The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 09, 1906, Image 18

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1(» THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. nrrnriAT DRY COLLEGE I )ARD OF TRUSTEES IN SES SION FRIDAY AND SAT. ^Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Preached Sunday by Biibop Tigert of Nashville. ■l“" l»l to The Georgian. Emory Uollegr. Oxford. O*.. June 3.— Th. - ity .eighth commencement of En > College begsn here yesterday an.t rill laet through June 11. The (met session hne been perhaps tl • - I oat proeperous In the hletory of Emory, the attendance belay larger er before, except In !*»<• The |»a| dm will hold n reunion thi > ear and a large number of alumni *r ted .ns visitors. Yesterday morning at II o'clock the annual meeting of the board of trueteea »»> i iled to order by Prealdent t'ap' tain J I*. Wllllama, jit 8avannah. M ■ ictary Stone brohght up the peti tion T the atudenU for Inter-collrglali and the plea will be conald her today. new member* were added to i to HU the vacanclea enured aatha of Rev. \\\ K. Qullllsn, a. da; Rev. f'harlea A. Ful- ...... Miami. Fla. and t'aptaln John i ’D0. of Lumber < Tty, <3*. The new member* ure: Rev. T. '4 Ualnr*ville. Hu.; Rev. J. of Atlanta, and Prof. R. Bn. of South Oeorgla College. Tm comment einent program I* a* foil... Stin.Iay, June 10. 11 a. m.-t'om- mem etnenl aermon by Bishop J. Tli.. Nashville, Tenn. M iday. June 11. 10 a. m—Freshmen ar.'i I'homore declamation*. Among fr. - ‘ man dtclalmers are <t\ D. Elliott an. I V. C. Clark. B Monday, June II. 4 p. in.—Champion dil i.. l.-nuccn repreaenlutlvr* of Few and i il Gamma Literary aoclallea. The Kim 'll listen are Maura C. C. Elliott. A I Iliads and E. E. Barnett, while Phi <1 t-nma repre»entatlvea are Messrs. U<n-lee, Girardeau and Hania. T i. - lay, June 15. 11 a. m.—Literary aiMi'-va by Judge W. A. Covington, of Miml'i • T'k -day, June If, 4 p. m.—Junior i by Judge W. H. Thnmaa. Mont try. Ain. Imanadlately following address a hunt non* meeting and uet of tbe Emory' Alumni Assocla- arttl be held at the Central alining dnerdny, June 11. 1:10 a. m — it oration*, among which la C. C. :t. -cnlaureate add rear by Prealdent ay. Conferring of degree* and ling of prlaea and medal* Ren , hull HOME COMING WEEK FOR KENTUCKIANS. THROUGH SLEEPERS Atlanta to Louisville. On account of the above oeeailon tlm W. k A. R. R. and N. C. k 8t. ’ I. Railway will ee!i round trip tlrketa .on Jane 10. 11 and 11 at rate of one , faie plua 25 cc-nla for the round trip. the rat? from Atlanta being 213.55, T, tickl'd good to return until June 23, 1»06 By depositing ticket and lutylng ' fee of M eenta. However, tickets will 1 be mm ndrd until July 23. ij Three train* dally, leaving Atlanta 1* at i> 33 a. tn. 4.50 p. m. and 8.50 p. tn.. .! all carrying standard Pullman hleep- er* Atlanta to Nashville and Nnahvllle | to I<OUtSVllle. iddltlon lo this service them will 1 be through sleeping cars operated on li the 4 '.0 p. m.trains of Jane 10 aud 11 J;, Atm tin to l/iuisvllle without change. Louisville next morning at ( A ~ la via Chattanooga. Vault aud Mammoth Cava, further lulonuatloo write or :.ii.-niimiiniiiin'iniirn»iw.miiiumnmromiiimiiminiiiiunimiuniiiimwt»vii AS TO IMMIGRATION I Report and Comment on Recent Meeting Held in Augusta yl lii. Under the lead of the committee on Immigration on the part of the cham her of rommarc* of Augusta, conald arable Interact and enthusiasm haa been aroused through d large section v «f the ■late op the subjnrt of labor and the necessity for an organised effort to In duce n desirable clan* of Immigrants to turn fhelr face* Oeorglaward and Koutfeward. meeting, attended by delegates from Athens, Atlanta. Rome, Baln- brldge, America* and other (mint*, tva* held In Augusta recently, end In teresting talk* were given by Colonel Ram C. Dunlap, of the Oeorgla bureau of Industries and Immigration. Atlanta; Colonel Ra*mu**tn. a prominent and accomplished Dane, of Minnesota. and others, all acquiescing In the sugges tion that existing labor conditions, which ara dally growing won*, de mand prompt and persistent efTorta In formulating and pressing to realisa tion plans thryugh which Immigrants may he won to (hi* Mate and aartlon. Colonel Raamusaln came to this country a number of year* ago. When he landed In New York he had 17 In cash. No other work offering, Ife went Pennsylvania and entered a coal mine. He lolled there IIU he had ac cumulated a fairly good sum of money. Then he went West and grew up with the country. He told how readily, by systematic procedure, first class Immi grants could be Induced to come to Georgia. Immlrrantf who In home life. In morale. In dally walk, are aa good as the beat people In tlia country. Colonel Dunlap and Colonel Rnamua- sln were as one on the subject. Colonel Dunlap pointing out th* mistaken Idea whlrh obtains with so many of our people as to the character and condi tion of th* thousands who come tn America from th* old country. Ha he seen them. He had atudlad th* new arrivals at Ellin Island this year. Th* man, women and children whom he aaw carried about them an air of re spectabiflfy, energy and determination Thera were no mendicants or low char, after* among them. They rom* to this country full of expectancy; their mind* and hearts fixed on great American Ideals. They come to this country aa the land of promise; the land of the free and the home of the brave; they come Imbued with a spirit that ran not fall lo mike them good rltlxea*. The consensus of opinion was that the legislature should be petitioned the approaching sea el on, to pass Mil which will call Into existence bureau or department of Immigration with a salaried head, a reasonable clerical force and a fair approprlatl In support of It and In furtherance of Its work. Immigration constitutes a Mg ques tion. not for debate, but how to pre pare for th* Immigrants. This must t» done. They cannot be. Invited hare, brought here and turned loose to shift for themselves at tha depot. They cannot be brought bare and be re- spertfulfy referred to real estate agents. The way must be prepared for them. See how the question expand* Bee how the subject grows. Thouaanda by thousand* of unttllod, unoccupied acres of land In Oeorgla much be optioned and held In goad faith for the Immigrants proposed to ' Invited to the state. Quite all th* Immigrants who land at Ellla Island ara tlfcketsd—they know their destination; they know that am pie and reasonable preparation been mad* for them. MARTIN V. CAI.VIJJ. Augusta, June 1. ..The Georgian s Daily Short Story... PATIENT NO. 20. By THEODORE RANDAHL. The hospital surgeon had finished hie THOMAS or C. B. WALKER, f. k T. A. r. T. A. ra* Viaduct. Union Pass. 8ta. CHARLES B. HARMAN, General Passenger Agent. ^BECOMES A PARTNER IN CHICAGO FIRM al to The Georgian cherry. B. C„ June George n fanner resident of New- , who up to June I, 1305. held Mliion as examiner In the United <>• palcm office, has Iveen admitted I Purines* firm of Barton k Tan- »r Ukleagu, III.. Ih* Arm's name bring Barton, Tanner & Folk. I0MPS0N AND DUNDY QUIT THE HIPPODROME I’By Prill Leased Wire. New Tork. June 1—At a merlin* of I th- hoard of directors of the HIppoR l.dr.'Ki- ' ■ mpany. Thompson k Dundyl re of the Sixth avenue annise-l ■nt establishment, have ten.lcr, .1 in reulgnation* which were ■ Finding that the financial returns >.* their Coney Island properly and her Interest* were growing dally, ihe ui. : men decided lo exert all theln ■Haa outside of Manhattan. I >AYS THAT HER HUSBAND h HAS WOOED SIX OTHERS ■j I’rlrate leased Wire. ■|Pblladel|ihla. Juno 9.—James K. ll'iliioa, an erstwhile theatrical man *nd lately employed aa a clerk at the BellTue-Btralford hotel, la said lo have oestowed hla name upon many fair Pi. idtlphlans, and la now In Moya- nemlng prison awaiting a hearing on he charge of bigamy- Back In 1900 lObson made hla first plunge Into mal- 1 cumy and from Ihe testimony of Mr*, lamj* E. Hobson, the Aral, he has «■ I »tx other women. fill"* has appointed Prnfrsanr * "letnWr ol tbe up. Of (writs meat for life. Ttils U »e that asrh aa boaor ban bee* e>ber ef tbe medical pre- last round through the hospital and turned tha go* low and fixed Ihe pa llama up for the night. Suddenly heard hurried steps In th* hall out aid* and Dr. Fuller cam* In, accom panled by Mister Uecllle and tha pa llent for the only empty bed In the ward. "This Is Mia, Thomas," she explained, and I looked astonished at an elegantly dressed young lady, who did not seem to be very alek. “Just give her a little bromide. Stater Iris, nothing else, and 1 will axamln* her thoroughly in Ih* morning. Good night." The surgeon left and Slater Uecllle and I began to undress tha' new pa tient. Her clothes und underwear were exceedingly expensive and marked with the name Lillian embroidered In white silk. While \gn were undressing her she remained perfectly quiet, but when 1 attempted to taka down her pompadour ah* look hold of my hand and stared at me. Aa I knew II was Important not to excite the patient I let her lialr remain aa It was and put her to bed. "Poor young wOman," said Sister fe rtile, "she suddenly became Insane bile In tbe hospital where she was living and did considerable damage to the furniture In her room before any one could gel near her. She may have another attack during the night, and If you need any assistance Just ring the bell. 1 ahull not undress.' Slater Uecllle left me and I went over to Mr*. Thomas' bed and handed her bromide. Hhe took It willingly, looking at me with her brown eye*, but aa 1 tut in'll away from her again 1 aa' liar apll Ihe bromide In the cuspidor on the other aide of tha bed. 1 went back to her bail, bat found that she was nl her alone. Everything was quiet for n while, and I sat down at one and of th* ward to taka a little real. I was vary tired and fell that unless I made a strong effort I would he very apt to fall aileep, but suddenly I heard somebody whisper my name. I aat up straight and listened, one* more I heard my name quite distinctly, "Slater Ilia.'* The voice came from No. 30. I hurried to her bed. Mr*. Thomas aat up and again looked at me with a liecultar expression In ner dark eye*. "Please come a little nearer, Slater Iris," she said In a perfectly natural lone, ”1 have aumethlng to tell you." I thought that hhe was about tn get another attack and took hold of th* bulten of the electric bell. You do not need to be afraid. Sis ter." the patient said, "you will not need the electric bell. I am not going to do you any harm." I did not let go, however, but waited for her to tell me what ahr wanted. 'Stater Iris." she aald softly, "ran I trust your' you ran trust me entirely," I replied. She seemed to think for a moment, then she took 'hold of my hand and said: "I do mist you and thank you with all my heart. Now, do you know. Sister, I am really not alrk at all and there la no reason why I should be here." 1 smiled a little, because hundreds of patient* had told me that same atory before. The whola thing la only a trick. 1 am being iwrseeuted by relatives to get rid of me that they may get pos session of my money. When I per ceived that they were after me, I simu lated this attack that 1 might be ar rested and brought to an asylum, and In this manner 1 escaped from thoa* who are after me. I ee* In your fare, Slstrr, that you do not believe me. but aa sure aa there la a God In Heaven, I am telling the truth." began to believe her. Rut what do you Intend to do now T' 1 asked. 'While 1 am under observation here." she said, "I will play my part that I am Insane, so as to l»e allowed to stay here, because I am safe here and after a while 1 will make my escape with your assistance." Impossible." 1 replied coldly. "1 dare not keep the matter a secret. It will he my duty to tell the chief physi cian tomorrow morning." “That you will never do," she said determinedty and her dark eyes were. tuU of fire. "1 mean." ah* added softly. "you will not have the heart to do It. Remember, Slater, that by doing so you will expose a poor defenseless woman lo a thousand dangers." "But we bav* pollee, law and Jus tire here and all you have to do I* to apply for protection.'' 'That I* true enough, but I have si ways had n dread of police. Besides we ran keep silent and what ran It hurt you to help me? I only aak you to keep silent and I shell pay you well for It. She put her hand tn her pompadour and pulled out a hundred kroner Mil ■uni pressed II Into my hand. This was a great temptation for poor ones who had never In their life pox. seased that much money al once, cap*, dally aa *he had a cripple brother whom she must support. I took Ihe bill and promised to re main silent as long aa my conscience would allow me to do ao. She thanked me and then lay down, and a few min ulsa afterward* fall asleep. During the next few days she played her part aa an Insane person very well. The physicians declared her to be In curable, and arrangements were made to have her sent to the special ward for this class of patients within few days. One evening, shortly before I began my work for Ih* night, I earns Into the ofilce to report. The professor who was there In charge of the asylum showed me a telegram which had Jual been sent from London, and only con tained the words, "It la burning." It was meant for Mr*. Thomas. I Immediately guessed that th wonts contained n secret warning for my patient. "I considered bet tar," Ih* pro feasor said, "not to give Ih* patient this telegram; It might easily excite her." He dismissed me with a motion of hi* hand. While I was going Inward the want. I waa deliberating whether or not to tell Mrs. Thomas anything about th* meaaage. 1 solved the ques tion by murmuring the mysterious word*. "It Is burning," while 1 passed by her bed. 8he had hardly heard them when she rat up In bad, her eyes sparkling and clinching her hands 1 kept on working ee If I did not notice anything. When I had rat down In my rhalr and started reading, aa I nearly always did during the night, she relied me to her bed. 'Slater Iris” she raid, very much exrlted. “the water here has such a Iteeuller taaie; I am sure somebody has put poison in It lo kill me." "Oh, nonsense," 1 replied, with smUe. "I never found anything strange with the water," and to quiet her I swallowed a mouthful. "Oh, you only took a taste of It, aha raid, "but I am aura that you will never dare lo drink all there Is In tbe glass.” Though t was not thirsty, I emptied ■he glass lo show her thet there wea no danger. "There, you see," I raid, "and now I will fill your glass again from your decanter." "No, thank you," aha aald. and turn ed over In bed, *1 can not get tha Idea out of my head." 1 went bark end rat down and really began to perrelva a . peculiar sweet teat* In inv mouth. But. of course. It could not be an, u I myself had seen Ihe decanter filled nnly fifteen minutes before. an hour when I felt strangely exhaust ed. and so sleepy that I could not fight It off and fell asleep, When I woke up again. Dr. Fuller atond next to me shaking my arm. "Wake up. Bister Irla," he cried; 'you sleep Ilk* a log." I opened my eyes and the first thing I raw was bed ' No. 50, which was empty- "We must have an explanation from you. Bister," the doctor continued. "During the night a large amount of money has been stolen from Ihe safe In the office, and at he same time we find you asleep and patient No. 20 has disappeared." 1 began to understand a little, and murmured to mvaelf. “The water." "What water?" asked the physician. 1 told him what had taken place the night before a* well ee I could re member. "There we have It." he exclaimed. "Mrs. Thomas waa the accomplice of the burglars, who, at th* same time, robbed the safe and rat her free." The next day 1 read about the bur glary la the paper. It raM: "It is to be deplored that on* of tbe Before You Clinch the matter for life by bny ing a policy in some other company, let ns show you the “Special and Peculiar Advantages" that attach to the Awl ora tire Endow ment Policies of the Mutual Benefit. ' Angier & Foreman, State Agents, Atlanta. Dividends Annually. WANTEQ TO LYNCH ENGINEERS OEIIIIIN / FINDING OF MORE BODIES IN THE SHAFT CAUSES INTENSE EX CITEMENT IN FRANCE. By RAOUL DE 8AINT RENE. Special tc The Gedrglan. Parle, June 9.—American artists re- aiding In tha Latin quarter have re cently been victimised by A band, youthful robbers, who under the pre- tenae of being models gained access thalr studies and carried off everything they could lay their hands on which had any value. The leader of the band Is a girl 14, Julie Claudlnen. The police mad* descent upon bar rooms recently following upon tbs complaint of number of A marl can artists. They found th* entire band of eight, boys and girl*, all sound asleep In the same room. Every available nook and corner waa filled with loot, from costly vaaea and small bronzes and miniatures to blcy Cles, Among the theft* recently com, milled by Julia was that of a purse containing 500 franca. With tha money she had fitted her entire band out with netv clothes of aatoundlnr gorgeous neaa. Tenant* Gat Rent Free. The Inhabitants of a couple of lene ment house* containing 204 families have Just received aa u present from their landlord tha amount of their midsummer term's rent. M. Thlbout, the landlord, haa Just died, and upon opening hla will hla heirs notified th* tenants of hi* bequest In addition lo letting hla tenants bit their rent for three months, M. Thlbout hoe left large sums of money to be distributed among the concierges of hie buildings, hla ser vants and employees generally. d’AnnunzIo'a New Psrfum*. Pretty Parlalennes a.v wilding en tltualastlc about a naw perfume which haa been Invented by the celebrated Italian novelist Gabrelel d'Annunilo. He call* It "Aqua Nunsla." and It sold In bottles specially designed by himself. The scent Is a sort of mixture of heliotrope end magnolia, very pow erful end cloying, and a single drop of It la almost overpowering. Play on Gapon't Life, new play, entitled ‘Ylepon." and dealing with tha life of Ihe famous Russian who has recently met with such a dramatic end. Is about lo be produced here. The play la by M. Del phi Fabrlce and Valerian Trend. It la in three art*. Starved in Big Mint. Parisian* have been horrified by Ihe news which come* from Courrlerea that more bodies have been taken out of the mine showing traces of recent death from starvation and thirst. The terrl bl* disaster, in which over 1,000 min ere were supposed to have been killed, occurred over two months ago. Twen ty-one days later thirteen miners came out of the mine alive. A few days later the fourteenth miner Issued from th* abandoned pita. All oi the survivor* declared that they had heard sounds evidently mad* by survivor* trapped like themselves In distant corner* of the min*. Among Ih* bodies brought out a few days ago waa that of a lad of 14, whom, the doctors declare upon examination, not to havo been dead mnre than ten days at the utmost. The wildest excitement reigns around the scene of th* disaster. The erased men and women at each new evidence that proper steps had not been taken to rave possible survivors threaten to lynch Ihe directors and th* engineers. JNO. L. MOORE & 80NS Lead Ih* way In making fin* aye- glasses. Their Kryptok invisible Bl- 'orals are a wonderful Invention, giv ing' both far and near vision In one i Isa*, with absolutely no eeam. The Cryptoka are a distinct advance over all other glaaaea. 43 N. Broad St.. buNdlng. Prudential buNdlng. beet organised bands of burglar* In Europe escaped being captured by our police. By a mere chance, th# noto rious Mrs. Thomas escaped being cap- lured by one of our detective*, who had long been on her track. It stems she had emptied the pocket of a lady standing next to her In a Jewelry store, but In the last moment he we* pre vented from arresting her by e number i>r elegantly dressed gentlemen who crowded around him. end when he came outride the lady had disappeared. Moon afterwards he thought/ he had located her at the Hotel Victoria; but when he spoke lo th* manager he eras told that no lady answering Ih* de scription am* living there. Sir*. Thomas had os many wigs aa she had costumes, and was always changing bet appearance. / -She found oat. however, that ah* was being watched, end *o she simu lated th* attack of Insanity to get away from th# hotel." The reel I knew. I myself had de livered the message from her accom plices to her. Toward evening 1 had an hour olf. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. 00. Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Windows, Doors, Cornices, Skylights, Crestihgs, Finials, Dixie Ventilators. Contractors for All Kinds of Sheet Metal Work. 20-22 Trinity Ave. Both Phones 525. Our Specialty is dimension lumber for large buildings. DAVID T. CROCKETT & CO Wholesale Dealers LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES 605 4th National Bank Bldg. Phone 3*2. Atlanta, Go. B. L.WILLINGHAM, H. H. TIFT, President. Vlce-Pres. W. B. WILLINGHAM, Bec'y and Tret*. WILLINGHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Roagh «nd I)wmh1 Lumber, Door*, Wind*, Ralldera' Hardware. W Morphy Arena**. Taka Raat Point or Collofo Park ~ * 7 at MrCnll’a Cronaln - — - - " " Atlantn Ptiooe 71L C. A. GOUGE. 83 N- Pryor St. Tin and Sheet Metal Worker, made of metal, see me. BELL PHONE 1443. If it’s W. R. JONES. Practical Slate Roofer. And Dealer in All Blinds of Roofing Material. 15 Waverly Place. Atlanta Phone 843. Dell Phone 3217 L. P. O. Bor ««. Bell Phone 8565 J. Atlanta Phone 1066. FRIDDELL BROS. Painters, Decorators and Interior Fin ishers. Interior Wall Tinting and Painting a Specialty. Out of town work given careful atten tion. 69 Ivy Street. M0NCRIEF FURNACE CO. 103 S. Forsyth St. Heating Plans and Estimates Free. The place to get your furnace. They install the best for any land of fuel in residences, schools and churches.. Both Phones. All Kinds of Building Material. Get Prices From ALEXANDER LUMBER AND MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. Factory and Tards, corner South Pryor and South ern Railway. Phone 2184. City office. « North For syth. Austell Building. Atlanta phone 400. Bell 303. ATLANTA STRUCTURAL STEEL CO 1020 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. EsUmatea furnished on all kind* of structural steel shapes. Prompt shipments from stock. Phone*, Bell and Main 442S. WE SELL MANTELS, TILES AND GRATES Cheaper Than Any other Concern. J. E. HUNNICUTT & CO. 56 Peachtree St. HUNNICUTT & TURNER. PLUMBING & HEATING. * Estimates on Short Notice. 105 N. Pryor St. . Phones 1066. Bell Phone 3563 J. Atlanta Phone 1066. G W. HAYNES, "Interior and Exterior HOUSE PAINTER Wall Tinting and Graining. Office and Shop 69 1-2 Ivy Street. ATLANTA, OA. WILLIAM WILSON. Cement anti Wood Fiber Plaster. BUILDING SUPPLIES See our $11.75 Cabinet Mantels with Grate and Tile.' 59 S. Forsyth Street. BOTH PHONES. HAHR-DAVIS LUMBER CO. PLANING MILLS, OFFICE AND YARDS; 333 TO 339 DECATUR STREET. Rough and Dreascd Lumber. Shingles, Lathi, Suh, Door*. Blind* and Builder*' Hardware. Onr saw mill Interest* In Tift County, Ga. t af ford us facilities to give prompt service and at the lowest prices. Dimension timbers a specialty. Both Phones 3726. LIME, CEMENT, Plaster, Sewer Pipe and other Build ers’ Supplies Low prices and quick de liveries. SCIPLE SONS. 33 N. Broad St Atlanta. TOMLINSON & DIDSCHUNEIT, Contracting Painters. Out of. Town Work a Specialty. Bell Phone 1451L. 79 X, Pryor Street. , Atlanta, Georgia. WOODWARD LUMBER CO. Hardwood Interior Finish & Mantels, Doors, Sash & Blinds* Send Your Plans for Estimates. Atlanta, . Georgia. WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. The original product, and the only plaster manufactured in Atlanta. Can he put on at as low cost as the lower grade substitutes that have come into the market. We can readily show this, so do not be misled. GEORGIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. Whitehall St. & Cent. R. R. Phone 1152. DIXIE TILE & CEMENT WORKS. TILE WALKS. Cement Steps nnd Eloore. Bell Phono 445 West, 538 Whitehall St. GEORGIA ROOFING TILE CO., Manufacturers of Cement Roofing Tile. An Everlasting Roof. Bell Phone 3764. 5 S. - Broad St. JOHN D. PAYS AS HE GOES AND HEADS OFF "EXTRAS' By WILLIAM H08TER. Special Cable—Copyright. Parts. June ».—John D. Rockefeller making a study of the paintings In Hie old churches In this rlty. He I, greatly Interested In them, but has re fused to make purchases here, saying he la rationed with hi* collection* In his residences In America. Dealers who had hoped lo make large sale* to him are greatly disappointed. The party on arrival here was met ; the station by Professor Strong. The party entered carriages and drove to the Chateau de Ssvennea the property ‘ th* t'omteera De Lalffte, situated In superb park of sixty acres planted with pine trees. The meeting pf Rockefel’er with his uffhter. Mr*. Strong, was affecting. HI .......... . —.. Dr. Bigger says he I* ranch Improved. and I took the 144 kroner bRI she Mr. Rockefeller's methods In travel- poor given me end dropped It In tbe j Ing are business Ilk*. HI* principle it box la Uk nearest church. 'to tip everybody at carding to th* standdard or his own wealth. He se lects the rooms that suit hla own taste and pays the price, whatever It may be- H* pays strictly as he goes and *t the end of his stay af a hotel reckon* so many days at so much per day and send* the exact sum to the office. "1 do this," he said, "because on the first day of my trip to Europe years •stras' charged on my bill which did not belong there. 1 au dited the bill calmly, while the hotel proprietor shrieked 'You will lose your train. 1 made a large, hot Just, reduc tion. paid what I owed, ret, caught my train and laughed over my victory." The CanadUa Fralt Growers' esnvratios. whleh Was In ■ranl s rereatly at Ottawa, j declared In favor of unending tac law Is I "PS '<• »J*Pt*« *« a* lo nuke to i ilo thNocsie- *■ well ss the eipe: trade ' That law fixes the size »| thj haves Is fnrufifi in plfirl lurlrfi wIdA ■u*l t j twesty laches long. ‘ Ur. Ed L. La Fontaine, so loog and favorably known In tbe paint, varnish sad glass business In At lanta, Is now with F. J. Cooled ee k Bro, the paint mca at 12 X- Forsyth street. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINE TO Wrightsville Beach, N .C. Commencing Saturday. June the 9th. and continuing each Saturday during the months of June. July and Au gust, through sleeping cars will be op erated, delivering pasazjigeis at the hotels at Wrightsville Beaeb. Isavln-t Atlanta at 9:35 p. m.; returning, leave Wrightsville each Thursday, arriving Atlanta the following morning at t:-' 1 ' a. ru. Season tickets 118.65; week end tickets, good for five days. 28.25. SEABOARD. . - .