The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 06, 1906, Image 10

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ONE CENT A WORD „ No Ad Taken For Lea* Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town order*, Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. J Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. It you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, tme inser tion. - WANTED HELP—MALE. is • r, ms nmiiinrani|* rmmj myturuis, )o«it!on and union card guaranteed; free rAtalojpir. r»yn« Bros'. Trade Schools* New York, Chicago. Ht. Louis. AVAvmlTocioi, HTtioWWilifinffiK as lirl|»rrs In the foundry to learn mold- era* trade. Hood par to start with and letter par In two or three months. Only those with goeal references need apply. Oclxmrh Mil" Mr .r S.’.t; stenographer*. male and female, i . MO. 175 and M6. Bellamy Business \genry, 1529 t'ntidler building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Experienced operatora mak tW ~ * -“■* — until tfiai learn. VPHRHIIPV - v — innta, write ua and we will give you In formation al*out lmerdlug plates. Nunnslly ivros. & MrCrva. 3» W. jClalmma street in . 1 i Kit tiIAn okFirti wouk-tllh A I/I'RUIST JrAirri.TWO. IMJLICITOBS LFHIENI)'ISB! r>% y o r n i r t* a itt kiTti inrk"ah5? HKllKtllllRf! HOGS. IULTMOIIR STRAIN. Fora t>r*e«i. Ctiean. i'lgn *11 •!*#•: al*o Homer I’Ikvods. Box K Crawfordvllle, Ga. HAVE You ANYTHING TO BELLI IV you have, trod It to th* Houtlic: n Auction nn<! Hal vac* Co., 30 M. Vryor atracL I'booe <B#Ill 2Wt ^ ATLAS B.Nlll.NKK— ATI.AH HOILKIIH Alla. Englse IVorka. Emplr.* llldg., Atlanta O.Vik VlCTokfA IN GOOD fiONlllTlON for $123; mat tom. I Jump neat trap, $»; •■oat $226. Out* h«r*** fnnn wajton, $36. N. C. Hprnrt*, 432-34-SI Marietta atrert. ATTORNHVH. CtILmV UFFICEllH AND real eatate affenta will find tb* beat forma of l*fil blank* at Ilenuett'a, 21 South Broad street. Printing of gvery description. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Pboaea 1366. 30 K. Hunter St. WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY, largest stock In Booth. 64 N. Droad Ht. BU6INES8 OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP* meat Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change. bur and sail automobiles. Oarage. 10-12 Mitchell street; Atlanta. Ga. Dell phone 43M-L Main. lost. fmrATBrrrtiTTtTOraj^^ and white setter dog earlj Tneadsv morn ing. Alia were to the name of Noble. Re turn to 234 Form wait at. and receive re- FOUND. nrd, 814 (Vntnrv building. PIANOS. II1IAM1IACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1*23. BECnT PIANO CO.. ft3 N. FORSYTn. PALMISTRY. ARRIVED FROM NASHVILLE Ht UEQUE8T, DB WIGHT GARLAND, I'SYCIIIC PALMIST. ADVISOR AND SEER. ITnih-r th» directorate of the Huston P«y- chic llMcnrcb Foolety .ml Lyceum Bureau. Foil FlCVKJf PATS ONLY. 65.00-JX.00-16.00-16.00 IIKAPINUS FOB He tells every hofie, full fear and ambition of you lore. In n word, tells ererything, ^on Intend buying “ fart, make any : or selling property, or. _ jr Important atop, don’t fall to consult him. Ills adrlce will bo the mesne of aarlng yon uerloua mistakes. Adrien anil fees for reading reduced for aeren days only. located In my own prl a— *7 a treat, corner Hama, eachtree. No signs. Look for number. N. II.—No colored people recelred. WALL PAPER. M. QUICK & CO.-WALL PAPER, mouldings, picture*, picture frames, ate. Hell phone <29, Standard 704. 27 E. Hunter. • It CITY WORK. ONE YOUNG LADY SECURED Ml SCIISCRJPTIONH IN DAYS* WORK. AI --- -- PEACHTREE. \vanti:i ■ upon merits of the operator and i-'t upon length of aerrlre. Apply — l mining School, Telephone llldg. \v V xyfaTi^A Gobi) liF~LUbl^ ~g6i>g with Yieat of referenda? A roorn on the Apply 7ftl Piedmont arenue. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—IIY „ _ perlenre and nldllty si. i 'cnipher aud liookkeeper, No. I rcfhr- eiwea from Atlanta buslucaa men. Address <-■ P. O. I tor. Atlanta. Ga. inAvinwT—HKmssx^r.—extort • i.riMi lii eight states; la open to engage* — ** ** 123. Mtntlou I*. "Tmvaiar,” Box WANTED—AQENT8. AGENTS WANTING RIG AND QUICK WANTED—SALESMEN. • uwRiiintTni grw ii«*w irumiT*: „ sellers; eielnslve territory and lllieral l-i iH'sIllon; extraordinary ehauco for work- • i - State If you hare had experience. Iln.lglin «’<» ■ At Hutu, < ; r« MISCELLANEOUS. IRON SAFES. VAULT DOC... fireproof aafea. deposit laisea. I ills, N H. Itmad St., Atlanta, i.ftlHHUWff ruvim wm cutting south Georgia pine tURkR ie ahliigU ■am* 11 It u Lumber Company, Box cm mu Hit. erected. Few-iug for tawn, garden and poultry. Kirlnalro » for r Tage Fence." Tilley Fence WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. \\ A <11 wm bst the Southern Auriion and Salrago < at 2ft 8. Pryor, can dispose of your h' <, iM‘bold goods, of flee fixture*. safes, car- ruga, planoa. ete.. to adrautage. rletta at.. Atlanta. Ua.l vm WIWFtVirjr ct stnUkR A HtVME near Grant park, one that will m»II on t. i ins. Come quick, as thl* will W a mu!' k aale. We mean hualiieos. W. K. launders A Co.. 57 l„»„an Bldg. Phone 14*. FOR RENT. i tijmmmimr&mxwsrA'mu th; modem. On East Pine street, until September 1. Reference*, ■bit 1*1 a* street. i*— FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. •MOL. PLEAMANT ROOMS $2 TO <2 A week. I,odgln* $1 a week. Meals $2.50 a “— —TrfmJj arenue. Hell phone ROOMS WANTED. ro.Mii. for llctal houackm-pliur; pleaaant Uratlna: owner preferred. Aildreaa mil rarrteuUry^-IVrtgauenL'Mhl^face^^ WANTED—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU WANT TO KITH KB BUY OR III If lt, M.ln »U3, Atl.nM tlP. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TAr.Kf.YO MACHINES AND BECOROH- Wbalemln nnd rntnll dUIrlbutorn of Vlc-i Kir T.lktnx Mnchlnen nnd 11 coord,. Ju«t *gU|M let. Writ* for onr ■« IUL AI.xnod.r- YOUR TEETH CROWNED tt-K OpLD CROWNS t* UP. without pnln.^ Ail GOTl^T phone XftS-J. [> UIUIIKII n ill-. rork (u.mnleed 16 l*nrTon, »% Wblle- dotblng .tor*, llell WK MOVE, RTOBH. TACK AND BRIP TEETH KSTIUCTKD POSITIVE!. PAIN—All dental work don All work guarant tat Parlors. 29V4 mons* clothing at< r WITHOUT > without pain, J - fR tore. Hell phone 2&42-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONAL*. HAI.LWOODS, IDKAIR nnd nil other mnken nt borgnln nrf We con nell yon n rextaler, mutable - xny loi.lneu. nt n price that cannot help but pie*., you. •‘neb or monthly payment,. Erery rrwUler nnamnleed for two yearn. Southern Ca.h ftextnter Co., Branch «f American Km-ond. llnnd C«.h Kcftitcr Co.. :4 8. Broad MretL Atlanta, Go. MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. HTVfc WHITEHALL STREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AMI Mll.AN STIIAW IIAT8 TEETH BEST SET OP TEETH «.<». OUARAN- teed lo *t. All work guaranteed 16 yearn. ■ ' 1 Pnrlorn, »H Whlieknil 8‘ Anler Dei rer Emm oral Parlom. mi ■ dolhlng Mon. Bell phoon REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. front, one of the I YOUR TEETH PILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- protod met ho... All work gnarnnteed 16 mn Rnaooablo pdeen. Lanier Dental Pnrlorn, NS Whitehall It., orer EmmoaC dvthing llwr. Udl gib.*. ML Gentlemen: We wish to congratulate you upon the WANT column of your paper. We advertised in your paper yesterday for a salesman, and in less than thirty.min utes after your paper had been on the streets we had three applicants, and have had one after another today. Thanking you very muoh and wishing you muoh suo- cess, we remain, i . Yours Very Truly, W. E. SAUNDERS & COMPANY. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. RENT $58 PER MONTH PRICE $5,0000. THIS IS HIGH CLASS NEGBO PROP* erty. located close In on the south afda. If you are looking for rant-paying property ~~ jmj— about this, as it la worth Inrastl- CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVENUE). “Bell Phone 469'. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Home*. Th* flrat month will be given FRED and If occupied on* year, two more months will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine month! you will have to pay for. None but good famltlee will be allowed In these houses. These are located on the River eleetrlo ear line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and I room*; have never been occupied; are located in West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-foot Park, which Is set In trees, evergreen* and flowers. Pur* air; iup tlva oaks; an Ideal spot for children, ft Is cheaper than living In th* city and the surroundings are more whole' some. In th* center of this Park are th* Ferro Pho.phat* Springs, which will cur* any caaa of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand Ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a nchool-houxe coat' ing <1,600.00 will aooA be completed. Captain "J. T. Mill*, who Uvea on tb* grounds, will show you through th* houeea. Rent <20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDB. 12 Auburn Avenue. OLORE & JUSTIN, 216 PETERS DLDO. NICK NORTH ItfDK PROPKRTY; WA I tar. gas ami arwrra; class In: renta fori t&o par month. Only t&ow* If Y<*n art (■Hiking for a home or Inrcwftucnt acc ua. m okfag to . 1 hiWMir^S'li'tiAlX. nUAhl.RV' X'Vfti large lot. $200 caah. $12.50 per month. riKH.U TTr.VHk: strvi »ni,T>T" lot. m* ■jv t« .nutlicr .tri-et: ee.t front. MOO: 1100 raah. <10 per month. TUA—Nli ir LiifT „ “NUTT. Only <1*000. Only tsautnr W. E. TREADWELL & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 24 South Broad Street. Bell Phone 2S44. Atlanta Phone 1803. D.M0 BUYS 6-11. II., OAKLAND, I r.w day. only. fa,6»-4.|t. it . 1!aht~UXIiTWaVR~RaIT ent.i n h. u.. at-iuxxi ht:; ucbmnny naa? ii6fAElS l EVEKY fo«k-4-tL s'EWimftvnOTiEnrow bargain. Ikmlarard. Ponlarai IIItrSK. NgAR pttYOlt 8T. ili.l'Hl:. "SI: rhln Is mmlel home. a<a-4 U. h.. nan n .w..... .... in. oit NvakIiinu- ton .trvet; l.rge lot; bring a corner lot ton .trvet; l.rge lot: being a e makes It • v.lunhte prnpnmt|«n. ado^B.^triPlihlVgTTBt'iir ^n. U’mhlmtoa atrect. v TTORE Mhlagton ntreet. M>ig>.h.-H.rT4oi»K Mtut nautti Tnentrd on Glean »treet. K;5nsrvH-TahuAT5; inj«rTS , goi'Ti? _lUe; |m^M^riiaMIMglllMII ll.ltns ImlKIInm. Thin lot »'3>. iQoi-S'FlV Ht. it.. WKLI- LoiAtKit near Jarkaon «tm»t Wft HaVR woHM’BESrTim* TOMfcg on Peachtree plaer. Col uut hi a avenue. Juniper, Pletlmom place and Peachtree. Kee na If yon are Intereatcd tn» the north aide. WV have dne Itat at west Kiel which we can aell at attrnethe price*, $3.30. 7-r. b. $:. Ga. avenae. Investment llat will nar from 12 to 1ft per cent Intrrear, t $ and »- room bouse* $ioa ta $3W. We nell vacant b! FOR QUICK SALE. Il.TOft BUYS A SICK ft ROOM COTTAGK. S'KAU GItAXT PARK. UtT.fbitO#. TO Al.l.KY. THIS IIAM A lAlAS OK $1.10 AT 7 PKK PENT. ALL THAT l» RE- tjriRRD IS m» QUICK Bl'MINEMM ON TIII8. J. A. GIFFORD & CO., 602 PETERS BUILDING FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 2ft BALTIMORE PLACE—THIS EIGHT- room, two-story frame, double houae. la on the south aide of Ilaltlmore Place, liet. W. l’mrhtrea and Spring ata.: if fborougb- ly modern home; baa gas, hot and cold water, atatlonary waahstand, porcelain Lath, closet, sink In tbo kitchen; the lot la Xxl&Q feet; bna it Hcrvnnta* houae; haa a hot air furnace in the basement; the Jo- JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Phone* 618 8 BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE ROMES FOB ■ale ' on Mxy monthly payment.. They ar* brand new and lorely. On targe, line lot.. Bight on car line and In the rlty. 13 minute, from renter of city. Bath nnd toilet, hot and cold water; 6 room.; pay ment. only O) per month; ( room., pay ment. only <36 per month; ( room A extra Unlit], <39 per month. For fall d,tails sen COPENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDQEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 605; Atlanta Phone 846. L. A. WOODS, 818-619 EMPIRE BUILDING. Bell Phone 2099—Atlanta Phone 1771 <100 to <900—8BVKRAI. In flue growing aectlou* on thn vary easl- ONLY $3,800. FOR A CHOICE SUBUR BAN ROME. MODERN 1-BTORY 9-BOOSI RESIDENCE on lot 100x900 on fhe northeast corner of McI.endon afreet and Clifton avenue, right at Clifton Station on the Inman Park and Cllftoa ear line la Kdgewood Yon will bavt to see this to appreciate It. The houae Is nicely flnlsheil and roomy. The lot contains every Improvement—wood, chicken and servant*' houses, stables, nice garden; pretty grore and lawn In front. Thl* place hta been turned over to me for exclusive sale at a sacrifice price. You will have to see me at once, aa It wtll not t»s on the market long at this price. J. H. LATHAM, 238 EQUITABLE BLDG. Bell Phone 3143; Atlanta Phone 2149. NORTH SIDE RES IDENCE. BETWEEN PEACIITBEEB; VERY 8E- tect neighborhood; 2 rooms, lot 50x150 to alley; furnace heat, electric and gaa lights; porcelain baths: servants* room, closets; more desirable home than adjacent places that have recently sold for $8,500 to $ft,500. *'nat sell at once and will sacrifice It for ..,000. Half cash. This Is worth an Inves tigation, cither for home or speculation. Address 14, care Georgian. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. Wl!ITEItALL-NEAR GARNETT, LOT 61 SCHOFIELD FUNERAL IS TO BE HELD THURSDAY ■romiLD—FRIENDS OF MR AM Mr,. <; H. 8«>n«ld and Mr. i-n.l M Frank M. Scofield nre Invited to attend tb funeral of .Mr. G. S. Scofield tome iThnr*day>. June 7. from the resident Forrest irvasc. at 10 n.w. Interment at Westvtew. Tin* fallowing gentlemen « pl#*nse aet on pnlltM-arers and meet nt II clny A Bra ml* »n's at C. P. &UW4 Hugh BlchanJaon. We. KrtJr, Major J. \V. C’ooper, W. It. Smith. Cpionel George West moreUad, Jos«>ph C. Cr&iikHhnw. FUNERAL NOTICE. GRANT.-TIIK FBIEXDR OK MR. AXD Mrs. John W. Gnint. Mr. ami Un. Hugh I li.m.iii .1 ml Mr*. Willi mi I». Grunt Invited to nttfiid the funeral ncrtln-s of IIul'Ii Iiniiiiii rJriint. . |.l---: j->n ><f Mi Mi m .1«*11ii W. Gr.uit, nt l ii' ir 423 Penehtree street. Thnrs-lny nftcriiuou. Jane 7. 1908. at 2:10 o rhtrk. The inicn will be private nn«l at a Liter hour. RAILROAD SCHEDULES 8bow!ng the Arrival and Departure of Pas senger Trains of fhe Following Roads: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— * 3 Nashville 7:19 am * 2 Nashville* . 8:35 am 72 Marietta . S.:am 74 Marietta ..121) pm •93 Nashville 11:45 am *92 Nashville . 4:60 p 76 Marietta . 2:60 pm 72 Marietta .. 5:30 ji • 1 Nashville T:3S pm * 4 Nashville . 8-S0 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— 8a?anoah ... 7:20nm Macon 1230am Jacksonville . 7:t>0 nm Savannah ... S.-00 am Macon 11:40 am Mncon ........ 4:00 Dm Savannah ...4:06 pm Savannah ... 9:15 pm Macon ?£6 pm Jacksonville . 8:30 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL- ROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— •Selma ......11:40am •Montgomery 6:39nm Montgom'y . 7:45 pm ’Montgomery 12:45 pm •SeUna 4:2') pip. other tralDs dally except Sun- A'II trains of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company nrrlvo nt nnd depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street and Madison avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (Arrive From— Depart To— •Augusta ... 6.-00 pm *Augutta 7:45 am Conyers 6:45 am I.ltbonla 10:06 am Covington .. 7:4ft am •Augusta 3:30 pm I •Augusta ...12:29 pm Conyers 6;09 pm I.ltbonla .... 336 pm Covington ...6:10 pm •August* .... 1:15 pm •Augusts ....11:45 pm •Dally. All other trains dally axcept Sun- £*^kbiCb6IUD Atu Line Railway. ■ Arrirt From— Depart To— W.ihlnrton . I:*9.m Rlnnlngh.m . 4:40«m Ahtwrllw ... 9;0n.m JInnroe . . . 720 atnl Memphis. . .11:46 am N*w York . .12:00 m New York . . 1:10 pm Abberllle . . 4:00 pm Monro*. . . • 7:40 pm Memphis . . , 1:00 pm Utrmlnah'm . 9:25 pm Wn.hln*ton , 1:06 pm .Shown la Central time. DAILY COTTON SEED OIL MARKET N.w York, June 4.—There I* neither activity nor new feature* in .pot nor future*. The feeling on the former In firm becauae of light stock* and heavy eonaumptlon, but there Is no ad vance hecause both exporter* and com pound refiner* are well supplied by old stocks and deliveries on old contracts, leaving the market Arm but dull, and no one dares sell the near futures short, as the atock Is held by the lead ing refiners, and the crowd la afraid to sell the new crop options for fear of some unfavorable turn In the weath- by MI to alley. Owner arranging to leave er or crop outlook. The market at rlty suthorlxen n. to sell at s very low ... figure for quick ssle. CnU nnd get a -he close , was quiet, with prices un- ATLANTA AVE.—CL08] cottage, renting for ‘ jAt kkoS' fcY':-! ! IN, TWO NEW for 13,600. NNW 2-kfoW MtcRiU' t gelghltorhootl, <l.»3. Only r«l to control this. EAST CAIN-ONE AND HALF BLOCKS from I'escbtrre; lot 66 by 100. See u. fur price. NORTH FORSYTIl. NEAR PIEDMONT I hotel, fine bnslnew lot nt price that will enable purchaser to make s qnlck turn. <3,000 — MODERN (-ROOM COTTAGE, n-er Grant Perk; porcelain bath, nice cabinet mantels; termseasy. 32,600—ON YOUR OWN TERMS, EXTRA nl<» new .room mttsgr, very targe lot, fJJfiOPUJtat Jlne. l^ta ha* hot aud cohi eeay. 1 <2,260—NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE; CAB > . ^ tnantela, hot and cold water, porve- tain bath, bit extra large; terma dead enay. Com. quick or you will mlM It. <8MMIPECIALjrOR FEW DAYS: BEAU. tlfnl lot In Kirkwood; fine fruit tree* half acre lot. See ua for terma. KOM-SPLENDID SUBURBAN HOME ON beat rer lino In city, extra well bollt *. room houae and fine lot; terma veryiesay. <400-BEAtTTIFru LARGE. LEVEL IDT In weal hod. convenient to eburrke* and arboota, good place to bulk] von a home, con make very caay terma oa thla. <L390—ON DEAD RASY TERMS. NICE new cottage In the licet port of South Kirkwood, lot extra targe and haa alee fence around It. Thin la a fine place to ralae rhlckena. Com* and tat ua akow yon. FOR SUBDIVISION. A BEAUTIFUL LEVEL TRACT FACING nn graded etreet. Will Make 99 Inta which Win aell like “hot rake*." Thla land 1a Jnat two block, fmui one of the principal car tinea. 16 mlnutea' ride from renter of city, end In the Immediate vicinity of an lm- - ■- am)re.) and Is cash will l^iy mease Industry which ta si bow being planned. <XI09 i . „ It It Bold at once. Tea tbouaood ran made here la a few months. Don't phone. hot come to ere oa. C. H. WELLS & CO. 1104 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE SEVERAL CUSTOMERS FOR home* In all parts oft th<* city. I#t ns have rmtra quick amt nre will get yeti quick nit for a*0M*. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO. 37 INMAN BLDG. Bell Phone I486. KtiSHBIiV-gT—TWo m.BV'AfEE'ToTfl - — —•>- only <126 CURRAN ST., NEAR MARIETTA. ST., one three room cottage on nice lot In good white aettlement. <590. On* hundred cash and balance <10 monthly. changed to l-4c lower.—Ware £ Le- land. BARGAIN. WILL SELL NEXT WEEK THE ENTIRE furniture of a 6-room flat, all new, for $200. Parties leaving the city, and will giro In addition two months' paid-up rent at $32.50 |»er mouth. Here la a snap for tome one. JOHN C. BALDWIN & CO. REAL ESTATE, 601 Peter* Bldg. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta rL. Produce cicb.uge. trol ‘ *«4 FRUITS.—Applet 37 to 3?J0 par bum. Oranges <3 to aso per box. le-mona 36.60 t.i *5.73. LltOea II to $l.:Yi. riio* apples $2.50 to $3.10 rhntriea* $X-0*J to enneaere j; JpgjJ Peek;ii. 30c t.1 35c: hr* JudUk te.fvlt, lur. per .lb.. irUc to lii." ■ T^uey-Nuw TuiOo lb.; I, VEGBt/bLES.-Irish Potato.. V- sa’iXk k B |j Unl.Uoge. to 3c lb., demand eoo,l pfe***- “W* ‘■'"lea, per cratt U3 „ t&, yellow, |1 to tl.S; white a. Corn, new, 20c to 60c per dozen Okra, ncr crate, <169 to U Cucumber*, per crate, 61 to 61 S pv f arum 11.26 to |i.64 H 3ri‘ l s futntoee, per bu.bel, (O „ Sweet poutoci, per buehd, 61.3 t 0 ili. Eplnsch 61 per bushel. Aepnragns l." 5 to Jit*c Imneh. Peaches, per crate. <3 to flit I e, _p.50 to J3. Wl* biini h. t berrlcH, 'k't-iunrt crate, sags Dcwehrrtea n to Igta .pi.irt i-i F nr» UR ,’. G , R , AI /.?' PROVISIONS. 1* LOLIL—I'uatels Elojrant. 86 25' iii ln ! n .i nntont $6; fancy paten? tf.10; half fftint $1.10 to $4.35; fancy I2.2&; ipSttr rh2# patent Market atroSg g * hnt CORK.—Choice red cob 75c; .to. 2 »hlt« 73c; No. 2 yellow 73c; mixed 72c WWt# oara-Wfilte clIppeA 49c; No. 2 white «c* No. 2 ’nixed 47c; golden 47c. MEAL.—Plain water xronnd. per bnitui 12c: bolted J49 ; lb Jotea, ‘per hi,U HA7.—Timothy, choice Inrge Iml.. iii«. a., choice email hales, ILK; dee sit Jlrrl hales, iu*i do. No. 2 Kk*; do. No. } clover mixed Wc; do., No. • closed nixed rLOVEJt—Choir© 90c. FEBD 8TC FF.—Chicken feed. 59-lh urki k-; short*, white, $1.40; aborts, fancy, |ic‘ liort*. brown. $1.30; bran, imre wheit. is) ounda, $L30; liras, mixed. 70 pound*. $L2)- urlnn feed $1.35; salt. lOO-llPmcU * lit, Hock, per cwt, $1; C. 8. meal, r*r >n. $28: IniIfa. aquara neks, per ton, pti The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, and iltdect to Immcdlata acceptance. ITtOVISIONH—8unrem« ham* 14W*. Call, fornla hame 10H<*. Dry Mlt extra rli* ».u I tellies 20-25 Ilia. 10.50, fat hack* 9. plate* t Hupreme lard, baaia 9.76; Rnow Drift com- innind 7%. GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Standard granulated $.8; Stw 'fork Refined 4 to 4%c; plantation* 4 to IV-. vt-.t.'pt Htnmger. f'FBB.—Roasted Arhuckle'a 615.60: . tn bags or barrel*. 12%c; green 10 ta 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina 4V4 to 7Hc. nccordla* to grade. Market very strong. CIIRE8K.—Fuftcy full cream, flat* I4ct twine 13%c; brick* 4c. Market strong. I... 6s, 1910 105 Savannah 6a. 1909 102H Macon C*. 2910 101 Atlanta 6a, HU 106 Atlanta 4Vfca. 1923 ....... lt» Atlanta 4», 1934 ....... . . 1»I4 Atlanta and West Point .... 160 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 it. of Georgia first Income do. 2d Income $$ do. .3d Income . . . ‘. $9 Georgia ." 241 Augusta and Savannah .... 117 Honthwestern . . . . * 118 Georgia Pacific Ists ....... 129 £ and A. 1st 112 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN NOTICE! We beg leave to notify our friend* nnd the public that we have moved our office* from No*. 34-35 Inman Bldg. TO NO. 13 8. BROAD 8T. (next to The Journal office.) We will be pleaied to have you call on u* there. We propoie to continue the tame conscientious nnd cour teous treatment of all, no matter whether the transaction be large or small. Our object In making thl* move I* to be In a poiltlon to give better lervlce both to the buyer and aelltr, We aollclt your builne**. W. A. FOSTER, REAL E8TATE AND LOAN AGENT. SALESMEN: I SALES DEPARTMENT: J. William Robblns^and Cbarle. E. | A s . Hook and R. C. Eve. (COLLEGE PARK HOME. DON'T PAY RENT. It I* exceedingly bad form to do *o when you can pay yonr own money back In yonr own pocket by coming to me. Juit run your eye over thl*. 3- room, modern, new houae on corner lot, 3100 cash, balance eaay monthly payment*. 4- room modern new house, same term*. 6-room, new modern house on Urge corner lot; $360 cash, balance easy monthly payment*. EDWARD H. WALKER, THE COLLEGE PARK REAL ESTATE DEALER. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June A—The Bun «*>•»: In the morning hours on th, atock exchange there waa a more or lm lively continuance of the upward mnv«- ment that was In full progress Mon day, and most stocks touched the high est prices at which they had told far nearly two months. Operations In our market for foreign account were, how ever, of no great extent and appeared to be mlecellaneoualy distributed on each side of the account.' There was s larger and more peralstent buying of bath the United States Steel common and preferred stocks than has been seen for some time past, and nearly all the railway equipment and fertilizer company stocks were strong. Colorado Fuel nnd Iron and Reading stocks were, however, the features of the market, wlthouL of course, any special reaso* therefor being made public. In Phlli- delphla the advance In the Lehigh Wi ley shares continued, accompanied by rumors that the stock was to obtain s listing on the New York atock ex- i change. Dullness came over the etock A market after midday, and after price, had drlftad back and forth almlewly for.a time they succumbed In the mat hour to a sharp selling movement, which neemed to affect Colorado Fuel and Iron more particularly then tny other stock. There waa no notshle re covery from thla, and the decline we* sufficient to wipe out nearly, If not an. the gains that had previously been made nnd to cause small net loaae* t« be shown for the day by the majority of the prominent atocks.” THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. _ , . „w Chicago, June 1—Hog*—Receipt* —gj Market 6 to V>r higher: quality, [v '2! 2.902; hulk i foe t Cattle—Estimated receipts 20.J»- V*2£ &?.V°coi£ OTlTfi&f gfe SShoireUKS <&“S>;»£- 1 Hh2v-Si«fmate! receipts U-OW.Mjtk*! atmng: quality fair; native western 63.2661)0; yeortlng* lambs IS.264ritf; western ffi.Sfl*'*' AUCTION SALE JUNE 16. B. G. Black and W. H. Allen have purchased the old sun)' mer home of J. L. Winter, between Atlanta and Decatur, which is now being subdivided and streets graded. This property con tains eighteen acres, and there is no lot in the entire tract that isn’t shaded with beautiful oaks, and having street-car frontage of nearly 600 feet. To reach this property take the Decatur car at the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Peachtree Street and off at Winter’s Station. For plats and information apply to FAVER & BLACK. 30&-3l5-3i6 Peters Buildixpg, I3otli Pliones 3o 1 ^ mm ,VaB