The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 12, 1906, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIA^'. TUESDAY, JCTCB 1*. IK* FIRE CRIPPLES TOWIi THIEVES START BLAZE LARGE SECTION OF VILLAGE DE STROYED—LOSS IS ESTI MATED AT $100,000. By Private Leased Wire, If -hosier, N. Y., June 12.—A Ur«e linn of the vlllake of Sodus, Wayne i county, was destroyed by Are early 11 .* innrnln*. Thieves who were bur- vl.irlxlhg the Gaylord seneral store ted the blaze. The lose la estimat ed at <100,800. ST, AMAND UPHELD BY COURT'S AUDITOR CHARGE OF INCOMPETENCY IN MANAGING MARSH ES TATE NOT PROVED. TATE NOT PR( M Tho charges of Incompetency made az . : at J. O.' St. Amand, as the man- agingl executor of the El W. Marsh esiai<L were not sustained, according to ••’report that has been filed In the office of the Werk of the superior court S. N. Evlns, the auditor appointed u a court to investigate the char— lir a were made by Charles W. Cra In a hill Hied praying that the be taken out of the hands of St. Amand, Spencer Marsh and AlU n Marsh. In case none of the litigant* file an exception to the report made by Mr. Evlns, It will be sustained by the court and the Incident closed. COBALT PLENTIFUL, 1 SO m EDISON WIZARD OF ELECTRICITY SPENDS 8UNDAY AT ASHE- VILLE. Special to The Georilsn. ; Asheville, N. C. June 1*.—"If cobalt It as thick and as rich In North Caro lina aa I believe, I will reduce the weight of storage batteries In auto mobiles 60 per cent, and the cost of -trafllo In cities 66 per cent,” says Thomas A. Kdtaon. . » Thomas A. Edison, the wizard of "electrical Inventions, arrived In this city yesterday afternoon after touring western North Carolina In search of cobalt beds, and Is thoroughly con- vlnced that ho lias located enough of tho mineral to startle the electrical » -Id. He says that he knew that the . valuable ore existed In these moun- istalns, but he did not expect to find It in r.uch large quantities or ao rich In quality. Malaria Causes Less of Appetite. — The Old Standard, Grove 1 * Tasteless Chi;i Tonic, drives out malaria and l..,Id.* up the system. Sold by all coaler* for 27 years. Price 60 cents DO YOU KNOW Why we request you to use this label on your printing? JOHNSON IS URGI WAR DN SPECULATION President M. L. Johnson, of the Georgia division. Southern Cotton Aa- <.elation, Tuesday gave out a state- -. inent to the farmers and other bust- ness men of Georgia, In which he urges them to stand togsther In lighting the •i speculative manipulations of the mar- ' km, and to put themselves In a posi tion where they will be able to hold cotton In the fall for remunerative prices. ~ President Johnson says: r 1 a "One of the main purposes of tho Riuthem Cotton Association, express ed In Its constitution. Is to put an end -t.. the manipulation of the cotton market by speculators, whose control >•.( the market ha* resulted In the pro- t educers 1 failure to secure reuiunrratlvn price for hi* product. I want to appeal t„ and arouse the members of the as- e .ri itlon and others In Georgia In op position to this evil of speculation. The county dlvslons can take a hand In i hi* matter and ran do much toward knocking out the bucket shop* and the other mediums of speculation In tids state. Efforts have been made to •• ore the psseage of n law to put u'i and to this open speculation In Georgia, but we want to see to ft t hat these efforts are successful. There should be such a law in Georgia, on l tha members of this association • an 'do much toward bringing about n,nt end If they will but exert them- o. iiea. Everybody knows th»t the stn- t,-ileal position of cotton wnn never etr..ager than It is today, and the re cent market, therefore,, I* the re mit , f manipulation and speculation Tl,c mills are aold way ahead, and the,e I* a steady demand not only for ih. raw material, but for the flnlehed pr,„met of all kind*. Yet the market bn- inclined solely because of the ei>. ,, .ittve manipulation. Let'a get to wi t and Mot It out, for tt means the pi . inert salvation. “Another thing «o which I want to mil urgent attention Is that this com- ELABORATE CEREM0NIE8 MARK CL08E OF YEAR AT NEW BERRY COLLEGE, Special to Tbs Georgian. Newberry, 8. C, June 12.—Beginning Monday morning, the celebration prop er of th* semt-centennlal began at Newberry college. Dr. George B. Crotnar, former president of Newberry college, delivered th* address of wel come. Governor D. C. Heyward was present, and extended greetings from the stale of South Carolina, Greet ings from sister colleges wars extended by Dr. Benjamin Hloun, of the Houth Carolina university; Dr. D. B. Johnson, of Wlnthrop; Dr. H. N. Snyder, of Wofford, and by representatives of other Institutions of learning through out the state. Responses were made by Rev. M. o. J. Kreps, of Prosperity, and ltev. J. A. NIlKh. The contest fAr th* medal offered to the member of the junior class produc ing the best oration was held Munduy night. ' There were six contestants for the medal, these having been aelected from the clasa. An Interesting program has been ar ranged fur Ihc remainder of the week, which Include! addresses hy men prominent In their professions throughout the country. There I* ever}- Indication of this, the oeml-centennlal commencement, being the largest and most successful In the history of Newberry college. Ing fall le the time to force up cotton to a fixed minimum price, because then the consumers uf the raw material wilt be shortest of supplies. Now Is the time for you to put yourseir In a position where you will not be forced to sett your cotton ut the prices of fered for the new crop, unless those prices are remunerative or are the prices fixed by the association. I have • ailed attention to tho Importance of thta principle before, and 1 trust the producers have been proceeding on thli line. Keep It up; make yourself In dependent. and you will he In a posi tion not only to demand, but to get for your product a price that will pay for your labor and your Investment. "M. L. JOHNSON, "President Georgia Division Southern Cotton Association.” PRINTING* BINDING LITHOGRAPHING AND NOVELTY ADVERTISING F. E. PURSE, 14 to 18 EAST MITCHELL ST. BOTH PHONES 254, IE HOSPITALS WILLJE CLOSED Special to The Georgian. Wilmington, N. C, June 12.—Inatruc lions have been received from the Treasury department, Washington, by Dr. Godfrey, surgeon In command of the United States Marine hospital here, are to the effect that the hospital will he permanently closed on June 30. A allllar order will abolish many other government hospitals throughout the country. The patients who may be In I he several hospitals at the time the order goes Into effect will obtain relief at some other point. mlIraITor BLUE AND GRAY MEET For the purpose of perfecllng plans for the reunion of the Blue and Gray, to be held In Washington. D. C., June 4, HOT, a meeting of the committee from the live Confederate Veteran and Grand Army of the Republic camps of this city will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In the ofnee of Hllburn * Holland, 10! South Forsyth street. The caniiis nnd committees are as fol lows: Camp Walker, V. C. V., 825—J. Sid Holland, Dr. M. C. Martin, J. G. Ham- eey, J. H. Hpurlln and J. T. Keown. Atlanta Camp, 168, U. C. V.—Judge Rodgers. General A. C. Evans, R. H. Scott nnd Captain “Tip” Harrison. Camp A, Wheeler’ll Cavalry, U. C. V. —Joseph L Cobb, Colonel John 8. Pra ther, W. L. Shropshire, Colonel L. R Bay and W. T. Marshall. G. A. R. Camp—William Scott, D. I. Carson, c. F. Fairbanks, N. C. Weston und P. T. Hogan. Camp Tlge Anderson, U. C. V.—H. P. Foster, H. H. Penny, N. T. Gann, C. B. King, B. S. Usbum nnd S. L. Dyer. Stonewall Jackson Camp, 1681, U. C. V.-J. M. T. Mays, R. O. Hancock, J. F. Kelly and D. W. Llgon. FIGHT DUEL WITH SWORDS FOR LOVE OF GIRL By Private Leesed Wire. Waterbury. Conn., June 12.—For the love of pretty Mane Baleto, Pasquala Rettaglett. and Tito Vlglletto, refugees from Italy, fought a duel erllli swords In the woods In the rear of a big brew ery here yesterday. Had'friends not Interfered they would have killed each other. The police learned that both men had learned to use the sword In the Italian army. Seriously wounded, they are being hidden from the po lice. TAQERT IS PARADED BY GOVERNOR JELKS Special to Th* Georgian. Montgomery, Ala, June 12—The gov ernor hea paroled John W. Tagert, a white man, sent up from Jefferson county, with the understanding that he marry hi* stepdaughter. Miss Maud Alice Freeland, and take care of their little child. The wife of Tagert, who was the mother of Mlea Freeland, la dead. Miss Freeland and her child are In distress. Under the law* of this state the couple could not merry, but they may go to Texas where they can be. OR MELDRIM FOR CHANCELLOR Hpeclal to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., June 12.—It Is currently reported In Macon that at the meet ing of the trustees of the University of Georgln, to be held In Athens next week, Justice A. J. Cobb, of the su preme epurt, or Hon. P. W. Meldrim, of Savannah, will be chosen for the position of chancellor, to succeed the late W. B. Hill. Either of the men. It (a understood, would accept the place If tendered him, but neither Is In any sense a can didate for the position. FALL DOWN MIRS FRACTURES SKULL Frank DeLay, a well known painter, while coming down the narrow stair- ■tray at No. 14 1-2 Forsyth street Mon day afternoon at 4 o'clock caught hla heel und fell from the last break in the sialrway, causing what may be a fatal fracture of the skull. The Grady hospi tal ambulance was summoned Imme dlately and DcLay was taken to the hospital In an unconsdpus condition. DeLa.v Is a man about 66 years of age. He went lo the second floor of tha building In search of D. C. Allen, a contractor whose offices are nevt door. He stopped end looked In st the room of the Typographical Union No. 48 but did not speak. President \V. P. Hard ing was In the room. The man then started down the stairs evidently find ing that he was mistaken In the loca tion. When twelve steps from the street he caught his heel and fell to the board paving below. HOME C0MING~ WEEK FOR KENTUCKIANS. THROUGH SLEEPERS Atlanta to Louisville. On account of tha above occadon the W. 4 A. II. R. and K. C. 4 St. U Railway will tell round trip tickets on June 10, 11 and It at rate of one fare plus tS cents for the round trip, the rate from Atlanta being $11.65, tickets good to return until June 23, 1206. By depositing ticket and paying fee of 50 cents. However, tickets will be extended until July tt. Three trains dally, leaving Atlanta at 1:16 a. m, 4.60 p. m. and 1.60 p. m. all carrying standard Pullman sleep- era Atlanta to Nashville and XaahTille to Louisville. In addition to this service there will be through sleeping can operated on the 4:60 p. m. trains of June 10 and 11, Atlanta to Lou Is villa without change, arriving Louisville next morning at S:t0 a m. Route I* via Chattanooga, Nash ville and Mammoth Cave. For further Information write or call on J. A. THOMAS or C. a WALKER, C. P. 4 T. A. U. T. A. Peachtree Viaduct. Union Pass. 8ta. CHARLES E. HARMAN. General Passenger Agent CHAMPION DEBATE AT EMBRY COLLEGE CHI PHI FRATERNITY ENTERTAIN ED THEIR ALUMNI MON DAY NIGHT. Kpeclal to The Georgian. Emory Collage, Oxford, Ga. June 12. Yesterday morning, the exercises of the seventieth annual Emory com mencement were continued with the freshman and sophomore declama liens. The freshman and sophomore de- clalmers were: Freshman— ' . 'The New Confederacy"—W. Clyde Cooper, Norwood, Ga. “The Reunion of Northern and Southern Methodism”—Carl D. Elliott, Covington, Go. "America’* Mission"—Frank Harts- tleld, Jr.. Camilla. Ga "Ben Hill's Acceptance of the Flag" —Alex. F. Hill, Jr„ Greenville, Ga. "In Defense of the South's Attitude Toward the Pension Bill"—William N. Land. Jackson, Ga. “Affairs In Cuba"—Greene Sharpe Johnson, Jr., Statesboro, Ga Sophomore— "Th* Cuban Situation"—J. C. Brooks, Washington, Ga "Unjust N, atlonat Acquisition”—W. c. • inrit. covIngton, Ga "Eulogy on Grady"—C. V. Stanton, Waycroaa, Ga "The Plea for Education”—Bonnell H. Stone. Oxford, Ga "The Man With Hla Hat In Hla Hand"—C. T. Stovall, Vienna Ga "America's Mission"—Thomas M. Sullivan. Homer, an. The medal for the best declamation by Ih* freshmen was awarded to Alex F. Hill, of Greenville, Oa. The sopho more medal was given to J. C. Brooks, of Washington. Ga Yesterday afternoon, a large crowd attended the champion debate between the Few and Phi Gamma Literary so cieties. Scholarship and essay medals were delivered aa follows: W. J. Delaney, DeLand, Fla—Schol- shlp for next year for h age In aub-freshman claaa. Th* speakers In the champion debate were: Affirmative— Eugene E. Barnett, Jacksonville, Fla; R. E. L. Du Bose, Lisbon, Ga; Charles C. Elliott, Covington, Ga Negative— E. Crampton Harris, Rome, Ga; W. Henslee, Senola deau, McRae, Ga At 2:30 o'clock last night, the spe cial gymnasium clasa held their drill In the college auditorium. The clasa did excellant work under the super vision of Professor P. C. Brown. Some special features were th* dumb-bell and Indian club drills th* Jumping and pyramid bulkllng. After the gymnasium drill, the Chi Phi fraternity at Emory entertained their alumni at an elaborata smoker. Th* rooms ware beautifully decorated with scarlet and blue th* colors of the fraternity, and appropriate refresh ment* were served. Judge Capers Dickson, of the class of 1862, acted as toastmaster, and among the guests invited were President James E. Dick ey. Professor W. L. Weber, Dr. C. O. timer, and a large number of If not, send for our little pamphlet “To Our Friends, The Merchants.” ATLANTA TYPOGRAPHICAL P. O. BOX 266. RENOVATING Mattresses made new; best work* nsw Bcri^aVftkW.rkM.t&SS ATLANTA MATTRESS CO.. Itoth Phones 484T. _174 Piedmont Avtu.. Ladies' Phaetons, Light Surries, Bike Buggies, Home-made Harness, Riding Saddles. Front New Oepol. E. D. CRANE & CO. 44 & 46 Madison Are. ^ ■ ■ ■■■■■ - ■ J) Ceuldn’t Afford It From The New York Commercial. Mr. Rockefeller never has beet, •broad before. GAME OF MARBLES PICNIC'S FEATURE On Friday, June 15, the annual out ing of the Ponce DeLeon Avenue Bap tist Sunday achool will be held at Cooledge, Ga., and the members and friends who are going will be accom modated with a special train, leaving the elation at 8 o’clock, on the Geor gia railroad. A delightful affair la looked to, the committee In charge, of which Dr. Robin Adair Is chairman, having arranged an excellent pro gram of entertainment. Dr. Adair will have aa his assistants oh the committee of arrangements, Mrs. Edgar Dunlap, Mrs. J. P. Pace, Mrs. J. H. Crawford, P. D. Baker, F, J. Cooledge, Jr., and C. T. Nunnally. The committee on transportation will be composed of George W. Forrester, chairman; F. J. Cooledge. Sr., R. Lips comb. Edgar Dunlap will occupy the position of Ice man for the party, Rutherford Llpecomb will be the han dler of the red lemonade, and P. D. Baker will see to the amusement of the children, both old and young. There are aeveral good athlete* en rolled In the claeees of the Sunday school, and to ahow the public what they can do, a fine program of ath letic events has been arranged. H. S. Colllnaworth will act aa judge of the varloue event*, and will award the prizes, which will be offered to the winner*. The races will begin at 10 o'clock with a fat man's running con test. Messrs. Lipscomb, Forrester, Brown, Ramseur and a few other .heavyweights have entered. A hun dred-yard daah, open to all; ladles' race, 60-yard da*h for boys under fif teen years of age, and similar race for the girl* of the same age will furnleh amusement for the picnick er*. Two tug-of-war conteats have been arranged, the first between team* Of which W. D. Greene and C. P. Byrd are captains, and the other between the pupils In the claeees of Dr. Adair and Mr*. Brown. Standing, running and high-jumping contesti for thoae Inclined to that sport, and a dough nut race for the girls, are on the pro gram, the conclusion of the aport to be obeerved with an old-fashioned R me of marble*, which Is expected to the climax for fun-roxklng. The plxyere will be Northen, Spalding, Lip- pold, Law and Yow. At 12 o'clock, or aa soon after as the athletic contact Is concluded, a fine barbecue Is to be served, which will be replete with all the usual 'nxln'a” and aeveral added dainties which are usually found on up-to-date picnics. At 1:30 o'clock, there will be a grand hunt for a lost treasure under the leadership of Mr. Millard, and the rest of the day will be devoted to the hav ing of a good time generally. THROUGH SLEEPING OAR LINE TO Wrightsville Beach, N .0. Commencing Saturday, June the 9th, and continuing each Saturday during the month! of June, July and Au gust, through sleeping cars will be op erated, delivering passengers at the hotels at Wrightsville Beach, leaving Atlanta at 9:36 p. m.; returning, leave Wrightsrill* each Thursday, arriving Atlanta the following morning at 6:70 a. m. Season tickets $18.66; week end ticket*, good for Are days, $1.25. SEABOARD. NEW NAT COMPANY ASKS FOR An application for a charter for the American Hat Manufacturing Company waa died In the superior court Mon day morning by W. W. Vlsatuka, at torney for Herman Cohen, of Atlanta, but formerly of New York; and A. Flatauer and B. Goettlngcr, of Apalachicola, 71a. Th* cap ital etock of the company will be $15,- 000, paid In, while permlealon Is ask ed to Increase this amount to $100,- 000 at any time. ThS company will manufacture, bay and sell, hata, trimmings, laces and all other accesaoriee to their milli nery business, the location of which will be on South Forsyth attest. Mr. Cohen win be active manager of the plant. Mr. Goettlnger will be presi dent and Mr. Flatauer vice president FLANS OF COUNTESS ANNA NOT KNOWN TO BROTHER but a few months old, and Helen Vlv Ian, now a pretty little girl of five, ■ailed today for Europe and a sum mer*! automobile tour on the conti nent. When asked If hla slater. Miss Helen Gould, was to bring their sister, the Countess de Castellans, back to Amer ica, Mr. Gould aald: , „ “Not necaaaarily. It Is natural for my sister to want to see the count*** at thla particular lime, when eo much has been said and done to cause her much unpleasant notoriety, but wtist the countess’ plans ary I have not th* ■lightest Idea. $1 .00 WM ONE DOLLAR a Month Will Do. SAY STUDENT CHEATED; RICH WOMAN TO RESCUE By Private Leased Wire. Philadelphia, June II.—J. w. Menxle, of Vancouver, a student of the Penn sylvania College of Dental Surgery, who I* under $600 ball charged with cheating at the state board examina tion*. has secured a champion In Mrs. McNulty, wlf* of a professional man and daughter of a Naw York million aire, who was * member of Menxte'e data. She Is working to clear him. and say* he almply tried to help some of hla classmates. PERFECT PROTECTION POLICY Insures Against Any Sickness, 6 Months Any Accident, 24 Months Accidental Deith. NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. 703 Prudential BuiUinL Phone 5330. * AGENTS WANTED. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 12.—George J. Gould, accompanied by hi* wife and hla two youngest children, Baby Olga, who Is FREE BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND clip end HE.N'UthU notice to elthe'^f DRAUGHONS ATLANTA, 122 PMchtreo. Piedmont Hotel Block. Columbia or Montgomery* We lYto BY MAIL«o«*arf^£ REFUND MONEY, rootle. Lettup-Wjpttlr- * & nirtooniiiA Buninaw* ErdlinI " 27 Coll4*$?m Capital. 17 yft... — nr^aro<*n. No valuation;« for catalog. F0»1T»0»I«—