The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 07, 1906, Image 10

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.iv THE ATLANTA —— WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Ad Taken For Leu Than 25 Cants. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. - Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to Tho Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. Ui:N AND BOVS WANTED-USABN plumbing, pla.lerlng, brlckloylng. Special after, life achotnr.hlp SCO; en.y payments; | poaltlsn aud union card gunr.nierd: free tatague. Coyne Bron'. Trad* Schools,! . ?w York. Chtcagn, St. I/mla. ■ tvAOTltD—uoolt dViio.S'o white >h;n n« b«>lpera In the foundry to learn mold* Good pay to atnrt wllh anti n two or threo month*. Only gotMl references need apply. Oelanach Mlir Ufa. Co. W AN ri:TC:KXi4:RTK\<^ib ftTEk TUX g<MMl job for rlfht man. L. I». Gibson, net Admit i. (DIM VAM AWUMtANt fwtokKBflr <*r »»; atenofmpbers, male and female, 0. 900, (75 and (85. nellnmy Ituslueaa c*ncy, 1520 Candler ItulMIng. ■ ■ WANTED HELP—FEMALE. 912.00 per week, and we will glee good day wage* to tho#* without experience ntll they learn. If yon lire oat of At- —l writ# u* and r -*-- ggn •- ntlon alKjat l»oard A McCrea, 96 W. iiftT+KH THAN OK AI.TUI'IRT WANTS TWO SOLICITORS roil CITY WORK. ONE YOUNG LADY MiCl/HKI* 90S 8UB8CRIPT10N9 IN 28 WORK. ALFRIKNl) BLDG., 97Vfc \fXNfPiIi==Ynl?5r<5’TArriK3“fb f.iUrtS local and long distant*** telephone opera t- lug. A court** of Inatructlon given III train hic m-IjooI with aalary beginning with eii tranco to achool. Good aalarlea pnld to competent operator*. aalary being deter- mined upon merit* of the operator nnd i upon length of aervlce. Apply 5th floor, \YA$TK b-X ling He bool, Te lephont flldg. tidOb KEllAlUbE with beat of reference*. A room on tho ■ atpply 70S Piedmont avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. . YOUNG MAN OF EX V- anility a noaltlon ni t-Miographer and lK>okkeeper, No. 1 refer- m ‘ --Tlnraa *“ No. 426 P. ■ tiiiVRM Atlanta. Ga. SALESMAN, WANTED—AOENT8. AEISNTH WANTIMI Bill AND qUICK money tend for our free circular*, tip er3lHMe^au^tupp|l^Oj^Moblle^AlaJ WANTED—8ALE8MEN. INI ElaLlGKNT. HUSTLING SALKS MEN foi .vgtilfleent new map*; new feature*: earn' aellera; exrlnalve territory and liberal propf'ltlon; extraordinary chance for work er*. State |f vou have had experience. It ■ v • ^ MISCELLANEOUS. « _• IRON SAFES. BA.NTC SAPEA. VAULT DOORS, SAFES, fit• ; roof aafca, deixiait Imxea. George E. Kill*, r. H. Rroad Ht., Atlanta. . i.i vfT:»;it-\vV: Have ui rutting south Georgia pint ahlnale* Also tnmiufarttiro flooring, celling, aldlug and lath Write us for delivered price*. KIN lh . Lumber Company, Box 107, Cordele, ALT. STYLES GATF.I . .............. fence* aold and erected. Fencing for fare*, lawn, ganlru aud poultry. Kxclnalve «ent* for “Page Fence.** Tilley Fence •f . U h porayth St, Main tm. — WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WAM KD-BEYNOLDS TOBACCO TAGS, tv, A ldreaa Crulrk»haiik Cigar Co., 294 Ma- * L |jtta a».. Atlanta. Ga. '”'»VE M'aKT PUR A CUSTOMER A lillilK nr* •>'ar Grant park, one that will sell on • rii*. Come quick, a* till* Will In* n * !fc aale. We mean huaftic**. W. K. m “ Vr^^o^ATjjmunMU^ FOR RENT. i ritNismsirriiocirtW^ month; mod«*rn. On East line street, from now until Septemlier 1. References. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. XXJU PLEASANT ROOMS 92 TO IS A weak, liodglng SI a week. Meals 13.50 a lOty Trinity avenue, liell phone Itlanta nhonr ~~r ROOMS WANTED. rooms for light housekeeping; pleasant location; owner preferred. Addreaa full i srtleulars to ^Permanent.** this of flee. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. a.^i iu biiur.n dl l un auburbau property, tee or tete- J. II. Latham, 221 Equitable a; Main (143. Atlanta 2l». REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. neighbor. C. E. NewlU, Box I EDUCATIONAL. SII* lUTI IA NI T LU A It N EI» IN Twill; KM; l*c«t. **n *le*t r pfcespeet; also tn tight by malL Stokely'a Bos. College, 7» Marietta at. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. UERK8I1IBB HOGS, JHLTMOHK STRAIN. l_Pure breed. Cheap, IMga all alaea: also Homer HfaoM. - Bos 9<f* Crawfi HAvirT5lj iygTmM6 f6 SKtLt Irllle, you have, tend It to the Southern Auction ?ATHP C °“ 30 8 ‘ l§r * ot atr##L Phone ATI.AH fc.NGINKH ATLAH IbMUtU* ————All atvlM and Urn Alla. Engine Work., Bmplre Bid*,. Atlanta U.n'F. VIWifttA I.V V<661» WNOIfl.iX for DM; ro*t e».‘ wlW |ti; mrnt tss. On- hurt- farm wagntt, $M. S. C. Hprnrr. 4U44-M MarlrtU .Ir—I. AWottSttvw, ciu)S‘tV tiifKlcKM XN1, datid w. YArtnnouon. MA8TBB IXUMBCR, PhODM IS*. K B. Hunter BL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. UO SEE HOL'THEBN AUTO AND EQUIP. m«nt Co. W. r.p.1-, rKanMroet, r ?ur>i.{ar.u‘i«s" ««* pbnn* 4194-L Main. •treat. Atlanta, On. Tfih LOST. imtAmrrm^mr^wsrn^ FOUND. 14 Century building BRAMRACK PIANOS. KHTAIILIHIIKD 1123. BECIIT PIANO CO., <2 N. FORSYTH. ARRIVED FROM "VILLB B r “TIGHT i 1 I'ALMlm. 4 ^^■and seer. Under the directorate of the Iloaton Tay- chic Reaeareh Society nnd Lyceum Bureau. FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY. |5 rfo_0s.oo_f5.00~|5.(M READINGS FOR NO He tella every hope ’ - ... fear aud ambition of your life, gives full names, date of mar -*ige, c/i p* bill Hr*, fortunate and unfortu ...An period* of life. How to win tho one you love, In a word, tell* everything. U -'on Intend buying or netting property, or. it fact, make any Important step, don’t foil to consult him. Ilia advice will be the means of savlog you aotioua mistakes. Advlco and fee* for reading reduced for seven day* only. Located In my own pri vate home. 211 Ivy street, corner Harris, one block eaat of Peachtree. No algos. Look WALL PAPER. M. QUICK A CO.—WALL PAPER, mouldings, pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell phone 729, Standard 704. 27 K. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKINO MACHINES AND ItRCOnDB- WkpnaM. and retail dl.trll.utora of Vic tor Talkln* Machine, and Record.. Ju.t rccclTcd tar*, ronalciiairnt of machine and or.r »,(*» record. Immediate att. (Iren mall onti#a. W. want the nam all talking m.chtn. deal.r. In the aonth. Writ, for eatalotne. Aleiandrr Eljra Co. Snell and ilndaoo ... ... S od catalogue and price Hat. Alexander* Ijr.a Co. YOUR TEETH CIIOWNRD a-K HOLD CROWNS a UP, without pain. All work guaranted! 1ft years. Lauler Dental Parlora, White, hall ML. over Krnmous* clothing store. Bell phone S5I3-J. K MOV IB, STORE. PACK AND SHIP household goods; insurance rate one per cent. Office ami warehouse 113 55 Walton street Both 'phones. Cathcarl's Trans- REYNOLDS. THE SIGN PAINTER. Signs, banners, flags and flag decorations 1a) occasions. SHft B. Alabama St scalp diseases and make hair grow, **%...»- Mcdlciited M 8o*p_ makes you ^ hj- TEETH ItSTRACTF.D POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 15 years. Lanier l>en- tal Parlors. X»4 Whitehall St., over 1“ moiis* clothing store. Dell phone 3693-2. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALLWOODK. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. We cun sell you n register, suitable for "“if business, at a price that cannot help it please you. *ast * * *“ “ * EW MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND OIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO. PLE. 117Vfc WHITEHALL 8TREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA "an'd'ThiJkN StBaW HATR cleaned and rethaned, SOe. Soft and stiff felt bats cteahed sad re shaped. Me. Bands or sweat*. 25c each extra. ACME HATTERS. *H Whitehall St TEETH BEST SET Of TEETH «.«. OUARAN- ntuoua' clothing .tore, iiiilphoM YOUR TEETH LED WITHOUT PAIN RT AN IM peered tnethou. All work guarantied U .ran. R*etunable price*. I.tiler Dental itarbck mt Whitehall ft., orw “ Clothing (tun. Dell ph.ta St}J, THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, CITY, Gentlemen: We wish to congratulate you upon the WANT column of your paper. We advertised in-your paper ,yesterday for a salesman, and in less than thirty min utes after your paper had been on the streets we had three applicants, and have had one after another today. Thanking you very much and wishing you much suc cess, we remain, Yours Very Truly, W. E. SAUNDERS & COMPANY. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. RENT $58 PER MONTH PRICE $5,0000. gatlug. CHA8. M. ROBERTS, 1* AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone KM. Member Atlanta Real Estate Exchange THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand Ntw Suburban Hornet. The drat month will be given FREE and It occupied one year, two more month, will be given FREE at the end ot the year, making only nine monthe you will have to pay tor. Nona but good famlllte will be allowed In theie houaea. Theta are located on the lUver electric car line only twenty mlnutee ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and ( rooms; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every houte fronta a Htty-foot Park, which le act In trees, evergreene and flowers. Pure air; na' tlve oake; an Ideal a pot for children. It It cheaper than living In the city and the aurroundlnga are more whole- tome. In the center of this Pork are the Ferro Pho.phete Springe, which will cure any caae of atomaeh or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now ha. a new church, neatly furnlehed, a (tore, a school-houee cost ing 72,GOO.00 will toon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the ground*, will show you through th. houaea Rent tiO.OO per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, IS Auburn Avenuo. GLORE & JUSTIN, H5 PETERS BLDG. NICE NORTH SIDE HIOI’ERTY; WA tor. ga* nnd sotvora; rloso In; route for |) tier month. Onljr (3.000. If you are !>kfng for a homo or Invoatmont aoo us. g IftAoMs and HAlJta HiiAliLKV AVKJ largo lot.' 9200 r**h. >13.50 por month.! largo lot.' f*JO0 rash. (13.60 por month. 3-hooU HWhK;^WiThTIadY MPTloi (800; (100 rash. (10 por month. ISXTM Kil l* Lot, avo. Only 91.000. KlCIfc 'raVTSXKr PLoNT.TvfthfirrfTIiti. bottroon Eighth and Tenth ata. Only W. E. TREADWELL & CO., REAL. ESTATE AGENTS. 24 South Broad Street Rell Phone Z«44. Atlanta Phone J80J. fow days only. -ft. it. 'kiw u57fmyrAVErrAh gain and term*. tufr-M. H.7ftHilSVriTT MObitKir W ovory way. Corner lot. JUNMnt; liT5iohF.N k hoITsK fSTfiT^nV Itartlrular. 5*sl90. Ciw-x ti. SEW MtTrtltV~lTilt'BE; gUftg bargain. Bonlovard. IIuUhKL HRaR phyor ht. Thl* I* t modol homo. frraretnrrcixiHR in. on wAamsa ton etrwt; large tat; heliw a corner tal nmta‘« it In. Washington .tree! ralnalde . 2-k. fiRicK ii&i'ftc; "rroftn 11.900-4-U. II . MODEL 1.1TI.V: IIOME; loratotl »m Glonu atreot. ttl'Vs tfAkGAlS 1 crffsfcTrTsortll ■Ido; 9-r. h.. a. h., * ** building*. Thl* lot i si—ii;. \vm ■ WATEb Vvb jiAVb“somk bftAtltTFKirnbThw n I'oachtroo place, Columbia avenue. ili>or. Piedmont place nml Peachtree. 8e»* lr you are IntereatO!! on the ndrth aide. ■Aev^ AIU. ,1 IVuet L*n.V w hl,.k m-a room houses » eer to (200. We sell vacant FOR QUICK SALE. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 20 BALTIMORE PLACE—THIS EIGHT room, two-atorv frame, double house, la on th* south aide of Baltimore Dace, bet. W. Peachtree and Spring eta.: (a thorough ly modern house; has gas, hot and cold water, stationary washstnnd. porcelain Itath, closet, sink In the kitchen; the lot Is (6x150 feet; haa a servants’ bouse; has a hot air furnace In the basement; the lo cation fa first class In every respect; will rent or lease to Sept. 1, 1907. at (40 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Are. Both Phones 61S REAUTirUL COTTAOB HOMES FOR •ale on rear monthly payment*. They are brand new end tardy. On large, flna lota. Right on car Una and In the city. 12 minute* from canter of city. Bath and flnlah, 120 par month. For full details i COPENHILL LAND CO. IB EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone <05; Atlanta Phone 345. L. A. WOODS, llt-Slt EMPIRE BUILDING. Bell Phono 20M—Atlanta Phono 1771 I MAKE EAflY TERMS. lioo to ijoo-hkvJral nice large lots In One growing section, on tho very eaal- ONLY $3,800. FOR A CHOICE SUBUR BAN HOME. MODERN 14TORY 3-UOOM RESIDENCE on lot 100x900 on the northeast corner of McI*endon street and Clifton avenue* right The lot contains every Improvement—wood, chicken aud servants' houses, stables, nice J. H. LATHAM, 238 EQUITABLE BLDG. Bell Phone 3143; Atlanta Phone 2149. NORTH SIDE RES IDENCE. |rvri«-ri«iii minis, nriiniHH nmiu, CIOKli; more desirable home than adjacent places that have recently sold for (9,600 to (9.500. Mnat sell at once and will sacrifice ft for 17,000. Half cash. This la worth an Inves tigation, either for homo or speculation. Address 54, care Georgian. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. WHITEHALL—NEAR GARNETT. LOT 51 by 191 to alley. Owner arranging to leave city authorises us to sell at a vary low Special Notices SCHOFIELD FUNERAL IS TO BE HELD THURSDAY STOFIKLD—Fit IKNDS OF MB. AND Mrs. G. 8. Scofield and Mr. and Mrs. Frank 31. Kcoflcld arc Invited to atti*nd tho funeral of 31 r. G. 8. 8<*ofleld tomorrow (Thursday). Jane 7. from Forrest avenue, at 10 a.— Westrtew. The following gentlemen will please act as pallbearer* nnn meet at Bar- clay Jc Bratxbm’s at 9:90: C„ l\ Bldwcll. FUNERAL NOTICE. GRANT.—THE FRIENDS OF .MR. AND Mrs. John W. Grant. 3Ir. and 3!ra. Hugh ill! IICM tv K11 ('III I luc luuctai aviMi.ii *•» Hugh Inman Grant, eldest son of 3fr. nnd 31 rs. John W. Grant, at tl»«*lr residence. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing the Arrival and Departure of Pas-' aenrer Trains of the Following Jlondr* WESTERN AND ATLANTIC BAILUOi No. Arrive From— Na Depart To— • 8 Nashville 7:10 am • 2 Nashville . 8:35 73 Marietta . 1:35 nm 74 Marietta ..12:13 pm *93 Nashville 11:45 am *92 Nashville . 4:50 pm 75 Marietta . 2:60 pm 72 Marietta .. 6:30 pm 1 Nashville 7:35 pm * 4 Nashville . 8:60 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7:20 am Macon 12:20 am Jacksonville . 7:60 am ftarannah ... 8:00 am Ifacoo ......11:40am Macon ........ 4:00 pm “ ‘ , 4:06 pm Savannah ... 9:13 um . TSS pm Jacksonville . 1:33 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL- ROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— »!me ......11:40am *3fontgomery 5:90am _jntgom*7 . 7:45 pm *Montgomery 12:45 pm •Selma 11:35 pm ‘Helms 4:20 pm LaGrange ... 1:20 am LaGrange ....6:90 pm •Montgom'J . 8:40 pm *3Iontgom*y ..11:15 pin "Dally. All other trains dally except Sun- "All trains of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company arrive at and dopnrt from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mltchall street and Madlaon avenue. GEOltOlA RAILROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— ‘Auguata ... 6:00 pm ‘AttgusU 7:45 am " .... 0:45 am r.lthonla 10:06 am j ..7:40 am ‘Augusta 3:30 pm •Augusta ...12:90 pm Convert 6:00 pm Utbonta .... 9:23 pra Covington ... 6:10 pm ista ....8:13 pm •Anguata ....11:45 pm All other trains dally except Sun- .uftsata da ,,Jr ' " ^kVAXSibb AIET.INfe'nXI’t.WXV. Abbeville ... 9:00 am Monroe . demphls. . .11:46 am New York 'Jew York . . 9:90 pm Abbeville Depart To— # g : 4D am . 7:20 am .12:00 m Monroe. . . . Blrmingh'm t Shown In Central time. u 4:00 pm . 6:00 pm . 9:35 pm DAILY COTTON SEED OIL MARKET Call and get a ATLANTA AVE.-Cr.08B IN. TWO NEW cottages renting for (96, for (M00. JXckH6S 4 HT.-S l E\V’ i-HToitV TbofflT house, excellent neighborhood. $4,000. Only (1,000 cash required to control this. EAST CAIN-ONE AND HALF BLOCKS from Peachtree; lot 66 by 100. See us for price. enable purchaser to make a quick turn. llOOO _ MODERN »Mf Grant l*«rk; cabinet mantels; terms easy. (2.MO-ON YOUR OWN TERMS. EXTRA nice new 0-room cottage, very la anting car *^*- •--- • * water, bath eaay, and sewer. Terms very, very (3.25<V-NBW 5-110031 COTTAGE; CAB- Inet mantels, hot and cold water, poree- •4ln bath, lot extra large:.terms dead eaay. Come quick or you will miss It. ^ (500-8PKCIAL FOR FEW DAYS: BEAU- tfful lot In Kirkwood; tine fruit trees; half acre lot. S«*e us for terms. 9M0O—SPLENDID RfBUItBAN IIOME ON l»eat car line In ettv. extra well built 0- room house aud fine lot; terms very easy. (400-REAirriFiru LARGE. LEVEL IJ>T In VI eat hud. emiveuleut to churohes and schools, good place to Imlbl you a home, can make very easy terms on this. (1,206—ON DEAD EASY TERMS. NICE new cottage Vu the l»e*t part of Kimth Alrkwood, lot extra large and has nice fence around It. This la a fine place to raise chickens. Come and let us show yon. WEST HARRIS—ONE OF THE CHEAP- eat bargains to be had on close In real* race property that will soon be In de- and for business. Only (9,600. KKRSBCT" bt.-two BUBVITHC LotA “ " front north. Only IIS CI RR>N 8T„ NKAR MARIETTA 8T.. on. thm> room cottac. on nlc. lot In goo*! whit. 1500. On. hundred cub and balance 110 monthly. New York, June *.—There 1* neither activity nor new feature! In apot nor futurea. The feeling on' the former la Arm because of light stocks and heavy consumption, but there Is no ad vance because both exporters and com pound reflnere are well supplied by old stocks and deliveries on old contracts, leaving the market Arm but dull, and no one daree sell the near futures short, as the stock Is held by the lead ing reflnere, and the crowd la afraid to-sell the new crop options for fear of some unfavorable turn In the weath er or crop outlook. The market at ‘.he. close was quiet, with prices un changed to l-4c lower.—Ware & Le- land. BARGAIN. WILL HKI.I, NEXT WEEK THE ENTIRE ATLANTA MAEKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE Officially corrected by Atlanta f w. .. Produce exchange. *8 FRUITS—Apple. 17 to 57.50 p, t bl —. Orengee ;:i to *L50 per hot *■ Lemon a |5..Vi to 15.75, Limes (1 to (L25. Pine apples (1(0 to QJS. Bnmumi. .tralgbti, per bnneb ttu . H.,5. Culls, i«, r bunch »1 to H v- ** Strawberries, ticurcla .tnci. . crate, |i 50 [0 Te nn e,, e . ;tal;itt per -nit., **°. II to HJ, I’OCI.TRV AND COUNTRY Pnnnrv,, birr hens J5c to 37'ee each, ii. Dt i p E.- PreWn. *0c to 35c; lire d«bV to TTljc: fric. I7W co -Sc: hrelle’e. 1 W 1 *. «e I 'rrwrtl hens, -r III,, 13c to'lLv *? --V, turkcr x, Jl, . jj dtreu* Eggs, per Ilozed. 151iltc “ uu - Butter, table, per lb„ 20o to -3Uc- tag, per lb., ljUc to ttc ""k- ^rioncy-New JtdO, lb.; In Mb. rack, u VEGETABLES—Irl.h potato.. .. ;to,|g UAO barret; *5o. (•alilmgo. 314 to 3c lb., demand good ^Bret.. cabbage crateg, per eretatt* „ i’eas. pnr drum, 73c to (1; verv Ho. .... Tomatoes, per crate. (3 to (2 60 ** Beans, green, per crate. 75c ti» ii * ov-rBt.H-ked: wnx GO to 75c 91 m,,rk#t ( Sinarh. „U 0 W, H to «.»; wblta* Corn, new, Me to »0c per dozes Okra, per crate, 1-60 to tl Cocnmbera, per crate. }1 to IL3 Lettuce, head, per dram 11.3 to MM |1.»\ Irl * b P® r kuihgl. R35 to Cherrlf., 24-quart crate, I2.50' to a. (.antaloupea, tier erate. (2 to r» m Illnrklierrles 10 to 12Hc quart ‘ ' Dewehrrles 10 to 12^c quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS FLOUR.—l'oatela Elegant, (0.S- niainJ stent (6r fancy patent U».10; half Jf t 3 4.10 to (4.36; fancy (3.90; Aiirlue «rhJ Sitent 13.500. Market atrong. * wh W CORN.—Choice red cob Tic; .to * .hit. \nei Na*2 yellow 73c; mixed 72c - wh,t# °at*-!\hlte rllppejl 49c; No. 2 whits 4Se- No. 2 mixed 47c; golden 47c. MEAL.—Plain water ground, per buatn>t 72c: Imlted 140-lb Jutes, per huihei, 54c AY.—Timothy, choice l.rg. bTlM, «.»; do., choice small bale, 11.05; do No 7 tblr.1 hales, I1.0C; do. No. l lie; d'„. So. I clover mixed Kc; do., No. 1 clored mlicj ■ CLOVER—Choice Me. FEED STUFF—Chicken feed, 601b. nek. « ^ ilk; StW.rrA.i'Si nit. Rock, per cwt.. M; C. s. umI. ptr' ton. (38: hulla, > nquare sacks, per ton, p!a. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, and cnhJect to Immediate acceptance. PROVISIONS—Supreme hams 144c. Call- fornla hnme KHftc. Dry salt extra rib* 9.50. iKdlles 20-36 lbs. 10.60, fat hacks 9. pin tea 1 Supreme lard, basis 9.76; Snow Drift com pound 74. GROCERIES. COFFEE.—Roasted Arbuckle'a $15.50; _ulk, In bars or barrels, 124c; grtxo 10 te 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina to 7tfc, according to grade. Market very strong. CHEESE.—Fancy full cream, flats 14c: twins 13%c; bricks 4c. 3Isrket strong. 8TOCK5 AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgia 44s, 1915 ..... Georgia R. R. 0a, 1910 . . . Savannah 6-. 1?°9 . Macon 6s. 1910 Atlanta 6s, 1911 ....... Atlanta 44«. 1922 .... . Atlanta 4s. 1934 Atlanta and West Point . . Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 C. It. of Georgia first income do. 2d Income 8S do. 3d Income ....... *9 Georgia 201 Anguata and Savannah • . . . 117 Southwestern 113 Gaorala Pacific lsts 120 a, & and A. 1st 112 . 1024 . 1064 1974 11*4 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN JOHN C. BALDWIN & CO. REAL ESTATE, 601 Peter* Bldg. NOTICE! We beg leave to notify our friendi and the public that we have moved our offlee. from Not. 24-25 Inman Bldg. TO NO. 12 S. BROAD ST. (next to The Journal office.) We will be pleiied to have you call on ui there. We propoie to continue the Mine conscientious and cour- teoui treatment of .11, no m.tter whether the treniactlon be Urge or ■mall. Our object In making thl. move I. to be In a poaltlon to give better .errlce both to the buyer and xeller. We loUcIt your builnett. W. A. FOSTER, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. SALESMEN: | SALES DEPARTMENT: J. William Robbin. and Charles E. Morgan. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 8.—The Sun «av,: 'In the morning hours on the .lock exchange there was a more or le»a lively continuance of the upward move ment that was In full progresi Mon- furniture of! 5*roonV its I, all new, for .day. and molt stocks touched the hlgh- ta^ddMolr’tlJY 1l S™ths' c,, P !id”p p rlce » at wh,ch th «y httd »° ld ,or 532.60 por mouth. Here la a simp for some | nearly two months. Operations In our market for foreign account were, how ever, of no graft extent and appeared to be miscellaneously distributed on each side of the account.' There was a larger and more peralatent buying of both the United Statfci Steel common and preferred atocka than ha. been seen for some time past, and nearly all the railway equipment and fertiliser company stocks were strong. Colorado Fuel and Iron and Reading stocks were, however, the features of the market, without, of course, any special reason therefor being made public. In Phila delphia the advance In the Lehigh Val ley shares continued, accompanied by rumors that the stock was to obtain a listing on the New York stock ex change. Dullness came over the stock market after midday, and after price* had drifted back and forth aimlessly for a time they succumbed In the last hour to a sharp sailing movement, which seemed to affect Colorado Miel and Iron more particularly than any other stock. There was no notable re covery from this, and the decline was sufficient to wipe out nearly, If not all. the gains that had previously been made and to cause small net ta s » f » " be shown for the day by the majority of tha prominent stock*." A. S. Hook and R. C. Eve. FOR SUBDIVISION. nKAl TJFtri. LEVEL TRACT FACING on graded street. Win make M tale which will sell like "hot cake." Tbla land la Just two btarha from nbe of the principal car lines. It minutes* ride from center of Hty. and In Ihe Immediate vicinity of an Im mense Industry which la assured ami la now being planned. 51.500 oh will Iliy It If aold al once. Tea thousand ran h. made here In a few month. Doa'g phone, but come to nee n. C. H. WELLS & CO. 1104 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINP. i.70. BUYS A SICK 5-ROO.U COTTAGE. Near guant park, lot toxtoo. to LEY. Til IK It AH A LOAN OF 5L1W ‘ PER CENT. ALL THAT 18 HE- . 18 **•> CARIt. QUICK BC8INE88 ON TltlH. J. A. GIFFORD & CO., 502 PETERS BUILDING. HOUSES WANTED. E HAVE 8F.VKRAL 1T8TOMERS FOR kmae* In all part, of the city, let ne hare yours quick and we wlU get yon qnlrk aale for some. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO. 6? INMAN BLDG. Bell Phone 1485. COLLEGE PARK HOME. DON'T PAY RENT. It la exceedingly bad form to do mi when you ran pay your own money back In your own pocket by coming to me. Juit run your eye over thli. 3- room, modern, new bouae on comer lot, 2100 cash, balance eaay monthly payments. 4- room modem new houie, same terms. 5- room, new modem house on large comer lot; $250 rash, balance eaay monthly payments. EDWARD H. WALKER, THE COLLEGE PARK REAL ESTATE DEALER. THE LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, June Ho*.—Receipt. Market 5 to 10c higher: quality ta r: over 3.652; bulk 5S.«W«.M: ratlmatad re ci»lpt» for tomorrow 33.000; Itcht 66.534; mixed (6.4060.16: Wj• IJ-J 6.66; ronrt (6.30O«.35: pig* $5.30^0.30: IgL ra^W.45410.60; good to choice heavy $4 *> Cattle—Ratlmnted receipt* 30,000. atcailr to |0c lower; quality ^*•54 Jwsa^- (4416.10; row* tlMOite; • heifer* calrea (5^7.36; foo»f prime *feer* Z f*. 0.10: poor to medium (4«ft.20; jtacker* fP ShJ*e;»-5:«Giiu»?e«l receipt* 16,0W. jess. 'sa&r’yjBffi; lamb. 56.25^40; wrateni tS.Xbi.i-’- AUCTION SALE JUNE 16. tv. G. Black and W. H. Allen have purchased the old sum mer home of J. L. Winter, between Atlanta and Decatur, which is now' being subdivided and streets graded. This property con tains eighteen acres, and there is no lot in the entire tract that isn’t shaded with beautiful oaks, and having street-car frontage of nearly 600 feet. To reach this property take the Decatur car at the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Peachtree Street and get off at Winter s Station. For plats and information applv to FAVER & BLACK, 3O8-3IS-316 Peters Building, Both Phones 35‘9*