct on Peachtree to Marietta. Liberal re ward if returned to Georgian office. THE CRAWFORD COAL AND ICE CO.. the cheapest place In town to buy coat •ad wood. Blggeat load for the money. Phones TttL LOST-GOLD WATCH AND FOB TUBS flay afternoon, between Hemphill pump fng station and city. Engraved with Initials "F. B. B." Liberal reward If re turned to The Georgiau office. REMOVAL NOTICE. MOVED. Whitehall it rent. Old bata made new ; FOR LEA8E—APARTMENTS. FOR LEASE -ONE BEAUTIFUL APART- ^uaWolog every attraction: liest VfclAi mv section north side. Telephone 567 "TEXAS; OR. THE BROKEN LINK." A romance of the Civil war, giving n vivid pen picture of the siege of Vicksburg. Miss., under General Grant, in 1863; and demonstrating the heroism of the Southern women, which entitles the typical heroine to wear the title, ‘Texas, the Lone Star," by Fannie Rollnc Selpb, Nashville. Tenn. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS order. ua quote you prices. Tele phones: Bell 749 west. Atlanta 916. Screen k Cabinet Manufacturing Company, J. B. HALE. Manager, Corner Humphries and Glenn streets. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER Phone* 1255. 20 E. Hunter St SITUATIONS WANTED. WE BIT-PLY COMPETENT HELP IN ALL lines, without cost. Unique Kmplorment Agency, 10(16 Fourth National Usuk building. TTume 3617 main. EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN - KNOW yellow pine from stump to finish; also aneli. doors, hardware. Deal re connection with gftod company, with view to manage after learning town: prefer town of l.wO to 15.(M0 In South; must be healthy. J. B. ‘ 1616 Sixth avenue. Birmingham. Ala. WANTED-A POSITION AS COMPANION or some light work for part at the day; or a mom free «if cost for company. Ad- dross Kate, Georgian, BUSINE8S OPPORTUNITIES. R, YALE AND OTHER BICYCLES SOLD at on eaey paymentt at cash prices. Alexau- der-Elyea Co.. 36 N. Pryor 8t.. Atlanta, On. OF Farm and Investment Op- 10. portunities on the Sea- ,,e £ board Air Line Railway. :y. SOAP-BTONE DEPOSITS—Embrac in' Ing approximately forty acre,, with- ■O; In thirty-eight miles of Atlanta and If: very conveniently located with refer- ence to transportation facilities. Theae at- depoalta will yield good-site blocka or alnba. The material saws easily, which a., office. — pics can be seen at our offlees. w MICA DEPOSIT—Embracing about twenty acre*. The Indications are sr exceptionally good, but It would be nec- eaaary to make tome additional open- IngH before the full extent and value of the depoalta can be determined. Prop- erty Is nicely located for shipping. The ■; enormous demand for this material and "j the high prices prevailing for both the sheet and scrap should make this op portunity very Inviting. LOCATION FOn PHYBICIAN—In a middle Georgia town, the only phy- ■— slclan and surgeon, on account of uge, desires to retire from a practlco which has required many years to build up. is Hie home consists of eighty acres of line land, with an eight-room, two rr story residence, barn, stables, etc. The }' residence Is practically new. Titles perfect. Price 12,500, with reasonable terms. - LOCATION FOR FARMER AND FRUIT GROWER—205 ncrea 11-2 miles from our main line, and same distance from a good town; 40 acres of beautiful vnlley land; 110 acres In cultivation; balance pasture and tlm- q* ber; 2,000 peach treca; 100 peara and ir other frulta. A flrat-clnss nlno-room, »• two-atory dwelling, tlnee tenant houaea, barn, store house, etc. Price j 320 per acre. WE WANT T1MRER—A tract of sweet D gum or red gum, on or within three \ miles of otir line, for a crate and box manufacturer, who would establish a “ very large plant, employing high-class labor. This proposition should there- fore Interest any community on the Seabonrd where the materials can be - secured. For additional Information 1. concerning theae or other profitable op. I portunities for Investment, and for lit- \ erature and property lists, call on or address H. B. B1GHAM. Assistant General Industrial Agent, 9 1100-11 Engllsh-Amerlcan Bldg., At- lanto. Ob. “ DR. LANIER has returned to his offices, 391-2 - Whitehall street, where he has consol- ~ (dated all his Atlanta offices. Now Is the time to have your teeth filled, crowned or bridged by expert dentists s at LIve-and-LetLIve Prices. 'Phone 2563 for Dr. Lanier, over Emmons & Co.'s Clothing store. | INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN WITH (1.000 enn K**t Interest In highly nrolltnhie husl- nes*. \V, Jones Se Co., 6 Ylsdnct place. A HUSTLER WITH $2,000 CAN GET IN- tercet nnd good salary In pronperoiw I»\ihI- ueea. W. June* A Co., 6 Viaduct place. FURNITURE AND LEASE NICELY FUR nlsbed flat for wile; close lu; good neigh- Ixirhnod: low rent; bargain. W. Jones & Co.. 6 Vladnct pbirr. POOL ROOM—*1,000. CASH, 3AL- AN l,, OFFlCB BUSINESS—*1,200. GOOD chance. SODA KOI'NT AND CIGAR STAND—11,400. GROCERY STORES FROM $M0 TO $2,600. W. JONKN A COMPANY. 5 Viaduct place. 'Phones 6560. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 ““ " " ' I MONEY WANTED. LOANS WANTED ON GOOD REAL E8- n tut.. Only principal*. No agents. Ad- dreee M. care Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. e I HAVE SOME MO*4LY TO LOAN AT 5 ami 6 per cent on good real estate. Ad- c Urea* Cresceut, care Georgias. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PRO- pi. and others Aincrtrun Inretta-nt Company. 704 Candler unlldlng. Ertalillriinl 1890. WEYMAN * CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loan, on ml „tnt,. MONEY TO LOAN AT A ( AND 7 PER cent lnt«mt, according to arcnrity of fered; anutll eipeoae nnd prompt attention. Only ou reel estate la aad near Atlanta. 8. II. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; 1 any amount, 4H. ( and ( per rent. Write or call 8. W. Carton, 24 couth Broad atiaot. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very loweat rates. No delays. Charles Herman, noma 202 243 Temple court FOCR CKirCR^f^lfdMB-TrONW^O lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; sleo money for purchase money notes. Straight loan* made at 6 per cent sad op- wards, according to desirability of loss. W. A. Footer, 12 South Broad atreet. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. 62 tl WAXTED-ONK SECONDHAND HALF — or one-boreepower 220>volt motor. Ad dress Atlanta Georgian. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD. I CAN ^ •ave yon money. Will draw yoor plana and ■peclflcntloua nights and furnish an Itemised list of material. J. A. Wilson, $7 Walton street. 8 ~W1 WANTED V SCHOOL BOOKS. ■ WE PAY CASH rOR ALL KINDS OF SALABLE SCHOOL hooka new or aecond-hand. In any naan- tlty: alno “«dl«»! law,hooka 1 Phone. 1822 Bell or IT* Atlanta. Call at atnre, or art null Hat T< SOUTHERN BOOK CONCERN. *2 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOB SALE-CHEAP-FOUR OPEN WAG- Piedmont avenue. FOIt SALE-FINE. LARGE FRESH ferns of numerous varieties nt from 25c to $2 each f. o. b. Give »e your orders for all floral atock. Address' T. II. Martin, proprietor, Flowerdale Farm. Talbotton, Go. HBRftIN&HALL-MARYIN FIREPROOF safea, new and second-hand, cheap. Man ganese steel screw door bonk safes. Kx * safe repairing of all kinds. Robert C. f— nrd * Safe and Vault Company, 60 Marietta street, opposite postofflce. NOW IS THE TIME to take "Dewberry’s De light” as it acts on the liver,, bowels jiud kidneys and re moves the waste matter from the system, and keeps the nerves free, so you can sleep and rest, which is the only way you can restore the nerve force, by sleep and rest. So you see how essen tial it is- to keep the liver, bowels and the' kidneys right, which keeps the sys tem clear of waste matter and frees the nerves so you can sleep good and rest at night Have your druggist to send you a bottle today. Nothing like it. RANK AND OFFICE FIXTURES, MIR- rors, plate glass and hardwood Interior oodwork Send us your plans for ea- mate. Telephones: Bell (49 west, At lanta 916. Screen & Cabinet Manufactur ing Company. J. E. HALE. Manager, cor- FOR SALE—TYPE WRITERS. We are Southern dealers Williams Typewriter. We FOR 0ALE—REAL ESTATE. SANDERS & CONWAY, Phone 5488. 412 Peters Big. $3,000—South Boulevard, near Grant Park, cottage; 5 rooms and hall, nearly new; on shady lot 49x200 to alley. For immediate sale we can make terms of $350 cash, balance $25 per month and assume loan. 1,250—St. Charles avenue, lot 60x200, near Boule vard. This is undoubtedly one of the prettiest lots in the city that can be bad at any price. You can’t beat it. ,250—Baker street home, 10 rooms and servant’s house, near Spring. The house would cost at least $6,500 to build it, and lot is 52x150 and worth $100 front foot. A loan of $5,000 at 6 per cent can run; balance be paid easy. $7,250—Jackson street; 9- room house on nice shady lot. This is one of the very prettiest homes to be found in the city. Can make easy .terms on this. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. LOTS IN WESTERN HEIGHTS. We have for sale 15 lots fronting on Fox, Oliver, Lindsay, Herbert, Grafton and Echo streets, in West ern Heights. These are all big fine lots that lie well; prices run from $250 to $300. We want to sell them and will make easy terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR AUCTIONEERS. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. CLOSE - IN PROPERTY THAT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. We have a place right near the comer of Ellis street, on Courtland, with seven large rooms, that must be sold at once. Place has every mod ern convenience. Is worth ,000 more than we can sell it for. We do not care to mention here the reasons for its having to .be sold at once, but we mean just what we say, IT MUST BE SOLD. This property is located right in the heart of the city, just two blocks from the Aragon hotel and would al ways be occupied at a high rental; if you want it as an investment, you will find none better. Come sec us about this at once and we will show you several hun dred dollars profit. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 301 Peters Building. Phones: Bell 2102. Atlanta 676. MACHINE CO., Candler Building. ATLANTA PHONE 3300. easy leruis; unwn mm Ihe latest and best records, ivlus, 73 Whitehall street. » um.-'-mi Street Aik for Mr. Uaran. FURNITURE BARGAINS. The Atlanta public and all rlaltora nr* We will tab* atock aeon aad until then everything goea at practically wholesale coat. Dining tablee from M.7S np. Quartered oak tldeboatds from $17.50 up. Oak china cubtueta from (18.09 up. Oak bedroom aulta, from (X up. Flue Davenport beda (20.00 up. Cut prlcea on ruga and art squares, ROBISON-MARTIN FUR NITURE COMPANY, 23-27E .Hunter St. Buggies, Surreys, Runa bouts, Spring Wagons, Farm Wagons, Drays, Lumber Wagons, Coal Wagons and Harness. Prices to suit all. Do not fail to see our line of vehicles before buying. We have what you want as cheap and as good as you will find. Terms reasonable. SPRATLIN BUGGY AND WAGON COMPANY. DR. LANIER’S DENTAL OFFICES >91-2 Whitehall street, over Emmons & Co.'s Clothing store. Special prlcea thin week. Sample gold or white crowna only (3. Beautiful set of teeth (5. ’Pnone 25(3 for Dr. Lanier, 291-2 Whitehall atreet. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA HATS CLEANED AND RE- shaped . (0e Soft or stiff bats cleaned and re-ihaped..35c tloft or atlff straws cleaned and rc-ahap* ed. 35c to 60c Randa. binding* or sweats. 26c each extra. ntoftow — — Acme I FURNACE3. BOUSE WARMING. Ol’R FRONT RANK STEEL FURNACES for heating. No steel furnace ever brought to Atlanta ran e<|unt It. Call at our •tore, 10 Trinity avenue, and see, aud you Will say It la good. Monei-lef Viirnr - pany. Both 'phones. second hand goods at the Auction llonae. .J Marietta street toppoelte poetofacc). ttoo 10 a. in. Friday. MISCELLANEOUS. Ladies and Gentlemen, .TOP WORRYING TOUR FRIEND8 by aaklng them for the time. Buy a ratch from W. R. EDWARDS & CO., 49 1-2 CENTRAL AVENUE, n, Waltham or Hamilton Watches, dollar per week. Remember, you SPECIAL NOTICE. . Bring this notice to our parlors and make you a beautiful act of CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK. MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT FOR SALE. CENTRAL PROPERTY. 100x101 Feet, Southeast Comer Cone and Poplar Streets. This handsome piece of central property Is going to be sold. It lies within .the limits of Atlanta's thriving business dls trlct, being In the block next to the hand some offlee building of the A., B. and A. It. It., on one side, and the government’! magnificent new custom house on the other. ** n one corner of this lot Is a large, ex- --..Jilt two-atory. double brick, building, with alate roof, furnacea and other modern conveniences, which Is rented for $1,440.00 per annum. This house occupies less than one-half of the lot. leaving a frontage more than fifty feet on ('one atreet. __ which may Ik» erected another building. There U nothing In Atlanta which ha* better promise of enhancement 111 tali and yet this splendid property can bought for about one-half of the amount at which the next lot, same size, Is priced. If you want an investment of this charac ter, do not delay. Somebody la going to buy while others sleep over It. T. B. FERRIS, Agent. 218-219 Century Bldg. Phone 438 M. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MSB* c'urunan ’ pbon * a ' J ’ A ‘ U>Tlt * “ d J- SEWING MACHINES REKTED-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH: Hiker, ginger or Wheeler Ic Wilton, w. rent only new machine, with complete lei of atuchaenta Prompt deliver/. Both P&ftJS .S2U Ca - TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. ROUNTREE * BRO. TRUNK AND Dili COMPANY. Retail aod repalrlne n WhltebaU atreet 'Phone 1676. * #. sn?hf&?,.«f sasrJF ATLANTA n«Ilii°l2 l> au rT ” * lryTt - Alljllt *> •WILLIAM S. ANSLEY, Real Estate. 217 Century Building, Phones Bell 288, Atlanta 295 RIDGE AVENUE. NEAR WASHINGTON atreet. Beautiful lot 190 feet front, 215 feet deep on one line. Lot front car line. Price (1,(00.00. DECATUR, G A.—BEAUTIFUL SHADED lot on Candler ttreet, fronting E,et. Thl, I, a corner lot near car line. Price (660.00. LUCKIE STREET-COTTAGE OF SIX ' roomi. well located. Hu bath, etc. Can be bought for (2,7(0.00. GEORGIA AVENUE. NEAR GRANT ■ Park—Splendid eight-room bonee with all modern Improvement,. Lot 50 by 165. Can be bought for (3,800.00; only (500.00 down and the balance eniy. WASHINGTON STREET. WASHINGTON Helgbte—Very desirable oeren-room cot tage on a corner lot, that will make yoa-a lovely home. Lot 60 by 150. Price (3,800.00. make, typewriter,. FIFTH STREET HOME-NEW TWO- •tor- home, beautifully arranged, near Went Peachtree. Price (6,250.00. Eiiy terms can be made on It. COTTAGE HOME FORSALE. A pretty cottage on one of the best streets on the south side; 5 rooms; large hall, bath, servant’s room, hot and cold water; large lot, 52x185; beautiful shade; cement walk; ev erything in good condi tion. Price $3,500. Terms if de sired. Address Cottage Home, care Georgian. CHAS. P. GLOVER, 6 Auburn Ave. FOR EXCHANGE. TEN-ROOM NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE (6,000-Tr>de for lot In alxth wnrd. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN on North 8lde, (3,000-WM exchange, girt or take difference. BftUTIt PRYOR, TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE. renting for ((5 per month. (2,600-WIII tiki well located lot a, part payment FOUR LOTS IN SPLENDID LOCALITI to build house* for Inreatment. Will plf cash difference for North Side rctldence. EDWIN P. ANSLEY, Real Estate, 10 East Alabama St. PHONES: BELL 339 & 363. ATLANTA » 11.600—TWO-STORY, EIGHT-ROOM house, on north aide, cloee to Peach tree street and In beat neighborhood. Houae new and strictly modern. If >' ott want a nice home, aee this. *7,250—NO II NORTH AUGUSTA avenue. Ideal 9-room home, hard wood finish, house just painted and P u ‘ In nice condition. Within one block 't car line. Lot 180x200. Beautiful shade. ((,000—PONCE DELEON AVENUE home, 7 rooms, with all modern hn- jfovement*. Lot (2x1*0 to 20-foot *•- ey. Owner anxious to sell; want* cash. *(.000—FOR NEW 2-STORY 2-ROOSI home on West Fifth etreet. If want a nice home In a nice locality, 1£ * this before you buy. *8,500—BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM HUMS on Juniper atreet. Houae would rent for *60 per month. Lot (2 feet Terms. *(00—FOR NORTH BOULEVARD lot. 50x1*0. Lot elevated and rea'f (or building.