Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 17, 1907, Image 3

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. rcMDAT. r>RCKMBKtt IT. The Sind Ton Have Alwayg Bought, and ■which lias been tn nse for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tlds. All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nitrcptla substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It eurcs Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS DOES ITS WORK AT CHRISTMAS TIME No Spasmodic Philanthropy, No Publicity—Just Timely Aid. Nothing la being uld about It, bnt the A* sodated Charities Is playing a big part In this happiness-distributing business at this tlin** of the year. In fu<'t, (hut is what the Associated Charities Is doing all tho year round, bnt the recipients are happier than ever when they are helped at this particular time. The Associated Charities Is not planning any Christmas trees for the poor or any wholesale distribution of dinners. Their work Is of a different nature. Maybe hap- plness and good cheer will be placed In a home where there was nothing hut deaola- tlon before, and yet the Associated Chari ties will not even furnish a crust of bread. This sounds strauge, doesn't It? Seems as good cheer could be placed In a home ft a good Christmas dlnnor was not the ,j helot = . does not mesn that there are hundreds ng worked overtime. | The Kind You Have Always BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. TH* OtNTAOWCOMFAHV, MUMJtAY •YRECT, NCW VOSS CITY. TOM WFAVEE TAILOR WITH REPUTATION ; :93 Peachtree Street, 7 Atlanta.' r TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS FOR SALE We have between five and six thousand 10-inch diso records for Victor and Columbia Talking Machines. Records consist of Imperial, Century, Concert, Columbia and Victor. We also have about twenty Talking Machines and desire to close out our entire etock of Talking Machines and Records, as It Is our purpose to dlecontlnue handling time. A bargain to spot cash buyers. Come quick. We are closing them out it one-half the regular price. THE WALKER COMPANY, I 103 SOUTH FORSYTH STREET, CITY. WHY NOT HELP BOYS’ CLUB? YOU’LL FIND IT. GOOD WAY TO ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS Wint to do *ome real, effective good? A way Ilea before anyone with the will tad the raeana—and It doea not take any great Mg amount of money at that. Plenty of people Juat long to help bring Chrlatmaa cheer to some one, hut don’t know how to go about It. Bare Ilea tho way: Atlanta hat a Boya* Clnb. It baa gath< •fed Into It the lonely Ifttlo fellowa who hare to get out and buatle for themselvea. Boyi you aeo standing around the corner la the afternoon In the drenching down- pear or the whistling wind, offering you the afternoon paper. He doesn't do that for fuu. It la bta weml ami meat and clothes and lodging. The Roys' Club la holding out a helping ha&d to that kind of a hoy. It la providing i. place where he can be warm, where good ttadlag and aane amusements are provided, ft riTes him the hearty cheer of stimulating ■la ambition, nnd smoothing In every way g*»jje the rough places for bis weary 4lt* K A Christmas- treo and party Is being anod for these boya. It will give them >e of the warmth and glow* and delights J®at you give your own little ones. It will [*nag a ileepcr significance to the day for thait brave little chap*. if you really want to do good and give yeorielf a happy Christmas send ornugea,' apples, candles, nnta, anything that will cheer a boy’a heart, to Mr. Dorr, 19 Trinity avenue, and it will be gratefully acknowl edged. If yon have Any good books or magazines they will help tbd club wonderfully. Yon have many old ones throwing around the house. It would bo mighty eaay to send them whore real results would be had. The boys like particularly Puck, Judge, Life nnd other lllnstrnted papers. W. O. Foote, who la ono of the most en thusiastic friends of the club. Is going to give the seven boys making the l*ft record for Iteccmber an automobile ride and a supper. You can Imagine the fltiv rivalry that sort of stimulus begets. If you don't renllxe wbst a really bonder, fnl work la being done for these lads, with the small means at hnnd, It would not be much trouble, to make u (teraoual, investlt gatlon. And In the doing of It a staunch friend Is assured for tho club. Husband's Testimonial. A Burnmn witness, looking In the prime of condition, deposed quite complacently In n criminal case that he had no occupation: "My wife, n good, careful nnd hnrd-worklng woman, supports me,” he added.—Calcutta Statesman. suit of the Associated Charities’ work, few of these cases might bo mentioned Just to show what good work Is being accom plished. A Christmas Problem, First, there was tho case of that hard working, pretty and proud girl who was burdened with a drunken father nnd some little slaters and brothers. The father la a good carpenter and when ho works he works hard and earna good money. Who ever thought ho would atop working and get drunk Just before Chrlatmaa? It was so un- ted. All thO Christmas plana of this girl were opart.-r What little money »en saved for this ono day of the year bad gone to thp barroom rent came due. Enough money the purse to pay this and bavo moro re maining.* When the Associated Charities was called In father was' null “ was “ pstd led in father was'etUl drunk and til furntt it also fonnd tho fsmtly ... llculons. Tag Associated Charities also found tho fsi was about, to bo put out of the housfw This'made, a different problem. Father * * * * in the care of tho * had to bo | i Inebriate ho given It branch of the. Associated Charities to get up ami doctored and treated; an- onae hid to be found and tho rent either paid or guaranteed and a fow bur den* had to be lifted from the pretty da ' irking in a dry goods store. Th w retting In better shape where t was nothing hut desolation and mavbo father,will bo In shape to go to work hereto Now Eye for a Boy. Then there was the case of tho small boy | with only one eye. His mother had been, deserted by hJs father. Bhe wanted to go to-Oklahoma to the homo of her father-1 In-law. She used to have two children when her husband left her wlthont a cent. She went out to work and left her two l boys with strangers. Ono of them died nnd the doctor said the child died becaoae I the strangers bud mistreated him. That * She would I — , other bo; She wonld not leave him. bnt would go 1 Oklahoma. Bhe didn’t have any money, I and her only son was about to go blind. It was up to tbc Associated Charities. When this organization was called In the mother was ill In bed with nobody bnt the | nearly blind boy to look after nei ■■nine eye. Then h, conM go to school. I fiswtt&tj&Xiii iswihi't'r can see well eunuch to go to school bo 1, I working If on office hoy, In tbe meantime li rorre.pon4enoe be, been opened with tbe I father-in-law In Oklahoma to eee If bo will receive bis son’, wife. If be will slie end her bov will he sent • there. Christmas wonld nave been n e»d day In tbl, home II [hut for tbe Associated Cbnrltlee. | Presented Widow, | Another home that will have a better K^rlatmas been use of the Associated Chari ties I, the one where tbe wife and all chil dren Were about to be put out of their house became the husband la tn Jail and ran not Support them. Tbe Associated Char ities best the bailiff to tbe boms and saved the mother nnd ala children from helm; thrown Into tho street. Two of tbs chil dren were working, hut there was not enough to keen things colnr. It wonld have been a bad Chrlatmaa wlthont a borne. In the streets, while busband and father was In JaU. ;8o the rent had to bo arranxed for nnd immediate wnntn nutlnfled. Ja' ‘ had to ho secured for the sick shoos bought for the children wh' ....... ... lave ..attended nebool but wbo couldn't go n their bare foot ■ - Tow this family feels better and mother a children are hoping now that father || not be kept In Jail too long. They will have n Christmas much better than I they evpeeted, and are I • • tho list And so I ' e this, t la not a rase< There are dosens | pasmodfr pli who becomo Christmas time. wTu not tie. May Help in Seer-aL Bnt those like helplm •o through r WHY NOT REMEMBER EVERYBODY? Here Are a Few Suggestions The Universal Coffee Perco lator la the perfection of th, drip prootaa. It excels all other ways of making:, coffee be cause the percolating process 1, practically completed before the water bolls. Coffee made In It la easily known by Its de licious aroma. Its fine flavor, the abeence of tbe bitter taste caused by boiling:, and by the en joyment with which those can drink It who can not drink coffeo made In any other way. \ * * u y —— ijlfV ;'p-- r niece Carver COMMUNITY SILVER. Regular $10.00 O-plBC€ VgdrVCf Special, $7.50. Guaranteed 25 Years Thousands of Clocks Eileen Alarjn Clock, $1 value; special.. 75c Alert Alarm Clock, $1.25 value; special $1.00 Waterbary Spasmodic Alarm $1.50 F. W. Alarm Clock ' $1.00 Rattler Traveling Alarm Clock $1.50 Wasp Traveling Alarm Clock. .$1.60 Traveling Clocks, in leather case $2.00 Traveling'Clocks, in leather ease.,..,.$1.70 Porcelain Clocks, in different de signs, each....... 25-EL Gold-plated Clocks, each $1.50 to $15.00 Enamel Mantel Clocks— OOo 1.85 / 50 Gilt Clock, $1.50 value; special.....,,, Musical Alarm Cl(/Ok, $3.60 regularly; now $2.: Mission Clock—8-day $2. Enamel Iron Mantel Clocks, 8-day. each $8.00 to $15.00 Mission-Wall Clocks—Beauties, at, each $&00 Handsome Bronze Mantel Clocks $25 value ...$18.00 J Wood Kitchen Clocks, $3 value; special $2J50 Ingersoll Dollar Watch; stem wind and set {.guaranteed one year.... .fLOO Leno, 8-day . $4.50 Ingersoll Midget $2.00 Sterling, 8-day... $6.00 Ingersoll Midget, gold-filled... $5.00 Dandy, 8-day Thin Model Gun Metal "Watch; Colonial, 8-day .. ......... $5.50 $5 valuo; special ......... $310 Alabama, 8-day .. $7.00 Desk Watoh Hanover, 8-day... $0.50 Remember, Our Special CUT CLASS SALE s is Still On and Will Continue All This Week Beg. Price. Cut Price, Punch Bowl... 150.00 Punch Cups, each... ... ... ... 1.00 Vase 30.00 Vase 25.00 Vase 33,50 Vase g.oo Vase 14.00 Vase 15.00 Vase 12.00 Vase 8.75 Vaee 3.50 Vase.. 7.00 Gravy Boat. 0.00 Butter Dish 8.75 Ice Tub. ... ... ... ... ... 8.50 Puff Box - 7.50 Tumblers 1.00 Tumblers 00 Tumblers 75 Pitchers 6.60 Pitchers.. .. 7.60 Pitchers 10.50 Pitchers .. ... ... 12.00 Berry Bowls 4.60 - The Cut Glass Sale is on only i at 53 Peachtree Chafing Dishes KING HARDWARE CO. 87 Whitehall 53' Peachtree St. St. it thoee people wbo feel t little mere things ren be delivered. Yon can put helping et thl« time of the year can do esnl In with the thlngi, and walls — ..trough the Aasoelnted Charities. If yon poor people who receive them will know want to blow yourself for a turkey dinner wbo aent their Christmas present you will or toye or something else, tho Aisoclated never know to whom they were eent. Lots of people helped by the Aseoclated Chari- I lies wonld resent e stranger sendlpc them I thing! to eat on Christmas. That's the raa- nn DflDTCn /M « son the officials of the Associated Charities UKi r Util till an Old j;,; 01 b '' tn,jr th v ' e th ' lr c "' .. to I Hundred* there are who will be thankful Railroad Surgeon, spent several years of study and experi- Although the Viennese shop wi I are generally considered to be the most artistically arranged of any capital tn Europe, the tradesmen complain of the mpnf in CXPftlnCY nn Increasing difficulty they experience In 111CUL 111 gCLLlIJg UJ^ getting flret-clase artists for this work. i.L„ A special window dressing school 1, tne preparation | now to be established, saye Th, Lon don Globe, tn which young men and women may obtain a thorough tech nical training tn this branch of shop keeping. Canine Opium Smugglers. Customs officers have recently un- known as Of. PoltCl’S Antiseptic Healing Oil, ■ ... ; .. ..„ I earthed one of the most clever methods wnicn IS coming Of smuggling opium and silks Into tho . r . . 0 II rntted States from across ths Interna- ,nfn liniumo 1 icA tlonal boundary line yet discovered, llllU UUlVCladl LloC |, aT1 Th , Chicago Inter-Ocean. The as the most conve nient and efficient app able for wounds, burns, sores and skin diseases, whether slight or serious. It is a scientific combina tion of medicinal qualities, which relieves pain, antiseptically j SmltR *was i found*at t the l shack Jeanses and rapidly heals all ifijtireld or diseased parts. It |ias become a sort of “HOUSfillOlll Slirg80n» n All druggists sell it. 25c 1 STOCKADE AND TOWER XMAS MARKED BY GOOD DINNER Fresh pork sausage, ribs, backbone, feast, eighteen big, fat hogs will be ‘killed at the stockade within the next few days. Just as soon as tho weather Is cool enough to permit. These pork heavyweights have been In pens fat tening for some time now. and It Is an nounced they are ready for the slaugh- ete., .with sweet' potatoes, and a few other delicacies on the side. This Is the menu that will be pre pared to bring the season's cheer to the hearts and a smile of satisfaction to the faces of the big gang of convicts In the city stockade on Christmas day. Commissioner of Public Works Collier and his corps of assistants have deter mined to give tho convicts a merry Christmas, as much so as possible un der the circumstances, nnd In doing so will appcsil to their appetites. In order to supply this sumptuoqs says The Chicago Inter-Ocean. The smugglers, who were heeded by Thorn es Bmlth, now tn custody, used trained dogs to carry on their business. The first Inkling that came to the of- . fleers that the dogs were being used 1 „L|.„In to carry contraband goods from Cana- lication ODtain- da was when Officer Lane, of the Bell ingham station, shot a dog which ho raw running through thick timber near lllalne. Wash. The dog was loaded down with an enormous leather sad dle In which were found three pounds of opium and a package of rich silk. Three days later customs officers trailed three other pack saddle doge to ef Blaine. '■ end ar- HEADACHE "hr t»lksvksg been a ssff.rsr from slekk.s-tuk, tor Ul lul Wasu-flfi ,..r» sad asv.r bill asf r-lt.f skill hs bt,an Mil ng jo.r CurartM. Start iikubwn tab Ins Cuetr.ll ba ban narar bt4 lb, httdscbt. Tfcef bare asllral CaiearaM 4a wbal ,oa rtenmuasd I ter. So work will be done by the convicts on Christmas, further than the work of necessity about the big prison, and they will have opportunity to reet and eat to their hearts' contest. There are now about *25 prisoners tn the stockade, and It Is expected this number will be considerably Increased before Christmas. Christmas at the Tower. The prisoners In the Tower will also enjoy a Christmas feast. Jailer Fain announces that a special dinner will be prepared, but says the exact nature of the menu has not yet been determined. "We have not yet decided on ■ the menu," eald> Jailer Fain, “but It will be something good. We are going to have a Christmas dinner that will be thor oughly enjoyed by the prisoners. We want to bring Just as much cheer into the prison as possible." It Is also probable that religious services will be held In the Tower In the afternoon of Christmas day. Recorder Broyles announces that tbsre will be no session of police court on Christmas. Two’ sessions of court will be held on Christmas eve, as uiusl, and the court will then be adjourned until the day following Christmas. Passengers arriving at Terminal Station and spend ing a night in Atlanta will save time and trouble .by stopping at Hotel Marion Annex, 67 Mitchell St. Half block from station. Euro pean. Dabney Scoville, pro prietor. Also proprietor of Hotel Marion, N. Pryor. American plan. Rates, $2 per day; with bath, $2.60 and $3.00. HOTEL PIERREPONT ABSOLUTELY FIRgPBOOF. 43, 46, 47 W«at 32d St. One Door from Broadway. NEW YORK CITY A anperior, perfectly appointed hotel, ap pealing especially to peoplo of refinement. Eurepcsn Plan. Room with bath, $2.50. fS.00 and $4.00. Parlor bedroom and bath. $0.00 and $8.00. Two Bedroom*. Parlor and Bath. $t $7, A $$. HARRY L. BROWN, Of Hotel Victoria, Boston and Ialeaboro Inn DR. E. E. BRAGG, OSTEOPATH and PHYSICIAN and 8UBGZ0N. . ^ Health ■tattatlm of the German fleet Indl- Office 324-25 Century Buildin* ANNUL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES bla’cvtuea S?xt * ttou - Hours: 9 to 5-Bell PW