Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 14, 1911, Image 2

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— TliK ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, mil. LITTLE GIRL IS KILLED BY AUTO NEAR SCHOOL Annie Lou Smith, Aged Nine, Dies at Hospital From In ternal Injuries. Annie Lou Smith, 'the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Lee Smith, of lit Creecent-are.. who wa» run oyer by an automobll* Wednesday afternoon, died an hour later at St. Joaeph*'In firmary. The accident occurred at Peachtree and Tenth-st*. a* the little girl was coming home from the Tenth-at. achonl. Her father la a member of the firm of Richards & Smith, meat dealer*,,and, £ .hearing the crlea, he ruahed from ilia .ticked the child »ho R heumatism I* a blood disease. .It can be cured only by ridding the blood of extraneous matter. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures It, aa It doe* other blood dlseaae*. < "The necessity for a good blood purifier," writes W. G. Skin ner, Wakefleld, Maas., was flrat Im pressed on me when I'took Hood'a Sar saparilla for a severe attack of rheuma tism. A* soon as I Began to take this medicine, I felt better and In a abort time I waa entirely cured, and have been In good condition ever since." Set It today. In usual liquid form or tablet! called Sarsatabs. Dr. Lyon’s PERFECT Tooth Powder is used by people of refinement in every part of the world where the use of the tooth brush is known ‘ had seen the accident recovered from ^ the shock enough to aid her. The car was owned and driven by J H. Whitten. Mr. Whitten waa coming up the hill toward town at the time, ' and. according In witnesses, was run ning slowly when the child darted In front of his machine. He cut his front wheels around, almost going Into the sidewalk. The rear wheels skidded over the smooth pavement and turned the car so that right rear wheel knocked - the little girl down and passed over her “body. According to all who aaw It, the ac cident was unavoidable. Mr. Smith puts the blame chiefly on the city, for . not having a traffic officer on duty, at j that corner. He said that nearly 300 small children pass that comer twice each day and that an officer should be .. placed there to give them warning and see them safely across, especially-' In ’ tht afternoon when they hurry'from school In groups of three and tout.',; ' After taking the child and her par ents to the hospital, Mr. Whitten re- : .turned and gave himself up. He was afterward released under a 11,000 bond pending an Investigation. The funeral services will bo held at 10 o'clock Friday morning from the family residence, and the remains will .be Interred at Oakland. The services will bo conducted by Rev. W. W, West. Frank Peavy, J. M. Donaldson. Clark Donaldson and Carl Wesley will act as pallbearers. W. O. W. Hold Election, Molena, Ga„ Dec. 14.—Woodmen of tho World, McDowell camp No. SIS, has elected the following officers: O- A. Matthews, commander; J. W. Brooks, lieutenant; E. B. Harris, banker; W. D. Bennett, clerk; W. L. Jones, escort; J. •O. Kent, watchman: J. E. Brooks, acn- 'try; Dr. W. P. Allen, physician, and C. R. Willis, J. A. Milton and J. W. Cagul, managers. EXAMPLEf ATLANTA Anti-Loan Shark Bank Organ- ized in That City for Conven ience of Small Borrowers. ng' 1 Gains 30 Pounds In 30 Days We Map at RawrVsM* Ytat Builder, Protons, Best Prs* To Prove What It Win Do » P* “ •» ** piminwvr nwno* mreag VMM. nntrttVm, increase, _ „ _ makes peeSsot the «^mS» ■ » a* feed, strengths™ nerves, lnsress.i sfl sarpaaqlas, caiAs — •fay. sad soil T rs™ds ovt the asses. semes who stvwueewaMkk la Ig Boosnse of th mines. Protone rare a revelation. ■ you nothing to peeve the re- eBeots ef Protow* It la nea- to tho most delicate anttia. one Company, **T1 Protons Bldg. MVth.. will rou on reoeipt cams and address, a tree Mo i of protons, with toll Instructions, B that It does tbs work; ohm their sa "Why Are Ton Thin." bos at ge, giving (sets which wtll probably ostsamk you. Band coupon below today with your asms and address. FRBt PHOTONC COUPON. This soenem Is good for a free lOe package (all dharree prepaid) of Pro- tone, the remarkable satantlflo dlssov- ery for bunding up thin poop!#, to gether with otir fre- book wtlf you ere thin. It eent wltli t,i, cents In Stiver or ttsmpi to help cover postage snd^peoklnr, and as avtdenc* cf good Tbs' Preteoa Co.. 1171 Protons Bldg.. Detroit. Utah. heme Street.. City... Stats by Courser A Mi Idn-Wstaon Dm Peachtree Sts , t-t Marietta St. mended In Atlanta I* Marietta at., El 's.. Marietta and Jacobs' Pharmacy. For the protection of small borrow er* from the grip of loan sharke, busi ness men In Baltimore have organised an aiioclatlon that I* exactly like the Atlanta Loan and Saving Company. It I* known a* the Mutual Security Loan Association of Baltimore. The organisation of this company Is the result of a general need for the relief of small borrower# who have heretofore been confronted with no ref- ugv but the danger of money lenders. The Baltimore News quotes at length from a report by President Woodr-Whlte of the Atlanta company to show the effectiveness of the At lanta Loan and Saving Company and the need of a similar Institution In Bal. tlmore. Not only does this report show," comments The News, "that the Atlanta company has brought about what will amount to an annual saving of 310,000 to former loan shark victims of that city, but that the business done has yielded more than six per cent on a capital Investment of 300,000, even when tho fact Is taken Into considera tion that but a fourth of this capital was paid In when thd company started business. ."The effect of the Atlanta comp on the loon business has been phll throplo to the extent that It has of fered a refuge for the poorer elaseeg of Atlanta from loan sharks who have defied every effort to regulate tho chat tel business thru legislation. ., "Tho Atlanta company has been do Ing business sine* June 19. 1911. In little more than four months, according to President Woods White, 363,000 has bean placed In 436 small loans among oil classes of borrowers, with tho result that the company has made net earn ings In four months of 34,226.33 on a capital of 360,000. "The organization of tho company was t ho culmination cf years cf fruit- leas struggle ngalnst the ruinous rates ami cruel method* of the loan shnrks of Atlanta. Successive efforts had been made to correct the evil thru legislation. Laws passed to allow the small money lender generous terms, but restrict him to square dealing, were ignored or de feated by new methods of extortion, such as those whlrh have defeated sim ilar law# passed In Maryland. Subse quent laws were passed making usury a crime, but these, too, were defied by the Atlanta 'sharks.' Grand Jury after grand Jury exposed startling facts con cerning the methods of the money lend ers, and disclosed evidence* of •perni cious collusion between 'loan sharks' and Justices of the peace. Facts were published that charged up against these lenders diabolical practices for extort ing from tholr helpless victim* the money that should have gone for food and clothing. Just as la now the case In Baltimore, legislation and publicity failed to rid Atlanta of th« evil. -Under these conditions the Atlanta company was chartered, stock sub scribed and buetness begun last June. That the company has reached the class Of borrowers moat likely to fall victim to loan sharks Is shown In tho report of President White.” DR. J. F. HARRIS ELECTED MAYOR OF J5ALT0N, GA. Dalton, Os., Dso, 14.—In tho election for city officers held here Wednesday. Dr. J. F. Harris, candidate of the busi ness men and property holders, was chosen mayor by a majority of *39. Harris’ total vote waa 613, while Wil ton, his opponent, received-329. Har ris carried every ward except the First, which gave Wilson a majority of 11. Tho race for recorder. In which four were entered, was unusualy dose, John B. Tarver winning over the present re corder. Judge J. A. Longley. by only on* vote. The vote wee Turner 266, Longley 216. McKnlgbt 343, Langston 60. Former Police Chief A. H. White de feated Policeman Jackson for chief.of police by a majority of 1T6. In the First ward, Walter Smith was elected councilman over Councilman John Wills by a majority of aeyen votes. In the Fourth ward. Councilman Thoms* was rs-olected without oppo sition. In tho Fifth ward, former May or W. E. Wood defeated Councilman W. R. Mann for re-election by a ma jority of 23. In the Eighth ward Frank Bell defeated Councilman George King by a majority of fifteen. NEVER MY INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GAS OR A SOUR, UPSET, MISERABLE STOMACH, your out-of-order Stopmch feels fine five minutes after taking a little Diapepsin. There would not be a case of Indi gestion hero If readers who are sub ject to Stomach trouble knew the tre mendous anti-ferment and digestive virtue contained In Diapepsin. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, acid stomach In five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, Nauseous odors from tho breath. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on each 60-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will readily understand why this promptly cures Indigestion ana re moves inch symptoms as Heartburn, a feeling llko a lump of lead In the M'imklcIi, Belching of 'Inn and Eructa tions of undigested food, water brash, Nausea, Headache, Biliousness and many other bad symptoms; and, be sides, you will not need laxatives to keep your stomch, liver and Intes tines clean and fresh. If your Stomach Is sour and full ol gas, or your food doesn't digest, and your meals don't seem to fit, why not get a 60-cent case from your druggist and make life worth living? Absolute relief from Stomach misery and per fect digestion of anything you eat is sure to follow live minutes after, and, besides, one case Is sufficient to cur* a whole family of such trouble. Surely, a harmless. Inexpensive preparation like Diapepsin, which will always. either at daytime or during nlitht, ndlcvc vnur stomach misery and digest your mtxila. Is about us handy and valuable a thing os you could hare In the house. MEETSATWAYCROSS Prominent Men of the Southern | States Will Be Present at the Sessions Next Tuesday. Fire at Sandsrsvillt. Sandertvillt, G*., Dec. 14.—The home of J. H. Thompson was bunred Tues day night about 3:30 o'clock. The fire, It la believed, originated In the stove room The residence of W. II. Ott caught, hut the Are was extinguished. Election at Clarkssvlll*. Clarkesvitls, Ga., Dec. 14.—An elec tion was held here Tuesday to select city officer*. The following were elect ed: F. L. Asbury, mayor: T. O. Spen cer, J. E. Stewart, M. Franklin, H. L. Earle and John Martin, councilmen. FELT AND COMFY SLIPPERS SAMPLES All colors All Styles Worth from $1.50 to $3.00 We offer every pair for 95c STEWARTS UNDERPRICE BASEMENT DUCHESS OF FIFE, SHIPWRECKED, WEARS LIGHTHOUSE WOMAN'S GARB Tangier, Morocco, Deo. 14.—Princes* Royal Louise, the Duchess of Fife, and her daughters. Princesses Alexandria and Maud, members of the British roy al family, who had a narrow escape from death when the steamship Delhi wa* wrecked on the Moroccan coast east of Cape Spsrtel yesterday, were taken on hoard the English cruiser Ira- placable today. The Implacable set off for Morocco from Gibraltar under a full head of steam on receipt of news of the disaster and arrived early today upon the scene. The Duchess of Fife and the young princesses spent last night In the British consulate here. All were suffering from exposure and the nervous shock which accompanied their exciting adventure. When the royal party arrived the members were-wcar- Ing.part of their own clothing and other garments furnished by tho wife of an old lighthouse tender at Gape Spartel. Tito Duke of Fife, who remained on board the Delhi some, hours after the others had been taken ashore today, warmly praised the heroic work of the sailors of the Frepch cruiser Frlant, who rescued the passengers from the stranded Peninsula and Oriental liner. GEORGIA STUDENTS "KNOCKED" BY ANONYMOUS PUBLICATION Athena, Ga., Dec. 14,—Had a bomb been thrown on the campus of the Uni versity of Georgia the shock would not have been more terrlflc than the effect of an anonymous publication, styled "The Microscope,” which made Its ap pearance here yesterday, morning. Tho whole sheet Is one of the moat daring and sensational attacks on cer tain students of, the university ever known of Us class at any college. At many colleges there are publication* called "The Bee." "The Hornet," “The Wasp," and various other names, but these publications are usually knocks directed against the members of ths faculty. This Is ths flrat of Its kind known to attack students. Several years ago the students at Georgia used to get out each commencement n pa per called "The Bumble Bee," attack ing members of the university faculty. Three years have passed since an edi tion of "The Bumble Bee" appeared, and yellow Journalism at Georgia had become extinct unltl the arrival of this latest Innovation In college literature. Tho leading editorial of the paper states that the purpose Is to destroy certain undesirable students of the Uni versity of Georgia for the good of these students. Nq name appears at the hoad of the editorial page nor any where else on the paper. There are llkewlee no advertisements. The paper Is on sale at a Greek cafe In the city and retails at It cents per copy. It , four-page affair, about ten by twelve Inches In also, The motto of mom, 101 Tho Iftlnhoacopo Is: "Open your eyes Atlanta. and ye shall see." .It Is styled, “The official 'orgafi of the students of (b* university, published In the Interests of the truth.’! The editorial elate* that the editor* arc publishing this paper at Individual exp'ense, because they are worshipers of "The god of thing* os they are at the university.” The col lege publications, the Glee club, Demos- thenlan and Phi Kappa Literary socie ties, Individual students who are operat ing self-help Industries in college, Dick Russell, a student who has been mixed up to a greqt extent In college pblttlca; G. B. Goldin and Rosa Creekmore, man ager* of tho university basketball team; Walter Molby, student secretary of the college Y. M. C. A.; member* of the senior class, the Thallan Dramatic club, the Y. M. C. A., several fraternity and Independent leaders connected with the Pandora annual board, end many Indi vidual student*. Including Charles E. Martin, president Athletic association, and Jos H. Ross, president of the senior class, are the objects of tho bitterest attacks of The Microscope editors. The paper Is selling like wild-Are be cause of Its eensatlonallem. An Inves tigation by some of the student leaders Is under way and a strenuous effort Is being made to get the names of the students who are publishing the pa per. In one of the editorials the statement Is made that the paper will be publish ed from time to time and the call le sent out to students to address anony mous Istters at will to P. O. Box 1143, Wayoross, Ga., Dec.' 14.—When the' Georgia Drainage congress meet* In Waycrosa next Tuesday one of the moat notable gatherings ever witnessed in this section of Georgia will be on hand to hear the Interesting addresses arranged. In addition to a talk from Governor John M. Slaton of Georgia, the former governor, Hoke Smith, now a United States senator; Governor Al bert W. Gilchrist of Florida: geologists from Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia and other prominent men will be here. The second (lay's session at Coleraine, one of the most historical points In the • "'in try. will he full "t Interest. A splendid Georgia'barbecuo and fish fry will be tendered the guests there, the party leaving Waycrosa early on the 20th. There Is every Indication at this time that there will be a big attendance, the farmers of the state showing un usual Interest In tho subject. WILSOrSWIRELESS Its Head Is in Federal Prison, But Army of Suckers Hope to Recover Losses. New York, D*c.‘ .14.—It Is announced that steps to reorganize the United Wireless Telegraph Company, which got Into financial difficulties aa the re sult of the misconduct of former offi cials, Including President Christopher C. Wilson, now serving a sentence In the Atlanta Federal prison, are to bo taken at a meeting of stockholders here next Saturday. It proposed, according to the call Is sued, to 33,000 stockholders. By Arthur P. West and others, to pay oft debts amounting to 3166,000 and to form .a new corporation of the same name, is suing new stock dollar for dollar, “ti tho present Innocent bona fldo stock holders." The amount of stock held by such stockholders Is stated to be 32.000,000. the balance of the total 310,- 000,000 Issued representing, It la de clared, the stock that was dealt In by the directors who are now In prison. The company has 3600,000 In quick as sets. It Is asserted, and hopes to re cover several hundred thousand dol lavs from Wilson, against whom the trustees In bankruptcy for- the com pany have filed a petition. In hank ruptey alleging that Wilson has nearly 31.600,000 In bit possession belonging to tho stockholders of the comiiany,. O^ILY FOUR DAYS MORE OF WRIGHT’S MEETINGS Rev. Frank Wright, the evangelist, has only four mpre days here in re vival services under the auspices of North-ave. Presbyterian church, and these final days of his three weeks work promise to be crowded with the ripened results of his endeavor. /Whon hi# stirring campaign Is end ed hs will go away with the feeling that he has left Indelibly Impressed on hun dreds of minds and hearts In Atlanta the desire for better, cleaner, more up right lives. Thnt his earnestness and deep conviction have had far-reaching Influence there Is ho mistaking, and he will be long remembered by the .large number* who have heard his tender and ineplring message*. For the reel of tho week. Including Saturday. Mr, Wright will conduct the dally 46-mlnule service In the Mont gomery theater, beginning at noon. During his stay these services have provep helpful to many scores who nave stopped for the brief time given to good muele, uplifting talks and prayers. The afternoon service at 3130 In North-ave. church and the evening service at 7:30 at the same place will continue for the balance of the week. Mr. Wrlght'e stay will probably con elude with ths services Sunday. SPALDING COUNTY MAN IS DEAD AT AGE OF 98 Griffin, Ga„ Dec. 14.—Jackson Ken ney died at the home of hi* daughter. Mr*. Willis. Tuesday. At his pext birthday, which would have been In July, he would have been 99 years old. His wife, who also lived to a ripe old age, died tills past summer. Mr. Ken ney was undoubtedly the oldest man at the time of his death In Spalding county. Poisoned by PressedI Meat. . Monro*. Os.. Dec. 14.—H. N. Ou. ley and ro children. Rev. M. A. Shaw, wife and daughter, Mr*. W. W. McCord, and three servants were Ing . \v. w. Mccom, nn<i inrec recently poisoned by eat- meat (hogshead cheese), r, however, considered out Election Held at Hoschton. Hoschton, Ga„ Deo. 14.—At the elec- lon Tuesday Dr. W. P. DeLsperriere Waa elected mayor and B. F. Wilson, J. A. McDaniel, Dr. L. C. Allen, H. C. Cronlc, J. T. Bullock and A. D. 8peat man councilmen. Cotton Warehouse Sums Bowman, Ga., Dec. 14.—The cotton warehouse on the farm of T. 8. .Max well, four miles from here, was burned Tuesday. It contained nine bales of cotton, seed out of ten bales, and twenty bushels of wheat. A Terrible Blunder. <0 neglect liver trouble. Never do It. Take Dr. Kings New Life Pills on the Unit sign of constipation, biliousness or Inactive bowels and. prevent virulent Indigestion. Jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bow els and build up your health. Only 36c at all druggists. Complete lines of samples, silverware, cut glassware, Sheffield plate at wholesale cost. 94 Whitehall-st, The Normandy Company, Manu facturers’ Agents. There Is Only One v “Bromo Quinine" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine OWED THE WOMB OVER TO CURE A COLD Iff ORE DAY. Always remember tbe lull name, (or this signature on every bos. 95o. <prW\* Mrs. Leslie Carter Said: “There is No Hotel in Europe Better Than The Georgian Terrace M Afternoon Tea DeLuxe. 4:30 to 6 Table D'Hote Dinner, 6 to 8 Just the Place for Smart Bridge Parties Dinners. Banquets After-Theater Suppers THE BEST SPANISH ORCHESTRA IN AMERICA A Most Appropriate Xmas Present For Wife, Mother or Sweetheart Special Reduction on All High-Grade Sewing Machines During the Holidays. JOIN OUR CLUB PLAN And save for yourself from $10 to $12 on nny class of Sewing Machine you care to purchase—White, Standard, The Free Do mestic, New Home, Singer, Paragon, Cleve land and Others. Department Store Machine* at $12.50 to $15.00. The Automatic Ms chins at a price that will Induce you to buy It quick. 8EETHEG. 4E- LATEST SEWING MACHINE MOTOR. Every machine I* guarant"* for 10 year*. Investigate our Club Plan. Open evenings until alter Xm»» H. J; Mitchell & Co. Bell Phone M. 3662 • 127 Whitehall Stred Emory College News Emory College, Oxford, Ga., Dec, 14. The fact that Emory Is to have two Intercollegiate debates this year Instead of one, as usual, was finally settled Wednesday morning when the Inter collegiate debating council received letter from the University of Florida accspUng Emory's challenge. The rules to govern this debate and a subject have already been eent the Florida In stitution and all particulars will be ar ranged as speedily as possible. Tbe other debate Emory will bq represented In will be one with Emory and Henry college, of Virginia. The Entory-Florida set-to will be held In Oxford during the epring and Emory will be represented by Joel Mallett, of Jackson, and John Smith, of Nashville. The same night that Emory Is debating Florida In Oxford the other Emory team will be matched against Emory and Henry In Emory, Va. The two debaters who will represent Emory In this debate are Claude Pittman, of VII- lanow, and J. E. Mathews, of. Vldalla. Ward Wight. Ed Greene. Palmer Blackburn and Hairy McCord, all At lanta alumni of Emory, spent Saturday and Sunday In Oxford, vlaitlng friends id former collet The eenlor bsel _ coming season has already been picked and a captain elected. The team is composed of Turner Rockwell and Quintby Mellon, forwards; Parks John, son, espter; Epecard Holland Lyle Bryan, guard*. Bpecard Holland Is captain of Che team and Lyle Bryan manager. Dr, C, W. Peppier, coach of the pen nant-winning senior football te»®> invited the members of the the substitutes to a banquet to bei> In their honor Friday night. ' Emory will let out for the Chris" holidays at 4 o'clock Thursday, D*”" her 21. Work will be resumed «**• uary 3. , C. C. Fanning, affectionately teat "Doc? by his classmates, who Is a™?, her of the senior class, has return college, after an absence of weeks. , .. -i* Dr. C. E. Dowman, dean of the logical seminary, addreesed ihe t® Y. M. C. A. at Its regular meeting^ urday. T. M. Lee, who is the local association ha* * rra '!*:> attractive program for the entire t . V b-i v. n 1 Thlr i» Herman Lambert, manager Emory truck team. It arranging an indoor track meet classes early In February. will be followed by a cross-eountryjj and the two together wjll gl vt an excellent Idea of the material hand for the regular team. ,] Professor G. P. Shlngler. coach "t ( freshman football team, has In'it ^ members of his teain to a««h“' ; M quet In their honor Thursday nig his residence. _ rr Dr. James E Dickey. Enmr> ■ r dent. Is In Tampa attending th' • session of the Florid* conference, i E. M. Foster has been chosen "J ger of the sophomore basket ha Public Schools CIOS# Dee*"£* r .$ Waycro,,. Ga., Dec. ^-Tl ^ber schools of Waycrosa close !>«’" c , for the Christmas and New ' e T( ,,j brattnns, to reopen January *• |,S oner of the longeet eesson* ‘ u the board of ■ -lucstlon hai «> lowed the pupil!