Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 30, 1911, Image 19

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A TEE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANI) NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER HO, 1011. 19 POULTRY, dogs, pet stock, etc. poultry, dogs, pet stock, etc on# cent a ward for n n d«r this head. One cent a word for axis under th«s head For Additional Poultry and Pet Stock Ads, See Poultry Section. I Corrected by McCullough Bros.) Fre.h seljctsd. no guinea Jfirtle*. 34 0 35; miscellaneous. . C30c;, and dlrtlea, 20022c. Poultry—Llv* per pound: Turkeys, • 2S^ d ssS?S&.m?r: °; ,n ‘ to • “j: * Dressed. per pound; Turkey#^ 15f 2 tie* duck*. ITSOc; geese. MXjr hens! I2*fol4c; frl ^froo ?4~H . fries, ■^•ssed. i Trie.': 32 • roosters. 10O11C. ■rl-l ORPINGTONS. ^ „ POP. SALE—Fine lot Crj-atal White. Or- olnaton cockerels; Kellerstrsss strain. Bell p*hono Wert 968-.T Mrs. D. P. Smith Route 2, Br" nta. birds. 1524 Candler phone Ivy 4115. 12-30-24 F °0%,^ L o^4ljf>-“p« ,d to B ^ rhone Ivy 1574-J or call 34 Peachtree clr- KBI.LBRSTRASS White Orpingtons; only one pen; headed by Brady, a nine-pound cockerel, white as snow, with good red eve and five-point comb; sired by an Im ported English stud; mated to ten "rst and second prise hens and pullets. All more than standard weight, good type, pure white eggs, HO. per fifteen; 75 tier cent guaranteed fertile. J. W. Fincher, Buchanan, Ca. 12-30-56 ' PLMYOUTH ROCKS. IV ORDER to make room for our ban. tarns, we are forced to sell two pens of Ringlet Barred Plymouth Rocks, direct from E. B. Thompson. A rare bargain will be given. .The Bantamry, 27* Law ton-ai., Atlanta. *0. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. GASOLINE ENGINES. BARGAIN—Save money by getting our price, before buying. Atlanta L'tllltv Works, East Point, Oa. 12-23-17 WANTED-BOARDERS. BOARDERS WANTED—Excellent table, large rooms. 183 West Peacbtree-st. 12-37-13 NICE ROOMS with board at 19-21 Bait Caln-st.; centrally located. 4S7 LARGE, sunny front room; well prepared meals In pleasant home. 28 East Caln- 12-28-14 TWO young men for room with first-class board; close In; reasonable. 190 South Pryor. 12-28-13 WANTED—FURNISHED R00M8. One cent a word for ads under tb<s head WANTED—Three or four rooms fur nished for light housekeeping by young couple; electric? lights; north side pre ferred; state full particulars, including terms.. care Georgian. nice room: good hoard 179 Capitol-ave. Main 3758-J. 12-28-11 BOARD and room January 1; gentlemen or couples, at 119 Washington-*!. 12-21-26 FOR RALE—One one-horse dray and two spring wagons, cheap. 211 Marletta-st. 12-26-63 FOR SALE—One unlimited scholarship in Bagwell’s Business College at half price. Phone Ivy 2730-J. 12-28-6 ONE WAGNER motorcycle; in fine run ning order; price |60. Apply George Warbington, 6214 South Broad-st., lanta, Ga. TO SAWMILL MEN: 2.500 acres first- class sawmill timber for sale cheap for cash; easy access to railroad. J. J. Har per, Oslerfield, TJa. FEDERAL STATUTES ANNOTATED, 11 vols., $50. Law books bought, sold and exchanged. The Harrison Co., Atlanta. v 11-23-9 ASTHMA FtiLrEK Fifth Floor Hillyer Trust Bldg. Ivy 112. 12-29-43 LEGHORNS. QUALITY SALE—Rare bargain In fine bleeder.. Fifty 8. C. White Leghorn vearllng hens; famous Belmont strain. We need room for our young stock This .lock would cost you. If bought of Bel mont, 33 each; will sell lot at 11.50 each This Is a rara bargain. Guaranteed sat isfaction. White Bird Farm, Madison. Ga. FIVE hens and eighteen pulletB and one cock; 8. C. Black Leghorns (Kllllngs- worth strain): now laying: first check for *,!« gets the lot. E. A. Minor. East At lanta. Ga. 12-30-12 . Ga. 692 BLACK LEGHORNS—Prise winners at Atlanta, December. 1911; first cock, first and second hen, second and third pullet. At New Orleans, December. 1911, first , cock, first cockerel, first pullet, first pen, ten other prises. Eggs and stock for sale. R. A. Vlosca, 416 Godchaux building. New Orleans,.La. 12-30-63 RHODE ISLAND REDS. SINGLE COMB R. I. REDS—My pens have been mated 30 days and can fur nish eggs for hatching early chicks; 33 per setting of 16; a good hatch guaran teed or replaced. Write Mrs. William Hnsemond, Pickens, B. C. 683 ful S. C. Rhode Island Heds—six April- hatched pullets, two hens, two handsome cockerels. All o. k, and are ready for breeding,. AY, H. FJncher. Buchanan. Ga.^ MINORCA*. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE—Four Sin gle Comb Black Minorca cockerels (Norihup strain); bargains: must make . room for breeding pens. Rock Hill Poul try Yards, Gray, Ga. FOR SALE— 3125 rubber-tired top buggy, with automobile seat. I 'wed less than thirty days. At 25 per cent discount. Herbert C. Davis, 233 Luckie st. 12-28-43 COMPLETE SAW MILL FOR SALE. ONE mounted ll-h. p. Frick engine, one Farquhar saw mill, two saws, wood saw. belting, etc., almost new. Bargain If sold at once. Catch Fair burn car and gel “ at Lees, or write H. V. Lee. R. F. a.., Stonewall, Ga. 477 FOR SALE—Two typewriters, cheap. Gedrge P. Howard, 901 Empire building. 12-29-44 NICELY furnished room, steam heat, for couple or two young men. Call Ivy 1648-L. 12-29*31 WANTED—For company, refined couple or ludy to board with couple in Deca tur, Ga. References required; new house; splendid neighborhood; husband Is ab sent from city part of time, hence this advertisement. Address X. Y. Z.. Box' 101, care Georgian. 12-29-35 \\ ANTED—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; must he clean and in good neighborhood; write full particulars. Including rent per month. 702 Candler Bldg., City. 12-30-19 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE nicely furnished room with break fast and supper If desired. Address 231 North Boulevard. Ivy 1240-J. 12-30-41 FOR RENT—-Furnished room, close In; private family; everything homelike and convenient. 278 Rawson. 12-30-33 COUPLhi owning home, best north side residence section, would rent to i * able party, or small family adults, second floor; five briglr MONEY TO LOAN. One cent a word for ads under this head. F l ’ R NlSirKD^roomTiiteain - nea t edTaparT ment, close In, north side. Ivy 1333-J • 12-21-2 12-23- ROOMS. furnished or unfurnished, 222 South Forsyth-st. 12-23-47 FOR RENT—First-class rooms; clean lin en: close to both stations; opposite state japltol. 49 Washington. Bell phone Main FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, with or without good board. Ill Xelson-st. 12-25 NICELY furnished room for rent, without board. 283 Peachtree. 12-26-V for three young i 4 West Peachtree. WOULD you board on Peachtree if yo could for the same price you are pay ing? Bright, beautiful rooms; excellent table * ‘ ’ close In. Ivy 4346. PRACTICALLY NEW gas stove; must be sold at once; parties leaving city. Ap ply 21 Ashby-st. 475 NOTICE TO DAIRYMEN. JUST received car fine milk jars and shipping cans; order now. Dairy Sup ply Dept., Dunn Machinery Co., 54 Mari- etta-st., Atlanta. Ga. 12-16-5 NEW International Encyclopedia: brand new: reduced price. Rev. N. B. Mathes, Rlverdale, Ga. 12-16-23 SECOND-HAND SAFEB—Small, medium and large; home aafea $15; Hall’s bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. ~ FOR SALE—Household furniture of all kinds very cheap. 28 East Alexander s', Apartment E. CAN ACCOMMODATE few young or couples with first-class hoard and >oms, close in. 101 Capitol-ave. Main 2484-J. 12-29-57 AT 76 WEST PEACHTREE, beautifully furnished rooms with hoard for cou ples or gentlemen. Ivy 3767-J. 12-30-5 NEWLY furnished rooms with select ta ble board, .hot water, etc. Reasonable. 123 Capitol-ave. 12-50-14 ROOM AND BOARD for couple or two men; roommate for refined bachelor; private home. Call Ivy 2856-L. 12-30-62 NICE rooms with table hoard. 89 Capitol 623 HAVE a nice lot of furniture Just made over new: Just the kind for hotel or boarding house, such as dresser, beds, bed springs, washstands; will sell In lots or exchange all for a lot and pay difference, " m Sy. K. C. Williams, 65$* West Mitch- t. 568 FOR SALE—Wall case and shelving. Will sell cheap. Troy Laundry Branch, 4 Luckle-st., opposite Piedmont Hotel. 12-30-34 FOR SALE—One large black overcoat, $6: one youth’s overcoat, $4; rercoat, $3. Call Main 6167. RABBITS. BELGIAN HARES WANTED—Send full particulars. I believe l can use a great many In the South thru my agencies at a fair caeh-with-order price. I might con tract for a very large number. Every producer should give attention to this. Address C. E. Ellis, Glenwylde Farm. 210 wgst Fitty-alxth-at., New York city, N.J\ EGGS. FOR SALE-r-One white pointer pup, two 4 ye»ra tnHned; good ganger^the Bltf fIFTY EGGS needed to fill my standard Cyphert Incubator. Will hatch on shares any standard breed. Telephone West 714-J Saturday night or Sunday from 7 to 1 or e to 10 o clock. AA1 MISCELLANEOUS. ^ FOR SALE—23 8. C. White Legh let*, one cock, two cockerels; pullets *11 laying; $30; also three trios white Wyandotte*; first-class birds; $5-per trio. FOR SALE—Trio Black Mlnorcas; pen White Leghorns and pen of 8. C. R. I. Red*; all beat strains. J. M. Gloer, 228 Stewart-ave. Atlanta phone 3$0. Bell phone Main 2301. WANTED—Three or four, setting hens right now; pay $1 apiece. Phone P. Whiting, Main 1000, or Decatur 20-J at night. 6 7 BARRED Plymouth Rock hens and one cockerel; seven 8. C. White Leghorns *nd one cockerel; vigorous and healthy; One blood; select birds; worth $2 each, Will *eti for $1.50 each; satisfaction guar antee. Charles T. Blaine, Franklin, N. 585 FOR SALE—One pen Black Orpingtons , iDuke of Kent strain). $16; one pen Ruff orpingtons (Cook's strain), one cockerel, two hena, t\tro pullets, *$16; Black Mlnorcas, two cocks, two cockerels, thir teen hens, four pullets, 925; reducing my breeds to Whits Plymouth Rocks snd bite Leghorns. M. G. Bearing, Athens. RALE—Practically new delivery ^ agon with top; horse snd harness. Bell phone Main 4198, Atlanta phone 2110. A * s I AM RETIRING from business I wish to *»il a good, reliable horse and buggy; * plead Id opportunity for cash sale. Phone A Manta 936. 660 Fni ‘ RALE, CHEAP—One-horse_ whole- *aie delivery top wagon. 313 Cooper-st. FARMER BOWLES $1.00 METHOD of handling all kinds of real estate, farms, stocks, merchandise, theaters, hotels, bar ber shops, confectioneries, etc., la the most successful on earth; saves you con siderable money and gets the results; a 2c stamp brings you free particulars. “Farther’ Bowles. Dept. 8, Indianapolis, Ind. 579 Look to Your Interest. I AM STILL AT 125 Marletta-st., buying and selling second-hand furniture cheap. Call or telephone me. Atlanta phone 1917. It. W. Jones. * 12-30-49 ON ACCOUNT of leaving city will sell cheap, complete furnishing for an eight- room nouse. silverware, cut glass, etc. Apply 66 Oak-st., West End. 12-30-73 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 S. Pryor-st. Bell phone Main 1626. Atlanta phone 1126. 4-10-10 WE PAY highest cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and offloe furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell-st. Bell phono Main 2424. 1-26-26 W.ANTED—Room and board in strictly private family by young lady. Atlanta qh vicinity. Must be reasonable. Address Miss Pomero># 374 Piedmont-ave. FOR RENT—Three connecting furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with phone; references exchanged. 60 West Peachtree place. Ivy 38S3-J. 12-26-r FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, up stairs, for single gent; bath, hot and cold water; private family; price $$. Ap ply 309 Rlchnrdson-st.. near Capitol-ave FOR RENT—To one gentleman in private home, nleely furnished room; no chil dren; house furnace heated; on one of the best north side residence streets. Phone FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; very dean. 34 Carnegie. 12-26-61 NICELY furnished room adjoining bath steam heat; gentleman only. Ogle thorpe. 195 Ivy.. Apartment 2. 12-26-47 Main 3817-J. 238 Central-aVe. FOR'RENT—Very desirable steam-heated room; electric If lent. Call Main TWO furnished rooms, connected by hath; steam heat; modern; two or four gen tlemen or trained nurses. Phone Ivy 682-J. 12-28-3 dress L. T. H., care Georgian. FOR RENT—Two large first floor necting rooms, $8. 26 Broyles-st. 12-29-33 PLEASANT steam-heated room, fur nished. or unfurnished; first-class loca tion. Phone Ivy 2171. 12-28-40 THREE unfurnished rooms to rent. Morgan-st., three doors from North Boulevard. Reasonable. FOUR ROOMS for rent. 323 Houston-st. FOR RENT-*-Two unfurnished front rooms with kitchenette; two doors from Peachtree. 54 East Alexander. Phone Ivy 2352-J. . 12-28-36 TWO first floor unfurnished connecting rooms for rent: private entrance. 57 lew in-st* Phone Ivy 2384-J. 12-28-34 THREE connecting rooms, very coni lent for housekeeping, with owner. West 557-L. 16 Dunn-st. 12-28-29 FOR RENT—Three delightful unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; bath, electric lights, gas; fine porch; nice locality. Terms reasonable. M. A. !\, Box 10, care Georgian. 470 FOR RENT—Two or three connecting un furnished rooms, in West End. Cheap. Bell phone West $1-J. 12-29-26 DROP A CARD—Will bring caah for old clothes and shoes. The Vestalre, 166 Decatur-st. THREE large unfurnished rooms; refer ences exchanged; price $11. 475 White hall. 481 U1IC, IDO 11-23-11 stand, or will buy separately If cheap. Atlanta Auto an.l Repair Co., 239 Mae wood-ave.. Atlanta. Ga. 12-2.-I outfit. Box 17S, WANTED—Good two-horao farm wsfon State make, condition, price and .where can be aeen. Herbert C. Pavia, 233 Luckle-st. 1.-28-42 WANTED—Second-hand Georgia Reports and Mlchle'a DI«ont. .1. G. Gllea, Marl, etta, Ga. 12-29-21 COW PEAS WANTED—Quota oa your stock,. N. L. Wlllet Seed Company. Au gusts, Ga. 12-.-4I WANTED—Holit engineer for pile driving and boom derrick: 85 cente per hour, Nealon & Klein, Andereon. 8. C. 643 mU, PAT one dollar for copies of At lanta Journal dated January 14, May 7, August 8. 1911. Alford. 84 Putllam-at WANTED—BOARDER*. Ona cent a word for ads under this heed. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. 0n * cent a word for ads under this heed. aaU and exchanga furniture end amf* “* machine*. We also carry a run J."' 1 complete line of second-hand cook * n . d beatert, including large hotel !s?*S!L.? t .. b £ r *» ,n P ric «- O. W. Lamb. WhltehaU-aL Atlanta phone 322*. - 10-38-20 f ?P s t-proof cabbage plants- coid *nL. “ V!® °P«n air; will etand great SSL.S'ttfB P« r J.000 f. o. b. Meggetta, ,n *®i° *5.® bunch and aelactad. wanted. The Enterprise Plant Company, Meggetta. 8 C ll-10-43 “iiUZHK® R'KG-Pure wblta and a teauty; unredeemed 1 **crillce price, $285. D. A. Tobias. |m~. Jewel ere, fo Whitehall-fit: l-7-l f BELL furniture cheep for cam. b.iuthem Wreckage Co.. 02 South For- 13-0-00 "furSiV.T—**! 1 end exchange eecond-hend furniture, houiehold goods, etc. Lee * 1713 ' 14t 8ou,h *’»<»■ Atlanta phone “ 13-18-34 THREE ladles can secure good rooms and board at 122 South Pryor-«t Atlanta phone 4330. 11-1-40 THOSE dealring a atrtctly refined home with unexcelled meals end rooms, call Ivy 8501. 130 Wait Peachtree; reeton- able rater, 12-18-2 WOULD LIKE two nice young men to board In private family. Large front room. References exchanged. Addrea; A., care Georgian. 12-13-. ONE ROOM suitable for couple or young men; breakfast, lunch and evening din ner eerved; also table boarders wanted. 374 Peachtree-et. „ Ivy 2051-J. 12-23-67 BOARD and table board; first clea*. Sprlng-at. 12-- FOP. RENT—Two largo rooms, with board with private bath on ground floor, steam heat; rates reasonable. 114 Peachtree-et, Bell phone ivy 1434. 12-23-39 CHARMING apartment on Peachlree-at.; large fumlehcd room with dressing room,-or suite with or without private bath; delightful home table. Ivy ONE nice large unfurnished front room, reasonable. 29 ICaat Alcxander-at, Ivy 3915-J. 12-29-38 THREE furnlalied or unfurnished roome for housekeeping; every convenience. Main 3288-J. 406 South Pryor. 12-29-39 FOR RENT—Two or three connecting un furnished roome: hof water. Good lo cation. 15 West Plne-at. 618 FOR RENT-Two large connecting un furnished first-floor rooms: private ve randa. 21 i'rew-sl. Main 2094-1. THREE ROOMS for housekeeping; all conveniences: north side; hot bath, sink. Phone Ivy S08-I.. 132 East Merrltts-ave. .' 12-30-21 FOR RENT -Three rooms with prlvuie hath: wink In kitchen. Call Ivy 3625-J. 12-30-23 FOR RENT -Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping Apply 233 Soutl I*ryor-»t. 65* NICELY furnished room*: conveniently located. Arno Apartment, 19 West Cain-st. THREE partly furnished rooms; Inaton- *FOR RENT—Three bright, sunny fur- ufnhed rooms on Hecona floor; two con necting; kitchenette: modern conven iences. 66 Highf&mi-Ave. Phone Ivy FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms. connecting, meals nearby; will rent singly or together. Phone Ivy 13S6-L. ONE furnished front room, upstairs; gen tlemen only. Phone Atlanta 3902. 124- B East Fair-st 12-28-41 ment 5. Bell phone Furnished room in heated 61 East Caln-st., Apart- 2116 Ivy. 12-29-17 FURNISHED room: steam heat; modern: djoinlng bath; walking distance. Ivy .J. 12-29-19 NICELY furnished room, with or without board, In strictly private north side home. Bell phone Ivy 2448-L. . 12-29-20 bath and every Newly furnished, tleinen. Near In. Ivy 4281. vltnout children. FOR RENT—Seven-room house* close In; north aide; nearly furnished; ry, care Georgian. for gentlemen. 39 Carnegie way. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Allan., real e»- TRU n '?.'l S i ’ SSlTr.™*®*- talc. Eatabllahed alnca 1839. S. B. DETAILED AND REPAIRED Tuf-man A Co., corner Broad and Ala-'ROUNTREE’S StS'kt nama-sis. PH0NES; Be „ Maln 1576 AU anta 1654. FIREPROOF STORAGE. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods end pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241 Edgewood-ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood- side Storage Company. „,L „|,1 _ l i-.3D, WUIIIUII ivccpilllt nuuao «IIU WMICIC irtn sifle twltYiout security; cheapest rates; easy payments, offices all principal cities. D. J R Tolman, Room 524 Austell Bldg. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. side tt|i ne; stea rindows; UPSTAIRS apartment of four rooms; gas, COUPLE would sublease four apartment; private home; furnace erry, 25 South Gordon. reception hall, all St. Charles-ave. vest Peachtree-st„ 5-room WILL SUB-LEASE seven-room section on north side; $50 month. Par furnished If desired. CaJI Ivy 4634 ' 12-30. 136 West Peachtree, Realty Company, « Auburn-ave. 12-30-51 FOR RENT—Modern five-room ment: steam heat! excellent coi Rent $40. Telephone Ivy 8720. FOR RENT—HOUSES. Cochran, 19 South Broad-st. FOR RENT—Eight-room house; s; lar FOR RENT—Nine-room home. If rented by J* take $45 a month. This 1 apartment, with largo rooms, reened, polished floors, nice bath r< at 149 Summit-are,; also a 9-room 1 cottage, hardwood floors, tile bath perch at 356 North Jackson. Phone 1630-J, Atlanta 78, or call Mrs. II. »*. Pearson. 13-26-46 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, on two car lines, one block from Peachtree. rr. 1,'bhi Pin* piirnsp f'nnrtlnml . cheap. Tel ephone Main 2369-L, or call at 205 South Pryor. 12-23-34 503 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; convenient to center of town. Rates reasonable. Apply at 833 Whltohall-st.605 FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, fur- ■ bed for light housekeeping. 157 tland-st. 600 FOR RENT—Connecting rooms for couple or gentlemen; suitable for light house keeping; attain heat; hot water. 28 East Alexander-st.; apartment F. Ivy So79-L TWO light housekeeping rooms; also one bed room for gentleman. Apply 42 3-ROOM apartment; separate entrance; private bath; sink; completely, fur nished. Ivy 99. 12-29-47 enough for chicken farm; at Lawrence place, near en ave. car line. FOR RENT—At 17 I 6-ROOM cottage, north side, near Peach tree, completely furnished, for the win ter or longer. (Tall Ivy 3752-J. *“ mice, tile bath, gas range. Tenth-st., corner Juniper. Ap Ises. ONE twelve-room hous FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. house, close in, on Wash- unfurnlftfivil. Chone Ivy 3684-J. l2-30-:t0 FOR KENT -An upstair,, cnnalstln* of four room,, unfurnished. 124 Garnett. . unfur- ehore West 656-J. KZ FOR RENT—One unfurnished room with II conveniences In dehlrable nurth tilde tdenee. Phone Ivy 34,-1.. 12-30-40 TWO connecting unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 210 South Pryor-it. W ANTED—Two room, for light house keeping. In a good location; must have them by thg 5th. Address T. M. Georgian. WANTED-By couple, three r-oorns, near Grant perk; reawmable. Address J. V 12-27-41 gerom-un. 275 Springs! FOR RENT—Either one or two large nlee ly furnished front rooms In steam heut- .—... north side. Csll TWO nicely furnished from rooms for young men: all modern convenience!; north .side. I-hone Ivy 4461. 12-30-. NICELY furnished front room with hath. Apply 16 Castleberry-st. 12-30-16 IX private home: two. three or four rooms completely furnished for housekeeping; all conveniences; reasonable. 604 Wssn- Ingion-st. ; 55. for” RENT—Nicely furnished room In modem house; furnace, electricity and gas. 88 Park-st n-M-U FOR RENT—Lovely front room, close In: modern home; 87 per month. 40 Stone- w all-st. _ . 12 : 80-25 ?OR~RENT—Attractive front room; fur nace heat: Insiamaneous water heater, t-ourtland-si . between Earn Baker and Forrest-ave. Excellent meals three doors away l-hono Ivy 2176-J 658 140 TRINITY-A YE. near Washlngton- ,1 in new apartment house, one large, well furnished room; steam heat, electric and gaslights; porcelain bath; hot water ■lav <in,l night: phone and all conven iences; 10 tnlnufe* easy walk to Whlte- hail-st.. Kimball House or Auditorium; very desirable for business men: gentle men only. Call at Apartment 5. or phone Slain 2I8L J2-80-42 nice class of hoarders: half block Peachtree on East Caln-st. Call 3266-L. 920 Austell building Jenkins A Greene. WANTED—Space In stenographic work. Spring-si. Sr farm LOANS nlflcfid In any amount on S; Improved farm Ianda In Georgia. The 37 Southern Mortgage Co.. Gould Bldg. 7-18-1 WEYMAN A CONNOR8. T- ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Eetate. 4-1-1 * SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call, m W. Carson. 84 South Broad-st. 4-1-17 or WE HAVE plenty of money to }! lend at lowest rates on At- 36 lanta and nearby- property, i; either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for pur- - chasing purchase money notes. 1? Foster & Robson, 11 Edge wood- -d «ve. ^ LOWEST rates on first mortgsgt loan on j? real estat«. both city and suburban, v McKinney & Worsham, 14V4 Marietta-st. 50 Main 740. 9-29-45 d INVESTMENT MONEY for SiJ REAL ESTATE LOANS. No delay. Bqbmlt applieatlons. B; HILLYER TRUST COMPANY. - / . 12-S-I4 f MONEY ISDANED on Atlanta real eitatej no delays; no commission; first mort gage purchase money notes wanted; Rall- 7 way Mai! Clerks Investment Association - stock for sale. Bell phone. Geo. B. May. g .Kirkwood, Ga. 12-29-1 t * 0 MOTORCYCLES. - One cent a word for ads under thla head. t BICYCLES. . h i » SEE GUS CASTLE. >■ . * Full Line at the . , ■ Right Price. 93 North Pryor, . 1 \ Atlanta) Ga. 0 10-14-22 1 Y J AUTOMOBILES. . One cent a word for ads und^r this head. i BRAND NE\V^912^EVERETT^8T , TOURING CAR. never used, for sale on " term;!. Brush Runabout, 1911 model; perfect condition, $275. Terms, N. O. £ McPherson, 74 Ivy-st. Phone Ivy 3339. " 4*3 FRONTIER AND MERIT TIRES > ARE guaranteed for 3,500 miles. You tan also buy them guaranteed, 28x3, for 19.85; 30x3, 310.65; 30x3%, 116.80: 33x8%, 813.90; - Mx4, 121.90; 34X4, 123.90. Beat lubricating oil. 29>' c a gallon. Spark plug*. S9c. Full H line of acceaaortes ‘at one-half regular price. McPher*on Auto Tire Company, a 74 Ivy-et., Atlanta, Ga. 483 P I HAVE a nice touring car. 1911 model. „ which I will aell cheap or trade fur <- real eetate. Koacoe Harden, 219 Edge- wood-ave. 12-30-71 c C FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. ONE 1910 five-pasneugec “30” J Locomobile, fully equipped and in guaranteed firat-clasa condi- tiou, $1,500. 0 ONE 15-30 Stearns, rebuilt and jr painted, guaranteed for twelve montiix, $1,650. J! ONE 1910 five-paaHenger White Gnaoline, fully equipped and in guaranteed firat-olass condi; tion, $1,250. THE F. B. STEARNS CO., 32 Jaincu-st. fa 12-30-39 - - i* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. One cent a word for ade under thla. head. j| WANTED—Experienced hotel man with few thousand dollars to Invest. Fire opportunity to right party with capital. J< Address with references, etc., Hotel, care Georgian. 3K3 INVESTORS. | A LIMITED amount of treasury stock In ii Southern development company; a very unusual opportunity for making a safe ami profitable investment, and to Vt take advantage of tlio coming rapid en hancement in value of south Georgia lands. For further Information write Frank P. Ball, Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 13-88-4 RARE CHANCE. Drugs and general > merchandise. No competition. Afqney maker. No hard stock. Fine all-year cash trade. Prosperous country. Price right, ^satisfactory reasons for sals. Ad dress Box 101. Normandy, Tenn 871 EUROPEAN CAPITAL furnished for at tractive enterprises In all substantial linn of bualncaa; railroad,, traction,, water and electric power,. Irrigation,, Nj timber, mining, agricultural and Indua- ml trial, bond, debenture end etock leeuee Mi underwritten, purchased or.sold; proper- IiJ ties purchased for European exploitation PC and investment; financial undertakings of 3/ all sorts handled; miscellaneous commls- at. slons and orders of all characters accept- at ed for execution in any European coun- try; correspondence Inclosing full details | ( | at first writing invited. The Internatlon- — •el Bankers Alliance, 14-18-18 Bloomsbury | 8ta., London, England. 9-2-10 »*}• FOR SALK—Half interest in established, .$2< good paying retail lumber business; car splendid location; business steadily In- — creasing; good reasons for nelltug;. part ner Is a thoroughly competent lumber 6-1 man of ripe experience. Address Owner, Box 18, care Georgian. S!*7 $500 BUYS honest, legitimate business Bid Address Box 177, care Georgian. 617 EC PARTNER WANTED who can invest 8600 wli and services. Must be good traveling *rt salesman. Returns will be about $100 per st. week. Address Box 812, care Georgian. 594 = FOR BALE—Two-story brick, 90 foot front (three thirty-foot stores), business un building; centrally located fn one of the best towns In Georgia, north of Gaines ville, for which I paid $10,000, and It was cheap at that price. I have a big trade, which is growing rapidly, as my . records will show, and I want to sell the building only because I want the money to put in my business. I will lease the building from the purchaser for five years at $1,000 rent per year, and allow him to deduct the first year’s rent from the purchase price, or I will pay the pur- ft! chaser taxes, insurance, repair bills and 8 per cent interest on th«, investment for . five years. Address C. S. J., Box 500. Cl( care Georgian. 12-30-56 FOR EXCHANGE—REAL ESTATE. ^ One cent a word for ade tinder this head. WANTED-To exchange improved prop erty in the city of Atlanta for a good farm near Atlanta. Address Owner, Box 82. care Georgian. 12-26-8 PLUMBING. J. B. BOWEN, PLUMBING. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. PRESSING CLUB. LADIES 'AND GENTLEMEN, CALL US ’ up. We call for and deliver your clothe*. jTplti our mutuai d*partment. _ Bel 1 phone CABINET SHOP. ARNETT cabinet shop: all kinds of wood work; carpenters furnished by the hour. Phone Main 6124. 88 Garnett-st. kinds of job work. Carpenters fn i, ei. omiini niiuo nviwuw. j, r,«M. Hunter-at. Strictly handwork. 11-22-6 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. IREENE & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO., rapalr and bell work a specialty. Phone Iain 1430; Atlanta. 1403. 19 Peters-st. 11-22-42 MONUMENTS. )lng. vasen, settees. 405 East , formerly 534 Whitehall. T. G. Spearman. 11-25-32 8TOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING. DAN, THE FIXER Atlanta phone 2235. 9-2-19 CARLISLE YALE LdfcOFEATHER & SHEPARD. Experts. In Forestry and Landscape. •ECEA8ED trees or such as may show signs of deterioration, we guar- ntee to restore. Branch office. The Ar- yle Bldg., 346 Peachtree. 12-12-14 ORIENTAL RUQ CLEANING. alter clothes. Called for and 1 delivered. CROCKETT A CARTER. rANTTFACTURERS of store and office fixtures. Carpenter and repair work, tore fronts a specialty. 9 PeterB-st. [am 1661. , 12-27-38 ixu muvu'Mf » Ana. uiiilt, vo wau st Main 4311. Atlanta 5674 Main. HOU8E CLEANING. windows a specialty -.rthur F. Lee, 107 Nt. „ phone 459. Atlanta phone prices reasonable. ALTERING AND REPAIRING. I.OTHES cleaned and pressed. Call© for and delivered. Main 1137. 62$4 f 1 - dies .tailoring ft specialty; dyeing, clean .273 Whitehall. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. or will exchange for vacant lots. CENTRAL investment lot. Site for laundry or light manu facturing, Just inquire and see how cheap ’it can be bought. Half cash. Near Whitehall. Call 1409 Candler Building. OWN YOUR HOME. r ILL PAY OFF your lot or buy you one and build you borne. Terms like rent. KINNEY & CO., 205 Austell Bldg. ru, minus tun pnyuiaiu «uii ■» all improvements, exespt ga*< Answer quick. Address I> Mr. White, 8 West, sxt Tuesday; 101 acres on . II road. Plats at my office. James, Auctioneer. Address Owner, Box M near Peeples-st. school; WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED. for a customer, ti Write & INVESTMENT) < o.. 140!) Caudler Bjjjildr.ig.