The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 04, 1906, Image 2

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2* THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. They Are Coming This Way! Today we haven’t a canoe in the house—have sold and delivered every one of those beauties that we had a few days ago. PREACHED TO PATIENTS iRAWLIN'S AND SONS jYOONG HEMPSTEAD THROOGIIA TELEPHONE: ARE AGAIN SENTENCED; PANAMAS NOW LISTEN! We have a dozen on the road, and they will go very quickly- when received. So you had better place your order RIGHT NOW. KING HARDWARE CO., 53 Peachtree Street. STATE HAPPENINGS IN CONDENSED FORM Large Wheat Yield. K| crlal to The Georgian. Auburn, Qa.. June i.—J. J. Ethridge, a farmer living one-half mile from Biere, baa harvested 77 bushels of wheat fr.mi 2 acres. This la the largest yield In fills county. Centraet Let for Building. Special to The Georgian. UrlglitavllJe, Ga., June 4.—The con tract for the building of n ISO,000 | ... I building has been let this morn- j to Contractors C. E. Choate and E. .1 Kullwr, of Augusta. Material for building will be ordered Immediately. It ill take abet* six months to com plin- the building, and when com- j.l. ti .1 It will be one of the handsomest s.'liMl buildings In the state. Andrew t 'it i in'gte recently gave It,000 on the building. Jeff Dsvia Memorial, special to The Georgian. II ilehtirat, Oa., June 4.—The Con-1 f<-d> rut* vetarsn held their Orel Jeff t»ii\lH county reunion Saturday. Hon. H M lllackhurn delivered the memo-1 iiul mhtrsss to a large audience. >ii - Patterson, of Baxlsy, came up nnd ..rganlsed a chapter of the Daugh ter- ..f the Confederacy. A iiesket dinner with plenty of lent- on.tde was served. Poll of Fifty Voters. Hfeeclal to The Georgian. Haalehurst, Oa., June 4.—Judge Rus sell addressed less than one hundred ■> .tiers after the memorial services here Saturday. Hoke Smith's supporters organised n 111.. Smith Club of about one hundred. nil waa taken of a croup of fifty- < mr voters: Hoke Smith 43, all tin itli.d candidates combined 1Z. _ J. A. Cromartle Is opposed for eseiitatlve by U W. Johnson. The est Is waxing warm. LETTER CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION FORMED Si>< , I d to The Georgian.. X ( ..'berry, 8. C., June 4.—At a meet ing of the rural detlvrry carriers of New berry county held Friday nfter- yinna tn the court house the Rural Let- ,t.r farriers' Association of Newberry i-minty was formed, eighteen carriers affiliating. , The following were elected: President, J. D. Smith; vice presi dent, It. A. Slight secretary and treas urer, W. G. Peterson. n A. Sllgh and W. G. Peteraon were el... led delegates to the state conven tion which will meet In Laurens July 3-i. with J. E. Jones and W. B. Beybt ait. mates. lb olutlons calling the attention of the -upervlsor and sub-supervisors of the . unty to the condition of the pub lic roads were adopted. PANIC STRICKEN BY FIRE, PEOPLE FLEE TO ROOFS B> Private Leased Wire. New York, June 4.—The forty fam ine- la the six-story doubts tenement at No. | Debevolse street, Williams, tong were driven In a panic to the roof early today, most of them In their plgi.i i 'ithes, by a Are In a store on she ground floor which rut off nil rio ,.no by the main hallway. ions on the roof, men, women and chlldn n huddled together, unable to go tan i.. r because toe scuttles of the neisi iKiring roofs were locked and f,.in. that they would be caught w It, ie they were as the Are spread. Ht panic-stricken crowd on the roof m r. ought down, however, by the WEAR CAP AND GOWN DURING COMMENCEMENT Hawkinsville High 8chool. Special to The Georgian. Hawkinsville, Go, June 4.—The gra. uatlng exercises of Hawkinsville High School will occur June 4 at the school auditorium. Under the management of Superin tendent T. G. Polhlll nnd his efficient corps of teachers, the school Is rapidly taking position with ths best In the section. □ehlonega High Behool. Special to The Georgian. Dahlonega, Ga., June 4.—The graded 8chool at this place closed Its session Friday, after a most successful year. A lengthy program waa rendered by the pupils nnd waa attended by a large audience. Prise Wlnnsra Announced. Special to The Oeorglan. Emory I’nllege, Ga, June 4.—The Few and ;il Gamma Literary Bocle- tlea offered,prises of IS tor the best short story, the best essay and the best posm published In the Emory Phoenix during the terms of l(0S-'0f. At chapel Saturday morning Presl dent James E. Dickey announced the winners as follows: s Best short story, "The Sacred Is by A. T. Hind, of Atlanta. Best essay, "Vanity of Vanities," Sterling Brinkley, of Thompson. Best poem, "To Death,” by Scolt E. Will Not Desert Ship. Special to The Georgian. Montgomery. Ala., June 4.—It Is learned here, though not authoritative ly, that J. O. Thompson, chairman of the Republican state executive commit tee, has derided not lo resign, and I ‘ he will stay In the fight to the flit There were all kinds of rumors why FIRST NATIONAL BANK IS READY FOR BUSINESS Special to The Georgian. Montgomery, Ala., June 4.—When the Flret National bank, of this city, throws open Its doors for buatnsss to morrow, today being a holiday. It will be one of the largest financial Institu tions In Alabama, having a capital stock of 11,1100,000, as a result of i merger with the Merchants' and Plant ere' Farley National bank. There Is only one other bank In the actate with a 11,000,000 capitalisation. Saturday afternoon, after banking hours, the work of moving from the Merchants' and Planters' Farley Na tlonal to the First National waa begun, >d tfl ‘ I Ths tutlon are: President. A. M. Bald win; vice president, M. P. LeGrand; cashier, A. 8. Woolfolk; assistant cash iers, Henry T. Bartlett and Emmett Selbies; trust offleer, O. W. Gralk; auditor, I'hnrles a. Norton; recelvlnt tollers, Raphael Homines, Jr., anc Archie Johnston: paying tellers, War ren Tyson and James J. Campbell. WON BRYAN MEDAL FOR THE BEST ESSAY Special to Tbs Oeorglan. Hamilton, Ala., June 4.—At the com mencement exercises of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Charles Ed gar Rico, who formerly lived here, car ried off more honors. Mr. Klee won the Bryan prise on the best essay. His subject was "Govern ment Regulation of Interstate Car riers." In UH tbs Hon. William Jennings Bryan gave to the University the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the pose of providing an annual prise ths best assay on some subject re lating to the science of government. PREDICTS TROUBLE * IN CENTRAL AMERICA pedal to The Georgian. Oxford, Oa, June 4.—At a class eeting Friday morning the Emory ii.tors decided 'that they would wear im and gowns during the commence- • nt exercises next year. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT7 Unseed Oil Is the life of paint. See that It la pure. Spencer Kellogg Old as Linseed Oil U the oldeat ad la the United States. Sold by F. J. COOLEDGE & BRO., Special to The Georgian. New Orleans, La, June 4.—Manuel Pladra Delgado, who has just arrived from Panama, has Interesting things to tell regarding conditions that exist In the latest of the Central American republics. He predicts certain trouble between tba two factions—the Ins and the outs—In that country. “I don't knosr when the trouble will come," says he. "but come It will, for ths two factions realise that with Uncle Ham as backer there Is always going to be plenty of money for office-holders to spend and the office-holding business Is by far the most lucrative In Panama, as In all tbs other Central American countries." Special to The Georgian. Spartanburg. 8. C„ June 4.—The commencement exercises of Converse College, which were begun Baturday afternoon, will dose tonight with a Joint debate between the Carlisle and Philoeophlan literary societies. The commencement has been the moat successful In the history of this well-known Bouthern female college. Hundreds of visitors have been in at tendance and the exercises have been highly Interesting. Saturday afternoon was class day, the exercises being held on the campus, and on Saturday night the class play, "All Is Wall That Ends Well," was rendered. This play waa written by Miss Pearls Wood. The baccalaureate sermon was preached Sunday by Rev. E. C, par- fan, of the LouUrvllle Theological twin Inary, a native of South Carolina. BOARD MEETS TO PLAN JULY 13 BY THE COURT. KpecUt fo The Georgina. VnMontn. Ga., Juuo 4.—J. G. Itawllni •nd bit sons, Jennie and Milton, and Alt Moore, the alleged negro arcotnpflm the mnrder of the Carter children, wen* •gain wo fenced to l»e banged by Jndso Mitchell, of the Maperlor court. In thin city, Katurdny afternoon. ■Friday, July 13, waa the day named for the execution. DR. BROUGHTON ANNOUNCED I DATE OF EXECUTION FIXED FOR|WAS ENDEAVORING TO RECOVER THAT COLLECTION FOR IN FIRMARY REACHED $2,400." Dr. Len O. Brougljton, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church, Hunduy morning made use' of the telephone system for the first time. The tele phone was connected up In the pulpit and wires run to the' cots In the In firmary, so that the patients might hear the sermon. The experiment was a success, and will bo continued reg ularly. . Dr. Broughton announced that Sun day was Infirmary day. A collection waa taken and an accounting showed that 12,400 of the needed 12,500 had been ralaed. The work of the Infirmary will be Increased to meet the demands of the enlarged Institution. CONVERSE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT MANY VISITORS ATTENDED CLOS- INQ EXERCI8E8 OF 8CH00L. Malaria Makes Paf* Sickly Children, The Old Standard, Grove’s Tasteless ■ 'hill Ton It , dr tv *.ut im;i1.h i builds up fho system. Mold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 ccnti. TREASURES OFVATICAN ARE CLAIMED BY ITAL PARLIAMENT TO BE A8KED TO PREVENT 8ALE OF LACE8 TO J. PIERPONT MORGAN. DISTINGUISHED DIPLOMATS CON FER AT WASHINGTON OVER MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE. By Private Leased Wire. Washington, D. C, June 4.—An Im portent atep In the movement for the reform of the consular service of America was taken today when a board of fivo officers created by order of Sec retary Hoot convened here to prepare plans for the desired reorganisation. The members of ths board were chosen from among the most exjierlenced con suls In the service. They arei Robert 8. Chilton, Jr., consul at Toronto; George H. Murphy, consular agent at St. Catherines: Frank H. Mason, com ■ut general at Paris; Charles M. Dick inson, consul general at Constantinople, and Edward H. Osman, coneul a' Stuttgart. The board Is charged with the con slderatton of six topics, as follows: Regulations for the new Inspection aervlce, the relations between consu lutes and the embassies or legations In the countries where they are lo cated, the rules which should govern promotion and appointment, the scope and character of examinations for new appointments, ths tariff of foes for con sular services, and amendments of ex isting regulations rendered necessary or expedient by the new statute. In formulating their plana the mem- bars of the board will have the assist- ancs of Wilbur J. Carr, chief of the consular bureau. The work Is expected to bo completed by July t, when the new regulations will become effective. AMERICAN INVASION STILL ON IN EUROPE By PAUL LAMBETH Special Cable, Copyright. London, June 4.—There la no let-up In the American Invasion. London has Its full quota of tourists from the states, and It w*ould be hard to And a place or note on the continent without tta American contingent. Among the recent arrivals In London are Mrs. Theodora P. Shonts and the Misses Shonts, of Washington, wife and daughters of the president of the Panama canal commission: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page. « Ington. and Colonel and Mr E. Klveraon. of Philadelphia. In Paris are noted J. P. and Mrs. Andrew* of Akron. Ohio; F. and Mrs. Asked, of Chicago; 8. Bolt and Cobby Davies, of Chicago; Max and Mrs. Hlrach, of Cincinnati: Maud L. Moore, of Washington; Mrs. A. Nesssed, of Pittsburg: J. C. Pennoyer. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Sadbolt. Detroit; Archie Terrill «ml R. 8. Terrill, of Chicago; R and Mrs. Frlabee. of Buffalo, and T. W. Henderson. Cleveland. At Vichy are Hugo Pain, of Chicago, and Edward Thaw, of Pittsburg. At The Hague are Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Remsen ami family and Mr. and re. A. C. Moxsworth, of Chicago. At Antwerp are Mr. and Mrs. Patterson am rp nd R. McNeill, of Chicago. At Rerlln are Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, of Chicago; Hoaly C. In- gall and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Saunders, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. H. D. Hor- wttx, of Cleveland. May Oppose Senator Morgan. Special to The Oeorglan. Montgomery, A hr. June 4.—There Is talk here of the possibility of General W. C. Oates, former congressmen and governor, may announce as a candidate to succeed Senator John T. Morgan In the United States senate. How true this Is cannot be teamed. General Oates Is already a candidate for alter nate senator and should ha announce lent for either Senator Mor ins, It Is expected others may do the same thing. General Oates opposed Senator Pet es elected the first lime. , tux when be wa By Prirste Leased Wire. New York, Jane 4.—When J. P. Morgan abroad those Earoitesn governments which here art treasure* In-come uneasy. Two ptrees of news In today’s papers lllua- tmte this fact. Because of thn report that the popo le Inclined tn eell to J. P. Morgan the precious laces which hare tiocn ■ mnUtlng In the Vatican for centnrln Italian cabinet bee prepared n bill to l»el submitted to parliament declaring Hint the treasures In the Vatican belong to tbo nation, ilnlmlng the right to prerent their 8 nan la enld tn have been bought nygan. The Kenn collection le PMHP. nlxg with Iteinliranitt end Krante Unis. By Item lira wit there are eight paintings. In the French school the Knnn rlvnli that of Htr Ilk-hard Wallace containing ex nmptea by Fragnuard, Boucher, Watteau, I-sncret. Pater, Chardin and Itarlil. In th» Italian school Knnn |ioeecaecil a Gio vanni Ucllnl and a Gblrlando. TO LAY CORNERSTONE OF THE NEW ST, LUKES EXERCISES WILL BE HELD FRI » DAY AFTERNOON AT 6 O'CLOCK. Friday afternoon at I o'clock thn eontsr- atoac of the new St. Lakes Episcopal church building on Peachtree street will Ih> laid with appropriate ceremony. Bishop C. K. Nelson will preside and after the usual ceremony authorised tiy hint addresses will tie made hy Rabid Dnrld Marx, l>r. W. W. Mmlrum, Captain R. H. Guy, Iter. C. B. Wllmcr, rector of Bt. Lakes, and Bishop C. K. Nelson. . nstore sad congregations . of other churches lu the city are larltal to be 1 It"was at first planned to hold the exec I see Tuesday, lint »u account of the un rnldslde uliecnre of Bishop 'Nelson from » city the date wan changed. When the corneretenc of the old HI. I.ukee church nt l’reor nnd Houston streets wna opened the fullnwlr were taken from It. ' Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, October ' Envelope of the Cotton exposition, Utl. Journal of sliilcth tiiuual convention dlo- :eae of Georgia, May, 1H2. ’ ’ rh ® Ututrdlsn, Saturday, October 'One cent of 18L . .. One cent of Prince Kdwnrd a Island. 1*71. Itotl of scholars Hi. Lukes Hun,lay school. Jnly, August, September, UB, showing 17 officers and teachers and 170 scholars. Southern Churchman. October IS, 1833. The Atlanta I’oet Appeal," Friday, Oc tober ft mi The Churchman, October 21, 11*7, The following record was made on parch meut, the writing of which was so faded as to bo almost Illegible, to be almost lltegtlde. St. Luke* Church—Built Ja 1*75. on the ..mV of Spring asd Walton street*, and location changes " ...... president 17. 8. A. II. Colquitt, governor of Georgia. J. W. English, mayor. John W. Beckwith, Id-hop of diocese. W. C. Williams, KO" print la cbnrge. c. U. Beckwith, assistant. John W. Cos, aeutoe warden. John ltnrklns. Junior warden. L. Jarvis, treasurer. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS , ELECT OFFICERS Special to The Georgian. Eatonton, Ga., June 4.—At the semi annual election of the local lodge of Knight* of Pythias, held here Saturday night, the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing term, which lasts six months: J. Nathan Hawkins, C. C.i H. Reid Hearn. V. C.! R. A. Wheeler. P.; Na than Batchelor. M. of W.; Elmer Wil son. K. R. and S.: Roy D. Stubbs, I. Q.; J. L. Johns, O. O. Alderman Resigns. Special to The Oeorglan. Huntsville, Ala., June 4.—A. K. Mat- •ws has resigned his position as al derman from the Third ward and haL been succeeded by R. K Smith, a young attorney, who was elected at • special meeting M lb* council. ooooaoaoooooooooooo o THE NEWS FROM HOME. When you leavo Atlanta for your summer vacation, drop a postal with yonr address to the circulation department of The Georgian, and ths paper will be til mailed to you at the regular O carrier rata to city subscribers, of ten cents a week. When no tifying the office In this man ner, add your homo addresg also,. 4 O QOOODQOOOO OO 0000040 8MALL SKIFF FROM VES8EL. Special to The Georgian. Mobile, Ala., June 4.—While endeav oring to regain pouesalon of a small skiff which went adrift from a vessel on which he was one In a party of ygcbtmen, Theodore Hampstead, a very popular young man of tht* city, was drowned at Point Clear. Ala., yester day. Toung Hempstead was a nephew of Congressman W. M. Howard, of Geor gia. nnd was 21 year* of age. Just ax assistance was about to be rendered the young man sank beneath the waters of Mobile bay. HI* body wa# brought here by steamer. LEANING OUT WINDOW IS A shipment of very select Panama Hats— good color, closely woven of small strands —the genuine Panamas. PRICED $5.00 to $10.00 and twice your money’s worth in every hat ESS1G BROS., ‘Correct Clothes for Men” 26 WHITEHALL STREET. RAPIDLY PASSING TROLLEY CAR TEARS HER HEAO NEAR LY OFF BODY. By Private loosed Wire. New Haven, Conn., June 4.--DelIa McDonald's brains Were dashed out to day, her scalp was torn away and her skull crushed Into a pulp a* she was supported by two Yale men with whom she had been on a lark at Savin Rook. They started to return to this city be fore daybreak this morning, and, ac cording to the Yale men's testimony, before Medical Examiner Bartlett, Mias McDonald had “taken something that did not agree with her.” She was In a hilarious mood and leaned out of the window of the trolley car on which the party were returning, In spite of the advice of the Yale men 'look out.” A car coming In an op- . Ite direction crashed past nnd f away the top of Miss McDonald's hi Death was Instantaneoua GROSS EARNINGS TAX IS UPTOTHEVOTERS GRANTING WOMAN THE RIGHT TO VOTE IS ALSO BEING PASS ED ON IN OREGON. - By Privatf Leased Wire. Portland,. Oregon, June 4.—Today's election In Oregon Is regarded as one of the most Important In the bletory of the. state. In addition to electing a full state ticket, the voters are called upon to elect representatives In the several congresalonkl districts and to express their preference for United States senator, one of the latter to be elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Mitchell and the other for the long term to succeed Sen ator John W. Genrin. Governor George E. Chamberlain has been named for re-election by the Dem ocrats, while the governor's Democratic appointee, John 51. Geurin, Is a candi date to succeed himself In the United Slates senate for the.full term. The Republican ticket Is headed by James Wlthycombe ax the guberantorlxl can didate, F. W. Mulkey la the Republi can candidate for senator for the short term and Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Is the candidate for the long term senator- ship. In addition, eleven measures are sub mitted to the people for their action. Five are constitutional amendments and five are Initiatory laws, while the eleventh relates to an appropriation bill pasqed by the last legislature. The most Important measures from a pop ular viewpoint are those proposing woman suffrage, home rul* for cities, Initiative nnd referendum on apodal laws, an antl-p«j* law, and gross earn ings tax on jiiivai* rar lines and oi express, telephone and telegraph com panies. The campaign has been a spirited is, and both aides appear confident of success. The Republicans, however, seem certain of winning In the con- rresslonal elections and alto In the leg. alatlve contests. The governorship Is likely to prove a cloee contest Gov ernor Chamberlain, the Democratic standard-bearer, squeexed In two years ago by a plurality of 341, although ths rest of ths Republican state ticket was sleeted, and Roosevelt had a plurality of nearly 43,000. The Democrats like wise elected the governor In 1(03 by a plurality of Z7(. But normally Oregon a regarded as a Republican state and has been since 1172. Both the Repub lican congressmen were elected two years ago by larg* majorities. The prohibitionists have a ticket In the field, headed by t. H. Amos for gov ernor and R. Le* Paget and Rev. H. Gould, as candidates for United States senators. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS CONDENSED Appointments by Governor, Special to The Georgian. .Montgomery. Ala., Juno 4.—The gov ernor has made the following appoint ments: J. M. Jones, county commis sioner pf Cleburne county; Nell 51c- Carron, Justice of the peace, ward one, 51ob!le; G. L. Lambert, pension exam iner, Bay 5!lnette; Franklin Patterson, Certificate of Nomination, notary public at Secour. 8|ierlnl to The Georgian. Montgomery, Ala., June. 4.—The sec retary of state has received the cer tificate of nomination of Henry D. Clayton for congress from the third district * Petition in Bankruptcy. Special to The Georgian. Montgomery, Ala, June 4.—Allen Turney, of this city, has filed a volun tary petition In bankruptcy In the United States court Fines Are Collected. Special to The Georgian. 5Iontgomery, Ala, June 4.—The post- office authorities In thin district are rigidly enforcing the order that there shall be no writing Inclosed in any but first-class mall. Packages, It Is stated, have been opened and found to contain writing that should not go through the malls except as first class. The fine for this la (10, and the Inspectors have collected a neat sum from those who were found guilty. Teddy, Jr., a Chauffeur. New York, June 4.—The strenuos Ity of the Roosevelts can not be kept down, and seems to have been traits mltted in full strength to the presi dent's children. Theodore, Jr., Is now learning to be a chauffeur. The ordi nary run of college sports seems to be too tame for him, so he has bought him an automobile, and speed records will soon have to begin to take notice, If they would avoid being broken. Masting of Grain Men. Chicago, Ills., June 4.—The annual meeting of the National Grain Dealers’ LARGE FAMILY SURVIVES SPARTANBURG FARMER. Special to Tbs Georgian. Spartanburg, S. C, June 4.—O. W. Bruce, aged 13 years, the greatest pro genitor of this country, lies buried In a country church yard near New Pros pect, several miles from this city. Ths deceased was a man after President Rooeevelt'e heart. He was the father of 13 children, H grandchildren and 22 -grandchildren. Eight of hi* chll- are still living, and most of hla grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mr. Bruce was a prosperous fanner «t of Spartanburg and In the _ county. Hie death waa sudden came as a surprise to his many rela tives and friend*. Candidate is Selected. Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenth, June 4.—Ex- Sheriff \V. P. Rays has been selected to take the place of Ben E. Hodge. Vr*o woe advised by his physician to withdraw from the race tor county clerk against J. N. McCutcbeon, the Democratic nomine*. and will continue over tomorrow. Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha and numerous othsr grain cen ters of the country are represented at the convention. St. Louie has pre sented an Invitation to the associa tion to hold next year’s meeting In that city. Judicial Election in Chicago, Chlcago, Ills., June 4.—An election le being held In Chicago today for Judges of the supreme court, circuit court and municipal court. The prin cipal interest In the reault of the elec tion lies In Its bearing on the contest of the rival Democratic factions for supremacy. Mrs. Thomas in Court. Newport. R- L. June 4.—Linda Thomas, wife of Edward R. Thomas, the multl-mllllonalre turfman, appear ed In court today to defend an action brought against her by George H. WII- marth, a Newport decorator, who la suing for 31,500 damages. He avers that In 1(04, Mrs. Thomas engaged him to construct a temporary ball room at her summer residence, and that after he had purchased th* material and had It sent htr, she countermanded the order. Kaiser's Visit to Vienna. Vienna, June 4.—This city Is su perbly decorated In honor of the ar rival here of Emperor William to morrow. Though th* visit will be short, the meeting of the two rulers will be the occasion for a noteworthy demonstration and a series of brilliant spectacle*. Considerable political sig nificance la attached to the visit. The newspapers generally ascribe Its pur pose to be to strengthen the rela tions between Germany and Austria In view of the recent discussion re garding th* Isolation of Germany. 3outh Dakota Republicans. Sioux Falls, 8. Dak., June 4.—The advance guards of delegates and visit ors to the Republican State conven tion are arriving In Sioux Falla. As a preliminary, the State League of Re publican Clube began Its biennial con vention today with a good attendance. Tomorrow, the league win elect officers and choose delegates to ths National League convention at Philadelphia. Party leaders of national prominence are slated for addresses. Maids Seek Husbands. June 4—Ninety-seven spinsters In the village of Ecausalnee held a unique celebration of Whit Monday today, with an eye to rtners. Upon Invlta- bachelor* for miles the town and were re ceived by a committee composed of the prettiest marriageable spinsters. An elaborate prpgram of entertainment waa carried out. Including a prome nade, a concert, dinner and ball. In the course of wrhlch the bachelors were given fair opportunity to Inspect the charms of the spinsters. At th* concert, the band played nothing bat nuptial marches and lore song*. It I* expected that ere many days elapse there will be announcement of several score of engagement* as a result of the party. Iowa Veterans at Boons. Boone, Iowa, June 4.—Although the annual encampment of the Iowa de partment. Grand Army of the Repub lic. does not begin until tomorrow, the trains brought In .the vanguard of the r today, ajid the large number that the attendance will exceed the expecta tions of the local committee of nr- rangements. The buslnexs streets art hung with flags and beautiful patriot- I* decorations, and the parade »m move thorugh garlands of red, whit* and blue hung from buildings, pole* and wires. Relief for Preachere. New York, June 4.—In order to do away with a feeling on the part of ministers that they are objects of char ity, tn securing the relief provided by ihe church, a new system has been proposed to the general assembly of the United Presbyterian church. This calls for a iwnslon system, providing a definite sum after a clergyman has served a certain number of years. Pocket Wireless 8ystem. Washington, June 4.—The bureau of equipment of the army has under ob servation a pocket wireless telegraph device which officers believe, when worked out, will be capable of accu rate service over an area of 30 miles, and complete, with no more weight than 2 pounds. The apparatus ns out lined at the present time Includes a balloon of thin rubber or similar ma terial, extremely collapsible, and ca pable of being Inflated Into an oblold 3 feet across tls greater diameter. Models for the Point Washington, June 4.—The military academy at West Point will aoon re ceive a lot of new material of Instruc tion In *the shape of models and phn. tngraphs Illustrating the construction and equipment of modem. barracks. They were obtained by the United States minister at Stockholm, with the consent and assistance of the Swedish government. The material is particu larly. valuable, because the barracks are of recent construction, and embody the best features of similar structure* In Germany and France. City lo Import Butterflies. Chicago, June 4.—A plan to Intro duce Imported butterflies Into the city parks Is being discussed In Chicago. Possibly a butterfly house will ba erected. London has one in her soo- logical gardens, and It Is the safer way of dealing with Imported Inaects. It Isn’t that the authorities fear that the butterflies will not thrive If turned loose. It Is the danger of their thriv ing altogether too well that recom mends guarding them within a house of wire netting. Emancipated from their natural enemies, they may multi ply at a rate which would present us with another pest as threatening ns the gipsy moth. ' To Celebrate Convention. Philadelphia, Pa., June 4.—The fif tieth anniversary of the first Repub lican National convention is to he commemorated by a golden Jubilee, to be held under the auspices of the Na tional League of Republican Clubs, on June 17, 1* and !(. at Musical Fund hall, this city. The National Repub lican convention, held In Musical fund hall. Philadelphia, June 17, 14 and II, ISM, placed in nomination for presi dent, General John C. Fremont. Many Bones Found. Dublin, June 4.—There has Just been published by ths Royal Irish academy, a bulky report on the result o( thres years’ exploration work among the caves of County Clare. No fewer than 70,000 specimens of bones were for warded In parcels to the Dublin mu seum for Identification. Each of these parcel* waa carefully labeled, bearing a number corresponding with s map ot the cave, giving the exact position ana depth from the surface at which tin specimens were obtained. Psse* Conference In 1907. The Hague, June 4.—It I* now re garded her* as assured that the ««• ond International peace conference be postponed until the end of 5!ay. 1(07. To Patrol Frontier. Geneva, June 4—Three Tyrolean In fantry regiments are to be formed for patrol duty on the Austro-Ital an frontier, as a reply to th# distribution along the frontier on the Itallsn »!“• of several battalions of Atplnl. Print# Tickets as Needed. Naples, Italy, June 4.—An Italian has Invented a machine for printin* railroad ticket# ns they are need«- The apparatus can print and ***. '; . 400 different kinds of ticket* with st* t!on,«date and fare. wa n im piuihmij ill securing life parti tlona, the eligible around visited th* ought In ,l the vangua today, and the largi arrivals' indicates WANT SURVEY MADE OF quadrangle Special to Ths Georgian. Columbus. Ga., June <■—The greno J 0 " of Moacogse county has adopted re« ,l0,l "“ urging the county commlaaloneri to*" every effort to hare the geological sn^J work os the Cotowhus OMd™"* ' Mrs? ?. v bw& ®gSv,!rs rsjswJe&TSun* obtain*!. • D. G. BETTIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office at End of Car Line, Collet* Park. Telcohone East Point 2S- References: Woodward Luinb**" Dank of Hast Point