The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 08, 1906, Image 10

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WANT ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Less Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom- p*ny out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter bo inserted on this pa go free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, ono inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. MEN AND nors WAMTBD-LEARN Dlumhtnf, plastering, bricklaying. h > offer. life scholarship $60; miy payme pooltlon aod^unlsu card iwibWI^ ■tLatSaT W7StE1>=&'661> MftMci WHIffl per» In the foundry to learn 1 •re* trafleT Good psy to atari wtthL . better pay In two or three month*. Only thnee with cool reference* need apply. Pel/oech Mllf Mfi '* 55 inly Deloach Mill Mff. Co. wrrTrxvffTioirK Calls than wb css All for stenographers, male aod female, fill for stenographers. mi at aalaries from WO to HO; ronng lady so* p-k. . .. ... - r. elstant bookkeeper/ HO.' Meflamy Baal Agency. 1520 Candler Bldg. V ■ WXST'ri:i»—A. G6Af» roTTm 1: i> XTC WANTED HELP—FEMALE. on eaay work, abort boura and good par. Ki|><TI*need operators make from $3.00 to 112.00 per week, and we will give ~BB^ good day wages to thoee without experience until they learn. If you lire oof of At-L lantn, write na end we will glre you In formation about Itoardlng place#. Nunnallj Bros. A McCiva. 9S W. Alabama atreet \ VAN 11”.b-Yoi’NG LADIEH TO LF.A^N fiilc school with aalary l»effiiinlng wltl. tinikn* to school, flood aalarlea paid to competent operators, salary being deter* mlucd upon merits of the operator and n..* noon length of aerrlre. Apply Ith floor, Training Hehool. Tjrlephone Bldg; Wa.StkI) — nit VS 9 Jnk WAXtfclCT.1 1 -U'itKft VITO" WVMIXff who <-au lutmill* men and Inspect lumber. Deloach Mill Mfg. Co. ANTE! »-GO til# Wa \ f , KI*—<ic»«ila RKf.UM.tJ U'omaS 1 M general houae work. 114 Wlndaor at.| ^ ANfcr^-A good coLArkp' Wo.\L4S chambermaid, one lmvlng experience erdlog houae preferred. IS East Mitch* 8ITU ATION8 WANTED—MALE. BXrrTfiVc-.mft r.v n\T’i:uli;*sVV. ig: >ewriter; very beat references. Address UpHCPPWPB Box 42, Langley. 8. C. WAfrfl^FoHiTiaW AtTTIKQTTPir6F- _ cKlne of h ce preferred." Address Box 421. Griffin. (la. WAVfr.Ij^TSiiW LotMl f^a. w ASi.' , MBS. -fiy X YftUSiT aod .Mlltr * r general offlo* o tuent ab nrore lawyar'i offle, pre- perlence ■ a . ®pr position, etenag- rapher and general office man; good .ft Hog,** rUy. WANTED—AGENTS. AQRNTB WANTING U1Q AND QUICK ny'u«^ aend for oar free etreutera. Uen' WANTED—8ALE8MEN. INTBLL.1GKNT. HUSTLING 8ALKHMEN EjVOAiitteMt aria maps; now features: •llera; exclusive territory and liberal propositions extraordinary chance for work- era State If yon have had experience. H^igln^Cn, Ai'u *n i.h MISCELLANEOUS. IRON SAFES. no: RANK SAFER. VAULT DOORS. SAFER. ‘ re. George Atlanta. ■TiIRki: UiUJ IT»ih)'ii-WB IVaIBH cnttlng umilb <1. rgla pta. khlnclri. .... m. nufm-tur. flooring. ..Illnr, .Tatng and lath. Writ, aa /or dellrared frier. Ktl- II. n Lumber Company, Box W7, Cordala, /rum sold and wortad. — i. lawn, garden sad poultry. Ei ta for *!*» Fence.” Tilley ES s Forsyth Ht. Mala 238$. ^ BON Fenctng for KxcTualve WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. . . ceu dispose of your ohold goods, office fixtures, safes, car- ruga, pianos. etc., to advantage. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. *• !1 city of jsbarh REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. wnr^srsTdWHtsCTgif Wain eight room*. S4.8M. New Aabbyl atrrrt, ST.400; trrm>. ('lore la ala ^nltagr, rooaw M.. SUM. £ro^»m are., rtoae to |7M. atreet i,.‘.crgfa ave.. $ ....ri, €*tooe In, Cooper atr* f lot. White- rmtlug nropMtj. paying jc i- ■ month, mm M. ft Laraa * Ca. ; - Whlirhall. WALL PAPER. qnt'K YOUR TEETH KILLED WITHOUT TAIN ‘ work i k CO.-WAI.I. I-APBIt. lymra. >mao*jht..Prim Caalw Koatal ire*, id.-tora fra mm. atr. Wrlc-ra. mi WhltrU.IIM.. mr Kaaw' Htaudatd 704. ij E. Uuatar. clothlag atorr. Ik-U ph.ta S43-J. JjGI»»KTHA.Vf» I.LA USKlI IS 5 WKKKK; Iwul. rrmlPMt. . I»» n; nlfto tiiURht by •nail. St..k« 1> a Run roller*. ?<i Marlrtfa nt. LOST. I7)3T^TOYfTL\lTTTATi;i'r > ff?ri^G."H > - 1 Inch fra in#, with cooat#r brake. $5 re ward will be paid tor Ua return to Logan Jllerk- lejr. Capitol llldg. uikT-KNor.lilii polSTBR BItcii lux). • white nnd leuion spntn, two years old. weight timet X 11*. Will answer to nam. of -Bell." When lost bad tag on marked A. D. Ilamby. Atlanta, Oa. Return to W. It. Hamby. 121*11 Fourth Bank ItMjr. and r^Hre suitable reward. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. UKRKHIURE HOGS, DILTMOKB STRAIN. l*ur» breed. Cbea_p. I*1r* all start; also Homer llgeont. Box 98, CrawfordvIUe, GO. IIAVfc r6l) aKytHIKO TO 8KI.I.1 IF you hare, aend It to the Southern Auction and Ralvaga Co., 39 fl. Vrjor atreet. I’hone (Bell) 2M; Afl.AH IINOINEX ATI.AH IIUII.UW All styles and ataea.— — - - Atlas Katin* Works. Empire Bldg*. Atlanta TIVeKTy TIIOI'SANli HOLLA (in BO.Vlift on valuabla nnlnemnlvml property; tre thouaand dollar, atork to flrat lira tbouaand sold. W. n. (Toll. 412 Kiser Bldg. aTtor.nkyiT*(!<iDKt> <ifWci(KH"AKi) real estate agent, will And tba beat forma ef legal blank, at Bennatt'a, 21 flouth Broad atroat. Printing of erary rieaeriptlon. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.’a new line. Jnat added a full line of trtinka, travelers' supplies and gensral offlee auppllea. Tbs ebeapeat ever •old. We huf, sell or exchange everything. 27 and 39 West Mitchell street. Hell 'phoot im PER80NAL. DAVID W. YARBROUQEL MASTER PLUMBER, Phone, 13*. 20 a Hunter 8L WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock la South. 54 N. Broad 8L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO 8EB SOUTHERN AUTO AND Equip ment Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex- changA. buy sod sell automobiles. Garage, KMl Mitchell street* Atlanta, Gs. Bell phoae 4894-L Main. PIANOS. RKCHT PIANO CO.. U N, FOnSTTII. SHOE REPAIRING. N. LAZABITH. 21 8. PRYOR BT. I DO boot and shoe repairing. When I say re pairing, 1 mean the best repairing only. Superior material and oak leather, with the heat workmanship. 1 know bow to repair because I know n shoe. I am a skilful mender and ran make comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down and worn out ones. Don't forget the No., 21 8. Pryor street. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. COOL PLBAflANT ROOMS 12 TO JJ A. week; Lodging J1 a week. Meal, J2.M a I week. KM Trinity avenua. Bell pbona C48, Atlanta phnuo 2787. ] FOR RENT—-APARTMBNT8. n hautlful 4 apartment tn tbe^ Mendenhall . apartment house, 621-523 Peachtree st Ap- * pljf It. It. Arnold, third floor. Oonld bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ‘ TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— \V!-.iiiht r•*tfill illslrltmtoru of Vic tor Talking Mnrhlnrs and Itccnrda. Just 1 * riRlft-ium-nt nf inn.-hliu-ft nnd . over 10,000 records. Imraedlato attention v clvrn tnn11 onbf4. We wont the uamea of R ill talking machine d<‘nl.>ra In the eonth. Write for catalogue. Alexander Kljoa Co. n BICYCLES AND 8UNDR!E8-!aABOE8T bicycle and sundry distributors In the south. Southern agents for l’lerce. Yale, Snell nnd Hudson bicycle*. Write for our m 1903 cntnloguo ami prlco list Alexander- Elyeo Co. KIIOJIOPATIIIC tcfikl HI HKJ4 Phut! n araln dlarem and maka hair grow. Krmn a Madlretad Soap makra you by al.nlrally claaa. (80 yaara .arena.) J. I. Krmn, apoclallat, 818 "Tba Orand," At an(a, (la. YOUR TEETH n CROWNED S-S GOLD CROWNS 81 UP, 5 without pain. All work guaranlred U yaara Lanlar Dantal Parlor*. 88H Whit.- a haU^HL^iirer Kmmona clothing alora. Bril WK MpTJO, BTORB. PACK AND (Hir S houmhold good,; tnauranc* rat, ana rwr K oant oiTlra and warthoua, IOCS Walloa ■treat Both 'phona*. Cathrart’a Tran*- n f»r. — REYNOLDS. THE SION PAINTER. " Blgaa, banatra, flag* anil flag dreoratlou for aparial occaalona ant H. Alabama 8t - R de ro TEETH K KXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT M PAIN—All dontsl work done without nato. ! All worb guaranlred 1* yaara. Lanlar Wa- c tal Parlora. 88H Wblt.hall St, o»#r Em- moaa' clotblag alore. Ball pbona 8M8J. g. c* CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) j NATIONALS. IIAI.LWOODS, IDEALS and all otbar makaa at bargain pricoa Wa ran rail you a reglat.r. aultahlo for any hualn.aa, at a prlca that cannot balp but plraaa you. Caab or monthly payment* Every regtaler M guaranteed for two year. Southern Caah - legleler Co.. Branch of AmerlniR Seroail- M land Caah Regtatrr Co., 24 8. Broad atraot, at Atlanta, a* c T MONEY TO LOAN. r SOUTHERN LOAN AND OIS- b! COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS tt TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. 117V4 WHITEHALL STREET. B< OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MII-AN 8TUAW HATS cleaned and reahsped. 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cleafied aod re shaped, tec. Bands or sweats. Sc each extra. ACMK HATTERS. «H Whitehall Ht TEETH 7 BEST SET OF TEETH SAM. (H'ARAN- „ teed tn fit. All work guaranteed If yearn. Lanier Dental Parlora. 1*4 Whitehall Ht. over Enintona* liotblag store. Bell phoae •** M STOP 'Carrying Over” Stock—- The want ads. will “close out’’ your “left-over things.” A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. lorated Just right for It's close In and CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone 453?. FREE Suburban Hornet. The flrat month will ba given FREE month! will be given FREE gt the I roomi; I era' located In In the canter of thla Park are Rent U0.O0 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avsnue. 105 and SOS Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4199. t.L—NNAR OARNETT, LOT SI illey. Oarurr arranging to Icavo lira ua to aoII at n very low quick aalv. Vail and rr‘ off Af.-K*k\V 2-htoUY*I b ■ excellent neighborhood. $4,000 |eh required to control this. tom 10. Only NBAU MARIETTA 8T.. nu cottage on nice lot In lement. $$00. One hundred cash and balance $10 monthly. ONLY $3,800. BAN HOME. dtatton ©a the lam line tu Edgewnod the Inman Dark rat : contains every Improvement and servants' houses, stables, nice vs and lawn In front. en turned over to me for exclusive eale at a sacrifice price. You will BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOMES FOR sale on ensy monthly payments. They f brand new and lovely. On Jar -- 12 minutes from center of city. Bath and toilet, hot and cold water; 5 roomi; pay ineuts only $3) per month; 8 rooms, pay ments only $26 per month; 8 rooms, extra finish, $30 per month. For full details iee COPENHILL LAND CO. 15 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone (05; Atlanta Phone 346. FOR SALE. Railroad frontage—best in the city; also two lots cen ter manufacturing district. J. H. Crutchfield, People’i, Building. RAILROAD SCHEDULES THB WZATBSB. Kitturrtii LOCAL FORECAST. nnrl Vl<-lnlt.v —l-'alr tonight uu.l P FI Otflrlnl 'A markets. KT® ^ c ?.. p ?°duce. corr4*4-ted by At Weather in Cotton Belt, he weather throughout thp cotto belt Ih reported this morning as clea and hot. No rain reported. Fruit tag Weather in Wheat Belt. Kansas City^—Cloudy and cool. Chicago—Rained last night and thl morning; now cloudy. St. Loula—Cloudy and hot; looks like Jto | rain. hloomlntfton—Cloudy and cool; heavy rain all night. Official!) Produce exchaUK* FRUIT8.—Apple* $7 Oruugea $3 to $3.5-) l.cmmiH $5 .*ia to Limes $1 to $i._•*>. IMne apples $-.60 to $3.5). •tralgbti, p«»r bunch tim . Lulls, per bunch $l to It 5 * L5 ° ** vberriea, i $1.75. . U-w'to »: : r r /JSn^2‘lP per ornte. *'-un«-ssce to | IVekln. 30t- to 35e; li?e dtKka lo* '-««3fB?i»R8tene general rains In North Dakota; local In Minnesota. West and Southwest—Generally clear; 58 to 78 above; local rains in Missouri and Illinois. Ohio Valley—Clear; 76 to 88 above. < nbbngf*, 2*4 to 3o lb., demand rrwwt robhag. grata,, par CTata*}) •1= ta tibovlng tha Arrlvnl aofl Dapartura'of Pa,- iw»ngcr Train* of the Following Iloada: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— Na Depart To— • I Nashville 7:10 am* 2 Nashville . 8:35 YS Marietta , 1:35 nm 71 Marietta ..12:10 "1 Nash — rille 11:45 nm *0? Nashville . 4:50 pm 1 1 Nashville 7:25 pm * 4 Na*hvllle . 8:50 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7:20 am Mncon .......12:20 am Jaebuonrille . 7:50 am Hnvannab ... 8:00 am Macon 11:40am Macon 4:00 pin Savannah ... 4:06 pm Sarannafi ... P:15 pm 7:55 pm lacksoovlllo . 8:3) pm ATLANTA AND WEST ROAD. Arrive From— POINT BAIL- Arrive From— Depart To— *8elms ......11:0 am •3tontgomery G:30 Montgom’y . 7:45 pm ‘Montgomery 12:45 pm »8elma 11:35 pm 'S«>Irna 4:20 pm LaGrange ... 8:20 ant LsGrange .... r.:30 pm •Montgoni'y . $:40pm *Montgt»m*y ..11:15 pm *Dafly. All other trains dally except Sun- Ail trains of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company arrive at and depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street and Madison avenue. ATTENTION, HOME- SEEKERS. Have a few building lots left on terms of $10.00 cash and $5.00 per month. Prices low. See LIEBMAN, REAL E8TATE—RENTING. 28 Peachtree Street FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 127 TVASIIIKbTQX HTBEET—THIS TWO- story, nlne-rooin frame house, on lot 60x 160, which Ilea level, la on the west side of Washington st.. between Fair at. aud tlonary wasbatund. hot water, sink In the iiiviir, ijnv i/H in, tiiiBPi, ■iHiioiinr/ ws*n- stand, electric bells on second floor; Wash ington st. cars past the door; this house •Augusta ...‘8:00 pm *Angusta - "era 8:45 am Llthonla ugton .. 7:44ata ‘Augusta juaU ...12:30 pm Uonvers ... Llthonla .... 1:26 pm Corlagtou K 7:46 am ..10:06 am 3:30 pm SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— Denari To— Washington . 8 JO am Ahhevllle ... f:00am Memphis. . .11:45 am New York . . 1:20 pm Vonroe, ... 7:40 pm Blrmlngb'm . 8:25 pm New York . .12:00 m Abbeville . . 4:00 pm Memphis . , . 5:00 pm Shown In Central Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA. FULTON COVSTY. nary of sabl county, granted at the June term, 1908, will be sold before the court houae door of said county, on the flrst Tuesday In July next, within the legnl hours of sale, the following property of the estate of Thomaa A. Cruss4dle, deceased, A part of land lot No. 66 of M y, Georgia,^ In running thence east alongL JBBHH of Uttrgnod arenue two hundred aud fifty »250) feet to Fern avenue; thence south along the west side of Fern avenue one hundred tlOO) feet to a ten-foot atiry; thence weet along said alley two hundred and fifty (260) feet to Hylran avenue; thence north along the east side of. Sylvan ave nue one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. l»elng lote II, 18. 17j. 18 * Weather Forecast. Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Western Florida and Kastem Texas- Fair Friday and Saturday; fresh south winds. Georgia—Continued warm and gener ally fair Friday and Saturday; light to fresh south to southwest winds. Western Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee—Fair Friday and Satur day. Illinois, Indiana—Generally fair, ex cept probably local thunderstorms to night or Saturday; continued warm. Missouri—Fair, except probably lo cal thunderstorms tonight or Satur day. • Lower Michigan, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota— Showers tonight and Saturday; con tinued warm. Iowa, Nebraska,'Kansas, South Da kota nnd Montana—Fair tonight and Saturday; warmer. land H-lth rain at Portland nnd Washing ton. I). C. These northeasterly winds have caused lower temperature at New York and Washington, The northweatem area of low pressure has remained practically stationary over the Dakotas, but Is decreasing In energy. it has caused showers In Montana, North Dakota and the western Inke region. Over the south the weather Is clear with little or no rain In the Inst 24 hours. The temperature continues high. * The conditions favor fair weather In this section tonight and Saturday. J. B. MARBURY, Local Forecaster. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. t For the 24 hours ending at f a.m. t 75th meridian time. June 8. 1906. t STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. in'iu* IU4* l»i IV, »i, ab and 19 of ’ plat, recorded In Fulton county _ Jrontage on the east aide of Sylvan ave nue of one hundred aud ten (110) feet nnd extend back one hundred and twenty (120) feet to a ten-foot alley; of our w* vacated when rented, and will rent for $78.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTINO AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Phone. (IS FOR SALE—WHITE IN VESTMENT PROPERTY. I’ATINO 14 PEIl rr.NT-J8.0M CAHII, RAT. ance $125 a month, with 7 per cent In terest, which Is $25 a month less thnn they rent for. This Is your opportunity to get a bargain on easy term*. THOS. W. JACKSON, REAL ESTATE, 14K FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILOINO, ATLANTA, GA. BARGAIN IN WHITE IN VESTMENT PROPERTY. room houses; ... lain bath, gas, wa- style plumbing. They „ ,500 tK*r annum, or over 10 per cent on $15,000. Owner needa money badly for other business and moat sell. Price $15,000: If sold separate- ear line in front, ter ami the latest all rent for about cent on $16,< pni. » jut fi*'”*. *4 ly $1,900 each. Thla la al Inveatmeqt, - a ad whits property, Is about a 14 ner cent splendid neighborhood Think over It and THOS. W. JACKSON, »«!( FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, ATLANTA, GA. NOTICE. J. H. LATHAM, 23( EQUITABLE BLDG. GLORE & JUSTIN, 21 ( PETERS BLDG. KM «4tn of clljr. rp V.IU VaNV VOVIt PhOPEHTV (SDK n,t u —in. m fHiMill rotTAiSi KICK UVt, WATXk J4 l.U K I Alar.. .lKi. »*'-*1 B AILI4 a ih I ,* > nor Tork irboat; II.OV. 1- * na «u4 112 par uiontk. ON PEACHTREE ROAD AT qOODJVIVB Ht.tloa v, ban 100 itm of la*U with (na I Stifling iltta. fronting Rsatharn nil- wa. 1 .... #Oaa» Al* M4.-h lid#. It Hit 111ft. t UrM rroatago oa rvanan mu. divide la » or 10 aero lota or riaea to suit, Imalnraa In tka rltx ran ratrh morning and rnnlng Inina at a mat Ettlr abon rrgnlar fan. Thla proprrtf lint right of nnr omprotln rar Un». .ad further Information, cal! at our atreet car — at the end of a—n , Just thla side of w office. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE. 120S Fourth NaUonal Bank. Bell Phone 1932. Mail, lha IlnntarUn N.aUt aad toser. always smoked white he ww was at the n4aao Llsxt walked ip sad down the mom. mattering t«* himself all the while. He kept the ruotu la a perfect the 14th dtetriot of Fulton county. Geor gin. commencing ou (be east side of Doray street one hundred and twenty (120) feet south of Uartsr street and running thence south along the east aide of Doray street eighty (80) feet and extending thence bark east same width aa front one hundred (100) feet, being lots Nos. $2 and 31 of the Leach jirnperiy as platted by Harry Kroase, April Also a part of land lot No. 12 of the 14tb tnenrlng at a point on .. le of North avenue 319 feei west from Fori street; thence extending south one hun dred (100) feet; tbenco west 48 feet; thence north one hundred (100) feet to tha south side of North avenue; thence east 4$ feet Tag the north Tolbert and to the beginning point, part of lot No. 17 of Drummond plat of the I.nrkte property. Also a part of land lot No. 63 of the 14th district of Fulton coanty, Georgia, com mencing at a point on the south stile of lWO I~—“ Inman avenne two hundred and ninety »298) feet west from Fort street ana tending thence south two hundred and fourteen (214) feet to Llndtn avenue; thence west along the north side of Linden ave nne forty-eight (48) feet; thence north two hundred and fifteen (215) feet to Inman gvenue; thence east along south side of Inman avenue forty-eight (451 feet to the liegtnnlmr point, l»elng lota Nos. 35 and 38 of the Tolfwrt and Drummond plat of the Lnckle property. At- of of Fulton county, tleor- along the east side dred (190) feet to 1'lckert street; thence east along the north elde of Plckert atreet two hundred and forty-three (24$) feet to —• * of the the tieglnnlng point. l»dng a pari I. P. Grant subdivision. Terms cash. e COURTLAND R. WINN. A- 1 ' ' ■ ARE YOU GOING AWAY7 you. Mailed to city subscribers while * way from home for the summer months at the regular rate of ten cents a week—no charge for mailing. Sent to any address in the United States or Canada. Foreign postage extra. •Atlanta, clear..... •Chattanooga, dear Columbus, clear........... Gainesville, clear Greenville, deer..... Griffin, clear •Macon, clear.. Montlrello, clear..'. Newnan, dear tome, clear Spartanburg, dear......... Tallapoosa, clear Tocooa, clear West Point, clear..,,, •Minimum temperatures Max. Min. “B JT •re for 12-hour 5*1 £- g par crate, b to }_■ ^ 2££*£r;;- n ?v, r ;v k to **• «" k « t0 ^ a ' h , yellow, IX to n.25; wkl', n. Corn, new, 2iv to ja,- p, r doi — Qkra, crate, $150 to $3 Cucumbers, per crate, $i to $LS Lettuce, head, per drum 51 a tn tiu tattafue,. ”S Iwhri? t. Spluncli $1 per Aaparagn. U!. to bunch, l'eneliea, per i rnte. JJ to J250. Iierrlea. JtKjonrt ernte, JIM to tl. Oantaloapea. per crate. 12 in trin oataMspM, per crate, J2 to J2.S0 BUckborrle, h to Ws watt Ilewebrrtea ID to nunrt FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS FLOLH.—Hostels Kiegnnt, $1.35- patent $8; runcv potent 15.10; half W-IO to $4.35; fancy $3.90; spring whUt latent $5.54^. Market stroog. re ‘* cob 75c; Ita 2 whits i3^; No. 2 yellow 73c; mixed 72c. WWt * Oats—white dipped «9c; No. 2 white a- 47c; *° ,den 47c. ae ' MLAL.—IMnln water ground, ner hnsttBi 72c: bojted 140-lb jutes, per busKl tlAY -Timothy ’choice 1 lar„ do., choice small bales, $1.8fc; do.. No f third In lea, J1.0G; do. No. 2 kc; da No. } clover mixed 96c; do.. No. 2 cloMd mi.J 90c. CLOVER-Cholce 90c. FE3D STUFF.—Chicken feed. 50-lb. ssrka 90c; shorts, white, $1.40; shorts, fancy. il£" shorts, brown, $1.30; bran, pure wheat 15) pounds, $1.30; bran, mixed, to pounds. jW Purina feed $1.35, aalt, 100-ifa. sacks 0-' salt. Rock, per cwt., $1; C. 8. meal ner ton. $28: hulls, square sacks, per too.'torn The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, and ■ till tip k tfl ttnntodlflJn aeeartft.e.. ** toVI8IONB—Supreme hams 14Hc. Cair. - Dry salt extra riln 9.M, mpr 88M Mbe. Dry bellies 20-S Iba. 13.50, fat backs 9, nlninli Supreme lard, basis 9.76; Snow Drift com- pound 7& GROCERIES, Si (!AIL —Stnndnrd granulated 4.#; York Refined 4 to 4Hc; plantations 4 to 4%c. IllM: grade. Market very strong.' CHEESE.^Fancy # fuU, cream, flats He) twine u$4c; bricks 4c. Market strong. Georgia . 114 111 8avannab 6% 1909. ....... L Macon 6s, 1910 ...... #.,,108 Atlanta 5s, 1911 106 Atlanta 44s. 1922 109 110 Atlanta 4s, 1334 106(4 191(4 CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta ........T Augusta Chsrleston Galveston ...... Little Rock iW.::::::: Montgomery ... New Orleans .. Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington II! Is | TT it is 10 Dlst. Averages. Max. Min. “W 94 92 94 B 72 T 325 .f'l .«t ^■ISmirkfc^n Temperatures continued unseasonably high over the belt showing slight tinea for the past 24 hours. The only districts wlthi rains of consequence were Savtnnsb nnd Wilmington; heavy rslnfnll -r-nrrrlMfij “ ivl 11,—-—"— ~——-- Gainesville and was accompyled b^hall. Local Forecaster. NORTHWE8T CAR8. Following table gives the northwest cars of grain today, last week and last year: Minneapolis FLANS ARE ADOPTED FOR COLLEGE BUILDING Special to The Georgian. Newberry, 8. C., June t.—The plana tor the new Technological building re cently donated to Nowberry College, have been decided upon, and the new building will be a handaome three- atory brick atructure nnd will have a floor apace of 6,000 eqt are feet In each etory. AilllUlU VI*, Ivul e . • • e Atlanta and West Point Atlanta and West Point Debts. 199 C. R. of Georgia flrst Income do. 2d Income . • . do. 3d Income . • • Georgia Augusta und Savannah Southwestern ...... Georgia Pacific lsts . • C.. C. and A. 1st. • • :: 8 , . .Ml . .11. , . . 1H . . .12) FRIGHTENED BOY DIES; RUPTURES BLOOD VESSEL BAY HE STOLE $200,000 FROM RAILROAD CONCERN By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 8.—David Hobbe, of Montreal, for whom the police of two contlnenta have been looking elnce la»t October, waa arrested In New York and locked up at ‘ police headquarter# last night. Hobba la charged with defrauding the Canadian custom* and the Canad ian Paclfle Railway Company out of the large aum, estimated by the.Mon treal police to amount to $2<K>,000. He held an Important place with the Can adian Paclflc Railroad, and wa* re garded as one of the -Influential and wealthy men of Montreal. He was taken to headquarters last night by a secret service detective, who K ve the name of Rufus O. Chamner- n, but it Is said that Colonel A. Percy Sherwood, chief of the Dominion police, made the arrest. COLLEGE PARK HOME. DON'T PAY RENT. It la exceedingly bad form to do ao when you can pay your own money back In your own pocket by coming to me. Just run your eye over this, 3- room, modern, new house on corner lot, J100 cash, balance easy monthly payment*. 4- room modern new house,, same terms. 5- room, new modern house on large corner lot; $230 cash, bslsnce eaay monthly payment*. EDWARD H. WALKER, THE COLLEGE PARK REAL ESTATE DEALER. AUCTION SALE JUNE 16. E. G. Black and W. H. Allen have purchased the old sum mer home of J. L. Winter, between Atlanta and Decatur, which is now being subdivided and streets graded. This property con tains eighteen acres, and there is no lot in the entire tract that isn’t shaded with beautiful oaks, and having street-car frontage of nearly 600 feet. To reach this property take the Decatur car at the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Peachtree. Street and get off at Winter’s Station. For plats and information apply to FAVER & BLACK, .•*08-315-316 Peters Building, Both Phones 35*9 It * ■ii^HflMHilfiaflateliftMK By Private Leased Wire Minneapolis, Minn., June 8.—Fright ened Into hysteric# by two drunkes men while playing with three other boys In the vicinity of hie home, Leon ard Flack, the 9-year-old eon of A. H. Pluck, started to run to escape his tormenters, who were following him, and Anally he dropped to the pavement from exhaustion, dying a short tlms afterward as the result of a ruptured blood vessel. The police are looking for the men.