Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 15, 1911, Image 2

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m THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWSi FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1911. Will You Get In On Our 33\%. Off Unusual Clothes Sale? The backward season forces us to sacrifice our profit to your benefit in order to move our heavy stock. , . Note These Prices: $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $37.50 Suits and Overcoats $10.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.00 Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats $15,00 Suits and Overcoats $16.50 Suits and Overcoats $18.50 Suits and Overcoats $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, ;... $21.50 Suits and Overcoats $23.35 Suits and Overcoats—■.— $24.76 All suits and overcoats are, all-wool, hand-tailored and this season’s styles. Buehl-Meador Go. 52 Peachtre-e Street NEW COMMANDMENTS ISSUED BY WOMEN FOR THE “CLOTH” Chicago, Dee. 15^-Chleago women consider that the luuance of (pedal commandment* for women by Rev. W. R Millard, of Morten Park, and Rev. Albert Hyde, of Brockton. Mane., may be taken to Indicate that the gentlemen of (he cloth believe women to be In epeclal need of admonition from th^ ministerial atudy. Here are th* commandment* recom mended by Chicago women for th* "cloth:" Thou ehalt give the earn# law* for the poor ai for the rich. Let not fine raiment deceive thee. Thou ahalt not condemn the woman and forglva th# man, for the Lord thy God ehall judge thee. Thou ahalt abandon aophletry and preach truth, for tho waya of the devil arc devloua. „ . Thou ahalt not Interpret the Word of Clod, but thou ehalt .administer It, that all may know and respect the law. Thou ehalt not condone tho sins of the mighty and condemn those of. the humble. Thou ehalt not be bound by temple*, but thou ehalt go out Into the by-way. and preach among the people. Thou ehalt abandon euphemism In the pulpit and tell Ood'a message In thn language of Hie Son. Thou ahalt under no circumstance* compromise with the devil. A TLANTA ’S BLA CK SHAMROCK HAS ANOTHER ADVENTURE 8Immrock la a negro, tho you would not think It from hla name. Over at the city hall, where he works as Jani tor, hie continuous broad amlla la one of the particular adornments of the place. And to hie record of achieve ments which have given him distinc tion ho made a vary Interesting addi tion this week. "I eeen a wagln coming' up d« street loaded plum full of boose,” says Sham rock. "De driver was lookin’ right straight ahead Jest like he didn't want to run over nobody. "I looked agin and seen twq negroes on d* back oh de wagon, a yallar one an' a black ’un. The black 'un wue handin' a package off de back oh the wagon to de yallar one, an' I started fur ’em. , “Dat yallar nigger run an' de black 'un pulled a knife two feet long on me. He aktered me so I just yelled for de police, and grabbed hla coat. An* den we had It. me yellin' for de police an’ him trying to cut me. We fought all over die block 'fore de police come. I thought shore I wua cut all to pieces, but when he police got him 1 wuen't cut a tall." Shamrock hurriedly recited hla story to > group tn front of the city hall, hla' worda dumping from hi* mouth betwen smiles one second and gasps the next. He had been holding hla cap In hla hand, and he bowed when he finished, while the group of men laughed heartily. Thus does Shamrock arouse the kind ly feelings of his superiors and attach himself more firmly to his Job. But some of his activities, while just as In teresting. have come near forcing him under the political gotilotlne. He la one of the Janitors of the wa ter department. But before he became connected with the city hall, he was alwaya the barkeeper at the annual en campments of the Fifth regiment. Zode Smith, general manager of waterworks. NOTED HEALTH CAMPAIGN WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY Phenomenal Success of Strange New Liquid Shown by Hundreds of Startling Stories of Medicine’s Strange Power Over Certain Diseases. One of the most remarkabl/ success, ful campaigns In the Interest of health ever conducted In Atlanta will come to an end on Saturday night. At that time the personal representative of the great Indiana scientist, responsible for giving to suffering humanity the strange Root Juice liquid, will leave for the Fort Wayne laboratories. And with him go the thanks of hun dreds of grateful people from this se<* lion of the country. The record of this medicine In Atlanta appears to be even more phenomenal than that made In other cities over the country. Remark able stories of startling results pro duced by the flint few doses continue to be received by the representative at Jacobs' Marletta-st. pharmacy. Peo ple who have not known well days In years are visiting the store and enthu siastically singing the praises of the Juice treatment. Among the latest to tell of seemingly miraculous benefits tecelved from thU stranse medicine, which seems to hav such a wonderful power over stomach, liver and kidney^ troubles, Is Mr. James Fletcher, of Oalneavllle. (la. "I have suffered from rheumatism, kidney and Uver trouble* for the past eleven yean,” amid Mr. Fletcher. “X have been In constant misery, and this has been Increased In damp, rainy waather. Sometimes l could not even get out of bed, and many times could' i"t even leave the house. doctors told me my Wood wafc full of uric acid, but nothing I used rid my blood of this. I spent hundreds of do!- Ian without any relief. I have takep two bottlea of Root Juice and I want to say that 1 Have found a medicine which fits my case exactly. I can now get around all right, the swelling la leaving my limbs and joints, and 1 1 can eat like a hone. I can now get a good night’s sleep, and get up In the morning feeling refreshed and as If life Is worth living. Root Juice seems to work like magic." The Root Juke health crusade In At lanta promises to be long remembered by gntefufl hundreds. Stories of .as tonishing cures In other parts of the country have been told again In Atlan ta. Hundreds of bottles have been aold and scores of people have been n- lleved of suffering. People who had not known In years what It was to en joy a meal now alt at the table with healthy stomachs and hearty appetttea. Others to whom life was but a burden because of rheumatism—people who were crippled and who suffered ago nies from the pain and soreness of that disease—are now free from pain and happy. And to those sufferers from any of these Ills who have not yet given this strange new liquid a chance to help them, the specie! representative extends an Invttatlon to call at Jacobs' Mx- rietta-st. More and hear more about this wonderful medicine. lie'* there from I to 1 and from 2 until J. Dauntless Head of Parks Has Sprung One on Board Which Makes It Gasp. Dan Caray, general manager of parks! haa requested the board which asked his resignation for an Increase In sal ary. One of the provisions In tho tenta. live budget Mr. Carey haa made out I* that hla salary ahall be Increaaed from (2,100 to (2.000. It would Indicate peace. Indeed, In tho board If this request ahnuld be granted. I On* "BROMO QUININE” LaXAtTVR BROMO QUININE. To Reduce Cotton Acreage. Gadsden, Ala., Deo. 15:—Buslneas men of the city will meet with the farm- era Saturday to co-operate tvllh them tn th* movoment to reduce the cotton acreage In .Etowah county. Some of the farmer*, It appears, fear that If they reduce the cotton acreage the mer chant! will not want to give them sup- piles foe th# coming year. It Is under stood that merchant* will endeavor to effect some plan whereby they can sup- sty the farmers even tho they reduce he ncreage. Whittier's immortal poem, "Jlaud Muller,” shown to day at Elite. didn’t want to let him off to go to Brunswick last summer, but Shamrock Insisted. Mr. Smith Anally told him his psy would be docked. Mr. Smith thought no more of the matter. Then he found that Shamrock had been to see all tho member* of the board, and that they had about be come persuaded to pay Shamrock for the time he had lost. So Mr. Smith surrendered. But Shamrock did not atop at this. In the race for general manager of waterworks between Mr. Smith and Colonel Park Woodward. Shamsnck was the most rabid Woodward man one could And. tho he vtAs working for Mr. Smith. He said he remembered "tfism days" when Colonel Woodward wa» general manager of waterworks, and the head of the soldiers, and he Just had to be for hint But since the election, Shamrock has been very quiet. It was only a few weeks ago, In fact, that he and two other negro Janitors threatened to slip away from the city hall and never come near It again. One of the clerks In the water department is a ventriloquist and every day he would call Shamrock. Rube and Mose. The negroes looked everywhere for the source of the sound. They stopped up all the boles In the basement, and looked under all the desks tn the water ofllce. Finally, they decided It waa a sure enough ghost calling them. And when they had reached the point where tittle work could be gotten out of them anil they were about to respond to the call by going In the opposite direction, they were told where the voices really elhanated. But Shamrock Is most- happy alnco Wednesday. He says- he always has tried to uphold the law. > Malaria Causes Cost of Appetite. Th* OM Standard onoVFTH TASTE-1 LESS CHILL TONIC drives out malaria and builds up th* system. For grown people end children. Ms. Immense crowds attend ing Chas. M. May & Co.’s auction sale of jewelry and diamonds at 93 Peachtree. (Free souvenirs.) JUROR’S ESCAPADE MAY I Defense Will Plead Jhat Pris oner’s Life Has Twice Been' Placed in Jeopardy. Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 15.—In the varlout juggling* of the cate against Dr. B. C. Hyde, charged with caus ing th* death of Colonel Thomas H. Swope with poisons, there Is a strong possibility that the accused physician will go free without another trial. Tho question of being placed twice in Jeop ardy will unquestionably be raised by the^attorneya for the defense at the beginning of the next trial. Judge Porterfield. In hla statement In open court yesterday, said that be cause of the mental condition of Harry Waldron, the escaped Juror, the de fendant had dot been placed In Jeop ardy. Judge Porterfield\ held that Waldron was Insane at the time of bla escape, and at the time of hi* re- turn. But It ndw appears that the big laaue In the Jeopardy queatlon which the de fense will bring up nt the beginning of the next trial—may-be before—will be whether or not Waldron Is Insane. Therefore, ds amazing as It may seem, Dr. Hyde may go free on tho unusual Incident of a Juror climbing thru a transom. In a hotel and escap ing a duty which he had sworn to pcr J form. AWAY GOES PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF AND OTHER SKIN AFFECTIONS WHEN ZEMO AND ZEMO SOAP ARE USED. Frank Edmondson Bio. say, "Wei are so confident that ZEMO and ZEMO I SOAP used together will rid the akin Or scalp of Infant or grown person of PIMPLES. BLACKHEADS, ECZEMA.I DANDRUFF. INSECT BITES, or any! form of Itching, Irritated, disfiguring) skin or scalp trouble, that we do not hesitate to recommend these clean re fined remedies to every person who de sires quick relief and a cure from any form of aggravated skin or scalp affec tion. Oftentimes one bottle / and one cake of soap will cur* a minor case of skin trouble. ZKJIO and ZEMO SOAP produce sure and swift results. You will not suffer another day after you commence to use them.. You trill feel like a new person. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be ob tained from one leading druggist In ev. ery city or town In America and In At lanta by Frank Edmondson & Bro.. 14 South Broad St., and new store, 6 North Forsyth St. Mrs. Armor in Athens. Athens, G*., Dec. 15.—Mrs. Mary Har ris Armor, th* noted prohibition work er, made two addreiees In Athens this Week. Wednesday night she made on address at the State Normal school, and Thursday night at the Christian church. She closed both addresses with appeals' to her audiences to take a strong for prohibition and aid Ip the fight. When Fire Touched Frolic 385? Scene showing one of the attractions destroyed by the firs that threat ened to destroy tho famous Luna park at Coney Island on Monday, Decem ber 11. The fire was gotten under control, but damaged the famous pleas ure park to the extent of $150,000. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiniimuiiiriiiiiMiuiiiuiiiiiijiiiiiiiiirii l infi»~ is e5 I Candy § 1 Gifts de Luxe I 3 ^ £5 E5 :1 Christmas remembrances of exqui- jj H site daintiness—Nunnally’s can- H dies tucked away in fancy baskets and band painted satin boxes. candies excel in purity, quality and method of packing. The regular boxes of assorted can dies and assorted chocolates are as delicious as they are attractive. Three Beautiful Stores S3 Peachtree Street 103 Peachtree Street 34 Whitehall Street Practical Appreciative Gifts for Him Get them from the MEN’S STORE Handkerchiefs .1.0 to (1.50 Cjavats 25 to (3.50 Suspenders .. .. .. .50 to (1.50 Socks 15 to $1.50 Gloves . . ., 50 to $1.50 Unlbrellas S1.00 to $15.00 Canes 50tnJ 5.00 ShiCts $1.00 to | f.iO Mufflers $1.00to( 1.00 Pajamas.. .. .. ..(l.ootol 6.00 Matched Sets, Suspenders and Garters, 50e to $1.50 Matched Sets, Handkerchief, Cravat aiid Sox, $150 Matched’ Sets, Sox and Handkerchief 50c Matched Sets, Umbrella and Cane . .$7.50 and $10 Bath and Lounging Robes—Bags and Suit Cases— Collar Bags, etc. Pretty holiday boxes with each purchase. * LAW BROS. CO. 10 Whitehall 17 Decatur LUSITANIA BRINGS SANTA CLAUS ON FAST TRIP FROM ENGLAND New York, Dec. 15.—Santa Claus was at the helm with Captain Charles when the big liner Lusitania came racing In to port today laden with Christmas present* from foreign climes. The giant arrived at quarantine at 5:20 a. m. In time to make' her pier at 6 a. m. Straightway the crew of the Lusi tania began hurrying about, while hun. dreda of men tugged and pulled at her cargo, and a small army of customs officer* attended to the passengen who were landing. All of this because the Lusitania, In order to get back to Eng land In time for the delivery of (Jirlit mas presents, must discharge her carlo, take on a new one, with provisions and Ice, and start out again by tomorrow afternoon St 4 o’clock. The customs officer* as well a* the health officers at quarantine aided the Lusitania In getting Into her dock without delay. On her way over tha Lusitania met a strong gale. She made good time, how ever, spanning the Atlantic In 4 days. 20 hours and 30 minutes. She carried 1.350 baga of mall and 400 paclui« of parcels. # ■POWELL WILL QUIT STATE COOT APPEALS Will Follow Justice Holden’s Example and Return to More Remunerative Law Work. Judge Arthur G. Powell of the court of appeals, known as one of the ablest Jurists In Georgia, has announced that he will aoon quit the bench to resume the practice of law. Judge Pqwell, fol lowing hla resignation from the appel late court, will resume law practice either in Atlanta or Blakely, his former home. Judge Horace Holden resigned from the supreme court a short time ago, to resume law practice, and It aeems that the Judiciary offera small Inducement to able lawyers. The announcement of hla Intention to leave the court of appeals, where he haa served since 1201, when he was elected for a term of four years, being re-elected ‘ In 1910 for a term of six years, came .a* « distinct' surprise, al tho there Was a rumor current to the effect that he would resign last Octo her. The salary of a Justice Is (4,000 a year. In making hi* announcement Thurs day afternoon. Judge Powell said: "Just when I will resign 1 can not say at this. time. I feel that I should stay until th* Mareh term begins. At the expiration of the' Jarfuary term we hope to have all tbs business now be. fore the court cleaned up. You may state positively.- however, that I will tender my resignation as judge at the court of appeals some time between March and July. I shall not serve Utter than July and may resign earlier. "I have had the matter of resignation under consideration for some time. A* a matter of fact, I had thought of re signing last October, but the vast amount of work before the court caused me to postpone action." Judge Powell will In all,probability hand hia resignation to Governor Jo seph M. Brown, altho tt was reported that he would send It to Governor John M. Slaton and that Governor Slaton would appoint Judge John P. Hart, for- mer attorney general, to the place. Speaking of tho latter possibility, Judge Powell satd. , , "If 1 thought that such,a worth! successor would bo named In my putt, I would resign tonight. I do not »n°® who will he appointed.” Judge Powell gave as his reisoa » desire to establish a law practice before he became too old. He Intimated tha ho had In mind the formation of i partnership with a well known AtwM firm. HI* plans, however. have « "been completed and he may , hla homo In Blakely, Ga., and there w sums tho practice he left off In I s ' 1 ' • accept the appellate court Judgeehlb McClellan is elected STONE MOUNTAIN MAYOR Stone Mountain. Ga., Dee. 15.-Mjj! regular December election, which ,«• held for the purpose of electing mayor and six councilman, the to f Ing were victorious: Mayor, H«n. L- McClelland. and "Little Joe Bro«w W. D, Maddox, T, .1. Campbell 0 Griffin, J. D. McCurdy and J. k ley, councllmsn. Relieves the PAIN of a Burn Instantly and takes out all inflammation In day. The moot serious Burns ami > Instantly relieved and quickly heal DrePorterS Healing 1 0«J A soothing antiseptic discovered “. Old Railroad Surgeon. All drugging fundmoncy if it failsto cure. 25c, 50c ^ Serif MrdJcla. Co. . ‘few* tatiitly \V« cis $U$Ut| f ®“ m mttUfl. w. *«•’»* Made by Maker of Laxative Bromo Quifl |I,e X M”, * '