Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, November 30, 1911, Image 1

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the weather. Fair Thursday night. with rising tem- ...ratures Friday. Temneratures Thurs. Say (taken at A. K. Hawkcs Co.’s store): « a - & 10 * m - 20; 1J n»on, 32, - P* n •» • °* * The Atlanta Georgian “Noshing Succeeds Lite—THE GEORGIAN AND NEWS '*Nothing Succeeds Like—THE GEORGIAN SPOT COTTON. Liverpool, steady; 5.13. Holiday In American markets. VOL. NO. 102. HOM E14TH) EDITION ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1911. HOME(4TH) EDITION price. BRUCE-BROWN IS WINNER OF GRAND PRIZE RACE •HI ■ VICTOR ■ ■ POPE BROWN TELLS ,CAROOULSRECEIVED LUTIETONWILLASK CVOMTIM W WHERE HE STANOS;RED HATS THURSDAY COMMITTEE PROBE . DUE CITY W.296 Straightforward Statement in'Scene of Pomp and Grandeur Sets N&w Speed Record His Interview Upon Return From Eastman Speaking. The Intrepid Millionaire Driver Steers His Machine to Vic tory Over Large Field. WORLD’S SPEED RECORDS Iddie Hearne, in a.Benz, Took Second Place and Mulford’s Lozier Was Third. STANDS ON HIS RECORD Beer People Supporting Joseph M. Brown, Whisky Men for Dick Russell, He Says. Marks Closing Ceremony of Consistory at Rome. POPE SAYS MASS FOR U. S. Declaring that those men who pro fess to bo prohibitionists but who Hall Crowded With Spectators as Berettas Were Conferred Upon Princes of Church. Rome, Nov. 30—Amid a scene of pomp and grandeur, Pope Plus X today. EDDIE H; HEARNE IN BENZ CAR. He pulled up from eighth place<to first in the Grahd Prize race at 8avennah Thursday and broka the world’* epeed record for 205 miles, av eraging 76.20 mi lee per hour. I nr Into a threc-minute lead over Wag- er’H Flat, which held second place. jiruce-Brown, In a Flat, was third, iulford was fourth. Hearne had driven . marvelous race, pulling up from Ighth place In the first lap to first n the fifth. This position he held GREETS ATLANTANS Mercury at 21 Above Ought to Mean Good Appetites -for Turkey and Fixings. TO BE THANKFUL! and Other Government Offi cials Point Out Progress. IT EQUALS FALL'S’RECORD By PERCY. H. WHITING. Savannah, Ga„ NoV. 30.—Bruea-’l Irown, in hit big Fiat, won the Grand f >riro race. Hearne, in a Benz, ran econd. Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 30.—Ralph Mul- nril. driving tho same oar which won he Vanderbilt racwaml tho only Amer- ,-nn niude car tliat has a chance to , in now, led tho field when he started n his twenty-third lap. At the end of the twenty-second lan Irueo-Brown, Hearne and Mulford all topped at the pits and tho crowd went' is*]. .Mulford, who came In for sup- ' lies, was away first; Bruco-Brown hanged two tiros and got away next; learne followed only a rouplo of sec- mis later. Bragg also stopped at tho amt time. The world’s speed record was again t hot to bits by Eddie Heame’s Benz i or the mat 205 miles of the grand prize. The average was 76 1-G miles an hour. Tho show down among the road rac ing automobiles of the world came to- I’av. .Sixteen special machines, tho ul- llmate- pick of the best In Europe and the United States, lined up on packed ; ravel of Savannah’s historic roadway this morning for Tho one big freu-for- II contest held.on the globe till, year. It was nn amazing collection of rac ing machines that purred and churned In frriht of tho starting tin*/' Savannah. Ga,. Nov. 30.—The world’s peed record was again shot to bits by •:<hUe Hcarne’s Ilenz for the first 203 nilfs of tho grand prize. The average ,al 761-5 miles an hour, fjcldle Hearne, of Chicago, driving a B. nz ear. was the leader In the grand rise race when the halfway mark of 03 miles was reached. Thanks to good a , two dates-marksi enlarged markets abroad aro what lek with his tires and by dint of cov- j the .weather for these .two dotes mnrK Prea|dpnt Taft cUed when why ring every lap but ono at <7 miles the coldest of the season. jtho nat i on should be thankful. He be- n hour or better, ho hnd driven his. But at 8 o’clock It was. 23. and tho t Fair and Warmer Is Forecast for Friday—Local Bureau Closed for Holiday. •Phew! It was’cold Thursday morning when Atlantans t poepdti # out; from bo-*: claim not to understand his position J In the hall of beatification of tho Vat- on tho liquor question are merely try- 1 lean, conferred red hats upon thirteen Ing to dodge tho question and are 1 new cardinals who are In Rome. Among hunting excuses to support one or the;them were Cardinals Kalconlo, Farley other opposition candidates for gov- nnd O’Connell, of tho United States, emor. J. Pope Brown, prohibition can- * ho wero elevated at the secret con- d,da«; ( on Thursday gave «t «■ to- -Worn* Ko-gjh ^ tervlew that Is right to the point. Colo- crftat|on of th * cardinal*, nel Brown returned to Atlanta on I Tho assemblage was thrown Into ■ . Thursday ufter speaking to a big I high excitement by an Incident that crowd at Eastman on Monday and »’J’ ur ” d **" , Po P« ? h " s ho I . ... I tnke his seat upon tho throne. As no |spending Tuesday and Wednesday in de „ C0ndei , from lh( , papa , cha ir. which Wants the Stanley Steel Inves- 1 Assessed Valuation of Public tigating Committee Aired Because of Its Attitude. Service Corporations Is $14,423,667. CRITICISES H. B. MARTIN . PAYMENTS IN DECEMBER Congress Will Be Thrown Into'Georgia Railway and Electric Dispute Early During the Coming Session. Washington, Nov, 30.—Tho warfare that has broken out between Reprc sentatlve Stanley and Martin W. Lit tleton over stopping or continuing tho investigation of the steel houso com mittee. started by Chairman Stanley, Into tho affairs of tho United States Steel Corporation, will be thrashed out on the floor of tho house, and It prom ises today to develop Into one of tho most heated controversies which has taken place in that body In recent years, Charges have been made on both sides, and Mr. Littleton ha* served no tlce that when the house meets next Monday he will rise to a question of b j personal privilege, and not only tako [the rural districts doing some quiet j *'as borne* by brilfiantly uniformed I his own case, but demand that tho | campaigning. - Here Is'what he has to Swiss guards, he fell, and was slightly i Stanley committee itself bo invest!- 8 ay about tho ■•prohibition dodger.:” ««*•„,f^t I ^Mr.’ Llttloton will probably uk that , 1 hav * no P atlenco w,th th " [ nw , f,Hped him takiTttie throne. The Henry B. Martin, secretary of the anti- . bitlonlst who claims not to understand ceremony then proceeded. 1 trust league, who has attacked tho In- ‘ my position on the liquor question; hej The conferring of-the red hats was' tegrity of the New York congressman, — , j makes a false claim. Tho beer people a public, ceremony and the hall wan { he called upon to substantiate tho | the y -ppottmrIJSSS* i’SSSTSfSSS' Who AT'MaA.n“ar«pU«.l by saying that Ppflftfripnt Taft ^npalfpr Plarlf m< ^“ th0y are s «J>P°rt* n S J Brown; j had t0 bo present were dlsap- he and his assistants are formulating ricolUclll I ally OJJcdMil ulai A the whisky people understand It—they .pointed. specific charges against Littleton which are supporting Russell. The man who I Before he left his private chapel this W M be filed with the house next week, claim, not to understand my positionj morning Pope Plus said a pontificalJ Mr. Littleton retorts that Martin is . 1. .),« man who want* to dodge an d ■ mnss (or the Increase ot the religious , inorcly the tool and the assistant of J is tne man wno want* to aoogs. ana t Jn the tInlted stntM . David Lamar, whom tho former de- : wants nn excuse to vote for some ono; Thc pompous ceremonial of today dares Is a stock operator and tnanlpu- I else. Of course, he can’t be satisfied. wa „ rao ,t brilliant of all that have ; tutor of bear raids In Wall— * und I shall not waste time In trying to thus far attended the creation of tho f tleton declares that he will be able to mi n n r- i * r n nnoenrniTV satisfy hint He is not onlv weak- I new prince* of the church. Carried out produce a mass of evidence that Lamar INCREASED PROSPERITY “Sf bdt m evld ently weak-mindedMy wlth «"• *“« the Roman Cath- , and Martin have been working hand In kneed, cut evidently wcaa minaea. «5 olla churt . h> th , a | n ve,tnre was a splen- , Hlove to Influence the stock market. , I poaltlon la perfectly satisfactory to all, d | d and impressing spectacle. The controversy threaten* to throw except tho whisky people, the beer peo- | The rardlnala-elect, before the core- | the membership, nf the house Into rival Rich Harvest. Industries Thriv- pie and the dodgers. Let the dodgers'mony, received a visit from Monsignor faction*, and already there 1, evidence * 1 divide between the beer and whisky , Blsletti, the ma ing, and Enlarged Markets Abroad Essential Points. ilivide between the beer and whisky Blsletti, the major domo of the Vatican., camp*. who gave each official notification that "They aay I did not support Berner, bis presence was deHlred in the hall of who, they say, ran on a prohibition beatification. Special instruction* ware’ platform. Their claim is false. Berner also given as to the style of dres* to did not run on a prohibition platform, be worn and other particular* Por* hut he 1* a prohibitionist and 1* *up- ; talning to the function, porting me. on- the. atuthp. }' Each of the new cardinals proceeded They nay I did not support Mr. to the vntienn In ft coach, accompanied Wllntflgtelv Nov.’* 30*-~lnci W —. T — r ~ - prosperity nnd tho beginning of an era! Guhrry. .My answer to-that l« »r thO».eBeM% , t nrnirresslon alone the lines of reor- Ouorry Is supporting mo. Why should bearers followed In other carriages, neath the Wickets ai 7 o'clock to «ee ^ n p jJXn m2at nefded In the uStod'!,tho dodgers kick? I The cardinals gathered first atj# the thermdrtiett>fVdt '21 degree«vabove: are wba t government off!- j “They claim that the 'Boynton bill, sfstltio chapel, where Pope Plus shortly zero. That was the • coldest notch C | al8 including President Taft, Speaker • was a straight prohibition bill nnd that j arrived from Ills quarters. In the sis- acemed 1 to Mndl'cnAoTovcn^cold'or 1 'tlmn .jfflwtiP".- ESf— “ d was not.,a prohibition, ^a.^aiconlo. d«n^jh* Amsfcan of alignment. The charges of both sides contain many recriminations of trust affilia tions. In addition, Littleton charges that Martin has betrayed secrets of the committee Into the hands of Mr. I,a- mar, and that they were used to in fluence the stock market. Company Must Remit the Sum of $90,565. As 1911 taxes from steam and elec tric railways, telephone and telegraph companies, electric light and power companies rtnd the gas company, th<> city of Atlanta will collect $180,296.o*i on an assessed valuation for these pub lic service corporations of $14,423,667. This is tho 121-3 mills rate the city Is authorized to collect on tho real and personal property. It does not include tho special Income and franchise taxen collected from the street railway, cloo- trlc light and telephone companies for the privilege of occupying tho streets of the city. The Georgia Railway and Electric Company, operating the street railway, electric light, «*lectrlc power and s*teatn heating systems, is charged with a fraction more than half tho $180,296.06, Its taxes amounting to $90,565.08. The Atlanta Gas Light Company, owned by tho samo Interests, is charged with $21,250, making a total for these in terests of $202,380.16. Telephone and Telegraph, The , Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Is charged with a tax of $14,475.75; tho Atlanta Tclophon.? and Telegraph Company with $4,186.46. tho American Telephone and Telegraph toon back of a national Thanksgiving this mark. \day. This Is.the same chilly degreo of tem-! a rich seasonal harvest, Industries perature reached on’November i 13; and ^thriving beyond domestic needs nnd tho^u evea that-tho country has been slg- xoept when tho Marmon disputed it with him In the seventh and eighth Ups. His time for the 205 68 miles was 162.11 minutes. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 30.—The su- >reme show down among the road rac- ng automobiles of the w'brld came to- cold .was twenty-threejng, for moder- nally favored, atlon hod-begun. Tho sun wu coming- In his Thanksgiving proclamation tho «... „„,1 n i mnq . president said: ’’Our national councils out’» and • gave^prpmlso of an-almost havo furthered tho causo of peace In Ideal Thanksgiving day—crisp • and 0 t beP j an ds, strong In n sense of our cool enough, to glvo spnrkle and zest own rights, and Inspired by a strong to healthy folk ■ abroad; dnd perhaps sense of tho rights of others, we live In it cou.d be called so ’’appetizing” bntnU Pe^and^armony wUh^the wor|d.” uf _ of weather. flclency of the necessities of life,” Is the It was holiday at the United States epigram with which Speaker Champ weather bureau,-but some of. the em- Clark summed up his reasons for the pldyees dropped In from force of habit, nation to bo thankful, and observed the reading,- The fore-1 James Wilson, secretary of ngrlcul- ... cast wired from Washington Is: ture, says rich harvests are tho hlgh- Slxtecn special machines, the ul- "Eulr and rising temperature Frl-1 est things to be nationally desired to Imate pick of the best In Europe ana day.” I bring forth the gratitude of a people. I he United States. lined up on packed -pimt means warmer weather, and tho He, too, secs prosperity In the future, ; ravel of Savannah's historic roadway nlpplng cold ls like nnjat nll-the other ami.the production of many things In ihls morning for the one big freo-for- chilly waves that sweep down on At- - ’ - - II contest held on the globe this year, junta—here today and gone tomorrow. It was an amazing collection of rnc-1 !ng machines that puffed and churned [In front of the starting line. machines enugged noisily to the start, grand prize car* ripped things wide Of the sixteen, representing eight but f 0 r, hours before that mechanlolans. open In the second lap, and cut out a ■lctoriei, eight were American cars and tiremen and assorted hangers-on hod 1 tcrrldc speed. Bragg, In the Flat, was Ight European. Of the foreign ma- been putting things to rights In the va-1 the leader, In 12:60 for the-lap. This hlnes, three were from Italy and nve j rious pits. When the machines, be- ! Is.-at the rate of about 80 miles an hour from Germany. The combined horse- Kan t 0 arr ive there was the usual Hope-’ a nd makes all world’s speed records nower of these machines reached 1,266. | Pfs confusion, the Inevitable* speed- i look like jokes. Bvery noted racing ear In Europe and lnpr of engines and the horrible-'reck -iti , Three Fists Lead dl but one In America were represent- nusullne smoke. At ,8:30 order -beganI . _ A ‘ , .... • -I In the Iti-1'1; and tbii-taen of the six- tl , CT „„ ,,,- the - onfuskm as Htait.-r 1 ,' r ' 1,1 ‘ 1 r een were .-m,ce.l.-.l to have a fighting Wagner ami his assistant. Frank Low- V .„ - hancc. The drivers who ’ competed r y f began to place the machines, and ^ w0 - three. As the cars were finishing vere no less notable than the cars. The exactly at 9 o’clock 11 began .tho count vlnners of both previous renewals of that was to start Louis Wagner and ibis contest, Louis Wagner, of France, ju, jrtnt away. With the winner of and David Bruce-Brown, of America, tho first grand prize safely off, behind ■‘part.- So did Victor Hemery, who; his long stroke, humpbacked Mtallan twice finished second, and Bob racing creation, Louis Dlsbrow and his lurman, who last year finished third. Pope-Hummer was whirled Into posl- Millionaire Driven Add Tings, > tlon and 30 seconds later he too was The presence of millionaires and away. Tho rest followed rapidly, but near-mllllonaires In tho race—David before Victor Hemery, the last man iruce-Brown, of New York; Eddie away, hod left the line, the Wagner ti; Spencer Wlshart, of New around the 17-mllo circuit. York, and L. A. Eergdoll. of Phlladol- j The numbers of the machines, tho hla—gave the affair an amateur tinge names and tho drivers In the order, In ihat has never been known before In a oad race of supremo Importance. The prizes are enough to entertain ven the rich—$4,000 and tho Grand “rise cup, worth $5,000, go to the win ter. The car that finishes second gets 2.000, and the third car $1,000. There are also }h.-w, m special prizes Ifered by tire, rim and accessory man ufacturers. The track, with its new $20,000 sur- «e, has been carefully Ironed out by •*d rollers and by the convict gangs, ad the damago done In Monday's aces has been repaired. Judged by he speed . In these races, It was four or ive miles per hour faster than last **r. A crowd estimated at 50,000 cncir- the track when the word was given ’r the start, and the number Increased '"adlly until’nearly noon. At start- "f time the official stands near the "me stretch were sparingly filled, and "Ports from around the circuit were "*t all the wlld-cat stands and all the ®ts of vantage were crowded. The weather was vastly colder than n ft which ever before greeted spec- ators at a Savannah grand prize. At '•ortse It was still but extremely cold: a breeze crept up which added [ the unpleasantness. They’re Off! ” Was 9 o'c| ■ k k-1. lit* road rsuug which they started are here given: 41. Flat, Louis Wagner. ' 42. Pope-Hummer, L. A. Dlsbrow. 43. Bulck-Hundred, Charlie Basle. 44. Abbott-Detrolt. L. A. .Mitchell. 45. Lozier. Ralph Mulford. 46. Marmon, Rob Uurmah. .47. Dens. Eddie H»»rn» . 48. Flat. David Bruce-Bijiwn. 49. Bulck-Hundred, Harry Cobe. 50. Abbott-Detrolt, Carl Jdmberg. 51. Marmon, Cyrus Patcake. 62. Benz, L. A. Bergdflll:- 53. Flat, Caleb Bragg. 64. Mercedes, Spencer Wlshart. 65. Mercedes, Ralph DePalma. 66. Benz, Victor Hemery. This race Is for frec-for-alhcars and the distance Is 411.36 miles, which the second lap a water main In tho Marmon pit broke, and threatened to Hood the track. It took their men and the fire department to stop tho flow of watef. When Wagner wa* finishing his third lap he stopped at the pits to change a tire, which coot him his third place. Bulck Jumps the Track, On Harry Cobe's third lap. Ills Bulck car went Into the ditch end dropped out of the race. Neither Cobe nor his mechanician, Albert Seranz, was hurt. The end of the third lap found the millionaire Flat drivers, Caleb Bragg and David Bruce-Brown, laying out In front handily and cutting out a speed of very nearly 80 miles an hour. By steady chasing, DePalma had worked his Mercedes Into third place, while Eddie Hearne, In his Benz, was fourth. The second piece of hard luck to the Flat team came at the end or the fourth lap, 4vhen Bruce-Brown had to go In the pits fora tire change and some work on the front axle. DePalma Take* Lead, Bragg also had a slow round of 16:34 and the Italian machines were elimi nated from prominent positions tempo rarily at least DePalma, in the car legislature In 1J07. Altho not a mem ber of that legislature, I responded to tho call to aid tho friends ot prohibition In their fight. "Let It bo remembered, too, that tho liquor people and beer people are not contributing to my campaign fund. Can each ot the other candidates say as much 7 “Again, the deserters from Camp of elr bill. Icardlnals, being as follows: “They don't tell you anything about “I. Diomede, Cardinal Fnlconlo, of- tho work I did for prohibition In Pu-1 the Holy Roman Catholic church of laskl county for 25 years against bar- Santa Marla Della Ara Cocll, promise rooms, dispensaries, beer saloons and i and swear from this hour hence as long blind tigers. Senator Williford and | as I live to bo obedient nnd faithful others have testified to tho work I did, to the blessed Peter, tho Holy Homan for state-wide prohibition betore the' apostolic church nnd'tho most holy lord Plus X, and also his canonically elect ed successors. I swear to give no coun sel, nor to concur In anything and not to aid In any way against tho ponti fical majesty or person; never to dis close a secret Inclosed to mo by nuncio, or willingly or knowingly to their detriment to dishonor;, to be over ready to aid them to retain, de fend or recover their rights aglnBt all. I shall -fight with all my zeal and all my forces for their honor and dignity. I shall defend the delegates anil nuncios of tho apostolic see In-all places under my Jurisdiction, provldo for their safe Journey, treat them honorably on their coming, during their stay and- on their return and resist even to the shedding of blood whomsoever would attempt anything against them. “I swear not to receive a commis sion from any civil power under any pretext to propose a veto, even under the form of a simple desire In accord ance with the constitution 'commusum nobis’ given by Popo Plus X, January 24, 1904, and not to disclose anything, no matter how known to me either In open conclave or to the Individual car dinals by writing or orally, directly or Indirectly, before or during conclave, and I promise to lend no help or coun tenance any Intervention of any civil power In the election of the pope. “Likewise I shall preserve minutely each and all of the decrees, especially thoso which have emanated from the sacred congregation or ceremonies or those to come from it relative to the sublime dignity of the cardlnalate. Nor shall I do anything repugnant to the honor and dignity of the cardlnalate." After taking the oath to support the Roman Catholic church and all Its members and rites, tho cardinals went Into brief and secret conclave. In the secret consistory the ancient ceremony nf opening and closing the mouths of tho cardinals was carried out. Tho. three Spanish and two Austrian cardinals, representing Cathollo coun tries, will have their red hats conferred upon them by their sovereigns, the let- ters of nomination being conveyed from the Vatican by special couriers. Russell, whtch floats the black flag liquor, go straight to the camp of th next best friend, whose flag Is painted white on one side and black on the oth er, and here they all line up for the perpetuation of the beer traffic In aeorgla, but I expect to win over the whole combination, for I believe that the majority of the people of Georgia are willing that I should be governor.” J. POPE BROWN LEADS IN THIS STRAW BALLOT Dublin, Gs„ Nov. 30.—A poll was taken on the Macon and Dublin train Wednesday night, resulting as follows: Pope Brown, 14; Joe Brown, 5; Dick Russell, 2. means. 24 laps around the 17.14-mlle *° circuit. - X Millionaire Bragg TaYcat Lead. Wh^n the flr*t wild da*h of rnrin/r cars around the ^rand Arize course was finished Caleb Brag?, .in a Flat, waa the leader. Driving at*tho terrific rate of 79 mile* an hour from a standing etart he > had . shown hi* rear tires .to the.beat .of-them. Bruce Brown, In & Flat, was second by elx seconds, with DePalma In a Mercedes, third. Record* Smashed. With th’> oiled truck >«.« hard a.- the Lrickh,-th* . ciure intense cold, the THERE IS STRENGTH Cincinnati Man i Pretended To Be Senator’s Secretary and Had Position to‘ Offer. ronTDAii ruu IDHLL Carlisle 12, Brown 6. first place, driving In the fourth lap. Hearne pulled up from fourth to sec ond, and Bargdoll, another Benz driver, took third place. Victor Hemery, equal favorite with Wagner in the grand prize betting, waa reported at 10:16 to be hung up at station six with engine trouble. He There is strength In our Want A>1 waa then nearly three lap* to the bad pa g C for your business at every stage and virtually out of It. Burman'uid the wise man knows ns his bus- sprung engine trouble about the same,i n ess grows that we’re In a Want-Ad time and Hergdoll also stopped at the;age. So to forestall any hitch he In- plts to tinker a while at his Bens. ! serts hi* Want Ads which nearly every Hearne’* Benz to the Front. day bring him In good pay and results ' Tir- trouble -.-net DePalma hl« brief | which mak.-him rleh. Continued on Last Paoe. USE GEORGIAN WANT ADS. RIVAL ARMIES FIGHTING F°R CITY OF NANKING Nanking, Nov. 30, 12 M., via Wireioaa to Shanghai.—Fighting T» still going on here, altho th« imperialist troops are In a better poaltlon than they have Cincinnati, Nov. 30.—Chief of Police William .Jackson la (searching-for a man giving the name of I* R. Garfield, who la Huspected of attempting to , perpetrate fraud on young women who are ambitious to advance in their work as atenogra* pher*. The authorities claim that the man has been declaring that Congressman Nich olas Longworth 1* his friend and that he 1* employed aa secretary to United States Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia. On November 26 there appeared In a Cincinnati newspaper an advertisement that m stenographer who would change the field of her activity to" Washington, C., waa desired and that all answers should be sent to him under s- certain number. The man then called on these girls who answered the advertisement and represented himself as formerly of New port, Ky., and now secretary to Senator Hmlth. He said that he had received appointment In 61am and had been com missioned by 8enator Smith to secure a successor to himself. The position, he said, would nay $25 a week, but a bond of $10,000 would be required for the faith ful performance of the duties. Tho man declared that he could arrange the bond, for which there would be a premium or <15.50, which he Invariably attempted to collect In advance. One of these victim* appealed to the police. Inquiries of Congressman Longworth proved that ho wa* not acquainted with any one by tho name given hy the man who said he held the position of secretary to Senator Hoke I NEVER HEARD OF GARFIELD, 8AY8 SENATOR HOKE SMITH Senator Hoke Smith declared on Thurs day that the man referred to In tho fore going disnatch la a faker If he Is repre- Kenting himself as being his secretary or In any way connected with him. The senator’s first Intimation that his name was being used In this manner was wh»*n ■mm _ never before beard of tho man giving the name of Garfield, nor of bui operation Cincinnati or elsewhere, Morris K. I alaon, the senator’s secretary, has been with him every day at hi* law office since Senator Smith retired from tho guberna torial oflice two weeks ago, ana tor tne four and one-half months he was gov Company with $462.48; the Postal Tele graph-Cable Company with $124.38. and the Western Union Telegraph Company, $115.94. This is a total of $19. 355.01 from telepliono and telegraph companies. Except for $3,119.94 charged to the Southern Express Company. $218.15 to the Blue Ridge Electric Company, on*- of the water power companies niaklne devrlopn^nts in this section, but with headquarters In Atlanta, and tl.'.:. charged to the Charleston and Western Carolina, a “paper” road, all the other taxes are charged against' the steam .roads entering tho city. steam Railroad Taxes. The Atlanta Terminal Company, In which several systems nre Interested, tops tho railroad list with $12,500 Tin- Southern railway Is next with $9,704.8;*. In order, tho others are: Atlanta Birmingham and Atlantic, $6,658.81; At lanta and West Point, $4,724.69: Cen tral of Georgia, $4,283.91; Seaboard Air Line, $4,202.44; Georgia railroad (real estate), $2,530; Louisville and Nash ville, $1,161.34, and ths NaHhvlIle, Chat tanooga and SL Louis, $20.75. Assessed Valuations. Ths assessed valuations of the sev eral corporation properties within the city of Atlanta aro as follows: - Georgia Railway. and. Electric Com pany (franchise value), $3,132,350 Georgia Railway and Electric Com pany (tangible property), $4,112,856. Atlanta Gas Light Company, $1,700,- 000. Southern Bell Telephone and Tele graph Company, $1,166,060. Atlanta Telephone and Telegraph Company, $334,885. American Telephone and • Telegraph Company, $36,198. Postal Telegraph-Cable Company. $9,950. Wostem Union Telegraph Company, $9,275. Southern Express Company, $349,596. ^IJluo Ridge Electric Company, $17,- Charloston and Western Carolina railroad, $100. Atlanta Terminal Company, $1,000,- 000. Southern railway (Georgia Pacific). $96,890. -Southern railway (Chattanooga and Brunswick), $574,701. Southern railway (Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line), 3104,800. Atlantn, Birmingham and Atlantic railway, $532,706. Atlanta and West Point railroad $377,975. Central of Georgia railroad, $342,713. Seaboard Air Lino (S. A. L. Belt), $247,216, Seaboard Air .Line (Georgia, Caro lina nnd Northern), $88,979. Georgia railroad (reul estate), $20$,- and Nashville railroad. ALLEGED “RIPPER” FREE; PROVED HIS INNOCENCE The first "Jack the Ripper” prosecution In the criminal division of the superior court came to a close Wednesday after noon, when the Jury In the case of Henry HufT. a negro, charged with one of the crimes, the murder of Sadie Hollis, re turned a verdict of not guilty. This means that the police department and the 400. Louisville $02,907. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, $1,660. Thu foregoing assessments and tax schedules were made by William A. Wright, state comptroller general, upon whom this duty devolves for nil munlrl palllles. General Wright has mailed notices of theso assessments of taxes to the mayors of cities and towns throughout the states to reach them on December 1. LLjj'ii j-..- xh . county authorities ars as far as ever from S' e of'“the" 1 reL. d *f:rce, Th hav f T^' " J * Ck ,he B ‘ PPer ” raur ’ weakened their forcee that It Is now| believed they will await reinforcements before again attempting to storm thei Justice Ridley Moves, city. After a great deal of difficulty. Justloe of the Peace Ridley has moved tile government troops have planted rfet* eowrtroora from the Old quarters In NO MORE CHILDREN !N RECORDER’S COURT With tho formal opening of the deten tion homo at 164 CVntruI-ave., the last Juvenile case before the recorder has been tried. The detention home and Its tem makes a complete change In thr city’s method of handling youthful dtllnquentN. Probation Officer Gloer, who Is in charge of the new home, will In the fu ture be the buffer between the policeman anti the children’s division of superior court. In case a policeman arrests a child tinder 16 years of age, the prisoner will not be taken to headquarters. *s heretofore, but to the detention home. At the home the case wJJJ be sifted to the bottom before a formal case Is lodged J against the boy * “ the docketing of a ra he made In the chlldrt JiHM. iM Probation Officer case and not the p The notice ordei Chief Beavers wit police commission to thi .r, the government troon* have Planted y,|s courtroom from the old quarter* In are to th* * fY. . t that polh emf thrmsTZ.rSSlrtM if Cv tf I’each tree-at., where It had been for some arrests whfc ft mv-lve .Mrldren . ® *822® tin*. The court a row Situated ot Mb ! years „r are to « arry the along the Purple HI.1 redoubt. Fifing Auburn-ave., where Judge R!dl«*y has i*» t- ^ • *• *l ••-tin**n h*»me anil tun wa* continued all night. *;or and more commodious quarters -over to Mr Ch*er. * I*