Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 20, 1907, Image 6

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-r— THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT NEWS. TUESDAY, aucubt zu, lwr. © o SOCIETY i Mrs. George C. Bell, Editor, i I Seiene*Armstrong, A ““' f © © © © © ■ft © © ©©•©©© ©■ # © ©■© © © & $ $ ©■ <?:• -K} & © © © O © © © •:> © © ©■ © © © © © © © © © © © © AND WOMAN’S INTERESTS THE LAUNCH OF THE LEAVES. The yellow leaves go sailing down the Stream Whose whispering waters run to seek the sea, slender alders and pale aspens gleam And every wych-elm seems a golden tree. Anther, and brown, and red the light • leaves float; You cannot sec the Pixy at the prow, nut each gay gafleon Is a faery's bvat— The good folk throng the craft from poop to bow. Tou cannot hear the laughter and the song, Though to sweet reedy pipes they laugh and sing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arthur. Mrs. Wade Langston, of Ht. Louis; Mr. Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. Haverty. Mr. and Jlrs. ft V Seely, Mr. and Jlrs. D. McCarty. Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Per. due, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes, Misses Anna Belle Dean, May and Maude Haverty. Allene Patterron, Julian Perdue, Claire Wooten, of Dawson; Edith Van Hook, Uvle Shelner, of Philadelphia; Ncello Dunbar, of South Carolina. MR. AND MRS. STEWART TO ENTERTAIN FOR MR. LOUIS STEWART Tuesday evening at their lovely home In West End Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stew art will entertain In honor of their brother, Mr. Louis Stewart, who Is being cordially welcomed here after a you'd say—"80 late the robin slnga and three years' realdence In Florida. long I large number of the young men and Thla autumn twilight has a sound of women of Atlanta and West End have spring.” broad The Hunter's Moon Ik rising, and bright. A bronze lamp In the aahen-colored sky. To light their shallops down the stream tonight— Far through the woods I hear the white owls cry. From the low bridge I watch them on their way. Fleeing the sunless, (traveling days to be llow would r heart rejoice If, even as they. I. too, might follow summer oversea. —Rosamund Marriott Watson. In Har per's for September. i TO MR3~\VAd¥*LANG8TON. Mrs. E. L. Rlshon will entertain Wednesday morning nt her home, In Ansley Park. In honor of Mrs. Wade Langston, whose visit to Atlanta has occasioned some delightfully Informs! gaieties. Mrs. Bishop's guests will number twelve of her friends, and been Invited and the unique feature of the evening's entertainment will be a guessing contest. Each guest Is re quested to bring a photograph taken In Infancy, and prizes will be awarded to those who Identify correctly the great est number of pictures. Those Invited are Misses Frances Stewart, Annie Wrlglit of Rome, Lillian Harris, Mils dred Harris, Adeline Helfner, Carrie Saasnet, WIIIb Helfner, Lennfs Heffner, Louise Norman, Lee Brandon, Ger trude Brandon, Ellon Richardson, Laurie Langford, Langford, Pope Moore. Maud Dnnlel, Christine Wall, Ethel Lively, Nora Goodman, Simpson, Kathlyn Simpson, Eddie Barton. Lizzie Henry, Fannie Green, Fannie Mae Burks, Inez Hardin, Margaret McGInty, Hurdle Jefferson, Flor ence Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gyles, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Lrttle, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. R. Aber nathy, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Edmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McGInty, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lycett, Mr. and Mre. Calvin Shelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Stewart, Mr. and Jlrs. W. L. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Will Spratlln; Messrs. Alton Irby, brld*_e w... be played on the sdaclou. I veranda. fdR. AND MRS. PEARCE ENTERTAIN BROOKWOOD CLUB. Monday evening at the hindsome home of Mr. ami Mrs. A. G. Rhodes on Peachtree rond, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Punrce entertained the Rrookwuod Club at a musical, the occnslnb being one of the most elaborate and beautiful of the iummer. The guests, Including the club mem- l>cra and a few friends of the hoat and hostess, nubered fifty. In the a parlous reception hall, which was decorated with palms and potted plants, the Informal program was ren dered. Mrs. W. C. Wilson and Mr. Armour bang a number of beautiful selections. Mr. Cmlghlll presiding at the piano. A feature of the evening whlrh was greutly enjoyed were some readings by the gifted young Impersonator, Mias Ada Evelyn I^ewls. Music and readings were followed by a delirious buffet supper, served In the dining room. The decorations here were In pink, the centerpiece on the ta ble being a large basket tilled with pink roses and tied with tulle. Numerous candelabra with pink silk shades were used, and rompotes of Bohemian glass held mints and bonbons In pink and white. The drawing room was In white and green, vases, of wkhlte roses and ferns omernenling every available rpoi. In the library the decorations were most hpautlful, quantities of nastur tiums and cannn lilies giving a brill lant color rffect. Mrs. Pearoe was assisted In enter taining by her mother, Mrs. A. G. Rhodes, and her enter, Mrs. Joseph Rhodes, and was a most attractive young hostess In a gown of white mull and lace, Mrs. Rhodes wore black silk net over taffeta, and Mrs. Joseph Rhodes waa In while batiste trimmed with English thread lace. Punch waa served by Mrs. J. It. Crawford, who was becomingly gow ned in pink mull. Thoee present were Mr. and Mrs Charles Wlnshlp. Mr. and Mrs, Claud Iluchanan, Dr. and Mra. Wilber Jones, Mre. Lena Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Archi bald Davla, Mr. and Mra. Howell Cloud. Mr. and Mra. William Speer. Mr. and Jlrs. Walker, Mrs. J. B. Roberts, Dr. end Mra. J. II. Crawford. Mr. J. W. Crawford. Mr. and Mra. Edward Bishop. Air. and Mra. Hudson Moore, Mr. and Mra. Harvey Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrews. Mr. and Mra.M I-adaon. Mr. and Mra. John Murphy, True Flavors With great care, by a process en tirely his own, Dr. Price is enabled to extract from each of the true, select fruits, all of its character istic flavor, and place in the mar ket a clast of flavorings of rare excellence. Every flavor is of great strength and perfect purity. For flavoring ice-cream, jellies, cake, custards, etc., Flavoring Extracts Vanilla Lemon Orange Rose, ate can be used with perfect satisfaction. Hayes, Mark Cason, Guy Norm an, Fred Dlsbro, Walter Dudley, A. T. Powel, Paul McCord, Crichton Calloway, A. P. Stewart, Jr., I.ou L. Stewart, John Bylngtnn, J. B. Kales, Edgar Green, Will Henry. Dick Henry, Sam De- Lache, Lee Cross, Tain Almond, J. B. Covington, Frank Sprutlln, Charlie Moore. Assisting Mr. and Mra. Stewart In entertaining will be Mrs. Emmie Slew, art. Mr. and Mra. WIU A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. p. Stewart, Miss Hurdle Jefferson, Mr. and Mra. T. B. Ferris. MISS PURTELUT RECEPTIONS. Miss Wy dene Purtell Is at Wrlghts- vllle Beach, the guest of Mrs. Walter Curtis, of Columbus, Go. The follow ing article from a Charlotte paper will bo of Interest to her friends In Atlanta; “Little Mika Wymrne Purtell, who Is a guekt of ther Tnrrninooro hotel, pos sesses rare powers of elocution and en tertains very delightfully the guests of the hotel with her recitations. Her charm of manner and sweet childish simplicity add much to the pleasure of her recitations” IN HONOR OF LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cousins will en terrain a number of their little friends at Ridgewood on Tuesday afternoon In honor of their attractive young guest. Miss Lottie Hnulsbury, who. ne Little Lord Faunlleroy, has made host of friends In Atlanta. COMPLIMENTARY - TO MISS THOMPSON AND MI8S HILL, Miss Myrtle C. Mallory entertained a few evenings since at her home on Capitol avenue In honor of Miss Daisy Belle Thompson, of Fitzgerald, On., and Mlaa Anna C. Hill, of Pork ave nue, Atlanta. FISHING AND CAMPING TRIP, Mlaa Minnie Bangers, of Marietta; Mis* Florence and Carolyn Hadley, of Atlantn; Miss Margarita Hubbard, Mr. Hoyt Frldell, Mr. Bob Hecks. Miss Ger tic Bangers and several other young people of Mnrletta will leave on a fish ing trip for two weeks at Forsyth, Go. The party will be chaperoned by Mr. and George Redd, of Rockmart, Gn„ and a very Jolly time la anticipated. MISS NORTHEN ENTERTAIN8. Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Charles North ern on Weat Fifth atreet. Miss Mar garet Northen gave a very charming surprise party In honor of Miss Julia D9dd. and of her guekt. Mlaa Sarah Jackson, of Charleston, S. C. Up Jinks and other popular games were played during the evening. Cut flow ers In bowls and vases effectively deco rated the attractive home and elaborate refreshments were served during the evening. Miss Northen was assisted by her mother In the entertainment of her guests. Both Mrs. Northen and Miss Northen wore becoming lingerie toilettes and Miss Dodd and Miss Jack- son alko wore pretty gowns of white mull, trimmed with luce and em broidery. MRS. CARNE8 ENTERTAIN8. Mra. W. E. Carnes, at her home, HO Capitol avenue, gave a delightful sur prise luncheon on Monday, in honor of her mother, Mrs. C. St. Elme, whose seventy-sixth birthday ft was. Mrs. Carnes entertained fifty guests, with a charming and lavish hospital ity. The color Scheme employed In the decorations of the home, and effectively carried out In the menu, was red and green, ferns and palms being pluced at points of vantuge in the various apart ments. The elaborate luncheon was Served buffet fashion, Mrs. Carnes and the guest of honor both wore handsome white toilettes, and Mrs. Jack Little, who presided at the punch bowl, was gowned In pink mull, elaborate with lace. Mra. Carnes’ guests Included: Mrs. M. Hunt, Mra. T. R. Thompson, Mra. W. T. Henderson. Mrs. E. J. Boyd, Mrs. R, H. Carpenter, Mra. H. F. Godfrey, Mrs. Ed Matthews, Mrs. L C. Smullynn, Mra. J. F. Keating, Mrs. H. J. Curran. Mrs. C. O. Smith, Mrs. C. Goodman. Mrs. S. D. Little, Mrs. H. L. Burkert, Mra. M. R. Meadows, Mrs. W. P. Smith. Mrs. T. Glenn, Mra. T. F. Sellslnger, Mrs. C. McGinnis, Mrs. E. McGinnis, Mrs. M, Barnes, Mrs. W. T. Archer. Mrs. H. Sharp, Mrs. M. Wil- dauer, Mrs. A. Samuels, Mra. A. F. Jones, Mrs. R. L. Carpenter, Mrs. P. Daracourt, MM. J. Sklllman, Mrs. E. Nance, Mrs. W. Collins, Jlrs. R. JI. Foote, Mrs. W. Kennedy. Mrs. A. Sweet, Mrs. L. Boyd, Mrs. 8. Samuels, Jtrs. IV. R. Bean, Mrs. J. Hicks, Mrs. H. C. Wagstaff, Mrs. J. C. Gavan, Mrs. B. Mnler. Miss H. Burkert, Miss O. Matthews, Miss R. Smith, Miss II. Keating, Miss A. Burkert. TO MRS. HART. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. D. R. Wilder was hostess at a box party ut the Casino, which she gave In honor of her guest, Mrs. A. A. Hart. Invited on this occasion was a congenial party, con sisting of Mrs. William J. Eenbody. Mrs. Jerome Simmons, Mrs. Edward Eubanks, Mrs. L. C. Matthews, Mrs. J. R. Bradbury. Mrs. W. II. Franklin. Mrs. Wallace Rhodes, Jlrs. Bcnjutnln Tread well, and Mrs. George Berry. HOW’S YOUR WATCH? If it isn’t performing its duty and is repairable, we can correct the fault, ami with a skill only obtained by years of practical exper ience. It will cost yon nothing to let us examine it. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO., Jewelers. 37 Whitehall Street. COMPLIMENTARY TO MR8. HART. Tuesday evening Mr. and Jtrs. J. R. Bradbury will entertain nt cards, com' pllmcntary to Mrs. H. A. Hart, of New Orleans, who Is visiting Mrs. D. R. Wilder. The guests will Include Mr. and Mra. Hodge Malone, Air. anil Mrs. W. B. Franklin, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Wallace, and Mrs. A. B. Robinson, Ml,is Alma Speer, Miss Cadle Cox, and Mr. Austin Wise. LAWN PARTY AND TEA. The ladles of St. Anthonys Ghlld will give a Inwn party and Japanese ia In the beautiful grove below the lurch on Ashby street, Tuesday aft ernnon and evening. The children will be entertained from to 6 with a Buster Brown party, and grown people from 7 to 10. Take Whitehall or West Fair street ears. Everybody Invited. SPEND-THEHJAY PARTY, Mrs. C. C. Hanson entertained a few frlenda at an Informal apend-the-day party Tuesday at her home on Pied mont avenue. PARTIES FOR MISS JOHNSON. Mies Daisy Johnson, an attractive bride-elect of the month, will be honor guest tills week at two charming par ties. Mra. C. P. Taylor wl'l give miscellaneous shower for her and on Thursday afternoon Mra. J. W. Zuber and Mrs. T. A. Methvln will be hos tesses nt a card party and linen shower to be given In her honor. MISS LILY FORcTtO ENTERTAIN CHILDREN The children residing In the district contributory to the Davis Street School ore promised a delightful treat for Fri day afternoon, when Miss Lily Ford will entertain the boys and girls with n number of her very charming aongu and recitations at the play ground of the school. played by Mlaa Inn Van Metre as the bridal party entered. Mr. E. L. Hurling und Mr. Blrchmore. the ushers, were the first to enter. They were followed by the bride and her maid of honor. Mias Lizzie Eberhardt, entering from the left, und the groom land his best man, Mr. E. O. Davis, en tering from the right. They met at the altar where tho ceremony woe per formed by Rev. A. J. Morgan, pastor of the church. The bride was beautifully gowned In a white lingerie dress elaborately trimmed with lace. The soft foldB of the veil worn were prettily arranged and artistically caught to her soft, brown hair. Her flowers were white carnations. She carried a large bunch of pink carnations. Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played after the ceremony. Air. nnd Mrs. Eberhardt left Imme diately for a wedding trip <o Tallulah Falls. The bride Is an accomplished young lady and has many charming char acteristics which have won for her many friends. Air. Eberhardt, former ly of Elberton, has for the past few years been cashier of the Tay lorsville Bank and during that time he has gained the friendship, esteem and confidence of all with whom he came In Contact. He ts a young man possessing fine business qualifications and a cijarac ter of sterling worth. The popularity of the young couplk. woe attested by the great number of gifts received. Thore was a handsome collection of cut gloss, silverware, etc. Among the out-of-town gueste pres ent at the wedding were; Misses Mat tile and Llxxle Eberhardt, Carlton, Go., Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harllng. Atlanta, Go.; Mr. and Airs. A. G. White. Car- tersvllle; Miss Ina Van Atetre. Kings ton, and Afr. Will Brlsendlne, Rome. DangerousOrossing VAN ALEN-DOEME. The engagement In announced In New York of Miss May Van Alen and Herr Zoltan Docme. Miss Van Alen has been spending much time abroad of late years \ her father. Mr. James Van Alen. who expatriated himself after the manner of William Waldorf Astor. When In this rnuntry. Miss Van Alen Is ona of the most admired young women In the very exclusive social life of New York and Newport. As the granddaughter of Airs. Astor she enjoys unusual so cial advantages and prestige, and Is possessed of large wealth In her own right. llcrr Zoltan Dn-me Is the divorced •husband of Madame Lillian Nordlca. Attractive and handsome, with a cer tain amount of musical talent, Miss Van Alen Is n young woman of pro- nouncod Individuality and her friends hellevo she will soloct her husband ac cording to her own predilections re gardless of family prejudice or opposi tion. It will be recalled that Miss Van Alen was engaged several yen fa ago to young Mr. Remington, who waa found dead In the fashionable social club nt Newport, the cause of tho tragedy never being satisfactorily de termined. Miss Van Alen retired from society for some time subsequent to Mr. Remington's death. The announce ment of her approaching marriage to Hen- Doeme Is quite a surprlso to society at large. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, an! : sr.ts. wool it. isasra- s.cean.rrfrt-.ituuj. Can't t*s detected. Cteitmor line n....:i betepki-’w;;.;. T/o-.i sir*. cc.<>*. ikio,-At, n, y. . T •hrfccs.raek.annsaaa Leeds. Makr.thei Ikkyor grvesr. It's harmless., ' ' m. hammer, y«U. JOHNSON-MARTIN. Sunday afternoon, ut 3 o'clock, at the residence of Dr. Virgil Norcross, 40 West End Avenue. Miss Fannie R. Johnson, of Greensboro, Oa., was quiet ly married to Mr. James Martin, of At. lanta. the ceremony being performed by Dr. Norcross. Mr. Martin holds a re- aponalble position with “Uncle Re mus’s" Mngaslne nnd Ills bride Is an accomplished and attractive young oman. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are nt home to their friends at 236 East Fair street. HA FLING-EBERHARDT. On Wednesday < venltig. August 14. at S o'clock, the wedding of Miss Bes sie Harllng and Air. Robert Eberhardt was solemnized at the Taylorsville Baptist church. A great number of the friends of this happy bride and groom emblodj to witness this pretty and MONDAY NIGHT AT CA8INO. An unusually large audience was seen nt the Casino Atonday evening. Miss Charlotte Marshall, who is vis King Mr. and Mrs. Rees Marshall, wfts the honor guest at a box party which Included Mr. and Mrs. Rees Marshall, Mr. and Mra. J. a. Whittier and Mr. Roy MueDonald. Miss Claire Wooten, who Is visiting the Misses Perdue, was given a box party by Mr. Tom Swift Among others seen were Misses Lau ra Payne, Edith Russell, Nina and Al lene Gentry, Ethel Huff. Sallle Cobb Johnson, Marie Sclple, Janet and May. belle Swift, Jullen Perdue, Bessie Pope, Mary Brent Smith, Alargaret Ladson, Elizabeth High, Alice Vandiver, Miss V llkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Toulman Wil liams, Messrs. Dick Thornton, Paul Fort, George Lowndes, Dugas Mc- Clesky, Wylie Pope. Ansley Cohen, Clarence Knowles, Arthur Lane, Lauren Foreman, Tom Keenan, John Lusk, Erl. Clapp, Air. Seamans, Alessrs. Forrest nnd Frank Adair, Robert and Clarence Haverty. Andrew Nlcolson and Jim Good rum. todd-Thomas. Dr. James Scott Todd has announced the engagement of his daughter, Louise, to Mr. Earl Dennison Thomas, Jr., of Havana, Cuba, the - wedding to take place Wednesday evening, October 23: AIlss Todd Is one of the most popular young women In the social life not only of Atlanta, but of Georgia as well. As the only daughter of Dr. Todd, one of the successful and widely known phy sicians of the state, MIsr Todd Is a worthy and charming representative of old and prominent Southern families. Mr. Thomas Is the only son of General and Mrs. E. D. Thomas, of the United States army, who are now stationed at Denver, Colo. HOWELL- M’CARLEY. Mrs, George Arthur Howell an nounces the engagement of her daugh ter, Mary Adair, to Air. Palmer David AtcCarley, the marriage to take place In the autumn. Alias Howell Is the daughter of the late Atr. George Arthur Howell, and granddaughter of tho lute Atr. George Adair. Attractive and accomplished, she lias drawn about her u large cir cle of friends who aro Interested in her approaching marriage. Mr. McCarley is prominently con nected with the business life of this section. _ _ x Howard Silt'll, of Dothan, Ala., . In tho city, the guest of Jlrs. HU Brewer, nnd wns the hnnoree nt n lovely bridge rtv given during the week by Mrs. Doug- SURPRISE PARTY. One of the moet delightful and en joyable surprise parties of the year was given to AIlss Lcssle Oreen at tier suburban home. Greenwood. The Jolly crowd wns entertained with games nnd with selections of songs by Mr. BIlwl Frank Wheat, and all spared no effort "siTs.' W. C. Berks Is the guest of Mrs. J Many newspapers copy matter from Everybody’s Magazine and give credit This is as it should be and we like it Many more copy our special articles, which we have spent good time and money to obtain, and modestly credit them to “a certain" magazine—that is, they use our brains as a filler for their columns at no cost to themselves, and when it comes to mentioning where got it, they suddenly become shy— they. This gives us a sharp pain To these one-sided admirers we wish to say that “a certain" important article in the September Number, by "a certain" important personage, has been pro* tected by every means known to us. Those whose custom it is to give credit are invited to help them- selves, the others are anxiously warned to— LOOK OUT FOR THE ENGINE WHEN THE BELL RINGS SONAL MENTION j Mr. and Mrs. George T. Street left Atlanta Monday to spend three weeks with Dr. nnd Mrs. James H. Casey, of Kansas City, Mo. Miss Annie Lee Alford, of Alontgom- cry, Is the guest of friends in Atlanta. Mrs. B. H. Sperlock, of Llthonla, Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Wesley, on West Peachtree etreet. Miss Willie Hall, of Macon, the at tractive young daughter of Hon. Joe Hill Hnll, Is spending Tuesday and Wednesday with AIlss Nina Gentry. Mrs. John Andrew Barnes and little son, Jack, and Mrs. Glascock Barrett left Monday for Blount Springs, Ala. Afr. and Afrs. Robert H. Iiogg will leave next week to make their home In Augusta, On. Mr. Hogg has been promoted recently to the office of man ager for Swift & Company, of that city. Air. and Airs. Walter Kennedy have gone to Asheville for a stay of two or three weeks. Mrs. Wlldaur has returned from visit to Llthia Springs. AIlss Rebecca Smith will leave toon for Macon to enter Wesleyan College. Mr. Lynn Werner returned Tuesday morning from Toxaway. Afr. Riley Summers, of Barnesvllte, Is In the city. Tuesday, Air. C. O. Summers, of that city, made the trip to Atlanta In his fine automobile. Mra. A. M. Smith, of Brunswick, Ga., Is the guest of Miss Daisy Johnson. Mrs. J. G. Pruett and Mrs. C. B.| AIc- Manus, of Smlthvllle, will be among the out-of-town guests at the Johnson- Reybold wedding. Dr. A. W. Sterling arrived from Eu rope on Sunday the 18th. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Hollingsworth leave Tuesday for Norfolk, Washington and New York for « stay pf two weeks. Air. and Airs. Clarence Kitchen, of College Park, are the gueets of rela tives at Acworth. Mrs. O. Simpson and Mrs. Lacy Bowie are visiting friends at Clinton, S. C. * Air. nnd Mrs. Atlller Grieve Williams will make Atlanta their home In fu ture, and are now at home to their friends at 391^SprIng street. Airs. Sarah J. Purtell has returned from Indian Springs, after a pleasant stay of two weeks. Airs. J. E. Wilhelm and her daughter, AIlss Dorothy, will leave Tuesday night for Wrlghtsvllle Beach, N. C., to be gone several weeks, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton have returned to the city from Raleigh, N. C„ where they have been for several weeks at the bedside of Dr. Broughton’s father, who died on last Thursday night. Mr. H. F. Lester, Miss Mary Lester, Willie Lester and Miss Kate Kline left for Borden-Wheeler Springs, Alabama, on Atonday. Miss Pearl Wilson left for Crab Or chard, Kentucky, a few days ago to make a short stav. Mra. M. A. Wlbun, who the summer In home Tuesday. 8 tclnllllc trcitnfit f« Whlskej, Opium, llpr, hint, Co calif, Chi fill, ul»£t» a»J ft,nulla. | sis or ftrrr, Cihouillo% Ihe Only Keeley lnsU> ( tote in Georgia, 229 Woodward An., ATLANTA, GA. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, - Macon, Georgia. Fir Matriculation Day, September 16th. Catalogues Free. , DuPont Querry, President. spending the summer in Kentucky, expected T Mr. and Mrs. Julian Perry, of Tlfton, •nssed through Atlanta Monday even- ng, en route from Jamestown. Miss Katherine Summer*, of Barnes, vllle, will arrive in Atlanta Friday, to spend a week with Mrs. D. R. Wilder. Mrs. T. V W. Pridgen and family. Lake Forest, Gn., are spending the summer In Atlanta with Mra F. J. Stllson. Mrs. Harry Schletuiger and Miss Ray Schltslnger. who has been 111 with ty phoid, are Improving. Mr. Edmund Walker, of Madison, and Mr. Walton Griffith, of Athens, are spending the week with Mr. Saunders Jones. GRIFFIN. quiet wedding of Wednesday nfternoon ... _:90 tVeloek wn« that of Mi** Blanche M. Tyus, the attractive daughter of Mr. J. II. Tvus, nnd Mr. Morgan »iu!tb, of Barnes- party give Ins Boyd. Mrs. W. A. Held nnd son returned to La- Grange Wednesday after a visit to her brother, Mr. ltoliert I.. Williams, on Tnylor street. In giving the hostess a most delight ful party, and one long to be remem bered. The party consisted of Misses Iren* and Elisabeth Sllvey, Arthene Pause, Isabelle Alexander, .Nellie Coyne, Irene Hardwick, Ernklne Frasier, Frances Da (Toy, Maebeiie and Lesslc Oreen, Mesara. Joe Morris, L&Fnyette Hardwick, Clarke Fraizler, Appleton Boles, Charlie Goodman, Clarence Mos sa. Carroll McGaughey, Frank Wheat, Prince Coyne und Mr. und Mrs. J. F. Oreen. BUFFET SUPPER, The Men's League of the North Ave nue Presbyterian church nvlll give a buffet supper Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the church. All the men of the congregation are cordially in vited. Rev. M. D. McGeachy, of I*er noir, will be present and will make a brief address. Interesting wedding. The church wan artistically decorated with great embankments of ferns. ralniN, rich garlands of vines and white cut flowers. The soft, clear lights lent grace and beauty to the whole. Lohengrin's Wedding Mnrch was titniu). MEANSVILLE. One of the most oiijoyntde events of the ut Mcnnsrlllc wns a fnllyJio ride by the yonna men of the eltjr. In of two rLdtliijr young Infill**, MU* Sfllllh Koiteru. of Vntenvuie. nnd Min* lljudieth Allilretlge, of Fort Valley. The .•nitjr left Menu*vllle at f. oVlock nnd rode ant to Pine Mountain Spring*. S miles dis tant, where a most delightful light Iwueh wn* Kprend, after which the pnrtr t«K>k rnim In the <*ry*tul pool* which have ole tilt* quiet rexort *o Justly fnnimi*. :<• party coiiHUtcd of Minxes H:illlltt Hob- *. Kllsnhctli AiWredge, Florence Barrette, iMiinnie Bnrretti*. Lucy Menu*. Nminle Hnl- livnii, mol Mr*. W. II. ikinkKtoii. chnperon; LAFAYETTE. Ml** IsHry rinterwood I* visiting friends In Clin ttn in mum this week. H. S. Steele, of Chitttnuooi;*, is In. the city. Mra, E. A. Menu*, of Girard. Ain.. I* the guc*t this wet* of J. W. Moars,. on Culberaou nvenue. Mr*. T. II. MeKown. of Soddy. Teun., I* tin* guest of her consfn, Mr*. I. II. Jlolil- Horace Smith nml c«m*in, Mr*.'J. II. Alleu. of Home, nnent Friday nt Chick- ninmign Park nml Lookout* Mountatu. Mr*. S. II. Port km. of Elbert county, 1* here to speutl gome time with her daugh ter. Mr*. K. A. Hunt. Mr. Euge Q. Hoynton nt Pint Shoals, Meiwr*. Willie nnd George Maddox Loul* nnd Willie Ithiutoii nre visiting the Jnmr* town exposition. Misses Mu 1m*J und Hazel Jokes entertained n numlier of their frfeims Wednesday even- 1 fir*. Harry T. Johnson entertained the CARTERSVILLE. Ml** Marian Hmlth wn* the ho*te*s nt the Inst meeting of the Forty-two Cinb. r T*__ prize* were wou by Misses Tumlln nml ed. A. Hunt. v Uoan, of Bnlubrtdge. I* In the Mr. K. A. Mel Ink nnd two children, gar- del and 4*»hu It., of Atlanta. U visiting Mr. Mf-H-mV *l*ter. Miss O. A. Center, at the Center Homo-. * Mr*. 8. It. lnzliw nml dnnghter. Ml** Elisabeth Inst!**, of parkier. At*., spent n few ilays this week with Mrs. J. 8. Hum- Lumpkin. Aft- dclieiott* luncheon wns *erv- Silases Annie nnd JuiU Forth, Juliet Noel, Ella MeHernold* of Texns nnd France* Fymtues or Rrnn*wlrk nre spending the week with Mrs. Paul Jones, of Canton. Mr*. Ed Strickland, Sr., Misses Marian nnd Estelle are »|»enUiug some time at Llthia Spriugs. Mr*. W. W. Dave* I* the guest of her fttiher, Mr. I. 8. Hopkins, in LnGrnnge. Meows. Paul Akin. Joe Calhoun nml John Calhoun nre In New York city for two celts. Mrs. Lila Morgan hns returned from trip to Virginia Beach. Mrs. W. f\ Akin nnd Miss Akin nre at Indian Springs. Mr. nml Mrs. McIntosh, of Qnltmnn, art the guests of Mr*. I^»gan Vaughan. Ml** Akin entertained nt nn Informal luncheon on Friday In honor of Mrs. Mc Intosh. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. The spacious new home of the Calumet < ’tub on Georgia avenue wn* thrown open ru vl*iti»r* Monday and nearly all society folk remaining lu the city took advantng f the opportunity to Inspect It. A number of dinner parties were given in the Indie*’, cafe, which proud**** to Ik* the uio*t popular department of Ihe club. A score of young people enjoyed n fiance gi ven nt East Like Monday night In honor of Ml?** McGhee, of Mississippi, the guest of Misses Ellxnlteth nml IVari Henderson. Mr. nnd Mr*. Jnim% F. Johnston, Mr. Huumierflold Johnston, Misses Mn Alice Shnrp nml Polly KumcII nre York, whence nil thr Key will will during, for Europe. Announcement Is made that Ml** Lulu Ziffle Ilnflliie am) Mr. Morton S. Akers will Ik* Married nt Trinity Jlethodlst church Wednesday evening, August 25, at 7:3D o’clock. Mr*. W. X. Huotf and Mias Alum ttuoff entertained with n heart dice party Tne*. day afterneon nt their borne on West 8ixth street. The house wn* decorated in cut flowers, palms nml ferns. The place card* were Japanese novelties. Miss Mary Belle GelUnrd nnd Mr. Perry W«nmI were tnarrb*d Wednesday evening nt o’clock at the home of the bride in Highland Park. The Rev. J. A. Iloyd per- the ceremony lu the presence of n few friends. Mary Key, ■“ In Ne* rent events were discussed by Mrs. G. L. Abernathy. Mrs. Wflftnt Kerr dl*eiumcd nu- thors, nml Mis* Ids Kerr, just home from New York, snug several selections. Mrs. II. P. Engnr nml Mis* lien Addle Engar entertained Wednesday evening ut their home on Lookout Mountain with n card party. The iilfnlr was lu honor of Misses Beatrice nnd Llllu Bell, guests of Mrs. A. II. Adams. Young people of the Oak Htroet Cumber land Presbyterian church gare a big lnwn parly in Ht. Elmo Thursday night. Several hundred per.‘•tins at tendril. A pie social wn* the uiitqno entertainment { Iven Ify the indies yf the Highland Park lethodist church Thursday night. There Were ides of nil nuikes und styles, from individual apple pie* to family chicken pies Every hotly ate pie nnd alt other icf resit men is were *trletly on the skit*. A i cut tire of the evening wns the rendition of "My Low* iiwii Pie," *“ - —'* *■ which the pastor ml>er. There. wn* said r surned. madTson. Master Lem Tolbert gave n delightful lnwn party on Frl lay evening for his little cousin*, MIsm-s Helen nml laabelie Heiibnm, of En ton ton. Miss Lily Hill, who hns itceii the ad mired guest of Mrs. 8. F. Beckham, for several weeks, hns returned to her home ill Nashville, Teun. Mrs. Lee Trammell entertained nt n beautiful nl fresco tea on Friday after* noon. In honor of her guest, Mrs. Mi- Williams, of Griffin. Mrs. K. If. Georg party ou Tuesday her mother. Mrs. Johnson, of Griffin. Misses Willie May Khiinrdsou. Dcs&ic cacnc.i. Malic Hmlth nnd Mary Jones •cave Saturday to spend several dnys us the guests of Misses Joe Lee nnd Ethel WOMAN’S CROWNING GLORY Is her buir. If Gray or Clenched, it cun be restored to Pn natural color without Injuring the health or scalp by one application of tlis Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STANDARD HAIR COL ORING. It is absolutely harm less. Any shade produced. Col ors durable. When applied can uot lie detected. Sample of your hair colored free. Imperial Chem. fflfg Co., 135 V. 23d St., N. T Sold by Jacobs' Pharmacy. Atlanta. Ga. UNION DENTAL OFFICES. 701-2 PEACHTREE ST. A Set of Teeth $2.00. A Gold or White Crown 52.25. Tho painless extraction of Teeth nnd the Insertion of netr ones without the old J-oof plate a specialty. Phone 1944. tending the Jamestown exposition. his mother, Mrs. i>. G. Wilson, on Maple street. Mr. C. K. Roop spent Wednesday nnd Thursday In Atlanta. Miss Hilda Tboiunsson left Wednesday morning to spend two weeks In Atlanta. Prom there she goes to Florida, where tdiu Ui# secured n position, nml will be away all the winter. Mr*. Ernest Dozier, of I^mlslnna. I* visit ing her parents, Mr. nml Mrs. A. A. Hlmou- ton. Dr. Pryor Fitts, of Greenville, Go., 1* visiting relatives here. Hoiiio talent gave "Hreeiy Point,’ under he auspice* of the Willing Workers, at In* opera bourn* Tuesday night for the hen* lit or the First Baptist church. Jlrs. Bu ford Boykin acted ns manager. .Mr. J.nmur JlaiJhm. of Cednrtown, spent Tuesday lu (’urroliton. Mrs. t\ M, Tanner entertained the an'* Foreign Missionary Society Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. IlnsB announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. W. II. Felton, of Cnrtersvllle, will deliver an nddres* nt the court bouw Wednesday evening. Mr. C\ fe. Gray, of Tlfton, spent n few dnys In the city last week. Mrs. A. K. Sharpe Ik visiting relatives at I«ong Fane, Troup comity. Mias laium Richie, of Commerce, Is visit ing the family of Mrs. J. T. Moon*. Mr. J. W. Fitts spent Saturday In At lanta. HARTWELL. Miss Ivlin Vickery entertained on Friday ut an elcgnut luncheon nt the residence of her parents, Mr. nml Mrs. Edward II. Vickery, on Bt imon street, complimentary to her chariiiing visitors, Miss Wlnnls May Smith, of EllK>rtt»ii, nml Mis* Dorn Brown, of Toccon. The occasion was n delightful one. and nn elnliornte ineuu wns served. Fourteen of her young indy friend* present, on Monday evening, a rec was tendered complimentary to hr hundred guests cut Ion isftors, ere l»* CHILDREN Teething „.;s. Winslow's over MS-9 Soothing Syrup fe&i.S Billups, at her plantation, Onkn Mr. nnd Mr*. Townsend. Mr. nml Mr*. Csrtletlge, of nenufort. R. c\, nml Mrs i TlflnrlATir*c Anderson, of Havannnh. have been the j MTS* WWSlOW S over Y »* * * • jr-ra. guest* ut Mr. and Mr*. f\ L. Tfe<u»»« *»„. - - br MILLION# JJ* pn*t week. Oscar Thomason Is attending party nt Mount Airy. Messrs. Frank Austin nnd Everette At kinson are on a trip through the East. CAMILLA. Mrs. Clnrn Twltty hns returned from quite n pleasant stny nt Tallrnttoii. Mis* Lou Klentb MeNnlr left Wednesday for Mount Vernon, where' she will visit friends. " ,c «”"* of { rg« j i„r ,, n 0 ^, p nv LTf f'l* ln« sir,, t,. J Joiner for n few itov. left Kittle l.-e Palmer I. Tt.lllna* rela tive. In It'nyrroM. * MIm Knte Powell h.i« returned from n t'-U to relntlre. anil frlemla at Pltzxer- f’rtml’errr haa retarnnl from Talbot ton, when- ahe attewlite Ml., Plant reeman a homo- jinrtr. Ml-. Floret Hmlth. of Ilnena Vlata. T™. !?- “J.MtMoa I-aora nmma and Lou Ilenth M'-Nnlr Inst week. FOB OIABItiiCEA. , , ,),« * Sold by drogglita In erary port of tM world. Twenty-five Centsa Bottle. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug act, Juno 30. 1006. Berlal aunt- ncr inns ^ Southern DryGoods&ShoeCo., (Incorporated) PIEBCE'S BUSY DEPARTMENT STORE. 63 Hirielia Street. Cpporte Post Mo E. PIERCE. Prealdent DENTAL SPECIALIST ' Mra! Mini Corner entertained the lllli Flora'IfUon'ara at’ jndinn'lfnrtt City Book Cluh Wedn-edoy evenln,. Cur- »fr. and Vrl i». BTE| - Eln»t»*in are at- DR. C. L. STOCKS. DENTIST, 427 (Fourth Floor) Auatall Budding, Atlantn, Ga.. Eoll Phono M-33-3. Practico limited to the operative branches—Fillings, Crowns, Bridge Work, etc. (Ten Years’ Experience)