Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 20, 1907, Image 6

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. I-KIDAY, DECEMBER ». TRAIN LOAD OF LUNATICS ON WAY TOBINGHAMTON,N. Y. New York, Dec. 20.—Speeding toward Binghamton today ts Of solid train "6% five cars on the Lackawanna rallroatj. earning 250 passenger*. and evfery pai- eenger a lunatic. Thla train, the most remarkable that was ever lent over a Lackawanna road, waa made un at IJo- boken especially to take the -50 men and women, all chronically insane, from Xew York, where they ha<^ heart con fined on Wards Island, to the Insane Jtlier passengers In the crowded Lnenkawanna station hardly knew that the 250 men and women they saw filing Into the train were all Insane, some of them offllcted with homicldai mania. Btit there was no demonstration on thb part of any of the patients, and all trere quietly seated in the train, which pulled out shortly afterwards. Among the patients were eight Japanese and seven negroes. ItNmiHMtMHIHIIHHl Lz IftMIMUIMI HtHMIMHMIMHIMHSMW THE THEATERS 1 representative people, who enjoy n farce set to inttalc. ■nlercoer, familiar with the Rovt will question the verdict of the AMUSEMENTS. •The 0rent "Sif New TUB GRAND—Frldsy rilfht, Divide.” Tin: BIJOU—Friday night, York.** ' * TIIE OltPIIRUM—Friday matinee amt night, h!gb-cli»a rand Spile. “The Great Divide.' The attraction for Friday. Safprday after noon and evening at the (Jfand will be ”Tj>e Great Divide.” The • Ledger-Dispatch, of ✓Norfolk. Va., said of a recent performance: “If every aeet In the- Arenemy of Music la not occupied at the pefformtncca this afternoon and tnulglA. “The Greet Divide” will not hare the aottlerice'It jlestrvrt. A ;:x »«*n r„ r BSHSiWfJB jiraJsM tsk £ ■ urtatn calls ntlhe eiSl of eacbSet jftfafWd th* deep Interett In 1 the play and the espit- hie manner In whleh It waa presented. tee- ter Lnnerasn. ns I'tophen (theft. and »|le» Adelsld Nowak, as H«1h Jor.lsn did the greatest part of llie work, null the charac ters they port ray i-d could not hire Mile Into more aide tmnda. The aupimrflnit eon ,>snr was hotter than the average. and us roily Jordan. Mis. I-ollta, IlohorHon whs pnrtlotilsrly charming. Pleas* wltlf life herself and always trying to make other* happy. Miss Iloherlson made herwlf * fa. Torlte with the audience.” At 'the Bijou. Sixteen musleal uumliera lake up a part ■ of the time allowed "Gay New York" for euterlalnlng purposes at the Bijou. These nuaihers are of eiceptlonn! merit and ex cellently handled. They ore original tunes, anil the lyrics nre the plonslng sort thnt would Impress with any sort of mush-. • Gay Sew York” Is playing lo the nvernge Mg attendance at the noliualt theater, and the audiences are mail* 'up of thoroughly _j frill-creator In the long list or .’he gifted nnllior's elforU In thnt direction. Its story klmlly satirises e folly and points a morel' thru the most ludicrous sltunitooa and a Wax* of quaint concelta nnd humorous dialogue. V Brindamour at the Grpheum.’ Brlndnm’our'lhc handenff king, added new laurels' to hr* others Wednesday night at the Orpbeum ky eseuplng from a straight Jacket furnished by ihe slate asylum at Mllledgevllle, anil Thursday night he was MM securely III a l.lg paper Img and the knots sealiM. (Is emerged nnd produced the J.lg ling Will! Ihe aeal unbroken. He does'itow stunts at every performance The Mil for the week Is proving one of the heat all round offerings of tlm season, and the rule 'niliiilttlng children free to the nratlasea If-aeeontpauli-il by grown persons with jmlir tickets .will he the rnle during the Christ mi* 7 holidays. There la hardly a child In school who will not take ndvan- tage of II. Little Johnstone McKnchron, one of the beat known youthful entertalnera In Atlanta, will nppear Friday night at the Orpheqtn as a contestant for a prise In the amateur night contest. A number of otli'er umntcurs urq booked for apeclaltiea. ' ‘ Chriatmag at Grand. The attraefhm ar the Grand for two nlghta. heglnnlng Wednesday (Christmas) matinee, will he Emma t'nma In Klaw Sc Erlunger'a produrtlon of George M. Cohan'a mnale ploy, "Forty-live Minutes From Broadway. The entertainment la a novelty and quite original from the fact that the nuthor ha* very cleverly Interwoven Into It comedy, drama, melodrama, musical comedy and farce. ... HI WIT ENTER KH MM Changp in Line-up For Com ing Election Is Shown. •T bare derided positively not to moke the race for the mayoralty this time.” 8o stated Courtlaml 8. Wlun, who has boon prominently mentioned • candidate, Friday. “I appreciate fully the interest that has been evfhcpd by tny friend*, and tho offers of nuppoft from *o many good people, nnd I fegWtMnflt business aud professional rea sons make ft Insdvlaable that I should run.” Tfte • A noli need omulWnte* nre Tom Good win and 11. II. rabanlst. F. A. Quilllnn has stated that lie would run '‘from present IndiestIona." and (t may bo depended upon thoroughly that he will be n cnndldate. James 1.. Key nnd James G. Woodward probable candidates. Jt I* not Improbable that Dr. T. . . laoniino, who Is now serving In munril from the Seventh wltrd, will also be n caiidldftto far mayor. LETTERS TO SANTA FILL POSTOFFICE Letters that are pathetic apd which ejiow Implicit follb In Sapta Claus and the belief that he will not pose by the homes of the poor are being received In large numbers by Postmaster Blodgett and under the Inatrtictlona Issued from Washington, are being held to be dis tributed to charity .urganlfntlona. So far Postmaster Blodgett has not re ceived any requests for these letter*, but It Is probable that th,y will be turned over to the Associated Chari-, ties, the Salvation Army nnd other charitable organisations. Many are the addresses which the children ft|ve $apt» Claus. The most popular addreia la North- Pole, nltho a few of them are addressed to Snow- towp. One bears the name of "Hon. Santa Claus. c wondeflina. nnd still another place* the abode of the klnd- looklng old gentleman In the "Ice Pal- Tn couree. most of the letter! come UNITED BRETHREN T( Bishop Carter Discusses Work of Church in v the South. been such a frequent vleltor in the past, nnd many express the.hope that he will he able to And the house this year. SRINGLE MILLS ORGANIZED WITH $250,000 CAPITAL — ■ Aabburn. Ga., Dec. 20.—Alburn t* to have • Itof hear large* mn mifa<-1 nriiit* (slant f<> |«> PREFERS JAIL CELL TO CINCINNATI There la a irblte woman in »b«* Tower, who, alt ho freedom In offered to her nud •hr coubl leav* the prtaun at opy time *be -'.rrit.w. rriyw* abaalnteiy to budge from l< r «'e-il. * ’ Thi* remarkable prisoner 1* Mrs, Isadora Htrjkv. tIif* Uushlun woman who a abort tiino ilco threatened to throw n bomb Into S otssr. |:m» Uk was arraigned liefnre Beeorder tin.ties It drvelopwl that she had attacked another woman and ah* waa hound oarer for assault and lottery In (Me bend. Judge Calhoun of |he dty criminal court, later] her to aerre six months In jail. Tho she ha* served bet a few day* of .hi. ^r:AcS'7£ti*\\ ns l-'crlv worn la bi The ■wwaf , - . to her former home In ' i ring I •mpAtriota -tearti ' J .lg. «*a!L- ha?InTornied the priaoner that if ehe will agree to return to Clneio- natl. ho will at doe# go before the portion board or the governor and have her re- trnn ' Immediately. In addition to tMa offer, aeftral of the It dm lan Jews • • M - >tryke In Jail nod bar# ***** 'o .pay at! of her espenaea to tbv . begging her to leave Atlanta. BISHOP T. C. CARTER, D.D., LLD. He in now In Atlanta nnd engag ed in work for his denomination in the South. Rev. K. D. llarton. of Virginia, baa been Invited to accept tho paatorntc of the United Brethren epureb, tho First church of Atfitiita, and^wlll fake tip hi* new work on tho. second Sunday In January. Be will have two naalatant pnatora. Rev. I* G. No lan and Rev. George L. Hickman, nnd two deacotieaae* will alto gfalat him In work In Atlanta. — Rlihop T- C*. Cnrter, D. D., I.L.D.. la now In Atlanta and will dellvar a ('briatmoa *er mon Nunday afternoon at S: 10 o’clock in the church at Hoiith l*ryor and Vaaagr-ata. Mo talked of the wofk of his church In the South, faying l *‘A training acboo) at Inglealde. Ruby Mcncbnni Academy, ia doing a noble work under ttie direction of Urofeaabr Thomaa II. Meacbnm. U ha* nn industrial department, and orratigcmcnta have been fggri with rofeaaor G. M- M»vl», the wl<|e-awaka lee-; juror on agricultural amtjeet*. to ylllt the school and deliver u n addri-aavUt an early day. ”Tbe l4ike Magdalene Trainjpg School, located tlx mjfct TTprii Tampa.- Fla., ft BP other IntUtullSp ro«fenlly * MaldUheq by the Georgia Conference of the United Brethren church'* The atudfnta of thla K hcU«hi| will cultivate an orange grove nud e attention- to acieotltlc true if fkrtnlng. e literary depfrRneof In under fbu.dlm** ‘ i the education of liojrn In mechanical J aatneaa training.’ ”At thla hcnnvlful lake.” wya BtiliOP Hr, *‘wc have ckttihnshed a winter CL tttii|un^ and In January of next*year will occur the opening of tult delightful (trim- bly and Bible achool.” TO MAKEREDUOT-ION IN LABOR WAGES gpeHsI to The Georgian. ■ Albany, Go-, Deo. 20.—Every ehort line railroad In Georgia was repreeent- el it > conference of official* held behind closed doors at the Now Al bany Hotel yesterday afternoon. The mileage represented waa 25 per cent of the total tn Georgia. The Georgia Short Line Association perfected temporary organisation-last spring and thin-organisation was made permanent yesterday. J. W. Oglesby, of Quitman, president of the South Georgia railway, was elected president. After the meeting Mr. Oglesby sold: "Today** meeting waa for the purpose of discussing ways and means of meeting present depressed business condition. It waa agreed to make a g eneral reduction In the wages of la- or, and this will be made effective January L PistjfKhYely for Every Man Likes Fine Things to Shave With. Not the sort of Shaving things that look nice only. Not the sort that hava al| their attractiveness In a fancy handle or a sllk-llned case, but fine In the quality'and ability to execute the work they’re meant for. Shavers’ Sets. Shaving Mirrors, Razor Strops, Star Safety Razors, Lather Brushes, Shaving Soap, Shaving Mugs. shaving stick; all In neat seal case, specially priced for 5.75 Shaving Mugs—Decorated China Shaving Mugs. Regular prices 50c and *5c. Special at 25 cents * Bath Robes. Men's Bath Robes—new designs In pinks artd blues and tans. Full lib eral robes with deep sailor collars anil full sleeves. Tied at neck and wlalst with cord and tnssel. 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 Boys' Bath Robes, ' 2.60 to 4.00 f / For His Desk. Inkwells—Inkwells In the most magnificent array that has ever been brought to Atlanta. Many of these are Imported! ' 1 If he has any sort or a tad yoq'l) find an Inkwell that matches It. Horses, hunting, boating, tennis,' golf, dogs, and the like,' and they are in as many materials. Special Ipkwell Sale. A double Inkwell with crystal wells with hinged polished brass tops; mounted upon an onyx -base. Between the wells la a bronze figure typical of some one of the arts or crafts. Regular pride 3.00 ' ' At 1.49 . ; Mirrors. Double leij* shaving Mirror with cashel back that can be used, as handle, 1-Inch lenses .a 12.25 Single lens 11.20 Other shaving sets of mirror, dish and brush at 20e and.. : 59c Shaving mirrors mounted In nlckel-'plated .frame* on swing standard* French bevel plate, oblong, oval and diamond shape $1.50 and |1.75 Single lens 5-Inch bevel Plate mirrors, wltji lather cup and lather r ^ Shaving Strops. Howard's awing "271" Strop leather and canvas Inlaid felt grip (125 Ruben's'Horse tall nnd canvas Swing strop' 7Jo Ruben's full Rusaln leather swing Strop ...... 85c Ruben's cordovan and Oaflvas Swing Strop 400 Brushes.. Full bqdger hair brushes, set In aolld wood, Irish horn and Ivory handles. 75e t" ... V -. ' (2.50 Travelers' telescope shaving brushes In German nickel case, full badger hair brush and shaving a(|ck . (1,00 Real hog bristle shaving brushes, set In hardwood, ebony, mahogany, fox- wood and horn settings, 25c to (1.25 Cigar and Cigarette Cases. In these same designs; also fro,n llcnckle: An Innovatlon’for the smoker: Cigar and Cigarette Boxes in cedar, hound with nickel plate; all Imported novelties (2-49, (2.89 nnd (3.89 Dove* sell n r„1, ml tl<t*L H.nli.1 olwnHetee Im h. • S W..w — JL a _ „ — Henckle's Cigarette Boxes, nil nickel, with wort) cigarette In cut-out brnai 1.97 across top J $4.29 Wl|h combination lock (3.9 Henckle'a Cigarette Boxes In red cedar, bound with nickel plate and plc- turc (op under-glass of hunting scenes. (4.39 in — Distinctively For German Stationery Reduced Half in Price. Every woman loves dainty, unique new stationery. This Half-Price Sale of.German'hand-made Stationery is the happiest opportunity for buying Christma» present* lhat we have ever known of. The lilglf Character of the xood«. the very low prices and the absolute correctness and appropriateness of It as a'gift combine lo make It so.- ' r *-■■■:f -t hw r.t From l-qulre boxes to'cablnets w|th paper, Invitation, visiting and regret cards. With a complete lot of slzes'ln envelopes to match. • " Ladies’ Bath Itobes. Ladles' Bath Robes In dajnty shades' of pink and blue, tan and green figured Terry cloth and Turkish Crash, ranging In prices from ‘ 4.00 tp'5.Q0 Children's Bath Robes In Crash. 2.50 to 4.Q0 Toilet Waters. Toilet water* Ip holiday packages. Ideal.for n lad}-^ toilet table. Hudnut's Violet Sec Toilet YVaier In hoolfday packages, . 75 cents Roger & Gallet'a Violet de Parpie Toilet }Vafer. 78 cents. | * Eager & qqllet's yiolet de Parme Extracf, ; 78 cents. Jacobs' Extracts In bulk, In al Ithe odtr*. Perfumes of marvelous superior!- The following are some'of the leading odors: Apple Blossom. Carnation, Jockey Club. Peau (TEspagne, Y’lolet deParme, Whlra'tllac, YVodd V|olet, Heli otrope, Opoponax, Stephanotis, White Heliotrope', White Rose, Y'iang Y'lang. In Bulk, 50c Ounce. Jacobs' Extract* In Christmas Gift packages. Square bottle with glass stoppers In embossed box. fancy, | Half ounce, 25c; one ounce, 50c; two ounces, 76c Violet.'Hello; White Rise', Carnation Pink, Peau di Espa^fiV'and JeaVamlnt. iy, dlatlncttvenesa kn'd fetentlvihedk. 1 * ■' T 4kcoh»’ Violet WateT—It W a’ tollef water of very delicate otjor an<J lasting quality. ‘ ing |n ptfee' ui .. iUs'a a f<jnet"water, cojogne! r |» Hol%y G!ft’h°!M*». ™ng- upward from * 25c, 50c, 1.00 Jacobs’ old-fashion Golden Bell Cologune. In Ifqllday Gift bottlea, rang ing price upwards from . \ 75 cent? Hair Receivers Reduped. Hair Receivers In very dainty design* of Japanese wafj. 9fguU r prjca • ,,p "HR«t Cut Glass. Every woman lovea cut glass—cut glass of tlv present*’ some new surpriae Jome new <jelj|^(1t) ® The range of patterns, creations and designs Is top vast to admit , aJs ib'JK wwffi Wm Germ^ Silver Toilet Set. hown tn the cut. Done In Erench gray rror Is heavy French bevel plate. The pad white bristles:' The comb in imlta- German Sliver Toilet Sets ns si In rose ahd poppy design. The mlr: brush hiis tpe finest quality of black tiorr shell with German silver back. Special Hofiday Price, ^5.49. Henckle Jewel Boxes. Jewel Boxes in all nickel Plato, gun metal, with picture top, as shown In the Illustration; (2.89. (2.93, (3.49, $429, $5.83. And Things Everybody Appreciates Bath Thermometers. NoVelty Thermometers. An Indoor or outdoor Thermomoter Will make an acceptable gift. Roth sort* are here In the Jacobs stock In all the standard makes. There' are plain outdoor thermome ters from - - 25c up 25c up And novelty Thermometers at a w|de range of prices. Thermometers, mounted on onyx col- uniri, with bronze eagle cap, $3.23 Thermometer, mounted on bronze standard, $1.29 and $2.73 Thermometers and Barometers, mounted on polished mahogany, carved panel, v $5.98 Thermometer and Barometer, mount ed on mahogany, shelf p3pel, with bronze baa-reller head. $7.87 Thermometer, Barometer and Clock. $8.87 Bronzes. • Candlestick* of Unique Deeign—Ger man copper, a kneeling figure of a woman. A typical example of th* beau tiful bronze goods In tne art goods stock. • t’andleatlcka In other unique designs; nud* ang di-aped figures, at $4.87 Desk Sets, Inkwells, Ash Trays, Smokers' Sets, ranging In price from $2.49 to $7.29 Do You Burn Wood? New creations In Burnt Wood Blanks. White wood (printed with .designs ready to bo burned!, combined with Imitation stag horn and oxidized cop per. Napldh Rings. Powder Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Tobacco Jars. Boxes, Hall Mir rors, with stag antlers; Desk Sets, Pic. ture Frames, and many more new nov elties. 16c to $4.50 ■v . Bronze Statues at Half. Bronze Statues of famous French Sculptor* and Modelers. Statues sym bolic of many crafts and arts and sciences. Figures' 18 Inches high, mounted on Imitation marbte base. Regular price w : aa $2.75, Reduced to $1.49 Paper Knife Special. Fancy celluloid paper knives, Imported French designs, In unique creations. Regular price Vas $1 and $1.25, Special 50c Fruit Dishes Reduced- Bohemian Glass Fruit, Caice and Nut Dlahe* upon bronze figure standards; 12-ln^h dishes In Iridescent glass, crimped glass. Regular price was 12. Reduced to $1.49 Liqueur Sets All Reduced 25 ** Per Cent. Bohemian and Y’eqetlaq gjass and •fi ver llqueHr'sets,'brandy and black cof fee set*; whisky set*", cordial sets, all reduced 25 per cent. > Test Tubes. G!a*a teat tubes for making hat pin holders. 5c Sale of Steins. All Steins In blue and gray pottery; In fancy colored designs, wl|h Ger man toasts and In hand-decoratad Bo hemian gloss, with pewter tORJ— All at 25 per cent reduction. Picture Frame Special. Modeled brass and polished mahogany picture frames; two styles; two alzea! 49c and 39c frames af .••••*•* JACOBS' PHARMACY