The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 09, 1906, Image 16

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. THK ATLANTA GEORGIAN. P ATT'IIP A V JUNE THE WORD MADE FLESH By REV. DR. JAMES W. LEE, Pastor Trinity Methodist Chaarch T un birth of Christ marked the rr^mlee mode before the world* Heginnins of the fulfilment of a were timed. Toward thl* moment. bad been klraplng themaelve* from th« beginning. The divine pur pose u :m to continue Ita upward move- Went hy, now, entering the rlrcle of the nitural law* of man. Above and •round. It bad been at work »lnce the . appe,trance of the flrat man on earth, dim-inlining, training, atlmulatlmc, re straining. but now it wo* to enter the annul life of man. and to Identify It self with the fortune* of the human no' by taking the form of flesh, and dw. nut In It. It waa a great and i.w i . time, for It waa the trying i>erlod In which everythin* wo* aecmln* to j- )->i, and yet everythin* was about to i" reborn. It waa the proclamation r.f the doom of the old order and of the Pfid Adam, and the llvln*, breathln*. eonquerlng commencement of the new time, the new man and a new aneclea of unman being*. A freah and beauti ful and divine edition of humanity waa to t„, laaued. The literature of heaven we* to be translated Into the language ot • irth. The Infinite was to be do ne - wealed In terms of the finite. The Almighty waa taking the form of weak- re -- The Illimitable wan coming with in li "lit*. The glory that encompassed the monger converting a fraction of night Into the beginning of perfect day, waa but the glow which flamed from the entrance of the Son of Right eousness Into the atmosphere and limi tations of time and sense. The patient and long-suffering and loving God, omniscient, omnipotent and eternal, waa entering the sln-cur. ed, diseased and wretched territory of humanity through the cradle. The church has done welt to emphasise the sacrifice of the Son on the croaa, but many have overlooked the Kacrlflre of the Son In entering humanity through the man ger. The whole movement of Ood In Christ wa* a self-limitation—a aacrl- slon from the Mount of Ollvea. flee, a self-emptying from the birth of the Savior In Bethlehem to HI* amt-en- We have dwelt ao much on the fact that Christ died for us that we have almost been In danger of forgetting that He was born for us, was a child In His mother's arms for u*. waa a boy questioning the doctors In the temple for tt*. W’e think of HI* death a* vicarious, when, In fact, the whole pro gram God purposed In Christ to work out and complete was vicarious. He wrought with HI* hands In Joseph's workahop for tie. He was baptised In the Jordan for us. He discoursed with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well for us. He delivered the til**t sermon In Nasareth for ua. He attended the wedldng In Cana of Galilee, and by HI* presence lent to It color and Infinite attractlvenesa for us. He saw the lilies and admired their beauty for us. Ho took dinner with Zacchsus In Jeri cho for us. Everything He did, every word He uttered, every prayer He breathed was for us. The birth waa tha beginning of a process that ended In Its earthly and temporal aspects with the ascension. It Is true that Christ was cruclfled only once, but In leaving Hts home at the tight hand of the Father and coming Into the narrow realm of our guilty Imprisoned life He had the spirit of crucifixion. St. Paul gald of himself as the disciple of hi* Lord: "l am cruclfled with Christ; I die dally.” It was on Calvary that our Lord finished HI* work. But all tha auges which led up to this crown ing point of Hla sufferings were con tributory to the general work of tile atonement. There is not a single squure Inch of the entire surface of life that the re conciling work of Christ, from tha cra dle to the cross, does not touch. When Christ assumed human life He took n Him the whole reach and sweep He assumed It In Ita domestic ... Ita bualnea* aspects, its polit ical aspects. Its Intellectual and ea- - thetlc aspects. Christ Is to be the Sa vior and companion ot the man at play, as well as of the man on hts dying bed. He sanctities birth and rown* old age with the glorious hope of immortality. He Is not simply re- upon of It. V \f REV. OR. JAMES W. LEE. lated to man aa a sinner, He Is also related to him In all the relation* and work and studies of his multitudinous being. He does not simply Inspire Ipved ones to carve on'hie tomb the symbol of victory, but He teaches par ent* to All the nursery with the bright ness and good cheer of joyous life. Christ I* not only the Lord of the night, and the conqueror of the storm, and the physician of the sln-slek soul. He Is also the Master ot all day, and the pilot on tho calm sea, and the guide of robust manhood. He la not only to be found at the railway collision where men are mangled and bleeding and dy ing, but also In the rushing, thundering market-place, where men trade, ex change the greetings of health and contend for 'the prises of fortune. Christ came not to repress human en ergy, or to discount human, aspiration, but to quicken and enlarge and In spire and guide both to divine uses. He brought no accusation against the world He had made, but only con demnation for the perversion of It, and the base appropriation of It by the perishing, earthy nature. He waa no friend of the Indolence that Is content to live In rags, but sought to quick en the faculties which have gradually converted all th* resources of nature Into human uses. Hakva Mani, the Buddha, taught his disciples that everything on earth was fleeting, hol low, delusive—that Ilf# Itself with Its feelings, desires, passions, was all vain, empty and deceitful; that the only hope left poor, wretched human beings was to cut every.tie which held them to the relations of time. Thus the Hindu teacher would solve the problem of existence by giving up every u*fl to which life could be put. He would sit fist under the Bo-tree until be evap orated Into thin air, the thing nearest like his Nirvana of all we know. The doctrine/ Christ lived and taught wo* as unlike that of the Buddha as day Is unlike night. Christ came voluntarily Into life, and magnified it and Illus trated what could be made of It, not by fleeing from It, but by living It from the right motive, and with the right aim. While the world to which He came, at he time of HU birth, was a wilderness of disorder and confusion. He proposed to Introduce order and make the whole planet bloom with more of beauty than Eden ever did. There waa not but one thing In all the world He opposed, and that waa sin, which consisted of the subordination of the higher nature of man to the lower. In order that He might work a revolution and Introduce into title outlying patch of His Father's vast estate the customs of heaven. He sim ply called upon men to believe In Him, become Hls dUdples and live HU life. Christ did not com# to show men how to shuffle oft the mortal coll, but how to keep It on as long os possible and mako It senrg the cromnl alma of Qoj *n old Methodist preacher called to ye,- W y mother, s^lic called me and -n‘.d: “My *"n. that is the man who baptised you. Then the saintly oi.i brother put hla hand on my head and asked: “My ».n, are you getflns ready to .Be?” I was alarmed? ard Ml Ml sM tha hoariest hand that had ever rested on my head, and when ho MMl I* I tma graatly relieved I remember the praaclier’i name from that single incident. I have alwmw felt that he made a mistake. It would have been much more appropriate had he asked me If I waa going to school and ri nding good hook* and gettlnc ready to live a useCul and upright life The emphasU that has been placed upon preparation flir death, the last Judgment, and the happiness or mis ery of the next world has led a good many people to fall Into the rough and ready o| i n lnn that the Christian re ligion Is not malnty for this world but almost entirely for the next a* we study the Ineamatlon, we should learn the lesson that, coming as a babe Christ's mission wns to regenerate and' renew nnd enrich the life that now is from the cradle to the grave. If pur, and strong and good through the grace which He gives on earth, we win as surely go to heaven after death as the balloon ascends Into the sky when the corde which tie It to the ground are cut. SUNDA Y SCHOOL LESSON Golden Text—Thau art the Christ, ns stewards th#y_Jjav( th* Son of th* living Ood.—Matt 10 tie, Urms binding and TVu DR. GEORGE A. BEATTIE. 1 r-r-i HIS Incident In the life of Christ T 4 1 !’ Th< 3- occurred soon after our last lei- I'. * son ta the autumn of A. D. 29, > about six months before HU crucifixion, ] near tlie baa* of ML Hermon, In the region of Cesarea Philippi. Philip, the tetrarrh, embellished th# town and called It after himself to distinguish It from tho one on the aea coast called hU father, when Paul waa tin- ■Mali Here Herod th* Great set up a temple la which divine honor* w ere paid to hla master Augustus. “It Is vary striking that tha flrat clear con- fc**!on of Christ's dlrlne son*hip was le near tbs ahrins In which men shipped a fellow man as God. ae wore the two religions that were ortly ta contest tha world, the mar- - tempi* covering the bust of an em- ror, flir group nf exiles round the i'b r whom HU awn people luul re- !ted."—Adam Smith. Luke 9:1* tell* that only Hla disciples were present ati-i that It waa at a prayer meeting riiiii Jaeua asked the queetlon. "Whom rl" men say that I the Ron of man nm?' ■ 'hr 1*1 moat irtten spoke of Hlmaelf aa tin s n of Man. though lie claimed to lie th.' Son of God. 5 Christ knew the hearts of men. and Hi knew what they thought of Him, Hud He asked the flrat question only i luii He might aek the second one of i them. II* we* nearing the doe* of It' i.lnUtnr and H9 wished to pre- i" them for th* crucifixion, and #*- tnbllsh 111* churrh. The Impetuous, Impulsive Peter, al u 'lye tint to apeak and act, answered, ' 1 1 >u art th*'Christ, the Roe of the thing Ood.' lie we* much pleased with the an- wwer, and assured Peter (hat he would m ver have been able to formulate such ■I reply, bad he not been assisted by the Spirit of Ood. Christ asked, “Who t» i he Rost of man”?, and Pstar re- plled “The Ron of Ood.” In ques tion and answer, w* see clearly the union of the dtvtne and human, which l* the basis of the atonement. The 19th and 19th verses of this les son l ive bean the center of much dls- , cus*Inn. because th* Roman Catholics make them th* foundation of their cutm* for tho supremacy of the pope. It i- only by a etralned Interpretation I * elm t any one can me In there word* any refer- ore to a church which meet cei tnlnly “peter did not found, and In a city In which there U no Indisputable proof ilia* ha ever aet hla fool.—Far- ' rar Christ had Just railed him Rar- .I'.nah. Bar-son U Aramaic, the Syriac Hebrew then in as*, and the language stake. Jonah means dove. R>> that he called him the son of a a»\Now he celU him pet roe, n rock, ■ii.t add*. “On this petra (a rock) I win MM my church.” Jesus plays upon the words, petroa ■ami i "ii. They are not the same | Srnr.t and have different meaning*. The |e In the masculine gender, and the other In feminine. Th# word petroa mean* a tolling stone, a boulder, a vnbi>" but petra means a rook, a ; le.ig.', an Immovable body of rock, aometh'ngon which a man would build B f»nm*1. ' i n» Christ tell* Peter that He wilt Ms church, not on him, but on Tl* " nfeaelou of Hla Meealnhshlp. It wa- the purpoee nf Jesus to build up a greet church, coaupoaed nf alt the ^edceii.*d.aadall were to he In It be ns* they recognised aa the Meealah i Son of the living God, nnd this nr.wstan was broad enough, and Irony enough, and stable enough v> ■Ikl on. The promise waa to Peter ot a- a person, but aa a repreaenta- Ivc Afterward* he »peak* of nil 'hn-tlsn* as "living atones In th* real iample, the church of Christ." Hi-re the Greek word translated rliur. li I* used for the flrat time In I hr N»* Testament, and mean* "called oui rrom R we get our word fieri.' ' tl. The word hade* Is from i li* native, aad th* Greek word to re** " id literally means the Invisible land, the land of shadow and of death. 1 *Poise at Hades" Is an orientalism t Ifi.i ihe court, throne and power of th* * *lni< rual kingdom. Ho that what Christ > tme»,,- to ear waa that th* powers of ■ -the kingdom should not be able to ' Jj.i ivall against this kingdom. In the : 1*. nd part of the promise. Peter still ^Kvpresrnta the other apostles, tor his- riory shows that nothing wn» conferred ^Be* him that waa not on the other •ajioatle*. In John 19.:i the ethers or* ^^■Bncludtd In the promise. Keys of the Kingdom. * 1 The ancient oriAital key bore little 1 _r"semblance to the tattle metallic key ■v l h which w* are familiar. It was ' ? * large wooden piece often with a •Took al one end. so that It could be gfworn about the neck as a badge of of- B <lce. Th* key was a common symbol. r*Wben scribes were admited to their •ilflc* they received aa Ita symbol the V. T* of knowledge."—Bllcott When ^Bp* Jew* marie a man a doctor of the ■jw, they put In hla hand th* key of ■M clww In th* temple where the *a- mka were kept."—Martin, it picture* HI* kingdom of ba the Churrh. as a great bulld- — th gates and door* over which ? "# hare authority a* ve access. The term* binding and Thisinx wer* fre quently employed In Rabbinic canon law, and represented the legislative and Judicial powers of the ofllce. What, ever the apoetlea In the spirit of Pe ter'a confession should forbid or allow Would receive the sanction of Heaven. Net Ready to b* Proclaimed. Our Havlour had the beat of reasons for enjoining (he dlorlples not to pro claim Hla Mesrlaahlp at thl* time. They were not ready to tench the doc trine and would not be till the dpy of Pentecost, when they should be en- bued with understanding nnd power. Having brought the disciple* to a right conception of Himself, of HI* lieraotuillty, Hla relation to tha Father, He mtiHt now begin to prepare them for the great event to which nil others looked forward, ami without which all the rest would be worthies*. He muet lead them to a conception of Hla mis sion. the redemption of the rare. Then Peter began to rebuke Him. If He waa to suffer and die aa He had predicted. It would he nn Inglorious ending of Hla life, nnd rontrary to all their expectation*. They thought He was going to establish an earthly king dom, and they were to play an Impor tant part In It. They disputed among themselves who should be the greatest In It. Near the close of HI* ministry they asked Him If lie waa nt (hla time going to establish th* kingdom ot Israel. Peter had gained only a gllmpae of Christ's spiritual kingdom, nnd ao the Master reproved him, telling him that he was n stumbling block Instead of a stone, and that hla words came from Ratan through him, the same that he had used to Him, when he tempted Him In tho .wilderness. fl*lf-Denial. Then Jesus said to Hla dlarlplea, and Mark tells ua all the people, for what II* was about to say was of universal application, "If any man will com* after Mr, let him deny himself and take up hla croaa and follow Me." Neither by example nr precept did Christ sanction nacetlam. Nor did He tearh that we are to endure self-lm- poiied iienaltlea and penances. Our cross that we are to bear la whatever la hard to do or bear for Christ’s sake. IVh»I may be a croaa for one I* not foi another. Whatever It la. w* are to bear It cheerfully. It la harder to drag ths croaa than to carry It. Profit and Leas. A student In one of our college* wa* a ver)- fine mathematician and often difficult problem* were handed him for solution, one night he came In and found thl* problem lying on til* table: "Whet shall tt profit n man If he gnln the whole world nnd loo* hla own soul?” He waa an trrwllgtnua young man, anil at flrat laughed over It aa a Joke. But he found on retiring that It had made such an Impression on hla mind that he rould not go to sleep. And for days he kept pondering over It, till at lost he found a' solution In giving himself to Christ. It t* a problem that la presented to each one of us for solution, and can he solved only In one way. Among all other queetlon* of profit and loan Ibis one should be paramount and pre eminent. If we would know the value of a soul we have but to look at Calvary. It la nf such Inflnte value that Jesus laid aelde HI* robe and crown, and left 111* tumvrnly abode to com* In earth, and assuming oar nature, live a life of pov erty anil persecution and then die the cruet. Ignominious death of the cross. We should prlxe It above the wealth nf the world—all the gold In her mines. CHURCH SERVICES BAPTI8T. BAPTIST TABBBNAC7LE—"Tbe Mott Tarrtbla Thing In tti* Work!; thu flaaood Fomin* nf ('brill." will h»» Dr. Ifroughtoii'i •abjt-cr Hu winy night, Xilaa Alim Porkor, uevvu jrnrn In Oiloa, haa Jnut rntornad to Atlanta, and wilt apaak « f**w worda of greeting Jnat before th* Mormon. Th* morn ing Mormon |»y Dr. Ilroiigbton will be on “The Common People/* JAC&BOS IlffwlT”nAPTIinvOHrer Copolnutl. paator. Kervleea at 11 and 8 p in. Drenching by the paator. At the morning aertlce the paator’a subject will lie: "lleroea and Time Kerrem." At the evening aervlce the pastor will continue hla aerlea of Hcrnionii to young men. The Humbiy night aermou will Iw: "The Young Man ami Omnhlktg." The orehcatrn will ImutIii a ancrod concert and aong service at 7:<0 p.m. The .roimg men of the city an* cordially Invited to attend this aervlce. Baptist Young People's Union, 7 p.m. Hun- day school. 9:K) a.m. At the done of the TRMPI.E B APT I AT—Corner Wont Hunter nnd .\fniigum afreets. I»r. A. «\ Ward, paator. Mundny nt 11 a.m. a memorial service will lie held. At which time the roll" of deceased members during the past f ear will be called. Regular sendees at :4T» p.m. Hundny school at 9:90 a.m. W. M. I'erryiuan, superintendent. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:18. PONC’K DKlsKON AVENUE BAPTIST— Iler. Junius W. Millard, D. !>.. pastor. At the morning hour, the minister will give an expository a^naon In the geueml series of mi miles of the Itooks of the Bible, the subject this Htiuilay Indng the book of Deuteronomy. At 8 o'clock the subject of the. M«>rmoi) will be "The Heeret of per petual Victory." The Hiiudsy School meets at 9:38 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Workers' meeting *“ * t • o'clock. BAPTIST—8. A. rowan. I. A. Fowan, of Bristol, cun., will preach at II a.m. and 7:4."> p. •II the pearl* liuhcr icu, all her dia monds that sparkle In crowns of roy alty, or Hash on the hands and In the *Ub treasure roams to i por- which of beauty, The promise tn the last verse of tha lesson may have been fulfilled at Hla resurrection or on the day of Pente cost. Ills death. Ills resurrection, Hls second coming, and the judgment, were the four great truths lie would Impress on Hla congregation. c*an we truthfully soy. os sometimes we alng. "Jenus, I my croaa have taken. All to leave and follow Thee; Naked.- poor, despised, forsaken, i from f Thou 1 i hence my all ahalt be?“ DRAWING MARTERIAL. At Jno. L. Moore A Sons', for draughts- roan, schools and colleges. 41 N. Broad 8t.. Prudential building. Tuesday evening at IMMANI'RT. paator. lit Teua., will pi ... There will lie two services each day the following week. Meetings at 9 a.m. and 7:48 p.m. There will b« iio morning meet lug on Monday. at Baptist Huuday school Holiday a fl at 3:90 o'clock. The flrat fifteen a of the hour will be given to m Inspection and general view of the magnlfl cent new edfflre. The aaaodntlon will then In* called to order by President John M. Ureen, ami business of the association • * “ This will lie fol . . _i _ short speeches by representatives of tho various schools of the association, which will be In tbelr na ture congratulatory to the First Baptist Monday school upon their new i|tiartcrs and -'ling the lino of general enconrngeiuent id plana for greater work among the hoola of the association. The prugrai will be Interspersed with good mnsfc and record breaking crowd la expected to l In attendance. A pleasant and profitable hour Is aaaured to all who may attend. HOI'TII HIDE BAPTIST—Revival mec. lugs are now In progress. Rev. J. R. Jes ter Is doing the preaching. Three services Humbiy at >1 a.m. 3:88 p.m. and 7:38 p.m. Munday school al 9:38 Moetlr night during the following week t HEro.VD IIAPTIHT r|fPRCIfi-AC 11 a.m. the sermon will be by Dr. J. P. lane, as sistant secretary of the home mission lioanl. Dr. I*aue‘ has recently come from dlsttn (HKNN MTRKKT IIAPTIHT - Conar Kinlth sad Oleun streets. J. T. Baxter, pas tor. Monday school at 9:18 a.m. Wm. II. Kershaw, superintendent. Preaching nt 11 a.m. ami 7:38 Brotherhood of Philip pruyer meeting Monday night at 7:45. t’hureh conference Wednesday night at 7:46. ladles' Missionary ami Aid ooctetlea PARK 8TBBKT MBTIIODIHT-Coroor of Park am! I*ee streets. Ilev. M. L. Trout man, pastor. Hundny school at 9:38 s. m. 1'reaching at It a. in. and 8 p. m. by Iler. T. C. Betterton, of Dalton. Quarterly conference * Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday erenlng at 8 Bov. ... a sat at lug the paator. Hervlces 11 a. in. and I p. m. Mnndsy school 9:38 a. ro. Epworth League 6:38 p. m. FIRST METHODIST—Junction of Peach tree and Ivy afreets. Hct. Charles E. Dow- man, D.D.. pastor, Sunday school nt 9:38 s. til. Public worahlp at 11 a. m. and 9 morning by Bar. prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. CENTRAL rRESBVTKRIAN—Her. T. H. Illce. !>.!>., paator. Sunday eerrlc9*a 11 a. in. nnd 8 p. n». Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Regular Wedneadny evening prayer meet ing at S 'O'clock. Quarterly praise service on 13th. Session nnd board of dcacona will meet Monday at 8 p. ui. WEST END PRESBYTERIAN—Corner Gordon and Ashby streets. Uev. Lynn B. Walker, paator. Muuday school 9:30 a. m. Morning aervlce 11 n. m. Y. P. S. C. E* 7 p. tn. Eveulng aervlce 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 o'clock, fol lowed by Teachers' Trainlug and Normal ctaaa. This Label Stands for Home ProductionI study nt * n. m. Epworth fseague in. Stewards' meeting Monday at Midweek, aervlce Weducedny at fl .ST. LUKE METIIODfHT—At the Junction of Powell street and Berean avenue. Sun day school ut 9:18 a. m. Preaching by ic paator. George TV. Grlner, at 11 a. ut. id 8 p. in. HT. MARK METHODIST—Corner Peach tree and Fifth strocts. Uev. Charlea O. .fours, pastor, will preach nt 11 a. ui. and H p, in. Sunday actumt 9:80. Sr Home Mission Society Tuesday . .. — Prayer inerting subject. "What I Received iMMli" Mlaaf from the Torrey •Ion," Wednesday 8. for practice FIRST BAPTIST—Corner Peachtree and Fain streets. Dr. TV. TV. Landrum, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30. Morning worship at 11. Subject: "Grfctltode." Evening worahlr at 8 o'clock. Subject: "Uaratontsatkm wltl Environment." r.xpressiofli oj me *. nrisvmn t*iie. ai mgnt Dr. It. D* Gray will prsoeh on "Sowing and Heaping." Baptising nt the morning aervlce. Sunday school at 9:38. Foloual W. TY. Gaines, superintend rut. Rnraca prayer meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock. La dles' Missionary Society Monday at 4 p Teachers' tore ting Tuesday night at _ o'clock. Prayer and praise aervlee Wednes day at 8 p.m. Heulor II. Y. P. IT. Friday at 8 P.m. CENTRAL BAPTIST—Foru*i* Garnett ami Forsyth streets. Uev. It. I.. Motley, pns tor. Residence No. 38 tlarnett street. Bell phone. The pastor will preach at 11 a.ut. Subject: "The Baptist Position." Preaching * 45 by ths pastor; subject: "Soul Win Sunday ““ — * utng." school at 9:3) a.m. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINE TO Wrightsville Beach, N .C. Commencing Saturday, Jan# th* 9tb, and continuing each Saturday during th* month* ot Jun*. July and Au gust, through sleeping cars vtu be op- crated, denvertug puasngera at the hotel* at WrlghtavtU* Reach, tearing Atlanta at 9:SS p. m.; returning, (ears Wrtghtxrin* such Thursday, srrirltig Atlanta thu following morning at d;3i a. m. Season tickets $18.55; week, end tickets, good for Sr* days, tSJi. SEABOARD. Dl*u at T p.»i. U'llr*' ui.—tin* MoaiUjr *ft*nH»a at 1:14 »vi.« k. Mr*. J. M. Ifood. iimldrnt. rtinrih prefer mooting WrdBMNlay at <:*, lol hy too pastor. METHODIST. WK8I.KV Mt.'MOItUL-c’iriior Auburn ar.iiu* aiut try Mraota. Iter. Frank Kukri, pa.tor. tiunilay aobool 10 *. m. Fmirhlnc • t 11:15 *. in. by pastor. *5»* iwnrfcv at ■ :45 1'. UI. Fteu.-ulas at 9:15 by naator. Lpworth louifur devotional *rrvbv 1:46 p. ni. MM*n>k pranr meotta* WVdnndnj rr»nlu* *4 X n'rbu'k. Iturior** Men * l*rayrr uwvttuc 'Tory d*y U to 1 o'rtock. . BMtuait avbsFk MCTIIOIHBT- tti'ljrbte It. E. I. Tlmiuon,. I*, tor. 1’rrai'btn* at II *. a. by «... W A. King I**nd»» arhoM at 3 p. u>. l-mrhlax »t T* p. UL-tt Ik. p««tor. Fravra arailM U oduradar I* u. ra. Yoon* Mon * prayer mtetlnc Friday f t) p. m JF.FKKUSIIN “H B. R. L Tltuumus. pastor. II a. m. Hy th- pastiw. Hssasy srwam rx> a. ui. Preschlng at 7 l»y Ilev. .1. Earnest. J2KT r;, T Isnta I Mines* cottreatl.xi, ■— Luftia. UoUursa prayer bv John Tkaraday _jr-j .. - _ Stewards' meeting and quarterly confer- ice. Thursflny I p, ui. EPISCOPAL. Trinity Hunday, * FATIIKDUAL—Tomer Washington nnd Hunter. Very Bar. C, T. A. Was, dean. 7:3) a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., litany, Hermon and holy communion; ft p.m., even big prayer and aermon, tuatirai aarrlco following. Hunday school at 9:43. All other days: 7:51 a.m.. holy communion; 9 morning prafari ft p.m.. evening pray at. Wednesday and Friday, litany at 10:30. HT. UTKR'B-Cornor Pryor and Houston, ner. 0. B. Wlltuer, rector. 7:18 n.m., holy communion; 11 n.m., bolt communion and sermon; I p.m., evening prayer and ser mon. Handsy school it 9:41. Friday litany at 11. 'tor. 7:30 a.m. holy communion; 11 ajn.. tuornlng* prayer! sermon and holy communkm; 8 p.m., eveu I rig prsrer and aerntoa. Hunday school tunn and prayer. fir- — my c mlay school nt tany at 10:30. nmuninu: u ... communion^ 6^p.m v evening Wedneadny EPIPHANY—Comer Momland nnd Euclid avenues. Rev. C. A. Langston In charge. II morning prayer ami sermon. Sun day school at 9:4N Friday litany and ad dress at 5. Plant, near Forput. Hunday HimtlOS OF THE HOLT INNOCENTS— Woods avenue, near West Peachtree. Sun day school every Hunday at 9:30. HOLY COMFORTER-Camer Atlanta avenue and Pulliam. Her. Gilbert. Higgs. D. D.. In charge. 11 a.m.. holy cooWnrtnktii nnd sermon; 4:3ft p.m.. evenag prayer nnd sermon. Hunday school at 3:98. Friday evening prayer and choir worh at 8. sermon at 4:38. 8T PAUL'S—Newnan. Rev. W. J. Moody In charge. Erenlng prayer nnd sermon nt 3:38 by Itov. Wm. E. Vann. HT. JOHN'S MI MSfON—College Part. Kvenliig *T»rayer and sertuon at 8, hy Rev. Wm. E. Vann. HT. IG NAT I I'M—Tallapoosa. Rev. R. F. Do Belle, to charge, lloly coamianlou nnd sermon at U; evening prayer and senuon at 4:R Services by Rev. \V. J. Moody. and sermon at U. PRESBYTERIAN. err minuter presbyter i ax- Ilttf worship at 11 a. m. Erenlng wor ship at 8 p. ni. Scnnoaa by I*. J alien H. Rogers. Hunday school at 9JB a. m. V. P. S. at 7 p. m. Mbl-week prayer service Wednesday erenlng at *8 p. u. WALLACE PRESBYTERIAN - Corner Walker sml Stonewall. Rev. T. P. Cleve land. pastor. Services ar 11 n. w. ami f p. tn. Sabbath school 9J8 n. tn. ihrnyei meeting Wednesday. 8 p. ta. NORTH AVRXI E Corner P«*achtree street Uev. lUehonl Orme FUnn. tng worship 11 a. to. Kve p. ro. Pn-s-hlng at both service# by —Snldwth wlwwl 9:39 a. nt. all and Teachers* Training etna* 19 a, t urner i.ucaie ami istinirr sirecis. i?r. A. It. IloUlcrby, pastor. Preaching br the pastor at 11 n. m.‘ and 8 n. m. Christian Endeavor MocJety meets nt 7 p. in.' Hpe- clal services In the Sunday school nt 9:30 s. in. In'*the Interest of the Congo Mission board. Address by Mr. H. V. CoX. nt 11 a. ni. and 8 n. in. Sunday school uud Bible classes at 9:30 a. m. Westuilosier l*engue at 7:15 p. ni. l’rnycr mooting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. CHRISTIAN. FIRST CHRISTIAN—44 East afreet. Rev. II. K. Pendleton, derson Camp No. 1455. II. I*. V." Bible school, 9:3) n.m. Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p.nt WEST END CHRISTIAN—Corner Gor- dou nnd l>unu streets. Rev. Bernard P. Smith, paator. Preaching at 11 a.m. nnd 8 p.m, HOWELL STATION CURIHTIAN-End of Marietta street car line. Rev. Geo. W. Mullins, pastor. Bible school 3 p.m. Preach ing at U a.m. and 8 p.m. WESTERN HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN MIS SION—Suaset avenne, near Kennedy st. Bible school 9:30 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. College Park Christian—Rev. G. IL Hln- nant, pastor. IJIUle Behoof every J*ord’s MISCELLANEOUS. 'coyle?" Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION— Corner Pryor street and Auburn avenue. The Bible class will lie conducted st 3 o'clock by Rev. F. J. Oliver. At 3 JO o'clock Ilev. O. J. Copeland, of the Jackaon Hill Baptist church. Will speak to inen. At the 3:3) service Miss Dora Snyder will sing s solo. All men are Invited to attend these services. tng at 9 o'clock. All their families Invited. All street car men and ST — —— —_______— LUTHERAN—Corner Forsyth and Garnett streets. Services conducted and sermon preached by the paator. Her. W. Vollluvcht at 11 o'clock a. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. ui. Sunday school teachers' meeting st 3:10 p. m. PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY-'The At lanta Psychological Society. Itoltert Bryan Harrison, 'president* will meat at 123 Peach CHURCH OF CHRIST—Wsst End ave nue. corner Wellborn street. Bible study at 1ft a. m. Preaching at It a. in. nnd 7:45 p. in. and erenr night through the week nt 7:45, l»y ‘Professor J. A. Harding, of Bowl- lug Green, Ky., president of Potter Bible college. FIRST CHURCIf"oF CIIBlHT. SCIENT IST—17 West Baker street. **To the Uni verse Including man evolved by atomic CHRISTIAN AND MISHlONAUY Al. 1.1 A NCR—Regular sendees Kuudsy after noon and Wedneadny afternoon at 3:38 o'dork fit Alliance hall, 7:'*i North Broail street. Ulysses I^wls will speak Kundsy afternoon about the Teccnt sessions of the conference nnd suniaal couue* 1 at Nyack. N. Y., closing with coiiMHwtlon service and prayer f*»r the summer work. Yottng People's msettag Thurstlay evcnlug 7:3ft. bcgfnalDg with street service. The weekly meeting of the Atlanta Bap- ** rara W ||| h| ,| ( | nl vh. on Peachtree Jane 11. at JO lanrger seatstk rejfrral Harris. The pastor. Ilev. E. D. Ellen wootl. will pr«Mich st 11 s. m. on "The Larger Thought of God." The mtsrepre ly made and persistently It necessary tn tha Inter- - hat the ptihllc should lie told the truth about the teachings of the Universalis! churrh. The oertuons during the month of June will Is* doctrinal In their ns Wire. Sunday school nt 9:41 t. P. C. V. •t 7:3). ted make Have It On Your Printed Matter ATLANTA TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION.! Just Received A Complete Line of —ANSCO CAMERAS— All the lat»at Improvqmanti.. Full line of amateur aupplle*. Beat ama teur flnl.hlng In tha city. SAMUEL G. WALKJJR, 85 Peachtree St. AWNINGS TENTS UPHOLSTERY AVAIER 1 V0LBER& ISO So. Forsyth St, 8 scientific ireitment l»i Whisker. Opium, Mar* pile*. Cocthc. Chloral, Tobacco aad Kauraslhte 'olj or Ntnt CxhausUoa. lh« Only Keeliy Intti luftin Georgia. What ONE DOLLAR a Month Will Do, PERFECT > PROTECTION POLICY Insures Against Any Sickness, 6 Months Any Accident, 24 Months Accidental Death. NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. 703 Prudentii! Building, Phone 5330. AQENT8 WANTED. 235 Capitol An., ATLANTA, 6A. STATEMENT OF WORLD’S SUPPLY OF COTTON Secretary Hester's statement of tha world’s visible supply of cotton shown a decrease of 127,311 for tha week ending yesterday, against a decrease of 57*166 last year nnd a decrease of 140,472 In 19M. The total risible Is 3.621,010, against 3.749, 921 Inst week. l,tl7,6M last year and 2,355,041 year before last. Of this the total of American cotton It 2.158,01ft. against 2.260.321 (sat week. 2,439,686 Inst year and 1,315.041 year before last, and of all other kluda. Including Egypt, Brasil, India, etc., 1.463.000, against L4M.000 last week, 1,378,000 last year and 1,048,000 year Iwfore last. Of the world's visible supply of cotton aa above there Is now afloat and held In Great Britain and continental “ •» *h* United 381,000 year before last. I mat or. PRK8BYTKR1AV- and North avenue. Ian. pastor. Mom Evening worship * 4b services by tl r evening p*wr meeting 8 p bv the pastor. Oa Friday, st.. there wtB he a personal rreacutig t«m**m»w st il a. ». anti x p. Ok. Uy *hc pastor, Uev. Janow IK. PlekJea. Sunday rfcnil at 13) a- »- "The Me# st ugers" at 4 p. SS. Yeung lVople's So- $27.00 To Dallas, Texas, and Re turn via the West Point Route, Account AMERICAN ASSOCIA TION OF NURSERY MEN, June 13-16, 1906, Ticket* en tala June 11 and 12. Final limit 21 day* from date of tale. Ticket* may be extended for thirty days additional without extra oharno. Stopover* allowed on both going and return trip* at points wext of tho MisaiMippi river. 1500.00. The above reward will be p«id for such evidcnco us will lead to arrest and conviction of the party or parties who maliciously cut a number of wires on cable pole at comer of Peachtree and Seventh streets, during "Wednesday night, .April 19, or Thursday morning, April 20. A like reward will be paid for such evidence as. will lead to tho arrest and conviction of any per son or persons maliciously inter fering with or destroying the property of this company, at any point Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, J. EPPS BROWN, General Manager. both H'tik*. MKKTtSli OP t'KRKU.NAI. WORKERS- Th* mnnlwra of the IVr»ou»l Worker,' rl«ra of Mr. W. *. Jaroiiy. of tbe recent Torre..*Alrntulcr mlraion. will meet at tbe Central Co»irra»ll*o*i church na Far- w»y *i*l Kill, atreet, Hnmlay after Vatdoata M*rch*nt Di*** Special to The Georgian. VaTdoata. Go, June 9—F. I- D»i"; pier, a well-known merchant at >»> lor, thl* county, dl*4 at hta horn* ;h*f» Thursday night, after an Illness ot t week*. . , • lender mlnUon. Con*rraal*Hi*l i ■S and Kills street, June 10, at 4 o'clock. Thl* meetln* I* far prayer, conference anal teithuony. •ml *11 penonal werkera who will come will tie welcome whether they attmnleU Mr. Jacoby'* close or not. COLORED. ST. I'Ai r. O-Ml Anbnru nrenne. Ile». A. E. Key. I* ehor*-' Uornlna Jirayer. "•noon ami hot. roauunnkm ot tl. Esenin* amt mblrras at 1:0. Knmloy oehuot •t IA VTcdncwUy ctcnlo* prayer at L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Write for Catalogues. H. M. ASHE Writing In Sight Company, Y. M. C. A. Building, Atlanta, Ga- 100 Sraith Premier to. 2 Medels (or Sale, S50 Cash Esch.