The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 14, 1906, Image 10

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- " " ■■■> THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. EOUCATIONAL. No Ad Taken For Leu Than 25 Centa. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town order*. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. It you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. Mutnldng. plastering. 1 r.ffer. lift scholarship $&0; easy payments; position and union card guaranteed; free catalogue. Toyne Itroa’. Trads Schools, New York, rhlcago. Ht. I»ula. helper* In.the , ... — . era" trade. (Innl pay to start with and Letter pay In two or three months. Only thoae with rood references need apply. Io»|/tech Mill Mfg. To. WANTKD—Bookkeeper. mast l*e accurate waXtbd-onh ooon iiii.i. cutteri one kinmI w«hh1 turner. IS good laborer*. Apply Alexander LiiiiiImw and Mfg. <’o., corner Mouth Pryor etrect and Itldge are. FOltKMAX POU llllirKYAltli $W; HTENL ■ Oftrsphers $46. $60. mid $G&: young Indy mid office manager $60. Bel- i Agency. 1&31 Candler Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL OIVK UF.GlTI.AIt KMI’LOYMHNT In our Mewing room to girl* and woman m eaay'nork. abort hour* and experienced operator* make from I*.Of) to 11100 per week, nod we will glva .good day wages to thoae without experience tintll they learn. If you lire out of At lanta. write ua and we will glee you In formation nlniiit Imardlni places. Nnnaally Bros. A McCrea. It W. JRaloom* afreet WANTED-YOUNG I,AI HUM TO LEARN local and long dlatance telephone opernt- Ing. A courac of Instmctlnn given In. train Ing school with aahtry lieglnnlng with cn trance to achonl. Good unlarlea paid to competent o|>eriitora. aalnry living deter mined upon merits of the operator and not upon length of service. Apply t,h Training Hohool, Telephone llldg. mutt/ M'lVTLHk A*r nv'i'L’ U I SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. -xff • itsw vrrfffr erator: am capable of eating for machine;' one machine office preferred. Addreaa Bos Cl. Griffin, Ua. WANTED—AGENTS. AUKNTtt WAXTINU IUU AND QUICK lend for our free nod Supply Co., WANTED—SALESMEN. r<*r o^giuncent new map*: new lemur**: easy teller*; exclualve territory and liberal propoaltlon; extraordinary chance for work ers. State If you bar* bad experience. Hudgins Co., Atlanta, Ua. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. -T-mp ww that the Sou then. Auction and Kalrage Co, at 30 H. Pryor, can dispose of your household g«NM|a, office fixtures, safes, car pets, ruga, ptuuos, etc., to adrsntsge. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. DEUKH1IIHE HOGS. B1LTMOKE NTH AIN. Tore breed. Cheap. IMga nil altea: also Homer Pigeon*. Box Ie, Crswfordrllle, P HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELLY IF arrau hnvo. miiH It In th*» ftoiithern Anetlnn I Belli ZTLAO.m\K*~ -All Style* and sites. -ATfJft'SinHblU Atlas Engine Works. Empire Bldg., Atlanta buggy for sale cheap. 412 Kiser tntMIng. TTfl'Fcl.AflS fu‘MIS’EH* flot v hKR MTESBYfimWlSW"ftftlj:AttlTToTffliil on valuable iitdncunilicri'd property: five thr>«isand dollar* stock to first five thousand * »ld. W. It «*ridl. 412 Klaer Bldg. real estate agents will find the best forms of legal blanks at Bennett’s, 21 Mouth Mrnad street. Printing of every description. IBU bALBAoai. AM) wot , JiimsR located on Monthern railroad; b car lengths of aide track; capacity of yard alaiut LOW ton*. Address 1. X. L, (Ivor- e«n DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN you BEE THE ATLANTA Wrecklag fOk’a new line Just added a full line of trunks, trarelers* supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest erer sold. We buy, se»l or exchange everything. IT and 39 West Mitchell street. Bell ‘phone MISCELLANEOUS. IRON SAFES. BANK NAFEN. VAULT DOORS. NAFES. fire-proof aaPes, deposit l*oxe*. William E. Fill a. 21 M. Broad fit.. Atlanta, LcMtiEtt-WTim ' fUltt:tf~flUXji cutting tenth Oeorgte pi.. .Matte* Ateu SSTw'SS fig Man Lumber Company, Box 207, Coed ale, fences sold and erected. —, Fencing for farm, lawn, garden and poultry. ExcTualv* |SF>'» for r ‘Paa* Fence." Tilley Fence $9 A Foray th fit Mala WL j HIIORTHANJ) LKAHNKD IN $ WBKKfi: | atalL 'sraLety'a b?GSip!n Marietta K WALL PAPER. i. M. QUICK & CO._WALL FAI'CR, mottldluc*. nlrtura*. picture frame*, etc. BeH Phone 729. 8t*nd*rd 701 27 E. Hunter. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER CLUMBER, Phone* 1258. 90 E. Hunter 8L WILLIE WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In South. 54 X. Broad fit. “KENT LIGHTS.” TIIK BBHT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW •old at 91ti N. Pryor fit Alex Kant, Plume 4848. PIANOS. BHAMBACH PIANOS. KSTABLIHHKD 1823. BRCIIT PIANO CO„ 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL, PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $3 A week. l.<Mlglng $1 a week. Meal* $2.60 a week. 10*/4 Trinity avenue. Bell phone 224ll| Atlanta nhoue 2767. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. fp^^¥^A¥^REiit^!rn!A¥Ba; bautlful apartment In the Mendenhall apartment bouse, 621 523 Peachtree *t. Ap ply It. It. Arnold, third floor, Gould bldg. LOST. (15r?T7rAVn?nTtfiiT'^1TOn?PXR"Tf? forehead, right f(*re foot baa a wire cut, both bfud feet white, weigh* about 1,000 pound*. Notify T. t\ Crawford and get rewanl. 1*1 IPmaton atreet. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIK. OPPOSITK PIEDMONT. Bell 233T.. Men'* sewed b«lf sole*. 75c. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. UO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUII’- meat Co. W* repair, reconstruct, ax- change. buy and sell automobile*. Garage, 10-13 Mitchell atreet, Atlanta, Oa. Bell phone 4894-1 Main. i ATTRACTIVE SIGNS Wlt.L "HI NO YOU liiialnesa. For high grade work call on Kent. 91tt N. Pryor. Phone 2923. HiM.RNDiH Location and farm For •ale to good doctor: don’t answer nnleaa you mean lmalnea*. For further partlcntara address Location and Farm, Bowen* Mill, Oa. FOR RENT. pfiinnjTiT^iOTiiivrnrrw^rsTOTivw four rooms, for housekeeping, near Boule vard and Houston street; close to two car 17 Kaat avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and ratall dlatributora of Vic* tor Talking Machlnea and Record*. Jost received large consignment of machlnea and over 16,000 records. Immediate attention - given mall ordtf*. We want th» name* ot • nil talking machine dealers In the south. Writs for catalogue. Alexander-Klyea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST 1 blrjcl, anil nndry dlitrlhatora In th. < wrath. Southern a.enta far IMerc*. Yale, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 19(t( eatalogu, and prlc, list Alexsad.r- Ely.a Co. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS $3 UP. without pnln. All work guaranteed 15 ream. I^nler Dental Parlors, »V4 White hall Ht.. over Emmona' clothing store. Bell phone 2563-J. WK MOVE, STORK. TACK AND SHIP - bnu.rh.ld good.; tninraac. nt, on. par cant. Oflw and wsrehouae 1043 Walion ■tract. Roth 'pbonts. Cathcart'i Traua- ter. REYNOLDS, THE SION PAINTER. Hlgna, hsnnere. Dags trad flag decorations far spMlst occasions. 3034 R. Alsbtms St TEETH 1 EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT (1 PAIN—All d.ntal work don. without pain. , Alt work tosranteed U years Lanlar l>en- 1 tel I’.rlora, 3114 Whitehall St. oyor Em- uou.' clothing stort. lloll phono MtH. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) = NATIONALS, HAI.LWOODS. IDRAtJI and nil other raskeo at tnirgsln prim. Wo ran soil you a register, suitable for any Iraslnesn. at a price that cannot b.lp but pleas, you. Cnah or monthly paytn.nts. Every ragtoter 2 guaranteed for two year*. Southern Cash Itrilstrr Co., nraneh of Amertrau Second- v Hand Cash Register Co., 84 8. Broad atreet, Atlanta, Gn. U * a MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND 018- [ COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOAN8 5 TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO-. b PLE. 117V, WHITEHALL STREET. [ OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STR^W HATS - tdeaned and reahaped, 59c. 0 Soft and atlff felt bata cleaned nnd re shaped, J5c. n Band* or aweato. 25c each extra. n ACME HATTERS, $H Whitehall 8L [ TEETH BERT RET OF TEETH $5.01 OUARAN- 0 teed to fit. All work guaranteed 15 year*. 0 Lanier Dental Parlors, 394 Whitehall St, • over Kmmona* clothing store. Bell phone m YOUR TEETH FILLED WITIiOtrr PAIN BY AN nt- a proved metbo*.. All work guaranteed 1$ Ssnissss? s clothing store. Bell pbete 2563-J. C \ FOR SALE 15 Hundreds of people in this city have gotten acquainted within the past week—through the wants. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. THE WEATHER. night and Thursday. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Mississippi—Yazoo city, clear and warm. Jarkson. clear nnd warm. Grenada nud Greenwood, cloudy nud cool. Xatrh< z. cloudy and jlenonnt. Corinth. L. A. WOODS, 818-819 EMPIRE BUILDING. BELL PHONE SOU, ATLANTA PHONE 1771 I MAKE EA8T TERMS. g.OHV-IIOW AnOUT A SWELL HOME IN ijiw-un nouTii niun a.yu in w Ing distance we hare 2-story fi-room bouse with all modern conveniences. Street la BW AND MODERN 6-ROOM • on Highland avrnuc. Llsteu 1 per month. $2,00(1—REAI^TIFUL COTTAGE HOME IN West End. Large and leysl east front lot. 11,000 cash, balance assy. 3J,Ot»-ON ONE OF THE REST SOUTH aids streets and In easy walking distance, cotta deep with SETS A U’KiJUii!aNfliCT~flfKft6oM ge. near Grant park; lot 175 feet rltn fine garden and shade. Terms. garden » W "CfttfuT ^otTTOBTwesT fas all modern conrenlences; lereL shady lot. Cool front porch. I2.40P-A HtACTICALLY SEW 7-IlOOM auburlMn cottage on Month Itocatur car school and In assy walking distance, a HtffG&rWf- 'an make terms. ukmrvw&u ramaa im this amount. ON EAHT CAIN NT.. NEAR FORT ST.. i have for sale 3 houses almost new. renting to high class colored tenants at 834 per month. I can sell this for 13,710. See son for bargains. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, IS AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone 459?. Member Atlanu Real Estate Exchange BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOMES FOR sale on easy monthly paymenta. They re brand new and lovely. On large, fine it*. Right on car line and In the city. I minute# from can tar of city. Bath aud ■ hot and cold water; 5 rooms; pay COPENHILL LAND CO. IB EDGBWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phono (05; Atlanta Phono' SIB. ATTENTION, HOME- SEEKERS. Have a few building lots ‘ft on terms of $10.00 et ad $5.00 per month. Pri< tw. See LIEBMAN, REAL ESTATE—RENTING. 18 Peachtree Street. HENDRICK & CO., REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 23H Whitehall* Phones 2837- WASHINGTON STREET, IN THE best section, we are offering for a fsw a 9-room S-atory house; pas built for omc out of sale and builder#’ paper 1,000. Will bear Investigation. Forsyth, we are offering store on lot 4$H jy 135 st s price that will Interest pros pective purchasers for property In thla loca tion. See ua for particulars and make iff- Ntatlon we have for aale lot 40x142. $15, ... x SHORT Dis tance from car shc«l, renting at $2,000 an- I hr on 12 months* lease, we hare five f m uses we want an offer i ilit nt $5,000. PWWWjW^WWTTirottlf"‘i : st6hV house, near Boulevard. $4><*.p an iinrnpRD avrste: yEnrynis corner of Jaekaon. we have for ml# one ALMOST FOR HALF PRICE. MISSION HOLDEN OAK AND MA logany Dnvep porta. box coochse, lounges d easy chairs at price* never made m It, It's big money In your pocket. I*. Snook Furniture Company, 54 North BIO VALUfc. CK WALNUT CHAMBER SUIT food m nm. for 1110: w, iiidnw Vto wnlnot nil «lx MO: *00 wateut .nll o.IT LS; KtO walnl anil m Tlwn ar» hand- ■on. nil. lain mdllten. n»0,N* »«ln» I*. It. A nook KnrnUar* Co.. M Norik Brood ASfe YOU BUYING FURNlYuhEt DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN SAVE tS ON tnry Mo* pnn-kan on **r mt of fnrnl turn or Olil plrro at furnll.r* aoM la At tentat Jnat tnt tkte o*n at M North Broad atrrrt. If jtw art a faraltam bajrrr. lam or null; It', hi* aooarr la four poArt. IM.000 worth twaadfal hl(h *ra,te MBplr* oa oar toon: If. worth terratl- catlac. r. U. Baook raralton Co THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homea. The Drat month will be (Ivtn FREE and If occupied on* year, two more months will be (lT#n FREE at the end of the year, malting only nine mentbs you will have to pey for. None y but (ood families will be allowed In theee houses. These art located on the River electrla car lint only twenty mlnutea ride from th* center of tbs city;/ contain 7 and I rooms; havs nevtr been occupied; are located In Weat Atlanta Park. Every bouae fronts a fifty-foot Park, which ta aet In trsea, evergresna and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It la cheaper than living In the city and the surrounding! are more whole some. In the center of tbla Park are the Ferro Phosphate 8prlngt, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand- Ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a achbol-houae coat ing (2,500.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will (how you through the bousea Rent (10.00 per month. JOHN J. W00DSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING C14 Empire Building. Phone 887. FOR SALE. Railroad frontage—best in the city; also two lots cen ter manufacturing district. J. H. Crutchfield, People’s Building. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. rohl water, stationary waabatand lain bath, closet, alnk In the kitchen; the ot la $5x150 fret; has a servant's house; iaa a hot air furnace In th* basement; the ocntlnn la flrat-elaaa In every respect; will rent on lease to September 1, 1$07, at $40 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTINO AGENT. 11 Aubur-’ Ave. Roth Phones 618 R. O. MEDLOCK & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Roll Phone 27(4. CORNER EDQEWOOD AND PEACH TREE. *-May f NICK IaOT, NEAR uodfT loT, fiKUiWoTO JWO—4*11. II.. UtKHI LOT. PAYING good rent, on K. Kill* street. *i.sto-uirT. TERMS. oN BAh'bGLPU ..... Uivfijov HTlfkkt. iLMo-CtTHT UVr t6 _ st»7h'tUU"c<JWiKli! of Omit* .ml Loveioy .treeta. IkW-iUV.. IN i>6rtl> COMBlTIOMi'Bldl lot, l.uckle street. Good locatlou for rail- «<l man. on terms. fOu«it~ir; MoiiKitS. '"Lot wxid. house In flrat-elaaa rondltlon. nice ahudeA lot. near In. on Itanlap street. This la a bargain aud will only be on the market for a abort time; win make a splendid home. to-i-TT"TS7 hTTK kXiH nHVS^ coFfcT —k«l avenue. Tkl* place must be sold tor cftah ami 1* a l«rgatn for a quick purehaaef. cash and la a tmrgatn for a quick purchaser. Will $J-W\VK HaVK A FfSft TRAi'f timber. The owner expects to leave this state and wishes to sell thl* property at once. $2,300 FOU A NICK 4-R. II.. Lot fi0xl*>. ON Garden street, near tleorgla avenue. Nmall cash imjment and $26 per month; bargain for quick purchaser. wf. HAWoriTE a tiootoiAjfr vx- cant lots that are very cheap and can be sold on may terms, and ran get good building en lota on term* with small cash payment. Fall to see us next week. ktKv-wtntAittiAisnifito x.w lasi>; 40 a. of iMttom. good realdeoee, outbuild' Inga, near railroad, 20 miles of city. G. M. McKTNNON, 620 Peters Bldg. (3.100—IP YOU WANT YOUR MONEY'S worth, look st this; ls>t 60slt0 on earner, with two 5-n.Hu rattaavs. I. good white reutlaa mh'IIob. Ono blork of MertrtU ■treat, rlwr In and rentwl. fl.flo-Uit.iVi tArt-. Wltil .iiH’nTlIGl'ili:. rested. IIAO loan oa tkte at 5 per cent; that show, what It la worth. Nee It. Wd 'TO—mspsstfmn—WPaB Grant park; can gtve you nice home bn terms. $LT14 and C.3Ml TO oS*B OF tlft BKNT BUILT >t on t'apltol avenue. You eaa get terms^oo tbla and to ate It Is to appro- txfftA .loot. HtottE aNL RWKU.iNTI lot throuah to aaother street, rents m ■oath. Bay It-IUH TWo VKiVT)- Hol'hft* IS r Tot‘htH moj ‘ FOR SALK. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING site on railroad, containing 60 acres, with creek and rock within 2 miles of Pledmout park. Will sell auy part. *7.600 WILL tURCIlAHE An EI.bOANT 9-room bouse, lot 100x800 feet, In Iurnan Park, DrnM drcle. flTTlKl: NEW 9ROOM IIOL'HKS ox ^iHrautiful corner In Went End, $4,250 to l-'ivK NEAT « AND 7-RO()U In the beat part of West End, from 32,850 to 33.100. (-IU)OU 3-STORY NEW HOl'HK, TINTED walls, cabinet mantel,. Meldrim street, only $1.70U Term*. IlEAU-TtHlL NEW 10-KOOM HOUSE ON Peachtree with over one sere of ground. Price $9,600. Lllwral terms or will ex change for vacant property or smaller home. oVeJR’ i,006 FtiET RAILROAD FRONT- •ge out of and wltblh city limits. Price*. $80(J to $36,000 per lot at bargain counter prices. Bay now and double your money within a year. if you want a HranmnwE we have clients who will buy and Improve for yon. Cell and see ua CLAUDE L. NORRIS, BELL ’PHONE 44(9. 711 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. NORTH SIDE HOMES. JUBTORY TEN roo* on Weat North avenue. $10,600. MOYiERN a-KOOM llOUSE ON EAST Pin, atreet. ((,600. ' WK AUtO HAVE 8i)ME BARGAIN'S IN' cheap turntment. In the Grant Park section. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing th. Arrival and Departure of Pit.- ranger Train, of th. Following Road.: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— * 1 Nashville 7:10 am ' 3 Nashville , 8:35 am 73 Marietta . (,35 am 74 Marietta ..13:10 pm •93 Nashrlllt U:«at*W Nashville . 4:50 pm 76 Marietta . 3:60 pm 72 Marietta .. S:*> pm • 1 Nashville 7 :JS pm • 1 Nashville . I&O pm CENTRAL OF GEOHOIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7J0am Macon U.-Olam JacksonylUe .litem Savannah ... (:(•) am Macon U:49tm Macon 4:00 um Savannah ... OKS pm Savannah -... 9:13 pm Macon 73S pm Iscksoarine . 9:30 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT BAIL- ROAD. Arrive From- Depart To- •Selm* ..:... 11:40 am 'Montjornery (:30 am Montgom'y . 7:46 pm JJIontgomery 12:45 pm •Selma 11:35 pm Helm* 4:20 pm !-aOrange ... (:30«m LnGrange .... (teOpo •Monteom y . 8:40 pm 'Montgom'y ..U;Upn •Dally. All oth.r trains dally except Bun- Til trains of Atlanta and West Point Railroad company 'arrive at sad depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street and Msdlson anno,. GEORGIA RAILROAD. 1 Arrive From— Depart To- •Angnsta ... 6:00 pm 'Angnata 7:45 am ?onv«r* ...'.. (:46 nm Utbonla 10:i£ am Covington .. 7:44 am 'Augusta 1:10 pm •Angusta ...13:30 pm 5:00 pin Utbonla .... }:* pm Covington ...(:10pm •Auusta .... t:l(pm 'Angusta ...,11:8pm •Dally. All oth.r trains dally except Su dsy. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Washington . (:*)sm Birmingham . (:40 am Abbeville ... O.-OOsm Monro. . . . 7:30am M.mphla, . .11:45 am New York . .13:00 m New York . . 1:30 pm Ahhevlll# . . 4:00 pa Monroe. . . . 7:40 pm Memphi* . . . Id» pm Blrmtngh'm . pm Wnablngton . 3:K pm Shown In Central time Deaths and Funerals. ward: roar money Invested here I. better than wiving. Itenk. (M* «nd 11.050. CALL POU MR. fiRuokU POk ABOVE, have them on a third sub-leaae. Ham- Velma Ramey. Velma Raptey, aged 12 year*, died Monday afternoon at the residence ot her grandfather, C. C. Archer. (1 North Moore atreet. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at the resi dence of the latter, services being con ducted by Rev. H. K. Pendleton. In terment was at Oakland cemetery. Alfred E. Dollar. Alfred EL Dollar, the I months old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dollar, died Tuesday night at tha home of his par ents, 102 Ellen street. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment being at Weatvlew cemetery. J. W. Singleton. J. W. Singleton, aged (7 year*, died Tuesday morning at hla home, neat Clarkson, On. He wen the father of It children, most of whom are living near Clarkson. The funeral will be held at t o'clock Thursday morning at Zion's church, near Clarkson, and In terment will follow In the churchyard. PRISON COMMISSION UPHELD IN CONVICTCUSE The .position of the state prison com mission was sustained In the suit for permanent Injunction by the Georgia Iron and Coal Company against the prison commission and Hamby A Toomer, though Judge Pendleton, be fore whom the petition for Injunction waa argued last week, la an order sign ed Wednesday morning, granted the Injunction restraining Hamby A Toom er from Interfering In any way with the convicts In question. Hamby A Toomer leased 500 con victs from th* prison commission and (0 of this number were sub-leased to Deen Bros, for two years, wRo, In turn, sub-leased them to the Pritchett Tur pentine Company, and the latter let th* Georgia Iron and Coal Company rioody nn<l coot; Unmnslng rain yesterday Title, min and coot. Btrmlnsbapi, cloudy and misting; rained last night; cooL Troy, cloudy, threatening and cooL Entente, rained turd yesterday afternoon; partly elondy and root this morning. Mobile, clear and ph-quot. Huntsville, elondy and cool; rained last night. Georjria—Macon. Partly elondy and cool; bard rain yesterday afternoon. Albany, cloudy and warm; bad heavy rains yester day; do damage by storm. Americas, cloudy and cool; heavy rain* yesterday. “ — -* pleasant; heavy rains rained hard all night; M.. . ... „ __id cool. Rome, cloudy; rained all night; now cloudy and cool. Tennessee—rbattanonjta, cloudy nnd cool: rained last night. Knoxville, cloudy and cool; rained laat night. Memphis, cloudy and cool; no rain. Naahrllle, raining and ^old: rained all night. Isoulslaua—New Orleans, clear and warm. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Generally cloudy; 50 WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana and Mississippi—Partly cloudy Wednesday and Thursday; fresh north to northeast winds. Georgia—Ilaln Wednealay, brisk to high east to southeast winds; Thursday fair, warmer, except rain In northeast imrtlon. Weat Florida and Alabama—Showers Wednesday: freth to brisk north winds; —hursday fair. Bast Texas—Fair Wednesday, warmer In northwest portion; Thursday fair; variable winds. Weat Texas—Partly cloudy Wednesday; warmer In north portion; Thursday partly cloudy. Arkansas—Generally fair Wednesday nnd Thursday. Tennessee—Cloudy Wednesday; rain In local showers; Thursday warmer nnd fair, except showers In extreme east pcirtlon. Illinois and Missouri—Fair north, showers south tonight and tomorrow; continued ml. Wisconsin—Fair tonight and tomorrow; light frost In lowlands tonlgut. Minnesota. Iowa, North Dakota. Kansas and Nebraska—Generally fair tonight and tomorrow; not much change In tempera- WEATHER CONDITIONS. __a gulf storm has moved north to tral over thta section this morning. advance baa caused general rains over Georgia, the Caroilnaa, the eastern half of the northeast quadrant of the United States and Is central over the Great Lake*. Rain was falling this morning st Birm ingham, Ala.. Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., Norfolk, Vs., Wilmington. N. C., and Augusts. Ga. At Atlnnta 3.83 Inches of rain fell during the last 24 hours, while Augusta reports 2.54 Inches for the same asr Th, rompers tnro hns fallen at most ate- tlona In Tennessee, North -Tnrnllnn and northern lleoraln nnd In the northwest. The northenstwnrd movement of the er In this section tontj eh J. U. MARHURf. Local Forecaster. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the :t hours eudtnc at * s.m., 73th meridian time, June Ik UCA STATIONS OF DISTRICT. 'Atlanta, cloudy M 'Chatttnoofi, rain Colnmbua. p. cloudy Gainesville, clouui Greenville, rain Origin, clondtr "ISlnron, cloudy.... Montlcelln, cloudy s'ewnan. p. elondy tome, rain Innrtanhurf, rain Tallanooan, cloudy TocCoB, cloudy...; West Paint, p. elondy.... m ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODtiPP rcodin'*, 1 eschance'*"' bT ^t g22?s£ r Stf a !» *° «• Union 75 to $1. fl!Z£l!P*L 9s &J t0 Bananas, straights, [.or bunch UKa . tt «5«sis,Fes.* * u NmTll to £; tiva ducks' pISau 0 ® >^d ,ri ^Vr° ft' . Rutter, table, per ib.. Mc tS' Hu*. In*. p*r lb.. in^ to &. 10 a>4c i »«»• e rjon.y-N.w ?S10c lb.; In Mb. rack, u ZglBHSsFlL. »°: ta Xk-\a J113*' 1 ' “ bl »»s erstte, per cr.t. eg „ t U r m crSe. t0 e r , ; o ^ ln“K?,OT,',fiSL; C T.*i toT’Snr/.V^r.Sr^ " 3 ' a, Corn. new. 30c to 10c per dosen. Okra, per crate, (2.60 to (3. Cucumbers, per erst*. H to Ha. P* 1, ar "“ »l-S tenn 4 n jM Irish potetoes, per bushel, ns t , fcch P0 H^b^' , * h ' 1 ' « •“ a* Asparagus V-V, to lbHc Imnch. IVnrhea. per crate, (2 to *2.50. Cherries. 24qimrt crate, *2.50 In ti {-•ntelotipes. per ernte, |2 to *:» JJkfiyK graiiv^ Provisions. 4 K *‘e , 'JX I *i'. — E 1 '*" 1 ' 88-35: 10.met te Qt , teLtenry potent %5.10; hair p ?,2| i J® to W.35: teuey a.». /prior pstent BMpi. Market stronjr. 8 CORN.-Uhotcc red cob 7«e: .No. ; j Itej No. ! yellow 73c: mlscd 72c. “* volt* dipped 51c; obol« White 50c; choice intend ' MEAL.—I'lsln water grouod. ner hno. 73c: tKdted 14Mb. jntesTpSr buHh,l. ft 1, IIAk.—Timothy, rholec large hales tii* do., choice small bales H.H: do. vi"! timothy tteles. *c«- do.. No. 2 *1; do. si | clover mlie.1 11.06; do.. No. : cloud nlU CLOVER—Choice 00c. The above prices are f. o. h. Atlanta, ite subject to tmmedlntc acceptance. I'llOY IHIONH.—Supreme hom-.. itu- .:^j Crow 13Hc C.llfornln hnm. iov J’rr salt extra riba 0.60. Milo so-s"S' 10.60. fat backs 0. pistes 5. Supreme lift bards 0.75. Red t.rosa lard 014 l>u.ln. or... Compound 7H; Snow Irrlft compouB GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Stnuilsrd granulated 4 55- v— York BeBned 4 to 4(4c: plsntiiter, 4 t„ IV Market strongei. T . UGFUBE.—Rmtsted Arhuekle's tun* lUrld* WMik*’'* *’ UICB.-^Carollna 414 to 7‘4e, accordlar t. grade. Market very stroog. ClIEEKK.-Kiincy full cream. Oat, lie twlno 134ii:; brick. 4c. Market .trong. STOCKS AND BONDS. 8 s * SMfr ■«»••• % fl'. T ‘" D L h ^e 130 * W* Macon 6s. 1910 Atlnnts 5s. 1911 Atlanta 4l&s. 1922 .. . Atlanta 4s. 1934 Atlanta and West Point Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 C. R. of Georgia first Income do. 2d Income 90 do. 3d Income ss Georgia 2*5 Augusta and Savannah .... 117 southwestern >.5* m 'Minimum temperatom are for 12-hour period ending at i a. m. thl. date. :Received 1st. (wire trouble); not Included In areragec. Henry Rainfall.—Klngatree. 8. C., ,, 8. C., 153: Florenee. N. C„ tlO; Newhern. N. C., 1.(3; Angnata, Go., 3.54; AmerlcnA Oe„ 2.M: Eastman, Gn.. 2.22: Allendale. 8. C„ 7.14: Athens, tte.. 3.(4; Bsteshurg. 8. C„ 2.14; Jllsrkrille, it. C„ *92; t’smnk, Gn., 1.10; Greenwood, tf. C„ “ Washington, G#., 2.22; Wsyneslioro, 1.70;*Kursuls, Alt., 1.86; Opelika, 2.65.' CENTRAL Atlanta .... L Augusts Charles ton Galveston Little Rock Montgomery New Orleaus...'. Oklahoma Hsvannnh Vicksburg Wilmington Ill Dlst. Averages. Ill Hi Remark,. l.ower temperature, prevailed over most of the belt, the tells Mins decided over the eastern portion. I'rectpttstlon was gen eral except In New Orleans and Oklahoma districts; the amounts were ImnuterlsbJu Galveston and Little Book districts, while heavy to exreulre tell, occurred Id -tt* CarollnsA Georgls and Altlmma. . B. MARBURY. Local Forecaster. by A Toomer sought to have the con victs removed from the coal mines of the plaintiff, and a bill waa filed ask ing that both the prison commission and Hamby A Toomer be restrained from removing the 50 convicts, on the ground that the plaintiff had given le gal notice that It desired the lease ex tended to live years. In the decision handed down by Judge Pendleton Wednesday morning the Injunction against the prison com mission was denied, though Hamby A Toomer are restrained from attempt ing to remove or Interfere In any way with the convicts now In the possession _ of the Georgia Iron and Coal Company, avenue, a hoy. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. (1,500—James L. Mayson to Mrs. Cir ri* I. Akers. Lot on Windsor street. Warranty deed. (8,900—-James L. Anderson to Jennie W. Owing*, lot on Piedmont avenue and Fifth street. Warranty deed. (1,600—Asa O. Candler to Mrs. Msty E. Anthony, lot on Fraser and Glen* streets. Warranty deed. (2,000—Mr*. Martha Louise McDon ald to Robert 8. Stewart, lot on Lott and Reed streets. Bond for title. (500—Macon Hhsrp to The Souihmi Express Co., lot at corner of (’Impel asJ Mnrurmn streets. Warranty deed. (1.900—Miss Kiir.hi A. IlnrrlR to Philip II. Alston, lot on Chapel street. Wtween.lliR- gtttii and llnyties streets. Warranty den. 13.400—Philip II. Alston to Southern Ki nross Co., lot on Chiliad street, lie twees Mangum nnd Haynes street,. Warrantf deed. (450—C. II. Tnrnwn to 8. R. Tertnan. M on Osk street, near corner nf rulls-nee nnd Oak streets. Warranty deed. 13.000—T. l>. Moore to the Norlhwctert Mutual life Insurance Co., lot In An,ley I'nrk. No. 3. Deed to secure loan. (300—Mr*. A. T. I’lurk to Georgia Ssvlno Hank and Trust Co., lot mi Green wool air line near Boulevard. Warranty died le seenre loan. *"* ' Warrant; BUILDING PERMITS. 2(5—Mr*. Bucholdt to m«»ve (ram? dwelling, 187 8lmp«on strevt. (113—J. A. Johnson to raise fraud dwelling. 40( East Fair slreet. (100—Mr*. A. D. Adair to add t« brick wall. 22 W. Alabama street. (35—Dooley Advertising Company t1 build bill board, Bartow and "'altos streets. , ... (10—E. H. Rosecrans to build addi tion to, frame dwelling, 57 Park ate- nue. (100—Isaac Crosby to add to fram« dwelling, 186-81 Terry strert. (500—0. D. Booth to add to frame dwelling 151 West Fair street. (100—C. McDonald to change door way. 79 Decatur etreet. 31,01)0—E. A. Mathews, to move a fra®* dwelling nt 73 Capitol avenue. . tXUxZiln. M. E. Holcomb, te •tory tenament house st I»-l < "“V" (3.400—Z. P. Gunn, to build two on'-sb** frame dwelling, nt 273-5 E. North avenue- DEATHS. P. P. Pendley, aged 71 years, died *t (14 Bryan street. - Edwin M. Clayton, aged 2S 5 car* died at College T.rk. Thoma* J. Blacmon, aged 501 year* died at City Hospital, Augustn, Oa- Velma Rumaey, aged 9 years, died II North Moore street. ... jij Mrs. Amelta Kerapuer. 57 years old. at residence, 23 Mouth Pryor street f I “Etta' Tresrwesky. 21 yesrs old; died •> Grady hospital of nephritis. BIRTH8. , .. To Mr. and Mra. J. Ilnff. of 22 nonjam **£ry hj- Mr*, oeorg. 5 To Mr. ami Mra. Moral* Bloomer*- 67 Itcolmont avenue. * bof. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’T PAY RENT. It to exceedingly bad form to do ao when yoa mn piy^ own money b*e u nionthlT to *5,00). If you buy the lot. fcootn, modern, butenee e.s; monthly paymenta. iterate. (-mom, new. modern tkoue on large coraer lot; (25# rash; balance es,y peymenta 7. ( and IWrueui bouesa. . The College Park lead t’omisinjr hare 2.(00 lots to select from. H«) 1 each. Conte out and see me. or cull me up. _ . ,-^;ete _ I>«|ee at end of ear line. Bell Hion. 37-J East Potat Esctrap'. w Park, Ga. 1 sell everything at Collrgv park. EDWARD H. WALKER. The College Park Real Estate Dealer. rimt-MHuteBil tiHfci. mmm ■■i