Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 27, 1911, Image 2

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THE ATIlA-NTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1911. CLOUDBURST FLOODS MILE OF NASHVILLE HE IS RAISING THE CASH FOR 1912 CONVENTIONS Thousands of Dollars of Dam age Is Done-City of Leb anon Is Under Water. Nashville, Tenn.. Dee. 27.—A "qua"' mile of property In South Nashville l» desolated, and thousands of dollars damage has been done as the result of a flooding of Brown's oreek, a tributary of the Cumberland river, by a cloud burst late yesterday. The precipitation was 4.2 Inches. th« heaviest In more than 40 years. Lebanon, near Naah vllle, had four feet of water In the pub lie square. JANUARY 15 IS DATE SET FOR TRIAL OF RICHESON Veniremen Now Being Sum- . moned for Jury Service in Case Against Preacher. Beaton, Dec. 27-—The turning wheels of a Judicial system that will result In the calling of Rewotllarenee V. T. Rleheson In the supert-y court on Jan uary 16, to face a rhfrte of murder, began today. The firy council met today to draw 27B men for the venire of the twelve men who are to be chosen *nofthe accused ee men will bo i appear January 15 at the court house, and from their number the Jury In the remarkable case or tne iweive men w no are on whose verdict the ltfonl pastor will depend. Three Instructed to appear Jarttif be chosen. BUSINESS MAN ARRESTED IN PAYROLL FRAUDS CASE Gary, Ind., Deo. 27.—Arthur Cl. Sav age, one of the most prominent business men of Clary, was arrested by Deputy Sheriffs Morris and Farman In connec tion with the gigantic payroll frauds of the Clary works of the United States Steel Corporation. Savage la accused of receiving stolen money. It being al leged that he elgned and cashed forged checks under an aaaumed name. Suspend* Cabinet Meetlngi. Washington, Deo. 27r-President Taft lias decided to auapend all cabinet meetings until January 2. Five of the cabinet member* are out of the city, and tt will he Impossible for the presi dent at present to command a “quo rum." so ho will use the opportunity to take a holiday. FRED W. UP HAM. He Is chairman of Chicago's Joint two convention" committee and haa started active work to ralae fundi for the Democratic and Republican na tional conventions. Mr. Upham haa named the chairmen of 78 sub-commlt- teea who will go about ayetematlcally to gather In the donations. COLDS CAUSE ttEADACHB. TVE . BROMO_ . Quinine. LAXATIf n oituuu wumii'.. World-Wide Cold and Grip remedy, re- moves cause. Call for full name. Look for algnature of E. W. GROVE. 2(0. the UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ARE WASHING DISHES Phlladelphla t Pa„ Dec. 27.—There Is very little demand for college men who want to work, according to Dana O. How, di CASTOR IA For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbs Signature 01 besting ^..wamn^qn ^a^ ’ ■ ini has men employed ns companions, tutors, gymnasium Inatruetore, playground direc tors, stenographers, typist*, ushers, stere- optlcon operator*, clerks, musicians, hoya optlcon operator*, clerks, musicians, hoya riub leaders, aettlament workers, Sunday school teachers, guides, tlckst sellers, wi ipat iicidi •uiusfi utasi gmmis. agents and public speaker*, Jrot_ ho would have mor« ap Your Winter's Reading Free! We have just made arrangements, with a- large magazine agency for a number of good magazines, and if you are a lover of good litera ture you can not afford to let this offoy pass you. This is the biggest offer ever put out by any newspaper. Send in your remittance now (to day), as this offer may be recalled at any time. Thirteen Publications For The Price of One~>$4.50 HERE THEY ARE Georgian Uncle Remus McCall's Magazine Spare Momenta Gentlewoman Needlecraft Good Stories Farm Press Magazine Woman’s World People’s Popular Monthly Happy Hours Hearth and Homs Metropolitan and Rural Home We can not substitute other magazines for any of the above, and cash must accompany ail orders. Magazines may oe sent to different addressee, if so desired SPECIAL SIX MONTHS OFFER If you want the biggest bargain you ever saw, look at this. For a few days only we will give with eaeh sir month* subscription to The Daily Georgian a one year’s subscription to eaeh of the four magazines listed below. Regular Price Daily Georgian, Six Months $2.60 McCall’s Magazine Woman’s World American Woman Gentlewoman Magazine All for $2.50 Now is the Time to Pay Up Your Subscription For You Receive the Magazines Absolute!y Free The ATLANTA GEORGIAN Circulation Department, Atlanta, Georgia Granulated: Eyelids Cured! Serious Trouble Is Feared in Northeast Lancashire, Eng., Among Mill Employees. Manchester, England, Dae. 27.—A lockout affecting 1*0,000 employed* In the textile Industry throughout North east Lancashire will go Into effort to night The mill owners are In favor of an open ahop policy and refuse to rec ognize the Union. Serious trouble Is feared and the authorities are prepared to take stern measures at the first out break of violence; Thq worst cases, no matter o{ how long standing, are absolutely cured by D r.Porter's Antiseptic Healing: Oil A soothing antiseptic discovered by an Old Railroad Surgeon. All druggists re fund money if it fails to cure. 25c, 50c & $1. Hodrtt, Tens# that DR. PORTER'S ANTI- SUMMONED TO COURT Adusht Hanish Will Be Asked to Tell Everything Concerning Doctrines of His Order. Chicago, Deo. 27.—Adusht Hanish, master of the Bun Worship cult here, from whose temple William Lindsay, twelve years old, was rescued, was sub- pened today to appear tomorrow In Juvenile court when the question of guardianship of the lad will be taken up. 'Can’t I be left alone here?" he de manded when the officers appeared with the paper. “Are you bent on hounding me all the time?': When Hanlah appears In court ho win be asked to tell about the doc trine* of his order. Other witnesses also havo been summoned, and It Is expected the shcrets of the order will become known. When the hearing begins Deacon Walter Sumner, of St. UC|UID Uoatuu vv oiiui uuiiiiiv.. VI. Peter and St. Paul cathedral, head of the vice commission, will be on hand. It It said that other boya besides Lind say were In the temple, and Sumner will order an investigation If tho dis closures warrant IN IRON FREIGHT RATES Representatives of 125 Lines Oppose Suspension of Ad vances by Commission. the Washington, Dee. *7.—Opposing suspension by 'the Interstate commerce commission ot advances In rates on Iron and steel articles on Its railroads oper ating In Central Freight association ter Jstionsr Lane today declared the railroads now were operating this traffic at a losa and It did not carry Its share of the expenses. The commission recently started an in vestigation as to the reasonableness ot ad vances on traffic moving from Pittsburg and other points In Pennsylvania to Dav- tnport, Iowa; Rock Island and Mallna, III., and other upper Mississippi river .ring ‘ in., biiu mini urn'ci uiiggiBoipin tnui points. The hearing today waa for the )f the case. MALARIA MAKES "ALe BLOOD. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC drives out malaria and builds up the system. For grown people end children. Me,' “PLAIN DRUNKS” A-PLENTY IN THE CITY OF AUGUSTA Augusta, Oa., Dae. 27.—With Christ mas about over the people of Augusta are beginning to asttl* down for an other long year of hard work. The Yule-tide waa spent with considerable quietude here. The city ordinance for bidding tho discharging of fireworks except on Christmas day waa rigidly observed, but on the 25th there was enough noise made by cannon crackers to last the entire year. The Christmas drunk la almost a perpetual Inlstltutlon In Augusta and, of course,'great num ber* of persohs loaded up on boose. The recorder has had from 40 to 80 charged with drunkenness before him every day for the past week, and In the case of the “plain drunk”—that Is, a drunk without any accessories. Juat a quiet, sleepy drunk—sentence was sus pended In every' Instance. When tha drunken reveler reveled too much ho was fined heavier and sentence was not suspended. Augusta is celebrating In a manner the last of the open barrodtn days. On January 1 there will be a new order of things and those who do not have memberships In club* must either go without or go to the other side of the Savannah Into Dispensary- vllle. South Carolina beckons with longing hands to the thirsty cltlaen ot Georgia. Christmas In Kirkwood. On Wednesday night at 7:10 o'clock the Methodist church In, Howard-st., Kirkwood, will give Its Christmas en tertainment. Til 1, UdklH Co. nruS'i'ilHunaSiVIt eye* fere almost entirely well. I wl»h eyerybotfjr coul<i tip* tke value cl DR. SORTER 'S ANTISEPTIC HEAL ING OIL (SlJ«d) lr cLBMBNT BASHAMS Made by 6%& Maker .of Laxative Bromo Quinine FIVE CHICAGO TRAINS Police and Railroad Officials Begin Rigid Investigation to Find Men Responsible. Chicago, Dec. 27.—Following the de railment of four trains In the Illinois Central railroad yards'tn Chicago last night and an attempt tn wreck a fifth pollen and railroad officials today be gan a rigid Investigation of tho acci dents and are endeavoring to find the men responsible. Two of the trains that left the rails were passenger trains and persona on them were badly ahaken up. Only the tact that the trains were running at low speed prevented serious accidents. The wrecks were so planned as, to cause the greatest Inconvenience to the rail road, tying up the line at Important Junction.points A strike of shopmen has seen In prog ress on tho lino for more than three months. Police today were Inclined to blame the wrecking attempts on strike sympathisers Many persons And themselves affect ed with a persistent cough after an at tack of Influenza. As this cough can bs promptly cured by the use of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, It should not bs allowed to run on.until If becomes troublesome. Sold by all druggists. BRYAN’S FRIEND KILLED HIMSELF WITH A RAZOR Plainfield, N. J-, Deo. 27.—William Patterson, of Lincoln, Nebr., close friend of, WJUIaul ‘ J. Bryan, who dis appeared from his daughter’s home beta on Sunday morning last. Was found dead today with his throat cut near a quarry In North Plainfield. A bloody raior lay by his side and the police say that It is a case of suicide. Mr. Patter son left ,hls wife and two children In Lincoln several weeks ago to spend the Christinas holidays with hts daughter here, Mr*. LeUoy Gatos. H-M-H N-H-f + TEN DIE FROM POISON 4- 4- IN CHRI8TMA8 DINNER 4- 4* Berlin, Deo. 27.—Ten inmatea of T the Berlin Municipal Institution 4- 4- for the Homeless died today from 4* J poison which they had taken in + food at a Christmas dinner. Twen- + ty others are III, some of them be- 4- 4* Ing In a critical condition. Tha + t authorities have started an Invea- + tlgatlon. 4* MACK'WANTS MORE TIME FOR NATIONAL POLITICS World’s leading artists, musicians and colleges use our Pianos. Write us for catalogue and testimonials. CABLE PIANO CO., 84 North Broad St. Free souvenirs at Great Diamond and Jewelry Auc tion, daily, 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 3:30 p. m., at 93 Peach tree. Dancing tonight Atlanta Dancing Academy, corner Mitchell and Forsyth-sts. New management. Mathies- sen’s orchestra. Admission 50 cents. NORMAN E MACK, Chairman of the New York aiate Democratic committee, want* to re linquish that office, and has made known hl» reasons to the prominent Democratic party leaden of the state. HI* reason for this retirement. It I* said. It that he wants to give all bis time to the work of the Denfocratlc national committee. Herbert Blssell. of Buffalo. Is named at tha probahfe successor of Mr. Mack. Demand Is Made in One Rus sian Province That American Goods Be Boycotted. St. Petersburg. Dec. 27.—The anti American feeling which has sprung from President Taft's announcement that the commercial treaty of 1922 be tween Russia and the United States would be abrogated Is growing In In (entity. The latest result of U Is i demand from the provincial council of Kherson, a government on the .Black sea. that all American made goods be boycotted. IN AN INDT George V Has Narrow Escape From Death While Hunting. His Nerve Unshaken. Bombay, Dee. 27.—A sensational re port that King Georg* V had a narrow escape from death while tiger bunting In Nepal was circulated here today. The story was told by a native who had accompanied the royal expedition as a gamebeater. Altlio every precaution possible had been taken to protect the life of his majesty, an enormous tiger, streaked with blood from several wounds and frantic with pain and rage, leaped upon the elephant from whose back King George did his shooting before It was Anally put to death. King George tired, but missed, and after the beast had been wounded In half a dozen places It made the leap that landed It on the’elephant Just back of the royal howdah. The king's nerve remained unshaken and as the tiger fell to the ground with two bullets thru Its head, fired by the marksmen on either side of tho king, his majesty coolly pumped another shot Into It from his heavy rifle. BLIZZARD IS FORECAST Light Snow Driven Before a Sharp Wind Strikes That City From Northwest. Chicago, Dee. $1.—Light snow driven before a sharp wind brought the first blizzard forecast of the season to Chi cago today. The wind whistled thru the streets during tha early morning hours, but later In the day dropped and the snow ceased falling. The temper, ature dropped, however, and It remain- ed cold. Forecaster Cox, of the weath. er bureau, predicted that the mercury would not drop more than eighteen de grees. A blizzard snow and aleet storm which haa been sweeping Wisconsin, it was expected would reach Chicago and vicinity, and today’* early cold waa considered a forerunner of the storm. DINNER WILL BE FREE , AND VAUDEVILLE, TOO Ca! Cafferty, basao profundo of tha Rollon tana, playing this week at the For syth. and a personal friend of Rev. E. Dean Ellenwood, and other members of East Harrls-st. Mr. Cafferty and his fel- low-entertalnsrs will entertain the gath* ertng with selections during the evening. The Christmas tree and aupper will be a Joint entertainment this year, and the affair will begin at fc:30 o'clock, the chil dren to be given a good time and to ren der a program until 7:30 and then this will be followed by the supper and annual parish meeting. Mrs. Ellenwood and Miss Anderson, of the corps of teachers of the Sunday school, have had the children prepare an excellent program of songs and carols, and this will be given Just prior to the distribution of presents. Everybody interested in the church is Invited te attend the tree exercises and the supper, there being no charge. CHILDREN IN SANITARIUM ENJOY A CHRISTMAS TREE Millsdgevilla, Ga., Dec. 27.—Almost a half hundred children of the state sani tarium enjoyed a Christmas tree In the Greene building of the Institution, where they make their home. The funds that made the Chriatmae tree possible came thru the generosity of those who are acquainted with the condition of the children. i Extensive preparations were made tor the occasion, and nothing was left un done that would add Joy to the little ones whose condition Is not understood by a great many people. The feeble minded children could not grasp the meaning of It all to lta fullest, but they entered gloriously Into the Joy of the day. These children are the pets of the Institution. Nurses and physicians alike beatow upon them greatest care and love, and they, too, provide many little gift* for the children. Masons Elect Officers. Powder Springe, Ga., Dec. 27.— Bprlngvllle Masonic lodge No. 152 has elected officer* as follows: Z. B. Moon, worshipful master; II. H. Brown, sen ior warden: C. M. McTyre, Junior war den: D. G. Miller, treasurer; I. P. Moon, secretary: J. S. Bookhart, chaplain; Luther Rice, senior deacon; John Mr- Cufchens, Junior deacon: Charles Rice, senior steward; A. W. Florence, Junior steward. Thaxton Elected Mayor. Halana, Ga., Dac. 27.—In a recent elec. tlon here the following men have been elected as city officials: H. F. Thax ton. mayor: R. T. Klnchen, C. A. Stew art, H, C. Coleman, S. J. Meadows and Dan Mclatughlln, aldermen. STUART’S BUCHU AND JUNIPER COMPOUND • CURES KIDNEY AND BLAODER TROUBLES CLEARANCE SALE of AH Toys and Vehicles Now oo Hand Boys’ Velocipedes, Wagons, Glideroles, Shooflies, Dolls, Horns, etc., Will Sell at About . One-Half of Regular Price Only a Limited Amount on Hand King Hardware Co. 53 Peachtree Street 87 Whitehall Street 5,000 ATE CHRISTMAS DINNER AT THE STATE SANITARIUM Milledgevllls, Ga., Dac. 27.—The big gest Christmas dinner In Georgia was served at the state sanitarium. There are approximately 4,000 Inmates of the Institution and over 1,000 attendants, all of whom were invited to eat and be merry. The dinner waa one of the best that most expert chefs could prepare. The menu consisted of everything found at a real big Chriatmae dinner, from turkey—hundreds of them—on thru the eating catalogue. There was fruit and candy, cake and delicacies of all kinds, M lU. L,.k>1 A# tAnaiiaa nr a a Kan VA In and the babel of tongues was heard In merriment. Preparations for the dinner had he»* under way for a considerable lime lr fact. Farm Steward George IV. Holjin* head raised a large quantity of th< food that was served. L. J Lamar steward of the Institution, searched far the best that could be had. Nowhere else In all the country was there such dinner served. Strict discipline made II possible for the enormous number a| Inmates to be handled with precisian, and everybody svas given more or less freedom. There Is no question but that all the Inmates enjoyed the day to in fullest, and gladness and merriment held sway In Georgia’s house of sorrow $1,000 IN GOLD GIVEN BY FARMER AS XMAS GIFT TO SIX CHILDREN Adel, Ga., Deo. 27.—One thousand dol lars In gold under their plates waa the Christmas surprise that came to the six children qf A. W. Parrish. of thia place, at a dinner which he gave to them and a number of friends on Christmas day. Mr. Parriih, who is one of the lead ing farmers In this county and who Is also a banker In Adel,' took that novel method of presenting his three sons and three daughters a gift that would cause them to remember the day. He gave a dinner, to Ms friends and before their plates were found handsome pres ents. The children fell that they were left out and that presents on that oc casion were Only for the company, until one of the glrln was asked tn pap* her plate for a helping of turkey, and n lifting It disclosed the ll.ono In gold. The other live Immediately herame In terested In the bottom of their plates and discovered each a like amount. All the children of Mr. Parrish ar* grown and say that the money came In handily. The fortunate children are S. A.. P. M. and W. D. Parrish. Mr*. J Gordon Bennett. Mrs. J. H. Hay and Miss Mary Parrish. PIUS GIVES FAREWELL AUDIENCE TO FARLEY Rome, Deo. 27.—Pope Plus granted a farewell audience to Cardinal Farley, Of New York, today. Tomorrow Cardinal Farley will give a farewell dinner, pre paratory to sailing for America on Jan. uary 3. Lodge* Elect Off!cor*. Rutledge, Ga., Dec. 27.—The follow' Ing officers have been elected In tho Masonic bodies for the coming year: DeWald lodge, No. S43. F. & A. M„ W. T. Roberta, worahipful master: E. B. Oxford, senior Warden; C. C. Her- ren. Junior warden; T. P. Peacock, treasurer; C. A. Moody, secretary; M. L. Wallace, senior deacon: W. E. Bar ker. Junior deacon; A. E. Hutchison, senior steward; T. D. Oxford, junior steward; A. H. Moody, chaplain; D. E. Hanner, tylar. ' Rutledge chapter, No. *9, R. A. M„ M. L. Wallace, high priest; W. P. Wat. lace, king; W. T. Spears, scribe; C. A. Moody, captain of hbat; T. P. Peacock, principal sojourner; C. C. Herron, royal arch captain; A. H. Moody, treasurer; A. E. Hutchison, secretary; W. T. Rob- erts, master third veil; H. L. Vlnlng, master second veil; W. E. Barker, maiter tint veil; W. C. Richardson, sentinel. Boy Accldantally Killed. Dalton, Ga.. Dec. 27.—Joe, the twelve- year-old son ot Sherman Mullins, was accidentally killed Monday while out hunting with a young companion, Troy Holland. Young Holland's gun waa ac cidentally discharged. The accident happened In the Fincher district, this county. The boy lived only one hour after the charge entered his body. Fu neral services Were conducted by Rev. C. C. Maples, of this city, and Inter ment was In the Mineral Springs ceme. tery. Accidentally Shot. Adrian, G*., Dec. 27.—While out tar get shooting on Mo'nday with a number of young persons, J. V. Chapman was accidentally shot In the abdomen by Lee Gregory, a youth. Young Gregory was nut hunting and shot at a bird, the bullet missing the mark and hitting Mr. Chapman. The wound It not of a se rious nature. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. From The New York Preaz. Some people have to go visiting, but tome only have to go to funerals. Moat peopl* copld learn to know some thing If they didn't think they knew It all. Even a man with a million dollars can howl shout the Injustice of soma other man having two. The more money a man la willing to spend on e girl before he le married to has the IMAM ha lelae not < . -a. - her the more he trie* not to afterward. It'a better for a girl to be married and get reconciled to her regrets than not to get married and remain unreconciled to The success of your aim mar depend upon the target h e much easier to hit a cow than a rabbit.—Chicago New* If a man discovers a far-away look In Jhe ere* of a woman he la trying to talk l ° '» Newa!" h m to **7 good-bye.—Chi- T. R, JR, FIGHTS A FI IN SAN FRANCISCO HOI Young Roosevelt and a aire Friend Help Save $200, 000 Worth of Antiques. San Frandaeo, Dec. 27.—Theodor* Roosevelt, Jr.. Richard Tobin, the million aire polo player, and George Howard, its architect, Joined early today In c* lln ' guiahlng a nr* that threatened Ih o de struction of Oriental antiques jalueoI * 1200,000 in the home of Henry P- Bo*™ at Hillsborough. Bowie, who I* »" 1 ” ental. Is decorated with the Order of tw Riling Sun by the mlkado_ of Janam »*» attehaing a dinner party "t tire - • • when he received word of the w* — r^ with hts no-- 1 ! Tobin when he receive ?o y ub*s ,e I rr.ten T .7d'VisuT:: h Howi f u tied Into an automobile and was art to the house. Smoke and suing from tha windows and the «<*' men, together with aeren J»P*"f,*f ante. Immediately began the Battle lasted half an hour before the I« »” f brought under control with a t«-» *10,000. Chaffeur Fined. ... Wayeroa*. Ga, Dec. 27.—A fine.of M for recklefs driving and probablj for the loss of a horse killed a> a suit of the alleged reckles?new. placed by Mayor Cox on a nt s chauffeur In Waycross yesterdas. New Freight Depot. Dalton, Ga, Doe. 27.—Tile new South WBIIVII, US,, UBP, AH'- ern freight depot here haa beo» c0 . pleted and officially accepted b> 1 road. The depot I* a wonderful provement over tho old one ana > , together with the paving to be around It, approximately *20,0"" safe: experts We open or repair any a»fe time without damaqe. UNO. N. TODD CO. 68 N. Pryor-aL Bell phone M. S5« SANTAL-MIQY ^ Relieves ja 24 Hours Catarrh of the Bladder liSUdiudaAfaiiaUeatfWkiiiBtiiyHHi