Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 04, 1911, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS; MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1911. THERE IS absolutely no word to express the efficacy of Scott’s Emulsion in the treatment of COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS CATARRH, GRIPPE AND RHEUMATISM ALL OHUO-itSTa 1.-51 TO LUTHERH. STILL Renomipated for Third Term as President of the Atlanta Typographical Union. Central City May Be Made the Headquarters for the State of Georgia. Columbus here will tonight decide upon the purchase of a handsome new home tor the local order. The Macon branch has assurance that this city will he as*- lected an the permanent headquarters for Georgia at the coming convention. • Woman's Auxiliary to Meat. Macon, Ga, Dee. 4.—The Woman's auxiliary for the Confederate reunion held a meeting here this afternoon to discuss ways and means for the enter tainment of the veterans. Talks wero roads by Walter Harris, general chair man; Mrs. Walter Lamar, chairman of the Woman's auxiliary; Rev. John Bunting and Mrs. Walter Grace. Lodge of Sorrows. Macon, Ga., Doe. 4.—A large audieneu attended the annual lodge of sorrow- held at the Grand opera house last night by the Elks. Members who have died In the past year Include O. W. Smith, Robert H. Smith, Hugh V. Washington, T. B. Btackahear, 1. B. English, Jr., and F. B. Stubbs. Macon City Court. Macon, Ga, Doo. 4.—The criminal session of the city court convened here today and took up a number of misde meanor cases. Exeoutive Committee. Macon, Ga, Doe. 4.—Chairmen P. H. Gambrel!, Bibb county Democratic ex ecutive committee, has named Curran R. Ellis. Bryan B. Davis, Jesse C. Har- Fttr the second time In the last dec ade Atlanta Typographical union, No. 48, .re-elects for a- third ttrm a presi dent! Luther H. Still being given that honor when officers were nominated for the ensuing term at the regular monthly meeting Sunday afternoon. Mr. Still will be elected on the third Wednesdky In this month, when the regular election Is held In chapels, but as he has no opposition the nomination of Sunday Is tantamount to election. The other officers nominated were: Vice president. Theo E. Hollis; secre tary-treasurer Walter H. Grant; re corder, W. S. Ward law; arbitrator and trustee. Dsn W. Green; sergesnt-at- arms, Charles E. Singleton, W. it. Fudge (one to be elected); doorkeeper, O C. Johns; Allied Printing Trades council, Thomas Smith, V. W. Grant. H A. Cobb. E. A. Scoglns. J.‘Gordon Terry. C. C. Gibbs (three to be elected); Atlanta Federation of Trades. Jerome Jones, N. H. Kirkpatrick. Earle E. Griggs, Wade P. Harding. W. S. Wier, W. C. Carraway. J. Dana Jones, A. V, Niles (live to be elected). This is the sixteenth term of eight consecutive years that Walter H. Grant has been elected to the position of sec retary and treasurer. When John W, Bramwood was secretary and treasurer of the International Typographical union he said that Mr. Grant’s conduct of the office wss the best of any In the entire Jurisdiction of nearly 400 unions. Mr. Wsrdlaw Is now serving hl» eighth term ns recording secretry. During tho meeting the splendid work being dono by the woman's aux iliary was the subject of comment; and- W. Lee Haygood paid a touching trib ute to this organization. Mr. Hay- good Is the father of Gordon L. Hay- good, who died recently after an eight- months Illness, and altho Mr. Haygood did not specify that he had their kind ness In mind during this period of his son's Illness, nevertheless It was an elo quent tribute to the ladles for their aid In this time of distress to him. He said: "I feel that J would be recreant to my knowledge of the work being done by these noble women If I did not at this time and In .this place speak of them and of their ministrations. Some, way—somehow—they And out birth days.annl versarles, and other periods dear to families, and by flowers, fruits and kind words they bring cheer as only women can. They are doing a sweet, work, And they ere cementing this, or ganisation together In bonds which at- Invisible, but as strong as Ilfs Itself They hold It a sweet privilege 16 do these things, and there Is no estimating the aid and Inspiration they are to us." MILLIONS OF FOLKS USE ONLY CASCARETS They Never Have Headache, Bil iousness, Sluggish Liver or Bowels or a Sick, Sour Stomach. No odds hew bad your liver, stomach or bowels;-- how- much your head aches, | how miserable and uncomfortable you ire from constipation. Indigestion, bil iousness arid siugglsh' Intestines—you always get the desired results with Cascarets and quickly, too. , Don't let your stomach,. liver and bowels make you miserable another mo ment; put-an end to the headache, bil iousness. dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, gnssy stomach, backache and ull | other distress; cleanse your Inside or gans of all the.poison and effete matter which la producing the misery-. Take a Csscaret npw; don't wait un til bedtime. In all the world, there Is no remedy like this. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. No. more days of gloom and distress If you will take a Cascarct now and then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children—their Illtje Insides need a good, gentlo cleansing, toe. * NEGRO IS RECAPTURED BY GLASCOCK CO, MAN Gibson. Ga., Dec. 4.—T. It. Walker, the negro who escaped from the Wilkes i.,imly iiiilll<nll|.-s ill IliiMH-tt, (in., last Monday night, was riM-apturcd .Sunday about 4 o’clock p. m. near Ilattawpy's mill. (Hasmi k county, about st von miles south of Gibson. Walker was seen on the place of w. M. Hart In the northern part of the county Saturday evening. Both tho Glascock and Warren county authori ties were notified and there were 40 or 60 persons oh tho trail In a few minutes tracking Walker all night Saturday with one dog and by lanterns. The negro kept ahead of the dog and posse for a chase of 26 miles or more. He was still ■ handcuffed when caught. There wero about 200. persons In tho chase' Sunday afternoon. Roports are) that Wulk.-r was cuptur'-il by M. A. Williams, of Gibson, who was on horse back and In advance of the others. Wil liams has Walker In Charge, Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 peo ple Ins this whole .country. One-* chances of death by lightning are less than two In a million. .The chance of death from liver, 1 kidney or ittdmach trouble Is vastly greater, but .not If Electric Bitters be used, as'' Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble, and yellow jaundice. Hd 'Was then completely cured by Electric Bit ters. They’re the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy,'arid blood purlfler on earth. Only 60c at all drug gists. Five Minutes Sometimes Makes A Big Difference If You Are Suffering the Tortures of Indigestion and Have to Wait Until Someone Runs to the Drug Stoic For a Box of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablots. Fr*s Trial Package. . The Instant relief afforded poor over burdened stomach! by the use of a Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablet should be a reason for constantly keeping a box on hand—at home and at the office as well. rls and C. T. Williamson as a commit teo to conduct the approaching guber natorial primary; They will name the managers and eh held here tonight. “Old Cloths, .Wagon.” Macon, Ga., Dec. 4.—The "old clothes Wagon" of the Associated Charities. B. P. Walker, warden,-will make a tonr of Macon December 15 to colltct contribu tions for-the poor. Low Gratia of Cotton, Macon, Ga., Dsc. 4.—More cotton was brought to Macon last week than any week of the present season, because of the approaching holidays. But the quality was of the poorest grads and commanded an unusually low price. Mrs. G, L, Reeves Is Deed, Mscon, Ga., Deo. 4.—Mrs. O. Reeves, 62 years old, for o quarter of a century proprietress of the Reeves ho tel, 117 Fourth-st., and known to the transient public of the South, Is dead. She la survlvsd by a husband, a daugh ter and two sons. The funeral was hsld yesterday afternoon and burial at Roie Hill cemetery. Raised Bast Ear of Corn. Maoon, Ga., Dec. 4.—J. D. Whiteside has been swarded the prise for raising the best ear of corn In Bibb county by the County Agricultural Institute. New officers or the Institute are: Dr. E- P. Frazier, president; L. M. Solomon, vice president; E. H. Hyman, secretary and treasurer. Hearing on Petition. Macon, Ga., Dec. 4.—Hearing on an Involuntary petition In bankruptcy fllcd ' The Stomach Welcomes Quick Relief. A Stuart's Tablet not only alda di gestion. but It actually does the digest ing Itself. In other words. It furnishes exactly the same elements for the di gestion of food as the natural Juices of the stomach. The stomach, therefore. Is not called upon to do any of the work fxcept to churn the Juices fur nished by the tablet and then push the dlgeeted food along Into the Intestines where It will be still further digested and the strength taken- up by the blood to be carried to the muscles and nsrvss of the body. So by taking r Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet after a meal you give the stom ach the rest It needs in which to mend Itself and grow well again.’ And you absolutely prevent the souring of any food, the formation of any poisonous gases, belching, foul breath or constl patlon. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have dons more for humanity and have caused more rejoicing than any other one agen cy that can be named. Every druggist everywhere selle and personally recommends Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. The price Is 50 cents per box. if you flrst wish to try them, a sample package wfll be sent you free If you write to F. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. FIRE CAUSES DAMAGE IN PEACHTREE STORE . Defective - wiring around an elec tric meter Is belluvert to htiyo caused the Are Sunday afternoon In the store of Hays-Haygood Company, at 161 Peachtree-wt. The- flumesi were dis covered bursting out ot ■ tho building at S;30 o'clock and were put but with small lbss. DALTON MAN IS SLASHED BY HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW Dalton, Ga, Dae. 4.—In a light be tween Dan Piers and Frank Owen here late Saturday night, Piers had hie head almost severed from his body by a knife In the hande of Owen. The two men are brothere-ln-law. The wonderful vitality ehown by Piers caused physi cians who attendsd him to marvel. Tho cut wa» an unusually sevsre one, laying open the neck and cutting the man to lose a targe quantity of blood. The In jury was not reported for a long time, and It was two hours after he received the cut that Piers had the attention of physicians. Sunday morning the man was still alive and had a chance to re cover. Juat what caused the light Is not known. A sprained ankle will usually dlvibl the Injured person for three or four weeks. This Is dqe to.lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain’s Lini ment Is applied a cure- may be affected 'In three or four days. This liniment Is one of the best nnd most remarkable preparations In use. Sold by all drug gists. MRS. ELKiWBROTHER IS DEADJN_LANCASTER br, nnd Mrs. W. S. Elkin received the news Sunday attornoon of the death of Samuel Duncan, Mrs. Ellkln's broth, er, In Lancaster, Ky. Mrs. Elkin left early Monday morning for her brother's home. Mr. Duncan had visited-many Ames' In Atlanta and his death cmnes as a source of grief to his friends here nnd to the many friends of Dr and Mrs. Elkin throughout the city and state. POPE BROWN AND RUSSELL IN THE LEAD IN NEWTON 8tarrsvllle, Ga, Dec. 4.—As the date for the state primary draws near. In terest Increases In the race for govern or. While this county bss always been found In the progressive column, yet there Is much work being done by the Joe Brown followers. From best In formation received here from every part of the county It ssema as tho the race In this county Is between Judge Rich ard Russell and Hon. Pope Brown, with the odds strongly fsvorlng the latter. A very large vote wlU be polled In this section of the county. ladies’ fine $5.00 Shoes Reduced to $3.95. $6.00 Shoes Reduced to $4.85. H WHfTKMAXX «T. J COME EARLY. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY . Taka &AXATIVB BKOMO Qutnlna Tab* Utiw is Drujftflta refund money If U falls, to cure. E. W. QROYg'S signature U on aach box. G5c. ATLANTA ELKS HOLD LODGE OF SORROW The annual memorial services at the locsl Elks were held Sunday afternoon In the assombly hell ot the’Elks club, 40 Ellls-sL The ceremonies, beautiful and Impressive, were made more so by the recital of "An Elk’s Sunset," by R. D. Brooks, a visiting member.. The composition, which was written by Mr. Brooks, Is fllltd with qulst pa thos, and tears filled the eyes of many of-those present as In rich, full voice the author recited it. The quartet, composed of . Mrs. H. T, Wingfield, soprano; Mrs. J. M. Cooper, •'ontralto; J. W. Marehbank. tenor, and John II. Mullln, basso, sang several selections. Including "The Va cant Chair." “Lead, Kindly Light," and -Twilight Shadows." The tribute to the deceased Elks was mads In an addren by Rev. C. B. Wll- mer. The program of the exercises was as follows: Overture—Orchestra, followed by penlng ceremonies (ritual). "Auld Lang Syne"—Orchestra. "The Varnnl Chair"—Quartet. Opening Ode—Quartet and lodge. Divine Invocation. Solo, “O Lord, Have Mercy"—A. S. Klelnfeld. Recitation, “An Elk's Sunset"—L. D. Brooks. Orchestra. "Lead, Kindly Light”—Quartet. Memorial Address—Rev. C. B. Wit mer. Vocal Solo. "Calvary”—John H. Mul lln. "Twilight Shadows Fall"—Quartet, Closing ode. Benediction—Rev. E. D. Ellenwaod. Postlttds—Orchestra. Debating Society to Meet. Sterrsville, Gs., Dee. 4.—The Starre- .llle Debating society -wtr end winter series of del Wednesday night at the auditorium. This dub claims the honor of the coun ty championship, and -has among Its members some of the best debaters In this locality. The president Is Roy Epps and the secretary Is Bradley Mot. gan. .... .M Standard GROVE'S TASTR- ..ESS CHILL TONIC drives out malaria end builds us the system. Fa people and children. 64c. READ, REFLECT, Act Quickly! READ, REFLECT, Act Quickly! Manufacturers 5 Clearance Sale DO 8T NOW! Inspect the Wonderful Bargains Offered at Wester Music Co.’sWarerooms Are You With Gs? Last Chance! Sale Lasts Only Few More Days»»Closes Saturday! IMMENSE STOCK IS BEING RAPIDLY DEPLETED! ARE YOU WITH US? DECKER BROS. The Eyes of All the Music Following Public Are on This Great Bona Fide Sacrifice Sale Never before in the history of the piano bus iness in Atlanta and Georgia have there been offered such truly wonderful piano *bargains as the old reliable house of the WESTER MUSIC CO. are now offering during their MANUFAC TURERS’ CLEARANCE SALE. In fact, the purchasing public all over Georgia are anxious ly inquiring by mail, phone, etc., as to these great piano bargains and the immense stock at our warerooms is rapidly being depleted. Mr. Piano Buyer: Now is the time that you have been pa tiently waiting and looking for—now the pur chasing public has an opportunity of selecting almost any reliable make of piano manufactur ed, at unprecedented prices. The purchasing public needs no introduction to the reputable, well known line of pianos that we handle and have sold thousands of in the past years, and during this great Manufacturers’ clearance sale there are no restrictions placed on any pianos in our immense stock of high grade pianos. Every piano included in this great sale and sold on terms to suit the purchase' ’s conve nience, at a bona fide saving from 40 to 50 per cent. Pffl WEEK i EVERETT PLAYER-PIANO THE WESTER MUSIC CO. 64 Peachtree St., Atlanta—Open Evenings—157 Cotton Ave.,Macon, Ga. University of Georgia By GUS C. EDWARDS. Athens, Gs.. Dee. 4.—The College Young Men's Christian Association now has a membership of 200; or about one. third of the entire enrollment of the university. In the Blble-study classes there are 200 men enrolled, with an, average attendance of 100. There are fourteen Blble-study groups or classes. Cures The OLD Sores That Other Remedies Won’t Cure The worst cases, bo matter of how long standing, are absolutely cured by D r.Porter’s Antiseptic Healing- Oil Discovered by an Old Railroad Surgeon. All Druggist positively refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. 50c & $1.00 r*H« MerllclM* C«. " Cells*. Okie. Coitltsiii We ere reqseetetf te uy te yes (Set i premises: ctilsca kere-se •( f saMfer-ft** ftsit s res- Made by SWA Maker of Laxative Bromo Quinine Six of these meet In fraternity houses, six at the Sunday school hour at the churches, one at Compton hall, and one In one of the dormitories. There Is a normal class conducted by Student Sec retary Walter Molby, which meets each Thursday afternoon at * o’clock In th- faculty room, at which teachers of the Blble-study classes receive training for the work of conducting their classes. There are ten attending this class. The fourteen Blble-study and mifSalon- study classes are at present studying the question, “The Near and Farther East." T. Lew, a native Chinaman, Is conducting one of the lecture courses P, F. I\ruck, a member of the class of 1911, and a present member of the uni versity faculty. Is In charge of one class which meeta In his room In New college. J. H. Ware, of the class of 1912, leads one class, and Walter Molby. student secretary of the University Y. M. C. A., meets with one class In his room at No. 9. New college. These classes meet weekly. About 70 per cent of the students of the University of Georgia are church members. The Baptist and Methodist denomination* run about even, with Presbyterians. Episcopalians, Christians, Catholics, Jews and Congregatlonallsts coming In the order named. Tomorrow evening Coach Cunning ham will banquet the 1911 football team at his home on Springdale-st. The team his had a successful season, and there has been at all times perfect har. monv between coach and players. • A captain will be elected for the 1913 team. Last week there ahowed up at the office of the treasurer of the Univer sity of Georgia a slip of paper worth exactly 240,009. And down at the bot tom of this check there was written. James Plerpont Morgan. For a long time the University of Georgia has been trying to get a donation for the erec tion of a building for the school of education, of which department of the univerelty Dr. T. J. Woofter Is dean. Now that the desired building money has coma In the contract will be let at an early date, and the work of erect ing the building begun by those in charge of the fund. “The Victor” DR. WOOLLEY’S SANITARIOK OPIUM and WHISKY SMBM •uNVtemblk THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM COUPON MONDAY Name Address City This Coupon Counts For 5c Visit Our Premium Headquarters at 20 East Alabama Strttl ., NOTICE—The Daily Georgian will deliver Household Premiums to your home in Atlanta and suburbs m, u “l 1 ? 1 * ndd,ti °na>—outeide of this radius all premium* will bo shipped charges to collect. < Cut Out the Above Coupon and Commence Saving Today. Circulation Department The Atlanta Georgian