Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 13, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. 3DAY, AUOt'ST 13. 13 >7. Don’t Staroe Your Hair What do you think your doctor would say about feeding your hairwith Ayer’s Hair Vigor, the naw kind? He knows that it feeda, nourishes, strengthens. The hair stops falling out, grows mord rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. W( publish th# form n 7 *U i 1 preparation*. J.C.Aror Co.. FORAKER WILL NOT FIGHTJEC’Y TAFT Won't Answer Speech or Take Pai’t in Municipal, Primaries. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 13.—In formal statement given out last even ing, Senator Poraker defined his posi tion In regard to the contest pending between his followers and those of Secretary Taft In regard to the statements that he Is about to take an active part In va- rlous municipal primaries and elections, especially at Columbus and Toledo, Senator Foraker says there Is no truth whatever In any such statement. "Another statement that seems to be widely circulated Is that 1 am to an- , ewer Secretary Taft's speech which he la to make at Columbus, August 19, when I speak at Georgetown two days later, August 21. There Is no'founda- tlon whatever for such a statement. 1 GOODWIN FAMILY TO FORM A CLUB In order that the name of Harris Goodwin may not be forgotten and that his memory may be perpetuated, a Charter for a club, to be composed of members of his family and descen dants, has been applied for. The petition was filed In the office of the clerk of the superior court by A. J. Martin. S. O. Walker and E. D. Hholor. It Is proposed to buy the old Harris Goodwin home for a club house nml to nnme It the "Good Home Club." SICK HEADACHE Dyspefla relieved. Constipation avoided, Bowels regulated, no pain, no griping. SMALL FILL. SMALL D03H, SMALL PRIOB OF Advises People To Maintain Order and Restore Peace. Richmond, V*., Aug. It.—The «ftaat1on at Onancock, where the recent race disturb ance occurred, la still very grave. The town la now In the fends of a vigilance commit tee, notwithstanding which there la ft grave poaBlUllItjr that the rioting will break out afresh. Samuel Burton, one of the negro leaders, and Moon, another, havo loft town us a result of the muas meeting of citizen*, which passed resolutions to the effect that any and all negroes who had caused trou ble, either directly or indirectly, within the past years, must leave the eastern shore by 6 o'clock yesterday. Uzzcl, the editor, whose place was burned, and who Is known to have been the lustlgator of the riot, has also left. Governor .Summon and the attorney gen eral arrived at Ouaneock yesterday. The governor made an address from the hotel steps last night, advising people to keep cool, but nssiirlug them that they must he positive with the trouble with wblcn they are now confronted. Notwithstanding this advice, It la well understood that a very lilt ter feeling exists, mid it Is feared that a further outbreak will occur at any moment. Governor Bwanson will remain on the eastern shore until the present trouble has quieted down. Many of the negroes on the eastern shore are leaving. CONFIDENT OF CITY'S DRINK A BOTTLE $1.00 GAINESVILLE, GA., and RETURN VIA SOUTHERN. RAILWAY Tickets will be sold for SUNDAY MORNING TRAINS, limited to date of sale, re turning. Ticket Office 1 Peachtree Street, Phone 142, New Ter minal Station. Phone 4900. J. R. Smith, of Smith & Hig gins, Plans Improve ments. Along with other far-seeing business men of Atlanta, J. U. Smith, of Smith & III* gins, with department stores on Peters.and Decatur streets. Is thoroughly optimistic as to the business outlook In Atlanta after the prohibition law goes Into effect. Instead of curtailing hts Investments, he It preparing to maka more than at drat contemplated. So sure la his faith In At lanta’s prosperity that he Is going to spend thousands of dollars ami be thinks the In vestment will 1m a profitable one. Then, too, Mr. Smith Is now recall a large warehouse and mt tol»e h»cated on llayn... Atlanta, lllrntlnghum and Atlantic property. A tenout for this property ou a long term lease has already been secured. In nddltDm to all this, the Arm Is con templating the erection of a building on property owned on Softwood avenue for “inofscf— ’No/* j tUg to _ i« going'to help the city, vui does not depend on whisky. On the con trary, the prosperity of Atlnntn and the South depend* on the price of cotton.” It is probable that Mr. Smith will con elude a transaction In the near future for the lease of a building on Decatur street batik which was organ DYSPEPSIA “Ifn-fv-tr yonr w^n-Wfiil "0«qci(r*t*” for three month* and D*ln|f entirely eared of atomach cAtarrii end drapepela. I think a word of prata* is dueto"Caarareta"fortheirwonderfnl composition. 1 hare taken uumaront other ao-eallrd remedial but without arall and I find that Cairareta relieve the other* 1 Lave takes *J*nje*'to/tiane, 103 Hereof St., Jersey City, N. J. Best For The Bowels | i ne ooweis j* CANDY CAT MAW TIC Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never blcken, Weaken or CJrlpo. 10c. tie, Me. Never Sold in balk. Tb« genuine tablet atnmped GOO. Guaranteed to care or yvar money back, Stirling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 591 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES TEETH EXTRACTED positively without pain, 60c each. Heat teeth IS. Money can not buy better.. PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS. No. M Whitehall St. D. M. WOOLLEY, M. 2ft DOCTORS MISTAKES Aro said often to bo burled six feet undei ground. But many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they Imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain hero and there, and In this way they present alike to themselves and theiy easy-going or over busy doctor, separate diseases, for which he, assuming them to be such,,prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. The / pH*slcian,"Ignorant of the cause of suffennpVkvps upmft.treatment until large bills are m\de. /Tte>ufferlng patient gets no wrong treatment, but probably wors&^A ftnijr Pfdidfje like l)j Pierce.'* Favorl^ by dispelling ait^hiose distressing syznp- toms. and Instituting comfort Instead of nrolnnged misery, ft hat been well 1 diseaseJcnown U half cured. rPrescription Is a I)r. Pierce’s Favorite scientific medicine, carefully deviled by an experienced and skillful phyiicl&n« and adapted to woman’s delicate sye' system. eof native American medicinal roots and Is perfectly harmless In Its effects In unu coiununKor lIlc fan off Awnings For stores. Offices, Residences, Public Buildings, etc, manu factured and put up. All work guaranteed Lowest prices. Phone or write tor estimates. J. M HIGH CO. Atlanta. Ga. As a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription” Imparts strength to tho whole system and to tho organs dis tinctly feminine In particular. For over worked, "worn-out,” run-down," debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," hon-e-keepers, nurslngmothnrs, and feeble women gen erally. Dr. I’l-rcc’s Favorite Prescription reatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re- storativo tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorite Prescription" Is uncounted and 1. Invalnnhte in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, SL Vitus’s gapes, and other distressing, hervons symptom, commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of tho uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxletv and despondency. Dr. I’ierco’s Pleasant Pellets fnvlgorato the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a dose lie— tn'takeag candy. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— savannah .... 6.50 il Jacksonville.. 7.60 ntn Macon ......... 8.00am Uacon amlHacon 4.00 pm Macon ........ 4.15 pmjjacksonvllte... 830 pin Macon 8.10 pmlEavannab ..... 8.16 pm SHOOTS EMPLOYER WHEN URGED Macon Contractor Victim of > Bullet Fired By Carpenter. PROHIBITION WILL ASSIST IN SOLVING NEGRO PROBLEM TROOPS SENT TO SCENE OF RACEJIISJURBANCE Governor Swanson,At Cape Charles To Direct Movements. Newport, New*, Vit, Aug. IS.—A pro- vlalonnl company of 62 men, command ed by Captain Gayle, left Norfolk lait evening on a steamer for Cape Charles, en rouse to Ononcock, where Governor Swanson la on the vround In connec tion with the race disturbance. Colonel Nottingham and other officers of the Seventy-first Virginia Infantry, ac companied the first detachment of troope, leaving orders for the other three Norfolk companies to be In readi ness to move on receipt of orders. The reason for dispatching the pro- visional compuny cannot be learned Adjutant General Anderson la In Nor, folk. In charge of the military altua tlon. New York, Aug. 13.—An address which. In view of the recent prohibi tion agitation In Georgia, Interested its hearers was delivered In Calvary Bap tist church by William D. Upshaw, ed itor of The Golden Age, of Georgia, and vice president of tho Anti-Saloon League of that state. •— One of the Interesting features of tho address was Mr. Upshaw’s reference to the views of the best of the negro ele ment In the South. One negro pastor, Rev. -H. H. Proctor, of Atlanta, cald before the legislative committee that the prohibition measure would make better servants. less criminals and greater peace between the races. BOARDING HOUSE HORROR; STAR BOARDER ATTACKED That even the star boarder can go too far In lording It over his less for tunate fellow* was shown In the re corder's court a lien R. J. Frl.ble ap peared Monday. His face was decorat. cd with courtploster and his right cheek resembled a ripe eggplant both In color and contour. According to the testimony It ap peared that Frtsble returned to his boarding house at Madison and Gar nett streets Saturday night and began to complain about the lack of nine- foot sheets and other things. J. M, Rook, n fellow-boarder, remonstrated and Friable asked by what right, mak lng It plain that he, as the star board er, was entitled to many things t< which the other boarders had no title, Whereupon Rook arose and emote him. When the police arrived and took Friable from beneath ths p sofa he was a sight to behold. A< Recorder Beutell thought he hnd been punished enough, and he dismissed the charge against him. As for Rook, the alderman seemed to think ho had had provocation, and he let him go alsp. UNCLE SAM TRIES PICTURES AS NE W RECRUITING PLAN More eloquent than tho words of the recruiting officers la Uncle Sam’s latest method of showing tho delights of the navy for young men. Everything a sailor la supposed to do, even to the obnoxious coaling ship, was shown for the first time In Atlanta Monday night at Ponce DeLeon park In the shape of moving pictures. At an expense of many thousands of dollars the navy department has se cured moving picture Alma showing life at sea and on short and some of thoae exhibited Monday night were the long est films ever made.' The show took place aa a free at traction on a huge screen erected be tween the auditorium and the band stand and the apparatus was worked by sailors connected with thq navy re cruiting station tn Atlanta. A large selection of first-class pic tures wus shown and this Included everything from President Roosevelt going aboard the battleship Kearsarge and addressing the crew, to the In diana In action at sea. Pictures of liberty parties going ashore at various porta all over the world, tqgether with the sallori at work on ships, created considerable enthusiasm among tha-blg crowd of spectators that watched the free sljow. Tho pictures show everything from work to play and after a prospective recruit -sees them he knows Just what Is exported of him. And to the young man who wants to see the world, they arc attractive and enticing. GUARDS WILL CELEBRATE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. gprs-lnl to The Georgtsn. Albany, Qa., Aug. 13.—The officers and members of Company E, Albany Guards, have commenced preparations for the celebration of the fiftieth an niversary of that organisation on Sep tember 14. A banquet will be given In the Guards armory, and all the pres ent and former members of the com pany will be Invited to attend. WILL ERECT MONUMENT TO 80UTHERN WOMEN. lichmond, Va., Aug. 13.—tn Rich mond, at a meeting of Confederate vet erans, It was decided to erect a monu ment to Southern women. The vet erans will raise 1109.040, and the city and atale will be asked for 330,000 each. WOULD CUT OUT SUNDAY EXCURSIONS A bill to prohibit railroads from sell ing reduced rate ttckele on Sunday was favorably reported by tho house com mittee on railroads Monday afternoon. The bill was Introduced In the house by Messrs. Wamell and Uurkhalter, of Tattnall, and holds the sale or reduced tickets on Sunday to be a violation of the code with reference to the operation of excursions on the Sabbath day. Carroll Latimer, representing the Seaboard, and Judge Doreey, attorney for several lines In Georgia, discussed the bill before thd committee. They de clared that the railroads had no serious objection to the measure, but expressed the opinion that It would work a hard ship on those people of the state whose only opportunity to travel la by tnklng advantage of the cheap rates offered on Sunday. Lightning Kills Negro. Special to The Georgian. Alhhny, Ga.. Aug. 13.—Mack Smith, _ well-known negro drayman, was struck by lightning and Instantly killed at hi* home In this city Saturday night. INSPECTOR SUTTON - OPENS OFFICES Four Inches of Rain Foil. Special to The Georgian. Albany, Go., Aug. 12.—The heaviest rainfall that has occurred In this city tn over ten years fell Friday night. In leas than two hours' time, over four Inches of rain was recorded. Potter Won't Resign. Baltimore, Aug. 13.—A rumor to the effect that George L. Potter would re sign aa third vice president of the Bal timore and Ohio railroad, was denied by President Oscar O Murray, as well as by Mr. Potter bimselt Well-fed and Comfortable no matter how hot the day, on Grape-Nuts FOOD “There’s a Reaion." Offices for the new division of post office Inspector* recently established have been opened In the Candler butld, lng In rooms 922, (33 and (24 with Chief Inspector O. M. Sutton In charge. This new division comprises the state* of Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, and when It was created by the post' master general Atlanta was named aa the headquarters. , Mr. Sutton arrived a short time ago and since that time he has had tem porary quarters In the Federal building. The suite In the Candler building was secured soon after his arrival and it has now been put In shape for occu pancy. In addition to an office force of four men. Inspector Sutton has un der his direction twenty-two Inspectors, ’Although a young man, the chief In spector Is one of the best tn the serv ice and ha* been connected with the department for many yean. He comes originally from Mlaaourl. but has serv ed the government In Kansas City, St. I/nile and New York. Revivals in Gwinnett County. Special to The Georgian. Loganvllle, Ga., Aug. IS.—At New Hope Methodist church. In Gwinnett county, a successful revival meeting closed Sundsy night. Thirteen new members were, added to the church. Six new members were also added at Snellvllle church. The pastor, Rer. W. O. Butler, was assisted by Tom Dal ton. of Cblclcama-Jga, Ga, who did good wort* Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga, Aug. IS.—W. W. Wal thall Is held in the police barracks here following tiro ."hooting of Oliver Wil der, superintendent of construction for the Hall-Parker Company In the Cen tral railway yards, yesterday evening. Wilder had removed Walthall, who is a carpenter, from duty, and the lat ter became enraged. He wffnt home, secured a revolver and returned,firing on the superintendent, the bullet tak ing effect In the breast Just above the heart. Wilder was taken to tho city hos pital where ho was given inedfeal at tention. Both men have families. POLICEMAN SUSPENDED FROM MACON FORCE. Special to The Georgian. Macon. Ga, Aug. 20.—Another officer on the Macon police force has been suspended by Chief Conner. Officer Richmond, who has been doing special work In Chief Conner's office, was sus pended on account of “conduct unbe coming to nn officer.” The police com mittee of the city council will look into the matter when the council meets. Officer Glenn, who was suspended from tho force soveral weeks ago for shoot ing a negro, Is still on duty, and likely the charge against him will be dropped. COUNCIL MAY RECONSIDER CL08ING ORDINANCE. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga, Aug. 13.—Last Tuesday night the bar keepers In Macon were granted the right to keep their places of business open until 12 o’clock at night, but opposition to the measure may arise In the council and It Is very probable that a motion will be made to reconsider those portions of the min- lites that deal with this question. Al derman Griffith, when asked If he would second a motion to rSBonsIder, stated that ha yrould and that he would again do his best to have the closing hour kept at 11 o’clock. CHAINGANG IN MACON RECEIVES KNOCKOUT. Special to The Goorglnn. Macon, Ga, Aug. 13.—By a decision rendered Monday by Judge Robert Hodges of the city court In the habeas corpus of Lucy Jackson against John W. Callaway, It was declared In sub stance that the municipal chalngnng In Macon, was Illegal under the present charter of Macon, and the court order ed that Lucy Jackson be discharged from the custody of Superintendent Callaway and that she bo remanded to the recorder’s court for a legal sen tence. CENTRAL BUYS LANDS FOR NEW SHOP SITE. Bpednl to The Georgian. Macon, Ga, Aug. 13.—Stating the consideration as $60,000, a warranty deed was filed In the superior court Monday, recording th# transfer of sev eral .large tracts of land to the Central Railroad company by the; Empire Land road. The deed was made June 27, 1907, and Is signed by Alexander R. Lawton, president of the Empire Land company, and attested by George H. Richter, secretary. The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, hag borne the signature of and has been made tinder his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tills. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good.” are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oh, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plcnsatlt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CKNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY •TAUT, MIW YORK CITY. LUMBER-LUMBER-LUMBER CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. TAKE NOTICE—It’s worth your whllo to call on us before placing your orders for lumber and general mill work, , E. G. WILLINGHAM & SONS, Prompt Delivery—Both Phones—542 Whitehall Street. GAYNOR’S HEALTH BADt WANT8 CHANGE MADE. 8peel,l to Tho Georgian. Macon, Go., Aug. 13.—While he con tlnues to hope patiently that he will be transfored elsewhere fn order that his falling health may be Improved, those who have oce&slon to see Colonel J. F. Gaynor, who, with Captain Greene, Is one of the most noteworthy prison ers confined In this county, are becom ing Increasingly alarmed at his con dition. During the summer, Colonel Gaynoris condition has rapidly become worse. Colonel Gaynor Is very anxious to go to Indian Springs, being ready to pay alt expenses of two officers to accompany him. Colonel Gaynor and Captain Greene, under the orders of the cgurt, have been allowed unusual privileges. Judge Speer la without JurtsdlcUon In the matter, a. It has been carried out of his court and the court of appeals do not meet until lata In tho foil. SIX MILES OF STREETS IMPROVED BY CHAINGANG. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Aug. 13.—Since the first of the year the city chalngang has Telegraphers Wanfei Operators employed by the Postal Telegraph- Cable Company in several cities in the west and south having, without notice, and without good rea son, left their posts to indulge in a sympathetic strike, this Company offers permanent positions with good wages and full protection to competent operators who apply at once to G. E. Paine, Asst. General Superintendent, 605 Prudential Building, Atlanta, Ga. ^ worked more than six miles of streets In this olty. Streets have been graded and new ones made, ditches to drain Dempsy'g pond dug, and many other much needed Improvements completed. College, .Washington and many other principal streets have been graded and other work done upon them. OPERATORS IN MACON AWAITING INSTRUCTIONS. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Aug, 13.—Although no message haa yet been received by President McBride, of the Macon branch, of the United Commercial Telegraphers, from Secretary Russell, In Chicago, to go out, there Is very -vte,Tow. an Increaae In the valua* am Union and Postal offices. Until word comes from Secretary Russell, the operators In both the Postal and Western Union offices are expected to keep on with their work. As In At lanta, Augusta and Savannah, many of tho operators have stopped, the lo cal men are not near as busy us formerly for the simple reason that there aro not enough men to receive In the cities named. When Been yesterday, Pre.ldent J. E. McBride, of the local union of tele graphers, stated that Sunday he re ceived a message from Chicago say ing, "Take no action until Instructed.” \ HALF MILLION INCREASE , IN DOUGHERTY REAL ESTATE. Special to The Georgian. Albany, Ga., Aug. 13.—The tax digest for Dougherty county for the year 1957. compiled by Tax Receiver tlon of property In the county of over half a million dollars, The Improve ment of city real estate la the prime factor of the big increase In the re turns. DR. PORTER, an 0!d Railroad Surgeon, spent several years of study and experi ment in getting; up the preparation known as Dh POltGf’S Antiseptic Healing Oil, wjiich is coming into universal use as the most conve nient and efficient application obtain* able for wounds, burns, sores and skin diseases, whether slight or serious. It is a scientific combina tion of medicinal qualities which relieves'pain, antiseptically cleanses and rapidly heals all injured or diseased parts, h has become a sort of “HOUSetlOld SlHg80n. M All druggists sell it. 25c