Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 05, 1907, Image 12

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f 12 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. 3ATTRDAT. OCTOBER I, MOT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYBODY HERE—NOW FIND YOURS Want Ads. 10 c a Line. No gd. taken for leee than 30 cents. Six worda of average length make a Una. The following ratea ore for eon- aeeutlve Insertions. Ratea for 3, 0 or 12 months' contract furniahed on application* 1 time *••••• 10 centa a line. 8 tlmea ...... 81-3 centa a line. 6 tlmea .71-2 centa a line. 26 tlmea .6 centa a line. Phone* Bell 4929 or Atlanta 4401, and we will take your ad and charge It If your name la In either phone directory. Ada muet bo ’phoned by 12 o’elook to be Inoerted the eame day# Ada for 8ITUATION8 WANTED will be ineerted FREE ONB TIME. WANTED HELP—MAtE. WANTED—FIRST-CLASH MAN TAILOR and a competent lndv nklrt draper. Biro, j mT W. Barnnart. 268 Peachtree. ; WANTED—A GOOD GERMAN FARMER. In nnawer. give fall nUdrcae. German, care Georgian. WANTED-BEFINED talker and lec- turer for the hlgheat claaa attraction ever shown South. Muat be aober and a gentle* man. ncruatomed to handling the better l clou. Work from October 10 to 26. Amu ewapancr. permanent place. Address at once, Tele* phone, Hylvanln, Ga. WANTED-MEN TO trade. Will olab poslttonn. aunt — givti ... __ LEARN DARIIER equip abop for yon or fur* , Few weeks completes. Con* it practice, Garefnl lostructIona. Toole m/ Wftgea Saturday*. Diplomas grant* Call l>r Mrrit*. Molcr Ilarttor College, corner Hnbter and Forsyth streets. .WANTED—FIR8T-CLA88 INSIDE SHEET metal worker Immediately; good wagea. Apply Moncrlef Furnace Company, 10 Trin ity* WANTED—NAMES'AND ADDRES8E8 OF aketere St. Nicholas rink night of Atlanta .riot, September 22, 1906. Manager, 420 Aus tell building. PICTURES—STEEL ENGRAVINGS. PAS* TEL8 AND CARBONS, ALMOST AT WHOLESALE COST. ROBISON-MARTIN FURNITURE COMPANY, 23 EAST HUN TER STREET. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERER for fine work. Mutt be thoroughly com petent. Steady work, good anlnry. W. B. Brown Co., 714 Candler Imlldlng. HELP IN COMMERCIAL, MECHANICAL and technical lines. The demand greateri than supply. Call or write ua. Inclosing! at amp, for good position. National Employ d ment Association, 1022-1003 Century Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF abaters St. Nicholas link night of Atlanta riot, September 22, 1906. Manager, 420 Aus tell building. WE NEED FOR PATRONS: BOOKKEEP* er.for Insurance company. $80; Itookkeep* er for Iqmber company, 166; combination! bookkeeper and stenographer to lea^M I $86; ateno-bookkeeper city, $66; Indy I J dresa enrelopes, $10 per week; ladles to do isewlng, $10 to $15 per week; number of otheri good paHng^M^^^M 1023 Century I paying positions open. Call or write National Employment Association, 1022- Centnry building. WANTED-A GOOD COOK; SETTLED womsu; white or colored. Apply 84 Iry styeet. , W ANTE D—SEVERAL HUNDRED teachers for Georgia schools; many splen did openings; special trial enrollment. Sheridan's Teachers' Agency, Greenwood, WANTED—WHITE OR CO I AIRED NURSE —one willing to sleep on premises. Apply at 455 Piedmont avenue. MAKE rOUIt DOLLAR BUY TWO DOL LARS' WORTH BY GETTING YOUII FURNITURE. RUGS AND MATTINGS FROM HOBlsON-MARTIN FURNITURE COM FAN V, 23 EAST HUNTER. WANTED—FIVE FIRST-CLASS COAT. makers at once. Apply B. Kaufman, 100 Temple Court building. Atlnota, Oa. WANTED HELP—Male and Femalo. WANTED—MILLION MEN AND WOMEN to wear Cushion Comfort Shoes. Call at 132% Whitehall street. SEVERAL FAMILIES, SPINNERS FRIN* clpally; highest wages, comfortable bowses and tree school; near East Point, Ga. Five rents fare to Atlanta. Elizabeth Cotton Mills. WANTED—8ALE6MEN. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN TO sell our frnlt ciders; fall season now on. You can earn big money. Apply quick for Information. Red Cross Vinegar Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED—ROOM8. WANTED-TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. steam-heated, with bath; north side: good location.; Rcnfrm? Jackson, 203 Fourth Na tional Btnki WANTED—BOARD. GET KEYS MADE, LOCKS. GUNS AND pistols repaired. Shop department. The Tool Company, 68^ Marietta street. Ball •phone 6S1L WE HAVE JUST EQUIPPED A MODERN up-to-date harness factory and are pre^ pared to furnish any style or grade custom .made harness at short notice. .... ROBISON MARTIN FURNl ■,TUHE. COMPANY. 23 BAHT HUNTER. NIGHT SCHOOL-UinST MONTH'S Tui tion free If yon clip and mall or present . Mda satin, within the n.xt flr« d«T, to frranffhon', I'mcllml Btislnea* Cotleae, 13 riuitm, nn tln, for pnrtlriilara of thla re- • markable off. . If yon desire. quit «t the and of the month, uwlnjr nothin*: or eon- Etlnue ,t apoclsl rnta—H a mooth. Dali I-phone 39. BOMB REASONS WHY THE NATIONAL i* Employment Aieoolatlnn I. known «e the belt medium for aeeurln* help. It In under 1 the mnnnitement of people who hare baa [rear, of experience, and wero the flret to 'make thla line of Imalnoss a aueee.e. It stand* on ■ aolld buelnea, liaala and la rteofnlaed «n an Important htialnraa factor, by nearly every hualnesa hotter In thla mo tion. It ta the larieet and oldest eicluetvo employment ettenejr In the South and places Bom people til hign-arnde poattlons than nil others comtdoed. The following are a fewl of the poatttona we have to fill at once: Ac- oonntnnta to leave city for fnn- monUja, tlio. all eapnnaea paid: auditors, 1100 tojUt booitkeepera for eoal company. *125; dl.tlll- Ing. »«: fertlllter company, *™: furniture manufacturing company, nlao ca.hter, *150; ten young men to learn hanking business, 135 to ISO; middle-aged men for iloetor a of- *90; attperlntendrnt for elghhpreea oil mill. 30; eommliaary manager. *75 to *110; grocery mrnagera, ISO to *n0: retail aaleamen for groceriea, *3.60 to »» per week: hard ware. lit; aoda dlapenaer. *18: hooka an* stationery, *16: ahoea, l.k: clothing. *3>S traveling aaleaman for elothlng, rain coat*, panto, fancy teata and rubber good,, *2,200. ’Beat and out-of-town billing en> ,oping clerk., salaries from »> '■ ttfcffcnt nnil 'traveling eolleetora. ttr ,r walker for owelll ■cafe. 30; naalatant > .... -I clerk, atoekkeepera, l atenni flttera, to *7 per day: bolter ma- Lhera blarh^dlth., armature winder, *4 per .nay: eleetrlelane. Number of other good 'paving positions open. Remember, there srol 'two kinds of agencies, onro nnd the others.j if yon wont aatlafartory aervleea. call on f no. The Natlonnl Employment Asaoclation, •3022-103 Century Imlldlng. • ole-bodled unmarried men. between ages of twenty-onn nnd thlrty-Ove; cltlaene of r United States, of good ehnraeter and tem perate habits, who can apeak, read and I write /tneilab. Men wanted now for aerr- I tee la Cohn. For Information, apply to re- i cndtlng officer. Temple Court building. At- t lantn. or 411 Cherry street, Macon. Oa. 1 I'luiFt 1 ™ Op FROM 100 PER CESr near 30 per rent will be paid to men and women who can tell en nrtlele that posi tively cute coal bllle In two and can be oulekly and eaelly demonetrated. Every oaer of coal ta readily convinced that he ' simply can not afford to be without It. Or- i der after order uken from eame people. We help yon In every way. , An extraordinary I chance both for those with or without «- • nerienee ea aaleamen. *10 cash for every 3: Iblg outit for only 10c for package and t pottage, to prove all we say and secure sole agency. International Fuel Co.. 7« William I afreet. New Turk elty. • ISaUM TELiuBAtfaS „ * *0,600 more telegraph operators are wanted on account of the elgbf-hour Uw recently .enacted. Twenty-live student, who Brat clip -and present thin notice to Droughon’e Prac tical Boat neat College, 32 Peachtree At- I lasts, may give contract to pay IS of tub . tloo after position ta secured.. Dnugboo'a telegraphy students get mala line practice WANTED—AGENT8. OUR TRIP AUOFND THE WORLD ON 91 mmuijntr vuiui iwr wv: uiuurj rHunded If nut aatlafartory. Writ* tor gen eral aganry: atata territory wanted. Kawiu A Co., 360^62 FUlii avenue, Chicago. BOARD OB LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooma dralreri by young lady pianist nnd h*r mother. 6162. J. Bates 11., care Geor gian, WANTED—BOARDER8. THE BRISTOL, 44 WALTON-CHOICE rooms; large nnd small; aelect people for the winter; rates reasonable. Baths. Ta ble the best. Meal tickets. WANTED-ROAnDF-RS AT M EAST HAn- rta street; nice rooms; bot and cold baths, with good fsre. YOU CAN GET BOARD AT 164 LEE street. West End. NICE ROOMS. GOOD TABLE, MEAL tickets. Bell 'phone 6221 J; Atlanta 4172. Mrs. Blnte, 36 Auburn avenue. A NICE COUPLE OR TWO NICE MEN can get board at 29 Lnrkln, In tbe Frank lin flata, apartment C. Everything new and modern. FIBRT-CLABH TABLE BOARD AJT REA- ■unable prices. 65 Garnett atreet. GOOD TABLE BOARD. BELL 'PHONE 6221 J; Atlanta 'phone 4172. Slate House, 35 Auburn avenue. TWO GENTLEMEN OR COUPLE CAN obtain large front room (also small room), good board, private home. 26 East Cain street. FOR RENT—ROOMS. ONB LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two or three young men. 236 Ivy. FOR RENT-TWO UNFURNISHED rooms at 66 Rankin street; $8 per month. IN PRIVATE FAMILY. NORTH SIDE; corner lot; three upstairs rooms, partly furnished for light housekeeping; no chil dren taken. Apply 290 E. Linden. TO RENT—HALF HOUSE, 259 GLENN 8T. Also two furnished rooma; modern con veniences. Phone 2763 Main. FOR RENT—THREE OR FIVE CONNECT- Ing rooms, with sink; also two furnished bed rooms. 621 South l'ryor street. FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE UNFUR- nlshed rooms, suitable for light house- keeplug. 116 East Fair street. FOR RENT-THREE UNFURNISHED connecting rooms: entire second floor; gas, phone and bath. $15 per month. 36 Capitol avenue. FOR KENT-FIRST FLOOR FRONT room; private entrance; private lavatory; hot and cold water: telephone; furnace heat and electric llabta. Southern expo- aurr. :«* Went Peachtree atreet. wltbtn a few doora of tbe Avalon apartments FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Price reasonable. 267 Peach* $36 DAVENPORTS. OAK OR MAHOGANY. *27. ROBISON'.MARTIN FUR.' COMPANY, 3 EAST HUNTER. Good condition. Feacfttree. Price reasonable. 267 FOR BALE-ONE UNDERWOOD OR l C. Smith Broil. Visible typewriter: naeu about one month; good as new. 64 Ivy at. Square piano, gna stove wit complete; everything half price. —t five days. 463 Knwsoii. C., care Georgian. FILMS FOR RENT BY GATE "Passion riny” for rent. TYPBWRITBUB-BEVERAL FINE 8EC- ond-hand machines and two show cases at sacrifice sale. 912 Century building. FOR 8ALE—QUARTERED OAK DINING table, S feet long. Also two set for Southern Business College. 6363 J. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor Street, City. FOR HALE-AT 11V4 EAST AL street (Durand's) a book of rare collec tions continental money, federal currency end envelopes, Confederate ecrlp. 88 Broyles street. Hell phone $878. FOR BALE-RANGE. BEDROOM SUIT, mattress, springs, dining table, dresser, Iron bed, mattress, springs; all new; cheap. 362 Fraser street. INCUBATOR AND BROODER BARGAINS —Reliable one hundred *-gg Incubator and brooder; also two one hundred Chick Cy- —. " - William J. Lloyd, nhers’ outdoor brooders. Chattahoochee, Ga. ruItWITUIlIvt-UMr* r(J I'N, AM) U r, WILL BEAT frlEM. ROBISON MARTIN FURNITURE COMPANY, 23 EAST HUN TER STREET. AUTOMOBILES. WE OFFER FOR BALE ONB SECOND- hand Pope Waverly Electric runabout at a very low price for quick sale. GEORGIA VEHICLE MFG. COMPANY, 60-62 West Mitchell Street. RE-LINED, CLEANED, 256 Courtland. NICE FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE trance; furnished or unfurnished, with io of hot and cold bath. 329 Crew street. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOM —one or two gentlemen. South side. Car line. Address P. O. Box 624, city. WANTED TO LET—THREE LOVELY connecting modern rooms. 163 W. Baker street. ■ It HF|>uiii rcui jtri luuuiy r»iii to the paint and hardware store c Cooledge & Son, 160 Peters street FOR RENT— » FURNISHED ROOMS GENTLEMAN OF GOOD HABITS CAN secure furnished room, refined home. North Boulevard section. Address X G, care Georgian. FOR RENT-FOUR LARGE, 8UNNY, CON- necting. nicely furnished rooms for house, ktepfhg; private bath and telephone; best residence section of Grant park; one block of car Use. No chlldven. ’Phone 3123 M or 4686 J after 6.. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED front room for gentlemen; near In; prices reasonable. 173 Spring street between Harris and Baker. ONE UNDERWOOD: FINE CONDITION and a bargain. Call and let ua show you this. We can sell you this for $35. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor Street, City. PERSONAL. WANTED—NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF skaters St. Nicholas rink night of Atlanta riot, September 22, 1906. Manager, 420 Ans- tell building. , KITCHEN COMBINATION NOVELTY— For grating corn, scaling fish and cleaning vegetables. 26c. Catalogue free. Silk City Supply Company, 72 Uo,ben atreet, I'ater- PEER LESS EGO SEPARATOR—8 A VK8 labor; always ready for use; separation complete, Instantaneous. Price 10c. Catn- logae free. Scranton Novelty Company, 622 Mulberry street, Kcrnuton, Pa. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUBBER TIRE, at short notice, any style vehicle; material and workmanship guaranteed. - GEORGIA VEHICLE MFG. COMPANY, 50-62 West Mitchell Street. TRY THE LUNG TESTER AND , DEVEL- oper. You'll be surprised at the resulta. 26c. Illustrated catalogue free. Peerless 8ep- ply Company, 1451 lranlstnn avenue, Bridge- port. Conn. 1 RESURRECTION PLANT - GREATEST wonder of plant kingdom; fine proposition for agents; sample 15e. Illustrated cata logue free. McEvoy Company, 300 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. KITCHEN COMBINATION NOVELTY— For grating corn, scaling fish and clean ing vegetables. 28c. Illustrated catalogue free. Hugh Redlnton Moore, 19 Orchard street. West Lynn, Mass. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. THE SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, 100 North Butler street, has opened Its regular winter session. For a short time there will be no charge for work or material. Fillings and extractions are positively free. All work done under the direction of skilled teachers. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. NEW COTTAGE, BIX ROOMS, feoUTH Boulevard, near park. East front; lot cov ered with shade; 60 by 200; 6-foot hall through house; living rooms 19 by 15 feet; dining room 16 by 14; has 4-foot cnlna clos et, butler's and provision pantry; kitchen 14 by 14; three bed rooms 14 by 14, with cloact In ©very room. Bath room 6 by 14 and 8 by 10 linen closet. Beautiful cabinet man- tels. Front veranda 11 by 96 feet. Price $4,000. Easy terms. F. B. Hsrln, owner, 619 Empire building. 'Phone 6406. L08T. - n •--- - LOST-ON PEACHTREE, WHITEHALL. l'ryor or Pulliam streets. Phi Kappa Big- ma pin. Back engraved F. H. H.—A. N. Finder return to 819 Equitable bnlldlng and receive reward. LOST—ONE SMALL YELLOW MULE; strayed off yesterday. Return to Mr. Os- burn, 48 Trinity avenue, near Whitehall. LOST-SCOTCH COLLIE PUP, ABOUT 18 Inches tall; light brown color, white cheat. Old ent on hind leg. showing l>one: very pointed nose. Answers to name "Znber.'' street. SITUATIONS WANTED. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. WARE & HARPER, 724-725 CENTURY BUILDING. and reputable retail business, clearing $150 per month. Most profitable line; can be greatly Increased. $850—JUST LISTED WITH US TESTER* day. Well-furnished and liberally patron ised lodging house; very heart of Atlanta; filled to overflowing; rent only $65 per month. This Is the best proposition iu the $500—LIGHT MANUFACTURING Busi ness, with big possibilities. Owner forced to leave city at once. If you want It see ua promptly. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. $1,600—NICELY AND NEWLY FURNISH ed lodging house 127 rooms), almost heart of city; absolutely clearing $250 per mouth. $760—WELL-ESTABLISHED, LIBERALLY patronized cafe for ladles nnd gentlemen; heart of city. This Is a sacrifice price; best reason of offer. $360—NEWLY AND NICELY FURNISHED ten-room lodging bouse; almost heart of city: best location; reasonable rent; always filled. $2,000—ONE-HALb~ INTEREST IN AN Es tablished and profitable office business with big possibilities. Need acceptable part ner to get best results. $900—AN 18-BOOM LODGING HOUSE; nicely famished, including a first-class piano, almost new; clearing $150 to $200 per month. Party leaving city. Best location for business. ns today a brand now' — est room and soda fouut; best proposition In Atlanta. $3,600—WELL ESTABLISHED, THOR- heart of city), beautifully furnished smd most reputably kept 14-room lodging house, paying finely. This la a magnificent oppor tunity in this line. $1,600-FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS, together with lease of a 42-room hotel and In 1 A^Ian of stock In an established nnd moat repu- montli. nai nrlnf *KTr,I#y r.QUIx l IvD, MUST tronlzed nnd reputable pool reputatde and profitable lenrlng f reasen. photo stndlo. Sickness causo of offer. ONE NO. 7 REMINGTON, WITH TABU- la tor: tiaet two-color ribbon. Been used about ten months. Guaranteed O. K. Price $80. H. M. ASHE CO., BUY YOUR FURNITURE FROM US AND SAVE MONEY. ROftlSON-JlAItTIN FURNITURE COSiPANY, 3 EAST HUN. TER STREET. DO NOT FORGET! THE MOST ACCOMMODATING WATCfl house In the South la W. It. Edwards A Co.. 4914 Central avenue, Atlanta, Ga. At- > $800. They noil Elgin, Waltham ONB NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER; USES ‘ ree-color ribbon. This mnchlne Is brand- , never having been used. For quick ■ale, this goes for spot cash, $80. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor Street, City. A $25.00 SALE OF TYPE WRITERS. NO. 2 REMINGTONS, NO. 1 SMITH PREMIERS, NO. 4 Y08T, NO. 2 WILLIAMS, NO. 6 NEW CENTURY, NO. 2 REM-SIIO, NO. 2 AND NO. 4 BARLOCK, NO. 7 ULICK <LEATHER CASE). THESE MACHINES ARE ALL IN GOOD writing condition nnd guaranteed. Terms, cash. Home very special values In almost new standard machines, $50. Beat bargains ever offered. Southern States Writing Machine Company, 424-25 Candler Building. FOR RENT—HOUSES. I WILL RENT MY ENTIRE POULTRY plant. Including eight large poultry hoi and yard, brooder house, etc., and i 4-room cottage for $15 per month. See at Hapevllls or 326 Empire Bldg. U. U. Brodnax. FOR RENT-HALF MONTH'S RENT free. Brick bouse; nine rooms nnd largo reception halL Hot and cold water, gas *■“*' **— neighborhood. GENUINE LEATHER COUCHES CHEAP AT ROBISON-MARTIN FURNITURE COMPANY, 23 EAST HUNTER. FOR RENT—BY OWNER-A SIX-ROOM cottage, near Grant park. Reasonable rent. Apply 24 East Georgia avenue. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; ladles or gentlemen; meals near; two rooms for light housekeeping; all cuoveo- Isucea. Phone M. 674L FOR RENT. Parties looking for houses or flats can obtain a com plete list of all property for rent in the city by calling at J. M. High Co.’s’, in Furni ture Department. No charge for information. YOUNG LADY WITH LITTLE EXPE- rlence deslrei any reasonable 165 Gnruett street. SANDERS & CONWAY, 412 Peters Building. ’Phones 5488. Out Peachtreo Road, overlooking the city, 750-foot front, 450 deep; perfect building site. Will bring $25 per foot inside two years. Will sell now for $12.50 foot. Must have cash only reason for selling. $3,500 cash, balance to suit buyer. $3,000—Rent for $30 per month. Two splendidly built 5-room cottages on large lots; good street, water, gas, nice mantels, etc.; strictly white. Best thing we know of. $3,250—Sir-room cottage, Inman Park, on shady lot 100x160; front and side verandas 10 feet, hall 10 feet, living room 16x26 feet. Built for and always occu pied as home. Owner leaving city. Will make easy terms. 50-acre farm six miles from cen ter of city just off main chert road and fronting several hun dred yards on another main pub lic road; 20 acres timber, streams, pasturage, etc. Price, $1,500. $5,500-^Whitehall street, this side of Hood street, 9-room house on lot 50x200. This is gilt-edge prop erty and is cheap as dirt at this price. WANTED—A POSITION BY SETT gvntlpinnn as clerk In wholesale drv | or elothlng house. Address B. K., Georgian. CUT PRICES ON DINING ROOM FURNl TURK. ROBISON-MARTIN FUf COMPANY, 23 EAST HUNTER. FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE* NEW HOME-TEN ROOMS; an<l beautiful; two doors from Terms. P. O. Box 1069. II. J., care Georgian., FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE IN fnl natural shade. tury building. Bell 'phone 373. MISCELLANEOUS. Tor street, furniture. Buyi Bell 1526 main. ANTISEPTIC DENTAL OFFICES, Austell building. Specialty In reguli teeth and treating the mouth. CALL AT 34 PEACHTREE STREET WANTED BUYERS. ahoea 25c to $5. Jaeger fleece-lined ahlrt and drawers 4So. Extra values ladles' am gents' hosiery 10c to 35c. "Honor Brand* clothing for men $6 to $l& New shapes !i E. T. DAVIS, • 60 W. Mitchell St. Near Terminal Station. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—TO UUY OR RENT NANNY t that Is giving milk. Phone kddress 426 N. Jackson street WANTED—TO BUY FOR CASH A REM- Ington typewriter. No. 6, In good * tlon; write, with price, G. X. Y., Georgian. WANTEP-ONE BUSHEL OF FIGS AND two buaheis of tienche* at once for pre serving. Address Box 100, care Georgian. MME. DEL REY. THE WONDERFUL psychic palmist, Is reliable. She advises you on love, family, business affairs, mar- AXMIXSTER ART SQUARES. 9 BY 12 FEET, $22. ROBISON-MARTIN FURNI TURE COMPANY, 23 EAST HUNTER. $1,400 WILL BUY A WELL LOCATED, well equipped pool room (six tables), com pletely furnished. This la a sacrifice price. t WARE A HARPER, 724-725 Century Building. CAN SHOW PARTY WITH SOME CAP- ttsl a money-making merchandise broker- ago proposition. Act quick. Joseph, care Georgian. a MONEY TO LOAN. loans made on real eatate: purchase money N notes bought and sold. 8. II. Turman A o- Co., corner Broad and Alabama streets. [*, SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON BRASS w BEDS. ROBISON-MARTIN FURNITURE \ COMPANY, 23 EAST HUNTER. E MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others. Amsrlcan Investment Co., 704 I- Candler Bldg. t. Established 1890. l. WEYMAN A CONNERS, KQUITABL& Mortgage loans on real estate. s SPECIAL HOME FUND8 TO LEND; ANY amount. 4V6, 6 and 6 per cent. Write or call b', W. Carson, 24 8. Broad St ^ $10,000 TO LOAN ON REAL E8TATB IN T Bum* to anlt borrower. No delay. Cal In peraon. Cbarlex Herman, Boom 202-203 ' Templt Court. 3 CARPENTERS AND CABINET 8 , „ MAKERS. STORE FIXTURES, FLY 8CREEN8, MOD- els and novelties. Bell 'phone 2374. Atlan- ta Wood and Iron Novelty Works. CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOU8E IN GEORGIA. ROBISON-MARTIN FURNL TURB COMPANY, 23 EAST HUNTER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS CLEAN- ed snd re-shaped, 60c. Panama hats clean ed and re-shaped, 60c. Soft and stiff straw bata bleached and pressed, 60c and 35c. All bands or sweats (each extra 2Sc). Out-of. town orders given prompt attention. Latest styles, best work, lowest prices. Acme Hatters, 100% Whitehall street TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 N. Pryor 8t„ Atlanta, O*. * Drtl.n In all make* of Typewriter*. CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN QYZOllQIA. ROBISON-MARTIN FURNL r TURB COMPANY. 23 BAST HUNTER. I DONT WEAR PANAMA HATS J THAT ARB DIRTY AND SOILED AND 1 ont of *h«pe. Bn»*ey clean*, praam *nd * reshapes *11 old *oft and atlff nit and Fan- f am* hats In lateat atylea. 2*» Whitehall j; atreet. Atlanta, Oa. r TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. S H. W. ROUNTREE A BRO. TRUNK AND t BAG CO. Retail and repairing. 77 White- w ball street Phone 167th GWINN’S SHOE SHOP, 6 LUCKIE ST. 44 “"■•li&LS&riSSt luxata' 17U ’" ■ Be t ATLANTA WINS-8EB nERE! IS YOUR furnace in shape for the winter. If not give ua your order. Now, don't wait We will take cars of It In due time. Moncrlef Furnace Co., 16 Trinity avenue. Both phones. WILLIAM S. ANSLEY, Real Estate, . 217 Century Building. Phones Bell 288, Atlanta 295 NOTH SIDH HOME-JUNIPER STREET splendid 9-room house, on one of the prettiest parte of Juniper street near Sev enth atreet; on a large lot. 60x190 to an al loy. It you want something good for the money, take this. Price $8,2SO. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR, jaijgj Real Estate, Atlanta, Ga. WE HAVE A FIRST- CLASS TENANT, SMALL FAMILY, WHO WANTS TO LEASE FOR TERM OF THREE OR FIVE YEARS, AN 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE ON THE NORTH SIDE, PEACHTREE ST. PREFERRED. IF. YOU HAVE SUCH A HOUSE, COMMUNICATE WITH US TODAY. Forrest & George Adair. FAVER & BLACK, 315 and 316 Peters Building $13,000 local money to lend on improved Atlanta real estate, as a whole or in amounts of from $2,000 to $5,000 at 7 per cent interest. FAVER & BLACK, 315-316 Peters Building. NORTH SIDE INVESTMENT-FIRST class new houses, consisting of three honacs 6 rooms to the bonse, with cibmet mantels In the houses, with water and gas; loactod this side of Forrest avenue, near Courtland avenue and rented to negroes at $60 per month. I'rlce $5,000, paying over 14 per cent. Do not miss this. ry Pryor street; this side of Georgia avenue: renting for $25 per month. Price $2,500. This will bring this rental all time. DECATUR, OA.—A 10-ROOM HOUSE, corner lot, 100x800; very convenient to schools, churches, car line, etc. This place can be*bought for $5,000. Decatnr has tree schools* electric lights and water. GRANT & PETTY, 30-32 E. Alabama St. line, just south of Smyrna, This is one of the in beautiful grove. WALKER DUNSON, Real Estate, 409 Equitable. Phono 21*7. THINE THIS OVER I NORTHEAST COR. ner of Emmett and Tomlin; one block west of State atreet, or Home Park; 147 br E0 feet Will aub-dlrldo to alx lota, and 13,100 bare them. Price, of lota *400 to *000 each. Eaaj terma. STORE AND FIVE HOUSES; CORNER lot, 100x126; near Oeorita arcane; rent ralna *00 per month. *0,2(0 bare them. Oakland Cltj; ( rooma; abaded lot, 10x200; ll,*». FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. WE OFFER 120-ACRE RIVER FARM. 200 acre* In cultivation, 78 acre* bot tom land; upland level and good. In high state of cultivation; 3 acttlement, on place; 3,000 peach trees, 3 years old; publto rood running through; school and church on place, 11-2 miles tt> railroad station. 3 mllea to county court house. Located In one of the beat farming counties In Georgia; price 121 per acre, or will trade for Atlanta prop, erty In whole or part and make easy terms on balance. GRANT & PETTY, Bell ’Phones 1287-1289. Standard 1287. WE HAVE NEAR THE ABOVE AND within 100 yards of depot 270 acres, about 200 acres In high state of culti vation, level and rich; part of land makes bale of cotton or (0 buaheis corn per acre. We have on the place 10,000 Elberta peach trees, Juat come Into bearing, which paid over 20 per cent on price asked for whole thla year; 3 set tlements on the place; watered by large creek: large two-story, 8-room dwell ing. Two good barns, servant’s'house, etc.; on nice elevation overlooking the farm and village; alio atore house, 30x70, within 100 feet of depot; will 11 farm end orchard separate, or all for *11,(00, or will exchange for At lanta property for part and make you terma on balance. Not a better farm or Investment In Georgia today. See It and verify our statement, and better. E. A. NESBIT CO., 514 Empire Bldg., Phone 887. .