Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 17, 1907, Image 17

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN aivD SEWS. r'ltlDAY, MAT IT, lOTr. A CHANCE “TO TON THE TRICK” It is not necessary that a person have a great deal of nerve, or a great deal of money, to make a little money; the main requisite being a little judgment and just enough atten tion to comprehend the situation. When you go into a locality and see hun dreds of new houses just completed, and others being built, it should not require a dynamite or a drilling machine to open a train of thought and reasoning in your mind. If you suddenly sat on a hot stove you would jump, or if some one suddenly fired a a gun behind you it would startle you, or if some angel suddenly appeared and emptied a cornucopia into your lap, the contents being pure gold pieces, you would be surprised, but you would take it all the same. Remember \vhat the famous author wrote: “There is a time in the affairs of men when ta ken at floodtide leads on to fortune and to fame.” Who knows but that this may be a turn ing point in your life; it is at least worth more than a passing thought. It would only cost you a nickel and an' hour’s time to take a ride on either the Walker to Westview car, or West End, Gordon street . I car; telling the conductor to put you off at Law- ton street, look carefully over both routes, go ing one way and returning the other; look at Peeples Street City School; look at the Howell City Park; look at the improvements on Hold- emess street and all of the attractive, elegant homes being built in this section. You will gather sufficient information on which to base a determined desire to get one of the lots fronting on either' Lucile avenue, Dar- gan street, Lucile place, or Oak street, which will be offered at our Auction Sale next Tues day afternoon at 3 o’clock sharp. Get a plat and think it over! Call- at our office next Tuesday at 2:30 and go with us as our guest. Remember this property is inside the present city limits, and you can get gas, sew er and water for any of these lots. S. B. Turman & Co. Pell phones 674 and 1992. Atlanta phone 674. MEN WERE "RAILROADED,” SAYS SAMUEL GOMPERS W- DON’T PRESIDENT 8AM UEL GOMPERS, Head of the American Federation of Labor, who will deliver an ad dress at the Grand opera house Friday night, and be the guest of honor at a “dollar dinner” Saturday night. bibor Leader Talks of Idaho Cases and Compares Arrests to Russian Tyranny. x • , President Samuel Oomjiera, of the American Federation of Labor and one of the most capable labor leaders In the world, arrived In Atlanta Thursday night and will be here until Sunday. -V r. Gompers comes to Atlanta upon the Invitation of the Atlanta Federation of Trades and will deliver an address at the Grand'Friday night at 8 o'clock, to which the puhllc Is cordially Invited. On Saturday night Sir. Gompers will le the guest at a banquet to be given him at the New Kimball House. Not In ten years has the head of 'he Federation of Labor been In Atlanta, and when the Atlanta Federation of Trades heard some time ago that Mr. Gompers contemplated making a South ern trip, another Invitation was extend- ed him. When seen at the Majestic Hotel on Friday morning. Mr. Gompers talked Interestingly to a Georgian reporter on topics of Interest to the labor world to day. A Client talker and eloquent speaker, Mr. Gompars holds audience, wherever he goes, and the Indlcatl me are that a large crowd will greet him at the Grand Friday night. Mr. Gompers discussed th __ _ men’s big strike In New York cl»jr and admitted that he had been asked to endeavor to bring about a settlement. Longshoremen’s Strike. 'So far.” he said, "I have not been able to do anything, but I am not through yet. in fact, we are never through trying to help the cause of organised labor. Strangely enough, the striking longshoremen In New York are about the only organised longehoremen In the country who- are not affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, but that doee hot prevent me from do ing all I can to help them.” Besides being president of the Feder ation of Labor, Mr. Gompers Is flrxt vice president of the National Civic League, composed of the leaders In the labor world and of employers of labor. Moyer-Haywood Case. "Yes." he replied In answer to a ques tion about the Moyer-Haywood-Pettl- bone case. "I have kept up with this case and I think all the Indications point to the Innocence of the accused men. The Western Federation of Min ers Is not affiliated with the organiza tion over which 1 havo the honor to preside, and I hardly think the accused officials have much use for either me or our organlsatlbn. But this feeling Is not reciprocated. I want to see these officials get a square deal and I don't think their arrest and transportation from another state to Idaho was a square deal. Strong Influences havo been working against them nnd to prejudice the people. Even thoug are not one of us, I want to set helped, and want to see them get a square deal.’’ Mr. Gompers denounced the manner In which the prisoners were "kid naped" from one state and taken to Idaho, and asked what would be done If an American cltlsen was charged by Russia with being Implicated In and preseht "In spirit’' If , a czar was mur dered and the president was asked to turn him over to the Russian authorl-' ties. He said the accused miners had' been given a similar deal and had. not been allowed fo have a hearing. In regard to the charges against Mayor Schmlts, of Han Francisco, Mr. Gompers said he could not believe the mayor guilty, and that If he was. It was through the power of Abe Ruef. He declared Mayor Bchmlts was a lov able man with a most charming wife. Mr. Gompers Is well satlsfled with the present outlook, but says he Is still working for better things. Tomorrow, Saturday,^ At 2:30 P. M. • •’ > i IS THE DAY AND TIME FOR THE BigAuctionSale ' ■——AT - 1 OAKLAND HEIGHTS TERMS: $25.00 Cash. $10 per Mo. Without Interest. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED. • REFRESHMENTS FREE FOR ALL Take East Point cars, get off at Oakland Avenue. For particulars, plats and FREE STREET CAR TICKETS apply to STEVE R. JOHNSTON, A, F, LIEBMAN, AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE A6ENT. 1 l ' • 28 Peachtree Street. SHE SUES LAWYER FOR HEART BALM SETTLED SATURDAY Committees to Consider Lighting Bids of Two Companies. The light rate t« consumers for the next Ore years will. Ill all prolmlilllty, tie de termined st the meeting Saturday after noon of the special committee on a muni cipal lighting plant tnd the council com mittee on electric light* nnd telephones. The committee! will meet jointly at 2:30 o'clock for the purpoee of taking action on the competitive bids of the North Georgia Electric Company nnd the Georgia Railway and Electric Comuay for the clty'e llgbt- for the next Ave jreera. ,je hid of the latter la lower for llghtlng of the rlty. 1’realdcnt Arkwright ha. expressed Ills Intelftlon of reducing the maximum rate to consumer., nnd he nnq the committee will confer on this point. If hl» reduction I. material..the commit tee will probably recommend that the bid of bla compouy t>e accepted. FORMER ATLANTAN HEADS MANHATTAN u. Voting, for three years past agent of the Manhattan Life Insurance Company, with headquarters In 'Columbia, 8. C., has been named to ancceed the late J. J. Cog gins as manager for the company In Geor gia Olid Boutb Corollas, with offices In At tains. Mr. Young, up to .three years ago. was well-known business man and merchant of Atlnntn. He decided to enter the In* aiirniice field, and went to 1 olntnbla with the Manhattan Life, lie now returns to bin old home to pit one of Ihe most •ponsllde poets In the company. ‘tile friends are string him s most •list reception. It Is predated that ths fiiielneee of his company will expand won- derfnlly under hi. wideawake manauciiicnt In the two states ov*r which he will pfe- MAYOR SCOOBA YIELDS TO DEATH 1 Mtaa, , *Msr IT.-Varor Jack TAX NOTICE State and County Tax Books now open. Make your returns at once and avoid the rush. Books wilt close in a few days. T. M. ARMISTEAD, Tax Receiver. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive tfrom — Favannah .... 7.<X Jacksonville . 7.60 am Macon ....••..1140 am Mncon 4.15 pin Macon 6.61 pm Macon ..••*... 8.10 pm Ptftft To— Mncon 1140 pm Macon ........ 8.00 am JackaoDTillo ..10.46 am Macon ........ 100 pm acksonvllle .. 8.30 pm >:i v.'i nnnh ..... 8.16 pm EXTRACTED positive!/ without pialu. 60c each. Uest teeth <8. Money caa not buy better.. PHIL ™ BIJOU Tonight—Mstlneo 8sturd*y. —THE— GREAT LAFAYETTE and bli company In three grand productions “Mystery, Mirth, Music” 40 Peoplee-Carlosd of 8c«nery. CASINO NEXT WEEK: Opening Attraction. Matinaea, Tuts., Thurs. and 8aL The Merry Laughing Comedy “A RUNAWAY MATCH,” With Bob Harty, Johnny Johnson and an Excellent Company. 8alo at Bijou Box Office. m THE TWIN THEATERS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. “FUNNY PHA8E8” •THE TRANSFORMATION" "RUNAWAY MOTOR CAR" * NO. NS WHITEHALL ST. No. 77 PEACHTREE 8TREET. THIS WEEK’S BILL. THE EARL 8I8TER8, Donoore. LAWRENCE JAMES, Singe* E. MITCHELL, Saxophone. M’LLE WELLS, Contortionist JIMMY KELLY AND BANJO. THE WELLS, Phyo!o«l Cult ST. NICHOLAS AUDITORIUM, MAY 29, 30, 31 and JUNE 1. $8,000 FOR ARTISTS ALONE. 8EA80N TICKET SALE AT 33, $4 and $5 CLOSES'MAY 22. WHEN SIN GLE SEAT SALE OPENS. ONE FARE DENTAL Itoom PLUS 25 CENTS ROUNO TRIP. W. No. 26 \\bit.ball St. c. HUMPHRIES. 619 EMPIRE BLDG. NEED A FENCE? PC Page Fence Erected! Gail For Our Fence Man W. J. DABNEY IMP. GO,, 96, 98 and 100 80. Forsyth Street. ssgiin No. 7 VIADUCT PLACE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. "DRIVEN FROM HOME" LIFE SAVING UP-TO-DATE" "THE CRAZV COMPOSER" St. Nicholas Auditorium PONCE. DE LEON PARK I SKATING THREE TIMES DAILY. MU8IC EVERY NIGHT AND TUES-. DAY, THUR8DAY AND 8ATURDAY AFTERNOONS, ATLANTA'8 PLAYGROUND PONCE DE LEON PARK A CAR A MINUTE NOW OPEN BAND CONCERT8 AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY. Meridian. MUa, May IT.-Mam Jack nuke, of keooba. aged 33, died last night after a brief lllneae. He waaa aon of the late C'-donet known eott Mississippi. deVidonei Janie*""H. iiiike .me of the heat ,wn fottuu idnutera and merchant! of MRS. EDITH STEIN. Her? la n picture of Sfha. Edith Stein, a pretty niece of the famous clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, who la In a marital mix. Sha la aulng Janies Dunne, a law yer, for 330.000 for breach of prom ise, and which the supreme court handed down a decision declaring her right to bring the still. ATLANTA ELKS WIN ALL D01 THE LINE March ou Rome aud Take Everything in That Was Not Tied. Tbit wna at the Elka' convention Thnrt* ilny, when the Atlanta delegation. led by There were several bands !u attendance at the convention, and a rontett for a prize of $175 wag tn have been held. The Judaea, however, after the parade wee over, ruled that the content wan unoeceaaary and turued tbe prise over to tbe Atlanta drum corn*. The ( dele ggt of*njtwh *defiberi*flon, handed over**the~fl' prize to Atlanta. Htill not Mitlsfled, 8am 8maw. of Atlanta, threw bla hooka Into the prize of $26 offered for the nmalfrat Klk at tbe convention. There were not many more prize* left tc illatrlbute after Atlanta got through. Ma eon drew tbe prize'for the largest dclega- lion. % • ••We’bad a bully time.” Mid Mayor Joy ner Friday morning. •‘The drum corpa took the town and tbe vial ting Klks by atorm. The boy a were cheered nil along the line. Tbe eorpe played ’Goodbye. Little Girl. Good-bye/ aa ItJpaaoed Shorter College, and the glrla went wild. 1 •‘Home d|d beraelf proud." BRITISHERS REJECT U. S. CANNED BEEF Washington. May 17.—Tha statement was made today by the bureau of sta tistics of the department of commerce and labor that the present fiscal year’s I export of canned beef from the United Stetee would be only one-fourth qf laat year'u export. The greateet falling off baa been with Great Britain. BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 8ERIE8. Friday and Saturday. . GEORGIA vs. TEOH. TECH PARK. Game Called 3:30 P. M. Worda and Stones. Rome years a go George Meredith hnd a homo hullt for blmeelf which, was $athoc amall, although extremely comfortable. Onn day a lady vlafted him, and with grunt pride be showed her over the place. After their tear of Inspection tbo violtor turned to her boat, and with a disappointed <*x- preoalon said: "In your books you deocrlbo huge castlee and baronial halls, but wli»*u you come to build you put up a lltrl.» h >nsu like this. Why la ItV" "Well." replied tbe author, with a twinkle of hh eve. (h« reason la because words ar© cheaper thau ■tones/'"-Mj, A. 1*. Often the Same. It la difficult* to dUttngninh between might and wrong Ujltlwore auu. I I