Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, September 10, 1907, Image 13

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1HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY. BGITKUBKH 10. 190T. HOLD VERY STEADY Liverpool fit the Close YV:i& Slightly Better Than Due. jgpOT 19 POINTS OFF Lyw Tcmpcratui'es in the Southwest .a Bullish Feature. v ,„. York. Kent. !0.-A» the openlug of Lm'wIi'ii mnrket I lie Hot dlaplnyrd .twill; ! . .in,. to hetter cable* tumi expected nud f"icimicraturc* In the •outhwe.i, nt- •hnueli lo liml'.'' reipect* file I !l f,, ‘ r ieJi I'.v ftitriy ,£ , ’‘ K l } nl J2foY“ throughout opening uucliaiiBCd ti*2 points high- • ,,,,,1 adrenefut n |»>UU or two ff; in | n .light reaction occurred. Oetolier trom 12.07. A rnlly to tin- f,'.i, .mint followed, nud tor the lest of £ imirtiliig session price* held very steady IS Il„. . older wettther In Oklnhnmii. Til., government weekly well liter report i.nlllsh. Following Is the sninnniry: fin. mean teiiiperotnre was ntioMt uoruial Tennessee and was above normal over Siln.i portions of the eottoU region. 'Jim SStest excess was 6I&7 degrees In the In- f; r „,r of Texas. Showers occurred In dlf- portion, of the rotten regfijn. lint , was no rain at so tern! station.. In T.-\i. and l,otilslann. More than Stanches ... 1 " it a few stations In southern Ala- lama. and there was more than l lijelt In tertian* of Carotin**. (leorgln. Mississippi, r,,ii.i.iiiii. Arknnsns and Okhihouui. Th,. tone turned decidedly weak at about t in on reported ralna In Texas, and the high point Of the mpmluf Oeto- lei lost 3 |ailiita, December 25, January 24 „„l Mnreli 21. Oelolirr, December and Jan- .nr .citing under 12c. In Hie Inst hour there was a slight ...turn "t> covering, lenvlng the market 18 points higher for September, the Inter position, showing declines of 10 to 13 points. Estimated receipts Wednesday: 1907. 1900. yew t means .. .. 500 to 1,000 3,863 Galveston 10,689 Houston 4,000 to 5,000 9.633 6POT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, easy; middling 7.32. Atluutu, nominal; middling KUL. Nt*w York, quiet; middling lAy.. . Nfw <hloaim, quiet: middling 18 9-16. Augusta, steady; mlddllngJS 13-16. Savanna be steady; middling 1213-16. Mt-aiphis, quiet; middling i3tt..\t'stou, steady; middling He. r>inrlcatoii. uouiinal: middling I2V4. WiimingtoU. nominal: iqlridljug 13*. St. I .mils, steady; middling1IH, Norfolk, dull; middling 18*. Baltimore, nominal: middling 13%. Ihwtoii, quiet; middling lfOo. Philadelphia. qnlet: middling 114). Mol.lie, nominal; middling He. Houston, quiet; mlddllug 13%. Cincinnati. nominal. TODAY'8 PORT RECEIPT8. TV- fallowing Uhls «bows receipts St tbs kat today, compared wttb tbs same dsy NEWS AND GOSSIP of tin/Fleecy Staple. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK;. 8 - DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Orleans, Lft., 8ept. 11-Pntnresln Liverpool held up well and wero about « point* better than due until the opening time nt New York, when they gave way. Spot price* were 19 point* lower, middling Mag quoted at 7.32. against 7.61 yesterday. This decline In npot prices I* but normal iml without special slgnlflcnuee. Spot prices In Liverpool are at an unusual premium wer futures, which premium Is'bound to to reduced the fnrther we advance In the ►anon and the flow of supple* Iweomo* mire regular. Disposition In our market today was toward* Improvement, hut trad- are the northern and northwestern part of the tolt. Ilencflclal rains occurred In the fnuthern half. Temperatures ore excess* My high In the Atlantles, and abnormally «>w In the northwestern quarter of the belt. Amarillo records 44 degrees, Oklahoma If. ...1 L'ns, Uinlth Aflr : Special to The Georgian. (From Hayward, Vfek A Clark.) New York, Kept. 19.—Bartlett. Frasier & Carrington: Liverpool was duo 7 lower oil mur and ttSte lower oil distant nmltlon*. opened steady at 9* point* decline. At 12:15 p. UK. was imM, net 6*417* |»oluts lower on tmur and » imlnts lower on distant. Fair business doing in spots at 10 points lower; middling 7.32; sale* 8.009; American 7.7* l; speculallot! nud o\|ioit 609; Imports 0, *"4; A mcr L n n 3.06ft. I.itcrpctd tallmvB oar decllno of yctcrilny. The cotton ration, yclerilay ii|u».| all hull calnilatluU", anil a wavy nf liquidation forced price* ilowu. Veeterdny wu, far Iiiliro an active ilny, wltliVwMer Huetuutlniix than for anna!h*. Wu h,H*fe the market Mill ho under heavy preMUre. aial woulil ndvlvc xclllug on a anilo on all rattle*. for mi- liellevc the market tviulency Mill lie ■Imviintinl. Tberad)ut*utllr Imreaalna re- eel|it» at the port*. with tight money, ami xliiuihg tloWu III OUflueii will all have It* elfeet, ' , Clirtieiiter a good buyer of Jmmnry on the opening. It look, like I’rlee Inlying till, iiioniliig. Do Hot we anything to eotton nt lumuuut, hut the tellllier of the trmle la ngnln.t It. ITi.imhly aell Home loner. Mike Tbouma litiylug through broker,. K. II. Ilirrluuin. In an Interview In thl, mornlint . New York Auiorlenn, giving Ihe results of 111, trip III the Went, aaya: "1 went to the aoiithweat. Texn. Is an em pire Wealthier than maiij. eonntrlea of the Old World. Her cotton crop will npproxl- inute t.l/i'.OOa." Folloning hre Ihe It n. m. hid,: Hriitom- her 11.70; October 12.00; January 12.19; ilurcli '’New Orlaill.. Sept. 10.—Haywnril, Vick & Clark: l'resanre from New. York put na dowii, lint eiiH not aee Iiom- market can stny dOM-n pith aueh temperature. In the Xortbweat. Mnp not eumplctp, hut ahnna low temper atures In the West. Forty-four nt Ajnniit- |o, 46 nt Oklahoma. 52 At Fort Smith. Heavy ralna'at Arknnana. Theae temperu- tore, atop plntit development for u while. GOVERNMENT WEEKLY REPORT ON WEATHER. la-emred on Suiuliiy. nun a general ram on JIniidav. The mlnflill. while aduiewBat de Uelent,' waa lienellelal. The snnahlne win nearly noruial. The weather waa generally unfavorable. -f.otilaia tut—Sen tiered ahowera went re ( ported on the 4th and 9th, the remainder o the week being dry and aultry. Ihe rainfall waa belmv normal, there being miue la mniiv loealltlea. The morntiige were i-ool. but Ihe mean temperature waa deemedly above normal. Snnahlne waa exeee^ve. Mississippi—Mean temperature was sll»j.. ly above iiorinnl, hut nights were generally cool. Scattered ahowera omuirred dnya. The pereentage nf annahlne V North Carolina—Average lrni|iernl above normal. The nvernge rnlmnn s.. eonaldernlilr nlmve normal, hut rain In needed la flunk, Caldwell and Iredell eouu- tlea. Snnahlne waa ample. . Oklahoma and Indian Territory-Clear nail hot. Hot south tu weat winds on the 6th anil 7th. l-uat two dnya eloudy nud much evader. Florida—The weather woe slightly warm er Ilian nanal over moat of the state. Ihe highest temperature occurred dining Ihe forepart of the week. Tlinuder aliowrt. were most frequent the 3d to Ihe 5th. Some locnllv heavy ralna oeeiirred III llie aorth- enateru imrtlou on Ihe 4th and 6th.- There “riia ample sunshine. Oeorgla—linisiially wnrin weather pre- railed tuoet of the week, llie iijenii tern- pern tore being 2 to 5 degrees above nor mal. Scattered ahowera ocenrred on sev eral days. On the Sd and 4th heavy ralna fell In' the anulhwpsterii portion, where the presipltatlnn waa.above uonnal. Fsbe- where It waa lielnw normal. The aunsliliie rna about normal. South Onrollna—The menu temperature waa 8 to 4 degree* nlmve normal. Shower*, whteh were generally light, occurred on two dnvg. The rainfall waa below nor mal. and In a few place* there waa Hone. The annahlne was slightly alaive normal. Tennessee—The ineau . temperature was nearly normal. The rainfall waa almv# normal III the eastern iwrtlon and below normal In the western. The autialiliie waa ample. The week eloaeil with ahowera ami i-ooler weather. Condition* were generally favorable. Texa»—The pn*clnltntlon tva* about nor- tual over a *mnll area in tlq* roiil»a»»«llo. but olacwlicrc there waa uo rain, except a few neutered llulit »buwcra. llie tcuipcra* ture wn* uenei-nlly nlnive normal, rut dnvs were nmmunlly worm nud the nlfuta comparatively cool. Unfavorable condition* prevail In ninny countie*. I»elnp Intenalfleil v drying wind* and too much aunibluc. \Vnter for stock Is *c*rce. ... Alabama—The ineau tempfrature and aun* aldne wore nl*ovo normal, though the idtjhtH were cooler than usual. Ihe rainfall waa light ami wnttcred. except In n fw southern and northeastern eonntle*. where locally heavy rain* occurred. Drought continue* In many western coun- ♦6. Abilene, Texas, and Fort Hmlth, Ark4 ‘ Thl* I* the loweit in many rear*, the Oklahoma district did nut •to*" - ns low as 46 until October b. I be weekly weather report I* decidedly unfnv- •toMe with the exception of Tennewu*. PamiiKe by excessive heat Is generally men- Jtonei], and the report nlKHit Texn* Is par- tb-ulnrly bad. Uverpool held .up well and tottirvM e|«Hied only about 6 points lower, *libli Rbows that there la no appreciable In reii».e in offering* of actual cottou from •»r Hide in spite of the decline. A large J?P“rtliig flriu for yarns and goods wires o... ,| 1|lJltM , | g doing better, there r .- .. , cue wed demand from the east. Tooling here settled around 12.66 for Oc- to »7- Fear of New York bolds the Wijrlug •Plrlt in check. CONVERTERS CONFIDENT OF BIG SPRING 8EA80N. N«» York Comniprclak From .taremant, W aanrly all nf Iha large converting house*. «re laying nut pinna for a spring "■pnlgn. on a scale seldom equaled. At “T, Weh price* which they have been com- W-l pny for their gooda In the gray, it la certain they Mould not tako .pecnlatlvc J-oi. The conclnaiun to lie drawn, there* Is that the converter*, at n chiaa, are pnwctit thnt tho aprina of UN will lie * "4 “'"son with them. In line with the ma verier stands the mlter-op. Hhlrl mnk m arc heavy liayera of fnnrlea for spring ■B'l ar- price*. The ruttera-up •t w-mcn'i wear, eapeeMlly ahlrtwalat,. are '‘khig a f u n ,hnre of DaaU for spring nud "Is, i|„|ng gome implicating for this SSteasr Ires* giMMl* opening for next . r - "* they enuntril uistti. There la also "I buslnea# on fall cloakluga that t* "appointing to mannfaeturrra and their Wli.a "gents. With loaal -JoLhera - tride & "'"?» are Miund. It' la declared 'by ..T. 1 * '■< department* thfr their sale* ho for (T'h are nhi-ad iifabst yrar'a rreord. tf all hies Of douieatleW the lia nl house* "agattlng linilasM through atnr* nnd roail It t * v'alr at'S'ka are being depleted and hti , n , hard matter to replenlab them for »‘! •" livery at any price. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. EGOR—Active. 26e. LIVE l-OlT/litY— llena XjlleCj, JUffbj obtekena tfreaW. 22',4B86e. Dnek* tl’ekln) 80c each: pwldle, 25c each. Turkey* active. 15c P Dh’eSrED FOl'I.TRY—Turkey*, drawn, active, 20c pound: friei active. Me pound; Itena, 16c poond; ducks, drawn, fancy, 15c '"pRODWCS-Lard, 12c pound: harna acllve, U6o pound; shoulders active. KKtlb'ponnd, eldea active. He pound; butter dull, 10«mi< pound; la>e**a* active, 28c pound; houry 'bright' active. 12V*c pound. FUIIFTh-l^uiotii. fancy Meaacu*. 84.86,• Swift * Company's anlca of freah beef In Atlanta for tho week ending Saturday, September 7 average 6.,0 |a>r pound, liana ""a. 4c jmtMdt plnwtljj. Florida stock, none; lime*. Fiorldn Hock. 56 |»r hundred; nenuata In sack* averaging M IMHinda earn, owing to fade. 6H4l6c |a>und: eontnloupe, aetlveT 8t.lJ« .56 crate; wat^ inetoaa. Iff Ilk' each; Georgia penebea. 11.500 1.75 per crate; rhubarb. 75c. VEOETABI-BS—1‘otatoe* (new), 81.66 per liarrel; per bushel. $1,06. Onion* fOeorgtak tt.n huahet; Spaaiab 81.56 crate; kraut, Sh barrel, 19.76; cabbage. 3c pound. GROCERIES Edited by Joseph B. Lively. Mr. Lively - * twenty-live years' experience of ed iting markets In Atlanta and the South has made hint a recognised au thority In bla specially. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS - NAME OF STOCK. Amu!. CnmHfi Am. Ice Securities. . # Aui. Bugur Itetlncry. . American Smelling. . Am. Locnintlvt*. . . . da. preferred. . , . Am. Car Foundry. . . American Cot too Oil. , Amiranda. ...... Atchison do. *ir«»ferr*<1 . Atlantic C Line. . . . (trunkl.rn Rapid T. , . Haltlmwe X Ohio. . . Chesnpeaks & Ohio . Canadian I’.n iflc. . . . Chicago A Alton. , . . Consolidated Gas. . . • Central Leather. . . , do. preferred. . , , Colorado Fuel & Iroq. Corn Produce Colorado Southern. . . Delaware & Hudson. . Denver A )Mo Grand*. Distillers' Securities.. Erie „ do. preferred. , . . General Electric. . . . Great Western Great Northern pfd. . Illinois Central, .... luterboro. ...... „ do- preferred. . . . , Kansas A Texas. . . . ili •as m 1814 34'' 156V I 30H 13714 uiii 188 8% sit NAME OF STOCK. Kansas \ ie\a . M>ulivllle A Niiahv Missouri I'iielite. . Mexican Central. . New York Central. Northwestern. . . National Lead. . . Norfolk & Western. Northern Puolttc. . Ontario A Western. Pennsylvania. . . . Pressed Steel Car. . . Heading n Inland i». preferred. . . . Kepuldlc Iron A Steel. do. preferred. . . . Southern Paelrto. . , , Southern Hallway. . . Uo. preferred. . . , St. Paul Tenn. Coal Ac Iron. . . . TAxas Pad Ac Union Pnelfle U. S. Itnbher •to. nreferred. . . . U./6’. Steel do. preferred. . . . Western IJuloti. .... Wabash do. preferred. . . . Wlscousln Central. .. Uo. preferred. . . . NEW YORK. r The following !* the rnhgo In ture* In New York today: cotton fu- 6 i © til 2 | i ii © it Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dee. . . . .Tan Feb Mar April .... Mny.... 11.47 12.01 11.!'' 12.09 12.15 i2.27 12.33 11.76111.47' 12.fl7Ul.84 11.8ftUijO 12.13 iiiio i2.’4o|ii'i6 11.70 11. HO 11.95 11.97 j&M iiii ii’.'ii It.70-71 iilif sss 12.14-15 12.11-20 12.23-24 il.42-4^ 12.01-02 iiw-oi 12.14-15 12.18-20 12.25-26 12.29-31 12.33-84 GIorhI steady. LIVERPOOL. Following In the opening range. 3 p. m •ml clone, compared with yenterdnyt September... Sepl.-Oeti.. Oct.-Nut... Nor .-Dec... .Run 6.72 8.67 6.67 6.58 6.58 -O.WVi 3 p. m. Clone. Close. ' 0.8S7i 6.9314 6.744 6.80 6,694 6.734 1-6.614 6.61 -6.564 6.591* 41594 6.564 M.reh,Apri.: 6.56^ ™ U|— Closed feverish. M 6-66Vj <5.95 Vj c.m 6.01 C.C6 6.61H 6.W1V6 6.(U 6.07 NEW ORLEANS. THe following Is the range In cotton fit hires In New Orleflna today: Sept. . Oct. . . Nov. , Dec. . , Jail. . . Feb. . . March. I ft - 5 a 6 M , 112.01 1188112.41 12.41-42 1 12,24*26 . 12.22I12.24I12.24.2S 49112.25112.27112.26-8 1 ilWliT 38112.27-38 , 4ili2.4i|l3|4I*45 12.(8-80 UM M 12.37- 39 12.37 38 12.38- 39 12.41 12.51-62 i2.56*“ NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. KS^? C 7ClSln cracker,. JVie pen'ell lemon, S'*: oystee, 7e, burr el rnndy, per IKtiintl. 6',4c; mixed, per S pound,. 64c; tomn-i ro»'s. 2 iMuinds. J3.66 nnvy iHHin,. 82.357 IJtn* l>eun,. matches pec trrmm. I!.«; msraronl. pound; sordines, mnstnrd. J3.2S cure. 1 st'GAIt-Stnndnril grannlnted. 5..D jrd grannlnted 5,20; New York refined. 4.60; nlnntutlon. 5c. COFFER—Ronnteo, Arlrochten, 816.69, Imlk 8Tia: fy*e^irwej«7’r^ n 4 llg’ht iffw? w afsjrjg 03 80 case; pcnnnts. Sc; rope, fply eottop, Sc f »U«8»- 8U6C4.60 enne. FLOUR AND GRAIN. - Ff.orR—Highest pntenf. 86.75: hent pnf- fDt, 85.0; stnndnrd potent. 64.75: half put- ml 14 65 owing wheat pnlnnl. 86*6. CORY—No ■3 White 83e; rholee White, 85c; NX 3 yellow. V?: hilxe.1, Me; craehed eon. P PlHCK%*^Rr^TftT ^'ind raekn 81: 7tX «c;^PSx^V r.rddeu out*. 65e: white ctlpimd. 6Sc: fnucy •BihtSfiWr 16-pound anekn, 80c, 48- YWARD, VICK & CLARK, STOCKS, BOND8, COFFEE, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Cnrondelnt and Gravlor Sin., Naw OrlehM. »x« 8 *' M *lSfeae3a5S f, ^ g * SR a MS- C^toh Araik New York nnd Chlrago t^^orrenpohdmtw- A p m(JftTON dE i CO., AND BARTLETT. FRAZIER A CARIUNG1 ., PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL POINTS The Chlengn ItoenriMlernld: An enor- iuoum buidueiis Is l»elug done bjr tbo iuuuu- fncturers of •‘combination** fcctl for cattle and horses. The business of luauufitcturliig this feed, which was begun on a small icnle alK>ut five years ago, has expanded to luv nteuse proportions. One concern hss Its own tank cars. In which It transports crude molasses to Its three large plants In Illinois, ludlaiia nud Kentucky, where the dust amt sweepings of terminal elevators, the refuse from flour, corn nnd linseed oil mills, brew eries and distilleries are oressed Into ft hard feed of growing popularity, mainly lieenusu of Its cheapness. The concerns contract for the sweepings of the various elevators by tlic year nud bnve by uo means reached the maximum of their supply, many eleva tors still throwing away their rafnse. The combination feed sold less than threo years ago at $8 per ton nud Is now bringing W. A IMillnUetphla concern Is the largest In the coamry. Imt Milwaukee has two plant*, and there is a large one *t Mlnueaisdls. another nt New Orleans and s|lll another la aflirsq of eoiistructlou nt Omaha. h **The douteatIc consumption of lard tho past six months lias lieeu something enor mous.* * said F. 1\ Frasier. "The Increase In 1 uicklng from March 1. 190., tq Kcptcm- tor i, loot, was 1.000.000 hogs, which yielded about 190.000 tierces of lard. During this K wlod the exports of lard were nlmut ».• 0 tierces less than the same time In 1906. Stocks of lard In the United Htstes Hep* tember 1. 1907, were only about 30,000 tierces more than a year ogo. This dlsnpi*enrlng of nlmut 155,000 tierces more tlmn during the snmo time last year Is partly due to sbm-t- age lu cotton oil. The pure food law also had considerable bearing on the matter. As September, October and November Is the season of largest export demand, na well as heavy douicNtlc consumption, the foregoing showing makes nu unusually bullish outlook ' The ridiculous differences that have pra- valled lietween the price of No. J wblte oata and the price of atnndnrds for Heptru- lK*r delivery old fair to lie very speedily reduced. Htnce the adoptlou of the new type samples by the grain committee, the cash grain houses hnre beeu making ar- rnngemeuts to deliver large quantities or the new outs on Heidember contracts. -«y selecting the best of the No. 3 whites and blowing out the light weights, a large pro portion of the new can be brought to grade. The cost is minimum and the buyers of Ihe rash oats who deliver them on the September contracts have the advantage of : h M:! n rvwa;Tffl« li* nvnllnlilo latvr for shlpm. iit* of othor grain to the senltoaiyl. wlterea,i tlio buyer of Heptemlter o«t, Inf,tore will bare to p*7 tlie bs-nl rate oat. One concern ycsteril*y. Itoscnbnum Bros., lonigbt *lMiut 100 cur n., u W lW: • t 86Tic. Tbl* Mtile mnrgln inskes * Wg nrotlt to Ihe hsniller of the ouh oats for kMtemlter, provMIllg tbe grain «■ !-' "’O'lv to grade without too much lots In weight. CURRENT SEASON'S ACREAGE SUFFERED 8HARP REDUCTION, ,>ew urivHu*. have l>eeu over-doped with tmt** W/'.JSSSStt flSSTSR £S ssf ssws&w hi* Iwtwee* the time the reporf. were closed nml the "ffl'ial proiaiilgnlloii. nutl the fuel thnt some eornml'in I'hiiiiges of consequence bnve occurred Mithln thnt hnir month, tint illil not nhow in the burenu ■ summnry, fell with no force whntovrr on the tmtMt Mo« folks are now con vinced that Ihe enrrent »e*«on *• nerenge has suffered a sharp reduction, which should nienn something to *ko«rad». 'It la remembered that the Arkonras rotidl tlon thlsyear Is 65 ns ismipnrel «l[> hr 1966: Texas 67 ns mrnrored with 70; DM*- hom*. 72 against 82; imllsn 'Territory, 73 ngalntt 80. ilut the Sew York *cstper sp neared to think the owner* nf nrtn*l rot- ton lu the Month could be Induced to tet go In the front «f Deorlsh tone lielnjk given to the market for spccnlntlvr contracts and ncted oh this hypothesis. The Sew Or- -nns sculpers, lacking letter euiploym. nt. followed the Nortli'-i" lend, and nnder thin •ort Of wiling nml wmio Indneed try the an- tp'lpotcit nnrfowlug df IckoiI opot grade dif ference. the mnrket declined. PRCDICTED FlIOSI BIO KOTJSATERIftLlZE Cables and Minneapolis Curb Lower, Factors For Lower Wheat Market. GOVERNMENT GRAIN REPORT. Hprlng wboftt condition when Imrvcstcd 77.1. n* computed M'lth 79.4 on Augiint 1. 1937 ; 83.4 ut time nf Unrest lu 1906; 8i.J 905 und 66,8 111 1904. . . uslhwtcd 216,900,000 bushels, ngnluat 000,000 Inst murith. t'rop hnn-ested Inst year <4n)Sflod of eom on Hepteinl>er 1 wit* 80.2, compared with 82.8 Inst month. 9.1.2 on Hefdember -d, I960. 8M-on the correspoljd. liitfOnte lu 1906 nud u ten-yeiir "Virnge ofSl. Indlcnted crop 2,517,000.030. ngnlnst 009,000 lost month. Hnrvestisl hint j-eur 2,927,000,066. lint crop condition, when hnrvcstcd. wn* .47.5. ngnlnst 75.6 Inst uumili: 81.9 reportHl Kcpteml'cr 1, 1*06. W.3 on the correnpoiiiling duio lu 1903. nud it ten-gear nvernge of S2.ti. Tulsictst condition on Heptemln-r 1 was 82.5. tin ngnlnst 82.8 one month ago, 86.2 on Hcptcmlier I. 1906. 85.1 on the correnpmidlng date In 1906 nnd n Bve yenr nvernge of 82.8. Chlcqgo, Sept. 10.—Wheat dosed l-8©l-4c lower; corn was oft 1-24* 3-4c; oats l-4c off to 1-Sc up. and pro visions were unsettled.. The government ere' Trport was Is sued at noon today. It made the con dltlon of spring wheat 77.1, indicating t yield of 222,000.000 bushels and the w in ter wheat being 410.000,000 bushels, the total footing up 682.000,000 bushels. Last year It was 715,000.000 bushels. Horn was under pressure and It *uf fered* recession* In consequence. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago grain nud provision quotation, for today are na follow*, conqsirad with yeaterday'a close; I’revlou, Open. .High. I.ow. Cloac, L’loae. WEATHER REPORT. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Thi* woniiipr continue? cloudy nnd un settled cast of the 100th meridian nud rains have fallen throughout the same territory except tn the smitnerttd. fCnlu was falling this morning nt New Orleans, Mobile, lift*- mlngham and Cincinnati. ✓ The northwextorn area of high pressure Iuik moved to the south, Inerenslng lu en ergy. nnd 1* now centered over Kansas. The advance of this high area has caused (pwgr. temperature lu Kansas and Texas. A second high area is central lu New Fiigland, while nn urea of low barometer is centered in the Ohio valley. The eastward movement of the high area will cause cooler weather nud protmldr showers lu this section tonight, fair Wed nesday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. morldten time, temlier K>. TIPS FLASHED* From Wall Street. . . tek *. Clark.) •Sew York, kept. '16.—pnrtlelt, F'raaler & Carrington: Amerkraus In London Irregular Atchison, Southern I'arlllc and Heading aro slightly almv* .|«rlty, Heading'* Ntatcineiit for July I* au eft- eeodlngly. good one. Surplus shows a Idtf Increase; anthracite, movements breaking all records, with demand for coal tinprwtHJent- with Hteel ror|Mirutlon on steel rails. The order* for uteri roll* for 1W8 delivery re garded a* extremely favorable, Tho rlie In call rate yesterday .was look l»» 1’nion I'acliU* and Head* stile The city iKuul sit ed. .A successful outcome will .... mnrket. Tile aliening should be nt i stock higher 'Home of the fdggeat bear* on stock mnt^ kot have switched tills uiornlng. There la now scarcely n doubt a* to the sucres* of cdty IhhhI sale today. As waa to be expected. Heading is mak ing the pace. The grangers holding buck, awaiting the government report. Heading should have a blgirer advance eonmieusii- rate with the exei^dlngly good earnings. Town Topics: Nothing much can bo ex pected of the mnrket until the IddH on the city I Kinds aro opened nt 2 o’clock till* afternoon. The street's expectations are START - WEREJRREGOLAH Initial Prices Were Littlo Changed From Monday’s Closing. TRADING WAS LIGHT Confined to Only a Hand ful of Stocks—Market Professional. New York. Kept. 19.—The stimulus af forded to the market for sonic tint* twist by the favorable Indications for the New York city InmiiI I Osar were more than conn- terbalaneiKl this morning by the nmiear- nnee of other Influenees decidedly hostile to the am } “ " overahndt rumihik pretty hlpl. In thl. matWr. nml It woubl tee 111 that there Is more chance for f| m t tbe recent heavy fall In the price «»f the remit to run short than lieyntid antici pations. At any rate the atieeesa of the offering would aecni to have been Ula- couuted, and we would-not lie surprised to kcc n lot of proflt-tnkliig following the event that would give the l*»nr» the alien ing they have-been bmkiug for. The tech- p4>*ltlcu la weakec than lit any time lately anil atowkn seem to pour from Import ant source* 'oil all the strung *t*nts. Cop per Is not the only weak metal, indeed the Inroads of the Independents In the Iren and steel business 1* uot unlike wbnt Is going ou lu cop|>er metal. The eotton crop outlook I* bright, nud this should have a good effect on such stocks as Illlnol* Central. Louisville nud Nashville, and Atlantic Const Line, which are among the bargains In the market. Tbe good rails generally are cheap enough, hut In our 4>nlnluii lad ter opportunities will he afforded Inter ou toward thtf middle of the mouth, nnd we won I a advise Intending S iirehnsers to possess themselves In pa- enee. Only on hrenks of 10 |Mi1nts or so should cotton be bought for a turn. MIDI lower prices are likely.In the grains. Tin* London early mnrket for American* steady, with Atchison 1-4 higher 87 3-4. All others nt parity With our dosing last night. STATIONS ATLANTA DISTKICT. ' 94U lOftftfc 9ft«4 lOOVfc 106^b 9344 104H 94 % 4 9»H 1J6H 9ft 9!»\ 1<C% Villi m* 6i %, til 61 ft!* 5‘J?» 6144 fl0‘4 60^ till* ;i 53\ 8 52S m 5314 53 i pound sacks, 7Se; plain, 24-pound sacks. IOC? ***HaV—Timothy, choice ii53 - do.. etudes small hales, FISH—Bream, 70c pound; snanper. ftc pound: trout. 8c ponmf; blue flah. 7c pongd; BAGGING AND TIES. RA4I4HXII—14. H>.. 194r: II!•*.. lie; 24 »>., llH' - : rernllwt isvronrt-linad). T4v. ■?IK8-Xcw $1.15 liwH-h. aretMta-hantl 81.». PROVISIONS. pnoVISinNK-Sapreinv hams. ]54<riM- 14m. 334» I-*"' 1 * Mv-f'TO l’Ji: 7ft t«.k». 8.3); Hnprenjq lanl. 164. Parity reimpuumL L'allloniia Iuuim, 16v; dry salt Him, ISA lun... 15.85 I .Alt b- Kopt... Oft... Jau... Ill 118- Rcpt. 8.97V4 9.10 8.SO 8.55 8.M t.« s.m 8.65 ».« jfK.;: 5:*4 *.is 8.1:4 8.124 *15 THE SUGAR MARKET. Xvw York. Hi-pt. 16.—Tho 'lot ri fliio.1 auxar and l.sitl raw aiwar uwrkHs wore atvnilv aii'l aarhamtod. Loudoa boot suirar tnurbi't imi'I'uiiKvI. MINING STOCKS. Boston. M’pt. 19.-*Op»nla»: Orwn t’ann- non 1 W; Utah Sllnlni 41 WTilhanno" 13 8 4; 4'o|.per lianc.' «J 8<| 8m.'lllth{ 40; North Ratio. 61 1-5: Franklin t»T Parrot It 3 4. Markot lowor. THE LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. ; yorkora 86.5O06.OV I..,. rare V CatthroHw.lpt* . ,, Itoovo, 84417.15; oojra ami hotfora Toxaa at.-or. ISWJfS; Ihssl My- •'revs. WMtora cattlr HR.>tlni (6487.85; ,tock ors uu'l f-'"!''t'« 82.r 'Rrewlpta l Uwre *'IsSSkfe: ■ iainb* 8L606)7.«»; 'areaiorm 8507.69. , _ CHICAGO CAR LOTO. Iha rorelpla Of grata la rat lota today • ad ,»tlni*t*il rrrelpta for tomorrow ar. it tollowa; _ . _ Today. Tomo. Wh«lt 2*. J2 Corn *•} 52 (iiits ISj 38 Hogs, head a, 1W> ».0W visiblIe^upply* GRAIN. Kollo whig shows the weekly visible sup- * 2.062,000 bosll Torn decrease M#,000 bushel*. Oats Increase 4O1.000 bushels. LIVERPOOL GRAIN. Wheat opened 1©IH *°wer and at 1:90 m lower. 1*1 lied 4g%kn. HUH lower. LW-tl HU Id lower. i lower and nt 1:99 p. in. M'hntftitinngn; clear . . . f'olnmbus, clear Greenville, clear •Macon, clear Montlecllo. clear .... Home, p Plaady. . . . xHpnrtauburg. cloudy . . Toeeojl. clear Delayed (lata, HepL 9: Spartniibiirg. dear . . Gnlncsvtlte. clear Mi >11111'• 'IIn, clear ...... t'linttniieogn, cloqjly . . Timptnhr*. .3fi •Miiiliuiiui tempera ture* aro Cor 12 hour* ending 6 n. m.. thl* date. xlteeelvcd too la to to luclude In district average*. HA INFALL. Alex*ndrin. Ln 1 2.18 Prescott. Ark 1.6) Hnssellvllle. Ark 1.51 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. The following flgtii range and close of uiurket for today: Opening ltaug»- January ..fl.on-G.15 .. ..6.0M.10 .B.M&25 f.214 80 .8.90-MU 6..W-8.40 ti.85-G.40 Mnr<h April . May . June . August September .. *. Oetolier I Novemlier .. .. Deccuilici' .. .. Closed steady. .*:. v. ::t:«4:S 8.004.10 fl.flft4.10 Bales 29,000 bags. fl.lR4.20 ti.2fifl.30 V&V 6.404.43 fl.404.50 ti.4ft-fl.50 COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. hollowing It given the opening sad clos ing ipMtarions nf the New York cotton seed oti. market. September Oetohor .. V. Xovetuliei' December January * It had not a great deal further to run had made somewhat dubious the continuance of present dividends on Copper ihs-kS. These rear* were iiartlally etnmnned Inter In tho finiruhig. when aniioimceinent was made that the qnarteriy dividend on Calumet and II eel a share* had lieeu reduced. Ail un favorable Influence wa* also exerted by the suspension of a small firm In the retail distributive trade. Bolite strength wn* Im parted to Heading. Pennsylvania nml other railroad Issues by the decision of the Penn sylvania court declaring micoiistltutlounl the two-cent fare law. nnd under letter condition* In the general market. It cer tainly seemed ns If this was of enough Im portance to have had a much larger ef fect. Hut a* It was the gisnl news was utilised to uulfMid stiN'k In. much large.* quantities nil through the list. New York. Bent. lA—The strek market opened dull nml Irregular. Great Northern preferred opened 3-8 lilglur and gained lu all ft-ft. Heading aud Car Foundry opened 1-4 higher nnd Ht. Paul nnd Boutnrru Pa- elfle 1-8 blither. Bmeltlug was uiieh*Ugi*d. Cntindluij Paelfle opened 1-2 lower nnd Capper ft-8 lower. I’ulati Pacific wils 14 lower, hilt advanced 1.4. Steel eomumii started 1-8 down. Other Initial chsuges wen; of 1-8 to 1-4 and won* irregular. Pressed Steel Car aliened 3-1 higher. Closing Idd* follow: - RAILWAY STOCKS. Atchison 86 3*8 Atchison, preferred 91 Baltimore and Ohio 901*4 Canadian Pacific .. 164 1-2 Chicago and Northwestern .. ..144 Colorado Southern 23 Denver and Rio Grande 24 1-4 Erie 201-2 Illinois Central ..tlfl Louisville and Nashville, ..107 8-4 Manhattan ’*L” .119 New York Central 104 1*4 Pennsylvania 129 5-8 Rending 94 3*4 Rock iMland 201*4 Rock Island preferred 45 8*4 «.104.l5ist. Paul 121 1-4 Southern Pacific ... 84 3*4 Southern railway Iff Wabash 113-4 Interboro-Metro 8 8*4 Great Northern 124 1-2 MISCELLANEOUS. Amalgamated Copper €6 5-8 American Car and Foundry .... 40 3-4 American Locomotive * 53 1*8 American Tobacco .. .; 818-4 American Cotton Oil . ... ,. ... 33 2-4 American Smelting and Refining 9«3-4 Amer. Smelt. & Refining pref. • 99 8-4 NAVAL STORES. ... Turpentine Arm nt I 16ft: receipts l.ltiti. Arm: sale* 134; receipt* 4,015: win- “ • - “ A “ (Her white Ifl.lft: M $rt ftl: ^Mile Hoslu . dow glass |ti.30: NW.^5; K R90; H fTwitW; G 11.75 [{1 WH a F^4.70S4.77H; K 84.ftO04.ift; l» Ml; Printers Move Cautiously. An the dlnposltlon of the print cloth waa- nfnetiirer I* against granting eotiee«*lou*iui forward contract, sale* In all market* are restricted. Home printer* have uuide Idd* for 28-Inch CtxCO* at 4%c that have been deelliifl. On wide goods, the present price of Rfte 1* being pnld for moderate quantities — i— ,1,.uvery. forward yesterday. (2) For 24 hour* < .5th meridian time. Remarks. The temperature Is lower In most part* of the licit, lu the Little Hock ami Mem phis districts tin* fall ha* been consider able. In those two district* the heaviest rnlnfull is-curred, * the nvernge for Little Buck district In-Ims over three-fourth Inch. Four other ills!riel* report considerable rainfall. % J. B. MAUHLHY. Section Director. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington^ Hsj»t. 10.-Weather conditions nud general foreenst: Au area of high pressure of conshlerNlHe extent lias built up in the last 48 birafs over the .Palladia 11 maritime province*. Thl* doubtless ha* prevented the oppression til ihe central valleys from silvauctug to the eastward. A* a result, rainy weather .has eoutiuued over the greater part of the Mis sissippi valley, the Ohio ynlley S1M| the lower lake region. Light ahowera have also ' 1 lien In eastern and southern Texa*. Tin* tern pern ture* lu the northwest are Jmt ■ trifle lower than ou MoiuUy morning* Killing frost was not reported, snif there * now no likelihood of it for the present. iu thl* forecast district, rainy weather will doubtless continue tonight, with clear ing weather Wednesday. The temperature changes will not be tuqiortant. although the tendency will In* toward cooler weather In tbe lake region awl the Ohio valley. Forecast nntir S |». in. Wednesday: Vlrrflnln—Uusettled, *howcry weather to night aud protsibly Wednesday; Cooler In western portton* tnnlgtft; comer Wednes day; light easterly winds, becoming north- Sore/’ tUimtluB—Bhownra tonMht *n<l pruliMltty Wp.lueKtuyLi'oylyr wret- cm portion; reol.-r Rt^luowlay; llfhl vnrt ■Mo wind*. lireotnlB* wwitwly. South 4'nroHnn—Khowrr* tontttttt .owl nrolMl'ly W«tao*a*y; littkt nriaM* wind*. j'nvjit showets «wj the (*6m*t; eejlef tonight tu northW(*«t porOoni r«ioler Wednesday; light to lre*h westerly wind*. Kentucky—Partly cloudy tonight. Wednesday fair. Tennessee—Fair and cooler tonight. Wednesday fair and cooler In central and eastern portion. Louisiana—Fair In northern and southwest portions; showers in south* r. A. King ft Uo.. reporting ou the Hep- temlMf rrmi outlook in Missouri, asy: •Torn condition, 88; Angust. 89: year ng-j. Ml; October. 90. and crop 23l.002.006 bushel*, t'rop spotted. Mouth west damaged .by drought; northern part above average. Crop — • - • killing frost east portion tonight: etntler. Wednes day fair; warmer in northern portion; fresh to brisk northerly winds on the coast. Eastefo Texas—Fair tonight; warm er In western portion Wednesday fair and warmer; fresh north to east winds on the coast. Western Texas, Oklahoma and In dian Territory-Fair and warmer to night nml Wednesday. Arkansas—Fair and cooler tonight. Wednesday fair and warmer. UNION 4 C SAVINGS BANK Gould Budding CAPITAL STOCK . . . $100,000.00 -rrr\ jif«u*cn 4% 1(60,000.00 4 0 Brooklyn Rapid Trenail 49 3-4 Colorado Ku.l and Iron 341-4 National Blaeult 73 1-2 National I-»nd 611-2 Padflc Mall 261-4 PMplM On* ... 671-2 Preanerl Steel far 29 3-4 SIo*h Sheffield Steel 47 Sugar 113 1-2 United State* Steel 311-8 United Slatca Steel preferred... 94 3-8 Mniltay l.’ompunle* 65 3-S MONEY AND EXCHANGE, New York. Sept. 10.—Money on call 8687 per cent; time loan* eney 6fi» for 30 day* to *lx month*. Posted rate*; Sterling exchange $4.88614.17, with artual ' buxine** In banker*' bill* at $4.8573 0 4.1585 for de mand and 14.811604.5235»ty-day bill*. Prim* mercantile paper unchanced. London bar *llver quiet 1-Sd decline at It 7-l6d. New York bar *llrtr 68 l-8c. Mexican dollar* Sic. THE LONDON STOCK MARKET. 9TOCK0— Aaiiroiiitn At<’lil*nn do. preferred Ant'ilxamitcd t'oiaa-r .. .. ItallliiHire nml OhU .. .. riMupinke and Olilo .. .. f'tniitinaii 1'nclBc Krlr do. preferml Illtniil* tvntral Ixmlarllle nud Nuldivlllu .. Kaara* rad Tex** ilii. preferred Mi xlemi tvntral •New York t'eutral limit We.tern IVutwylranl* .Viirfnlk nnd We*terii .. .. t’hlladelptiln *ud llcadlnx . Southern IVrlfle Smitliern Itnllwoy at. r*ut ratlin I'nellie I'nlted Ktnte* Steel do. preferml \Yuk**h do. ureferreil ATLANTA NATIONAL ^ BANK I ATLANTA, GA C. E. CUfUtiER. Pre,ldent. H. T. INMAN, Vlcc-Pre.ldanL , GEO. R. DONOVAN, CaiMer. JAMES S. FLOYD; AtTtSllRT CffflTW# Capital :, t i - Surplus and Undivided Profits We Solicit Your Patronage. $600,000.00 $660,000.00 I ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUCITORS AI4D BANK EXAMINERS. Audit*, Special Examination*. Coating and 8y*tem«t xing. EMPIRE EuIlOINC, ATLANTA, OA.