Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, September 28, 1907, Image 8

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J'UE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2f, lWf. y ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine CARTER’S LITTLE LIYER PILLS must bear ftc-sMIe Slgnatarejif ARTER’S ITTLE IVER PILLSj Absolutely Cure r BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. TORPID LIVER. FURRED TONGUE, t INDIGESTION > CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN They TOUCH the LIVE Genuine Wrapper Printed on bed paper black letters book for the Signature R Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. You’ll Not Need Much younelf after you're dead—but your !t family will keep right on wanting three j: meal* a day—The landlord will want i j hli rent Juat the tame at now—And then there’ll be all your debts to pay—Are you aure you have enough life Inturance to provide for It all? Have you seen The Equitable Life’s Standard Policy Preecrlbed by the New Tork State Law? Write, Phone or Call Consultation and Office Trealnent Free $ | F. W. BURR, Manager, | Equitable Bldg., Atlanta. f BIJSy PREPARING STATE FAIR Secretary Weldon Moves Office to Piedmont Park Saturday. EIGHT YEARS IN PEN GIVEN MAXWELL Cairo. On., Sept 2*.—The Jury re turned a verdict at »:IS o'clock laat night In the W. A. Maxwell caae of voluntary manslaughter. Ho *u sen- fenced to eight years In the peniten tiary- A motion wan made for a new trial and bond fixed at 10.000. The bond Is being made up. The case went to the Jury at < o'clock. The whole day vu taken up with the •peechea—for proeecutlon, Roddenber- ry, Harrell & Wooten, and for the de fense, Titus, Smith A Walters. A ver dict was directed by the Judge In Nlm Maxwell's favor of acquittal. Como to the Grand Satur day night, 8:15 o’clock. Cel ebrated violinist to play and other attractions. Admis sion free. Commencement exercises of the Southern College of Pharmacy. Next term begins October 1st. T., ST. L. & W. WILL TAKE OVER ALTON j New York. 8ept. OS.—The directors of the Toledo, 8t. Louis and Weatern Railway Company yesterday decided to sign the contract for taking over the Chicago and Alton from the Rock Is land Interests, according to the terma of the published agreement. The activity of workmen at Piedmont park tells the story of the approach of Atlsnta’s big state fair. All over the grounds men are erecting booths for showmen and the men who ■ell red lemonade, hot frankfurters and other things dear to the hearts of folks who visit fairs. Inside many of the buildings, exhlbi tors are getting ready to Install aome of the displays they hope will, capture prixes. , Secretary Frank Weldon moved his office to the fair grounds Saturday and next week he will be strenuously on tho Job dally. From now on he will be besieged by exhibitors, showmen and fakera seek Ing the jewelry, cane rack and other privileges that have not already been secured. But many of these will be disappointed, for most of the privileges have been let. No Gambling Devices. One of the features of the Atlanta fair will be the complete absence‘of wheels of fortune, snlndles. Jingle boards or anything that suggests a gambling device. Visitors to the fair will not have a chance to waste their money In trying to win diamond pins and gold watches on which tho faker never allows Ms spindle to stop. Instead, there will be the finest class of exhibits and attractions ever gotten together In a Georgia stato fair. In ad dition to the agricultural exhibits, there will be displays from Atlanta mer chants and manufacturers. "1 have had a great demand for space from manufacturers and merchants," said Secretary Weldon Saturday, “and this will be one of the features of the fair. People In Atlanta who make hinge and «ell things will be on hand o show the visitors how they are made and ljow well they are mnde. One of the Interesting features along this line will ho something about which few people know anything. Joe' Oross, the two-dollar hat man, has secured space and will demonstrate by an elaborate exhibit how derby hats are ,made. Ho will ahow visitors the thirty-six dif ferent. processes from the hair of the rabbi to the finished derby hat. Other merchants will have similar exhibits." Wild West to be Free. It has been practically decided by the directors of the fair to make the great wild west show, "Ranch 101." a free attraction to all who visit the fair. This means that tho Atlanta fair will have a free feature that has never be fora been attempted In Georgia. This show Is as big as a circus and there Is an army of cowboys, Indians and other people figuring In the taming of the West. At the Jamestown Exposition It coat all the way from a quarter to a dollar to see this show, but the Atlanta directors will probably allow visitors to see It free during the afternoon per formance. At night when tho gates to the fair grounds will probably bo thrown open to everybody, a small chnrge will be made to see thle famous show. One of the many attractions In this wild west production Is Bill Pickett, a Herculean Texas negro, who throws n bull by his teeth. Without the use of his arms, he seises the aplmnl with hie teeth nnd with a twist of hie head throws the bull to the ground. Doxens of other midway attractions are com ing. which, with the other features, will make the fair this year the greatest In the history of Georgia. Firemen to Have Day. Another big day has’been nrrnnged for the state fair. It will be called Firemen's Day" and Are lighters from all over Georgia will be present to take part In the celebration. Secretary Frank Weldon received n letter Saturday from C, C. Bunn, Jr., of Cedartown, the temporary president of the Georgia Firemen's Association, asking that a day at the fair be set aside for tho organisation. - The association was organised las.' You’ll get right treatment when you buy clothes here Taking good care of yqu—that’s part of our business; seeing that you get the right clothes; perfect fit; correct style. We’re not simply trying to sell you some clothes—any kind—and get your money. We want you to have the right thing—for you. We sell and recommend Hart, Schaff- ner & Marx and Rogers, Peet & Co. clothes because they are right, in every way; when we get a man into such clothes we know he’s correctly dressed. New fall suits—$15 to $50. Daniel Bros. Co. L. J. DANIEL, President 45-47-49 Peachtree Street. Copyright 1907 by Hart SchiSncr ii Marx Nervousness Weak Women are nearly always nervous. Female diseases appear to affect thefr nervous systems, and soon turn them Into weak, worn-out, old-Iook- Ing, nervous wrecks. Do not allow any womanly trouble to affect you In this way, but take Wine of Cardul, that wonderfully successful treatment, for womanly Ills, which, for over half a century, has proven Its true merit, by the thousands of women It has relieved or cured. Pain, Irregularities, tailing feelings, dragging sensations, head ache, side-ache, difficulty In walking, and similar symptoms, are signs In women, of female trouble, that should never be neglected. Wine of Cardul, the purely vegetable woman's remedy, acts upon woman’s weak organs and nerves, builds up the system, relieves pain, restores health. Mrs. ( Willie Reed, of Brooklin, W. Va.. writes: “I was tormented with female troubles of all kinds, for 13 years. I was nervous, had sick-headache, fainting spells, periodic pains. Inflammation, etc. Alter taking eleven bottles of Wine of Cardul,'I am’nov enjoying good health and happiness, and have as fine a big boy baby as ever tan be. I weigh 15 pounds more than I did. I wish Cardul could be sent to every suffering woman." Sold by all druggists. In $1.00 bottles. nppri PAAIT Write for Free 64-page Book for Women. If you need Ad- X luxL DV/V/fV vice, describe symptoms, stating age, and we will reply in WATJ j AIMTC pl**n sealed envelope. Address: Ladies Advisory Dept.. X Uu li/ii/lJuij The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, Wine of Cardui O130 * ATLANTA * QRQJSaao Grounds, JACKSON ST. and AUBURN AVE. THE 8I66EST THAT TRAVELS H # .™ EC K yyuuc[ COMBINED SHOWS AND THE FAMOUS TRAINED WILD BEASTS I (No Other Show Has Them) Three Rings, Elevated Stages, Aerial Enclave, Steel Arenas, Hippodrome Ellipse, Sensation al Hiph-AIr Acts, Groups of Aerialistic Artists, Companies of High Wiro Experts, International Riding Champions, 40 Furiously Funny Clowns, Trapeze and Flying Ring Experts, Two Score Acrobats and Gymnasts, Great Street Parade on Principal Streets Next Monday at tO a. m., 400 Dapple Gray Horses. AH Open Cages. Two Exhibitions GRAND MONDAY AND TUE8DAY. Sept. 30—Oet. 1. MATINEE TUESDAY. WILTON LACKAYE IN HALL CAINE’S GREATEST PLAY, THE BONDMAN As presented for one year at Drury Lana Theater, London. Sate now open. GRAND WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Oetober 2-3. MATINEE THUR8DAY. MESSR8. MARTIN O. EMERY'8 Reverent, Artistic and Sumptuous Presentation of Richard Wagner’s Mystic Festival Play PARSIFAL (In English) Evenings promptly at 7:45. Carriages at 11.15. MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. SHARP. CARRIAGES AT 5:30. PRICES—Night, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Box Seats, $2.00. Matinee, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Mny at Cedartown with Mr. Bunn as temimrnry president and Frank Manly, of Dalton, as secretary, and the meet ing whlih will be held at the state fair will be to effect a permanent organisa tion nnd elect officers. Tit the meeting In May chiefs and fire fighters, both paid and volunteer, were present from all over Georgia, and Chief Cummings, of the Atlanta fire department, was there and took a prominent part In the deliberations. Secretary Weldon has decided that October 21 shall bo the day for the fire men. It Is expected that flreriten from every city and town In the state having a paid or volunteer department will be here. the”pricesHat the NEW KIMBALL PALM GARDEN ARE LOWER THAN ANY HIGH CLASS CAFE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND NEW OR LEANS. ROOSEVELT HOT BECAUSE Df CELAV N’ew York, Sept.,2$.—A Washington dispatch to The Press says: The president was chagrined to learn today that the battleship fleet will be detained probably two months, perhaps 75 days, before It cen depart on Its trip to the Pacific coast. "It Is understood that there was a hot time In the white house when the president learned that an open confes sion would have to be made to the public.” ™E BIJOU Tonight—Matinee Saturday. The 4 Mortons In a Play With Music by Oeo. V. Ho bart. “The Big Stick’ 9 Big Company—20 Son** Hits. Next Week: “THE CANDY KID” HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE, The Four Everetts, Eckert and Berg, Yamomots Bros., Atlas Comedy Four. AND FOUR OTHER BIG ACTS. 6ill changed weekly. Performances every night. Matinees every day but Monday. Bell Telephone 3148; Atlanta 1764. Uptown ticKet office, Kimball News Stand. * GET DIPLOMAS Tho public and all professions! students now lu the city are cordially Invited to at- tend the omnmencement exerelaea of the summer session graduates of the Southern College of Pharmacy, at the Grand, Satur day night, at 8:15 o'clock. Twenty-six graduates will receive the de gree of Graduate In Pharmacy from Dr. W. R. Kendrick, representing the board of trustees, and the exercises will be opened ‘th prayer by the Bor. Dr. Holderby. rhe music will bo a special feature of the occasion, for there will !*» a l»lan«> solo by Atlanta** brilliant ptanlat. I. M. Mayor, and two violin numbers by Mr. Itch lie won. the violin virtuoso. The fact that this violinist has appeared .j concert with tho Thomas, Bldl, and other large orchestra* frill make all tauslc-lor- ers glad to hear him. „ M The next session of the Southern College l»harmncy, which occupies the hhudsome now building at M Lucitlc street, will open October 1. Jinny dealers for the additional profit In- arlahly try to sell articles which they claim are Just aa good ns the ones adver tised. Protect ytmr own Interests and In sist on getting what you n*k for. 77 Peachtree Street. NEXT WEEK'S BILL. S. E. Richards & Co., MAUC AND ILLUSIONS HARRY HOWARD, FRESH FROM BROADWAY. J. C. MURPHY, $1,000 CHALLENGE GONE RATTLER. MISS EDNA MORLEY, ILLUSTRATED SONGS. St. Nicholas Auditorium PONCE DELEON PARK. THE LAWLER CHILDREN Fancy and general skating, with Jig skating aa specialty. Evenings this week, and Wednesday nnd Friday, at 5 p. m. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 4-5. MATINEE SAT. JOE WEBER’S New York Production of the Musical Gayety, “DREAM CITY” (From Weber’s Theater, New York.) Organization of Sixty, Headed by LITTLE CHIP end MARY MARBLE. AMERICA'S MOST FASCINATING BEAUTY CHORUS, ATTRACTION MME. LILLIAN BLAUVELT. AMERCIA’8 GREATEST PRIMA DONNA. Prices—25c to $1.50. Sale now open. BIJOU NEXT WEEK Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday KILROY & BRITTON Present the New Melodrama with Music, GANDY KID With RAY RAYMOND and a Company of Merit, Inoluding a Dainty Chorus of BON-BON GIRLS. Four Brilliant Acts, Ten Superb Scenos, Ten Song Hits, Two and One- half Hours of Good Entertainment. MANY PEOPLE TESTIFY Hundreds of well-pleased patrons testify to the excellent results derived from u»lng Want Ads In The Georgian. 40c .half-pound box of Wiley's best candy free with each 30c Want Ad next Friday and Saturday. THE ORPHEUM High-Class Vaudeville Eight Featuro Act* Direct From the Eaat. Every Act Endoraed by Preas and Public. MR. AND MRS. GENE HUGHES, HOEY AND EA, THE VALDINGS, BEAUMONT'1 PONY CIRCUS AND FOUR OTHER BIG ACTS. Every Night Next Week Baginning Monday. Matinee Every Day. Beginning *1 uesday. Boll telephone >>146; Atlanta, 1764. SOUTH SID 44 EAST New Vaudeville Play House Prices, 10c and 20c. Opens Monday, September 30. E THEATER UNTER ST. MATINEES DAILY—NEXT WEEK'S BILL. Harrison, West and Harrison, Feat* uring La Petite Harrison. PROF. WILLIS, LIGHTNING CRAYON ARTIST AITKIN & SON, COMEDY ACROBATS. CARL & CARL, .‘‘20th CENTURY TRAMPS.” MISS CARL, ILLUSTRATED SONGS. VITASCOPE. Butcher's Polish Also Johnson's wax at the GEORGIA PAINT A GLASS CO, 10 Peschtr.e Street. TAFT AND PARTY NOW IN YOKOHAMA Yokohama. Sept. 2S.—Secretary Taft and hie party reached this port at ? o'clock this morning on board tho steamer Minnesota. Committees rep resenting the Imperial household of Ja pan, the war office, the foreign office and the municipality of Toklo were on hand to greet the secretary of war. DR. E. E. BRAGG, OSTEOPATH and PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office 324-25 Century Building, Hours: 9 to 5—Bell Phone.