The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 07, 1906, Image 10

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No Ad Taken For Lets Than 25 Centi. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-tottn orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. llp'lMi payments; card guaranteed: free catalogue. Coyne Bros*. Trade Schools, New York. Chicago, fit. Louis. WAXTKb-UOI)ll Hf K?>N<~WIHTK MK>J oiBU—WUUIl BIHlinu nnilla "* r /. helpers In the foundry to learn mold* er« trade. Good ptf to start with and, better pay In two or three months. Only those with rood references need apply. HeLoach Mill Hff. Co. mWSU=kxh:iuknckd ittfit UZIH good Job for right man. I* P. Glbaou, er, 130; atenographere.. mule and female. $fl>. Jk".. itelamy Business Agency, 1620 Cnndler Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL GIVIS REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In our Bowing room to girls and women on easy work, abort hours and good pa». Experienced operators make from $3.00 to $12.00 per week, * until they learn. and we will glre good oe without ex If you lire out inntn, write na and wa will glra y formation about l*oardlng places. Nu Bros. A McCrea. II W. AlaUroa street. Better than office work—TiiiS AI.TUtTHT WANTS TWO HOLICITOHH lit CITY WORK. ONE YOUNG LADYi |UUEI> 308 KlIlsrUIPTIONH lNr-j Willi 1% A I I.MMI'VII 111.tin DAYH WORK. ALFRIEND BLDG.. 97% PEACHTREE. vFANTEH—YOUNG LADIEH TO mxm local and long distance telephone ope rat lug. A course of Inatruetlon given In train ing school with salary beginning with en trance to school. Good anlarlea paid to competent operators. • salary being deter niiied upon merits of the operator and not upon length of service. Apply 6th floor, Training Behoot. Telenhoue llldg. WANThiir'-'Hin* PAINTER; flOtSl) TPinnWi money to right ijart^ .Apply at once to 2 Jake Sign Co., I i Broad at., Atlanta, W ASii:|-»-lJMf»Kit VaHi>' FouifSTAS who can handle men nud Inspect lumber. Ilclonrh Mill Mfg. Co. WANTED HELP—Male and Female. Better than office work This Altruist wants two so licitors for city work. One young lady secured 308 sub scriptions in 28 davs’ work Alfriond Bldg., 97 1-2 Peachtree. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Was IT . > i mtT'XTT 'WXWTTmanI BimcThr^ hh-H* salesman, n ti Mi wholesale, a bust- rare Georgian, or clerical work by young roan with ex- i.« ri. nee; can furnish At reference. Address T. W.. «A4 Itawson at. WANTED—AQENT8. AGENTS WANTING BIG AND QUICK money send fur onr free circulars. Gan- #rol Saleaa^Jjn^iljCfv^Mobllj^la^^ WANTED—8ALE8MEN. nu ui > Kilim* <ii urn niupni wn irmwrv'ii, sy »ei|«-ra; exclusive territory and liberal ••position; extraordinary chance for work eri* state If you hare had experituce. MISCELLANEOUS. IRON HACKS BANK SAFEH. VAULT HOORB. BAFEB, " ‘ proof safes, deposit boxes. George E. mm—-|UVti Tllhtk MII.UI i-uitlne Math Grant, plo. ■hlnilra. Alw iifm-inr* flooring. rail In,, .Tiling .ml Writ. t» for dflUrvraq price Kll- Luuiber Cooip.oy, Box W7. Cordclc, 111 Hr. Main MM. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. hit the Houtheru Auction and Balvage . at 20 8. Pryor, can dispose of your h m-hold good*, office fixtures, safes, car pet*. rags, pianos, etc., to advantage. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. 11 YOU WANT TO EITHER BUY OR eelf city or suburban property, aee or tels- Bjhune me. J. If. Ijitbaai. 31 Equitable Bb»s. I’hunes: Main 31 n. Attaint* SU* BERKHIURB HOGS. UILTMORE STRAIN. Pure breed. Cheap. Pica all sixes: also Homer Pigeons. Box M» Crawfordvllle, Uavr Y6ii ArfYTiflNcl t6 IP you hare, wad It to the Southern Auction ATLAS ENGINES ATI.AH tUtlLEBS ■ alylea and •Iw;.- Atlaa Engine Work a, Empire Hlilg., Atlanta DON’T GO BLIND, WHEN YOt: SEE T1IE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.’* new line. Juft added a full line iit trunka. travelera’ auppllea and geneml offlee aitpiillea. The ebeapeat erer Bold. We buy, aeli or exchange everythin*. DAVIIJ W. YAItBUOfian. UASTEIl 1'LUMIIKIt. Phong. USE. » B. Hunter St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND Equip ment Co. We repair, reennatruct, ex- ehaugo, liny and aell automobile,. Gtrnxe. 10-13 Mitchell etrect, Atlnutn. Oa. Ball phone 4M4-L llaln. nilAUIIACII PIANOS. BEcnT vumo co.! , «i!t/^ORsrrn. 8HOE REPAIRING. I. l.AZAKUR, 21 H. PHYIIR RT. I DO boot and ahne repairing. When 1 any re- airing, I mean the beat repairing only. Juperlor material and oak leather, with the best workmanship. I know bo repair tiecanse I knoVr a shoe. I i , skilful mender and can make comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down and worn out ones. Don’t forget the No., 21 8. Pryor ■treet. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $3 week. Lodging $1 a week. Meals $2.60 a week. 10% Trinity avenue. Bell phone Atlanta phone fUT, WALL PAPER. J. M. QUICK A CO.—WALL PAPER, mouldings, pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell phone 729, Standard 704. 27 B. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND nECOBDR— Whole*.In and ratnll dlatrlbutora of Vle- tor Talking Machine, and Ueenrda. Juat reraheil larga ronatgnincnt of machine, and 10,000 record. Immediate atleullon given mall ordi#a. Wa want the namea of all tntklnf machine dealer. In lha eouth. I Writ* for cataloxur. Alaxandar-Elyaa Co. J BICYCLES AND HUNDIIIES—LARGEST Snell and Hndaon bleyelca. 1000 ratalogno and price U*i Elya* Co. i-ierca. xaia. Writ* for nor Alexander- YOUR TEETH nail nr., over phone 2563-J. WE MOVE, STORB, PACK AND SI1JP cent afreet fer.‘ HKYNOLDH. THE SIGN PAIN! Signs, banners, (lags and flag decorations for special occasions. 10% E. Alabama St. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without naln. Alt work guaranteed 16 years. Lanlar Den tal Parlors, 33% Whitehall St., over Em moos’ clothing store. Bell phone 2643-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALI.WOOPS. IDEALS We can tall you * register, aultn auy bualncaa, at ■ price that cannot help but pleaa. you. i’a*h or monthly payments. Every register irnaranteed for two year* Southern t’aah teglater Co.. Itraneh of American Second- Hand Cash Register Co., 21 8. Uroud atrcct, Atlanta, Oa. MONEY TO LOAN. 80UTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOAN.T TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. 117V4 WHITEHALL STREET. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS S»%f , ?.tnSPL5‘.t«Mi and re Shaped. 36c. sweats. ATT EBB, <% Whitehall St TEETH BEST SET Or TEETH 16.00. GUARAN teed to «t. All work guataotccd U nan. Lanier Dontal Parlora. 5»H Whitehall St.. over Emmons' clothing atoro. Ball phono YOUR TEETH PILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- prored inethon. All work xuaraatHd It year,. Reoaonable price* Lanier Dental Parkin, MV, Whitehall St., o»er Emmons' clothing atoro. Belt photo 2643-2. REAL E8TATE FOR SALE. 5»w~v«rirjiVitR?ra ■ ■ x»nnnr'x?E8frR Hght riMiom. $4,5(B. New Ashby • t cottage, $2,400; teruia. CIinm* In atx n cottage. Cooper at., 3.507. Five room tagp. Ea-l im» $1,600. Cholry lota. Bast Hmte to Boulevard. $♦©. Garden street tsge. four rooms, fl.Ktt. New two story, wts ave.. 3.260, Close In. «'«>o|>er street ‘wan itlu«; paii 2-l» Whitehall. BARG^VIN. WILL SELL NEXT WEEK T1IE ENTIRE furniture of a 6-rram flat, all new, for •»>■ l>rtle* leaving the city, and will give In addition two months' paid-up real at SUM per month. Hern la a anap for aome one. JOHN C. BALDWIN & CO. REAL E8TATE. 601 Peter, llldg. r"/ V^\ I J “Carrying Over” Stock— ^ ) £ \_^/£ The want ads. will “close out’ your “left-over things.” A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. ON PEACHTREE ROAD AT Station we have 300 acres «»i »n fine building sites, fronting South way 1.000 fe*‘t on each able, and a froutage on Peachtree road, we ■ divide In 6 or 10 acre Iota or sIxck and make term* of **tb caah. Mill Here is a flue opportunity to get i tree borne at a bargain, as this will be hold in sixty days. 1 artb business In the city ’each- jnerty - doing catch morning and • •veiling truiiiH nt n Httl** above regular street car f**^_Thl» property Ilea right GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. BV ' Irtue of an order of th ordinary of said county g term. 1D0C. will be sold u tin* fir-At Tuesday In. July. *1306, befor court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of Bowen a R. Peyton, de court of ■d at the June tcry on of the at the end of new p-— r —- - , Just this side of where extensive Improve ments are being made nt Sliver Uw. For piata and further Information, call at oi office. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE. 1208 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1932. railroad schedules OX MADIHON AVB.-I HAVE FOR BAI, a corner lot with aeveral houses on It. This property la located Just right for en CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 1* AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone 159'. Member Atlanta Real Estate Exchange THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Horn*,. The lint month will be given FREE and It occupied one year, two mora months will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine monthe you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In theae houses. These are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and I room*; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every bouee fronts a nfty-foot Park, which It set In tree,, evergreens and flower* Pure air; na live oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It la cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole e. In the center of thli Park are the Ferro Phoephate Springe, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing 11,600.00 will soon bo completed. Captain J. T. Mill* who lives on the ground* will show you through th* house* Rent 220.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12-Auburn Avenue. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. city authorises us to acll nt a very low figure for quick sale. Call and get bargain. ATLANTA AVE.—CLOUR IN, TWO NEW cottages renting for $36, for $3£00. JAFKHOS- HT.-N’KW 2 8TOBY 7-11053 house, excellent nelghhorlitNid, $4,003. Only $1,000 cash required to control thin. enable pttrehuaer to make a quick tnrn. WEST HAltUIH—ONE OF THE CHEAP- eat bargains to lie bad on dote In resi dence property that will soon be In Ue- for uq ‘ ~ ‘ niand for imslnras. Only $3,600. kF.NN l kl>V ST.-TWO fcl.KVATKD LOTH CURRAN .ST., NEAR MARIETTA HT. W one three room cottage on nice lot In good white settlement. $500. one hundred cash nud !>alance $10 monthly. STORE HOUSE AND DWELLING. n edge of**?!/. * Price $2,000 * $SM cash'and 25 per montn. with 7 per cent Interest. -THOS. W. JACKSON. INVESTMENT PROP ERTY. $2,100 will buy almost new colored property renting for $24.30 a month. Large corner lot and room enough for another house. This is good value. THOS. W. JACKSON, 141G Fourth National Bank Building. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. Atlanta 37. are brand n«:\v and lovely. On large, fine bits. Bight on car line aud In the city. 12 minutes from center of city. Bath and toilet, hot aud cold water; 6 rooms; pay ments only $20 per month; 6 rooms, |>ay- tnents only $26 per month; 6 rooiua, extra |n -details see finish, $30 per month. For full < COPENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDQEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 605; Atlanta Phone 346. STURGEON & LANE, HEAL ESTATE, LOANS AND IN VESTMENTS, 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. $3,750—FOR 10-ROOM HOUSE, IN EXCEL- lent condition, on Highland avenue, near Ponce DeLeflh avenue. On beautiful corner lot and 100 feet frontage. Terms easy. ITSSCFoTt NKW CAflTOI. AVKNl'l; home, with 6 rooms. Terms easy, I2.B00—Foil 6-UOOM COTTAOE AND Cult- tier store adjoining, always rented for <26 a month. Terms. Good investment. $2.660—for 6-Room coTTAok X75T5 hall. Just % block off Waslilugtuii street; lot 50x189. Terms. $2,400—6-UOO^i COTTAGE, NKW. NEAR Washington st Has all modern conven iences; lot 900 fe«t deep. Terms. te.*»-F<m nick s-HiMJM ITomE In West End; lot 60x200. Terms. l-'.ioo-IVm 5-huom uuttaiik n'kau MllltHlge nvenue. On easy terms.'OH E-IIOOM COTTAOK M IILOCK from Grant Park; lot 40x186. Terms. fc.OQO-FOlt 8-KOOM COTTAdK. N'KAU j'ark. Terms very easy. 7 IIOOM 2-HToltY llol'HK <)S‘ Illlllnnl Btreet, corner lot; always reuttn] for $16 mouth. This has n good future aud plai*e Is In splendid eondltlon. jLiiSo^^oR 3UOO.M 1io\‘hk OX LARGE lot, near Grant Park; plenty of fruit nud flowers. Terms $100 cash, $10 month. »i.Wo-Fim clinoM iiiiIInk 6>i I:.VS| IfnrrlM strei»t. Now rented for $12J0 per month. Terms. I1..T0O—l-llOO M liOt'HK UN IIKIIIUAND avenue. Terms. $1,060 — FUU 5 ROOM f’OTTAGK. splendid (Hindltlon, l»etweeii Marietta at. and Humphries avenue. Terms. iiltt-t'OU S-IIOUM COTTAUK ON EAST avenue. Terms. $900—4-ltOOM ( Ol’l’AUhi NEAR I1ILL HT., on lot 40x120, always rented for $8 per month. Small cash payment, balance $10 l>er month. IlMMt li’MM'K OFF IIKIIll.ANIl AVK- nue, nice 3-rooui rottng** 111 Hpleiidld con dition. $100 rash. $10 month. SOO-3IIOO.M NKO’ltO HOI'HK ANl) Imseineiit. all new, on Myrtle street; nl- ways rented for $8.60. This Is good Invest ment. tfiiF-b-tlriOM COTTAdK S'KA 11 HOl'XII- eru shops, lot 26x166. Terms. Fdit Ukaitifi i, Past Flt<i.\“r Grant st. lot; well shad»I. All city lm- proveuients. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. WANTED AT ONCE. FOR CASH CUSTOM Ell, $100,000 WORTH of railroad frontage tbnt has uot doubled In value In the last 2 years. ' • KOIt 8ALE. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING site on railroad, containing 60 acres, with creek and rock, within 2 miles of Piedmont park. Will sell any part. I.7W >> 11*1* i*i. * 1U-II large lot on East Pint ... will-exchange for smaller home. $7,600 WILL PURCHASE AN ELEGANT 9-rooui house, lot 100x200 feet. In Inumn Park. Druid Circle. THREE NEW 9-ROOM HOUSES beautiful corner In West End. $4,250 to $4,600. $28.60 to 31-00. WASHINGTON STREET—9-ROOM, IIKAU tlful home with 2 cblua closets, folding doors, line gas fixtures modern conven iences, etc., stable, large lot to alley. Terms noiiji, .-niuui .>r,u iiuinr,, ii.'i r.n walls, cabinet mantels, Meldrlm street, only $1,700. Terms. - lo-KooM FT5TOE on BKAIITIKUL NKW . Peachtree with over one acre of ground. Price $9,500. LlliernI terms or will ex change for vacant property or ainnller home. OVER 8.000 FEET RAILROAD FRONTAGE oat of and within city limits. Prices. $800 to $36,000 per lot, at bargain counter prices. Buy now and double your money within a year. IF YOU WANT A tlt’SINKSH SITE WE have clients who will buy and Improve for you. Call and see us. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 PETERS BLDO. NEW 5-HOOM HOUSE WITH HALL AND 23 acres of land arc Meal, with 100 fruit trees now bearing, and crop plantod; % chert road, 8 miles from center of city. $1.200; this can’t l»e l>ent. mAdeun Don’t wait. bargain. ONLY $3,500. FOR A CHOICE SUBUR BAN COTTAGE HOME. ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES In Kdgewood, n modern 6-room cottage, elegantly finished tushie and of neat and attractive nnpcuraace outside, east front. 4’ouvonlent to two car tinea and only 12 mluutes’ ride from Atlanta’* center, also convenient to churches and Kdgewood school; In s nuMlel nelghl>orhood; large lot. 103x30. with an adjotning lot, 60x300. which •*au lie Imught for $700 additional; lot lias all Improvements—wood, chicken ami ser vant’s nous«*n. stable, good garden. 3 early hearing fruit trees and a large select variety of henuttfu! flowers; a very pretty lawn In front. This Is auother one of those gems that 5 mi can’t deacrllie In an advertisement. ’ou will have to see It to appreciate It. It has lieen turned over to me for exclusive sale, and I can sell It on easy terms, and won’t be long nlarat It. J. H. LATHAM, . 238 EQUITABLE BLDG. Bell Phone 3143; Atlanta 2149. TOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. of Washington st.. tlonary washstand, pantry, and sink Hi kitchen on the Drat floor: has hath, rtoast, stationary wash- stand. electric bella oa second toot; Wash- Is In one of oar best be vacated when rented $75.00 per month. IK YOU WANT YOt lt PltOfEllTY SOLD, ll.t I* • list It with no. 3-ItOOM UOTTAUE. nu:k lot. XvAYEti Showing the Arrival nml Dcpgrture o( Pa, ..nger Trains of the Following Road.: WESTIIBM AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Na Arrive From- No prnart To- • 3 Nashville 7.-10 am * : Nashville . 8:33 am 73 Marietta . 8:35 am .1 Marietta ..12:10 pm •W Nashville U:« am >32 Nashville 70 Marietta . 2:50 pm .2 Marietta • 1 Nashville 7:35 pm » 4 Nashville 4:50 pm 5:30 pm 8:60 pin CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7:20 am Macon 13:20 am Jnck.onvllle . 7:50 am Savannah ... 8:00 am Macon - 11:40 f m Macon . L . 4:00 pm aiUCVU ra.rar HBWU l.tlllll YAW UUI Savannah ... 4:06 pm Savannah ... 9:10 pm Xfaeon 7:55 nm Tackeonvllle . 8:33 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. rom— Depart To— ii:40am 'Montgomery 5:30 am Mun'gom'y . 7M5 pm *Montgomery 12:45 pm •Selma 11:36 pp: JSrim* 4:20 pm La Orange ... 8:20gci I-aOrange ....5:30pm •Montgom'y . 5:40 pm •Montgom'y „U:15pm •Dally. AH other train* dally except Sun- da .fil trains of Atlanta and Weet Point Railroad Company nrrlve nt nnd depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell atreet nnd Madlaon avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrive From- Depart To-, . 6:00 pm -Angaria , 6:45 am Uthonl- , 7:46 am 'Angus ' ” nyer 3:30 pm pm 6:10 pm •Augusta ...12:30 pm Cony Utbonla .... 5:25 pm Covington •Augusta .... 5:15 pm -Augusta ,...U:45pm •Dally. All other train, dolly except Sun- SEABOARD AIR Arrive From— IVn.hlngton . 6:30 «m Abbeville ...9:00 am Memphis. . .11:45 am New York . . 3:30 pm Monroe. . . . 7:40 pm Ulrmlngh'm . 9:26 pm Shown In Central LINE RAILWAY. Depart To— Rlrmlngham . 6:40 am Monroe . . . 7:20 am New York . .12:00 m Abbeville . . 4:00 pm Memphis . . . 6:00 pm Washington . 9:35 pm time. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. By virtue of nn order of the court of ordinary of raid eoahty, granted at the June term, 1908, will be sold at public out- on the first Tueadny In July, 1906, be fore the court liouae door of said county, within the legul hoars of sale, the follow ing property of the estate of lthoda W. Peyton, deceased, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land In the city of Atlunta, Indng part.of land lot 46, In the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Geor- gln. sltunte as follows: Fronting forty-seven (47) feet, more or lees, on the north side May 27, 1832. and recorded $2,503—ABOUT four doors from Gordon at. West End, new cottage; 6 lieantlful rooms; roceptloii ball, parlor, bedroom, dining room, kiteheu, bath (fine porcelain tub) water, E s. large lot (large enough for another cottage); a very ueat home. Owner needs Ow; balance terms. Cheap at this price. $500 down; balance easy. Is p $SJ09-4)VEItLOOKING GRANT PARK, on Cherokee ave., close to Georgia ave.: six rooms nnd bath: water, gas. fruit trees, the best place we know of for your children. Owner needs $1,900; balance ensy. Ilnve had nn offer of $3,600; small cash payment $2.850—GRANT, near Georgia ave.: 8-room, almoat new cottage home. Owner baa good First—All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Atlanta, be ing part of bind lot No. 20 In the 14th dis trict of originally Henry, now Fulton coun ty, Georgia, and part of block *'F” of the Pearl and Waterhouse property, as per plat recorded In book JJ, page 447, record of deeds for said county, on the 14th day of November, 18S1, the same being south half of a lot fronting 60 feet on the east side of White in snbl deed to the Neal Loan and Ranking Company. Said property fronts 2S Butorin street (formerly New street) feet and extends back feet, nnd Is the south half of a lot deede July 19. 1890, by John W. White to M. C. Parks and S. It. Parks, and recorded in book A-4, page 459, April 7, 1891. Second—All that tract or pnreel of land . . — — parcel i lying and being In the 14th district of orig inally ” — - - lnnlly Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, being In Innd lot 79 thereof, and being lot 7, ns per plat on file at offlee of city engl-. neer and fronting 40 2-3 feet on the east *i<Ic of McAfee street X.S 2-3 feet north of Gresham street and extending east same width ns front parallel with Gresham street 106 feet. Third—All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Atlanta and larly described ns followa. to wit: Com mencing at n point on the east side of Fowler street, <'i feet from the northeast corner of Simpson and Fowler streets, and running thence along the east side of Fow ler street 30 feet, thence back east same width ns front 100 feet. Fourth—All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Atlanta, be ing* H nnrf nt lnml Inf Vn -C nf fh.i 1141. HI*. .. Georgia, being a part of block No. 166 nnd known ns the northwest half of city lot No. 3, commencing at the line of the James Campbell property on the east side of Ltickle street, nnd running In n south ern direction 44% feet, more or less, to the Thomas Doonan fence, thence oastwardly with said fence 102 feet, more or less, to a cross fence, thence northwardly with said cross fence 39 feet to the fence separating said lot from the Campbell lot, thence with sabl fence westwardly 38 feet, thence north following fence 8 feet, still following line of fence Sit feet ('• Luekle Street, the point of beglhhlng. Also the household rural- I err ;it is? Luekle street. Terms cash. Said property sold for paying debts and * >r distribution. • ALBERT BOYLSTON, Administrator. 622 Prudential Bldg. ELLIS. WIMBISH & ELLIS, Attorneys. ATLANTA MARKETS. fruits.- ^ Oranges $3 to $3.51 , Lemons $5.60 to $5.75. Limes $1 to $1.25. Pina apples $2.50 to $3.60. Bnuann*. straights, per bunch $1.50 ta $1.75; Culls, per bunch $1 to $1.25. Strawberries, Georgia stock, 14-qunrt crates, $1.50 to $2; Tennessee $1 to $L50 per crate. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.— Live hens 35c to 37%c each; live ducks. .table, par lb., 20c to 21%c; cook ing. per lb., 12%c to 15c. Honey—Naw 8®10c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 012c. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes, No. 1 stock $4.60 barrel; No. 2 stock $3.50 to $4. Cabbage. 2% to 3c lb., demand good. M Beets, cabbage crates, per crate $125 to * $2.50. Peas, per drum, 75c to $1; very slow sale. Tomatoes, per crate, $2 to $2.t0. Beans, green, per crate, 75c to $1, market overstocked; wax 60 to 75c. Squash, yellow* $1 to $1.25; white 75c to $1. Lettuce,’ hea'd. per drum $1.26 to’ $1.60. V Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, $1.25 to ^ reason for selUng. 2*cnV^il'ncaV Not a 'more desirable location on*Grant st. Favorable terms to right party. LET US SHOW YOU THROUGH OUR LIST. PRETTY PLACES IN OTHER SEC TIONS; SOME ON EASY TERMS. STEVENSON BROTHERS & COMPANY, REAL ESTATE. Bell 1051. 1529 CANDLER BUILDING. Atlanta 306. NOTICE! We beg leave to notify our friends and the public that we have moved our offlee* from No>. 24-25 Inman Bldg. TO NO. 12 S. BROAD ST. (next to The Journal offlee.) We will be pleaied to have you call on na there. Wo propose to continue the tame conscientious and cour teous treatment of all, no matter whether the traniaotton be large or ■mall. Our object in making thla move la to be In a position to give better service both to the buyer and teller. We solicit your busineifl. W. A. FOSTER, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. SALESMEN; | SALES DEPARTMENT) A. S. Hook and R. C. Eve. J. William Robbins and Charlei E. Morgan. AT AUCTION Saturday next at 4 p. m., 56 lots on road between East Point and Hapeville, $2,000,000 invested here in last two years, Beats a savings bank. Easy terms. ANSLEY BROS. Sweat potatoes, per bushel, $1.25 to $1.60. Spinach $1 per bushel. Asparagus 13% to lb%c bunch. Peaches, per crate, $2 to $2.60. Cherries, 24-quart crate, $2.50 to $3. - * Cantaloupes, par crato. $2 to $2.50. Blackberries 10 to l2%o quart. Dewebrrles 10 to 12%c quart. FLOUR. GRAIN, PROVI8ION8. „ FLOUR.—Postels Elegant, $6.26; Diamond patent $6; fancy patent $5.10; half patent $4.10 to $4.35: fancy $3.90; spring wheat patent $S.60Ct». Market strong. CORN.—Choice red cob 76c; Ito. 3 white 73c; No. 2 yellow 73c; mixed 72c. Oats—White clipped 49c: No. 3 white 48c| No. 2 mixed 47c; golden 47c. MEAL.—Plata water ground, per bushel 72cj bolted 140-lb Jutes, per bushel, if AY.—Timothy, "choice” large bales, XLlOs ; mail bales, $1.06: do.. No. i 1 uu., cholco Small uaio, «*.WJ uu., «!%• _ . third bales, $1.06; do. No. 2 95c; do. No. 1 ] clover mixed 95c; do.. No. 3 closed mixed I 90c. • I CLOVE R-^Ch?!ce_90c._ 90c; shorts, white, $L40; shorts, fancy. shorts, brown, $L8Q; bran, pure __ pounds, $1.30; bran, mixed, 70 pounds, $L20| Purina feed $L85; salt, 100-lb. sacks, 49i ton. $28: hulls, square sacks, per ton, j. The abovo prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, ana subject to Immediate acceptance. fornia hams li%q* , JliP RL.— bellies 20-25 lbs. 10.50, fat bteka ft. plates ft. Supreme lard, basis 9.75; Know Drift com* pound 7%. GROCERIES. . . 8U0AR.—Standard granulated B.»| Non York Refined 4 to 4%c; plantations 4 to 4%o.' Market stronger. . . . , -. . COFFEE.—Roasted Arbuckle’s $15,561 r bulk, in bags or barrels, 12%c; green 10 ta j 23c. Marstc weak.' RICE.—Carolina 4% to 7%C, according U. grade. Market very strong. twine 13%c; bricks 4c. Market i 8TOCK8 AND B0ND8. . . * Bid. Asked, , Georgia 4%s. 1915 ..««■«» 114 111 I Georgia R. R. 6*. 1910 , 106 106% , Savannah 5s. 1909. .,,••••• 102% 263% Macon 6s, 1910 ..••••««,• 106 Atlanta 6s, 1911 .•••»•«•• XK Atlanta 4%s, 1922 ••••■■• 109 Atlanta 4s, 1934 ....••••• 106% Atlanta and West Point • . • • 160 ta WRt Aiinma nnu *» fit i nmi . * • • iou Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 C. R. of Georgia first Income , • ... do. 2d Income tt do. 3d Income $9 Georgia . . . . ... . « • Augusta and Savannah Southwestern Georgia Pacific lsts • • • C., C. and A. 1st. - L • ■ .117 , 120 AUCTION SALE JUNE 16. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. -12 Auburn Ave. Both Phones 61 s E. G. Black and W. H. Allen have purchased the old sum mer home of J. L. Winter, between Atlanta and Decatur, which is now being subdivided and streets graded. This property con tains eighteen acres, and there is no lot in the entire tract that isn’t shaded with beautiful oaks, and having street-car frontage of nearly 600 feet, lo reach this property take the Decatur car at the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Peachtree Street and get oft at W inter s Station. For plats and information apply to FAVER \& BLACK, • 3O8-3I0-316 Peters Buildimr, / Botti Phones 3*510 J